871 resultados para hermeneutic dialectic circle


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A support ring of AISI 304L stainless steel that holds vertical, parallel wires arranged in a circle forming a cylinder is studied. The wires are attached to the ring with heat-induced shrinkage. When the ring is heated with a torch the heat affected zone tries to expand while the adjacent cool structure obstructs the expansion causing upsetting. During cooling, the ring shrinks smaller than its original size clamping the wires. The most important requirement for the ring is that it should be as round as possible and the deformations should occur as overall shrinkage in the ring diameter. A three-dimensional nonlinear transient sequential thermo-structural Abaqus model is used together with a Fortran code that enters the heat flux to each affected element. The local and overall deformations in one ring inflicted by the heating are studied with a small amount of inspection on residual stresses. A variety of different cases are chosen to be studied with the model constructed to provide directional knowledge; torch flux with the means of speed, location of the wires, heating location and structural factors. The decrease of heating speed increases heat flux that rises the temperature increasing shrinkage. In a single progressive heating uneven distribution of shrinkage appears to the start/end region that can be partially fixed with using speeded heating’s to strengthen the heating of that region. Location of the wires affect greatly to the caused shrinkage unlike heating location. The ring structure affects also greatly to the shrinkage; smaller diameter, bigger ring height, thinner thickness and greater number of wires increase shrinkage.


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The aim of the study and research questions: The aim of this study is to illuminate how caring communion can aid in promoting health as becoming in elderly people in the context of natural caring. The target group of the study consists of elderly citizens living at home. The focus of this thesis is on the concept of communion and how caring communion can affect the inner health resources in a patient’s inner health domain, as well as how caring communion can support health as becoming and inner health resources in the elderly. The main research questions of this study are the following: 1) what does communion mean? 2) what does caring communion mean? 3) what is the connection between caring communion and health? Theoretical perspective: The theoretical perspective of this qualitative study relies on the caritative caring theory as developed by scholars of caring sciences at the Åbo Academi University’s Vasa unit. The caritas motive is based on an ethos built on a consideration of togetherness, i.e. caring communion, a place where one feels at home and where one can be the person one was meant to be. Methodology: A hermeneutic research approach based on Gadamer (1997) permeates the study. This entails that understanding and interpretation become central. The study conducted in the thesis is divided into three sub-studies. Sub-study one and two are based on ontological determination whereas the third sub-study is carried out by contextual determination. The first sub-study is conducted by etymological and semantic analysis of the concept of communion (gemenskap) based on Koort (1975) and the second sub-study by determining the basic epistemological category of the concept based on Eriksson (2010b). Sub-study three is conducted through content analysis of 18 multidisciplinary and 13 caring science articles and dissertations based on Kvale (2009). The aim in the third sub-study is to define caring communions in various contexts of meaning based on Eriksson´s model of conceptual determination (2010b). All studies are interpreted through hermeneutic interpretation where the continuous movement from a part of a whole, to the whole, to part again, leads to new understanding. Finally, the findings from all the three sub-studies are compared to the concepts of pre-understanding and the inner-health-domain model of Wärnås (2002). Results: The results of the study offer a description of the dimensions of caring communion and a model that illuminates how caring communion can further health as becoming. The fundamentals of caring communion rest on the idea of a human being’s absolute right to dignity as a base for communion. The concept of communion contains a moral, an ethical, and a spiritual component. In communion, there exists a moral and ethical responsibility and a willingness to commit oneself. The individual is part of a connection or relation and knows the aim and course for the communion. A caring connection, a caring culture, a caring atmosphere and caring listening are characteristics of caring communion. In caring communion, the elderly feel trusting and see themselves as unique, powerful, and valuable. The model demonstrates that when the elderly are able to rest in caring communion, the virtues of courage and faith become strong and desire for life awaken within the elderly and health as becoming becomes possible. Conclusions: The outcome of the study is that all communion is not necessarily caring communion. In order for communion to be caring and for the elderly to achieve health as becoming, there are certain criteria that must be met. This is especially important when designing activities for the elderly in the context of natural caring.


