972 resultados para general hospital
Objective: To assess the value of cusum analysis in hospital bed management. Design: Comparative analysis of medical patient flows, bed occupancy, and emergency department admission rates and access block over 2 years. Setting: Internal Medicine Services and Emergency Department in a teaching hospital. Interventions: Improvements in bed use and changes in the level of available beds. Main outcome measures: Average length of stay; percentage occupancy of available beds; number of patients waiting more than 8 hours for admission (access block); number of medical patients occupying beds in non-medical wards; and number of elective surgical admissions. Results: Cusum analysis provided a simple means of revealing important trends in patient flows that were not obvious in conventional time-series data. This prompted improvements in bed use that resulted in a decrease of 9500 occupied bed-days over a year. Unfortunately and unexpectedly, after some initial improvement, the levels of access block, medical ward congestion and elective surgical admissions all then deteriorated significantly. This was probably caused by excessive bed closures in response to the initial improvement in bed use. Conclusion: Cusum analysis is a useful technique for the early detection of significant changes in patient flows and bed use, and in determining the appropriate number of beds required for a given rate of patient flow.
In many Australian hospitals a medical officer is available for urgent review of in-patients outside normal working hours. Current practice in nurse-initiated requests for medical officer involvement out of hours may adversely affect patient outcome as well as medical and nursing resource use at these times. Of 10 523 nurse-initiated requests for out-of-hours review recorded by medical officers at our hospital in 2002-2003, the most frequent reasons for the requests were medication review, IV fluid orders, IV resite, venesection and pathology review, none of which are related to acute changes in clinical condition. Requests for routine review of medication and fluid orders were found to be rarely essential and often inappropriate. Medical officer activity was highest before midnight and least after midnight, suggesting most requests are fulfilled in the evening. Several strategies to reduce inappropriate out-of-hours requests were identified. Routine tasks could be completed by primary treating unit staff before going off-duty. IV cannulation and venesection may be performed by appropriately trained phlebotomists or skilled advanced practice nursing staff. Meticulous ordering of 'as required' analgesia and night sedation would reduce unnecessary requests. Clinical protocols for nurse-initiated adjustment of drugs with variable dosing may also decrease inefficiencies. This would leave the ward cover medical officers more available for their primary function of urgent patient review.
Background : Increasing numbers of preschool children are being referred for specialist dental management in a paediatric hospital. Most cases have severe early childhood caries and require comprehensive management under general anaesthesia. The present study investigated risk factors for disease presence at initial consultation. Methods : A convenience sample of 125 children under four years of age from the north Brisbane region were examined and caries experience recorded using dmft and dmfs indices. A self-administered questionnaire obtained information regarding social, demographic, birth, neonatal, infant feeding and dental health behaviour variables. The data were analysed using the chi-square and one-way analysis of variance procedures. Results : Ninety-four per cent of referred children had severe ECC with mean dmft of 10.5 ± 3.8 and mean dmfs of 27.1 ± 15.1. Prevalence of severe ECC was significantly higher in children allowed a sweetened liquid in the infant feeding bottle (99 per cent) and allowed to sip from an infant feeding bottle during the day (100 per cent). Mean dmfs was significantly higher in children allowed to sleep with a bottle (28.7) and sip from a bottle during the day (29.9), children from a non-Caucasian background (31.8), those children that commenced regular toothbrushing between 6 to 12 months of age (28.1), had no current parental supervision of daily tooth-brushing (34.2) and had not taken daily fluoride supplements (27.8), vitamin supplements (27.8) or prescription medicine previously (27.6). Conclusions : The behavioural determinants for severe early childhood caries presence in hospital-referred children were similar to those identified in the regional preschool population.
In the wake of findings from the Bundaberg Hospital and Forster inquiries in Queensland, periodic public release of hospital performance reports has been recommended. A process for developing and releasing such reports is being established by Queensland Health, overseen by an independent expert panel. This recommendation presupposes that public reports based on routinely collected administrative data are accurate; that the public can access, correctly interpret and act upon report contents; that reports motivate hospital clinicians and managers to improve quality of care; and that there are no unintended adverse effects of public reporting. Available research suggests that primary data sources are often inaccurate and incomplete, that reports have low predictive value in detecting outlier hospitals, and that users experience difficulty in accessing and interpreting reports and tend to distrust their findings.
