956 resultados para exotic specie


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En aquest Treball de Fi de Grau es pretén establir un protocol per a la conservació ex situ de les espècies que hi ha en el Centre Ictiològic del Parc Natural del Delta de l’Ebre. Les espècies que es troben en el CI són espècies vulnerables o en perill: espinós, samaruc, fartet, rabosa, llopet de riu i tritó palmat. Els objectius d’aquest protocol són: que el CI tingui un protocol propi, aprendre com funciona tot el centre, totes les espècies, com alimentar-les, com manipular-les i com tractar-les durant tot el seu cicle de vida. Un altre objectiu és el de veure si a finals d’any s’obté una alta població de cada espècie, quines són reintroduïdes, les patologies sorgides i els valors dels paràmetres químics de les basses naturals exteriors. El protocol s’elabora a partir de les pràctiques realitzades durant l’estiu del 2013 i els coneixements adquirits, la bibliografia i les dades del CI. Gràcies a això s’ha elaborat el treball. S’ha tractat la conservació ex situ; la problemàtica que sofreixen les espècies; cadascuna d’aquestes espècies; com funciona el CI a nivell de centre i a nivell de personal; les tasques que hi ha diàriament, setmanalment i ocasionalment segons les necessitats de l’estoc; el maneig sanitari; les patologies i com tractar-les; i l’anàlisi genètic. Els resultats obtinguts d’aquest protocol són els resultats numèrics obtinguts de l’any 2013 que són: 1. El gran nombre de cries nascudes de samaruc i fartet, menys de raboseta de riu, poques d’espinós i tritó palmat, i menys de llopet que tot just comença ara en el CI. 2. El total d’uns 5700 individus reitnroduits (samaruc, raboseta de riu i espinós de Girona). 3. La patologia més sorgida és el punt blanc. 4. I els paràmetres químics (amoni, nitrits, nitrats i fòsfor) no són molt elevats. La conclusió final i més important a la que arribo en fer el protocol és la gran importància que té el CI per a conservar aquestes espècies que no es saben apreciar fins que comencen a desparèixer. La existència del CI és més aviat una mesura correctora de tots els impactes que han sofert els habitatges de les espècies tractades i de la introducció d’espècies exòtiques que són una amenaça per les autòctones.


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The loss of species during the Holocene was, dramatically more important on islands than on continents. Seabirds from islands are very vulnerable to human-induced alterations such as habitat destruction, hunting and exotic predators. For example, in the genus Puffinus (family Procellariidae) the extinction of at least five species has been recorded during the Holocene, two of them coming from the Canary Islands.


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A spectrophotometric flow injection analysis (FIA) procedure employing natural urease enzyme source for the determination of urea in animal blood plasma was developed. Among leguminous plants used in the Brazilian agriculture, the Cajanus cajan specie was selected as urease source considering its efficiency and availability. A minicolumn was filled with leguminous fragments and coupled to the FIA manifold, where urea was on-line converted to ammonium ions and subsequently it was quantified by spectrophotometry. The system was employed to determine urea in animal plasma samples without any prior treatment. Accuracy was assessed by comparison results with those obtained employing the official procedure and no significant difference at 90 % confidence level was observed. Other profitable features such as an analytical throughput of 30 determinations per hour, a reagent consumption of 19.2 mg sodium salicylate, 0.5 mg sodium hipochloride and a relative standard deviation of 1.4 % (n= 12) were also obtained.


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This is the first record of the common bream, Abramis brama (Linnaeus, 1758), introduced into the Iberian Peninsula. Eight individuals of this cyprinid fish species were captured (of a total of 978 fish) in the Boadella Reservoir (Catalonia, Spain) on August 18, 2004. This reservoir is only 14 km away from France, where the bream is native, and contains several exotic freshwater fish that are still not widespread in Spain. The further introduction of species and the illegal translocation of the bream by anglers to other Iberian river basins should be controlled by the Spanish administration


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This paper describes the presence of the nearctic water boatman Trichocorixa verticalis verticalis in southern Portugal. This species has been cited recently for the first time in Europe from individuals captured in southern Spain. This species, native to Atlantic coast of America, has also been cited from New Caledonia and South Africa, and has been found in the open sea. Two kinds of introduction are reported for this species: involuntary introduction with exotic fish, and passive dispersion through marine currents and severe storms. The possibility of this kind of introduction in Europe is discussed


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A dual model with a nonlinear proton Regge trajectory in the missing mass (M_X^2) channel is constructed. A background based on a direct-channel exotic trajectory, developed and applied earlier for the inclusive electron-proton cross section description in the nucleon resonance region, is used. The parameters of the model are determined from the extrapolations to earlier experiments. Predictions for the low-mass (2 < M_X^2 < 8GeV^2) diffraction dissociation cross sections at the LHC energies are given.


