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A novel methodology for damage detection and location in structures is proposed. The methodology is based on strain measurements and consists in the development of strain field pattern recognition techniques. The aforementioned are based on PCA (principal component analysis) and damage indices (T 2 and Q). We propose the use of fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) as strain sensors
When two pure tones of slightly different frequency are presented separately to each ear, the listener perceives a third single tone with amplitude variations at a frequency that equals the difference between the two tones; this perceptual illusion is known as the binaural auditory beat (BB). There are anecdotal reports that suggest that the binaural beat can entrain EEG activity and may affect the arousal levels, although few studies have been published. There is a need for double-blind, well-designed studies in order to establish a solid foundation for these sounds, as most of the documented benefits come from self-reported cases that could be affected by placebo effect. As BBs are a cheap technology (it even exists a free open source programmable binaural- beat generator on the Internet named Gnaural), any achievement in this area could be of public interest. The aim in our research was to explore the potential of BBs in a particular field: tasks that require focus and concentration. In order to detect changes in the brain waves that could relate to any particular improvement, EEG recordings of a small sample of individuals were also obtained. In this study we compare the effect of different binaural stimulation in 7 EEG frequency ranges. 78 participants were exposed to 20-min binaural beat stimulation. The effects were obtained both quali- tative with cognitive test and quantitative with EEG analysis. Results suggest no significant statistical improvement in 20-min stimulation.
Thermorheological changes in high hydrostatic pressure (HHP)-treated chickpea flour (CF) slurries were studied as a function of pressure level (0.1, 150, 300, 400, and 600 MPa) and slurry concentration (1:5, 1:4, 1:3, and 1:2 flour-to-water ratios). HHP-treated slurries were subsequently analyzed for changes in properties produced by heating, under both isothermal and non-isothermal processes. Elasticity (G′) of pressurized slurry increased with pressure applied and concentration. Conversely, heat-induced CF paste gradually transformed from solid-like behavior to liquid-like behavior as a function of moisture content and pressure level. The G′ and enthalpy of the CF paste decreased with increasing pressure level in proportion with the extent of HHP-induced starch gelatinization. At 25 °C and 15 min, HHP treatment at 450 and 600 MPa was sufficient to complete gelatinization of CF slurry at the lowest concentration (1:5), while more concentrated slurries would require higher pressures and temperature during treatment or longer holding times. Industrial relevance Demand for chickpea gel has increased considerably in the health and food industries because of its many beneficial effects. However, its use is affected by its very difficult handling. Judicious application of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) at appropriate levels, adopted as a pre-processing instrument in combination with heating processes, is presented as an innovative technology to produce a remarkable decrease in thermo-hardening of heat-induced chickpea flour paste, permitting the development of new chickpea-based products with desirable handling properties and sensory attributes.
Dynamics of binary mixtures such as polymer blends, and fluids near the critical point, is described by the model-H, which couples momentum transport and diffusion of the components [1]. We present an extended version of the model-H that allows to study the combined effect of phase separation in a polymer blend and surface structuring of the film itself [2]. We apply it to analyze the stability of vertically stratified base states on extended films of polymer blends and show that convective transport leads to new mechanisms of instability as compared to the simpler diffusive case described by the Cahn- Hilliard model [3, 4]. We carry out this analysis for realistic parameters of polymer blends used in experimental setups such as PS/PVME. However, geometrically more complicated states involving lateral structuring, strong deflections of the free surface, oblique diffuse interfaces, checkerboard modes, or droplets of a component above of the other are possible at critical composition solving the Cahn Hilliard equation in the static limit for rectangular domains [5, 6] or with deformable free surfaces [6]. We extend these results for off-critical compositions, since balanced overall composition in experiments are unusual. In particular, we study steady nonlinear solutions of the Cahn-Hilliard equation for bidimensional layers with fixed geometry and deformable free surface. Furthermore we distinguished the cases with and without energetic bias at the free surface. We present bifurcation diagrams for off-critical films of polymer blends with free surfaces, showing their free energy, and the L2-norms of surface deflection and the concentration field, as a function of lateral domain size and mean composition. Simultaneously, we look at spatial dependent profiles of the height and concentration. To treat the problem of films with arbitrary surface deflections our calculations are based on minimizing the free energy functional at given composition and geometric constraints using a variational approach based on the Cahn-Hilliard equation. The problem is solved numerically using the finite element method (FEM).
