749 resultados para chair


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The fulcrum upon which were leveraged many of the dramatic progressive changes in Montana that are documented "In the Crucible of Change" series was the lead up to, preparation, writing and adoption of the 1972 Montana Constitution. As Montana citizens exhibited their concern over the dysfunctional state government in MT under its 1889 Constitution, one of the areas that stood out as needing serious change was the Montana Legislature. Meeting for only sixty calendar days every two years, the Legislature regularly tried to carry off the subterfuge of stopping the wall clock at 11:59 PM on the sixtieth day and placing a shroud over it so they could continue to conduct business as if it were still the 60th day. Lawyers hired by the Anaconda Company drafted most bills that legislators wanted to have introduced. Malapportionment, especially in the State Senate where each county had one Senator regardless of their population, created a situation where Petroleum County with 800 residents had one senator while neighboring Yellowstone County with 80,000 people also had one senator -- a 100-1 differential in representation. Reapportionment imposed by rulings of the US Supreme Court in the mid-1960s created great furor in rural Montana to go along with the previous dissatisfaction of the urban centers. Stories of Anaconda Company “thumbs up – thumbs down” control of the votes were prevalent. Committee meeting and votes were done behind closed doors and recorded votes were non-existent except for the nearly meaningless final tally. People were in the dark about the creation of laws that affected their daily lives. It was clear that change in the Legislature had to take the form of change in the Constitution and, because it was not likely that the Legislature would advance Constitutional amendments on the subject, a convention seemed the only remedy. Once that Convention was called and went to work, it became apparent that the Legislative Article provided both opportunity for change and danger that too dramatic a change might sink the whole new document. The activities of the Legislative Committee and the whole Convention when acting upon Legislative issues provides one of the more compelling stories of change. The story of the Legislative Article of the Montana Constitution is discussed in this episode by three major players who were directly involved in the effort: Jerry Loendorf, Arlyne Reichert and Rich Bechtel. Their recollections of the activities surrounding the entire Constitutional Convention and specifically the Legislative Article provide an insider’s perspective of the development of the entire Constitution and the Legislative portion which was of such a high degree of interest to the people of Montana during the important period of progressive change documented “In the Crucible of Change.” Jerry Loendorf, who served as Chair of the Legislative Committee at the 1972 Montana Constitutional Convention, received a BA from Carroll College in 1961 and a JD from the University of Montana Law School in 1964. Upon graduation he served two years as a law clerk for the Montana Supreme Court after which he was for 34 years a partner in the law firm of Harrison, Loendorf & Posten, Duncan. In addition to being a delegate to the Constitutional Convention, Jerry served on the Board of Labor Appeals from 2000 to 2004. He was designated a Montana Special Assistant Attorney General to represent the state in federal court on the challenge to the results of the ratification election of Montana's Constitution in 1972. Jerry served on the Carroll College Board of Directors in the late 1960s and then again as a member of the Board of Trustees of Carroll College from 2001 to 2009. He has served on the Board of Directors of the Rocky Mountain Development Council since 1970 and was on the board of the Helena YMCA from 1981 to 1987. He also served on the board of the Good Samaritan Ministries from 2009 to 2014. On the business side, Jerry was on the Board of Directors of Valley Bank to Helena from 1980 to 2005. He is a member of the American Bar Association, State Bar of Montana, the First Judicial District Bar Association, and the Montana Trial Lawyers Association. Carroll College awarded Jerry the Warren Nelson Award 1994 and the Insignias Award in 2007. At Carroll College, Jerry has funded the following three scholarship endowments: George C and Helen T Loendorf, Gary Turcott, and Fr. William Greytek. Arlyne Reichert, Great Falls Delegate to the Constitutional Convention and former State Legislator, was born in Buffalo, NY in 1926 and attended University of Buffalo in conjunction with Cadet Nurses Training during WWII. She married a Montanan in Great Falls in 1945 and was widowed in 1968. She is mother of five, grandmother of seven, great-grandmother of four. Arlyne was employed by McLaughlin Research Institute in Great Falls for 23 years, serving as Technical Editor of Transplantation Journal in 1967, retiring as Assistant Director in 1989. In addition to being a state legislator (1979 Session) and a delegate to the 1972 Montana Constitutional Convention, she has filled many public roles, including Cascade County Study Commissioner (1974), MT Comprehensive Health Council, US Civil Rights Commission MT Advisory Committee, MT Capitol Restoration Committee, and Great Falls Public Library Trustee. Arlyne has engaged in many non-profit activities including League of Women Voters (State & Local Board Officer – from where her interest in the MT Constitutional change developed), Great Falls Public Radio Association (President & Founder), American Cancer Society (President Great Falls Chapter), Chair of MT Rhodes Scholarship Committee, and Council Member of the National Civic League. She also served a while as a Television Legislative Reporter. Arlyne has been recipient of numerous awards, the National Distinguished Citizens Award from the National Municipal League, two Women of Achievement Awards from Business & Professional Women, the Salute to Women Award by YWCA, Heritage Preservation Award from Cascade County Historical Society and the State of Montana, and the Heroes Award from Humanities Montana. She remains active, serving as Secretary-Treasurer of Preservation Cascade, Inc., and as Board Member of the McLaughlin Research Institute. Her current passion is applied to the preservation/saving of the historic 10th Street Bridge that crosses the Missouri River in Great Falls. Rich Bechtel of Helena was born in Napa, California in 1945 and grew up as an Air Force brat living in such places as Bitberg, Germany, Tripoli, Libya, and Sevilla, Spain. He graduated from Glasgow High School and the University of Montana. Rich was a graduate assistant for noted Montana History professor Professor K. Ross Toole, but dropped out of graduate school to pursue a real life in Montana politics and government. Rich has had a long, varied and colorful career in the public arena. He currently is the Director of the Office of Taxpayer Assistance & Public Outreach for MT’s Department of Revenue. He previously held two positions with the National Wildlife Federation in Washington, DC (Sr. Legislative Representative [1989-91] and Sr. Legislative Representative for Wildlife Policy [2004-2006]). While in Washington DC, he also was Assistant for Senator Lee Metcalf (D-MT), 1974-1976; Federal-State Coordinator for State of Montana, 1976-1989; Director of the Western Governors’ Association Washington Office, 1991-2000; and Director of Federal Affairs for Governor Kitzhaber of Oregon, 2001- 2003. Earlier in Montana Government, between 1971 and 1974, Rich was Research Analyst for MT Blue Ribbon Commission on Postsecondary Education, Legislative Consultant and Bill Drafter for MT Legislative Council, Research Analyst for the MT Constitutional Convention Commission where he provided original research on legislatures, as well as Researcher/Staff for the MT Constitutional Convention Legislative Committee, from where he drafted the various provisions of the Legislative Article and the majority and minority reports on behalf of the Committee members. Rich has represented Montana’s Governor on a trade and cultural mission to Republic of China and participated in US-German Acid Rain Committee sessions in Germany and with European Economic Community environmental officials in Belgium. He is married to Yvonne Seng (Ph.D.) - T’ai Chi apprentice; author and birder.