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Aim. The aim of this study is to explore caritative features in business leadership in business leaders’ experiences to illustrate which caritative features are visible in business leadership. The study is based on a caring science perspective. The study aims to reframe the knowledge of caritative leadership by examining caritative features in business leadership for the purpose of increasing the understanding of caring science in a new context. Method. The material consists of four business leaders’ stories which were collected through a narrative interview. The stories have been interpreted using a phenomenological-hermeneutic method inspired by Paul Ricoeur. According to Ricoeur, stories always contain metaphors that tell us something other than the literal meaning. In other words, metaphors provide new descriptions of the world of experience. The method is used here to illuminate the business leaders’ meaning structures as a part of their world of experience, and to explain empirical phenomena and search for hidden meanings as well as to gain a new understanding. Results. According to the results, business leadership has a compassionate dimension and also caritative features which are visible in daily work. Compassionate business leadership consists of compassion, dignity and the existing workplace culture. The core values respect and trust enable the creation of compassionate leadership. In business leadership a targeted approach is always crucial but does not exclude compassion in leadership. To the contrary, the results of the study demonstrate that compassion in business leadership helps to strengthen and support a targeted approach in business. Caritative leadership theory is visible in business leadership through the leaders’ compassion, willingness to acknowledge the dignity of others and the pursuit of a healthy workplace culture. The conclusion of the study is that the humanistic motive (Eriksson 1995, 58), which is based on humanity and goodness, is at the centre of compassionate leadership.


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Postgraduate seminar series with a title Situational Awareness for Critical Infrastructure Protection held at the Department of Military Technology of the National Defence University in 2015. This book is a collection of some of talks that were presented in the seminar. The papers address designing inter-organizational situation awareness system, principles of designing for situation awareness, situation awareness in distributed teams, vulnerability analysis in a critical system context, tactical Command, Control, Communications, Computers, & Intelligence (C4I) systems, and improving situational awareness in the circle of trust. This set of papers tries to give some insight to current issues of the situation awareness for critical infrastructure protection. The seminar has always made a publication of the papers but this has been an internal publication of the Finnish Defence Forces and has not hindered publication of the papers in international conferences. Publication of these papers in peer reviewed conferences has indeed been always the goal of the seminar, since it teaches writing conference level papers. We still hope that an internal publication in the department series is useful to the Finnish Defence Forces by offering an easy access to these papers.


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The fundamental purpose of this research is to emphasise a founding entrepreneur’s own role in the construction of a successful business story, with the focus being on the analysis of the entrepreneur’s activities. The theoretical section sheds light on the heterogeneous nature of existing performance research and, thereby, opens the way for the behavioural approach research of entrepreneurs in the field of new venture performance research. This research can be seen to be in line with the latest trends in entrepreneurship research, which question the applicability of different organisational theories in entrepreneurship research. For this reason, the founding entrepreneur has been chosen, instead of the company, to be the unit of analysis in this research in order to lighten the link in question while developing and refining new knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship. The empirical section of this research focuses on the entrepreneur’s own actions or behaviours that can be seen to be associated with the company’s success. Although some of these actions may resemble the strategic actions of a company as defined in strategic management literature, these actions taken by the entrepreneur themselves must be distinguished from the different organisational actions. Usually, an entrepreneur makes decisions rather independently, mainly on basis of their own intuition and prevailing market conditions, whereas organisational actions are very systematic, and each decision involves many different people. For this reason, an entrepreneur’s actions must be distinguished from organisational actions. In additional to different action paths, the empirical data collected for this research also offers almost unambiguous proof that the actions taken by an entrepreneur at the different stages of a company’s development do play a crucial role in the success of the companies studied in this research. In this way, it is possible to identify a significant link between the behavioural approach research of entrepreneurs and new venture performance research. Due to a lack of behavioural research into founding entrepreneurs, this research has utilised a qualitative (hermeneutic) research approach. The researcher strove to establish a particularly close connection with the entrepreneurs that were studied here and, thus, understand the actions taken at the different stages of their companies’ development as well as the motives and fundamental purposes of these actions. It would not have been possible to manage such profound data that focuses on causalities by using quantitative methods. In addition to interviews, this research used corporate histories of the companies for collecting some of the research data. These corporate histories can be considered excellent tools for the researcher to obtain a preliminary understanding and can, thereby, be seen to have laid the ground for more in-depth and diverse analyses.


