980 resultados para cultural theories


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Purpose - The authors sought to explain why and how protean career attitude might influence self-initiated expatriates' (SIEs) experiences positively. A mediation model of cultural adjustment was proposed and empirically evaluated. Design/methodology/approach - Data from 132 SIEs in Germany containing measures of protean career attitude, cultural adjustment, career satisfaction, life satisfaction, and intention to stay in the host country were analysed using path analysis with a bootstrap method. Findings - Empirical results provide support for the authors' proposed model: the positive relations between protean career attitude and the three expatriation outcomes (career satisfaction, life satisfaction and intention to stay in the host country) were mediated by positive cross-cultural adjustment of SIEs. Research limitations/implications - All data were cross-sectional from a single source. The sample size was small and included a large portion of Chinese participants. The study should be replicated with samples in other destination countries, and longitudinal research is suggested. Practical implications - By fostering both a protean career attitude in skilled SIE employees and their cultural adjustment, corporations and receiving countries could be able to retain this international workforce better in times of talent shortage. Originality/value - This study contributes to the scarce research on the conceptual relatedness of protean career attitude and SIEs, as well as to acknowledging the cultural diversity of the SIE population.


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In der Pflegewissenschaft geben der Einsatz von Theorien und der daraus folgende Gewinn immer wieder Anlass zu Diskussionen. Ein Hauptvorwurf ist, dass Pflegetheorien als sehr abstrakt und wenig praxisnah gelten. Jedoch gibt es wenige Indikatoren, um das Abstraktionsniveau von Theorien und die damit verbundene Reichweite zu bestimmen. Im vorliegenden Artikel werden Fragen basierend auf die Definitionen und Grundannahmen von Theorien erstellt. Damit werden anschließend drei ausgesuchte Theorien auf ihr Abstraktionsniveau und Reichweite untersucht. Es wurden 18 Fragen zu den drei Bereichen ,,Zweck der Theorie", ,,Aufgabe der Theorie" und ,,Beschreibung der Theorie" entwickelt. Diese 18 Fragen wurden auf die Theorie der Adaptation von Sister Callista Roy, die Theorie zur Unsicherheit von Merle M. Mishel und die Theorie der Omnipräsenz von Krebs von Maya Shaha angewendet. [The use of nursing theories and their associated benefits remain an area of repeated discussion in nursing. One of the main objections is that nursing theories are abstract and therefore cannot be easily applied to practice. However, only few indicators exist to help identify a theory's level of abstraction or its scope. In this article, questions based on definitions and assumptions of theories have been developed. These questions have then been applied to three selected theories to investigate their level of abstraction and scope. A total of 18 questions divided into three domains were developed. The three categories were: ,,the purpose of the theory", ,,the aim of the theory" and ,,the description of the theory". The theory of Adaptation by Sister Callista Roy, the Theory of Uncertainty by Merle M. Mishel and the Theory of the Omnipresence of Cancer by Maya Shaha were selected to be analysed following the three domains with the 18 questions.]


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How can we best understand the emergence of the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP)? This paper applies the theories of historical institutionalism and experiential learning to offer a dynamic conceptualisation of moves towards an ESDP which highlights some of the causal factors that a more temporally-restricted analysis would miss. It firstly shows how the institutional and functional expansion of European Political Cooperation (EPC) over the course of the 1970s and 80s gave rise to a context in which the development of a security and defence dimension came to be viewed as more logical and even necessary. It then goes on to analyse some of the external factors (in the form of actors, events and institutions) that further pushed in this direction and proved to influence the policy’s subsequent evolution. The paper is therefore intended to act as a first-step to understanding the ESDP’s development from this perspective.


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AIM: The aim of this study was to interpret and validate a French version of the Oswestry disability index (ODI), using a cross-cultural validation method. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire was assessed in order to ensure the psychometric characteristics. METHOD: The cross-cultural validation was carried out according to Beaton's methodology. The study was conducted with 41 patients suffering from low back pain. The correlation between the ODI and the Roland-Morris disability questionnaire (RMDQ), the medical outcome survey short form-36 (MOS SF-36) and a pain visual analogical scale (VAS) was assessed. RESULTS: The validity of the Oswestry questionnaire was studied using the Cronbach Alpha coefficient calculation: 0.87 (n=36). The significant correlation between the ODI and RMDQ was 0.8 (P<0.001, n=41) and 0.71 (P<0.001, n=36) for the pain VAS. The correlation between the ODI and certain subscales (physical functioning 0.7 (P<0.001, n=41), physical role 0.49 et bodily pain 0.73 (P<0.001, n=41)) of the MOS SF-36 were equally significant. The reproducibility of the ODI was calculated using the Wilcoxon matched pairs test: there was no significant difference for eight out of ten sections or for the final score. CONCLUSION: This French translation of the ODI should be considered as valid and reliable. It should be used for any future clinical studies carried out using French language patients. Complimentary studies must be completed in order to assess its sensitivity to change in the event of any modifications in the patients functional capacity.


