952 resultados para kinetic resolution of activated cyclopropanes


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Interaction of the two high-spin hemes in the oxygen reduction site of the bd-type quinol oxidase from Escherichia coli has been studied by femtosecond multicolor transient absorption spectroscopy. The previously unidentified Soret band of ferrous heme b595 was determined to be centered around 440 nm by selective excitation of the fully reduced unliganded or CO-bound cytochrome bd in the α-band of heme b595. The redox state of the b-type hemes strongly affects both the line shape and the kinetics of the absorption changes induced by photodissociation of CO from heme d. In the reduced enzyme, CO photodissociation from heme d perturbs the spectrum of ferrous cytochrome b595 within a few ps, pointing to a direct interaction between hemes b595 and d. Whereas in the reduced enzyme no heme d-CO geminate recombination is observed, in the mixed-valence CO-liganded complex with heme b595 initially oxidized, a significant part of photodissociated CO does not leave the protein and recombines with heme d within a few hundred ps. This caging effect may indicate that ferrous heme b595 provides a transient binding site for carbon monoxide within one of the routes by which the dissociated ligand leaves the protein. Taken together, the data indicate physical proximity of the hemes d and b595 and corroborate the possibility of a functional cooperation between the two hemes in the dioxygen-reducing center of cytochrome bd.


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In biomolecular systems, the mechanical transfer of free energy occurs with both high efficiency and high speed. It is shown here that such a transfer can be achieved only if the participating free-energy-storing elements exhibit opposing relationships between their content of free energy and the force they exert in the transfer direction. A kinetic equilibrium of forces (KEF) results, in which the transfer of free energy is mediated essentially by thermal molecular motion. On the basis of present evidence, KEF is used as a guiding principle in developing a mechanical model of the crossbridge cycle in muscle contraction. The model allows the basic features of molecular events to be visualized in terms of plausible structures. Real understanding of the process will require identification of the elements that perform the functions described here. Besides chemomechanical energy transduction, KEF may have a role in other biomolecular processes in which free energy is transferred mechanically over large distances.


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In the current standard procedure for preparation of mammalian rhodopsin mutants, transfected COS-1 cells expressing the mutant opsin genes are treated with 5 μM 11-cis-retinal before detergent solubilization for purification. We found that binding of 11-cis-retinal to opsin mutants with single amino acid changes at Trp-265 (W265F,Y,A) and a retinitis pigmentosa mutant (A164V) was far from complete and required much higher concentrations of 11-cis-retinal. By isolation of the expressed opsins in a stable form, kinetic studies of retinal binding to the opsins in vitro have been carried out by using defined phospholipid–detergent mixtures. The results show wide variation in the rates of 11-cis-retinal binding. Thus, the in vitro reconstitution procedure serves as a probe of the retinal-binding pocket in the opsins. Further, a method is described for purification and characterization of the rhodopsin mutants after retinal binding to the opsins in vitro.


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Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (Btk) is a critical transducer of signals originating from the B cell antigen receptor (BCR). Dosage, sequential phosphorylation, and protein interactions are interdependent mechanisms influencing Btk function. Phosphopeptide-specific mAbs recognizing two distinct phosphotyrosine modifications were used to quantify Btk activation by immunofluorescent techniques during B cell stimulation. In a population of cultured B cells stimulated by BCR crosslinking and analyzed by flow cytometry, transient phosphorylation of the regulatory Btk tyrosine residues (551Y and 223Y) was detected. The kinetics of phosphorylation of the residues were temporally distinct. Tyrosine 551, a transactivating substrate site for Src-family kinases, was maximally phosphorylated within ≈30 seconds of stimulation as monitored by flow cytometry. Tyrosine 223, an autophosphorylation site within the SH3 domain, was maximally phosphorylated at ≈5 minutes. Btk returned to a low tyrosine phosphorylation level within 30 minutes, despite persistent elevation of global tyrosine phosphorylation. Colocalization of activated Btk molecules with the crosslinked BCR signaling complex was observed to coincide with the period of maximal Btk tyrosine phosphorylation when stimulated B cells were analyzed with confocal microscopy. The results of these in situ temporal and spatial analyses imply that Btk signaling occurs in the region of the Ig receptor signaling complex, suggesting a similar location for downstream targets of its activity.


