954 resultados para cat enteric cycle of T. gondii
To identify wild hosts of Trypanosoma cruzi, surveys were conducted in the subandean valleys of Jujuy Province, Argentina, between June 1986 and March 1987. Seventy two mammals from 13 different species were examined by xenodiagnosis. Fifty two of them were mostly roedents trapped at the localities of Maimará, León and Tilcara, and the remainder had been kept in captivity at the Estación Biológica Experimental, in Jujuy. Trypanosoma cruzi infection was detected only in 2 Octodontomys gliroides (2 pos./8 exam. 25%) from all 72 examined mammals. Isolates were called Octodontomys Argentina 1 and 2 (OA1 and OA2). Both infected animals were caught at the archaelogical ruin of Pucará, at Tilcara. Repeated searches for triatomines in the ruin itself and in neighbour houses rendered negative results. Groups of mice inoculated with either OA1 or OA2 isolates became infected between 7 (OA1) to 12 days (OA2) postinoculation PI. Parasitemia peaks were observed between day 12th - 14th PI. Scarce amastigote nests were found in myocardium and skeletal muscle. Mortality was observed only for mice inoculated with OA1. Isoenzyme patterns of OA1 and OA2 were identical to one found in dogs and slightly different from that of human parasites in Argentina. Bones from Octodontomys sp., were recently found in a cave, dated 10200-8600 BC, in Pumamarca, near Tilcara, Jujuy. There are evidences that O. gliroides cohabited with man in ancient times and was associated to the domestic cycle of T. cruzi transmission, playing a role like that of domestic cavies. in Bolivia.
The life cycle of Ascocotyle (Leighia) hadra n.sp. was experimentally reproduced, starting from cercariae from naturally infected Littoridina parchappei, collected from Los Ranchos stream, near Mercedes city, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Metacercariae were found encysted in the liver and mesentery of experimentally and naturally infected fishes Cnesterodon decemmaculatus and Jenynsia lineata. Adults were obtained experimentally in chicks and mice. The natural host is unknown. The new species is compared with Ascocotyle (Leighia) mcintoshi Price 1936 as described by Leigh, 1974, differing in behavior and morphology of cercarial, metacercarial and adult stages
The evaluation of the role of rodents as natural hosts of Schistosoma mansoni was studied at the Pamparrão Valley, Sumidouro, RJ, with monthly captures and examination of the animals. Twenty-three Nectomys squamipes and 9 Akodom arviculoides with a shistosomal infection rate of 56.5% and 22.2% respectively eliminated a great majority of viable eggs. With a strain isolated from one of the naturally infected N. squamipes, we infected 75% of simpatric Biomphalaria glabrata and 100% of albino Mus musculus mice. The adult worms, isolated from N. squamipes after perfusion were located mainly in the liver (91.5%) and the mesenteric veins (8.5%). The male/female proportion was 2:1. The eggs were distributed on small intestine segments (proximal, medial and distal portions) and the large intestine without any significant differences in egg concentration of these segments. In A. arviculoides, the few eggs eliminated by the stools were viable and there was litlle egg retention on intestinal segments. Considering the ease to complete S. mansoni biological cycle in the Nectomys/Biomphalaria/Nectomys system under laboratory conditions, probably the same is likely to occur in natural conditions. In support to this hypotesis there are also the facts that human mansonic shistosomiasis has a very low prevalence in Sumidouro and endemicity among the rodents has not changed even after repetead treatments of the local patients. Based on our experiments, we conclude that N. squamipes has become a natural host of S. mansoni and possibly may participate in keeping the cycle of schistosomiasis transmission at Pamparrão Valley.
Most opinion favors the origin of the malaria parasites from a coccidial ancestor. It is assumed that whatever the process through which the coccidia differentiated into a Plasmodium this phenomenon very probably occured millions of year ago, and during that differentiation process the original coccidia vanished. Therefore it has never repeated. At the light of some experiments the existence, at the present time, of a coccidial cycle of development in the malaria parasites, is proposed. The conection routes and mechanisms through which the malaria parasite changes to a coccidial life, and the routes in reverse are exposed. Transmission of the malaria-coccidial forms is suggested.
