988 resultados para large delay
Bionformatics is a rapidly evolving research field dedicated toanalyzing and managing biological data with computational resources. This paperaims to overview some of the processes and applications currently implementedat CCiT-UB¿s Bioinformatics Unit, focusing mainly on the areas of Genomics,Transcriptomics and Proteomics
The success of combination antiretroviral therapy is limited by the evolutionary escape dynamics of HIV-1. We used Isotonic Conjunctive Bayesian Networks (I-CBNs), a class of probabilistic graphical models, to describe this process. We employed partial order constraints among viral resistance mutations, which give rise to a limited set of mutational pathways, and we modeled phenotypic drug resistance as monotonically increasing along any escape pathway. Using this model, the individualized genetic barrier (IGB) to each drug is derived as the probability of the virus not acquiring additional mutations that confer resistance. Drug-specific IGBs were combined to obtain the IGB to an entire regimen, which quantifies the virus' genetic potential for developing drug resistance under combination therapy. The IGB was tested as a predictor of therapeutic outcome using between 2,185 and 2,631 treatment change episodes of subtype B infected patients from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study Database, a large observational cohort. Using logistic regression, significant univariate predictors included most of the 18 drugs and single-drug IGBs, the IGB to the entire regimen, the expert rules-based genotypic susceptibility score (GSS), several individual mutations, and the peak viral load before treatment change. In the multivariate analysis, the only genotype-derived variables that remained significantly associated with virological success were GSS and, with 10-fold stronger association, IGB to regimen. When predicting suppression of viral load below 400 cps/ml, IGB outperformed GSS and also improved GSS-containing predictors significantly, but the difference was not significant for suppression below 50 cps/ml. Thus, the IGB to regimen is a novel data-derived predictor of treatment outcome that has potential to improve the interpretation of genotypic drug resistance tests.
In order to distinguish dysfunctional gait; clinicians require a measure of reference gait parameters for each population. This study provided normative values for widely used parameters in more than 1400 able-bodied adults over the age of 65. We also measured the foot clearance parameters (i.e., height of the foot above ground during swing phase) that are crucial to understand the complex relationship between gait and falls as well as obstacle negotiation strategies. We used a shoe-worn inertial sensor on each foot and previously validated algorithms to extract the gait parameters during 20 m walking trials in a corridor at a self-selected pace. We investigated the difference of the gait parameters between male and female participants by considering the effect of age and height factors. Besides; we examined the inter-relation of the clearance parameters with the gait speed. The sample size and breadth of gait parameters provided in this study offer a unique reference resource for the researchers.
OBJECTIVES: The impact of diagnostic delay (a period from appearance of first symptoms to diagnosis) on the clinical course of Crohn's disease (CD) is unknown. We examined whether length of diagnostic delay affects disease outcomes. METHODS: Data from the Swiss IBD cohort study were analyzed. Patients were recruited from university centers (68%), regional hospitals (14%), and private practices (18%). The frequencies of occurrence of bowel stenoses, internal fistulas, perianal fistulas, and CD-related surgery (intestinal and perianal) were analyzed. RESULTS: A total of 905 CD patients (53.4% female, median age at diagnosis 26 (20-36) years) were stratified into four groups according to the quartiles of diagnostic delay (0-3, 4-9, 10-24, and ≥25 months, respectively). Median diagnostic delay was 9 (3-24) months. The frequency of immunomodulator and/or antitumor necrosis factor drug use did not differ among the four groups. The length of diagnostic delay was positively correlated with the occurrence of bowel stenosis (odds ratio (OR) 1.76, P=0.011 for delay of ≥25 months) and intestinal surgery (OR 1.76, P=0.014 for delay of 10-24 months and OR 2.03, P=0.003 for delay of ≥25 months). Disease duration was positively associated and non-ileal disease location was negatively associated with bowel stenosis (OR 1.07, P<0.001, and OR 0.41, P=0.005, respectively) and intestinal surgery (OR 1.14, P<0.001, and OR 0.23, P<0.001, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: The length of diagnostic delay is correlated with an increased risk of bowel stenosis and CD-related intestinal surgery. Efforts should be undertaken to shorten the diagnostic delay.