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Karl Popper versus Theodor Adorno: Lessons from a historical confrontation. In 1961, during the Congress of the German Society of Sociology, two great theoretical references of the XX century faced in a historical debate about the logic of the social sciences. In addition to methodological issues strict sense, the confrontation became known as a debate between positivism and dialectic. The article first deals with the theoretical trajectories of Popper and Adorno and the relation of their theories with their political and ideological certainties. On one hand, the trajectory of the Popperian epistemology is examined, its contributions and vigorous attacks on Marx in what he called 'poverty of historicism" and false predictive Marxist world, and, on the other hand, the role of Adorno in the Frankfurt School, his criticism of totalitarianism and the defense of a critical emancipatory reason. The article also deals with the confrontation itself, the exposure of Popper's twenty-seven theses that culminate with the situation logic and the method of the economy as exemplary for the social sciences and Adorno's critical perspective of sociology and society as non-separable objects. In conclusion we show how the articulation of theory with the weltanschauung of each author helps to clarify the terms of the debate and how the confrontation contributed unequivocally to the dynamics of scientific progress and for the critical history of the ideas.


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In the background of the thematic The Eldest – life is acquiring one finds both previews and myths. Wisdom belongs to these myths. The hermeneutical philosophy refers to thinking as o movement from myth to logos in a dialogical oneness. The research uncovers dimensions in the element wisdom as empowered. The experiences of older are saved for further learning and transformation to younger with reference to vulnerable situations where common regulations are no more usefull. The interest goes to an Eldest. The Eldest in the study is pictorial in accordance to the main literature in the study.The Eldest is etymological, fictive and symbolic: – a man who understands higher matters of life, even Gods holy matters. She will set the fulfillment of others as the highest endowment out of an innermost ethos and an innermost wisdom. The innermost is wisdom. The aim is to discover a meaningful message in life is acquiring. In order to see and to learn from the experiences the study aim to uncover the innermost, an innermost wisdom out of a caritative approach. This innermost is anticipated as a longing for unity and health in dayly matters and in a caring ability for the other. The main overstatement is: What will this most meaningfull and innermost by the Eldest out of a living in factual life mirrored in a caring perspective be? Two questions expired; what will the meaningful message in the acquiring be? What will the innermost wisdom in serving the good be? This message and its innermost wisdom will get an expanded meaning out of a caring sentence: Man who dare – seeing back with gratitude, seeing forward in confidence, seeing aside with love and upward in fate wear that dignity, that holiness and that mercy and empathy which belong to life in its basics. The persons attending the research are situated in two contexts. One group has roots in the Lutheran church and the other in a caring profession. The datamaterial is formed out of the usages from these persons, from the spoken (conversation) and the written word (a guestbook). The usages as particular and common are continually integrated in the leading caring sentence from the beginning of the study to the end. The usages stand by the methodological for the final message and wisdom and at the same they form the operative dimension in the study, the evident and the validity. The overarching methodological approach is in the hermeneutic philosophy in accordance with the abductive logic. The usages out of two research groups are most significant in this deductive, inductive and abductive strategy. The usages from the research groups are confronted with the caring sentence in dialogical spaces, halts. The meaning and the innermost searched for will be pictured through the abductive and hermeneutic interpretation and will stand for an articulation of and a successively expansion of meaning. A twine of horizons out of the entire dissemination, the deductive and the inductive, creates the result, as the final message as the ground for an understanding of an even more embracing meaning in an innermost wisdom. The identified bearing movement in the groups in accordance with the caring sentence goes for something higher, something higher than me, to the wellbeing of the other. A conclusion is made and a thesis is identified. This thesis is out from the usages: What can I do in a creating of this caritative? An antithesis is also identified, is a man able to look outside one own and go to something higher, something greater? The synthesis is articulated as a dialogical movement from something … to something higher. The bridge could be maturation, transcendence, the divine or wisdom. The statement finds its root in the attending groups but a difference is also identified. This higher matter is different. The contexts and their meaningfulness decide. A final statement is: learn to see man and her matters hold in life.


