984 resultados para group B streptococci
Pharyngotonsillitis by beta-hemolytic Streptococcus mostly affects children and imunocompromissed, being Streptococcus pyogenes (Group A) the most common agent in bacterial pharyngotonsillitis. Aim: This work targeted the research of beta-hemolytic Streptococcus Group-A (SBHGA) and No-A (SBHGNA) in the oropharynx of individuals with special health needs from the APAE (Maceio-AL). Method: A prospective study with oropharynx samples from patients with Down syndrome and other mental disorders (test) and students from a private school (control) aged 5-15 years. Cultures in blood agar (5%) were identified through Gram/catalase tests and bacitracin/trirnethoprim-sulfamethoxazole disk diffusion method, applying the chi-squared statistical analysis. Results: A total of 222 bacterial colonies were isolated in 74 individuals from APAE and 65 in the control group. In the test group, previous episodes of pharyngotonsillitis were reported by 36.49% (27/74) and 9.46% (7/74) were diagnosed with symptoms and/or signs suggestive of oropharynx infection. No positive sample of S. pyogenes was confirmed at APAE, being all samples classified as SBHGNA, with 5 SBHGA in the control group. Conclusion: The early identification of beta-hemolytic Streptococcus is important for the fast treatment of pharyngotonsillitis and the absence of S. pyogenes avoid future suppurative or not-suppurative sequels in the group from APAE.
Purpose Patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and FLT3/internal tandem duplication (FLT3/ITD) have poor prognosis if treated with chemotherapy only. Whether this alteration also affects outcome after allogeneic hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation (HSCT) remains uncertain. Patients and Methods We analyzed 206 patients who underwent HLA-identical sibling and matched unrelated HSCTs reported to the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation with a diagnosis of AML with normal cytogenetics and data on FLT3/ITD (present: n = 120, 58%; absent: n = 86, 42%). Transplantations were performed in first complete remission (CR) after myeloablative conditioning. Results Compared with FLT3/ITD-negative patients, FLT3/ITD-positive patients had higher median leukocyte count at diagnosis (59 v 21 x 10(9)/L; P < .001) and shorter interval from CR to transplantation (87 v 99 days; P = .04). Other characteristics were similar in the two groups. At 2 years, relapse incidence (RI; +/- standard deviation) was higher (30% +/- 5% v 16% +/- 5%; P = .006) and leukemia-free survival (LFS) lower (58% +/- 5% v 71% +/- 6%; P = .04) in FLT3/ITD-positive compared with FLT3/ITD-negative patients. In multivariate analyses, FLT3/ITD led to increased RI (hazard ratio [HR], 3.4; 95% CI, 1.46 to 7.94; P = .005), as did older age, female sex, shorter interval between CR and transplantation, and higher number of chemotherapy courses before achieving CR. FLT3/ITD positivity was associated with decreased LFS (HR, 0.37; 95% CI, 0.19 to 0.73; P = .002), along with older age and higher number of chemotherapy courses before achieving CR. Conclusion FLT3/ITD adversely affected the outcome of HSCT in the same direction it does after chemotherapy; despite this, more than half of the patients harboring this mutation who received transplants were alive and leukemia free at 2 years. To further improve the results, use of FLT3 inhibitors before or after HSCT deserves investigation.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess the subjective visual vertical in patients with bilateral vestibular dysfunction and to propose a new method to analyze subjective visual vertical data in these patients. METHODS: Static subjective visual vertical tests were performed in 40 subjects split into two groups. Group A consisted of 20 healthy volunteers, and Group B consisted of 20 patients with bilateral vestibular dysfunction. Each patient performed six measurements of the subjective visual vertical test, and the mean values were calculated and analyzed. RESULTS: Analyses of the numerical values of subjective visual vertical deviations (the conventional method of analysis) showed that the mean deviation was 0.326 +/- 1.13 degrees in Group A and 0.301 +/- 1.87 degrees in Group B. However, by analyzing the absolute values of the subjective visual vertical (the new method of analysis proposed), the mean deviation became 1.35 +/- 0.48 degrees in Group A and 2.152 +/- 0.93 degrees in Group B. The difference in subjective visual vertical deviations between groups was statistically significant (p < 0.05) only when the absolute values and the range of deviations were considered. CONCLUSION: An analysis of the absolute values of the subjective visual vertical more accurately reflected the visual vertical misperception in patients with bilateral vestibular dysfunction.
