743 resultados para bood-platelets


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Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Untersuchung von Struktur und Dynamik in Polymer-Ton-Nanokompositen mittels EPR-Spektroskopie; damit sollten ein Beitrag zur Analyse der Tensidschicht in solchen Systemen geleistet und die Ergebnisse anderer Messmethoden ergänzt werden. Die Tensidschicht in Polymer-Ton-Nanokompositen nimmt großen Einfluss auf das System, denn sie bestimmt die Wechselwirkung zwischen Ton und Polymer: Damit hydrophiler Ton gut mit hydrophobem Polymer (hier Polystyrol) mischbar ist, muss das Schichtsilikat zunächst mit Tensiden organisch-modifiziert werden; dies geschieht durch Kationenaustausch der Natriumionen im Ton gegen Tenside. Um mit Hilfe der EPR einen Einblick in die Tensidschicht zu gewinnen, muss etwa 1% der zur Tonmodifizierung eingesetzten Amphiphile spinmarkiert sein. So gelang es im Rahmen dieser Arbeit, Tenside mit verschiedenen Kopfgruppen, nämlich Trimethylammonium- bzw. Trimethylphosphoniumtenside, zu synthetisieren und sie an verschiedenen Positionen ihrer hydrophoben Alkylkette mit einem Nitroxidradikal zu markieren. Das Nitroxidradikal diente als Spinsonde für die EPR-Experimente. Neben der Synthese verschiedener, spinmarkierter Amphiphile, der anschließenden Darstellung organisch-modifizierten Tons (Kationenaustausch) und verschiedener Polymer-Ton-Nanokomposite (Schmelzinterkalation) wurden alle Proben mittels EPR-Spektroskopie untersucht; dabei wurden sowohl cw- als auch gepulste Messtechniken eingesetzt. Aus cw-Experimenten ging hervor, dass die Dynamik der gesamten Tensidschicht mit der Temperatur zunimmt und die Mobilität der hydrophoben Tensidalkylkette mit wachsendem Abstand zu ihrer Kopfgruppe wächst. Zugabe von Polymer behindert bei steigender Temperatur das Anschwellen des Tons bei Aufschmelzen der Tensidschicht; die Dynamik des Systems ist eingeschränkt. Mit Hilfe gepulster EPR-Messungen (ENDOR und ESEEM), die Informationen über Abstände bzw. Kontakt in den untersuchten Systemen lieferten, ließ sich ein Strukturmodell der Polymer-Ton-Nanokomposite skizzieren, das Vorstellungen anderer, älterer Methoden unterstützt: Hierbei richten sich die Tenside in Multischichten unterschiedlicher Mobilität parallel zur Tonoberfläche aus.