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Prior to the passage of the 1972 Constitution, Montana’s higher education system was both controlled and victimized by Montana’s politics. Alternatingly, Governors or the Legislature tried to control and/or impose political ideology upon the management and teaching/content within the University System. Political favoritism and power-broking were the hallmark of the legislative appropriation process. Under the new Constitution, a newly empowered Board of Regents, and a new Commissioner of Higher Education managed the system and controlled the allocation of the legislative appropriations, but not without a major battle before the Montana Supreme Court. Dr. Lawrence K. Pettit (Larry Pettit) (b. 5/2/1937) was present at the creation of this newly structured higher education system as the first Commissioner of Higher Education in Montana after his appointment by the Board of Regents of the University System in 1973. Larry Pettit has had a dual career in politics and higher education. Pettit, of Lewistown, served as legislative assistant to U.S. Senators James E. Murray and Lee Metcalf, campaign manager, head of transition team and assistant to Montana Governor Thomas L. Judge, taught political science at The Pennsylvania State University (main campus), was chair of political science at Montana State University, Deputy Commissioner for Academic Programs at the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Chancellor of the University System of South Texas (since merged with Texas A&M University), President of Southern Illinois University, and President of Indiana University of Pennsylvania from where he retired in 2003. He has served as chair of the Commission on Leadership for the American Council on Education, president of the National Association of (University) System Heads, and on many national and state boards and commissions in higher education. Pettit is author of “If You Live by the Sword: Politics in the Making and Unmaking of a University President.” More about Pettit is found at http://www.lawrencekpettit.com


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The Chair of Transportation and Ware-housing at the University of Dortmund together with its industrial partner has developed and implemented a decentralized control system based on embedded technology and Internet standards. This innovative, highly flexible system uses autonomous software modules to control the flow of unit loads in real-time. The system is integrated into Chair’s test facility consisting of a wide range of conveying and sorting equipment. It is built for proof of concept purposes and will be used for further research in the fields of decentralized automation and embedded controls. This presentation describes the implementation of this decentralized control system.