We characterized the Plasmodium falciparum antigen 332 (Ag332) which is specifically expressed during the asexual intraerythrocytic cycle of the parasite. The corresponding Pf332 gene has been located in the subtelomeric region of chromosome 11. Furthermore, it is present in all strais so far analyzed and shows marked restriction length fragment polymorphism. Partial sequence and restriction endonuclease digestion of cloned fragments revealed that the Pf332 gene is composed of highly degenerated repeats rich is glutamic acid. Mung been nuclease digestion and Northern blot analysis suggested that Pf332 gene codes for a protein of about 700 kDa. These data were further confirmed by Western blot and immunoprecipitation of parasites extracts with an antiserum raised against a recombinant clone expressing part of the Ag332. Confocal immunofluorescence showed that Ag332 is translocated from the parasite to the surface of infected red blood cells within vesicle-like structures. In addition, Ag332 was detected on the surface of monkey erythrocytes infected with Plasmodium falciparum.
After several Brazilian researches, the author examines the capacity of two species of rodents Cricetidae, Holochilus brasiliensis and Nectomys squamipes, to maintain the biological cycle of Schistosoma mansoni in the field and to be parasite reservoir: (a) the role they are able to play in human endemy; (b) the methods necessary to characterize the population of Schistosoma mansoni related either to man, either to rodents, either to both.
A case-control study evaluating the association between mental retardation and toxoplasmosis was conducted among 845 school children in Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil. Cases (450) were mentally retarded children attending a public school for special education. Controls (395) were children from the regular public school system. Clinical and anthropometric examinations and interviews were carried out to determine risk factors for toxoplasmosis and mental retardation. Diagnosis of Toxoplasma gondii infection was based upon an indirect immunofluorescent test (IFA); 55% of cases and 29% of controls were positive. The Relative Odds of mental retardation in children with positive serology was 3.0 (95% CI 2.2-4.0). Maternal exposure to cats and contact with soil were associated with an increased risk of mental retardation. Retinochoroiditis was fourfold more prevalent among cases than controls and was only diagnosed in T. gondii IFA positive participants. Congenital toxoplasmosis, in its subclinical form, appears to be an important component in the etiology of mental retardation, especially in high risk (lower socio-economic) groups. The population attributable risk was estimated as 6.0 - 9.0%, suggesting the amount of mental retardation associated with this infection.
The life cycle of Pygidiopsis crassus n. sp. was experimentally reproduced, starting from cercariae from naturally infected Littoridina parchappei collected from Lujan River and different ponds in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Metacercariae were found encysted in the body cavity of experimentally and naturally infected fishes Cnesterodon decemmaculatus and naturally infected Jenynsia lineata. Adults were obtained experimentally in chicks and mice. The natural host is unknown. The new species is compared with Pygidiopsis macrostomum Travassos 1928, from Rattus norvegicus and from Noctilio leporinus mastivus, differing in body and egg sizes, in the size relation of oral and ventral sucker and the shape of excretory vesicle.
Patients with stage I-III melanoma were vaccinated with the modified HLA-A2-binding gp100(209-2M)-peptide after complete surgical resection of their primary lesion and sentinel node biopsy. Cytoplasmic interferon-gamma production by freshly thawed peripheral blood mononuclear cells (direct ex vivo analysis) or by peripheral blood mononuclear cells subjected to 1 cycle of in vitro sensitization with peptide, interleukin-2, and interleukin-15 was measured following restimulation with the modified and native gp100 peptides, and also A2gp100 melanoma cell lines. Peptide-reactive and tumor-reactive T cells were detected in 79% and 66% of selected patients, respectively. Patients could be classified into 3 groups according to their vaccine-elicited T-cell responses. One group of patients responded only to the modified peptide used for immunization, whereas another group of patients reacted to both the modified and native gp100 peptides, but not to naturally processed gp100 antigen on melanoma cells. In the third group of patients, circulating CD8 T cells recognized A2gp100 melanoma cell lines and also both the modified and native peptides. T cells with a low functional avidity, which were capable of lysing tumor cells only if tumor cells were first pulsed by the exogenous administration of native gp100(209-217) peptide were identified in most patients. These results indicate that vaccination with a modified gp100 peptide induced a heterogeneous group of gp100-specific T cells with a spectrum of functional avidities; however, high avidity, tumor-reactive T cells were detected in the majority of patients.
