998 resultados para colorimetric determination
Background: Experimental evidences demonstrate that vegetable derived extracts inhibit cholesterol absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. To further explore the mechanisms behind, we modeled duodenal contents with several vegetable extracts. Results: By employing a widely used cholesterol quantification method based on a cholesterol oxidase-peroxidase coupled reaction we analyzed the effects on cholesterol partition. Evidenced interferences were analyzed by studying specific and unspecific inhibitors of cholesterol oxidase-peroxidase coupled reaction. Cholesterol was also quantified by LC/MS. We found a significant interference of diverse (cocoa and tea-derived) extracts over this method. The interference was strongly dependent on model matrix: while as in phosphate buffered saline, the development of unspecific fluorescence was inhibitable by catalase (but not by heat denaturation), suggesting vegetable extract derived H2O2 production, in bile-containing model systems, this interference also comprised cholesterol-oxidase inhibition. Several strategies, such as cholesterol standard addition and use of suitable blanks containing vegetable extracts were tested. When those failed, the use of a mass-spectrometry based chromatographic assay allowed quantification of cholesterol in models of duodenal contents in the presence of vegetable extracts. Conclusions: We propose that the use of cholesterol-oxidase and/or peroxidase based systems for cholesterol analyses in foodstuffs should be accurately monitored, as important interferences in all the components of the enzymatic chain were evident. The use of adequate controls, standard addition and finally, chromatographic analyses solve these issues.
In order to determine the penetration of the thermal wave in the papaya fruit pulp (Carica papaya L.), cv. Golden, thermal diffusivity of the pulp was obtained measuring temperature at four different depths. Measurements were carried out initially with the fruit on the first stage of maturity. The changes of the thermal diffusivity were expressed as a function of ripening. A temporal decrease of the thermal diffusivity was observed. Chemical (pH, soluble solids and total titratable acidity) and physical (pulp firmness) properties were measured as well and the results were compared to the thermal diffusivity change.
The complexing capacity of synthetic (0.011 M tartrate in 13.5% ethanol) and real wine (Raimat Abadia) in titrations with added total Zn concentrations up to 0.03 M has been determined following the free Zn concentrations with AGNES (absence of gradients and Nernstian equilibrium stripping) technique. A correction to find the preconcentration factor or gain (Y1) really applied at each one of the ionic strengths reached due to Zn additions along the titration has been applied. The standard implementation of AGNES to real wine led to the observation of two anomalous behaviors: (a) an increasingly negative current in the deposition stage (labeled as “HER” effect) and (b) a minimum in the currents of the stripping stage plot (labeled as the “dip” effect). A practical strategy to apply AGNES avoiding the dip effect has been developed to quantify properly free Zn concentrations. The van den Berg–Ružic–Lee linearization method (assuming the existence of just 1:1 complexes) has been adapted to consider the dilution effect and the ionic strength changes. Aggregated stability constants and total ligand concentrations have been calculated from synthetic and wine titration data. The found complexing capacity in the studied wine (cT,L = 0.0179 ± 0.0007 M) indicates the contribution of ligands other than tartrate (which is confirmed to be the main one).
Es descriu la síntesi de nous compostos ciclopal·ladats derivats d'imines i amines primàries, òpticament actius, així com les seves aplicacions per a la determinació de l'excés enantiomèric i per a la resolució de bases de Lewis. També es comenta la síntesi i resolució de noves fosfines P-quirals, així com la seva aplicació a processos de catàlisi asimètrica. A més, es descriu la preparació d'algunes fosfines secundàries quirals i s'estudia la seva estabilitat configuracional.
The present study arose from the need to determine inorganic arsenic (iAs) at low levels in cereal-based food. Validated methods with a low limit of detection (LOD) are required to analyse these kinds of food. An analytical method for the determination of iAs, methylarsonic acid (MA) and dimethylarsinic acid (DMA) in cereal-based food and infant cereals is reported. The method was optimised and validated to achieve low LODs. Ion chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LC-ICPMS) was used for arsenic speciation. The main quality parameters were established. To expand the applicability of the method, different cereal products were analysed: bread, biscuits, breakfast cereals, wheat flour, corn snacks, pasta and infant cereals. The total and inorganic arsenic content of 29 cereal-based food samples ranged between 3.7-35.6 and 3.1-26.0 microg As kg-1, respectively. The present method could be considered a valuable tool for assessing inorganic arsenic contents in cereal-based foods.
