789 resultados para intra-party democracy
A large part of power dissipation in a system is generated by I/O devices. Increasingly these devices provide power saving mechanisms, inter alia to enhance battery life. While I/O device scheduling has been studied in the past for realtime systems, the use of energy resources by these scheduling algorithms may be improved. These approaches are crafted considering a very large overhead of device transitions. Technology enhancements have allowed the hardware vendors to reduce the device transition overhead and energy consumption. We propose an intra-task device scheduling algorithm for real time systems that allows to shut-down devices while ensuring system schedulability. Our results show an energy gain of up to 90% when compared to the techniques proposed in the state-of-the-art.
A Masters Thesis, presented as part of the requirements for the award of a Research Masters Degree in Economics from NOVA – School of Business and Economics
The European Union, as a regional actor and an example of stability and well-being, has embraced a set of principles it has stood for and which constitute its own identity. The diffusion of these values among third countries is one of the objectives of EU’s External Policy. Democracy can be found among the principles that are sought to be exported through comprehensive and complex strategies within different frameworks, such as neighbourhood relations, trade partnerships and the accession process. Focusing on the latter, candidates are object of an intensive process of Europeanisation that operates through different mechanisms like socialisation and conditionality. Turkey, on the other side, has decided to apply for full membership several decades ago and, ever since, it has been pressured to Europeanise, which includes improving its unstable democracy. This case, however, is different from all other previous enlargements; for its special socio-cultural and civilisational features, Turkey constitutes a more complex novelty for the European Union. Therefore, this thesis aims to study the influence of the European Union on the democratisation process of Turkey, focusing on the period ranging between 1999, the year the European Council recognised Turkey’s candidacy status, and 2009 that marks the 10-year period of that condition. It is the intention of this project to assess the impact of the European Union at that level through the study of the democratic evolution of the country and its co-relation with other variables related to the presence or pressure of the EU. As this is a challenging objective, it will require a deep reflection upon central concepts like democracy and democratic consolidation, and a diversified use of methodological techniques, such as statistical analysis and mathematical co-relations, historical analysis, literature review and in-depth interviews. This study will privilege a Constructivist approach, emphasising the social construction of reality and the role of the ideational aspects – identity, perceptions and the broader socio-cultural dimension – in Turkey-EU relations.
This paper demonstrates the significance of culture in examining the relationshipbetween democratic capital and environmental performance.The aim is to examine the relationship among scores on the Environmental Performance Index and the two dimensions of cross cultural variation suggested by Ronald Inglehart and Christian Welzel. Significantional interrelationships among democracy, cultural and environmental sustaintability measures could be found, following the regression results. Firstly, higher levels of democratic capital stock are associated with better environmental performance. Secondly importance to distinguish between cultural groups could be confirmed.
RESUMO - Introdução: No âmbito das emergências intra-hospitalares investigou-se a hipótese da presença da Equipa Emergência Médica Intra-hospitalar (EEMI) (DGS, 2010) num Centro Hospitalar (CH), contribuir para a redução do número de mortos por Paragem Cárdiorespiratória (PCR) intra-hospitalar, quando comparado com outro CH dotado de uma equipa tradicional de resposta à PCR. Metodologia: Tratou-se de um estudo observacional, retrospetivo (2010 a 2014), com base nos dados do Grupo de Diagnóstico Homogéneo (GDH), analisado numa perspetiva de custo-efetividade no impacto sobre incidência de PCR e taxa de mortalidade. Resultados: Observou-se que o CH com EEMI apresentou uma Redução Risco Absoluto (RRA) de 9,01% de morte por PCR. A taxa de mortalidade calculada foi de 2,82 casos por 1000 episódios de internamento em que a incidência de PCR foi de 28,24 casos por cada 10 000 habitantes, duas vezes menor que CH em comparação. Quando introduzidas manobras de Ressuscitação Cárdiopulmonar (RCP), o mesmo CH teve um maior número de PCR revertidas, com uma taxa de mortalidade 2 vezes menor que o CH sem EEMI. Conclusão: Resultados demonstraram que os dois CH apresentaram riscos diferentes, em que a probabilidade do doente hospitalizado de morrer após ocorrência de PCR foi menor no grupo exposto à EEMI, com OR = 0,496 [IC 95% (0,372 a 0,662)] para dados populacionais (p = 0,0013), e OR = 0,618 [IC 95% (0,298 a 1,281)] para dados individuais, (p = 0,194). Face a melhores resultados em Saúde, considerou-se a implementação da EEMI, uma medida custo-efetiva, uma vez que o principal requisito traduz-se por reorganização das equipas tradicionais para uma vertente de prevenção da PCR.
