697 resultados para impurities


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The novel approach to carbon capture and storage (CCS) described in this dissertation is a significant departure from the conventional approach to CCS. The novel approach uses a sodium carbonate solution to first capture CO2 from post combustion flue gas streams. The captured CO2 is then reacted with an alkaline industrial waste material, at ambient conditions, to regenerate the carbonate solution and permanently store the CO2 in the form of an added value carbonate mineral. Conventional CCS makes use of a hazardous amine solution for CO2 capture, a costly thermal regeneration stage, and the underground storage of supercritical CO2. The objective of the present dissertation was to examine each individual stage (capture and storage) of the proposed approach to CCS. Study of the capture stage found that a 2% w/w sodium carbonate solution was optimal for CO2 absorption in the present system. The 2% solution yielded the best tradeoff between the CO2 absorption rate and the CO2 absorption capacity of the solutions tested. Examination of CO2 absorption in the presence of flue gas impurities (NOx and SOx) found that carbonate solutions possess a significant advantage over amine solutions, that they could be used for multi-pollutant capture. All the NOx and SOx fed to the carbonate solution was able to be captured. Optimization studies found that it was possible to increase the absorption rate of CO2 into the carbonate solution by adding a surfactant to the solution to chemically alter the gas bubble size. The absorption rate of CO2 was increased by as much as 14%. Three coal combustion fly ash materials were chosen as the alkaline industrial waste materials to study the storage CO2 and regeneration the absorbent. X-ray diffraction analysis on reacted fly ash samples confirmed that the captured CO2 reacts with the fly ash materials to form a carbonate mineral, specifically calcite. Studies found that after a five day reaction time, 75% utilization of the waste material for CO2 storage could be achieved, while regenerating the absorbent. The regenerated absorbent exhibited a nearly identical CO2 absorption capacity and CO2 absorption rate as a fresh Na2CO3 solution.


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The biopharmaceutical industry has a growing demand and an increasing need to improve the current virus purification technologies, especially as more and more vaccines are produced from cell-culture derived virus particles. Downstream purification strategies can be expensive and account for 70% of the overall manufacturing costs. The economic pressure and purification processes can be particularly challenging when the virus to be purified is small, as in our model virus, porcine parvovirus (PPV). Our efforts are focused on designing an easy, economical, scalable and efficient system for virus purification, and we focused on aqueous two-phase systems. Industry acceptable standards for virus vaccine recovery can be as low as 30% due to demand of high final titer, virus transduction inhibitors and presence of empty or defective virus capsids as impurities. We have overcome these shortcomings by recovering a high 64% of infectious virus using an aqueous two-phase system. We used high molecular weight polymer and citrate salt to achieve a good yield and eliminated the major contaminant bovine serum albumin. Viruses are also studied for ensuring pure and safe drinking water. Low pressure microfiltrations are continuously being investigated for water filters as they allow high permeate flux and low fouling. Viruses such as PPV are small enough to pass through the microporous membranes. Control of viruses in water is crucial for public health and we have designed an affinity based membrane filter to capture virus. Nanofibers have a high surface to volume ratio providing a highly accessible surface area for virus adsorption. Chitosan an insoluble, biocompatible and biodegradable polymer was used for adsorbing trimer peptide WRW. About 0.2 μmoles of cysteine terminal WRW peptide was conjugated to amine terminal chitosan using maleimide conjugation chemistry. We achieved 90-99% virus removal from water adjusted to a neutral pH. The virus removal from affinity based chitosan was attributed to electrostatic and hydrophobic driven binding effect.


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For improving the identification of potential heparin impurities such as oversulfated chondroitin sulfate (OSCS) the standard 2D (1)H-(1)H NMR NOESY was applied. Taking advantage of spin diffusion and adjusting the experimental parameters accordingly additional contaminant-specific signals of the corresponding sugar ring protons can easily be detected. These are usually hidden by the more intense heparin signals. Compared to the current 1D (1)H procedure proposed for screening commercial unfractionated heparin samples and focusing on the contaminants acetyl signals more informative and unique fingerprints may be obtained. Correspondingly measured (1)H fingerprints of a few potential impurities are given and their identification in two contaminated commercial heparin samples is demonstrated. The proposed 2D NOESY method is not intended to replace the current 1D method for detecting and quantifying heparin impurities but may be regarded as a valuable supplement for an improved and more reliable identification of these contaminants.


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The detrimental effect of the presence of cobalt upon the current efficiency, in the commercial production of zinc by electrolysis, has been recognized for some time. Most authorities differ upon the maximum amount of cobalt allowable. This is due to the fact that the presence of other impurities either increases or diminishes the detrimental effects of the cobalt. The following tests were made with the object in view of ascertaining the relation, if any, between the amount of cobalt present and the current efficiency during the electrolysis of an otherwise pure zinc sulfate solution. The results obtained from these observations indicate that there is little apparent relation between the cobalt concentration of a given solution of zinc sulfate and the current efficiency that may be obtained on the electrolysis of that solution. For certain cobalt concentrations, however, it was noted that the time factor played an important part.