Suihku/viira-nopeussuhde on perälaatikon huulisuihkun ja viiran välinen nopeusero. Se vaikuttaa suuresti paperin ja kartongin loppuominaisuuksiin, kuten formaatioon sekä kuituorientaatioon ja näin ollen paperin lujuusominaisuuksiin. Tämän johdosta on erityisen tärkeää tietää todellinen suihku/viira-nopeussuhde paperin- ja kartonginvalmistuksessa. Perinteinen suihku/viira-nopeussuhteen määritysmenetelmä perustuu perälaatikon kokonaispaineeseen. Tällä menetelmällä kuitenkin todellinen huulisuihkun nopeus saattaa usein jäädä tietämättä johtuen mahdollisesta virheellisestä painemittarin kalibroinnista sekä laskuyhtälön epätarkkuuksista. Tämän johdosta on kehitetty useita reaaliaikaisia huulisuihkun mittausmenetelmiä. Perälaatikon parametrien optimaaliset asetukset ovat mahdollista määrittää ja ylläpitää huulisuihkun nopeuden “on-line” määrityksellä. Perälaatikon parametrejä ovat mm. huulisuihku, huuliaukon korkeusprofiili, reunavirtaukset ja syöttövirtauksen tasaisuus. Huulisuihkun nopeuden on-line mittauksella paljastuu myös muita perälaatikon ongelmakohtia, kuten mekaaniset viat, joita on perinteisesti tutkittu aikaa vievillä paperin ja kartongin lopputuoteanalyyseillä.
An attractive way to improve our understanding of sex determination evolution is to study the underlying mechanisms in closely related species and in a phylogenetic perspective. Hymenopterans are well suited owing to the diverse sex determination mechanisms, including different types of Complementary Sex Determination (CSD) and maternal control sex determination. We investigated different types of CSD in four species within the braconid wasp genus Asobara that exhibit diverse life-history traits. Nine to thirteen generations of inbreeding were monitored for diploid male production, brood size, offspring sex ratio, and pupal mortality as indicators for CSD. In addition, simulation models were developed to compare these observations to predicted patterns for multilocus CSD with up to ten loci. The inbreeding regime did not result in diploid male production, decreased brood sizes, substantially increased offspring sex ratios nor in increased pupal mortality. The simulations further allowed us to reject CSD with up to ten loci, which is a strong refutation of the multilocus CSD model. We discuss how the absence of CSD can be reconciled with the variation in life-history traits among Asobara species, and the ramifications for the phylogenetic distribution of sex determination mechanisms in the Hymenoptera.
Arthropods exhibit a large variety of sex determination systems both at the chromosomal and molecular level. Male heterogamety, female heterogamety, and haplodiploidy occur frequently, but partially different genes are involved. Endosymbionts, such as Wolbachia, Cardinium,Rickettsia, and Spiroplasma, can manipulate host reproduction and sex determination. Four major reproductive manipulation types are distinguished: cytoplasmic incompatibility, thelytokous parthenogenesis, male killing, and feminization. In this review, the effects of these manipulation types and how they interfere with arthropod sex determination in terms of host developmental timing, alteration of sex determination, and modification of sexual differentiation pathways are summarized. Transitions between different manipulation types occur frequently which suggests that they are based on similar molecular processes. It is also discussed how mechanisms of reproductive manipulation and host sex determination can be informative on each other, with a special focus on haplodiploidy. Future directions on how the study of endosymbiotic manipulation of host reproduction can be key to further studies of arthropod sex determination are shown.
Insulin determination in blood sampled during post-mortem investigation has been repeatedly asserted as being of little diagnostic value due to the rapid occurrence of decompositional changes and blood haemolysis. In this study, we assessed the feasibility of insulin determination in post-mortem serum, vitreous humour, bile, and cerebrospinal and pericardial fluids in one case of fatal insulin self-administration and a series of 40 control cases (diabetics and non-diabetics) using a chemiluminescence enzyme immunoassay. In the case of suicide by insulin self-administration, insulin concentrations in pericardial fluid and bile were higher than blood clinical reference values, though lower than post-mortem serum concentration. Insulin concentrations in vitreous (11.50 mU/L) and cerebrospinal fluid (17.30 mU/L) were lower than blood clinical reference values. Vitreous insulin concentrations in non-diabetic control cases were lower than the estimated detection limit of the method. These preliminary results tend to confirm the usefulness of insulin determination in vitreous humour in situations of suspected fatal insulin administration. Additional findings pertaining to insulin determination in bile, pericardial, and cerebrospinal fluid would suggest that analysis performed in post-mortem serum and injection sites could be complemented, in individual cases, by investigations carried out in alternative biological fluids. Lastly, these results would indicate that analysis with chemiluminescence enzyme immunoassay may provide suitable data, similar to analysis with liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and immunoradiometric assay, to support the hypothesis of insulin overdose. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
In this work methods for the multiresidue determination of the series of quinolones include in the European regulation in food of animal origin are de veloped and validated in line with Commission Decision 2002/657/EC in terms of linearity, decision limit, capability detection, precision and stability. Mult iresidue methods were established to allow the determination of quinolones covered by EU legislation in 2377/90/EC in muscle of chicken, turkey, pig and cow, plasma of cow and pig, liver of pig and milk of cow. First an extraction step was optimized and a SPE step was applied to clean!up and preconcentrate quinolones prior to their separation by CE or LC and determination by CE!UV, LC!UV, LC!Fl, LC!MS with different ion sources (ESI ,ApCI) and different mass analyser (Q, ToF) and LC!E SI!QqQ tandem mass spectrometry. The limits of quantification obtained are always lower than Maxim um Residue Limit (MRL) established by EU for quinolones in animal products and they can be applied to the control of quinolones in foodstuffs of animal origin . Finally the proposed methods were applied to determine quinolones in samples of turkey and pig muscle, pig plasma and milk of cow. Excellent quality parameters and reduced time of analysis were obtained when LC!ESI!MS/MS is used, although the others techniques presented too satisfactory results.