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Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) are N-based plant secondary metabolites that function as chemical defenses against vertebrate and invertebrate herbivores. PAs can be highly variable at intraspecific level, both in their absolute and relative concentrations. Changes in the chemical composition of exotic plants when they invade a new environment have been poorly explored. Here we studied the biogeographical variation on PAs in Senecio pterophorus (Asteraceae) in the native region in Eastern South Africa, an expanded region in Western South Africa, and two introduced regions in Australia and Europe. PAs in S. pterophorus were represented by the highly toxic 1,2-unsaturated PAs and the less toxic 1,2-saturated PAs. Our results show a change in the plant chemical composition after invasion. Total PAs concentrations were highest in Australia compared to any other region. Plants from Europe contained the highest relative concentrations of 1,2-saturated PAs. The positive correlation between the chemical and the genetic distances estimated between populations suggests that the chemical profiles in the non-native regions were related to the plant dispersal routes. The decrease in the chemical diversity and the change in the absolute PAs concentrations in S. pterophorus after invasion may have consequences in the interactions between plants and herbivores in the novel habitats.


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Essential oils are extracted by steam distillation of plants or cold pressing of citrus fruit pericarp. They are used in food, cosmetic, personal care and pharmaceutical industries. In Brazil, oils from orange and related products contribute to near 97% to the positive commercial performance of the sector. Predatory exploitation and the availability of new sources of raw materials, with more attracting prices, changed the paradigm. Prospective studies, sustainable use of Brazilian biodiversity, domestication of exotic species with commercial relevance, the use of breeding techniques and the development of new applications for essential oils are thematic lines, usually multidisciplinary, which have been prompting the expansion of the research on essential oils. This paper presents an analysis on essential oils balance trade from 2005 to 2008 and some historical data on research and production of essential oils in Brazil.


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Magnetic soils forming on tuffite of the region of Alto Paranaíba, Minas Gerais, Brazil, usually contain iron-rich spinels exceptionally rich in magnesium and titanium. In this work, samples of the magnetically separated portion from the sand fraction of a Brunizém (Chernossolo) and from its mother-rock material were analyzed with synchrotron X-ray diffraction and 57Fe-Mössbauer spectroscopy. Magnesioferite (MgFe2O4) and maghemite (its pure non-stoichiometric spinel structure, Fe8/3 ⊕ 1/3 O4, where ⊕ = cation vacancy, corresponds to γFe2O3) were the magnetic iron oxides so identified. Basing on these data, a consistent chemical-mineralogical model is proposed for the main transformation steps involving these iron oxides in the pedosystem, starting on magnesioferrite to finally render hematite (αFe2O3), passing through maghemite as an intermediate specie.


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This work describes the volatile composition obtained by hidrodistillation of fresh leaves of Siparuna guianensis Aublet collected from Cuiabá (MT), Brazil. The composition of DCM extract of hydrolate was determined by GC-MS analysis and the results showed that the specie present a range of components according to their phenology and period of the leaves were collects. The highest volatile components yield was obtained during the reproductive period and the principal compound was the siparunone.


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The clay minerals montmorillonite (MT) and vermiculite (VT), previously treated with Ca2+, K+ and Na+, were employed in a sorption study with herbicides. The herbicides 2,4-D, diuron, alachlor and metolachlor showed no interaction with MT and VT. On the other hand, the triazines presented a good sorption process, close to 100% for ametrine removal and near to 56 and 69% for atrazine and simazine, respectively, by MT. These results suggest that the MT specie may be a good material for triazines removal from aqueous medium and an alternative phase to preconcentration process, besides to exhibit a good selectivity.


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We have around ninety chemical elements available in nature, which were produced mainly by nuclear reactions inside stars. The fusion reactions are the main synthesis process which generates the light and intermediate masses elements. The synthesis begins with the hydrogen burning reaching the region of iron mass nuclei. Heavier elements are synthesized by neutron capture processes, forming exotic nuclei with large neutron excess. These systems present characteristics very different from nuclei inside of stable atoms; they only occur in particular astrophysical environments or are produced artificially in special laboratory conditions. This work discusses some properties of the exotic nuclei and how they participate in the synthesis of elements.