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Nicht nur in der Medizintechnik, in der Luftfahrt und in der Automobilindustrie werden die generativen Verfahren zunehmend mehr als wichtige Produktionsverfahren angesehen. Auch die (Bau-) Industrie nimmt mehr und mehr die Möglichkeiten und Chancen wahr, welche diese Verfahren für andersartige Konstruktionen und Details eröffnen. Die Ergründung von Veränderungen und Auswirkungen dieser neuen Technologien auf den Entwurf und auf die Umsetzung von Architektur und Baukonstruktion ist Schwerpunkt der Forschungstätigkeiten von Dipl.-Ing. Holger Strauß an den Hochschulstandorten TU Delft, Niederlande und an der Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe in Detmold. Das erste, umfangreiche Forschungsprojekt zu diesem Thema - „Influence of Additive Processes on the development of facade constructions“ - wurde 2008 in Kooperation mit der international agierenden Firma Kawneer-Alcoa im Forschungsschwerpunkt „ConstructionLab“ an der Detmolder Schule für Architektur und Innenarchitektur etabliert. Der Fokus der Bestrebungen liegt zunächst auf der Ergründung von Möglichkeiten für die generative Herstellung von Bauteilen als Ergänzung der Standardprodukte in Systemfassaden. Die Verwendung der Additiven Verfahren und Hightech CAD-CAM Anwendungen bedingt eine neue Art des Konstruierens. Nämlich nicht mehr das fertigungsgerechte, sondern das funktionsgerechte – das „Funktionale Konstruieren“. Neben der Bereicherung der Forschung und Lehre an den Hochschulen durch eine praxisnahe und zielorientierte Aufgabenstellung, fließen alle Ergebnisse in die Promotion von Holger Strauß an der Technischen Universität in Delft am Lehrstuhl Design of Construction bei Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Knaack ein.


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The following comparison was written for the first meeting of the International Law Association newly established (2010) Committee on Intellectual Property and Private International Law (Chair: Professor Toshiyuki Kono, Kyushu University; Co-Rapporteurs: Professors Pedro de Miguel Asensio, Madrid Complutense University, and Axel Metzger, Hannover University) (hereinafter: ILA Committee), which was hosted at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon in March 16-17, 2012. The comparison at stake concerns the rules on infringement and exclusive (subject-mater) jurisdiction posed (or rejected, in case of exclusive jurisdiction) by four sets of academic principles. Notwithstanding the fact that the rules in question present several differences, those differences in the majority of cases could be overcome by further studies and work of the ILA Committee, as the following comparison explains.


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At the Chair of Logistics Engineering, TU Dresden, a particular focus is research and development of magnetic traction sheaves. Therein the main fundamentals of these special sheaves are determined for applications in different fields such as elevators, several kinds of winches, hoists and cranes. In the current research project “energy balance of magnetic traction sheaves”, the dynamic behaviour of systems with magnetic traction sheaves was investigated. The research focused on theoretical and practical examinations of energy balance. Moreover, a new approach for dimensioning magnetic traction sheave systems is presented. It is a project of the Research Foundation Intralogistics / Material Handling and Logistics (IFL), which is funded through the AiF under the program of Industrial Collective Research for SMEs (IGF) by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi).