Stromal fibroblast senescence has been linked to the aging-associated increase of tumors. However, in epithelial cancer, density and proliferation of cancer associated fibroblasts (CAF) are frequently increased, rather than decreased. We previously showed that genetic deletion or down-modulation of the canonical Notch effector CSL/RBP-JK in dermal fibroblasts is sufficient for CAF activation with consequent development of keratinocyte-derived tumors. We show here that CSL silencing induces senescence of primary fibroblasts from dermis, oral mucosa, breast and lung. CSL functions in these cells as direct repressor of multiple senescence- and CAF-effector genes. It also physically interacts with p53, repressing its activity. CSL is down-modulated in stromal fibroblasts of premalignant skin actinic keratosis lesions and squamous cell carcinomas (SCC), while p53 gene expression and function is down-modulated only in the latter, with paracrine influences of incipient cancer cells as a likely culprit. Concomitant loss of CSL and p53 overcomes fibroblast senescence, enhances CAF effector gene expression and promotes stromal and cancer cell expansion. The findings support a CAF activation/stromal co-evolution model under convergent CSL/p53 control of likely clinical relevance.
The determination of gross alpha, gross beta and 226Ra activity in natural waters is useful in a wide range of environmental studies. Furthermore, gross alpha and gross beta parameters are included in international legislation on the quality of drinking water [Council Directive 98/83/EC].1 In this work, a low-background liquid scintillation counter (Wallac, Quantulus 1220) was used to simultaneously determine gross alpha, gross beta and 226Ra activity in natural water samples. Sample preparation involved evaporation to remove 222Rn and its short-lived decay daughters. The evaporation process concentrated the sample ten-fold. Afterwards, a sample aliquot of 8 mL was mixed with 12 mL of Ultima Gold AB scintillation cocktail in low-diffusion vials. In this study, a theoretical mathematical model based on secular equilibrium conditions between 226Ra and its short-lived decay daughters is presented. The proposed model makes it possible to determine 226Ra activity from two measurements. These measurements also allow determining gross alpha and gross beta simultaneously. To validate the proposed model, spiked samples with different activity levels for each parameter were analysed. Additionally, to evaluate the model's applicability in natural water, eight natural water samples from different parts of Spain were analysed. The eight natural water samples were also characterised by alpha spectrometry for the naturally occurring isotopes of uranium (234U, 235U and 238U), radium (224Ra and 226Ra), 210Po and 232Th. The results for gross alpha and 226Ra activity were compared with alpha spectrometry characterization, and an acceptable concordance was obtained.
Our objective was to determine the test and treatment thresholds for common acute primary care conditions. We presented 200 clinicians with a series of web-based clinical vignettes, describing patients with possible influenza, acute coronary syndrome (ACS), pneumonia, deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and urinary tract infection (UTI). We randomly varied the probability of disease and asked whether the clinician wanted to rule out disease, order tests or rule in disease. By randomly varying the probability, we obtained clinical decisions across a broad range of disease probabilities that we used to create threshold curves. For influenza, the test (4.5% vs 32%, p<0.001) and treatment (55% vs 68%, p=0.11) thresholds were lower for US compared with Swiss physicians. US physicians had somewhat higher test (3.8% vs 0.7%, p=0.107) and treatment (76% vs 58%, p=0.005) thresholds for ACS than Swiss physicians. For both groups, the range between test and treatment thresholds was greater for ACS than for influenza (which is sensible, given the consequences of incorrect diagnosis). For pneumonia, US physicians had a trend towards higher test thresholds and lower treatment thresholds (48% vs 64%, p=0.076) than Swiss physicians. The DVT and UTI scenarios did not provide easily interpretable data, perhaps due to poor wording of the vignettes. We have developed a novel approach for determining decision thresholds. We found important differences in thresholds for US and Swiss physicians that may be a function of differences in healthcare systems. Our results can also guide development of clinical decision rules and guidelines.