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Two important cytokines mediating inflammation are tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) and IL-1β, both of which require conversion to soluble forms by converting enzymes. The importance of TNFα-converting enzyme and IL-1β-converting enzyme in the production of circulating TNFα and IL-1β in response to systemic challenges has been demonstrated by the use of specific converting enzyme inhibitors. Many inflammatory responses, however, are not systemic but instead are localized. In these situations release and/or activation of cytokines may be different from that seen in response to a systemic stimulus, particularly because associations of various cell populations in these foci allows for the exposure of procytokines to the proteolytic enzymes produced by activated neutrophils, neutrophil elastase (NE), proteinase 3 (PR3), and cathepsin G (Cat G). To investigate the possibility of alternative processing of TNFα and/or IL-1β by neutrophil-derived proteinases, immunoreactive TNFα and IL-1β release from lipopolysaccharide-stimulated THP-1 cells was measured in the presence of activated human neutrophils. Under these conditions, TNFα and IL-1β release was augmented 2- to 5-fold. In the presence of a specific inhibitor of NE and PR3, enhanced release of both cytokines was largely abolished; however, in the presence of a NE and Cat G selective inhibitor, secretory leucocyte proteinase inhibitor, reduction of the enhanced release was minimal. This finding suggested that the augmented release was attributable to PR3 but not NE nor Cat G. Use of purified enzymes confirmed this conclusion. These results indicate that there may be alternative pathways for the production of these two proinflammatory cytokines, particularly in the context of local inflammatory processes.


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NFAT (nuclear factor of activated T cells) is a family of transcription factors implicated in the control of cytokine and early immune response gene expression. Recent studies have pointed to a role for NFAT proteins in gene regulation outside of the immune system. Herein we demonstrate that NFAT proteins are present in 3T3-L1 adipocytes and, upon fat cell differentiation, bind to and transactivate the promoter of the adipocyte-specific gene aP2. Further, fat cell differentiation is inhibited by cyclosporin A, a drug shown to prevent NFAT nuclear localization and hence function. Thus, these data suggest a role for NFAT transcription factors in the regulation of the aP2 gene and in the process of adipocyte differentiation.


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Objectives: To determine whether there are any differences between children who remain mildly or moderately allergic to peanut and children with similar histories but a negative reaction on challenge with peanut.


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Stats1 and 3 (signal transducers and activators of transcription) can be activated simultaneously, although not necessarily to the same degree or duration, by the interaction of cells with the same polypeptide ligand (EGF, PDGF, or high concentrations of IL-6, for example). However, these two Stat proteins can mediate opposing effects on cell growth and survival. Stat1 activation slows growth and promotes apoptosis. In contrast, activated Stat3 can protect cells from apoptosis. Furthermore, a constitutively active form of Stat3, Stat3-C (bridged by S-S linkages between cysteines instead of phosphotyrosines) can induce cellular transformation of fibroblasts. We have determined that fibroblasts transformed by Stat3-C are more resistant to proapoptotic stimuli than nontransformed cells. Also, to examine the potential opposing roles in apoptosis of Stat1 and Stat3, we studied the cervical carcinoma-derived cell line, Me180, which undergoes Stat1-dependent, IFNγ-induced apoptosis. Me180 cells that express Stat3-C are protected against IFNγ-mediated apoptosis.


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The Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) recently have been shown to be required for thymocyte apoptosis and T cell differentiation and/or proliferation. To investigate the molecular targets of JNK signaling in lymphoid cells, we used mice in which the serines phosphorylated by JNK in c-Jun were replaced by homologous recombination with alanines (junAA mice). Lymphocytes from these mice showed no phosphorylation of c-Jun in response to activation stimuli, whereas c-Jun was rapidly phosphorylated in wild-type cells. Despite the fact that c-jun is essential for early development, junAA mice develop normally; however, c-Jun N-terminal phosphorylation was required for efficient T cell receptor-induced and tumor necrosis factor-α-induced thymocyte apoptosis. In contrast, c-Jun phosphorylation by JNK is not required for T cell proliferation or differentiation. Because jnk2−/− T cells display a proliferation defect, we concluded that JNK2 must have other substrates required for lymphocyte function. Surprisingly, jnk2−/− T cells showed reduced NF-AT DNA-binding activity after activation. Furthermore, overexpression of JNK2 in Jurkat T cells strongly enhanced NF-AT-dependent transcription. These results demonstrate that JNK signaling differentially uses c-Jun and NF-AT as molecular effectors during thymocyte apoptosis and T cell proliferation.