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Kurzbeschreibung: In der Automatisierung von intralogistischen Kommissioniervorgängen ist ein großes Zukunftspotential erkennbar. Elementarer Bestandteil des Automatisierungsprozesses ist der Einsatz von Industrierobotern, die mit einem geeigneten Endeffektor, dem Greifer, ausgestattet werden müssen. Die Robotik ist in der Lage schneller, präziser und ausdauernder als die menschlichen Kommissionierer zu arbeiten und trägt damit entscheidend zur Effizienzsteigerung bei. Eine wesentliche Herausforderung für diesen Entwicklungsschritt zur Substitution der manuellen Kommissionierung ist die Konstruktion und Bereitstellung eines geeigneten Greifsystems. Am Lehrstuhl für Maschinenelemente und Technische Logistik der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität wurde mit der Erfahrung aus einem vorangegangenen Forschungsprojekt die Methode der Clusteranalyse erstmalig zur Untersuchung von Greifobjekten zur Entwicklung eines bionischen Universalgreifers für die Kommissionierung von Drogerieartikeln verwendet. Diese Abhandlung beschreibt einen Beitrag zur Entwicklung dieses Greifers am Beispiel handelsüblicher Drogerieartikel, die aktuell manuell kommissioniert werden. Diese werden hinsichtlich der für das Greifen relevanten Objektmerkmale geclustert und die daraus resultierenden Erkenntnisse in Form von Konstruktionsmerkmalen abgeleitet. Nach einer Analyse und Festlegung der greifrelevanten Merkmale der Greifobjekte wird eine Objektdatenbasis erstellt. Mit Hilfe geeigneter Methoden wird die gewonnene Datenbasis aufbereitet und reduziert. Im Anschluss werden die Greifobjekte bzw. deren Merkmalsausprägungen einer hierarchischen Clusteranalyse unterzogen. Hierbei werden die Grenzen der gebildeten Cluster mittels der zugehörigen Greifobjekte festgelegt und analysiert. Abschließend werden bestimmte greiferspezifische Merkmale auf die Anwendbarkeit in den Clustern überprüft und bewertet. Diese Betrachtungen ermöglichen es, dass spezielle Anforderungen an den Greifer, die direkt aus den Eigenschaften der Greifobjekte herrühren, zuverlässig erkannt und konstruktiv berücksichtigt werden können.


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Immersive virtual environments (IVEs) have the potential to afford natural interaction in the three-dimensional (3D) space around a user. However, interaction performance in 3D mid-air is often reduced and depends on a variety of ergonomics factors, the user's endurance, muscular strength, as well as fitness. In particular, in contrast to traditional desktop-based setups, users often cannot rest their arms in a comfortable pose during the interaction. In this article we analyze the impact of comfort on 3D selection tasks in an immersive desktop setup. First, in a pre-study we identified how comfortable or uncomfortable specific interaction positions and poses are for users who are standing upright. Then, we investigated differences in 3D selection task performance when users interact with their hands in a comfortable or uncomfortable body pose, while sitting on a chair in front of a table while the VE was displayed on a headmounted display (HMD). We conducted a Fitts' Law experiment to evaluate selection performance in different poses. The results suggest that users achieve a significantly higher performance in a comfortable pose when they rest their elbow on the table.


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OBJECTIVES This study examined the near visual acuity of dentists in relation to age and magnification under simulated clinical conditions. MATERIALS AND METHODS Miniaturized visual tests were performed in posterior teeth of a dental phantom head in a simulated clinical setting (dental chair, operating lamp, dental mirror). The visual acuity of 40 dentists was measured under the following conditions: (1) natural visual acuity, distance of 300 mm; (2) natural visual acuity, free choice of distance; (3) Galilean loupes, magnification of ×2.5; (4) Keplerian loupes, ×4.3; (5) operating microscope, ×4, integrated light; (6) operating microscope, ×6.4, integrated light. RESULTS The visual acuity varied widely between individuals and was significantly lower in the group ≥40 years of age (p < 0.001). Significant differences were found between all tested conditions (p < 0.01). Furthermore, a correlation between visual acuity and age was found for all conditions. The performance with the microscope was better than with loupes even with comparable magnification factors. Some dentists had a better visual acuity without optical aids than others with Galilean loupes. CONCLUSIONS Near visual acuity under simulated clinical conditions varies widely between individuals and decreases throughout life. Visual deficiencies can be compensated for with optical aids. CLINICAL RELEVANCE Newly developed miniaturized vision tests have allowed, in a clinically relevant way, to evaluate the influence of magnification and age on the near visual acuity of dentists.