Esta tesis considera dos tipos de aplicaciones del diseño óptico: óptica formadora de imagen por un lado, y óptica anidólica (nonimaging) o no formadora de imagen, por otro. Las ópticas formadoras de imagen tienen como objetivo la obtención de imágenes de puntos del objeto en el plano de la imagen. Por su parte, la óptica anidólica, surgida del desarrollo de aplicaciones de concentración e iluminación, se centra en la transferencia de energía en forma de luz de forma eficiente. En general, son preferibles los diseños ópticos que den como resultado sistemas compactos, para ambos tipos de ópticas (formadora de imagen y anidólica). En el caso de los sistemas anidólicos, una óptica compacta permite tener costes de producción reducidos. Hay dos razones: (1) una óptica compacta presenta volúmenes reducidos, lo que significa que se necesita menos material para la producción en masa; (2) una óptica compacta es pequeña y ligera, lo que ahorra costes en el transporte. Para los sistemas ópticos de formación de imagen, además de las ventajas anteriores, una óptica compacta aumenta la portabilidad de los dispositivos, que es una gran ventaja en tecnologías de visualización portátiles, tales como cascos de realidad virtual (HMD del inglés Head Mounted Display). Esta tesis se centra por tanto en nuevos enfoques de diseño de sistemas ópticos compactos para aplicaciones tanto de formación de imagen, como anidólicas. Los colimadores son uno de los diseños clásicos dentro la óptica anidólica, y se pueden utilizar en aplicaciones fotovoltaicas y de iluminación. Hay varios enfoques a la hora de diseñar estos colimadores. Los diseños convencionales tienen una relación de aspecto mayor que 0.5. Con el fin de reducir la altura del colimador manteniendo el área de iluminación, esta tesis presenta un diseño de un colimador multicanal. En óptica formadora de imagen, las superficies asféricas y las superficies sin simetría de revolución (o freeform) son de gran utilidad de cara al control de las aberraciones de la imagen y para reducir el número y tamaño de los elementos ópticos. Debido al rápido desarrollo de sistemas de computación digital, los trazados de rayos se pueden realizar de forma rápida y sencilla para evaluar el rendimiento del sistema óptico analizado. Esto ha llevado a los diseños ópticos modernos a ser generados mediante el uso de diferentes técnicas de optimización multi-paramétricas. Estas técnicas requieren un buen diseño inicial como punto de partida para el diseño final, que será obtenido tras un proceso de optimización. Este proceso precisa un método de diseño directo para superficies asféricas y freeform que den como resultado un diseño cercano al óptimo. Un método de diseño basado en ecuaciones diferenciales se presenta en esta tesis para obtener un diseño óptico formado por una superficie freeform y dos superficies asféricas. Esta tesis consta de cinco capítulos. En Capítulo 1, se presentan los conceptos básicos de la óptica formadora de imagen y de la óptica anidólica, y se introducen las técnicas clásicas del diseño de las mismas. El Capítulo 2 describe el diseño de un colimador ultra-compacto. La relación de aspecto ultra-baja de este colimador se logra mediante el uso de una estructura multicanal. Se presentará su procedimiento de diseño, así como un prototipo fabricado y la caracterización del mismo. El Capítulo 3 describe los conceptos principales de la optimización de los sistemas ópticos: función de mérito y método de mínimos cuadrados amortiguados. La importancia de un buen punto de partida se demuestra mediante la presentación de un mismo ejemplo visto a través de diferentes enfoques de diseño. El método de las ecuaciones diferenciales se presenta como una herramienta ideal para obtener un buen punto de partida para la solución final. Además, diferentes técnicas de interpolación y representación de superficies asféricas y freeform se presentan para el procedimiento de optimización. El Capítulo 4 describe la aplicación del método de las ecuaciones diferenciales para un diseño de un sistema óptico de una sola superficie freeform. Algunos conceptos básicos de geometría diferencial son presentados para una mejor comprensión de la derivación de las ecuaciones diferenciales parciales. También se presenta un procedimiento de solución numérica. La condición inicial está elegida como un grado de libertad adicional para controlar la superficie donde se forma la imagen. Basado en este enfoque, un diseño anastigmático se puede obtener fácilmente y se utiliza como punto de partida para un ejemplo de diseño de un HMD con una única superficie reflectante. Después de la optimización, dicho diseño muestra mejor rendimiento. El Capítulo 5 describe el método de las ecuaciones diferenciales ampliado para diseños de dos superficies asféricas. Para diseños ópticos de una superficie, ni la superficie de imagen ni la correspondencia entre puntos del objeto y la imagen pueden ser prescritas. Con esta superficie adicional, la superficie de la imagen se puede prescribir. Esto