950 resultados para heavy metal pollution


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Los suelos ultramáficos, que poseen elevadas concentraciones de níquel, cobalto y cromo de manera natural, son fuente de bacterias resistentes a altas concentraciones de metales. Se realizó la caracterización físico-química de seis suelos ultramáficos del suroeste europeo, seleccionándose un suelo de la región de Gorro, Italia, como el más adecuado para aislar bacterias endosimbióticas resistentes a metales. A partir de plantas-trampa de guisante y lenteja inoculados con suspensiones de ese suelo, se obtuvieron 58 aislados de Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae (Rlv) que fueron clasificados en 13 grupos según análisis de PCR-RAPDs. Se determinó la resistencia a cationes metálicos [Ni(II), Co(II), Cu(II), Zn(II)] de una cepa representante de cada grupo, así como la secuencia de los genomas de las cepas que mostraron altos niveles (UPM1137 y UPM1280) y bajos niveles (UPM1131 y UPM1136) de tolerancia a metales. Para identificar mecanismos de resistencia a metales se realizó una mutagénesis al azar en dicha cepa mediante la inserción de un minitransposón. El análisis de 4313 transconjugantes permitió identificar 14 mutantes que mostraron una mayor sensibilidad a Ni(II) que la cepa silvestre. Se determinó el punto de inserción del minitransposón en todos ellos y se analizaron en más detalle dos de los mutantes (D2250 y D4239). En uno de los mutantes (D2250), el gen afectado codifica para una proteína que presenta un 44% de identidad con dmeF (divalent efflux protein) de Cupriavidus metallidurans. Cadena arriba de dmeF se identificó un gen que codifica una proteína con un 39% de identidad con el regulador RcnR de Escherichia coli. Se decidió nombrar a este sistema dmeRF, y se generó un mutante en ambos genes en la cepa Rlv SPF25 (Rlv D15). A partir de experimentos de análisis fenotípico y de regulación se pudo demostrar que el sistema dmeRF tiene un papel relevante en la resistencia a Ni(II) y sobre todo a Co(II) en células en vida libre y en simbiosis con plantas de guisante. Ambos genes forman un operón cuya expresión se induce en respuesta a la presencia de Ni(II) y Co(II). Este sistema se encuentra conservado en distintas especies del género Rhizobium como un mecanismo general de resistencia a níquel y cobalto. Otro de los mutantes identificados (D4239), tiene interrumpido un gen que codifica para un regulador transcripcional de la familia AraC. Aunque inicialmente fue identificado por su sensibilidad a níquel, experimentos posteriores demostraron que su elevada sensibilidad a metales era debida a su sensibilidad al medio TY, y más concretamente a la triptona presente en el medio. En otros medios de cultivo el mutante no está afectado específicamente en su tolerancia a metales. Este mutante presenta un fenotipo simbiótico inusual, siendo inefectivo en guisantes y efectivo en lentejas. Análisis de complementación y de mutagénesis dirigida sugieren que el fenotipo de la mutación podría depender de otros factores distintos del gen portador de la inserción del minitransposón. ABSTRACT Ultramafic soils, having naturally high concentrations of nickel, cobalt and chrome, are potential sources of highly metal-resistant bacteria. A physico-chemical characterization of six ultramafic soils from the European southwest was made. A soil from Gorro, Italy, was chosen as the most appropriated for the isolation of heavy-metal-resistant endosymbiotic bacteria. From pea and lentil trap plants inoculated with soil suspensions, 58 isolates of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae (Rlv) were obtained and classified into 13 groups based on PCR-RAPDs analysis. The resistance to metallic cations [Ni(II), Co(II), Cu(II), Zn(II)] was analyzed in a representative strain of each group. From the results obtained in the resistance assays, the Rlv UPM1137 strain was selected to identify metal resistance mechanism. A random mutagenesis was made in UPM1137 by using minitransposon insertion. Analysis of 4313 transconjugants allowed to identify 14 mutants with higher sensitivity to Ni(II) than the wild type strain. The insertion point of the minitransposon was determined in all of them, and two mutants (D2250 and D4239) were studied in more detail. In one of the mutants (D2250), the affected gene encodes a protein with 44% identity in compared with DmeF (divalent efflux protein) from Cupriavidus metallidurans. Upstream R. leguminosarum dmeF, a gene encoding a protein with 39% identity with RcnR regulator from E. coli was identified. This protein was named DmeR. A mutant with both genes in the dmeRF deleted was generated and characterized in Rlv SPF25 (Rlv D15). From phenotypic and regulation analysis it was concluded that the dmeRF system is relevant for Ni(II) and specially Co(II) tolerance in both free living and symbiotic forms of the bacteria. This system is conserved in different Rhizobium species like a general mechanism for nickel and cobalt resistance. Other of the identified mutants (D4239) contains the transposon insert on a gene that encodes for an AraC-like transcriptional regulator. Although initially this mutant was identified for its nickel sensitivity, futher experiments demonstrated that its high metal sensitivity is due to its sensitivity to the TY medium, specifically for the tryptone. In other media the mutant is not affected specifically in their tolerance to metals. This mutant showed an unusual symbiotic phenotype, being ineffective in pea and effective in lentil. Complementation analysis and directed mutagenesis suggest that the mutation phenotype could depend of other factors different from the insertion minitransposon gene.