Opossums (Didelphis marsupialis) captured in intensely urbanized areas of the city of Caracas, Venezuela, were found infected with Trypanosoma cruzi. The developmental cycle of trypomastigote-epimastigote-metacyclic infective trypomastigote, usually occurring in the intestine of the triatomine vector, was taking place in the anal odoriferous glands of the opossums. Material from the glands, inoculated in young, healthy opossums and white mice by different routes, subcutaneously, intraperitoneally, orally, and into the eye, induced T. cruzi infections in all animals. Parasitemia, invasion of cardiac and skeletal muscle, and intracellular multiplication of amastigotes were observed. Inoculation of metacyclics from anal glands, cultured in LIT medium, gave equivalent results. All opossums survived; all mice died. Excreta of opossums may thus transmit Chagas' disease by contamination, even in urban areas where insect vectors are not present.
El projecte està associat a l'assignatura de Disseny Microelectrònic I, Troncal de 2on cicle d'Enginyeria en Electrònica a la Universitat de Barcelona. A l'actualitat aquesta assignatura incorpora tant d'estudiants de FÃsica com d'Enginyeries Tècniques d'altres universitats. El seu enfoc és de caire formador prà ctic. Temporalment l'assignatura correspon al primer quadrimestre en una carrera que a l'actualitat és només de segon cicle. Per tant correspon a un moment en el qual l'estudiant té el primer contacte amb aquest ensenyament. La introducció de nous conceptes i continguts és constant. Durant els dos anys de durada del projecte, aquest ha permès l’elaboració de material didà ctic digital que ha estat incorporat satisfactòriament (ben avaluat per l’alumnat) al material didà ctic i les activitats del curs. Un dels objectius principals a aconseguir amb el projecte, combatre el fracà s escolar associat a l’alt Ãndex d’absentisme, s’assoleix amb aquest material. D’altra banda, els alumnes que opten per un seguiment continuat, seguint la metodologia activa del curs, veuen en aquest material el recolzament necessari per afrontar les activitats que se’ls plantegen. En ambdós casos i juntament amb la resta d'activitats presencials del curs, s'aconsegueix incentivar l'autoaprenentatge i motivar l’alumne de forma continuada. El material digital comprèn apunts de l'assignatura i problemes resolts de referència. Durant l’execució del projecte s’ha mesurat contÃnuament l’esforç de l’estudiant. Aquest era el segon principal objectiu del projecte, sense el qual una adaptació a la metodologia ECTS i a l’EEES és impossible. S'ha mesurat l'esforç que provoquen les diferents activitats, especialment aquelles activitats cooperatives que motiven més l'alumnat però que també el carreguen més. Com a eina per a l'estudiant s'ha desenvolupat un aplicatiu que permet que ell mateix conegui el seu esforç enfront de la resta d'alumnes com a mesura de la seva qualitat d'estudi.
El projecte ha d’establir xarxes per posar en contacte els diferents continguts, reflexions i recursos docents emprats per professors d’art medieval de la UB i la URV s’ha dut a terme adaptant-se a diferents conjuntures. Una modificació sorgida durant el desenvolupament del projecte deriva de la transformació que han de patir els actuals plans d’estudis enfront dels nous tÃtols de grau. Els lligams plantejats en funció d’unes determinades assignatures s’ha vist alterat quan la seva definició i durada ha variat dins els nous plans d’estudis, en la preparació dels quals han intervingut diversos membres del projecte, tant des del Consell d’estudis com des de la Comissió promotora del grau d’història de l’art. Malgrat tot, els diferents professors hem elaborat materials especÃfics per a la docència de les actuals assignatures, incloent un extens ventall de presentacions en PowerPoint, que abasten les distintes matèries implicades. A més de les classes i prà ctiques pròpies de cada assignatura, và rem dur a terme el cicle de conferències Imatges Indiscretes. Art i devoció a l’Edat Mitjana, per tal d’aproximar l’alumnat a la recerca desenvolupada pels membres del grup (incloent becaris i alguns invitats procedents d’altres universitats), ampliant l’oferta formativa més enllà dels formats més predeterminats. És en curs la publicació del cicle en forma de dossier docent. Si aquesta activitat s’orientava vers els continguts relatius a l’art medieval, també hem promogut una reflexió adreçada vers una problemà tica general especÃficament docent amb un Seminari de docència sobre a història de l’’art en el qual han participat, a més del grup, un ampli ventall de professors del Departament d’Història de l’Art de la UB, aixà com docents d’altres universitats i professionals vinculats a l’exercici de la disciplina. Tant el seminari com el cicle de conferències són propostes a les quals és previst donar continuïtat en futures convocatòries.