Background: Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) is a potentially serious adverse reaction caused by platelet-activating antibodies. Aim: To describe experience with HIT. Methods: Twenty-two patients identified by laboratory records of heparin-associated antibodies with a 50% or greater decrease in platelet count were reviewed in our 600-bed metropolitan teaching hospital from 1999 to April 2005. Results: There was an increase in the frequency of HIT diagnosed during the review period, which was associated with a rise in the number of requests for HIT antibodies. Thrombotic complications were identified in 14 of 22 patients with HIT. Mean age was 65 years, and 11 patients were men. Seven patients died and HIT was considered contributory in four. One patient required mid-forearm amputation. Unfractionated heparin was used in all cases and five patients also received enoxaparin. Mean time to HIT screen, reflecting when the diagnosis was first suspected, was 14 days. Platelet nadir ranged from 6 x 10(9)/L to 88 x 10(9)/L, with a percentage drop in platelet count of 67-96%. Alternative anticoagulation (danaparoid) was not used in three patients, two of whom died. Conclusions: HIT is a potentially life-threatening complication of heparin therapy, associated with a fall in platelet count and a high incidence of thromboembolic complications. It is most frequently seen using unfractionated heparin therapy. The increase in frequency of HIT diagnosed in our hospital appears to be associated with a greater awareness of the entity, although detection is often delayed. Platelet count should be monitored in patients on heparin and the presence of antiplatelet antibodies determined if HIT is suspected. Treatment involves both discontinuation of heparin and the use of an alternative anticoagulant such as danaparoid because of the persisting risk of thrombosis.
O curso de Medicina Veterinária compõe-se essencialmente de aulas práticas e teóricas desenvolvidas pelas mais diversas disciplinas presentes em sua matriz curricular. Para que as aulas práticas, principalmente aquelas relacionadas às disciplinas profissionalizantes, possam ser ministradas, o curso deve apresentar um Hospital Escola. Este local tem como missões: o ensino (aulas práticas), a pesquisa (desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias e conhecimentos) e a extensão ou assistência (atendimento aos anseios e necessidades das comunidades onde está inserido). Apesar de estar inserido no contexto do curso, o hospital deve apresentar um controle, não só sob o ponto de vista financeiro, mas de acordo com suas premissas a fim de garantir tanto a satisfação das pessoas que ali trabalham e a continuidade de suas atividades, bem como permitir que seus clientes internos (os alunos) e externos (a comunidade) possam ser atendidos em suas necessidades. O termo controle predispõe um pensamento de comando, que tem como objetivo principal permitir que a organização cumpra com os seus objetivos. O processo de controle gerencial é o processo que os líderes encontram para assegurar que os outros membros da organização respeitem as estratégias determinadas. Instituições de saúde e ensino desenvolvem suas atividades através de seus centros de responsabilidades, que existem para cumprir suas finalidades. Como a organização é o conjunto de centro de responsabilidades, e se cada centro de responsabilidade cumpre com suas estratégias a própria organização atinge suas metas. Cabe ao gestor hospitalar decidir qual a estratégia a seguir congruindo com as premissas ou objetivos da organização. Esta decisão deve ser fundamentada em parâmetros e resultados que podem ser conseguidos através de ferramentas de decisão. Muitas organizações utilizam a avaliação do desempenho financeiro de seus centros de responsabilidade para tomar suas decisões. O presente trabalho é uma pesquisa ação, que propõe a apresentação de um modelo teórico, aqui representado por uma ferramenta de decisão que disponibilizará como indicadores de avaliação de desempenho as premissas de ensino, pesquisa e extensão, bem como as de cunho financeiro que permitirão ao gestor hospitalar decidir qual o foco ou caminho a seguir, auxiliando-o em situações de decisões administrativas. Foi realizada a comparação da classificação ou ranqueamento de cada um dos setores produtivos de acordo com o desempenho financeiro, neste caso, a margem de contribuição própria e seu ranqueamento após os cálculos apresentados pelo modelo proposto