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A collection of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae strains isolated from ultramafic and contaminated soils in Italy and Germany, respectively, was analyzed for resistance to nickel and cobalt ions. These assays led to the identification of strain UPM1137, which is able to grow at high concentrations of nickel and cobalt. In order to identify genetic systems involved in the homeostasis to these metals, a random mutagenesis was carried out in UPM1137 by inserting a Tn5-derivative minitransposon. As a result 4313 transconjugants were obtained, being 39 of them (0.90%) unable to grow at 1.5 mM NiCl2. The identification of the transposon insertion site in these mutants showed that the disrupted genes encode proteins belonging to different functional categories, where the secreted and membrane proteins were the most numerous. The analysis of heavy metal resistance and phenotypes in symbiotic and free –living cells will define the contribution of these genes to metal homeostasis.


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Esta tesis presenta los resultados de la investigación realizada sobre la inertización de cenizas volantes procedentes de residuos sólidos urbanos y su posterior encapsulación en distintas matrices de mortero. Durante el proceso de inertización, se ha logrado la inertización de éste residuo tóxico y peligroso (RTP) y también su valorización como subproducto. De esta forma se dispone de nueva “materia prima” a bajo coste y la eliminación de un residuo tóxico y peligroso con la consiguiente conservación de recursos naturales alternativos. La caracterización química de las cenizas analizadas refleja que éstas presentan altas concentraciones de cloruros, Zn y Pb. Durante la investigación se ha desarrollado un proceso de inertización de las cenizas volantes con bicarbonato sódico (NaHCO3) que reduce en un 99% el contenido en cloruros y mantiene el pH en valores óptimos para que la concentración de los metales pesados en el lixiviado sea mínima debido a su estabilización en forma de carbonatos insolubles. Se han elaborado morteros con cuatro tipos distintos de cementos (CEM-I, CEM-II, CAC y CSA) incorporando cenizas volantes inertizadas en una proporción igual a un 10% en peso del árido utilizado. Los morteros ensayados abarcan distintas dosificaciones tanto en la utilización de áridos con distintos diámetros (0/2 y 0/4), como en la relación cemento/árido (1/1 y 1/3). Se han obtenido las propiedades físicas y mecánicas de estos morteros mediante ensayos de Trabajabilidad, Estabilidad Dimensional, Carbonatación, Porosidad y Resistencias Mecánicas. De igual forma, se presentan resultados de ensayos de lixiviación de Zn, Pb, Cu y Cd, sobre probetas monolíticas de los morteros con los mejores comportamientos físico/mecánicos, donde se ha analizado el contenido en iones de dichos metales pesados lixiviados mediante determinación voltamperométrica de redisolución anódica Se concluye que todos los morteros ensayados son técnicamente aceptables, siendo los más favorables los elaborados con Cemento de Sulfoaluminato de Calcio (CSA) y con Cemento de Aluminato de Calcio (CAC). En este último caso, se mejoran las resistencias a compresión de los morteros de referencia en más de un 48%, y las resistencias a flexión en más de un 67%. De igual forma, los ensayos de lixiviado revelan la completa encapsulación de los iones de Zn y la mitigación en el lixiviado de los iones de Pb. Ambos morteros podrían ser perfectamente validos en actuaciones en las que se necesitase un producto de fraguado rápido, altas resistencias iniciales y compensación de las retracciones con una elevada estabilidad dimensional. En base a esto, el material podría ser utilizado como mortero de reparación en viales y pavimentos que requiriesen altas prestaciones, tales como: soleras industriales, pistas de aterrizaje, aparcamientos, etc. O bien, para la confección de elementos prefabricados sin armaduras estructurales, dada su elevada resistencia a flexión. ABSTRACT This dissertation presents the results of a research on inerting fly ash from urban solid waste and its subsequent encapsulation in mortar matrixes. The inerting of this hazardous toxic waste, as well as its valorization as a by-product has been achieved. In this way, a new "raw material" is available through a simple process and the toxic and hazardous waste is eliminated, and consequently, conservation of alternative natural resources is strengthened. Chemical analysis of the ashes analyzed shows high concentrations of soluble chlorides, Zn and Pb. An inerting process of fly ash with sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) has been developed which reduces 99% the content of chlorides and maintains pH at optimal values, so that the concentration of heavy metals in the leachate is minimum, due to its stabilization in the form of insoluble carbonates. Mortars with four different types of cements (CEM-I, CEM-II, CAC and CSA) have been developed by the addition of inertized fly ash in the form of carbonates, in the proportion of 10% in weight of the aggregates used. The samples tested include different proportions in the use of aggregates with different sizes (0/2 and 0/4), and in the cement/aggregate ratio (1/1 and 1/3). Physical/mechanical properties of these mortars have been studied through workability, dimensional stability, carbonation, porosity and mechanic strength tests. Leaching tests of Zn, Pb, Cu and Cd ions are also being performed on monolithic samples of the best behavioral mortars. The content in leachated heavy metal ions is being analyzed through stripping voltammetry determination. Conclusions drawn are that the tested CAC and CSA cement mortars present much better behavior than those of CEM-I and CEM-II cement. The results are especially remarkable for the CAC cement mortars, improving reference mortars compression strengths in more than 48%, and also bending strengths in more than 67%. Leaching tests confirm that the encapsulation of Zn and Pb is achieved and leachate of both ions is mitigated within the mortar matrixes. For the above stated reasons, it might be concluded that mortars made with calcium aluminate cements or calcium sulfoaluminate with the incorporation of treated fly ash, may be perfectly valid for uses in which a fast-curing product, with high initial strength and drying shrinkage compensation with a high dimensional stability is required. Based on this, the material could be used as repair mortar for structures, roads and industrial pavements requiring high performance, such as: industrial floorings, landing tracks, parking lots, etc. Alternatively, it could also be used in the manufacture of prefabricated elements without structural reinforcement, given its high bending strength.