Revisió sobre l’eficàcia de les intervencions dirigides a cuidadorsinformals de malalts amb demència per a reduir els nivells de morbiditatpsicològicaAntecedentsL’envelliment de la població està relacionat amb l’augment de la prevalença dedemències tals com la malaltia d’Alzheimer. El caràcter progressiu, incapacitanti irreversible de la malaltia d’Alzheimer comporta dependència i demanda,obligant l’aparició d’un cuidador informal per cobrir les necessitats del malalt.Amb l’evolució de la malaltia, augmenta l’exigència de les cures i el cuidador esveu en risc de patir alteracions a qualsevol nivell, principalment a nivellpsicològic.Objectius1. Avaluar l’efectivitat de les intervencions dirigides a cuidadors informals depersones amb demència per a reduir la morbiditat psicològica, segons latipologia de les intervencions i els seus components.2. Avaluar l’efectivitat de les intervencions dirigides a cuidadors informals depersones amb demència per a reduir la morbiditat psicològica, segons lescaracterístiques sociodemogràfiques del cuidador i la persona que rep lescures, el tipus de càrrega i els instruments de mesura.Material i mètodesEs va realitzar una revisió bibliogràfica en les bases de dades: MEDLINEPubMed, CSIC-IME, CUIDEN i Biblioteca Cochrane Plus sobre lesintervencions dirigides a cuidadors informals de demència o Alzheimerd’estudis publicats entre el gener de 2002 i febrer de 2013. Els criteris d’inclusióvan ser: cuidadors informals que convisquessin amb la persona a qui donen lescures i sense remuneració econòmica, persones amb demència o Alzheimer noinstitucionalitzades, intervencions comparades entre un grup experimental i ungrup control, prioritat per revisions sistemàtiques i metanàlisis. La mostra finalla van composar 7 estudis.ResultatsLes diferents intervencions analitzades van mostrar dades estadísticamentsignificatives tot i produir efectes discrets en les diferents variables demorbiditat psicològica. Les intervencions psicoeducatives i les intervencionsdirigides als pacients van resultar efectives en la millora de la sensació debenestar i la simptomatologia del malalt. Les intervencions psicològiques vanincidir en la sobrecàrrega i la depressió. Les intervencions de suport vanproduir un augment dels coneixements, habilitats i de la xarxa social delcuidador. El dia de descans va disminuir l’estrès, l’ansietat i la càrrega objectivaperò els efectes van ser a curt termini. Les intervencions múltiplesestructurades van mostrar una disminució del risc d’institucionalització. Lesintervencions centrades en la resolució de problemes, superiors a 6 sessions oaquelles que havien realitzat seguiment, van mostrar efectes a llarg termini finsals 12 mesos. Altres intervencions pràctiques com les realitzades al domicili oamb tecnologia, no van mostrar suficient evidència científica. El sexe i l’edat delcuidador així com la relació de parentesc amb el malalt van mostrar diferènciesen els efectes de les intervencions.ConclusionsLes intervencions s’han de planificar en funció de les necessitats del cuidadorja que no hi ha cap intervenció que incideixi en totes les variables de morbiditatpsicològica. La variabilitat de tipologia i composició de les intervencions, lesdiferències sociodemogràfiques del cuidador i la persona que rep les cures i lescaracterístiques dels estudis influeixen en l’heterogeneïtat de resultats de larevisió. Aquests fets limiten la contundència de resultats pel que cal seguirinvestigant
Background and Aims: The impact of d iagnostic delay ( a period from appearance of f irst s ymptoms t o diagnosis) o n the clinical c ourse o f Crohn's disease (CD) i s unknown. W e examined whether length of d iagnostic delay a ffects d isease outcome. Methods: Data from the Swiss IBD cohort study were analyzed. T he frequencies of o ccurrence of b owel s tenoses, internal fistulas, perianal f istulas, and CD-related surgery at distinct i ntervals a fter C D diagnosis (0 - < 2 , 2 - < 6, 6 years) were c ompared f or g roups o f patients w ith different length of d iagnostic delay. Results: T he data from a g roup o f 200 CD patients with long diagnostic delay (> 24 months, 76th - 100th p ercentile) were c ompared to t hose from a group of 4 61 patients with a short diagnostic delay ( within 9 months, 1st - 50th p ercentile). T reatment r egimens d id n ot d iffer between t he two groups. Two years following diagnosis, p atients with long diagnostic delay presented more frequently with bowel stenoses (25% vs. 13.1%, p = 0.044), internal fistulas (10% vs. 2%, p = 0.018), perianal f istulas ( 20% vs. 8 .1%, p = 0.023) a nd more frequently underwent intestinal surgery (15% vs. 5 .1%, p = 0.024) t han patients with short diagnostic delay. Intestinal surgery was a lso m ore frequently p erformed 6 y ears after diagnosis in t he group with long d iagnostic delay ( 56.2% vs. 42.3%, p = 0.005) w hen compared to t he g roup with short diagnostic delay. Conclusions: L ong diagnostic delay i s associated with worse o utcome c haracterized by t he development o f increased bowel damage, n ecessitating more frequently operations in t he years following CD d iagnosis. Efforts should be undertaken to shorten the diagnostic delay.