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The marine environment is certainly one of the most complex systems to study, not only because of the challenges posed by the nature of the waters, but especially due to the interactions of physical, chemical and biological processes that control the cycles of the elements. Together with analytical chemists, oceanographers have been making a great effort in the advancement of knowledge of the distribution patterns of trace elements and processes that determine their biogeochemical cycles and influences on the climate of the planet. The international academic community is now in prime position to perform the first study on a global scale for observation of trace elements and their isotopes in the marine environment (GEOTRACES) and to evaluate the effects of major global changes associated with the influences of megacities distributed around the globe. This action can only be performed due to the development of highly sensitive detection methods and the use of clean sampling and handling techniques, together with a joint international program working toward the clear objective of expanding the frontiers of the biogeochemistry of the oceans and related topics, including climate change issues and ocean acidification associated with alterations in the carbon cycle. It is expected that the oceanographic data produced this coming decade will allow a better understanding of biogeochemical cycles, and especially the assessment of changes in trace elements and contaminants in the oceans due to anthropogenic influences, as well as its effects on ecosystems and climate. Computational models are to be constructed to simulate the conditions and processes of the modern oceans and to allow predictions. The environmental changes arising from human activity since the 18th century (also called the Anthropocene) have made the Earth System even more complex. Anthropogenic activities have altered both terrestrial and marine ecosystems, and the legacy of these impacts in the oceans include: a) pollution of the marine environment by solid waste, including plastics; b) pollution by chemical and medical (including those for veterinary use) substances such as hormones, antibiotics, legal and illegal drugs, leading to possible endocrine disruption of marine organisms; and c) ocean acidification, the collateral effect of anthropogenic emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere, irreversible in the human life time scale. Unfortunately, the anthropogenic alteration of the hydrosphere due to inputs of plastics, metal, hydrocarbons, contaminants of emerging concern and even with formerly "exotic" trace elements, such us rare earth elements is likely to accelerate in the near future. These emerging contaminants would likely soon present difficulties for studies in pristine environments. All this knowledge brings with it a great responsibility: helping to envisage viable adaptation and mitigation solutions to the problems identified. The greatest challenge faced by Brazil is currently to create a framework project to develop education, science and technology applied to oceanography and related areas. This framework would strengthen the present working groups and enhance capacity building, allowing a broader Brazilian participation in joint international actions and scientific programs. Recently, the establishment of the National Institutes of Science and Technology (INCTs) for marine science, and the creation of the National Institute of Oceanographic and Hydrological Research represent an exemplary start. However, the participation of the Brazilian academic community in the latest assaults on the frontier of chemical oceanography is extremely limited, largely due to: i. absence of physical infrastructure for the preparation and processing of field samples at ultra-trace level; ii. limited access to oceanographic cruises, due to the small number of Brazilian vessels and/or absence of "clean" laboratories on board; iii. restricted international cooperation; iv. limited analytical capacity of Brazilian institutions for the analysis of trace elements in seawater; v. high cost of ultrapure reagents associated with processing a large number of samples, and vi. lack of qualified technical staff. Advances in knowledge, analytic capabilities and the increasing availability of analytical resources available today offer favorable conditions for chemical oceanography to grow. The Brazilian academic community is maturing and willing to play a role in strengthening the marine science research programs by connecting them with educational and technological initiatives in order to preserve the oceans and to promote the development of society.


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Brazil is renowned for its biodiversity; however, its economy is based on exotic plants, extraction and unsustainable use of natural resources. This issue was addressed in a recent QN review entitled "Chemistry without Borders." In order to explore the potential of Brazilian biodiversity fully, sustainable development is required in key technological areas, such as biotechnology. This research field is consistent with the green chemistry and white technology principles. Therefore, biotechnology is a sustainable alternative to conventional technologies and is expected to account for 20% of global chemicals by 2020. Brazil is the second largest grower of biotech crops and biodiesel, but its main activities rely on the fermentative process. In order to stimulate the national biotechnology development, the Brazilian Federal Government launched a national policy for biotechnology in 2007 and the National Committee of Biotechnology was created. Among the outstanding biotechnological processes, biocatalysis is one of the most important alternatives to conventional processing, and this field has changed dramatically with the advent of recombinant DNA technology in the 1970s, when large quantities of enzymes were accessible. The direct evolution methodology in the 1990s was a breakthrough and allowed tailoring of enzymes possessing high stability and stereoselectivity. However, about 60 years after the first industrial enzymatic biotransformation of steroids, the full potential of biocatalysis is far from being achieved. Future challenges in this field concern the multienzyme cascade reactions associated with optimized chemoenzymatic processes, and some recent industrial application of biocatalysts are also highlighted in this perspective.


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Various vegetables as biological catalysts were evaluated in enantioselective reduction of carbonyl compounds. The stereoselectivity of the process was in agreement with Prelog's rule for twelve of the vegetables, whereas okra and green peppers formed anti-Prelog products. Zingiber officinale exhibited the best results with 30% conversion and 89% ee. The parameters of the reaction such as time, solvent and other substrates investigated, as well as the specie, showed good chemo- and enantioselectivity.