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Background: Dementia is a multifaceted disorder that impairs cognitive functions, such as memory, language, and executive functions necessary to plan, organize, and prioritize tasks required for goal-directed behaviors. In most cases, individuals with dementia experience difficulties interacting with physical and social environments. The purpose of this study was to establish ecological validity and initial construct validity of a fire evacuation Virtual Reality Day-Out Task (VR-DOT) environment based on performance profiles as a screening tool for early dementia. Objective: The objectives were (1) to examine the relationships among the performances of 3 groups of participants in the VR-DOT and traditional neuropsychological tests employed to assess executive functions, and (2) to compare the performance of participants with mild Alzheimer’s-type dementia (AD) to those with amnestic single-domain mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and healthy controls in the VR-DOT and traditional neuropsychological tests used to assess executive functions. We hypothesized that the 2 cognitively impaired groups would have distinct performance profiles and show significantly impaired independent functioning in ADL compared to the healthy controls. Methods: The study population included 3 groups: 72 healthy control elderly participants, 65 amnestic MCI participants, and 68 mild AD participants. A natural user interface framework based on a fire evacuation VR-DOT environment was used for assessing physical and cognitive abilities of seniors over 3 years. VR-DOT focuses on the subtle errors and patterns in performing everyday activities and has the advantage of not depending on a subjective rating of an individual person. We further assessed functional capacity by both neuropsychological tests (including measures of attention, memory, working memory, executive functions, language, and depression). We also evaluated performance in finger tapping, grip strength, stride length, gait speed, and chair stands separately and while performing VR-DOTs in order to correlate performance in these measures with VR-DOTs because performance while navigating a virtual environment is a valid and reliable indicator of cognitive decline in elderly persons. Results: The mild AD group was more impaired than the amnestic MCI group, and both were more impaired than healthy controls. The novel VR-DOT functional index correlated strongly with standard cognitive and functional measurements, such as mini-mental state examination (MMSE; rho=0.26, P=.01) and Bristol Activities of Daily Living (ADL) scale scores (rho=0.32, P=.001). Conclusions: Functional impairment is a defining characteristic of predementia and is partly dependent on the degree of cognitive impairment. The novel virtual reality measures of functional ability seem more sensitive to functional impairment than qualitative measures in predementia, thus accurately differentiating from healthy controls. We conclude that VR-DOT is an effective tool for discriminating predementia and mild AD from controls by detecting differences in terms of errors, omissions, and perseverations while measuring ADL functional ability.


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A panel discussion moderated by Dr. Thomas R. Cole, McGovern Chair in Medical Humanities and Director of the John P. McGovern Center for Humanities and Ethics at the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston. Panelists include: Rabbi Samuel E. Karff, Rabbi Emeritus of Congregation Beth Israel and Associate Director of the John P. McGovern Center for Humanities and Ethics and Visiting Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center at the Texas Medical Center. Cardinal DiNardo, the second Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston and the first cardinal archbishop from a diocese in the Southern United States. Dr. Sheldon Rubenfeld, Clinical Professor of Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine. He is Board Certified in Internal Medicine and in Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism, and is a Fellow in both the American College of Physicians and the American College of Endocrinology. Dr. Rubenfeld has taught "Healing by Killing: Medicine During the Third Reich" for three years and "Jewish Medical Ethics" for seven years at Baylor College of Medicine. He created a six-month program about Medicine and the Holocaust at Holocaust Museum Houston, including an exhibit entitled How Healing Becomes Killing: Eugenics, Euthanasia, Extermination and a series of lectures by distinguished speakers entitled "The Michael E. DeBakey Medical Ethics Lecture Series".


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Background There is increasing evidence that a strong primary care is a cornerstone of an efficient health care system. But Switzerland is facing a shortage of primary care physicians (PCPs). This pushed the Federal Council of Switzerland to introduce a multifaceted political programme to strengthen the position of primary care, including its academic role. The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive overview of the situation of academic primary care at the five Swiss universities by the end of year 2012. Results Although primary care teaching activities have a long tradition at the five Swiss universities with activities starting in the beginning of the 1980ies; the academic institutes of primary care were only established in recent years (2005 – 2009). Only one of them has an established chair. Human and financial resources vary substantially. At all universities a broad variety of courses and lectures are offered, including teaching in private primary care practices with 1331 PCPs involved. Regarding research, differences among the institutes are tremendous, mainly caused by entirely different human resources and skills. Conclusion So far, the activities of the existing institutes at the Swiss Universities are mainly focused on teaching. However, for a complete academic institutionalization as well as an increased acceptance and attractiveness, more research activities are needed. In addition to an adequate basic funding of research positions, competitive research grants have to be created to establish a specialty-specific research culture.