To what extent do and could e-tools contribute to a democracy like Switzerland? This paper puts forward experiences and visions concerning the application of e-tools for the most traditional democratic processes- elections and, of special importance in Switzerland, direct-democratic votes.Having the particular voting behaviour of the Swiss electorate in mind (low voter turnout - especially among the youngest age group, low political knowledge, etc.) we believe that e-tools which provide information in the forefront of elections or direct-democratic votes offer an enormous service to the voter. As soon as e-voting will be possible in Switzerland (as planned by the government), those e-tools for gathering information online will become indispensable and will gain power enormously. Therefore political scientists should not only focus on potential effects of e-voting itself but rather on the combination of (connected)e-tools of the pre-voting and the voting sphere. In the case of Switzerland, we argue in this paper, the offer of VAAs such as smartvote for elections and direct-democratic votes can provide the voter with more balanced and qualitatively higher information and thereby make a valuable contribution to the Swiss democracy.
BACKGROUND: Hypotension, a common intra-operative incident, bears an important potential for morbidity. It is most often manageable and sometimes preventable, which renders its study important. Therefore, we aimed at examining hospital variations in the occurrence of intra-operative hypotension and its predictors. As secondary endpoints, we determined to what extent hypotension relates to the risk of post-operative incidents and death. METHODS: We used the Anaesthesia Databank Switzerland, built on routinely and prospectively collected data on all anaesthesias in 21 hospitals. The three outcomes were assessed using multi-level logistic regression models. RESULTS: Among 147,573 anaesthesias, hypotension ranged from 0.6% to 5.2% in participating hospitals, and from 0.3% up to 12% in different surgical specialties. Most (73.4%) were minor single events. Age, ASA status, combined general and regional anaesthesia techniques, duration of surgery and hospitalization were significantly associated with hypotension. Although significantly associated, the emergency status of the surgery had a weaker effect. Hospitals' odds ratios for hypotension varied between 0.12 and 2.50 (P < or = 0.001), even after adjusting for patient and anaesthesia factors, and for type of surgery. At least one post-operative incident occurred in 9.7% of the procedures, including 0.03% deaths. Intra-operative hypotension was associated with a higher risk of post-operative incidents and death. CONCLUSION: Wide variations remain in the occurrence of hypotension among hospitals after adjustment for risk factors. Although differential reporting from hospitals may exist, variations in anaesthesia techniques and blood pressure maintenance may also have contributed. Intra-operative hypotension is associated with morbidities and sometimes death, and constant vigilance must thus be advocated.
Objectifs: Etude prospective sur l'efficacité de la chimio-perfusion super-sélective avec Melphalan dans l'artère ophtalmique en tant qu'agent tumoricide chez l'enfantatteint de rétinoblastome avancé, pour éviter l'énucléation chirurgicale et/ou la radiothérapie externe. Matériels et méthodes: 19 enfants (âge moyen 25 mois) atteints de rétinoblastome de groupe D ont reçu 1 à 3 séances d'administration intra-artérielle de Melphalan (0,35 mg/kg) dans l'artère ophtalmique sous anesthésie générale. Au total 48 procédures ont été réalisées. Chaque séance était associée à une injection intra-vitréenne deMelphalan, ainsi qu'à une thermothérapie et/ou une cryothérapie. Résultats: Le traitement a été effectué avec succès chez 17/19 enfants avec une régression importante du volume tumoral. L'énucléation ainsi que la radiothérapie externeont pu être évitées dans 15/17 enfants, sur un suivi moyen d'une année. Aucune complication systémique ou thromboembolique n'a été observée. Lescomplications locales ont comporté 2 décollements de la rétine, 5 oedèmes conjonctivaux et palpébraux, 1 cas de pigmentation cutanée locale, 1 vasospasmetransitoire de l'artère carotide interne et 2 cas d'artériopathie occlusive choroïdienne sectorielle . Conclusion: L'administration intra-artérielle de Melphalan s'avère être très efficace dans les cas avancés de rétinoblastome chez l'enfant, aussi bien comme techniquecurative que pour éviter l'énucléation et/ou la radiothérapie externe.
Résumé : La présente étude vise à déterminer quels sont les facteurs permettant de valider de nouvelles échelles de personnalité spécifiques à la relation intra-couple construites sur la base de profils de personnalité en auto- et hétéro-évaluation. Pour ce faire, nous avons défini des critères sociologiques (par exemple âge, niveau socioprofessionnel, nombre de relations passées), des critères psychologiques (satisfaction conjugale) et des critères biologiques (distance génétique et préférence d'odeurs) afin de vérifier s'ils sont susceptibles de valider les six échelles de personnalité intra-couples inédites que nous avons construites dans le cadre de cette recherche de doctorat. Notre échantillon se compose de 106 couples mariés et de 60 jeunes couples non mariés, qui ont chacun complété le test de personnalité L.A. B. E. L. (F Gendre & R. Capel), l'Échelle d'Ajustement Dyadique (Spanier, 1976) ainsi qu'un test génétique pour une partie d'entre eux.
The neuro-peptide hormone oxytocin regulates several reproductive mechanisms in mammals, such as uterine contractions during parturition and milk ejection in the lactating mammary gland. Oxytocin may also influence behavior and behavioral strategies, e.g. pair bonding, social recognition, maternal behavior, trust building, or anxiety. Teasing oestrous mares by a stallion provokes the release of oxytocin. We therefore tested whether such elevated oxytocin levels reveal possible mate preferences as determined in typical preference tests.