Background: Arterial hypertension is an important risk factor for Lower-Limb Occlusive Arterial Disease (LLOAD). However, the correlation between blood pressure and pulse pressure (PP) with LLOAD severity and functional impairment resulting from this disease is not well established in the Brazilian population. Objective: To verify whether there is a correlation between blood pressure, PP, LLOAD severity and functional capacity in patients with symptomatic LLOAD. Methods: A total of 65 patients (62.2 + 8.1 years, 56.9% males) were evaluated. They were divided into two groups: normal (A) and high (B) blood pressure. LLOAD severity was assessed using the ankle-brachial index (ABI) and functional capacity by the total and pain-free walking distance at the 6-minute walking test (6MWT). Results: Group A consisted of 17 (26.1%) patients. The systolic (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), and PP were, respectively, 125.4 +/- 11.7, 74.5 +/- 9.1 and 50.9 +/- 10.0 mmHg in group A and 160.7 +/- 19.6, 90.0 +/- 12.2 and 70.7 +/- 20.2 mmHg in group B. The ABI was significantly lower in group B (0.66 +/- 0.12 vs. 0.57 +/- 0.13, p < 0.05). SBP and PP correlated with LLOAD severity and the distances walked at the 6MWT. Patients with PP > 40 mmHg walked shorter distances. Conclusion: SBP and PP significantly correlated with the distances walked in the 6MWT, suggesting they are clinical markers of functional capacity impairment in patients with symptomatic LLOAD. (Arq Bras Cardiol 2012; 98(2): 161-166)
O hipotireoidismo primário adquirido é uma endocrinopatia frequentemente diagnosticada na espécie canina. A terapia consiste na suplementação oral com levotiroxina sódica (L-tiroxina), no entanto vários protocolos terapêuticos têm sido propostos pela literatura, com doses variando 11 a 44µg/kg uma a duas vezes ao dia, visto à grande variabilidade de absorção e meia-vida plasmática do fármaco. Foram estudados 30 cães com hipotiroidismo primário adquirido (13 machos e 17 fêmeas, idade média de 7,9±1,9 anos e peso médio de 19,1±12,6 kg) atendidos no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Guarulhos (UnG) e no Serviço de Endocrinologia de duas clínicas particulares da cidade de São Paulo (2009-2011), com o objetivo de avaliar a posologia e a frequência de administração da L-tiroxina, mais frequentemente utilizada, capaz de garantir um controle terapêutico satisfatório, avaliado através dos sinais clínicos e do teste pós-tiroxina, além de correlacionar a dose de tiroxina empregada com o peso dos animais. A dose média de tiroxina utilizada em nossa casuística foi de 16,9±3,1µg/kg, sendo a frequência de administração a cada 12 horas em 50% dos casos. Para se investigar uma possível correlação entre o peso e a dosagem de tiroxina utilizada, uma vez que cães de pequeno porte apresentam maior taxa metabólica que cães de grande porte, os animais foram agrupados em grupo A, cães com peso <10 Kg (n=12/30; 7,7±2,1 kg) e grupo B, cães com peso >10 kg (n=18/30, 26,8±10,7 kg). A dose média de tiroxina empregada nos grupos A e B não apresentaram diferença estatística e foram, respectivamente, 16±3µg/kg e 17±3µg/kg. A frequência de administração foi 50% a cada 24 horas e 50% a cada 12 horas para ambos os grupos. Dessa forma, a dose de tiroxina não parece se correlacionar com o peso do animal, sendo imprevisível quem deverá receber dose e frequência máxima da medicação. O protocolo deve ser individualizado e o paciente devidamente monitorado.
