856 resultados para comfort, outdoor, indoor
This paper investigates the environmental conditions inside a highly-glazed cross-ventilated meeting room. A 3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model of an indoor environment is developed with the support of the field measurements performed in a normally operating room. The work presented here follows the steps of the formal calibration methodology for the development of CFD models of naturally ventilated environments. This paper utilises the calibration methodology in order to predict environmental conditions within the highly-glazed cross-ventilated room occupied by people. The CFD model is verified and validated with field measurements performed in an operating building. Moreover, parametric analysis determines the most influential boundary conditions on indoor air temperatures and air speeds
Introduction: Abundant evidence shows that regular physical activity (PA) is an effective strategy for preventing obesity in people of diverse socioeconomic status (SES) and racial groups. The proportion of PA performed in parks and how this differs by proximate neighborhood SES has not been thoroughly investigated. The present project analyzes online public web data feeds to assess differences in outdoor PA by neighborhood SES in St. Louis, MO, USA.
Methods: First, running and walking routes submitted by users of the website MapMyRun.com were downloaded. The website enables participants to plan, map, record, and share their exercise routes and outdoor activities like runs, walks, and hikes in an online database. Next, the routes were visually illustrated using geographic information systems. Thereafter, using park data and 2010 Missouri census poverty data, the odds of running and walking routes traversing a low-SES neighborhood, and traversing a park in a low-SES neighborhood were examined in comparison to the odds of routes traversing higher-SES neighborhoods and higher-SES parks.
Results: Results show that a majority of running and walking routes occur in or at least traverse through a park. However, this finding does not hold when comparing low-SES neighborhoods to higher-SES neighborhoods in St. Louis. The odds of running in a park in a low-SES neighborhood were 54% lower than running in a park in a higher-SES neighborhood (OR = 0.46, CI = 0.17-1.23). The odds of walking in a park in a low-SES neighborhood were 17% lower than walking in a park in a higher-SES neighborhood (OR = 0.83, CI = 0.26-2.61).
Conclusion: The novel methods of this study include the use of inexpensive, unobtrusive, and publicly available web data feeds to examine PA in parks and differences by neighborhood SES. Emerging technologies like MapMyRun.com present significant advantages to enhance tracking of user-defined PA across large geographic and temporal settings.
Publicly available, outdoor webcams continuously view the world and share images. These cameras include traffic cams, campus cams, ski-resort cams, etc. The Archive of Many Outdoor Scenes (AMOS) is a project aiming to geolocate, annotate, archive, and visualize these cameras and images to serve as a resource for a wide variety of scientific applications. The AMOS dataset has archived over 750 million images of outdoor environments from 27,000 webcams since 2006. Our goal is to utilize the AMOS image dataset and crowdsourcing to develop reliable and valid tools to improve physical activity assessment via online, outdoor webcam capture of global physical activity patterns and urban built environment characteristics.
This project’s grand scale-up of capturing physical activity patterns and built environments is a methodological step forward in advancing a real-time, non-labor intensive assessment using webcams, crowdsourcing, and eventually machine learning. The combined use of webcams capturing outdoor scenes every 30 min and crowdsources providing the labor of annotating the scenes allows for accelerated public health surveillance related to physical activity across numerous built environments. The ultimate goal of this public health and computer vision collaboration is to develop machine learning algorithms that will automatically identify and calculate physical activity patterns.
This paper investigates the characteristics of the shadowed fading observed in off-body communications channels at 5.8 GHz. This is realized with the aid of the $\kappa-\mu$ / gamma composite fading model which assumes that the transmitted signal undergoes $\kappa-\mu$ fading which is subject to \emph{multiplicative} shadowing. Based on this, the total power of the multipath components, including both the dominant and scattered components, is subject to non-negligible variations that follow the gamma distribution. For this model, we present an integral form of the probability density function (PDF) as well as important analytic expressions for the PDF, cumulative distribution function, moments and moment generating function. In the case of indoor off-body communications, the corresponding measurements were carried out in the context of four explicit individual scenarios namely: line of sight (LOS) and non-LOS (NLOS) walking, rotational and random movements. The measurements were repeated within three different indoor environments and considered three different hypothetical body worn node locations. With the aid of these results, the parameters for the $\kappa-\mu$ / gamma composite fading model were estimated and analyzed extensively. Interestingly, for the majority of the indoor environments and movement scenarios, the parameter estimates suggested that dominant signal components existed even when the direct signal path was obscured by the test subject's body. Additionally, it is shown that the $\kappa-\mu$ / gamma composite fading model provides an adequate fit to the fading effects involved in off-body communications channels. Using the Kullback-Leibler divergence, we have also compared our results with another recently proposed shadowed fading model, namely the $\kappa-\mu$ / lognormal LOS shadowed fading model. It was found that the $\kappa-\mu$ / gamma composite fading model provided a better fit for the majority of the scenarios considered in this study.