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Notch proteins function as receptors for membrane-bound ligands (Jagged and Delta-like) to regulate cell-fate determination. We have investigated the role of Notch signaling in embryonic endothelium of the mouse by expressing an activated form of the Notch4 protein in vasculature under the regulation of the Flk1 (VEGFR) locus. Expression of activated Notch4 results in a growth and developmental delay and embryonic lethality at about 10 days postcoitum. The extent of the developing vasculature in mutant embryos was restricted, fewer small vessels were seen, and vascular networks were disorganized. The brain periphery of mutant embryos contained large dilated vessels with evidence of compromised vessel-wall integrity and large areas of necrosis; yolk-sac vasculature was abnormal. Expression of an activated form of Notch4 in embryonic vasculature leads to abnormal vessel structure and patterning, implicating the Notch pathway in phases of vascular development associated with vessel patterning and remodeling.


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The RuvC protein of Escherichia coli catalyzes the resolution of recombination intermediates during genetic recombination and the recombinational repair of damaged DNA. Resolution involves specific recognition of the Holliday structure to form a complex that exhibits twofold symmetry with the DNA in an open configuration. Cleavage occurs when strands of like polarity are nicked at the sequence 5'-WTT decreases S-3' (where W is A or T and S is G or C). To determine whether the cleavage site needs to be located at, or close to, the point at which DNA strands exchange partners, Holliday structures were constructed with the junction points at defined sites within this sequence. We found that the efficiency of resolution was optimal when the cleavage site was coincident with the position of DNA strand exchange. In these studies, junction targeting was achieved by incorporating uncharged methyl phosphonates into the DNA backbone, providing further evidence for the importance of charge-charge repulsions in determining DNA structure.


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The nonclassical major histocompatibility complex class II molecule HLA-DM (DM) has recently been shown to play a central role in the class II-associated antigen presentation pathway: DM releases invariant chain-derived CLIP peptides (class II-associated invariant chain protein peptide) from HLA-DR (DR) molecules and thereby facilitates loading with antigenic peptides. Some observations have led to the suggestion that DM acts in a catalytic manner, but so far direct proof is missing. Here, we investigated in vitro the kinetics of exchange of endogenously bound CLIP for various peptides on DR1 and DR2a molecules: we found that in the presence of DM the peptide loading process follows Michaelis-Menten kinetics with turnover numbers of 3-12 DR molecules per minute per DM molecule, and with KM values of 500-1000 nM. In addition, surface plasmon resonance measurements showed that DM interacts efficiently with DR-CLIP complexes but only weakly with DR-peptide complexes isolated from DM-positive cells. Taken together, our data provide evidence that DM functions as an enzyme-like catalyst of peptide exchange and favors the generation of long-lived DR-peptide complexes that are no longer substrates for DM.


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Long-term potentiation (LTP), an increase in synaptic efficacy believed to underlie learning and memory mechanisms, has been proposed to involve structural modifications of synapses. Precise identification of the morphological changes associated with LTP has however been hindered by the difficulty in distinguishing potentiated or activated from nonstimulated synapses. Here we used a cytochemical method that allowed detection in CA1 hippocampus at the electron microscopy level of a stimulation-specific, D-AP5-sensitive accumulation of calcium in postsynaptic spines and presynaptic terminals following application of high-frequency trains. Morphometric analyses carried out 30-40 min after LTP induction revealed dramatic ultrastructural differences between labeled and nonlabeled synapses. The majority of labeled synapses (60%) exhibited perforated postsynaptic densities, whereas this proportion was only 20% in nonlabeled synaptic contacts. Labeled synaptic profiles were also characterized by a larger apposition zone between pre- and postsynaptic structures, longer postsynaptic densities, and enlarged spine profiles. These results add strong support to the idea that ultrastructural modifications and specifically an increase in perforated synapses are associated with LTP induction in field CA1 of hippocampus and they suggest that a majority of activated contacts may exhibit such changes.


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Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) was the first cytokine to be described, but for 30 years its role in the immune response remained enigmatic. In recent studies, MIF has been found to be a novel pituitary hormone and the first protein identified to be released from immune cells on glucocorticoid stimulation. Once secreted, MIF counterregulates the immunosuppressive effects of steroids and thus acts as a critical component of the immune system to control both local and systemic immune responses. We report herein the x-ray crystal structure of human MIF to 2.6 angstrom resolution. The protein is a trimer of identical subunits. Each monomer contains two antiparallel alpha-helices that pack against a four-stranded beta-sheet. The monomer has an additional two beta-strands that interact with the beta-sheets of adjacent subunits to form the interface between monomers. The three beta-sheets are arranged to form a barrel containing a solvent-accessible channel that runs through the center of the protein along a molecular 3-fold axis. Electrostatic potential maps reveal that the channel has a positive potential, suggesting that it binds negatively charged molecules. The elucidated structure for MIF is unique among cytokines or hormonal mediators, and suggests that this counterregulator of glucocorticoid action participates in novel ligand-receptor interactions.