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Biochar can provide multiple benefits in the ecosystem. However, the presence of phytotoxic compounds in some biochars is an important concern that needs to be addressed and that depends on the raw material and the pyrolysis conditions used in biochar production. For example, sewage sludge biochars can have elevated heavy metal con- tents as they were present in the feedstock and were enriched during pyrolysis. Also during carbonization, some phytotoxic compounds such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polyphenols or volatile organic com- pounds (VOCs) could be formed representing a risk of contamination to soils and crops. In this work we report the results from seed germination and plant development for three biochars prepared from wood, paper sludge plus wheat husks and sewage sludge. Five higher plant species (cress, lentils, cucumber, tomato and lettuce) were studied. Biochar from wood shows seed inhibition in several species and the paper sludge biochar on lettuce. For the rest, the effect on seed germination was positive. No inhibition of root growth was detected, but in some cases leaves and stems growth were inhibited. Our results are significant in terms of advancing or current understanding on the impacts of biochar on vegetative growth and linking those effects to biochar properties.


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Zeolites constitute one of the less common groups of tectosilicates. Zeoli1es with pores between -2 to 10 A in their structures have strong sorption capacity and are widely used in industrial and municipal operations to eliminate toxic substances. One of the major environmental problems in the mining activity is the treating of acid mine drainage. In this context, it is very important to search alternatives to manage this challenge. One feasible alternative is using zeolitic tuffs. The results of the physical-chemical characterization of zeolitic tuffs are the c1ue lo continue or not with deeper analysis and tests 01 acid mine drainage treatments. The guidelines to reach this purpose are the main goal of this work. Zeolite 1uff samples (named as XB_01 and XB_02) studied in this work were laken rn the Late Cretaceous Coastal Cayo Arch Ecuador, specifically in the Guaraguao River, showing the most important characteristics of heulandite zeolitic tuffs. X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) tests were developed in order to confirm that the samples belong to the heulandite-type zeoli1ic tuffs. Additionally, Thermogravimetric analysis (TG), Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) of the samples was necessary in order to define the Si/Al ratio and the main mineralogical phases. The XB_01 sample shows a higher ratio Si/Al than XB_02 sample. The cation exchange capacity est was the fundamental step to define the potentiality of the zeolite to use in acid mine drainage treatment Three methodologies were employed to determine the cation exchange capacity. The Cuban standard 626 and the ammonium exchange methodologies reflect results more consistent with each other. This is the starting point to continue with deeper studies such as breakthrough curves for heavy metal ions found in acid mine waters.


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Incubation of Na/K-ATPase with ascorbate plus H2O2 produces specific cleavage of the α subunit. Five fragments with intact C termini and complementary fragments with intact N termini were observed. The β subunit is not cleaved. Cleavages depend on the presence of contaminant or added Fe2+ ions, as inferred by suppression of cleavages with nonspecific metal complexants (histidine, EDTA, phenanthroline) or the Fe3+-specific complexant desferrioxamine, or acceleration of cleavages by addition of low concentrations of Fe2+ but not of other heavy metal ions. Na/K-ATPase is inactivated in addition to cleavage, and both effects are insensitive to OH⋅ radical scavengers. Cleavages are sensitive to conformation. In low ionic strength media (E2) or media containing Rb ions [E2(Rb)], cleavage is much faster than in high ionic strength media (E1) or media containing Na ions (E1Na). N-terminal fragments and two C-terminal fragments (N-terminals E214 and V712) have been identified by amino acid sequencing. Approximate positions of other cleavages were determined with specific antibodies. The results suggest that Fe2+ (or Fe3+) ions bind with high affinity at the cytoplasmic surface and catalyze cleavages of peptide bonds close to the Fe2+ (or Fe3+) ion. Thus, cleavage patterns can provide information on spatial organization of the polypeptide chain. We propose that highly conserved regions of the α subunit, within the minor and major cytoplasmic loops, interact in the E2 or E2(Rb) conformations but move apart in the E1 or E1Na conformations. We discuss implications of domain interactions for the energy transduction mechanism. Fe-catalyzed cleavages may be applicable to other P-type pumps or membrane proteins.