This paper investigates the potential improvement in signal reliability for indoor off-body communications channels operating at 5.8 GHz using switched diversity techniques. In particular we investigate the performance of switch-and-stay combining (SSC), switch-and-examine combining (SEC) and switch-and-examine combining with post-examining selection (SECps) schemes which utilize multiple spatially separated antennas at the base station. During the measurements a test subject, wearing an antenna on his chest, performed a number of walking movements towards and then away from a uniform linear array. It was found that all of the considered diversity schemes provided a worthwhile signal improvement. However, the performance of the diversity systems varied according to the switching threshold that was adopted. To model the fading envelope observed at the output of each of the combiners, we have applied diversity specific equations developed under the assumption of Nakagami-$m$ fading. As a measure of the goodness-of-fit, the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the empirical and theoretical probability density functions (PDFs) was calculated and found to be close to 0. To assist with the interpretation of the goodness-of-fit achieved in this study, the standard deviation, $\sigma$, of a zero-mean, $\sigma^2$ variance Gaussian PDF used to approximate a zero-mean, unit variance Gaussian PDF is also presented. These were generally quite close to 1 indicating that the theoretical models provided an adequate fit to the measured data.
There is a significant lack of indoor air quality research in low energy homes. This study compared the indoor air quality of eight
newly built case study homes constructed to similar levels of air-tightness and insulation; with two different ventilation strategies (four homes with Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery (MVHR) systems/Code level 4 and four homes naturally ventilated/Code level 3). Indoor air quality measurements were conducted over a 24 h period in the living room and main bedroom of each home during the summer and winter seasons. Simultaneous outside measurements and an occupant diary were also employed during the measurement period. Occupant interviews were conducted to gain information on perceived indoor air quality, occupant behaviour and building related illnesses. Knowledge of the MVHR system including ventilation related behaviour was also studied. Results suggest indoor air quality problems in both the mechanically ventilated and naturally ventilated homes, with significant issues identified regarding occupant use in the social homes
The use of sustainable assessment methods in the UK is on the rise, anticipating the future regulatory trajectory towards zero carbon by 2016. The indisputable influence of sustainable rating tools on UK building regulations conveys the importance of evaluating their effectiveness in achieving true sustainable design, without adversely effecting human health and wellbeing. This paper reviews indoor air-quality (IAQ) issues addressed by UK sustainable assessment tools, and the potential trade-offs between building energy conservation and IAQ. The barriers to effective adoption of IAQ strategies are investigated, including recommendations, suggestions, and future research needs. The review identified a fundamental lack of IAQ criteria in sustainable assessment tools aimed at the residential sector. The consideration of occupants’ health and well-being should be paramount in any assessment scheme, and should not be overshadowed or obscured by the drive towards energy efficiency. A balance is essential.
O benzeno foi o primeiro poluente atmosférico carcinogénico a ser regulamentado a nível europeu. Vários trabalhos têm sido publicados demonstrando a relação deste poluente com diversos tipos de neoplasias nomeadamente decorrentes de exposições a nível ocupacional. Porém, o estudo deste poluente para concentrações atmosféricas em ambientes exteriores ainda é pouco conhecido e está em clara evolução. Neste sentido, este trabalho pretende ser um contributo para o conhecimento da relação entre o benzeno atmosférico e a incidência de patologias que afectam os tecidos linfáticos e órgãos hematopoiéticos nomeadamente linfomas de Hodgkin, linfomas de não-Hodgkin e leucemias na população residente na Área Metropolitana do Porto. Dado a quase ausência de dados de monitorização das concentrações de benzeno atmosférico actualmente em Portugal, estas foram estimadas com base na definição de uma relação entre o benzeno e o monóxido de carbono. O conhecimento das concentrações em todo o domínio de estudo baseou-se na análise dos dados da Rede Automática de Monitorização da Qualidade do Ar porém, de modo a aumentar o detalhe espacial e temporal recorreu-se à modelação atmosférica aplicando o modelo TAPM. Para perceber a evolução temporal das concentrações, a modelação foi efectuada para os anos de 1991, 2001 e 2006 com base no ano meteorológico de 2006 e emissões para os respectivos anos ao nível da freguesia. O modelo foi previamente validado de acordo com uma metodologia proposta para este tipo de modelos. Contudo, mais do que perceber qual a variação da qualidade do ar a nível exterior, é importante conhecer o impacte de fontes interiores e o seu efeito na população. Assim, desenvolveu-se um modelo de exposição e dose que permitem conhecer os valores médios populacionais. A modelação da exposição populacional é efectuada com base nos perfis de actividade-tempo, nos movimentos pendulares inter-concelhos e nas concentrações de benzeno em ambientes exteriores e interiores. Na modelação da dose é ainda possível variações por sexo e idade. Por outro lado, para o estudo das patologias em análise efectuou-se uma análise epidemiológica espacial nomeadamente no que respeita à elaboração de mapas de incidência padronizados pela idade, e estudo da associação com a exposição ao benzeno atmosférico. Os resultados indicam associação entre o benzeno e as doenças em estudo. Esta evidência é mais notória quando a análise é realizada junto às principais fontes de emissão deste poluente, vias de tráfego e postos de abastecimento de combustível. Porém, a ausência de informação limita o estudo não permitindo o controlo de potenciais variáveis de confundimento como a exposição ao fumo do tabaco. A metodologia permite efectuar uma gestão integrada da qualidade do ar exterior e interior, funcionando como uma ferramenta do apoio à decisão para elaboração de planos de prevenção de longo prazo de potenciais efeitos na saúde das populações nomeadamente para outro tipo de patologias.