conduce a un conjunto de tres ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias implícitas. La solución numérica se puede obtener a través de cualquier software de cálculo numérico. Dicho procedimiento también se explica en este capítulo. Este método de diseño da como resultado una lente anastigmática, que se comparará con una lente aplanática. El diseño anastigmático converge mucho más rápido en la optimización y la solución final muestra un mejor rendimiento. ABSTRACT We will consider optical design from two points of view: imaging optics and nonimaging optics. Imaging optics focuses on the imaging of the points of the object. Nonimaging optics arose from the development of concentrators and illuminators, focuses on the transfer of light energy, and has wide applications in illumination and concentration photovoltaics. In general, compact optical systems are necessary for both imaging and nonimaging designs. For nonimaging optical systems, compact optics use to be important for reducing cost. The reasons are twofold: (1) compact optics is small in volume, which means less material is needed for mass-production; (2) compact optics is small in size and light in weight, which saves cost in transportation. For imaging optical systems, in addition to the above advantages, compact optics increases portability of devices as well, which contributes a lot to wearable display technologies such as Head Mounted Displays (HMD). This thesis presents novel design approaches of compact optical systems for both imaging and nonimaging applications. Collimator is a typical application of nonimaging optics in illumination, and can be used in concentration photovoltaics as well due to the reciprocity of light. There are several approaches for collimator designs. In general, all of these approaches have an aperture diameter to collimator height not greater than 2. In order to reduce the height of the collimator while maintaining the illumination area, a multichannel design is presented in this thesis. In imaging optics, aspheric and freeform surfaces are useful in controlling image aberrations and reducing the number and size of optical elements. Due to the rapid development of digital computing systems, ray tracing can be easily performed to evaluate the performance of optical system. This has led to the modern optical designs created by using different multi-parametric optimization techniques. These techniques require a good initial design to be a starting point so that the final design after optimization procedure can reach the optimum solution. This requires a direct design method for aspheric and freeform surface close to the optimum. A differential equation based design method is presented in this thesis to obtain single freeform and double aspheric surfaces. The thesis comprises of five chapters. In Chapter 1, basic concepts of imaging and nonimaging optics are presented and typical design techniques are introduced. Readers can obtain an understanding for the following chapters. Chapter 2 describes the design of ultra-compact collimator. The ultra-low aspect ratio of this collimator is achieved by using a multichannel structure. Its design procedure is presented together with a prototype and its evaluation. The ultra-compactness of the device has been approved. Chapter 3 describes the main concepts of optimizing optical systems: merit function and Damped Least-Squares method. The importance of a good starting point is demonstrated by presenting an example through different design approaches. The differential equation method is introduced as an ideal tool to obtain a good starting point for the final solution. Additionally, different interpolation and representation techniques for aspheric and freeform surface are presented for optimization procedure. Chapter 4 describes the application of differential equation method in the design of single freeform surface optical system. Basic concepts of differential geometry are presented for understanding the derivation of partial differential equations. A numerical solution procedure is also presented. The initial condition is chosen as an additional freedom to control the image surface. Based on this approach, anastigmatic designs can be readily obtained and is used as starting point for a single reflective surface HMD design example. After optimization, the evaluation shows better MTF. Chapter 5 describes the differential equation method extended to double aspheric surface designs. For single optical surface designs, neither image surface nor the mapping from object to image can be prescribed. With one more surface added, the image surface can be prescribed. This leads to a set of three implicit ordinary differential equations. Numerical solution can be obtained by MATLAB and its procedure is also explained. An anastigmatic lens is derived from this design method and compared with an aplanatic lens. The anastigmatic design converges much faster in optimization and the final solution shows better performance.