La syncope est un symptôme clinique fréquent mais son origine demeure indéterminée jusque dans 60% des cas de patients admis dans un centre d'urgences. Le développement de consultations spécialisées de la syncope a considérablement modifié l'évaluation des patients avec une syncope inexpliquée en les orientant vers des stratégies d'investigations non-invasives, tels que le tilt-test, le massage du sinus carotidien et le test ^hyperventilation. Cependant, il existe peu de données dans 10 la littérature concernant dans la performance diagnostique réelle de ces tests fonctionnels.Notre travail de recherche porte sur l'analyse des données des 939 premiers patients adressés à la consultation ambulatoire de la syncope du CHUV pour l'investigation d'une syncope d'origine indéterminée. L'objectif de notre travail de thèse est 1) d'évaluer la performance diagnostique de l'algorithme de prise en charge standardisé et de ses différents tests pratiqués dans le cadre de notre 15 consultation et 2) de déterminer les caractéristiques cliniques communes des patients avec un diagnostic final de syncope d'origine rythmique ou vaso-vagale.Notre travail de thèse démontre qu'un algorithme de prise en charge standardisé basé sur des tests non-invasifs permet de déterminer 2/3 des causes de syncope initialement d'origine indéterminée. Par ailleurs, notre travail montre que des étiologies bénignes, telles que la syncope d'origine vaso- 20 vagale ou psychogène, représentent la moitié des causes syncopales alors que les arythmies cardiaques demeurent peu fréquentes. Finalement, notre travail démontre que l'absence de symptomatologie prodromique, en particulier chez les patients âgés avec une limitation fonctionnelle ou un allongement de la durée de l'onde Ρ à l'électrocardiogramme, suggère une syncope d'origine rythmique. Ce travail de thèse contribuera à optimaliser notre algorithme de prise 25 en charge standardisée de la syncope d'origine indéterminée et ouvre de nouvelles perspectives de recherche dans le développement de modèles basés sur des facteurs cliniques permettant de prédire les principales causes syncopales.
All manner of foreign bodies have been extracted from the bladder. Introduction into the bladder may be through self-insertion, iatrogenic means or migration from adjacent organs. Extraction should be tailored according to the nature of the foreign body and should minimise bladder and urethral trauma. We report a case of a bullet injury to the bladder, which finally presented as a gross hematuria after remaining asymptomatic for four years. We present here an alternative to suprapubic cystostomy with a large bladder foreign body treated via a combined transurethral unroofing followed by removal using a grasper passed through a suprapubic laparoscopic port.
Red light running continues to be a serious safety concern for many communities in the United States. The Federal Highway Administration reported that in 2011, red light running accounted for 676 fatalities nationwide. Red light running crashes at a signalized intersections are more serious, especially in high speed corridors where speeds are above 35 mph. Many communities have invested in red light countermeasures including low-cost strategies (e.g. signal backplates, targeted enforcement, signal timing adjustments and improvement with signage) to high-cost strategies (e.g. automated enforcement and intersection geometric improvements). This research study investigated intersection confirmation lights as a low-cost strategy to reduce red light running violations. Two intersections in Altoona and Waterloo, Iowa were equipped with confirmation lights which targeted the through and left turning movements. Confirmation lights enable a single police officer to monitor a specific lane of traffic downstream of the intersection. A before-after analysis was conducted in which a change in red light running violations prior to- and 1 and 3 months after installation were evaluated. A test of proportions was used to determine if the change in red light running violation rates were statistically significant at the 90 and 95 percent levels of confidence. The two treatment intersections were then compared to the changes of red light running violation rates at spillover intersections (directly adjacent to the treatment intersections) and control intersections. The results of the analysis indicated a 10 percent reduction of red light running violations in Altoona and a 299 percent increase in Waterloo at the treatment locations. Finally, the research team investigated the time into red for each observed red light running violation. The analysis indicated that many of the violations occurred less than one second into the red phase and that most of the violation occurred during or shortly after the all-red phase.
