715 resultados para juventude evangélica


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This paper presents the main achievements in the field of children and youngsters social rights and provides some data on Brazilian education that show the discrepancy between the legal guidelines and the educational situation of children and youngsters within public schools. It presents a critical approach to the ways production and attendance of school problems have been interpreted and shows the dimension in which social facilities established to provide protection to children and adolescents have not been able to ensure a good quality schooling. It highlights the Guardian Council as addressee of school demands and stands out the urgency of debating the violation of fundamental rights such as the lack of quality in education, the repeated situations of failure, and dropping out experienced by a significant number of poor students. The analyzes developed point to the fragility of the relationship between school and Guardian Council revealing an institutional dynamic that individualize social issues. The analyzes developed also suggest the possibility of including Psychology mediation to school, family and Guardian Council. These aim to break the hegemony of the gaze individualizing approach that blame individual and / or family for school failures. This all present to professionals the urgenct for a critical attitude, based on theoretical and practical approaches able to research and propose critical interventions in order to overcome the production of educational exclusion.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This work explores the flash mobs, which are flash mobilizations arranged by intent that involve a large number of people to do something together in a pre-arranged place. With the advent of 2.0 Internet, the sharing of information and the mobile virtual communication grown up and showed behavior of an individual person to meet for a common interest. Those affective relationships born in the social networks come to the urban space in a real-virtual space junction and the possibilities of that are unexplored yet. Studied by this work, the Y generation is the flash mob most popular public and uses those mobilizations to reinforce their fan identity and appreciation for a media product


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Este trabalho coloca em pauta os problemas de sociabilidade e convivência existentes dentro da escola em busca de algumas respostas e de uma compreensão mais aprofundada sobre os motivos pelos quais alguns alunos não se sentem acolhidos na instituição, o que os afasta da convivência social e reflete negativamente em sua aprendizagem, em sua trajetória social e em seu futuro desenvolvimento profissional. Partimos da hipótese de que o envolvimento de alunos em atividades culturais tais como cinema, música, literatura, teatro, visita a museus, etc., seja participando como ouvintes ou em oficinas, pode, através de suas várias formas, resgatar um convívio produtivo entre alunos e a instituição fazendo-os querer estar na escola, propiciando oportunidades de desenvolvimento a partir da aquisição de bens culturais, complementando a formação intelectual formal. O trabalho visa acompanhar uma turma do 6° ano de uma escola estadual de Rio Claro, participante do Projeto de Extensão Educação, Cultura e Inclusão Social e verificar os efeitos do acesso aos bens culturais no desempenho escolar, nas relações com seus pares, com seus professores e com a instituição. A pesquisa fundamentar-se-á teoricamente na Sociologia de Pierre Bourdieu e nos escritos de Juarez Dyrell sobre escola e cultura. Os dados foram coletados por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica, pesquisa documental e observação participante


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O presente trabalho de conclusão de curso propõe a discussão sobre o processo de construção da identidade do idoso levando em consideração as representações sociais veiculadas pela mídia e as expectativas e sentimentos dos idosos. A pesquisa tem como objetivo identificar as representações sociais sobre a terceira idade que circulam nos variados meios de comunicação; analisar as representações sociais sobre o idoso, os estereótipos, tanto os antigos (onde o idoso era considerado apenas um peso para as famílias) como os novos (o idoso atleta e descolado que busca a eterna juventude); compreender o significado do conceito de 'terceira idade' e o significado que essa expressão tenta ocultar; compreender os mecanismos de inclusão e exclusão do idoso nas ações da sociedade cível e pública; entender o quanto a convivência entre diferentes origens e diferentes gerações pode ser benéfico pra ambos os lados usando como base minha experiência no PEJA, assim como a busca do ideal do ser idoso, o idoso real, humano, referência de experiência, que ensina e também aprende, respeitado como pessoa sem mais ser considerado como apenas um número de estatística. A pesquisa também contará com uma revisão bibliográfica sobre os processos de construção identitária, representações sociais, influência dos meios de comunicação e terceira idade, com ênfase nas representações expressas na publicidade


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Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The Digital Age, with its new interactive and converging technologies, stimulates original forms of sociability, which are interconnected, intercommunicating and virtualized through hyperscreens. Another kind of interaction arises from the digitization and new speeds of contemporary communicative process. With the new order of knowledge, it is now possible to transgress the limits of physical space and linear time sequence, through the collective development of content through such telematics networks. Youth gives voice to a new type of user, or a social actor, whose thinking is connected to other communication habits, consolidating singular cultural standards, demanding new languages and skills. Here, we address the nature of this Design of new relations, interactions, behaviors and social systems that emerge in the so called Information Society.


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The Folha Universal, newspaper produced by the Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus (Iurd, abbreviation in Portuguese for Universal Church of the Kingdom of God), reaches an average weekly circulation from 2.5 to 3.5 million copies. Studies indicate that the Folha Universal is not merely an institutional newspaper. It is systematically dedicated to be a source of political information to their readers, in order to publicize candidates and politicians who defend the Iurd’s proposals for the Brazilian public life. This paper describes results of an empirical study on the frames built by the Folha Universal about the social demands, economic and political governance considered as priorities to the public management by the Iurd around five themes of analysis: public safety; children and adolescents care; public health; environment; politics and economy. The results indicate that, as characteristics of the Folha Universal in the four months prior to the 2010 Brazilian elections, aspects that differ from those indicated by previous studies on the newspaper. Previously detected in the pages of Folha Universal as a mean for finding solutions to social problems, the theology of prosperity was in our sample replaced by the formulation of public policies.


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Youth have always organized various movements for social transformation. Utopian or radical of these activities have enabled significant changes in political and social structures in various sectors and on different continents. The text is intended to check what causes the connections between youth and technological society, observing the connections between them. Using literature review, we try to recognize the culture, media and technologies around which these groups are related, they express and consider their representative in the development of communicative identity.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)