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Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde die zeitaufgelöste Photoemissions Elektronenmikroskopie (TR-PEEM) für die in-situ Untersuchung ultraschneller dynamischer Prozesse in dünnen mikrostrukturierten magnetischen Schichten während eines rasch verändernden externen Magnetfelds entwickelt. Das Experiment basiert auf der Nutzung des XMCD-Kontrasts (X-ray magnetic circular dichroism) mit Hilfe des zirkularpolarisierten Lichts von Synchrotronstrahlungsquellen (Elektronenspeicherringen BESSY II (Berlin) und ESRF (Grenoble)) für die dynamische Darstellung der magnetischen Domänen während ultraschneller Magnetisierungsvorgänge. Die hier entwickelte Methode wurde als erfolgreiche Kombination aus einer hohen Orts- und Zeitauflösung (weniger als 55 nm bzw. 15 ps) realisiert. Mit der hier beschriebenen Methode konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass die Magnetisierungsdynamik in großen Permalloy-Mikrostrukturen (40 µm x 80 µm und 20 µm x 80 µm, 40 nm dick) durch inkohärente Drehung der Magnetisierung und mit der Bildung von zeitlich abhängigen Übergangsdomänen einher geht, die den Ummagnetisierungsvorgang blockieren. Es wurden neue markante Differenzen zwischen der magnetischen Response einer vorgegebenen Dünnfilm-Mikrostruktur auf ein gepulstes externes Magnetfeld im Vergleich zu dem quasi-statischen Fall gefunden. Dies betrifft die Erscheinung von transienten raumzeitlichen Domänenmustern und besonderen Detailstrukturen in diesen Mustern, welche im quasi-statischen Fall nicht auftreten. Es wurden Beispiele solcher Domänenmuster in Permalloy-Mikrostrukturen verschiedener Formen und Größen untersucht und diskutiert. Insbesondere wurde die schnelle Verbreiterung von Domänenwänden infolge des präzessionalen Magnetisierungsvorgangs, die Ausbildung von transienten Domänenwänden und transienten Vortizes sowie die Erscheinung einer gestreiften Domänenphase aufgrund der inkohärenten Drehung der Magnetisierung diskutiert. Ferner wurde die Methode für die Untersuchung von stehenden Spinwellen auf ultradünnen (16 µm x 32 µm groß und 10 nm dick) Permalloy-Mikrostrukturen herangezogen. In einer zum periodischen Anregungsfeld senkrecht orientierten rechteckigen Mikrostruktur wurde ein induziertes magnetisches Moment gefunden. Dieses Phänomen wurde als „selbstfangende“ Spinwellenmode interpretiert. Es wurde gezeigt, dass sich eine erzwungene Normalmode durch Verschiebung einer 180°-Néelwand stabilisiert. Wird das System knapp unterhalb seiner Resonanzfrequenz angeregt, passt sich die Magnetisierungsverteilung derart an, dass ein möglichst großer Teil der durch das Anregungsfeld eingebrachten Energie im System verbleibt. Über einem bestimmten Grenzwert verursacht die Spinwellenmode nahe der Resonanzfrequenz eine effektive Kraft senkrecht zur 180°-Néel-Wand. Diese entsteht im Zentrum der Mikrostruktur und wird durch die streufeldinduzierte Kraft kompensiert. Als zusätzliche Möglichkeit wurden die Streufelder von magnetischen Mikrostrukturen während der dynamischen Prozesse quantitativ bestimmt und das genaue zeitliche Profil des Streufelds untersucht. Es wurde gezeigt, dass das zeitaufgelöste Photoemissions Elektronenmikroskop als ultraschnelles oberflächensensitives Magnetometer eingesetzt werden kann.


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Neutrophile Granulozyten spielen eine wichtige Rolle in der ersten Phase der Inflammation. Sie infiltrieren den Infektionsort um den eingedrungenen Erreger zu bekämpfen und Ihre Effektor Funktion auszuführen. Neben den Mustererkennenden Rezeptoren des angeborenen Immunsystems (pattern recognition receptors) werden weitere Rezeptoren auf der Oberfläche von neutrophilen Granulozyten exprimiert, welche zur Aktivierung der Zelle beitragen können. In dieser arbeit wurden der Herpes Virus Entry Mediator (HVEM) und Triggering Receptor expressed on Myeloid Cells-1 (TREM-1) auf neutrophilen untersucht. Für HVEM konnte eine synergistische Aktivierung von neutrophilen Granulozyten im Zusammenspiel mit Toll like Rezeptor (TLR) Liganden nachgewiesen werden. Für TREM-1 konnte ein Vorhandensein eines Liganden auch Thrombozyten beschrieben. Es wurden weiterhin Mechanismen untersucht und beschrieben, welche für die synergistische Aktivierung von neutrophilen Granulozyten verantwortlich sind, welche nach TREM-1 und TLR Stimulation erkennbar ist.


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Pearls are an amazing example of calcium carbonate biomineralization. They show a classic brick and mortar internal structure in which the predominant inorganic part is composed by aragonite and vaterite tablets. The organic matrix is disposed in concentric layers tightly associated to the mineral structures. Freshwater cultivate pearls (FWCPs) and shells nacreous layers of the Chinese mussel Hyriopsis cumingii were demineralized using an ion exchange resin in order to isolate the organic matrix. From both starting materials a soluble fraction was obtained and further analyzed. The major component of the soluble extracts was represented by a similar glycoprotein having a molecular weight of about 48 kDa in pearls and 44 kDa in shells. Immunolocalization showed their wide distribution in the organic sheet surrounding calcium carbonate tablets of the nacre and in the interlamellar and intertabular matrix. These acidic glycoprotein also contained inside the aragonite platelets, are direct regulators during biomineralization processes, participating to calcium carbonate precipitation since the nucleation step. Selective calcium carbonate polymorph precipitation was performed using the two extracts. The polysaccharides moiety was demonstrate to be a crucial factor in polymorphs selection. In particular, the higher content in sugar groups found in pearls extract was responsible of stabilization of the high energetic vaterite during the in vitro precipitation assay; while irregular calcite was obtained using shells protein. Furthermore these polypeptides showed a carbonic anhydrase activity that, even if not directly involved in polymorphs determination, is an essential regulator in CaCO3 formation by means of carbonate anions production. The structural and functional characterization of the proteins included in biocomposites, gives important hints for understanding the complicated process of biomineralization. A better knowledge of this natural mechanism can offer new strategies for producing environmental friendly materials with controlled structures and enhanced chemical-physical features.


