923 resultados para cranial calvarial
The rete testis of the cat consists of 3 parts: a septal or interlobular part; a mediastinal part and a tunical part. The septal part contains the septal or transitory tubuli recti and the tubuli recti. The transitory tubules are formed as a confluence of the seminiferous tubules at the apex of the testicular lobules and the tubuli recti. The mediastinal rete is formed of long, straight channels which increase in size and become more irregular and anastomotic below the tunica albuginea at the cranial extremity of the testis. The end is characterized as the tunical part of the rete testis and communicates with the extratesticular rete testis. The channels all parts of the rete are lined by simple cuboidal or columnar epithelium. These epithelial channels are supported by a connective tissue containing smooth muscle cells. The framework tissue of the rete is more conspicuous at the cranial extremity of the testis, with a mio-connective matrix organization.
The middle cranial fossa of 100 cadavers were dissected under stereoscopic loupe in order to identify and systematize the venous vessels located along the lateral margin of the trigeminal cave. The author found that at the sensitive root and trigeminal ganglion level a dural venous canal was present in most individuals examined and that the upper side of this canal communicated with the superior petrosal sinus. However, at the level of the lateral border of the intracranial segment of the mandibular nerve, venous lacunae were found to prevail, and these lacunae communicated with several other venous formations in the peritrigeminal region. The author concludes that the venous vascularization of this area constitutes a major risk in surgical interventions made in the middle cranial fossa. In addition, it is a relevant factor in the hemodynamics of the intracranial circulation.
Thrichomys apereoides is an echimyid rodent which ranges in distribution from northeastern and central Brazil into Paraguay. Five subspecies are recognized, although each form is not well characterized and diagnosis is based primarily in pelage color variation. In this study we employed procedures from multivariate statistics to assess the systematic status of subspecies described from northeastern Brazil. The results of the craniometric analysis cannot be reconciled with the subspecies currently recognized for northeastern Brazil. Populations assigned to T. a. laurentius and T. a. inermis form a continuum of variation in cranial size, although they differ in cranial shape from a population from the locality of Bodoco in the state of Pernambuco. The implications of these findings for the systematics of T. apereoides are discussed.
The present study examined the role of branchial and orobranchial O-2 chemoreceptors in the cardiorespiratory responses, aquatic surface respiration (ASR), and the development of inferior lip swelling in tambaqui during prolonged (6 h) exposure to hypoxia. Intact fish (control) and three groups of denervated fish (bilateral denervation of cranial nerves IX+X (to the gills), of cranial nerves V+VII (to the orobranchial cavity) or of cranial nerves V alone), were exposed to severe hypoxia (Pw(O2) = 10 mmHg) for 360 min. Respiratory frequency (fR) and heart rate (fH) were recorded simultaneously with ASR. Intact (control) fish increased fR, ventilation amplitude (V-AMP) and developed hypoxic bradycardia in the first 60 min of hypoxia. The bradycardia, however, abated progressively and had returned to normoxic levels by the last hour of exposure to hypoxia. The changes in respiratory frequency and the hypoxic bradycardia were eliminated by denervation of cranial nerves IX and X but were not affected by denervation of cranial nerves V or V+VII. The VAMP was not abolished by the various denervation protocols. The fH in fish with denervation of cranial nerves V or V+VII, however, did not recover to control values as in intact fish. After 360 min of exposure to hypoxia only the intact and IX+X denervated fish performed ASR. Denervation of cranial nerve V abolished the ASR behavior. However, all (control and denervated (IX+X, V and V+VII) fish developed inferior lip swelling. These results indicate that ASR is triggered by O-2 chemoreceptors innervated by cranial nerve V but that other mechanisms, such as a direct effect of hypoxia on the lip tissue, trigger lip swelling.