a fim de demonstrar que ocorreu mudança no ranqueamento dos setores. Este modelo baseou-se em uma ferramenta de hierarquização multicriterial. O fato mais importante foi de perceber que todos os setores produtivos tiveram seu ranqueamento modificado após os cálculos com a ferramenta apresentada. Assim, esta ferramenta torna-se uma forma de decisão mais abrangente, pois contempla outros critérios, ou neste caso, premissas importantes para a decisão, sendo muito útil também para identificar entre as premissas apresentadas quais foram as de pior desempenho em cada setor. Desta forma, o gestor pode determinar ações de melhorias, buscando metas que possam ser alcançadas e determinando aporte financeiro, sendo este o caso, para alcançá-las.(AU)
This research examines women GPs' careers, how they run their practices and how they reconcile professional and domestic lives. It looks at the particular experiences of women GPs who practise alone, and at the pressures in past practice experience which have led them to do so. It is argued that many of the problems of group practice which can be identified are attributable to gender. For example, one reason given for entering general practice is a desire to be able to provide the full range of medical care and not to specialise. Women GPs, however, may find themselves seeing more women patients for "women's problems" and children than they would freely choose. Women have not entered general practice in order to specialise in these areas of medicine. Indeed, if they had wanted to specialise in obstetrics, gynaecology or paediatrics they would have had difficulty advancing very far in these male-dominated areas of hospital hierarchy. Other gender related problems exist for women in general practice and practising single-handedly is one strategy that women GPs have used to counter the problems of working in male-dominated practices and partnerships. However, the twenty-four hour commitment of single-handed practice may bring further pressures in reconciling this with responsibility for home life. Out-of-hours cover, which can be viewed as the link between professional and domestic life, where the one intrudes into the other, is also examined in terms of the gender issues it raises. The interaction of gender and ethnicity is also considered for the 11 Asian women GPs in the study. Interviews were conducted with 29 single-handed women GPs in the Midlands. In addition, some cases were studied in greater depth by being observed in their surgeries and on home visits for a day each. A qualitative/feminist approach to analysis has been employed.
Influences on general practitioner prescribing of drugs continue to be of interest and importance as cost containment becomes central to Government health policy. This thesis employs a plurality of research methods including quantitative and qualitative survey techniques for example, questionnaires, interviews and prescription analyses to investigate some of the factors which may influence GP prescribing such as information sources, hospital consultants and in particular the community pharmacist. When the use and influence of drug information sources by GPs was examined, the community pharmacist was given a relatively low rating as a source but a high rating, similar to that of the consultant, for helpfulness. Influences are needed to improve prescribing and reduce the incidence of iatrogenic disease for the benefit of the patient. The education and expertise of pharmacists and their familiarity with local prescribing habits places them in a unique position to meet the needs of local GPs. As 96.5% of the public always or nearly always take their prescriptions to the same pharmacy, patient medication records, now kept by 77.5% of pharmacies, provide a valuable check on the appropriateness and safety of patients' medication. The barriers to the pharmacist's greater involvement were shown to be suspicion by GPs of pharmacists' motivation, isolation of many community pharmacists, difficulties in leaving the pharmacy for domiciliary visits, residential home care and GP practice meetings. These barriers must be lowered if the pharmacist is to have a greater influence and involvement. It was concluded that changes are necessary in pharmaceutical education, staff training, organisation and remuneration. Some changes in the targeting of remuneration to the pharmaceutical care services provided and registration of patients with pharmacies would contribute greatly to these aims.