PURPOSE: To investigate the effect of lovastatin on renal ischemia followed by reperfusion. METHODS: Thirty one Wistar rats submitted to left renal ischemia for 60 minutes followed by contralateral nephrectomy were divided into two groups: A (n = 17, control, no treatment), and B (n = 14, lovastatin 15 mg/kg/day p.o. ten days before ischemia). The animals were sacrificed at the end of ischemia, after 24 hours and at seven days after reperfusion. Survival, serum urea and creatinine levels and renal mitochondrial function were evaluated. RESULTS: Mortality was 29.4% in group A and 0.7% in group B. Urea and creatinine levels were increased in both groups, but the values were significantly lower in group B. Mitochondrial function showed decoupling in 83.4% of group A, as opposed to 38.4/% of group B. CONCLUSIONS: The result shows a protective action of renal function by lovastatin administered before ischemia/reperfusion. Since most of the mitochondrial fraction presented membranes with the ability to maintain ATP production in group B, stabilization of the mitochondrial membrane should be considered as part of the protective action of lovastatin on renal function in ischemia/reperfusion.
Purpose: This study compared the maintenance of tightening torque in different retention screw types of implant-supported crowns. Materials and Methods: Twelve metallic crowns in UCLA abutments cast with cobalt-chromium alloy were attached to external hexagon osseointegrated implants with different retention screws: group A: titanium alloy retention screw; group B: gold alloy retention screw with gold coating; group C: titanium alloy retention screw with diamond-like carbon film coating; and group D: titanium alloy retention screw with aluminum titanium nitride coating. Three detorque measurements were obtained after torque insertion in each replica. Data were evaluated by analysis of variance (ANOVA), Tukey's test (P < 0.05), and t test (P < 0.05). Results: Detorque value reduced in all groups (P < 0.05). Group A retained the highest percentage of torque in comparison with the other groups (P < 0.05). Groups B and D retained the lowest percentage of torque without statistically significant difference between them (P < 0.05). Conclusions: All screw types exhibited reduction in the detorque value. The titanium screw maintained the highest percentage of torque whereas the gold-coated screw and the titanium screw with aluminum titanium nitride coating retained the lowest percentage. (Implant Dent 2012;21:46-50)
PURPOSE. Adequate passive-fitting of one-piece cast 3-element implant-supported frameworks is hard to achieve. This short communication aims to present an alternative method for section of one-piece cast frameworks and for casting implant-supported frameworks. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Three-unit implant-supported nickel-chromium (Ni-Cr) frameworks were tested for vertical misfit (n = 6). The frameworks were cast as one-piece (Group A) and later transversally sectioned through a diagonal axis (Group B) and compared to frameworks that were cast diagonally separated (Group C). All separated frameworks were laser welded. Only one side of the frameworks was screwed. RESULTS. The results on the tightened side were significantly lower in Group C (6.43 +/- 3.24 mu m) when compared to Groups A (16.50 +/- 7.55 mu m) and B (16.27 +/- 1.71 mu m) (P<.05). On the opposite side, the diagonal section of the one-piece castings for laser welding showed significant improvement in the levels of misfit of the frameworks (Group A, 58.66 +/- 14.30 mu m; Group B, 39.4.8 +/- 12.03 mu m; Group C, 23.13 +/- 8.24 mu m) (P<.05). CONCLUSION. Casting diagonally sectioned frameworks lowers the misfit levels. Lower misfit levels for the frameworks can be achieved by diagonally sectioning one-piece frameworks. [J Adv Prosthodont 2012;4:89-92]
Objective. The objective of this study was to evaluate the immunolocalization of bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP-2) after autogenous block grafting covered or not with an e-PTFE membrane. Study Design. Forty-eight rats were divided into 2 groups, autogenous block graft (B) and autogenous block graft + e-PTFE membrane (MB), and were evaluated by immunohistochemistry at baseline and 3, 7, 14, 21, and 45 days. Results. The largest number of positive cells in the recipient bed was observed after 3 days in both groups. At the graft border, the largest number of positive cells was seen after 7 days in group B and after 14 days in group MB. The highest proportion of staining in the graft was observed after 3 days in group B and after 21 days in group MB. Conclusions. High proportions of stain were related to intense revascularization and osteogenesis. Except for the interface, BMP-2 staining occurred later in group MB than in group B in all structures analyzed. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2012;113:533-541)