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In the deposition of metallic zinc by electro­lysis from neutral or acid solution, little difficulty is experienced provided certain impurities are absent from the electrolyte. The use of the process has long been considered as a potential source, patents on the process having been issued as early as 1880. However, the early experimenters failed to realize the importance of impurities in the electrolyte, and for this reason, the process suffered several severe setbacks when commercial plants were built.


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The lead storage battery as it is used today is made up of the pasted type plates of lead dioxide, the anode, and sponge lead, the cathode, and wooden or hard rubber separators, which serve to insulate these from one another. In manufacturing these, it is desirable to keep them free from impurities.


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Carbon and carbonaceous material have been known to have a deleterious effect upon the cyanidation of gold and silver ores since the very beginning of the process. Organic matter is a common source of impu­rities in cyanide solution, its reducing effect being notorious.


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The measurement of current efficiency by hydrogen evolution is based on the assumption that the portion of the current which deposits no zinc will release hydrogen. This assumption is correct for solutions containing no impurities electropositive to zinc.


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Synthetic oligonucleotides and peptides have found wide applications in industry and academic research labs. There are ~60 peptide drugs on the market and over 500 under development. The global annual sale of peptide drugs in 2010 was estimated to be $13 billion. There are three oligonucleotide-based drugs on market; among them, the FDA newly approved Kynamro was predicted to have a $100 million annual sale. The annual sale of oligonucleotides to academic labs was estimated to be $700 million. Both bio-oligomers are mostly synthesized on automated synthesizers using solid phase synthesis technology, in which nucleoside or amino acid monomers are added sequentially until the desired full-length sequence is reached. The additions cannot be complete, which generates truncated undesired failure sequences. For almost all applications, these impurities must be removed. The most widely used method is HPLC. However, the method is slow, expensive, labor-intensive, not amendable for automation, difficult to scale up, and unsuitable for high throughput purification. It needs large capital investment, and consumes large volumes of harmful solvents. The purification costs are estimated to be more than 50% of total production costs. Other methods for bio-oligomer purification also have drawbacks, and are less favored than HPLC for most applications. To overcome the problems of known biopolymer purification technologies, we have developed two non-chromatographic purification methods. They are (1) catching failure sequences by polymerization, and (2) catching full-length sequences by polymerization. In the first method, a polymerizable group is attached to the failure sequences of the bio-oligomers during automated synthesis; purification is achieved by simply polymerizing the failure sequences into an insoluble gel and extracting full-length sequences. In the second method, a polymerizable group is attached to the full-length sequences, which are then incorporated into a polymer; impurities are removed by washing, and pure product is cleaved from polymer. These methods do not need chromatography, and all drawbacks of HPLC no longer exist. Using them, purification is achieved by simple manipulations such as shaking and extraction. Therefore, they are suitable for large scale purification of oligonucleotide and peptide drugs, and also ideal for high throughput purification, which currently has a high demand for research projects involving total gene synthesis. The dissertation will present the details about the development of the techniques. Chapter 1 will make an introduction to oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs), their synthesis and purification. Chapter 2 will describe the detailed studies of using the catching failure sequences by polymerization method to purify ODNs. Chapter 3 will describe the further optimization of the catching failure sequences by polymerization ODN purification technology to the level of practical use. Chapter 4 will present using the catching full-length sequence by polymerization method for ODN purification using acid-cleavable linker. Chapter 5 will make an introduction to peptides, their synthesis and purification. Chapter 6 will describe the studies using the catching full-length sequence by polymerization method for peptide purification.


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Large quantities of pure synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) are important for preclinical research, drug development, and biological studies. These ODNs are synthesized on an automated synthesizer. It is inevitable that the crude ODN product contains failure sequences which are not easily removed because they have the same properties as the full length ODNs. Current ODN purification methods such as polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP HPLC), anion exchange HPLC, and affinity purification can remove those impurities. However, they are not suitable for large scale purification due to the expensive aspects associated with instrumentation, solvent demand, and high labor costs. To solve these problems, two non-chromatographic ODN purification methods have been developed. In the first method, the full-length ODN was tagged with the phosphoramidite containing a methacrylamide group and a cleavable linker while the failure sequences were not. The full-length ODN was incorporated into a polymer through radical acrylamide polymerization whereas failure sequences and other impurities were removed by washing. Pure full-length ODN was obtained by cleaving it from the polymer. In the second method, the failure sequences were capped by a methacrylated phosphoramidite in each synthetic cycle. During purification, the failure sequences were separated from the full-length ODN by radical acrylamide polymerization. The full-length ODN was obtained via water extraction. For both methods, excellent purification yields were achieved and the purity of ODNs was very satisfactory. Thus, this new technology is expected to be beneficial for large scale ODN purification.