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STUDY QUESTION To what extent do the management of endometriosis and the symptoms that remain after treatment affect the quality of life in women with the disease? SUMMARY ANSWER Many women with endometriosis had impaired quality of life and continued to suffer from endometriosis-associated symptoms even though their endometriosis has been managed in tertiary care centres. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY The existing literature indicates that quality of life and work productivity is reduced in women with endometriosis. However, most studies have small sample sizes, are treatment related or examine newly diagnosed patients only. STUDY DESIGN, SIZE, DURATION A cross-sectional questionnaire-based survey among 931 women with endometriosis treated in 12 tertiary care centres in 10 countries. PARTICIPANTS/MATERIALS, SETTING, METHODS Women diagnosed with endometriosis who had at least one contact related to endometriosis-associated symptoms during 2008 with a participating centre were enrolled into the study. The study investigated the effect of endometriosis on education, work and social wellbeing, endometriosis-associated symptoms and health-related quality of life, by using questions obtained from the World Endometriosis Research Foundation (WERF) GSWH instrument (designed and validated for the WERF Global Study on Women's Health) and the Short Form 36 version 2 (SF-36v2). MAIN RESULTS AND THE ROLE OF CHANCE Of 3216 women invited to participate in the study, 1450 (45%) provided informed consent and out of these, 931 (931/3216 = 29%) returned the questionnaires. Endometriosis had affected work in 51% of the women and affected relationships in 50% of the women at some time during their life. Dysmenorrhoea was reported by 59%, dyspareunia by 56% and chronic pelvic pain by 60% of women. Quality of life was decreased in all eight dimensions of the SF-36v2 compared with norm-based scores from a general US population (all P < 0.01). Multivariate regression analysis showed that number of co-morbidities, chronic pain and dyspareunia had an independent negative effect on both the physical and mental component of the SF-36v2. LIMITATIONS, REASONS FOR CAUTION The fact that women were enrolled in tertiary care centres could lead to a possible over-representation of women with moderate-to-severe endometriosis, because the participating centres typically treat more complex and referred cases of endometriosis. The response rate was relatively low. Since there was no Institute Review Board approval to do a non-responder investigation on basic characteristics, some uncertainty remains regarding the representativeness of the investigated population. WIDER IMPLICATIONS OF THE FINDINGS This international multicentre survey represents a large group of women with endometriosis, in all phases of the disease, which increases the generalizability of the data. Women still suffer from frequent symptoms, despite tertiary care management, in particular chronic pain and dyspareunia. As a result their quality of life is significantly decreased. A patient-centred approach with extensive collaboration across disciplines, such as pain specialists, psychologists, sexologists and social workers, may be a valuable strategy to improve the long-term care of women with endometriosis. STUDY FUNDING/COMPETING INTEREST(S) The WERF EndoCost study is funded by the World Endometriosis Research Foundation (WERF) through grants received from Bayer Schering Pharma AG, Takeda Italia Farmaceutici SpA, Pfizer Ltd and the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. The sponsors did not have a role in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis and interpretation of the data; and preparation, review or approval of the manuscript. L.H. is the chief executive and T.D. was a board member of WERF at the time of funding. T.D. holds the Merck-Serono Chair in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery, and the Ferring Chair in Reproductive Medicine at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium and has served as consultant/research collaborator for Merck-Serono, Schering-Plough, Astellas and Arresto.


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Many psychotherapy researchers agree that emotional change is critical to therapeutic progress. In emotion-focused and Gestalt therapy, one technique to foster emotional change is the empty chair dialogue. Psychotherapy research has yielded ample evidence that this technique helps to alleviate longstanding interpersonal grievances (‘unfinished business’) and facilitates emotional change. Until now, little is known about the neurophysiological correlates of such emotional change. The present study thus aims at adding a further level of analysis to psychotherapy research, and may enrich knowledge about mechanisms of change. Neurophysiological correlates of emotional change were investigated using multi-channel electroencephalography. Individuals experiencing ‘unfinished business’ were guided by experienced therapists to participate in an empty chair dialogue. Event-related brain potentials were recorded before and after the intervention while participants were viewing pictures of the person central to their interpersonal grievance as well as pictures of control persons. Event related potentials are compared regarding topography and overall signal strength. Preliminary results will be discussed regarding neurophysiological mechanisms of action potentially occurring during emotional change.