The aim of this research work was primarily to examine the relevance of patient parameters, ward structures, procedures and practices, in respect of the potential hazards of wound cross-infection and nasal colonisation with multiple resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus, which it is thought might provide a useful indication of a patient's general susceptibility to wound infection. Information from a large cross-sectional survey involving 12,000 patients from some 41 hospitals and 375 wards was collected over a five-year period from 1967-72, and its validity checked before any subsequent analysis was carried out. Many environmental factors and procedures which had previously been thought (but never conclusively proved) to have an influence on wound infection or nasal colonisation rates, were assessed, and subsequently dismissed as not being significant, provided that the standard of the current range of practices and procedures is maintained and not allowed to deteriorate. Retrospective analysis revealed that the probability of wound infection was influenced by the patient's age, duration of pre-operative hospitalisation, sex, type of wound, presence and type of drain, number of patients in ward, and other special risk factors, whilst nasal colonisation was found to be influenced by the patient's age, total duration of hospitalisation, sex, antibiotics, proportion of occupied beds in the ward, average distance between bed centres and special risk factors. A multi-variate regression analysis technique was used to develop statistical models, consisting of variable patient and environmental factors which were found to have a significant influence on the risks pertaining to wound infection and nasal colonisation. A relationship between wound infection and nasal colonisation was then established and this led to the development of a more advanced model for predicting wound infections, taking advantage of the additional knowledge of the patient's state of nasal colonisation prior to operation.
Background. Non-attendance at paediatric hospital outpatient appointments poses potential risks to children's health and welfare. Prevention and management of missed appointments depends on the perceptions of clinicians and decision makers from both primary and secondary care, including general practitioners (GPs) who are integral to non-attendance follow-up. Objectives. To examine the views of clinical, managerial and executive health care staff regarding occurrence and management of non-attendance at general paediatric outpatient clinics. Methods. A qualitative study using individual semi-structured interviews was carried out at three English Primary Care Trusts and a nearby children's hospital. Interviews were conducted with 37 staff, including GPs, hospital doctors, other health care professionals, managers, executives and commissioners. Participants were recruited through purposive and 'snowball' sampling methods. Data were analysed following a thematic framework approach. Results. GPs focused on situational difficulties for families, while hospital-based staff emphasized the influence of parents' beliefs on attendance. Managers, executives and commissioners presented a broad overview of both factors, but with less detailed views. All groups discussed sociodemographic factors, with non-attendance thought to be more likely in 'chaotic families'. Hospital interviewees emphasized child protection issues and the need for thorough follow-up of missed appointments. However, GPs were reluctant to interfere with parental responsibilities. Conclusion. Parental motivation and practical and social barriers should be considered. Responsibilities regarding missed appointments are not clear across health care sectors, but GPs are uniquely placed to address non-attendance issues and are central to child safeguarding. Primary care policies and strategies could be introduced to reduce non-attendance and ensure children receive the care they require. © The Author 2013.
Objective - To evaluate the perceptions, expectations and experiences of physicians with regard to hospital-based pharmacists in the West Bank, Palestine. Methods - A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to 250 physicians practising in four general hospitals in the West Bank, Palestine. The main sections of the questionnaire comprised a series of statements pertaining to physicians' perceptions, expectations and experiences with pharmacists. Key findings - One hundred and fifty seven questionnaires were completed and returned (response rate, 62.8%). The majority of respondents were most comfortable with pharmacists detecting and preventing prescription errors (76.4%; 95% confidence interval (CI) 69.5–81.2%) and patient education (57.9%; CI 51.2–63.4%) but they were not comfortable with pharmacists suggesting the use of prescription medications to patients (56.7%; CI 49.8–62.4%). Most physicians (62.4%; CI 56.8–69.1%) expected the pharmacist to educate their patients about the safe and appropriate use of their medication. However, approximately one-third (31.7%; CI 26.0–39.6%) did not expect pharmacists to be available for consultation during rounds. Physicians' experiences with pharmacists were less favourable; whereas 77% (CI 70.2–81.5%) of the physicians agreed that pharmacists were always a reliable source of information, only 11.5% (CI 6.2–16.4%) agreed that pharmacists appeared to be willing to take responsibility for solving any drug-related problems. Conclusion -The present study showed that hospital physicians are more likely to accept traditional pharmacy services than newer clinical services for hospital-based pharmacists in the West Bank, Palestine. Pharmacists should therefore interact more positively and more frequently with physicians. This will close the gap between the physicians' commonly held perceptions of what they expect pharmacists to do and what pharmacists can actually do, and gain support for an extended role of hospital-based pharmacists in future patient therapy management.