Se can be accumulated by plants and volatilized to dimethylselenide, providing an attractive technology for Se phytoremediation. To determine the rate-limiting steps in Se volatilization from selenate and selenite, time- and concentration-dependent kinetics of Se accumulation and volatilization were studied in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea). Time-dependent kinetic studies showed that selenate was taken up 2-fold faster than selenite. Selenate was rapidly translocated to the shoot, away from the root, the site of volatilization, whereas only approximately 10% of the selenite was translocated. For both selenate- and selenite-supplied plants, Se accumulation and volatilization increased linearly with external Se concentration up to 20 μm; volatilization rates were also linearly correlated with root Se concentrations. Se-volatilization rates were 2- to 3-fold higher from plants supplied with selenite compared with selenate. Se speciation by x-ray absorption spectroscopy revealed that selenite-supplied plants accumulated organic Se, most likely selenomethionine, whereas selenate-supplied plants accumulated selenate. Our data suggest that Se volatilization from selenate is limited by the rate of selenate reduction, as well as by the availability of Se in roots, as influenced by uptake and translocation. Se volatilization from selenite may be limited by selenite uptake and by the conversion of selenomethionine to dimethylselenide.
Plants produce a number of substances and products and primary and secondary metabolites (SM) are amongst them with many benefits but limitation as well. Usually, the fodder are not considered toxic to animals or as a source having higher SM. The Brachiaria decumbens has a considerable nutritional value, but it is considered as a toxic grass for causing photosensitization in animals, if the grass is not harvested for more than 30 days or solely. The absence of detailed information in the literature about SM in Brachiaria, metabolites production and its chemical profile enable us to focus not only on the nutritive value but to get answers in all aspects and especially on toxicity. The study was conducted in the period of december 2013 to december 2014; in greenhouse FZEA-USP. B. decumbens was used with two cutting heights (10 and 20 cm) and nitrogen doses (0, 150, 300 and 450 kg ha-1) in complete randomized block design. The bromatological analysis were carried out on near infrared spectroscopy. Generally, the application of 150 kg ha-1 N was sufficient to promote the nutritional value in B. decumbens but above it the nitrogen use efficiency decline significantly. The highest dry matter yield (99.97 g/pot) was observed in autumn and the lowest was in winter (30.20 g/pot). While, as per nitrogen dose the average highest dry matter yield was at 150 kg ha-1 (79.98 g/pot). The highest crude protein was observed in winter (11.88%) and the lowest in autumn (7.78%). By the cutting heights; the 10 cm proved to have high CP (9.51%). In respect of fibrous contents, the highest acid detergent fiber was noted in summer (36.37%) and lowest in winter (30.88%). While the neutral detergent fiber was being highest in autumn and lowest in spring (79.60%). The highest in vitro dry matter and organic matter digestibilities were noted at 300 kg ha-1 N; being 68.06 and 60.57%; respectively; with the lowest observed in without N treatments (62.63% and 57.97), respectively. For determination of the classes, types and concentration of SM in B. decumbens, phytochemical tests, thin layer and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance analysis were carried out. Height, nitrogen and seasons significantly (P <0.0001) affected the secondary metabolic profile. A new protodioscin isomer (protoneodioscin (25S-)) was identified for first time in B. decumbens and is supposed to be the probable toxicity reason. Its structure was verified by 1D and 2D NMR techniques (1H, 13C) and 1D (COSY-45, edited HSQC, HMBC, H2BC, HSQC -TOCSY, NOESY and 1 H, 1 H, J). All factors influence the metabolic profile significantly (P <0.0001). The lowest phenols were at 300 kg ha-1 while the lowest flavones were at 0 kg ha-1. Season wise the highest phenols occurred in autumn (19.65 mg/g d.wt.) and highest flavones (28.87 mg/g d.wt.) in spring. Seasons effect the saponin production significantly (P <0.0001) and the results showed significant differences in the protodioscin (17.63±4.3 - 22.57±2.2 mg/g d.wt.) and protoneodioscin (23.3±1.2 - 31.07±2.9 mg/g d.wt.) concentrations. The highest protodioscin isomers concentrations were observed in winter and spring and by N doses the highest were noted in 300 kg ha-1. Simply, all factors significantly played their role in varying concentrations of secondary metabolites.
Spherical carbons have been prepared through hydrothermal treatment of three carbohydrates (glucose, saccharose and cellulose). Preparation variables such as treatment time, treatment temperature and concentration of carbohydrate have been analyzed to obtain spherical carbons. These spherical carbons can be prepared with particle sizes larger than 10 μm, especially from saccharose, and have subsequently been activated using different activation processes (H3PO4, NaOH, KOH or physical activation with CO2) to develop their textural properties. All these spherical carbons maintained their spherical morphology after the activation process, except when KOH/carbon ratios higher than 4/1 were used, which caused partial destruction of the spheres. The spherical activated carbons develop interesting textural properties with the four activating agents employed, reaching surface areas up to 3100 m2/g. Comparison of spherical activated carbons obtained with the different activating agents, taking into account the yields obtained after the activation process, shows that phosphoric acid activation produces spherical activated carbons with higher developed surface areas. Also, the spherical activated carbons present different oxygen groups’ content depending on the activating agent employed (higher surface oxygen groups content for chemical activation than for physical activation).
Purpose: To evaluate the influence of the difference between preoperative corneal and refractive astigmatism [ocular residual astigmatism (ORA)] on outcomes obtained after laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) surgery for correction of myopic astigmatism using the solid-state laser technology. Methods: One hundred one consecutive eyes with myopia or myopic astigmatism of 55 patients undergoing LASIK surgery using the Pulzar Z1 solid-state laser (CustomVis Laser Pty Ltd, currently CV Laser) were included. Visual and refractive changes at 6 months postoperatively and changes in ORA and anterior corneal astigmatism and posterior corneal astigmatism (PCA) were analyzed. Results: Postoperatively, uncorrected distance visual acuity improved significantly (P < 0.01). Likewise, refractive cylinder magnitude and spherical equivalent were reduced significantly (P < 0.01). In contrast, no significant changes were observed in ORA magnitude (P = 0.81) and anterior corneal astigmatism (P = 0.12). The mean overall efficacy and safety indices were 0.96 and 1.01, respectively. These indices were not correlated with preoperative ORA (r = −0.15, P = 0.15). Furthermore, a significant correlation was found between ORA (r = 0.81, P < 0.01) and PCA postoperatively, but not preoperatively (r = 0.12, P = 0.25). Likewise, a significant correlation of ORA with manifest refraction was only found postoperatively (r = −0.38, P < 0.01). Conclusions: The magnitude of ORA does not seem to be a predictive factor of efficacy and safety of myopic LASIK using a solid-state laser platform. The higher relevance of PCA after surgery in some cases may explain the presence of unexpected astigmatic residual refractive errors.