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Key technology applications like magnetoresistive sensors or the Magnetic Random Access Memory (MRAM) require reproducible magnetic switching mechanisms. i.e. predefined remanent states. At the same time advanced magnetic recording schemes push the magnetic switching time into the gyromagnetic regime. According to the Landau-Lifschitz-Gilbert formalism, relevant questions herein are associated with magnetic excitations (eigenmodes) and damping processes in confined magnetic thin film structures.rnObjects of study in this thesis are antiparallel pinned synthetic spin valves as they are extensively used as read heads in today’s magnetic storage devices. In such devices a ferromagnetic layer of high coercivity is stabilized via an exchange bias field by an antiferromagnet. A second hard magnetic layer, separated by a non-magnetic spacer of defined thickness, aligns antiparallel to the first. The orientation of the magnetization vector in the third ferromagnetic NiFe layer of low coercivity - the freelayer - is then sensed by the Giant MagnetoResistance (GMR) effect. This thesis reports results of element specific Time Resolved Photo-Emission Electron Microscopy (TR-PEEM) to image the magnetization dynamics of the free layer alone via X-ray Circular Dichroism (XMCD) at the Ni-L3 X-ray absorption edge.rnThe ferromagnetic systems, i.e. micron-sized spin valve stacks of typically deltaR/R = 15% and Permalloy single layers, were deposited onto the pulse leading centre stripe of coplanar wave guides, built in thin film wafer technology. The ferromagnetic platelets have been applied with varying geometry (rectangles, ellipses and squares), lateral dimension (in the range of several micrometers) and orientation to the magnetic field pulse to study the magnetization behaviour in dependence of these magnitudes. The observation of magnetic switching processes in the gigahertz range became only possible due to the joined effort of producing ultra-short X-ray pulses at the synchrotron source BESSY II (operated in the so-called low-alpha mode) and optimizing the wave guide design of the samples for high frequency electromagnetic excitation (FWHM typically several 100 ps). Space and time resolution of the experiment could be reduced to d = 100 nm and deltat = 15 ps, respectively.rnIn conclusion, it could be shown that the magnetization dynamics of the free layer of a synthetic GMR spin valve stack deviates significantly from a simple phase coherent rotation. In fact, the dynamic response of the free layer is a superposition of an averaged critically damped precessional motion and localized higher order spin wave modes. In a square platelet a standing spin wave with a period of 600 ps (1.7 GHz) was observed. At a first glance, the damping coefficient was found to be independent of the shape of the spin-valve element, thus favouring the model of homogeneous rotation and damping. Only by building the difference in the magnetic rotation between the central region and the outer rim of the platelet, the spin wave becomes visible. As they provide an additional efficient channel for energy dissipation, spin waves contribute to a higher effective damping coefficient (alpha = 0.01). Damping and magnetic switching behaviour in spin valves thus depend on the geometry of the element. Micromagnetic simulations reproduce the observed higher-order spin wave mode.rnBesides the short-run behaviour of the magnetization of spin valves Permalloy single layers with thicknesses ranging from 3 to 40 nm have been studied. The phase velocity of a spin wave in a 3 nm thick ellipse could be determined to 8.100 m/s. In a rectangular structure exhibiting a Landau-Lifschitz like domain pattern, the speed of the field pulse induced displacement of a 90°-Néel wall has been determined to 15.000 m/s.rn