There are 20 named species of the genus Leishmania at present recognized in the New World, of which 14 are known to infect man. The present paper discusses the biological, biochemical and ecological features, where known, of six species which have not till now been found to cause human leishmaniasis; namely, Leishmania (Leishmania) enriettii, L. (L.) hertigi, L. (L.) deanei, L. (L.) aristidesi, L. (L.) forattinii and L. (Viannia) equatorensis. A protocol is suggested for attempts to discover the natural mammalian host(s) and sandfly vector of L. (L.) enriettii. Doubt is cast on the validity of the species L. herreri, described in Costa Rican sloths. Following the concensus of opinion that modern trypanosomatids derive from monogenetic intestinal flagellates of arthropods, phlebotomine sandflies are best regarded as the primary hosts of Leishmania species, with mammals acting as secondary hosts providing a source of parasites for these insects. There are probably natural barriers limiting the life-cycle of most leishmanial parasites to specific sandfly vectors
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the antitumor activity and safety profile of plitidepsin administered as a 1h weekly intravenous (i.v.) infusion of 3.2mg/m(2) to patients with small cell lung cancer (SCLC) who relapsed or progressed after one line of chemotherapy. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This was a multicenter, open-label, single-arm, exploratory, phase II clinical trial. Treatment lasted until disease progression, unacceptable toxicity, patient refusal or treatment delay for >2 weeks. Objective response rate (primary efficacy endpoint) was evaluated according to response evaluation criteria in solid tumors (RECIST). The rate of stable disease (SD) lasting for at least 6 months and time-to-event variables were secondary endpoints of efficacy. Toxicity was assessed using National Cancer Institute Common Toxicity Criteria (NCI-CTC) version 2.0. RESULTS: Twenty pretreated SCLC patients (median age, 60 years) with extensive (n=13) or limited-stage disease (n=7) received a total of 24 treatment cycles (median, one cycle per patient; range, 1-2). Objective tumor responses were not observed and only one of the 17 evaluable patients had SD. With a median follow-up of 11.8 months, the progression-free survival and the median overall survival were 1.3 months and 4.8 months, respectively. The most troubling or common toxicities were fatigue, muscle weakness, lymphopenia, anemia (no patients showed neutropenia), and asymptomatic, non-cumulative increase of transaminases levels and alkaline phosphatase. CONCLUSION: This clinical trial shows that a cycle of 1h weekly i.v. infusion of plitidepsin (3.2mg/m(2)) was generally well tolerated other than fatigue and muscle weakness in patients with pretreated SCLC. One patient died due to multi-organ failure. The absence of antitumor activity found here precludes further studies of this plitidepsin schedule as second-line single-agent treatment of SCLC.
A longitudinal study was performed with sera and urine of patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), taken before, during and after clinically Toxoplasma infection. The tested patients were followed for an average of two years. The titres of the specific IgG and IgM antibodies were measured by an indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT), and the appearance of circulating antigens of T. gondii was determined in 36 urine samples of 13 patients with neurotoxoplasmosis by means of the coagglutination test. The presence of T. gondii antigens in the urine of AIDS patients by this test was correlated with the immunoblot technique, with clinical symptoms and also with pathological findings. Our results indicate that the detection of T. gondii antigens in the urine of AIDS patients can be regarded as a rapid and efficient method for the diagnosis of acute toxoplasmosis