Myeloid cell leukemia-1 (MCL1) is an anti-apoptotic member of the BCL2 family that is deregulated in various solid and hematological malignancies. However, its role in the molecular pathogenesis of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is unclear. We analyzed gene expression profiling data from 350 DLBCL patient samples and detected that activated B-cell-like (ABC) DLBCLs express MCL1 at significantly higher levels compared with germinal center B-cell-like DLBCL patient samples (P=2.7 × 10(-10)). Immunohistochemistry confirmed high MCL1 protein expression predominantly in ABC DLBCL in an independent patient cohort (n=249; P=0.001). To elucidate molecular mechanisms leading to aberrant MCL1 expression, we analyzed array comparative genomic hybridization data of 203 DLBCL samples and identified recurrent chromosomal gains/amplifications of the MCL1 locus that occurred in 26% of ABC DLBCLs. In addition, aberrant STAT3 signaling contributed to high MCL1 expression in this subtype. Knockdown of MCL1 as well as treatment with the BH3-mimetic obatoclax induced apoptotic cell death in MCL1-positive DLBCL cell lines. In summary, MCL1 is deregulated in a significant fraction of ABC DLBCLs and contributes to therapy resistance. These data suggest that specific inhibition of MCL1 might be utilized therapeutically in a subset of DLBCLs.
Effect of Delay in Testing Asphalt Concrete Specimens for Marshall Stability, MLR-86-08, Draft, 1986
The Central Laboratory has been delaying the mix design testing of 2 1/2" X 4" Marshall specimens for stability, until the next day after molding. For example, if the mixes are made and samples molded on Friday a man would have to come in and work on Saturday to test these specimens. The reason for this is that the ASTM-01559 "Resistance to Plastic Flow of Bituminous Mixes Using Marshall Apparatus," states that "the specimens after being molded shall be carefully transferred to a smooth, flat surface and allowed to stand overnight at room temperature, before being weighed, measured and tested." The AASHTO procedure, AASHTO Designation T-245-82 "Resistance to Plastic Flow of Bituminous Mixtures using Marshall Apparatus," does not say when the specimens shall be tested for stability. The IDOT Lab. Specifications, Test Method No. Iowa 502-8 and test method No. Iowa 506-C "compacting asphaltic concrete by the Marshall Method" and "Resistance to Plastic Flow of Bituminous Mixtures Using the Marshall Apparatus," respectively, only state that the specimens shall be cooled before testing. Due to the above conflict in specifications, a number of mix samples were tested, in the Central Lab, for stability on different days. This should furnish enough information to allow us to change the procedure and to test for stability the same day molded, or be able to delay the testing for 3 days or more.
Les larves aquatiques d'éphémères (Ephemeroptera) colonisent toutes les eaux douces du monde et sont couramment utilisées comme bio-indicateurs de la qualité de l'eau. Le genre Rhithrogena (Heptageniidae) est le deuxième plus diversifié chez les éphémères, et plusieurs espèces européennes ont une distribution restreinte dans des environnements alpins sensibles. Les espèces de Rhithrogena ont été classées en "groupes d'espèces" faciles à identifier. Cependant, malgré leur importance écologique et en terme de conservation, beaucoup d'espèces présentent des différences morphologiques ambiguës, suggérant que lataxonomie actuelle ne refléterait pas correctement leur diversité évolutive. De plus, aucune information sur leurs relations, leur origine, le taux de spéciation ou les mécanismes ayant provoqué leur remarquable diversification dans les Alpes n'est disponible. Nous avons d'abord examiné le statut spécifique d'environ 50% des espèces européennes de Rhithrogena en utilisant un large échantillonnage de populations alpines incluant 22 localités typiques, ainsi qu'une analyse basée sur le modèle général mixte de Yule et de coalescence (GMYC) appliqué à un gène mitochondrial standard (coxl) et à un gène nucléaire développé spécifiquement pour cette étude. Nous avons observé un regroupement significatif des séquences coxl en 31 espèces potentielles, et nos résultats ont fortement suggéré la présence d'espèces cryptiques et de fractionnements taxonomiques excessifs chez les Rhithrogena. Nos analyses phylogénétiques ont démontré la monophylie de quatre des six groupes d'espèces reconnus présents dans notre échantillonnage. La taxonomie ADN développée dans cette étude pose les bases d'une future révision de ce genre important mais cryptique en Europe. Puis nous avons mené une étude phylogénétique multi-gènes entre les espèces européennes de Rhithrogena. Les données provenant de trois gènes nucléaires et de deux gènes mitochondriaux ont été largement concordantes, et les relations entre les espèces bien résolues au sein de la plupart des groupes d'espèces dans une analyse combinant tous les gènes. En l'absence de points de calibration extérieurs tels que des fossiles, nous avons appliqué à nos données mitochondriales une horloge moléculaire standard pour les insectes, suggérant une origine des Rhithrogena alpins à la limite Oligocène / Miocène. Nos résultats ont montré le rôle prépondérant qu'ont joué les glaciations du quaternaire dans leur diversification, favorisant la spéciation d'au moins la moitié des espèces actuelle dans les Alpes. La biodiversité et le taux d'endémisme à Madagascar, notamment au