1000 resultados para densidade de inóculo
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
It was evaluated bone mineral density of turkeys submitted the vaccination against coccidiosis. Used 420 turkeys of one day, divided in 4 treatments with 5 repetitions: T1 – control diet; T2 - diet and anti coccidiosis drugs; T3 - diet and commercial vaccine; T4 - diet and recombinant vaccine. To the 28 days the birds had been submitted to the challenge of coccidiosis, carried through inoculation of oocisty talked back directly in the esophagus of the birds. The bone quality was evaluated to the 21, 35, 49 and 72 days of age. For this, 8 birds for treatment had been collected, in each age of collection that had been sacrificed by cervical displacement. The tibiae and femura had been radiographed and tomographed for evaluation of the bone density, had been later evaluated texts of dry substance, bone ashes, calcium and of phosphorus. It had differences only between the ages, being that the treatments had not caused alterations of the bone characteristics. To the 56 days the birds had presented bone quality worse. The treatments had not influenced the studied parameters. What it allows to conclude that the vaccination against coccidiosis promotes good mineralization of the bones.
Soil bulk density is an attribute often used to characterize soil physical structure, being an indicator of soil compaction. The objective of this study was to compare the values of bulk density measured by the paraffin sealed clod and volumetric ring methods in conventional, no-tillage and minimum tillage systems on a Dystroferric Red Nitosol, clayey, in Botucatu, SP. The experiment design was a 3x2 factorial arrangement in randomized block with four replications. The density values obtained by the paraffin sealed clod method were statistically higher than those obtained by the volumetric ring method. There was no difference between the managements when comparing the values of soil density obtained by the paraffin sealed clod method. The soil under conventional management showed lower density when comparing the values of soil density obtained by the volumetric ring. The volumetric ring method was more sensitive to show differences between the management systems than the paraffin sealed clod method.
No-till has been used in many different regions of Brazil. However, depending on the location and intensity of machinery traffic, this has caused the problem of soil compaction and many producers are scarification the land as a solution to break through the layer that is restricting plant growth. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of scarification (0.30 m) in the physical properties of a dystrophic Alfisol comparing the results with a non-scarified contiguous area; both were previously conducted using no-till. The density and pressure of pre-consolidation were sampled in two areas of non-tillage, one with chiseling (PDCE) and one without (PDSE) by using the UMAS -Mobile Soil Sampling Unit built by NEMPA – Agroforestry Machinery and Tire Testing Center/FCA / UNESP, Botucatu ,SP. The UMAS is equipped with GPS which allows the samples to be georeferenced. The samples were evaluated in the laboratory through the collection of standardized rings. Sampling was performed at a dimension of 15 x 50 m, with 160 rings being collected. The samples containing rings which were used in determining the density and also for testing the consolidometer, were collected from the layers of 0 to 0.10 m, 0.10 to 0.20 m, 0.20 to 0.30 0.30 to I 0.40 m. For the odometer test the undisturbed sample rings were used in obtaining the load bearing capacity of the soil. The soil management adopted provided a decrease in soil density using no-tillage with scarification depths from 0.0 to 0.10 0.10 to 0.20 m while the other depths did not show any decrease. The pre-consolidation pressure in combination with soil aggregate resistance identified that the management process PDCE within all layers was subjected to water content reliability regarding a greater load bearing capacity of the soil. For the PDSE that only was possible in the 0 to 0.10 m, showing greater consolidation of this layer.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In this work, we address the informational Density Index (IDI) a methodological Option How To be used on the Research Procedures Analysis of Commerce Geography. The IDI and an indicator of Technological Complexity level of economic activities and a review and made a database from CNEFE / NCEA, where the first signifies the National Register of Establishments for statistical purposes and the second means a National Classification Economic Activities. Elaborated with emphasis on discussion of between center and centrality relations, wish to present a constitution of a data base on level sampling with an analysis elaboration do IDI from the criteria: home-page and e - commerce. This methodology helps us understand how polycentric structures, locational enterprise well as a reflection on the middle cities using a through the analysis on city of São Carlos/SP. Where we see the establishments with greater and lesser content as well as its geographical distribution, noting of according to the criteria listed number of establishments with IDI 0 very relevant. Our analysis as well as such divisions that meet greater index, so, IDI 2 like to financial activities. Also present at methodological level the city of São José do Rio Preto/SP paragraph seizure of care when working there in database
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In this work, we address the informational Density Index (IDI) a methodological Option How To be used on the Research Procedures Analysis of Commerce Geography. The IDI and an indicator of Technological Complexity level of economic activities and a review and made a database from CNEFE / NCEA, where the first signifies the National Register of Establishments for statistical purposes and the second means a National Classification Economic Activities. Elaborated with emphasis on discussion of between center and centrality relations, wish to present a constitution of a data base on level sampling with an analysis elaboration do IDI from the criteria: home-page and e - commerce. This methodology helps us understand how polycentric structures, locational enterprise well as a reflection on the middle cities using a through the analysis on city of São Carlos/SP. Where we see the establishments with greater and lesser content as well as its geographical distribution, noting of according to the criteria listed number of establishments with IDI 0 very relevant. Our analysis as well as such divisions that meet greater index, so, IDI 2 like to financial activities. Also present at methodological level the city of São José do Rio Preto/SP paragraph seizure of care when working there in database
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Yield mapping represents the spatial variability concerning the features of a productive area and allows intervening on the next year production, for example, on a site-specific input application. The trial aimed at verifying the influence of a sampling density and the type of interpolator on yield mapping precision to be produced by a manual sampling of grains. This solution is usually adopted when a combine with yield monitor can not be used. An yield map was developed using data obtained from a combine equipped with yield monitor during corn harvesting. From this map, 84 sample grids were established and through three interpolators: inverse of square distance, inverse of distance and ordinary kriging, 252 yield maps were created. Then they were compared with the original one using the coefficient of relative deviation (CRD) and the kappa index. The loss regarding yield mapping information increased as the sampling density decreased. Besides, it was also dependent on the interpolation method used. A multiple regression model was adjusted to the variable CRD, according to the following variables: spatial variability index and sampling density. This model aimed at aiding the farmer to define the sampling density, thus, allowing to obtain the manual yield mapping, during eventual problems in the yield monitor.