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At present copper sulfide ores are recovered by pyrometallurgical processes. While the recovery of cop­per from sulfide ores by hydrometallurgical means has long been considered attractive, the impurities, low re­covery and mechanical difficulties have kept this process from becoming commercial.


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Cobalt, as well as copper, cadmium, and other impurities, is removed by selective precipitation with zinc during the zinc electrolyte purification cycle, and the purification residue may be treated by a Cadmium Plant for the recovery of cadmium.


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Vorlanite (CaU6+)O4 Fm3̄m, a = 5.3647(9) Å, V = 154.40(4) Å3, Z = 2 was found in larnite pyrometamorphic rocks of the Hatrurim formation at the Jabel Harmun locality, Judean Desert, Palestinian Autonomy. Vorlanite crystals from these larnite rocks are dark-gray with greenish hue in transmitted light. This color in transmitted light is in contrast to dark-red vorlanite Fm3̄m, a = 5.3813(2) Å, V = 155.834(10)Å3, Z = 2 from the type locality Upper Chegem caldera, Northern Caucasus. Heating above 750 °C of dark-gray vorlanite from the Jabel Harmun, as well as dark-red vorlanite from Caucasus, led to formation of yellow trigonal uranate CaUO4. The unusual color of vorlanite from Jabel Harmun is assumed to be related to small impurities of tetravalent uranium.


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We assessed the suitability of the radiolanthanide 155 Tb (t1/2 = 5.32 days, Eγ = 87 keV (32%), 105 keV (25%)) in combination with variable tumor targeted biomolecules using preclinical SPECT imaging. Methods 155Tb was produced at ISOLDE (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland) by high-energy (~ 1.4 GeV) proton irradiation of a tantalum target followed by ionization and on-line mass separation. 155 Tb was separated from isobar and pseudo-isobar impurities by cation exchange chromatography. Four tumor targeting molecules – a somatostatin analog (DOTATATE), a minigastrin analog (MD), a folate derivative (cm09) and an anti-L1-CAM antibody (chCE7) – were radiolabeled with 155 Tb. Imaging studies were performed in nude mice bearing AR42J, cholecystokinin-2 receptor expressing A431, KB, IGROV-1 and SKOV-3ip tumor xenografts using a dedicated small-animal SPECT/CT scanner. Results The total yield of the two-step separation process of 155 Tb was 86%. 155 Tb was obtained in a physiological l-lactate solution suitable for direct labeling processes. The 155 Tb-labeled tumor targeted biomolecules were obtained at a reasonable specific activity and high purity (> 95%). 155 Tb gave high quality, high resolution tomographic images. SPECT/CT experiments allowed excellent visualization of AR42J and CCK-2 receptor-expressing A431 tumors xenografts in mice after injection of 155 Tb-DOTATATE and 155 Tb-MD, respectively. The relatively long physical half-life of 155 Tb matched in particular the biological half-lives of 155 Tb-cm09 and 155 Tb-DTPA-chCE7 allowing SPECT imaging of KB tumors, IGROV-1 and SKOV-3ip tumors even several days after administration. Conclusions The radiolanthanide 155 Tb may be of particular interest for low-dose SPECT prior to therapy with a therapeutic match such as the β--emitting radiolanthanides 177Lu, 161 Tb, 166Ho, and the pseudo-radiolanthanide 90Y.


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Correct estimation of the firn lock-in depth is essential for correctly linking gas and ice chronologies in ice core studies. Here, two approaches to constrain the firn depth evolution in Antarctica are presented over the last deglaciation: outputs of a firn densification model, and measurements of δ15N of N2 in air trapped in ice core, assuming that δ15N is only affected by gravitational fractionation in the firn column. Since the firn densification process is largely governed by surface temperature and accumulation rate, we have investigated four ice cores drilled in coastal (Berkner Island, BI, and James Ross Island, JRI) and semi-coastal (TALDICE and EPICA Dronning Maud Land, EDML) Antarctic regions. Combined with available ice core air-δ15N measurements from the EPICA Dome C (EDC) site, the studied regions encompass a large range of surface accumulation rates and temperature conditions. Our δ15N profiles reveal a heterogeneous response of the firn structure to glacial–interglacial climatic changes. While firn densification simulations correctly predict TALDICE δ15N variations, they systematically fail to capture the large millennial-scale δ15N variations measured at BI and the δ15N glacial levels measured at JRI and EDML – a mismatch previously reported for central East Antarctic ice cores. New constraints of the EDML gas–ice depth offset during the Laschamp event (~41 ka) and the last deglaciation do not favour the hypothesis of a large convective zone within the firn as the explanation of the glacial firn model–δ15N data mismatch for this site. While we could not conduct an in-depth study of the influence of impurities in snow for firnification from the existing datasets, our detailed comparison between the δ15N profiles and firn model simulations under different temperature and accumulation rate scenarios suggests that the role of accumulation rate may have been underestimated in the current description of firnification models.