niveau de la faune des eaux douces, sont parmi les plus extraordinaires et les plus menacés au monde. On pense que beaucoup d'espèces d'éphémères sont restreintes à un seul bassin versant (microendémisme) dans les zones forestières, ce qui les rendrait particulièrement sensibles à la réduction et à la dégradation de leur habitat. Mis à part deux espèces décrites, Afronurus matitensis et Compsoneuria josettae, les Heptageniidae sont pratiquement inconnus à Madagascar. Les deux genres ont une distribution discontinue en Afrique, à Madagascar et en Asie du Sud-Est, et leur taxonomie complexe est régulièrement révisée. L'approche standard pour comprendre leur diversité, leur endémisme et leur origine requerrait un échantillonnage étendu sur plusieurs continents et des années de travaux taxonomiques. Pour accélérer le processus, nous avons utilisé des collections de musées ainsi que des individus fraîchement collectés, et appliqué une approche combinant taxonomie ADN et phylogénie. L'analyses GMYC du gène coxl a délimité 14 espèces potentielles à Madagascar, dont 70% vraisemblablement microendémiques. Une analyse phylogénique incluant des espèces africaines et asiatiques portant sur deux gènes mitochondriaux et quatre gènes nucléaires a montré que les Heptageniidae malgaches sont monophylétiques et groupe frère des Compsoneuria africains. L'existence de cette lignée unique, ainsi qu'un taux élevé de microendémisme, mettent en évidence leur importance en terme de conservation. Nos résultats soulignent également le rôle important que peuvent jouer les collections de musées dans les études moléculaires et en conservation. - Aquatic nymphs of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) colonize all types of freshwaters throughout the world and are extensively used as bio-indicators of water quality. Rhithrogena (Heptageniidae) is the second most species-rich genus of mayflies, and several European species have restricted distributions in sensitive Alpine environments and therefore are of conservation interest. The European Rhithrogena species are arranged into "species groups" that are easily identifiable. However, despite their ecological and conservation importance, ambiguous morphological differences among many species suggest that the current taxonomy may not accurately reflect their evolutionary diversity. Moreover, no information about their relationships, origin, timing of speciation and mechanisms promoting their successful diversification in the Alps is available. We first examined the species status of ca. 50% of European Rhithrogena diversity using a widespread sampling scheme of Alpine species that included 22 type localities, general mixed Yule- coalescent (GMYC) model analysis of one standard mitochondrial (coxl) and one newly developed nuclear marker. We observed significant clustering of coxl into 31 GMYC species, and our results strongly suggest the presence of both cryptic diversity and taxonomic oversplitting in Rhithrogena. Phylogenetic analyses recovered four of the six recognized species groups in our samples as monophyletic. The DNA taxonomy developed here lays the groundwork for a future revision of this important but cryptic genus in Europe. Then we conducted a species-level, multiple-gene phylogenetic study of European Rhithrogena. Data from three nuclear and two mitochondrial loci were broadly congruent, and species-level relationships were well resolved within most species groups in a combined analysis. In the absence of external calibration points like fossils, we applied a standard insect molecular clock hypothesis to our mitochondrial data, suggesting an origin of Alpine Rhithrogena in the Oligocene / Miocene boundary. Our results highlighted the preponderant role that quaternary glaciations played in their diversification, promoting speciation of at least half of the current diversity in the Alps. Madagascar's biodiversity and endemism are among the most extraordinary and endangered in the world. This includes the island's freshwater biodiversity, although detailed knowledge of the diversity, endemism, and biogeographic origin of freshwater invertebrates is lacking. Many mayfly species are thought to be restricted to single river basins (microendemic species) in forested areas, making them particularly sensitive to habitat reduction and degradation. The Heptageniidae are practically unknown in Madagascar except for two described species, Afronurus matitensis and Compsoneuria josettae. Both genera have a disjunct distribution in Africa, Madagascar and Southeast Asia, and a complex taxonomic status still in flux. The standard approach to understanding their diversity, endemism, and origin would require extensive field sampling on several continents and years of taxonomic work. Here we circumvent this using museum collections and freshly collected individuals in a combined approach of DNA taxonomy and phylogeny. The cox/-based GMYC analysis revealed 14 putative species on Madagascar, 70% of which potentially microendemics. A phylogenetic analysis that included African and Asian species and data from two mitochondrial and four nuclear loci indicated the Malagasy Heptageniidae are monophyletic and sister to African Compsoneuria. The observed monophyly and high microendemism highlight their conservation importance. Our results also underline the important role that museum collections can play in molecular studies, especially in critically endangered biodiversity hotspots like Madagascar.