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D-luokan vahvistimien etu perinteisiin A- tai AB-luokan vahvistimiin nähden on niitten korkea hyötysuhde ja pieni koko. Lisäksi ne ovat edullisia ja niihin voidaan asentaa pienemmät jäähdytyslevyt kuin perinteisiin vahvistimiin korkean hyötysuhteen ansiosta. Tässä tutkimuksessa asennetaan Peavey Solo –kitaravahvistimen pääteasteena toimivan AB-luokan päätevahvistimen tilalle tehokkaampi ja uudempaa vahvistinluokkaa edustava D-luokan vahvistin. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään, miten D-luokan vahvistimella toteutettu kytkentä toimii verrattuna alkuperäiseen kytkentään tutkimalla kitaravahvistimelle tyypillisiä sähköisiä ominaisuuksia. Työ toteutetaan mittauksin. Koska työssä olevissa kytkennöissä on jännitteisiä osia, on siinä perehdyttävä sähköturvallisuuteen. D-luokan vahvistin asettaa tietyt sähkötekniset kestävyysvaatimukset kytkennän teholähteelle ja kaiutinelementille, jolloin työssä paneudutaan myös niiden valintaan. D-luokan vahvistimeen päivitetyn kytkennän tuottamat äänenpainetasot olivat valtaosassa mittauksia suuremmat kuin alkuperäisellä kytkennällä. Äänenpainetasojen mittaustilanteissa myös kuormalle syötetyt tehot olivat suuremmat päivitetyllä kytkennällä verrattuna alkuperäiseen. Suurin päivitetyn kytkennän kuorman teho 72,72 W saavutettiin, kun kaiutinelementin yli oli 24,12 V:n jännitteen tehollisarvo ja kuorman teho oli noin 36 kertaa suurempi kuin alkuperäisellä kytkennällä. D-luokan vahvistimen mitatut harmonisen särön arvot ovat huomattavasti pienempiä kuin alkuperäisellä vahvistimella. Muokkaamattoman vahvistimen mitatusta sähköisestä taajuusvasteeesta nähdään, että alkuperäinen vahvistin korostaa tiettyjä taajuuksia, kun D-luokan vahvistimen taajuusvaste on sen sijaan likimain tasainen. Akustinen taajuusvaste ei ole niin tasainen D-luokan vahvistimeen päivitetyllä kytkennällä kuin alkuperäisellä kytkennällä ja sillä on myös kapeampi taajuusalue. Jos päivitetyn kytkennän sointia haluttaisiin parantaa, pitäisi tutkia lisää akustiseen taajuusvasteeseen vaikuttavia asioita.


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For Kant's interpretation of Zeno in KrV A502-507/B530-535, scholars have usually referred to Plato's Phaedrus (261d); in reality the sources Kant uses are, on one hand, Brucker (who depends in turn on the pseudo-Aristotelian De Melisso, Xenophane, et Gorgia, 977 b 2-21), and, on the other, Plato's Parmenides (135e6-136b1) and Proclus' commentary on it, as quoted by Gassendi in a popular textbook he wrote on the history of logic.


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The overall aim of the study is to create a theory model of “becoming” as a human being and health care provider in the caring communion at the end-of-life. The theoretical perspective of the study is caring science as it is developed at Åbo Academy University in Finland outlined in Eriksson's theory of caritative caring with focus on caring ethics. The thesis consists of four sub-studies reported as scientific articles and a summary section. The study has an overarching hermeneutic research approach. The sub-studies I-IV are reinterpreted from viewpoint of the overall question. Empirical assumptions could then be discerned from the substance of the four substudies, which raised questions. The answers to these questions were sought in dialogue with selected texts by Kierkegaard and resulted in a theory model. The theory model results in following theses: 1. To “become” as a human being is to remain in an endless guilt. Guilt is a form of love. It is guilt that give strength and willingness to act in love and mercy when caring for patients at the end-of-life. The guilt as love allows becoming as a human being to be at home in love and mercy. 2. The human being’s courage is characterized as the willingness to obtain contact with the life of fellow human beings. This courage develops over time to stand for itself, with a foundation of belief in human beings, and resulting in a selfless, loving way to help the patients grieve and reconcile at the end-of-life. 3. To be “touched” can be illustrated as an inner awakening; an inner movement towards consciousness for the examination of the love for one another, and to love unselfishly. 4. The human being’s evolution in its own understanding of life occurs in the care of another human being who is at the end-of-life, as well as to be at home in ethos, love and mercy. Becoming in this context means that the human being evolves to become responsive to the heart's inner voice; an inner strength and joy which opens to the eternal and holy. 5. To overcome external obstacles is characterized as serving human beings in a selfless love; a caring in love that has requirements that need to be expressed by what is true, beautiful and good for patients at the end-of-life. An awareness and understanding of what it means to become as a human being and health care provider in caring community can help health care providers to easily focus on the patient.