The knowledge of thermophysical properties of liquid Co-Si alloys is a key requirement for manufacturing of composite materials by infiltration method. Despite this need, the experimental and predicted property data of the Co-Si system are scarce and often inconsistent between the various sources. In the present work the mixing behaviour of Co-Si melts has been analysed through the study of the concentration dependence of various thermodynamic, surface (surface tension and surface composition) and structural properties (concentration fluctuations in the long-wavelength limit and chemical short-range order parameter) in the framework of the Compound Formation Model (CFM) and Quasi Chemical Approximation for regular solutions (QCA). In addition, the surface tension of the Co22·5Si77.5 (in at%) eutectic alloy, that is proposed to be used as the infiltrant, has been measured by the pendant drop method at temperatures ranging from 1593 to 1773 K. The results obtained were discussed with respect to both, temperature and concentration, and subsequently compared with the model predictions and literature data.
The modern eastern equatorial Pacific (EEP) is a major natural source for atmospheric carbon dioxide and is thought to be connected to high-latitude ocean dynamics by oceanic teleconnections on glacial-interglacial timescales. A wealth of sedimentary records aiming at reconstructing last Quaternary changes in primary productivity and nutrient utilization have been devoted to understanding those linkages between the EEP and other distant oceanic areas. Most of these records are, however, clustered in the pelagic EEP cold tongue, with comparatively little attention devoted to coastal areas. Here we present downcore measurements of the composition and concentration of the diatom assemblage together with opal (biogenic silica) concentration at site MD02-2529 recovered in the coastal Panama Basin. Piston core MD02-2529, collected in an area affected by a multitude of processes, provides evidence for strong variations in diatom production at the millennial timescale during the last glacial cycle. The maxima in total diatom concentration occurred during the early marine isotopic stage (MIS) 4 as well as during the MIS 4/3 transition and MIS 3. Rapid changes in diatom concentrations during the MIS 3 mimics Bond cycles as independently recorded by the SSS estimation derived from planktonic foraminifera from the same core. Such patterns indicate a clear linkage between diatom production in the coastal EEP and rapid climate changes in the high-latitude North Atlantic. In parallel, the long-term succession of the diatom community from coastal diatoms, predominantly thriving during MIS 5 and 4, towards pelagic diatoms, dominant during MIS 3 and 2, points to a long-term change in the surface hydrology. During Heinrich Events, diatoms strongly reduced their production, probably due to enhanced stratification in the upper water column. After the last glacial maximum, diatom production and valve preservation strongly decreased in response to the advection of nutrient (H2SiO4)-depleted, warmer water masses. Our high-resolution record highlights how regional climatic processes can modulate rapid changes in siliceous primary production as triggered by wind-induced local upwelling, indicating that millennial climatic variability can overtake other prominent hydrological processes such as those related to silicic acid leakage.
Paired analyses of Os isotope composition and concentration of bulk sediment and leachable Os in a metalliferous pelagic clay sequence from the North Pacific, ODP Site 886C, are used to reconstruct the marine Os isotope record and the particulate meteoritic Os flux between 65.5 and 78 Ma. Measured 187Os/188Os of bulk sediments ranges from approximately 0.64 to 0.32 and those of leach analyses are very similar to bulk analyses. Hydrogenous Os dominates the sedimentary Os inventory throughout most of the studied interval. As a result the measured 187Os/188Os of leachable Os approximates that of contemporaneous seawater. The ODP 886C record shows rising 187Os/188Os in the deepest portion of the core, with a local maximum of 0.66 close to 74 Ma. The 67-72 Ma portion of the record is characterized by nearly constant 187Os/188Os ratios close to 0.6. The structure of the marine Os isotope record from ODP 886C differs markedly from the seawater 87Sr/86Sr curve, which rises monotonically throughout the time interval studied here. Calculated particulate meteoritic Os fluxes are between 0.5 and 2 pg/cm**2/kyr throughout most of the studied interval. Two discrete intervals of the core (one of which is within Cretaceous Tertiary, boundary KTB interval) are characterized by higher fluxes of meteoritic Os. Excluding these two intervals, the average background flux of particulate meteoritic Os is roughly half of that estimated from analyses of Cenozoic marine sediments. These are the first Os isotope data to provide evidence of resolvable temporal variations in the background flux of particulate meteoritic material to the Earth.