The knowledge of the variations in the wood characteristics produced by eucalyptus trees according to age and sampling positions is essential for its proper use. This study had as objective to evaluate the influence of the age, longitudinal and radial positions on basic density and anatomical characteristics in Eucalyptus grandis wood. The trees were planted in 3x2 m spacing and fertilized with commercial fertilizers in planting, 6th and 12th months. According to basal area distribution, fifteen trees were selected (24, 36 and 72 months of age) - five trees per age. Disks at DBH position (1.3 m) were taken for fiber determination (length, wall thickness, lumen diameter and width) and vessels (tangential diameter, frequency and area occupied) and in other different sampling positions for basic density determination. Wood basic density increased from 0.43 to 0.46 g.cm(-3) as well as the trees age increases with a longitudinal variation model, characterized through a decrease in base-3m (0.42-0.49 -> 0.40-0.46 g.cm(-3)) and an increase to the top of the trunk (0.46 -> 0.54 g.cm(-3)) Fibers and vessels dimensions showed variations related to age and to pit-bark direction. Wood properties behavior and variations indicate that, until this period, the juvenile wood is being formed.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a densidade energética da dieta de adultos do município de São Paulo e fatores associados. SUJEITOS E MÉTODOS: Participantes do estudo ISA-Capital, com amostragem probabilística (n = 710 adultos). O consumo alimentar foi avaliado pelo R24h. As correlações foram investigadas pelo coeficiente de correlação de Pearson. As associações com dados demográficos, socioeconômicos e de estilo de vida foram investigadas por modelos de regressão multivariados. RESULTADOS: A densidade energética média foi 1,98 kcal/g (IC95% [1,94; 2,01]) e correlacionou-se positivamente com a ingestão de energia, gordura, carboidrato, colesterol, gordura saturada, sacarose, gordura trans e açúcar adicionado e negativamente com fibras. Apenas idade e hábito de fumar apresentaram associação com a densidade energética. CONCLUSÕES: Os valores elevados da densidade energética da dieta e a relação demonstrada com outros constituintes nutricionais denotam má qualidade da dieta nessa população, o que pode estar contribuindo para crescentes taxas de excesso de peso. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2012;56(9):638-45
FUNDAMENTO: As extrassístoles ventriculares e supraventriculares (EV e ESSV) são frequentes e muitas vezes sintomáticas. O íon magnésio (Mg) desempenha um papel importante na fisiologia do potencial de ação transmembrana celular e do ritmo cardíaco. OBJETIVO: Avaliar se a administração do pidolato de magnésio (PMg) em pacientes com EV e ESSV tem desempenho superior ao uso do placebo (P) na melhora dos sintomas e densidade das extrassístoles (DES). MÉTODOS: Estudo duplo-cego, randomizado, com 60 pacientes sintomáticos consecutivos, com mais de 240/EV ou ESSV ao Holter de 24 horas e selecionados para receber P ou PMg. Para avaliar a melhora da sintomatologia, foi feito um questionário categórico e específico de sintomas relacionados às extrassístoles. Após o tratamento, foi considerada significante uma redução de mais de 70% na DES por hora. A dose do PMg foi de 3,0 g/dia por 30 dias, equivalente a 260 mg do elemento Mg. Nenhum paciente tinha cardiopatia estrutural ou insuficiência renal. RESULTADOS: Dos 60 pacientes estudados, 33 eram do sexo feminino (55%). A faixa etária variou de 16 a 70 anos. No grupo PMg, 76,6% dos pacientes tiveram redução maior que 70%, 10% deles maior que 50% e somente 13,4% tiveram redução menor que 50% na DES. No grupo P, 40% dos pacientes tiveram melhora de apenas 30% na frequência de extrassístoles (p < 0,001). A melhora dos sintomas foi alcançada em 93,3% dos pacientes do grupo PMg, comparada com somente 16,7% do grupo P (p < 0,001). CONCLUSÃO: A suplementação de Mg via oral reduziu a DES, resultando em melhora dos sintomas.