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Articular cartilage lesions, with their inherent limited healing potential, are hard to treat and remain a challenging problem for orthopedic surgeons. Despite the development of several treatment strategies, the real potential of each procedure in terms of clinical benefit and effects on the joint degeneration processes is not clear. Aim of this PhD project was to evaluate the results, both in terms of clinical and imaging improvement, of new promising procedures developed to address the challenging cartilage pathology. Several studies have been followed in parallel and completed over the 3-year PhD, and are reported in detail in the following pages. In particular, the studies have been focused on the evaluation of the treatment indications of a scaffold based autologous chondrocyte implantation procedure, documenting its results for the classic indication of focal traumatic lesions, as well as its use for the treatment of more challenging patients, older, with degenerative lesions, or even as salvage procedure for more advanced stages of articular degeneration. The second field of study involved the analysis of the results obtained treating lesions of the articular surface with a new biomimetic osteochondral scaffold, which showed promise for the treatment of defects where the entire osteochondral unit is involved. Finally, a new minimally invasive procedure based on the use of growth factors derived from autologous platelets has been explored, showing results and underlining indicatios for the treatment of cartilage lesions and different stages of joint degeneration. These studies shed some light on the potential of the evaluated procedures, underlining good results as well as limits, they give some indications on the most appropriate candidates for their application, and document the current knowledge on cartilage treatment procedures suggesting the limitations that need to be addressed by future studies to improve the management of cartilage lesions.


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La PKCε e la PKCδ, chinasi ubiquitariamente distribuite e ad azione pleiotropica, sono implicate del differenziamento, sopravvivenza e proliferazione cellulare. Esse sono coinvolte nel processo differenziativo delle cellule staminali ematopoietiche e in fenomeni patologici associati al compartimento sanguigno. In questa tesi sono presentati i risultati riguardanti lo studio in vitro del ruolo di PKCε e PKCδ nel contesto del differenziamento megacariocitario, in particolare si caratterizza l’espressione e la funzione di queste chinasi nel modello umano e nel modello murino di Megacariocitopoiesi, normale e patologica. Confrontando le cinetiche dei due modelli presi in analisi nello studio è stato possibile osservare come in entrambi PKCε e PKCδ dimostrino avere una chiara e specifica modulazione nel progredire del processo differenziativo. Questi dati, se confrontati, permettono di affermare che PKCε e PKCδ presentano un pattern di espressione opposto e, nel modello umano rispetto a quello murino, reciproco: nell’uomo i livelli di PKCε devono essere down-modulati, mentre nel topo, al contrario, i livelli della chinasi risultano up-modulati durante lo stesso processo. Analogamente, le CD34+ in differenziazione presentano una costante e maggiore espressione di PKCδ durante la maturazione MK, mentre nel modello murino tale proteina risulta down-modulata nella fase più tardiva di formazione della piastrina. Le chinasi mostrano in oltre di agire, nei due modelli, attraverso pathways distinti e cioè RhoA nel topo e Bcl-xL nell’uomo. È stato inoltre verificato che l’aberrante differenziamento MK osservato nella mielofibrosi primaria (PMF), è associato a difetti di espressione di PKCε e di Bcl-xL e che una forzata down-modulazione di PKCε porta ad un ripristino di un normale livello di espressione di Bcl-xL così come della popolazione di megacariociti formanti propiastrine. I dati ottenuti indicano quindi che PKCε e PKCδ svolgono un ruolo importante nel corretto differenziamento MK e che PKCε potrebbe essere un potenziale nuovo target terapeutico nelle PMF.


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Introduzione: Le catene N-linked associate al principale sito di N-glicosilazione (Asn297) delle IgG sono di tipo bi-antennario e presentano una grande microeterogeneità in quanto una o entrambe le antenne possono terminare con uno o due residui di acido sialico, galattosio o N-acetilglucosammina ed essere core-fucosilate. Nell’invecchiamento e in malattie infiammatorie aumenta la percentuale di glicani associati alle catene pesanti delle IgG privi del galattosio terminale (IgG-G0). La glicosilazione enzimatica delle proteine è classicamente un processo intracellulare, sebbene recenti studi abbiano messo in evidenza la possibilità di una glicosilazione ecto-cellulare in quanto le piastrine sono ottimi donatori di nucleotidi-zuccheri. Scopo: Misurare le attività delle glicosiltrasferasi ST6Gal1 e B4GalT plasmatiche (potenzialmente responsabili della glicosilazione di proteine plasmatiche) in soggetti di entrambi i sessi e di età compresa tra 5 e 105 anni e correlarle con lo stato di glicosilazione di IgG circolanti (analizzato mediante lectin-blot) e il GlycoAge test, un noto marcatore di invecchiamento, espresso come il logaritmo del rapporto tra gli N-glicani agalattosilati e di-galattosilati associati a glicoproteine plasmatiche. Risultati e conclusioni: I dati ottenuti indicano che: 1) l’attività B4GalT si propone come nuovo marcatore di invecchiamento perché aumenta linearmente con l’età; 2) la ST6Gal1 è maggiormente espressa solo nei bambini e negli over 80; 3) le attività delle due glicosilatransferasi non risultano correlate in modo significativo né tra loro né con il GlycoAge test, indicando che questi tre marcatori siano espressioni di diversi quadri fisio-patologici legati all’invecchiamento; 4) con l’età si ha una predominanza di glicoforme di IgG pro-infiammatorie, ovvero prive dell’acido sialico, del galattosio terminali e del core fucose; 5) l’attività della ST6Gal1 e B4GalT risultano in controtendenza con il grado di sialilazione e galattosilazione delle IgG, indicando quindi che la loro glicosilazione non avviene a livello extracellulare.