Temporal and spatial patterns in eastern North Atlantic sea-surface temperatures (SST) were reconstructed for marine isotope stage (MIS) 11c using a submeridional transect of five sediment cores. The SST reconstructions are based on planktic foraminiferal abundances and alkenone indices, and are supported by benthic and planktic stable isotope measurements, as well as by ice-rafted debris content in polar and middle latitudes. Additionally, the larger-scale dynamics of the precipitation regime over northern Africa and the western Mediterranean region was evaluated from iron concentrations in marine sediments off NW Africa and planktic d13C in combination with analysis of planktic foraminiferal abundances down to the species level in the Mediterranean Sea. Compared to the modern situation, it is revealed that during entire MIS 11c sensu stricto (ss), i.e., between 420 and 398 ka according to our age models, a cold SST anomaly in the Nordic seas co-existed with a warm SST anomaly in the middle latitudes and the subtropics, resulting in steeper meridional SST gradients than during the Holocene. Such a SST pattern correlates well with a prevalence of a negative mode of the modern North Atlantic Oscillation. We suggest that our scenario might partly explain the longer duration of wet conditions in the northern Africa during MIS 11c compared to the Holocene.
The combination of rainy climate, glaciolacustrine clays, and steep topography of the Puget Lowland creates slope stability issues for the regional population. Several glaciolacustrine deposits of laminated silt and clay of different ages contribute to the likelihood of slope failure. The glaciolacustrine deposits are generally wet, range in thickness from absent to >30m, and consist of laminated silt and clay with sand interbeds at the tops and bottoms, sandy laminae throughout the deposits, occasional dropstones and shear zones. The glaciolacustrine deposits destabilize slopes by 1) impeding groundwater flow percolating through overlying glacial outwash sediments, 2) having sandy laminae that lower strength by increasing pore pressure during wet seasons, and 3) increasing the potential for block-style failure because of secondary groundwater pathways such as laminae and vertical fractures. Eight clay samples from six known landslide deposits were analyzed in this study for their mineralogy, clay fraction and strength characteristics. The mineralogy was determined using X-ray Diffractometry (XRD) which revealed an identical mineralogic suite among all eight samples consisting of chlorite, illite and smectite. Nonclay minerals appearing in the X-ray diffractogram include amphibole and plagioclase after removal of abundant quartz grains. Hydrometer tests yielded clay-size fraction percentages of the samples ranging from 10% to 90%, and ring shear tests showed that the angle of residual shear resistance (phi_r) ranged from 11° to 31°. Atterberg limits of the samples were found to have liquid limits ranging from 33 to 83, with plastic limits ranging from 25 to 35 and plasticity indices ranging from 6 to 48. The results of the hydrometer and residual shear strength tests suggest that phi_r varies inversely with the clay-size fraction, but that this relationship was not consistent among all eight samples. The nature of the XRD analysis only revealed the identity of the clay minerals present in the samples, and provided no quantitative information. Thus, the extent to which the mineralogy influenced the strength variability among the samples cannot be determined given that the mineral assemblages are identical. Additional samples from different locations within each deposit along with quantitative compositional analyses would be necessary to properly account for the observed strength variability.
Two species of Ganoderma belonging to different subgenera which cause disease on oil palms in PNG are identified by basidiome morphology and the morphology of their basidiospores. The names G. boninense and G. tornatum have been applied. Significant pleiomorphy was observed in basidiome characters amongst the specimens examined. This variation in most instances did not correlate well with host or host status. Sporemorphology appeared uniform within a species and spore indices varied only slightly. G. tornatum was found to have a broad host range whereas G. boninense appears to be restricted to palms in Papua New Guinea.