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Competitividad y valor compartido


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This thesis poses two fundamental issues regarding Hegel's philosophy of intersubjectivity. Firstly, it examines Kojeve's problematic interpretation of Hegelian intersubjectivity as being solely rooted in the dialectic of lordship and bondage. It is my contention that Kojeve conflates the concepts of recognition {Anerkennung) with that of desire (Begierde), thereby reducing Hegel's philosophy of intersubjectivity to a violent reduction of the other to the same. This is so despite the plenary of examples Hegel uses to define intersubjectivity as the mutual (reciprocal) recognition between the self and the other. Secondly, it examines Hegel's use of Sophocles' Antigone to demonstrate the notion of the individual par excellence. I contend that Hegel's use of Antigone opens a new methodological framework through which to view his philosophy of intersubjectivity. It is Antigone that demonstrates the upheaval of an economy of exchange between the self and the other, whereby the alterity of the other transcends the self Ultimately, Hegel's philosophy of intersubjectivity must be reexamined, not only to dismiss Kojeve's problematic interpretation, but also to pose the possibility that Hegel's philosophy of intersubjectivity can viably account for a philosophy of the other that has a voice in contemporary philosophical debate.


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The phenomenon of communitas has been described as a moment 'in and out of time' in which a collective of individuals may be experienced by one as equal and individuated in an environment stripped of structural attributes (Turner, 1 969). In these moments, emotional bonds form and an experience of perceived 'oneness' and synergy may be described. As a result of the perceived value of these experiences, it has been suggested by Sharpe (2005) that more clearly understanding how this phenomenon may be purposefully facilitated would be beneficial for leisure service providers. Consequently, the purpose of this research endeavor was to examine the ways in which a particular leisure service provider systematically employs specific methods and sets specific parameters with the intention of guiding participants toward experiences associated with communitas or "shared spirit" as described by the organization. A qualitative case study taking a phenomenological approach was employed in order to capture the depth and complexity of both the phenomenon and the purposefiil negotiation of experiences in guiding participants toward this phenomenon. The means through which these experiences were intentionally facilitated was recreational music making in a group drumming context. As such, an organization which employs specific methods of rhythm circle facilitation as well as trains other facilitators all over the world was chosen purposely for their recognition as the most respectable and credible in this field. The specific facilitator was chosen based on high recommendation by the organization due to her level of experience and expertise. Two rhythm circles were held, and participants were chosen randomly by the facilitator. Data was collected through observation in the first circle and participant- observation in the second, as well as through focus groups with circle participants. Interviews with the facilitator were held both initially to gain broad understanding of concepts and phenomenon as well as after each circle to reflect on each circle specifically. Data was read repeatedly to drawn out patterns which emerged and were coded and organized accordingly. It was found that this specific process or system of implementation lead to experiences associated with communitas by participants. In order to more clearly understand this process and the ways in which experiences associated with communitas manifest as a result of deliberate facilitator actions, these objective facilitator actions were plotted along a continuum relating to subjective participant experiences. These findings were then linked to the literature with regards to specific characteristics of communitas. In so doing, the intentional manifestation of these experiences may be more clearly understood for ftiture facilitators in many contexts. Beyond this, findings summarized important considerations with regards to specific technical and communication competencies which were found to be essential to fostering these experiences for participants within each group. Findings surrounding the maintenance of a fluid negotiation of certain transition points within a group rhythm event overall were also highlighted, and this fluidity was found to be essential to the experience of absorption and engagement in the activity and experience. Emergent themes of structure, control, and consciousness have been presented as they manifested and were found to affect experiences within this study. Discussions surrounding the ethics and authenticity of these particular methods and their implementation has also been generated throughout. In conclusion, there was a breadth as well as depth of knowledge found in unpacking this complex process of guiding individuals toward experiences associated with communitas. The implications of these findings contribute in broadening the current theoretical as well as practical understanding as to how certain intentional parameters may be set and methods employed which may lead to experiences of communitas, and as well contribute a greater knowledge to conceptualizing the manifestation of these experiences when broken down.