Evaporative water loss (EWL) and oxygen uptake ((V) over dot o(2)) was measured in two species of tree frogs with cranial co-ossification, Aparasphenodon brunoi and Corythomantis greeningi. Both species use their head to seal the entrance of bromeliads, tree holes or rocky crevices used as shelters. EWL was significantly reduced in sheltered individuals of both species as compared with those exposed nude to desiccation. EWL per unit area through the head surface was significantly lower than the body skin for A. brunoi but not for C., greeningi. EWL per unit surface area through C. greeningi body skin was about 50% that of A. brunoi, indicating a less permeable skin in the former species. The relationship between cranial coossification and EWL is discussed. ((V) over dot o(2)) in A. brunoi was comparable with other anurans of similar size, whereas in C. greeningi, it was lower than predicted from body mass. Moreover, ((V) over dot o(2)), in C. greeningi showed less sensitivity to temperature increase than in A. brunoi. C. greeningi occurs in a drier environment than A. brunoi, and this appears to be reflected in their EWL and ((V) over dot o(2)) characteristics. (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V.
Introduction: Hypertrophy of the adenoids and palatine tonsils is the second most frequent cause of upper respiratory obstruction and, consequently, mouth breathing in children. Prolonged mouth breathing leads to muscular and postural alterations which, in turn, cause dentosketetal changes. Objective: the aim of this study was to determine muscular, functional and dentoskeletal alterations in children aged 3-6 years. Materials and methods: Seventy-three children, including 44 with tonsil hypertrophy and 29 controls, were submitted to otorhinolaryngologic, speech pathologic and orthodontic assessment. Results: Otorhinolaryngologic evaluation revealed a higher incidence of nasal obstruction, snoring, mouth breathing, apneas, nocturnal hypersalivation, itchy nose, repeated tonsillitis and bruxism in children with tonsils hypertrophy. Speech pathologic assessment showed a higher incidence of open lip and lower tongue position, and of hypotonia of the upper and lower lips, tongue and buccinator muscle in these children, accompanied by important impairment in mastication and deglutition. Orthodontic evaluation demonstrated a higher incidence of lower mandible position in relation to the cranial base, a reduction in lower posterior facial height, transverse atresia of the palate, and a dolicofacial pattern. Conclusion: Postural and functional alterations anticipate dentoskeletal changes, except for the facial pattern. Postural alterations and the skeletal pattern seem to play an important role in infant dentofacial growth. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
This study pertains to a random sample of untreated French-Canadian adolescents (79 females and 107 males) evaluated at 10 and again at 15 years of age. Superimpositions on natural reference structures were performed to describe condylar growth and modelling of 11 mandibular landmarks. Superimpositions on natural cranial/cranial base reference structures were performed to describe mandibular displacement and true rotation.The results showed significant superior and posterior growth/modelling of the condyle and ramus. Males underwent significantly (P < 0.01) greater condylar growth and ramus modelling than females. With the exception of point B, which showed significant superior drift, modelling changes for the corpus landmarks were small and variable. The mandible rotated forward 2-3.3 degrees and was displaced 9.6-12.7 mm inferiorly and 1.9-2.7 mm anteriorly. Individual differences in ramus growth and modelling, both amount and direction, can be explained by mandibular rotation and displacements. Multivariate assessments revealed that superior condylar growth and ramus modelling were most closely associated with forward rotation and inferior mandibular displacement. Posterior growth and modelling were most closely correlated with anterior mandibular displacement and forward rotation. Modelling of the lower anterior border was independent of rotation and displacement.
The purpose of this study was to describe the anatomy of the lungs of wild boars for comparison with those of domestic swine. It was found that the right lung of the wild boar is divided into four lobes: cranial, median, caudal and accessory, whereas the left lung is divided into two lobes: cranial and caudal. In 93.4% of the cases, right pulmonary artery separates into the ascendant, descendant, median, accessory and caudal branches. In 73.3% of the cases, left pulmonary artery separates most frequently to form three branches to the cranial lobe, whereas the median lobe is generally supplied by only one arterial branch. There is a single pattern of bronchial distribution: in the right lung a tracheal bronchus leads to the cranial lobe, where it separates into the cranial and caudal bronchi and there are also bronchi to the median, caudal and accessory lobes. In the left lung, the large bronchus separates to form two branches, one of which further separates to form two branches to the cranial lobe whereas the other forms a single branch to the caudal lobe.