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The age-dependent choice between expressing individual learning (IL) or social learning (SL) affects cumulative cultural evolution. A learning schedule in which SL precedes IL is supportive of cumulative culture because the amount of nongenetically encoded adaptive information acquired by previous generations can be absorbed by an individual and augmented. Devoting time and energy to learning, however, reduces the resources available for other life-history components. Learning schedules and life history thus coevolve. Here, we analyze a model where individuals may have up to three distinct life stages: "infants" using IL or oblique SL, "juveniles" implementing IL or horizontal SL, and adults obtaining material resources with learned information. We study the dynamic allocation of IL and SL within life stages and how this coevolves with the length of the learning stages. Although no learning may be evolutionary stable, we find conditions where cumulative cultural evolution can be selected for. In that case, the evolutionary stable learning schedule causes individuals to use oblique SL during infancy and a mixture between IL and horizontal SL when juvenile. We also find that the selected pattern of oblique SL increases the amount of information in the population, but horizontal SL does not do so.


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As a neutral and multilingual country, Switzerland struggled with major domestic political conflicts during the First World War due to the two cultures of the French-speaking and German-speaking parts of the country. The divided cultural loyalties ('fossé moral', 'Röstigraben'), consisting of Swiss-Germans supporting Germany and Swiss-French supporting France, were discussed intensively in both of the main teachers' journals in Switzerland. Teachers felt the need to react and to promote unity from the beginning of the war. Despite the fact that the cantons are responsible for public education and, therefore, for the education of their students, teachers considered themselves called to educate their students to be national citizens rather than to be members of a language group. This threefold citizenship - communal, cantonal and national - was not scrutinised, but national unity became crucial due to the critical political circumstances. How did teachers promote and constitute citizenship for themselves and for their students in a nation united by free will during the First World War, a time of severe internal political conflicts?


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When subjects studied at school are close to societal discourses and to the students' social identities, when they have high emotional resonance, is it possible to enable the students to distance themselves from their emotions and personal experience, and to conceptualise them? Examining the relation between emotion and learning through the lens of socio-cultural psychology, the aim of our study was to shed light on "secondarisation" processes, that is, processes that transform personal experience and emotions into conceptualised forms of thinking. We analysed 85 video-recorded lessons in education for cultural diversity involving 12 teachers (of primary and secondary schools). Having identified episodes in which emotions were put into words or personal experience was reported, we analysed the use of pronouns (taken as indicators of secondarisation processes) and found a recurrent pattern: "the unicity-genericity routine". We illustrate the functioning of this routine with various excerpts taken from lessons in education for diversity taught in the classes of two teachers in primary school. The results show that the interplay between unicity and genericity works as a discursive resource for the development of secondarisation processes.


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O presente trabalho é parte de um estudo etnográfico realizado em um CTI de um hospital universitário que teve o objetivo de descrever a cultura dos intensivistas. São apresentados domínios e taxonomias culturais elaborados a partir dos relatos dos intensivistas. Os resultados aqui apresentados demostraram que a etnografia é uma estratégia metodológica adequada para contextualização do cenário cultural sob o ponto de vista de quem vivencia o cotidiano do trabalho na terapia intensiva.


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Os objetivos deste estudo etnográfico foram identificar o significado cultural atribuído por familiares à participação no processo de cuidar da pessoa ultima de queimadura; identificar as estratégias de cuidado que os familiares focalizam frente à participação no cuidado. Os dados foram coletados mediante entrevistas semi-estruturadas com 25 familiares de clientes que sofreram queimaduras, admitidos em uma Unidade de Queimados e observações participantes. Os resultados mostram que o significado cultural atribuído por familiares de pessoas vítimas queimaduras ao processo de cuidar tem duas dimensões: a física e a moral e gera principalmente medo.


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Este artigo apresenta a sexualidade como uma construção cultural. Para fundamentar tal assertiva, é relatada uma pesquisa realizada com um grupo de onze mulheres de uma comunidade rural, no interior do Rio Grande do Sul. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas e as narrativas foram analisadas qualitativamente, buscando, via ótica cultural, o significado dos depoimentos. A sexualidade é, aqui, contemplada a partir das vivências individuais, dos valores, das crenças, dos mitos e dos preconceitos, construídos ao longo da socialização de cada colaboradora. No final do texto, foram acrescentadas algumas reflexões que salientam a importância de tal interpretação cultural sobre os eventos, especialmente sobre a sexualidade para as enfermeiras.