A aposta na sustentabilidade tem conduzido o mercado da construção a procurar novas soluções técnicas e novos materiais, que por serem mais eficientes, conseguem dar resposta aos requisitos cada vez mais exigentes deste sector. A aplicação dos conceitos de sustentabilidade não se pode restringir a novas construções, tendo que prever também as renovações e a reabilitação de edifícios antigos. Assim, novos materiais que sejam desenvolvidos, devem contemplar todas estas vertentes de utilização. Neste trabalho desenvolveram-se argamassas com novas funcionalidades, que contribuem para melhorar os níveis de sustentabilidade dos edifícios, através da incorporação de nanomateriais para armazenamento de calor latente e degradação de poluentes do ar interior. Estudou-se não só o impacto da incorporação destas nanopartículas no estado fresco e endurecido, mas também o seu desempenho do ponto de vista funcional quando integrados na estrutura da argamassa. É possível obter argamassas com capacidade para armazenar calor latente através da incorporação de um material de mudança de fase. Este material constituído por uma mistura de parafinas, consegue armazenar calor e libertálo posteriormente. As composições desenvolvidas podem ser aplicadas em novos projectos ou na reabilitação de edifícios contribuindo para reduzir o consumo energético, melhorando o conforto térmico no interior. Com a redução da factura energética obtém-se uma efectiva diminuição do impacto ambiental, energético e económico do edifício. Para além do armazenamento de calor latente, também se desenvolveram argamassas capazes de eliminar poluentes do ar interior e, simultaneamente, com capacidade de auto-limpeza. Utilizaram-se nanopartículas de dióxido de titânio como aditivo fotocatalítico, tendo-se analisado o efeito da introdução deste aditivo nas argamassas. As composições testadas demonstraram elevada capacidade fotocatalítica e de auto-limpeza, sem comprometer as suas propriedades no estado endurecido. Ao aplicar estas composições na camada de acabamento interior melhora-se a qualidade do ar no interior das habitações e reduz-se a necessidade de utilização de sistemas de ventilação. As argamassas funcionais contribuem para melhorar os níveis de sustentabilidade da construção, tendo impacto económico e ambiental em todo o ciclo de vida do edifício.
This work investigates low cost localization systems (LS) based on received signal strength (RSS) and integrated with different types of antennas with main emphasis on sectorial antennas. The last few years have witnessed an outstanding growth in wireless sensor networks (WSN). Among its various possible applications, the localization field became a major area of research. The localization techniques based on RSS are characterized by simplicity and low cost of integration. The integration of LS based on RSS and sectorial antennas (SA) was proven to provide an effective solution for reducing the number of required nodes of the networks and allows the combination of several techniques, such as RSS and angle of arrival (AoA). This PhD thesis focuses on studying techniques, antennas and protocols that best meet the needs of each LS with main focus on low cost systems based on RSS and AoA. Firstly there are studied localization techniques and system that best suit the requirements of the user and the antennas that are most appropriate according to the nature of the signal. In this step it is intended to provide a fundamental understanding of the undertaken work. Then the developed antennas are presented according to the following categories: sectorial and microstrip antennas. Two sectorial antennas are presented: a narrowband antenna operating at 2.4 to 2.5 GHz and a broadband antenna operating at 800MHz-2.4GHz. The low cost printed antennas were designed to operate at 5 GHz, which may be used for vehicular communication. After presenting the various antennas, several prototypes of indoor/outdoor LS are implemented and analyzed. Localization protocols are also proposed, one based on simplicity and low power, and the other on interoperability with different types of antennas and system requirements.