The Food and Nutrition Units (FNU) are designed to produce food for healthy and/or sick communities and need to be done in a way to ensure the quality of foodstuffs that were produced. In these units, in the working environment, in general, there is excessive noise, heat and physical condition with many adaptations, presence of obstacles, inadequate flows, as well as the ways of the working organization may represent risks for workers health and lead to errors during production and/or distribution of food. The main goal of this study was to analyse the working processes in the Food Production Unit of the university’s hospital and identify the workers' health risk factors, using for this the knowledge of ergonomics, specifically the method of Ergonomic Work Analysis (EWA). After this analysis it was possible to develop proposals that will bring improvements to the working conditions, minimizing health risk factors during the process of meals production. It’s crucial to reassert this method considers the work activity performed in real time and highlights the importance of listening and the engagement of the workers in the changing process. It is a descriptive research with a qualitative approach. In the field research were collected demographics data, employment characteristics of the individuals (age, education, stocking sector, the total length of service and length of service in the industry) and data related to their usual work (task analysis, activity analysis and Analysis of the working environment) in the FNU. The instruments that were used in this study were document analysis, global and systematic observations and semi structured interviews in order to identify the main complaints related to those activities developed by them. The study was based on data for the analysis of Bardin, 2011, so the documents have been selected and including those that treat issues related to risks to workers' health were selected. The result of semi-structured interviews, global and systematic observations took place a confrontation of this material to the theoretical framework, held the inference and the interpretation of results the light of the knowledge of ergonomics and legislation. Issues related to the risks and the perception of workers has crafted a table showing the frequency of responses to the physical, chemical and biological and even the risk of accidents and was made a descriptive analysis. The results of this analysis indicated that the unit in question presents several problems ambience of jobs, both in terms of physical structure, but also in the organization of work. Non-conformities that leads to a favourable environment to the development of disease and injury hazards and compromising the quality of food produced. It is necessary to comply with legislation and that short, medium and long-term measures are taken to ensure the physical integrity of workers and improve the working environment.
Over the years there has been a broader definition of the term health. At the same time it was found also an evolution of the concept of health care which in turn has led to changes in the approach to delivery of health services and hence in its management. In this regard, currently the nephrology services have been searching for quality technical and social need. In view of these innovations and the quest for quality, it elaborated the general objective: to develop a quality assessment protocol for dialysis service Onofre Lopes University Hospital. It is an intervention project effected through an action research, which consisted of 4 steps. Initially was identified through a literature search in scientific literature, which quality indicators would apply to a dialysis unit being selected as follows: infection rate in hemodialysis access site, microbiological control of water used for hemodialysis and Index User satisfaction. Through critical reflection on the theme researched in the previous step, it was drawn up three data collection instruments, interview form type, applied between the months of October and November 2015. In addition to the information obtained, also made up of the use of information retrieval technique. The results were organized in graphs and tables and analyzed using qualitative and exploratory technical approach. Then a reflective analysis of the data obtained and the diagnosis of reality studied was traced and confronted with the literature was performed. The data produced in this study revealed that the Dialysis Unit of HUOL is much to be desired, considering that some weaknesses have been identified in its structure. Faced with this finding have been proposed, as a contribution and aiming to guide the development of future actions, suggestions for improvement that should be implemented and monitored to be assured overcoming these difficulties, allowing an appropriate organizational restructuring, and resulting in improved service public offered. It was concluded that for hemodialysis treatment results are achieved and positive, it is necessary to have physical structure and adequate infrastructure, multidisciplinary team specialized, trained and in sufficient quantity, well designed processes for professionals to have standards to be followed decreasing the chance to err, and a risk management system to detect and control situations that endanger patient safety.