The frequency of dental abnormalities, such as delayed dental development, microdontia, hypoplasia, agenesis, V-shaped root and shortened root was evaluated in 76 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) pediatric patients who had been off chemotherapy for 6 months. These children had been subjected to one of the three Brazilian Protocols or the BFM86 Protocol. The patients were divided into three groups: Group I (GI; high risk) treated with one of the three Brazilian Protocols who received high-dose chemotherapy, intensive maintenance and cranial radiotherapy; Group II (GII; low risk) who were also treated with one of the three Brazilian Protocols using low-intensive chemotherapy with no radiotherapy; and Group III (GIII) based on the BFM86 Protocol.Of 76 children, 13 showed no dental abnormalities (8 were at the age of tooth formation). The remaining 63 children (82.9%) showed at least one dental anomaly.The abnormalities were probably caused by the type, intensity, frequency of the treatment and age of the patients at ALL diagnosis and this might have important consequences for the children's dental development. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
The object of the current study was to evaluate the efficacy of thermography and ultrasonography in the diagnosis of thoracolumbar lesions in Quarter Horse athletes and associate the different types of lesions found with the athletic modality practiced. Twenty-four horses were admitted to the Surgery Service for Large Animals of the Veterinary and Animal Science Faculty, UNESP, Botucatu, Brazil, with complaints of back problems. All the horses were submitted for physical examinations to confirm the existence of thoracolumbar alterations and then for thermography and ultrasonography Thermography was used to map the lesioned areas of this region and ultrasonography for lesion characterization. The lesions found were supraspinous desmitis, interspinous desmitis, dorsal intervertebral osteoarthritis, and impingement of the spinous processes or kissing spines. The existence of a relation between the type of event practiced by the horse and the type of lesion found was determined. In horses that competed in the barrel race, a predominance of lesions in the thoracic caudal, thoracolumbar, and cranial lumbar regions occurred, with intervertebral osteoarthritis and interspinous desmitis being the most common. In cutting horses, most of the lesions were observed in the caudal lumbar region, whereas horses competing in reining showed a preferential location for lesions in the middle lumbar, with a predominance of supraspinous desmitis and myositis. Thermography associated with ultrasonography was shown to be efficient in the diagnosis of the thoracolumbar lesions of these horses.
The gross anatomy of the portal vein (V. portae) and its tributaries was studied through anatomical methods, i.e. dissection, corrosion and diaphanization, in 45 opossums (Didelphis albiventris). In all animals the portal vein was formed by the junction of the cranial mesenteric, caudal mesenteric and lienal veins (V. mesenterica cranialis, V. mesenterica caudalis and V. lienalis, respectively). Many collateral tributaries were observed running into the portal venous trunk.
Mechanism for the uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation by juliprosopine on rat brain mitochondria
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The knowledge of the normal anatomy and variations regarding the management of tumors of the sellar region is paramount to perform safe surgical procedures. The sellar region is located in the center of the middle cranial fossa; it contains complex anatomical structures, and is the site of various pathological processes: tumor, vascular, developmental, and neuroendocrine. We review the microsurgical anatomy (microscopic and endoscopic) of this region and discuss the surgical nuances regarding this topic, based on anatomical concepts.
Fish control the relative flow rates of water and blood over the gills in order to optimise respiratory gas exchange. As both flows are markedly pulsatile, close beat-to-beat relationships can be predicted. Cardiorespiratory interactions in fish are controlled primarily by activity in the parasympathetic nervous system that has its origin in cardiac vagal. preganglionic neurons. Recordings of efferent activity in the cardiac vagus include units firing in respiration-related bursts. Bursts of electrical stimuli delivered peripherally to the cardiac vagus or centrally to respiratory branches of cranial, nerves can recruit the heart over a range of frequencies. So, phasic, efferent activity in cardiac vagi, that in the intact fish are respiration-related, can cause heart rate to be modulated by the respiratory rhythm. In elasmobranch fishes this phasic activity seems to arise primarily from central feed-forward interactions with respiratory motor neurones that have overlapping distributions with cardiac neurons in the brainstem. In teleost fish, they arise from increased levels of efferent vagal activity arising from reflex stimulation of chemoreceptors and mechanoreceptors in the orobranchial, cavity. However, these differences are largely a matter of emphasis as both groups show elements of feed-forward and feed-back control of cardiorespiratory interactions. (C) 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.