This thesis describes the design and implementation of a reliable centimeter-level indoor positioning system fully compatible with a conventional smartphone. The proposed system takes advantage of the smartphone audio I/O and processing capabilities to perform acoustic ranging in the audio band using non-invasive audio signals and it has been developed having in mind applications that require high accuracy, such as augmented reality, virtual reality, gaming and audio guides. The system works in a distributed operation mode, i.e. each smartphone is able to obtain its own position using only acoustic signals. To support the positioning system, a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) of synchronized acoustic beacons is used. To keep the infrastructure in sync we have developed an Automatic Time Synchronization and Syntonization (ATSS) protocol with a standard deviation of the sync offset error below 1.25 μs. Using an improved Time Difference of Arrival (TDoA) estimation approach (which takes advantage of the beacon signals’ periodicity) and by performing Non-Line-of-Sight (NLoS) mitigation, we were able to obtain very stable and accurate position estimates with an absolute mean error of less than 10 cm in 95% of the cases and a mean standard deviation of 2.2 cm for a position refresh period of 350 ms.
The goal of the project "SmartVision: active vision for the blind" is to develop a small and portable but intelligent and reliable system for assisting the blind and visually impaired while navigating autonomously, both outdoor and indoor. In this paper we present an overview of the prototype, design issues, and its different modules which integrate a GIS with GPS, Wi-Fi, RFID tags and computer vision. The prototype addresses global navigation by following known landmarks, local navigation with path tracking and obstacle avoidance, and object recognition. The system does not replace the white cane, but extends it beyond its reach. The user-friendly interface consists of a 4-button hand-held box, a vibration actuator in the handle of the cane, and speech synthesis. A future version may also employ active RFID tags for marking navigation landmarks, and speech recognition may complement speech synthesis.
This talk addresses the problem of controlling a heating ventilating and air conditioning system with the purpose of achieving a desired thermal comfort level and energy savings. The formulation uses the thermal comfort, assessed using the predicted mean vote (PMV) index, as a restriction and minimises the energy spent to comply with it. This results in the maintenance of thermal comfort and on the minimisation of energy, which in most operating conditions are conflicting goals requiring some sort of optimisation method to find appropriate solutions over time. In this work a discrete model based predictive control methodology is applied to the problem. It consists of three major components: the predictive models, implemented by radial basis function neural networks identifed by means of a multi-objective genetic algorithm [1]; the cost function that will be optimised to minimise energy consumption and provide adequate thermal comfort; and finally the optimisation method, in this case a discrete branch and bound approach. Each component will be described, with a special emphasis on a fast and accurate computation of the PMV indices [2]. Experimental results obtained within different rooms in a building of the University of Algarve will be presented, both in summer [3] and winter [4] conditions, demonstrating the feasibility and performance of the approach. Energy savings resulting from the application of the method are estimated to be greater than 50%.
Ultrasonic, infrared, laser and other sensors are being applied in robotics. Although combinations of these have allowed robots to navigate, they are only suited for specific scenarios, depending on their limitations. Recent advances in computer vision are turning cameras into useful low-cost sensors that can operate in most types of environments. Cameras enable robots to detect obstacles, recognize objects, obtain visual odometry, detect and recognize people and gestures, among other possibilities. In this paper we present a completely biologically inspired vision system for robot navigation. It comprises stereo vision for obstacle detection, and object recognition for landmark-based navigation. We employ a novel keypoint descriptor which codes responses of cortical complex cells. We also present a biologically inspired saliency component, based on disparity and colour.
The aim of this investigation was to establish median performance profiles for the six playing positions in elite women’s indoor hockey and then identify whether these position-specific profiles could discriminate between qualifying (top four), mid-table and relegated teams in the 2011-12 England Hockey premier league. Successful passing in relegated teams was significantly lower (p<0.008) than in mid-table and qualifying teams in four of the five outfield positions. Furthermore, the right backs of qualifying teams demonstrated significantly fewer (p<0.008) unsuccessful passes (x̃=15.5 ±CLs 15.0 and 10.0 respectively) and interceptions (x̃=4.0 ±CLs 4.0 and 3.0 respectively) than relegated teams (x̃=19.5 ±CLs 21.0 and 17.0; x̃=7.5 ±CLs 8.0 and 6.0 respectively). Finally, the right forwards of relegated teams demonstrated significantly fewer (p<0.008) successful interceptions (x̃=4.0 ±CLs 5.0 and 4.0 respectively) than qualifying teams (x̃=5.0 ±CLs 6.0 and 3.0 respectively) and significantly more (p<0.008) unsuccessful interceptions (x̃=5.5 ±CLs 6.0 and 4.0 respectively) than mid-table teams (x̃=3.0 ±CLs 3.0 and 2.0 respectively). Based on these findings, coaches should adapt tactical strategies and personnel deployment accordingly to enhance the likelihood of preparing a qualifying team. Research should build from these data to examine dribbling, pressing and patterns of play when outletting.