Distances walked in walking tests are important functional markers, although they are not accepted as defining characteristics of Ineffective Peripheral Tissue Perfusion. The aims of this study were to verify the distances participants with and without this nursing diagnosis walked in the six-minute walk test and if these measures may be considered defining characteristics of this phenomenon. Participants with (group A; n=65) and without (group B; n=17) this nursing diagnosis were evaluated regarding physical examination, vascular function and functional capacity. Participants of group A seemed to have worse vascular function and functional capacity compared with those of group B. Pain-free travelled distance was predictive of the nursing diagnosis. These results are important for the refinement of this diagnosis. In conclusion, this study provides evidences that the distances walked in the six-minute walk test may be considered defining characteristics of Ineffective Peripheral Tissue Perfusion.
Objective: To assess the sexual activity of patients with ankylosing spondylitis, correlating it with disease activity and functional indices. Patients and methods: Thirty-two patients with ankylosing spondylitis and 32 healthy controls were assessed regarding pain, fatigue, sexual activity (by use of pictures of seven sexual positions), disease activity (by use of Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index - BASDAI), and functional capacity (by use of Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index - BASFI). After the interview, the patients were divided into two groups: group A (with sexual activity) and group B (no sexual activity). Results: Group B showed statistical association with longer disease duration (P = 0.01), and higher BASFI (P = 0.0007) and BASDAI (P = 0.03) scores. No correlation was observed between age and functional capacity. Man lying on his back and woman on top was the most frequent, enjoyable and least painful position. The position with the woman on her back and a man lying on top was the least chosen. Control individuals reported a higher frequency of sexual activity, longer duration of intercourse, and less pain and fatigue; the reported frequency of orgasms, however, was similar in both groups. Conclusion: The chronic nature of ankylosing spondylitis, with poor functional capacity and higher disease activity, interferes with sexual intercourse. When sexual activity was possible, orgasm and sexual satisfaction did not differ from those of healthy controls.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the platelet count, coagulation time and platelet activity in dogs experimentally infected with Rangelia vitalii during the acute phase of the disease. For this study, 12 young dogs (females) were used, separated in two groups. Group A (uninfected control) was composed by healthy dogs (n=5), and group B consisted of R. vitalii-infected animals (n=7). After being inoculated with R. vitalii-infected blood, animals were monitored by blood smear examinations, which showed intra-erythrocytic forms of the parasite five days post-inoculation (PI). Blood samples were collected on days 0, 10, 20 and 30 PI. The material collected was placed in tubes containing EDTA for quantification of platelets, citrate anticoagulant platelet aggregation, and measuring the clotting time. Right after blood collection on days 10 and 20 PI, dogs were anesthetized for collecting bone marrow samples. A significant reduction (P<0.01) of the number of platelets was observed in R. vitalii-infected blood, when compared with uninfected dogs on days 10 and 20 PI. Additionally, macro-platelets were observed only in infected dogs. Prothrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time did not differ between infected and uninfected dogs. The megakaryocyte count increased (P<0.01) significantly in infected dogs when compared with uninfected ones on days 10 and 20 PI. Platelet aggregation decreased (P<0.01) significantly in infected dogs in comparison to the control on days 10 and 20 PI. Therefore, rangeliosis in dogs causes a severe thrombocytopenia during the acute phase of infection. This platelets reduction probably occurred due to splenic sequestration and/or immune-mediated thrombocytopenia. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Introduction: The aim of this study was to assess the effect of nitrogen ion implantation on the flexibility of rotary nickel-titanium (NiTi) instruments as measured by the load required to bend implanted and nonimplanted instruments at a 30 degrees angle. Methods: Thirty K3 files, size #40, 0.02 taper and 25-mm length, were allocated into 2 groups as follows: group A, 15 files exposed to nitrogen ion implantation at a dose of 2.5 x 10(17) ions/cm(2), voltage 200 KeV, current density 1 mu A/cm(2), temperature 130 degrees C, and vacuum conditions of 10 x 10(-6) mm Hg for 6 hours; and group B, 15 nonimplanted files. One extra file was used for process control. All instruments were subjected to bend testing on a modified troptometer, with measurement of the load required for flexure to an angle of 30 degrees. The Mann-Whitney U test was used for statistical analysis. Findings with P <.05 were considered significant. Results: The mean load required to bend instruments at a 30 degrees angle was 376.26 g for implanted instruments and 383.78 g for nonimplanted instruments. The difference was not statistically significant. Conclusions: Our findings show that nitrogen ion implantation has no appreciable effect on the flexibility of NiTi instruments. (J Endod 2012;38:673-675)
The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of Er:YAG laser pulse repetition rate on the thermal alterations occurring during laser ablation of sound and demineralized primary dentin. The morphological changes at the lased areas were examined by scanning electronic microscopy (SEM). To this end, 60 fragments of 30 sound primary molars were selected and randomly assigned to two groups (n = 30); namely A sound dentin (control) and B demineralized dentin. Each group was divided into three subgroups (n = 10) according to the employed laser frequencies: I4 Hz; II6 Hz, and III10 Hz. Specimens in group B were submitted to a pH-cycling regimen for 21 consecutive days. The irradiation was performed with a 250 mJ pulse energy in the noncontact and focused mode, in the presence of a fine water mist at 1.5 mL/min, for 15 s. The measured temperature was recorded by type K thermocouples adapted to the dentin wall relative to the pulp chamber. Three samples of each group were analyzed by SEM. The data were submitted to the nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test and to qualitative SEM analysis. The results revealed that the temperature increase did not promote any damage to the dental structure. Data analysis demonstrated that in group A, there was a statistically significant difference among all the subgroups and the temperature rise was directly proportional to the increase in frequency. In group B, there was no difference between subgroup I and II in terms of temperature. The superficial dentin observed by SEM displayed irregularities that augmented with rising frequency, both in sound and demineralized tissues. In conclusion, temperature rise and morphological alterations are directly related to frequency increment in both demineralized and sound dentin. Microsc. Res. Tech., 2011. (c) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Há comprovação de que o fenômeno de resistência ocorre quando a dose não lesiva da amicacina protege as células ciliadas contra a ototoxicidade da própria amicacina. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar se o fenômeno de resistência é temporalmente persistente. MÉTODO: Estudo experimental com 14 cobaias albinas (Cavia porcellus) divididas em três grupos. Avaliação da função auditiva por emissões otoacústicas por produto de distorção (EOAPD): na pré-exposição à amicacina, no 15º dia de aplicação da dose não lesiva, no final da aplicação da dose lesiva e antes da decapitação. RESULTADOS: O Grupo A (controle) apresentou função auditiva e padrão histológico normais. No Grupo B (amicacina 20mg/kg/dia intramuscular por 30 dias e dose lesiva (400 mg/kg/dia) por 12 dias) e no Grupo C (mesmo esquema do grupo B, porém mantidos por 60 dias e sacrificados), as OEA-PD confirmaram função auditiva normal no período pré-exposição e manutenção do padrão após dose não lesiva, porém, houve perda importante da função auditiva após término do período de aplicação da dose lesiva. CONCLUSÃO: Não houve manutenção do fenômeno da autodefesa estendida por um período de 30 a 60 dias após a aplicação de doses lesivas de amicacina.