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During the last 30 years Aboriginal peoples in Canada have made steady progress in reclaiming the responsibility for the education of their young people, especially in primary and secondary school. In comparison the education and or training of adult populations has not kept pace and many socioeconomic and sociocultural indicators demonstrate a ' , continued confinement of those populations to the margins of the dominant society of Canada. It is the adults, the mothers and the fathers, the grandmothers and grandfathers, the aunties and uncles that are the first teachers of the next generation and the nature of these relationships replicates the culture of unwellness in each subsequent generation through those teachers. There are few examples in the Aboriginal adult education literatures that give voice to the educational experience of the Learner. This study addresses that gap by exploring the perspectives embedded in the stories of a Circle of Learners who are, or were enrolled in the Bachelor of Education in Aboriginal Adult Education program at Brock University. That Circle of 1 participants included 9 women and 1 man, 6 of whom were from various i Anishinabek nations while 4 represented the Hotinonshd:ni nations in southern Ontario. They are an eclectic group, representing many professions, age groups, spiritual traditions, and backgrounds. This then is their story, the story of the heaming and Healing pedagogy and an expanded vision of Aboriginal education and research at Brock University.


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Abstract Many species of social insects have the ability to recognize their nestmates. In bees, sociality is maintained by bees that recognize which individuals should be helped and which should be hanned in order to maximize fitness (either inclusive or individual) (Hamilton 1964; Lin and Michener 1972). Since female bees generally lay eggs in a single nest, it is highly likely that bees found cohabitating in the same nest are siblings. According to the kin selection hypothesis, individuals should cooperate and avoid aggression with same sex nestmates (Hamilton 1964). However, in opposite sex pairs that are likely kin, aggression should increase among nestmates as an expression of inbreeding avoidance (Lihoreau et al. 2007). Female bees often guard nest entrances, recognizing and excluding foreign conspecific females that threaten to steal nest resources (Breed and Page 1991). Conversely, males that aggressively guard territories should avoid aggression towards other males that are likely kin (Shellman-Reeve and Gamboa 1984). In order to test whether Xy/ocopa virginica can distinguish nestmates from non-nestmates, circle tube testing arenas were used. Measures of aggression, cooperation and tolerance were evaluated to detennine the presence of nestmate recognition in this species. The results of this study indicate that male and female X virginica have the ability to distinguish nestmates from non-nestmates. Individuals in same sex pairs demonstrated increased pushing, biting, and C-posturing when faced with non-nestmates. Males in same sex pairs also attempted to pass (unsuccessfully) nOIl-nestmates more often than ncstmates, suggesting that this behaviour may be an cxpression of dominancc in males. Increased cooperation exemplified by successful passes was not observed among nestmates. However, incrcased tolerance in the [onn of head-to-head touching was observed for nestmates in female same sex and opposite sex pairs. These results supported the kin selection hypothesis. Moreover, increased tolerance among opposite sex non-nestmates suggested that X virginica do not demonstrate inbreeding avoidance among nestmates. 3 The second part of this study was conducted to establish the presence and extent of drifting, or travelling to different nests, in a Xylocopa virgillica population. Drifting in flying Hymenoptera is reported to be the result of navigation error and guard bees erroneously admitting novel individuals into the nest (Michener 1966). Since bees in this study were individually marked and captured at nest entrances, the locations where individuals were caught allowed me to determine where and how often bees travelled from nest to nest. Ifbees were captured near their home nests, changing nests may have been deliberate or explained by navigational error. However, ifbees were found in nests further away from their homes, this provides stronger evidence that flying towards a novel nest may have been deliberate. Female bees are often faithful to their own nests (Kasuya 1981) and no drifting was expected in female X virginica because they raise brood and contribute to nest maintenance activities. Contrary to females, males were not expected to remain faithful to a single nest. Results showed that many more females drifted than expected and that they were most often recaptured in a single nest, either their home nest or a novel nest. There were some females that were never caught in the same nest twice. In addition, females drifted to further nests when population density was low (in 2007), suggesting they seek out and claim nesting spaces when they are available. Males, as expected, showed the opposite pattern and most males drifted from nest to nest, never recaptured in the same location. This pattern indicates that males may be nesting wherever space is available, or nesting in benches nearest to their territories. This study reveals that both female and male X virginica are capable of nestmate recognition and use this ability in a dynamic environment, where nest membership is not as stable as once thought.