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Das Silicatein α ist ein 24 kDa großes Enzym, welches im Schwamm Suberites domuncula für die Synthese von Biosilikat verantwortlich ist. Vorhergehende Studien haben gezeigt, dass Silicatein auch die Synthese anderer Metalloxide wie Titandioxid, Galliumoxid und Zirkoniumdioxid katalysieren kann. Diese Fähigkeiten machen das Silicatein α für biomedizinische und biotechnologische Anwendungen interessant, da die Synthese unter nahezu physiologischen Bedingungen ablaufen kann, was die Herstellung neuartiger Kompositmaterialien mit einzigartigen Eigenschaften erleichtern würde. Zur Immobilisierung des Silicatein α auf verschiedenen Oberflächen wurde bislang ein Nickel-NTA-Kopolymer eingesetzt. Diese Art der Immobilisierung bietet eine Reihe von Möglichkeiten in der Nanobiotechnologie, stößt aber in der Biomedizin an ihre Grenzen, da sich nicht alle Oberflächen für ein solches Coating eignen. Zudem können die zur Aktivierung des Polymers nötigen Lösungsmittel und die über die Zeit freigesetzten Monomere aus dem Polymergerüst toxische oder mutagene Wirkung auf das umliegende Gewebe haben. Deshalb wurde das Silicatein α in dieser Arbeit mit zwei Affinitäts-Tags so modifiziert, dass es an verschiedene Oberflächen immobilisiert werden kann und dabei seine Aktivität beibehält. Zuerst wurde das Silicatein mit einem Glu-tag am N-terminalen Ende modifiziert. Dadurch gelang die direkte Immobilisierung an Hydroxyapatit und die folgende, enzymkatalysierte Synthese von Biosilikat-Beschichtungen auf diesem Träger. Die Eigenschaften eines solchen HA-Kompositmaterials können zum Beispiel zu einem verbesserten, schnelleren und stabileren Einwachsen von Knochenimplantaten führen, da Biosilikat die Reifung und Differenzierung von Osteoblasten beschleunigt. rnMit dem an Hydroxyapatit-Plättchen immobilisierten Glu-tag-Silicatein wurde ein modifizierter Pull-down Assay etabliert, wodurch bekannte, aber auch bis dahin noch unbekannte Protein-Interaktionspartner identifiziert werden konnten. rnUm zu zeigen, dass der entwickelte Glu-tag an präformierte, calciumhaltige Oberflächen binden kann, wurden die Nadeln des Kalkschwammes Paraleucilla magna als Modellorganismus verwendet. Die Nadeln konnten durch das immobilisierte Silicatein mit einer Titandioxid-Schicht überzogen werden und unter Verwendung des Interaktionspartners Silintaphin-1 konnte diese Beschichtung noch verstärkt werden. Solche CaCO3-Kompositmaterialien könnten sowohl in der Biomedizin als auch in der Biotechnologie zum Einsatz kommen. Neben den erwähnten calciumhaltigen Materialien finden auch andere Stoffe wie TiO2-Nanodrähte Verwendung in der Forschung. In weiterführenden Experimenten konnte gezeigt werden, dass der entwickelte Glu-tag auch Affinität zu Titandioxid-Oberflächen vermittelt. Auch hier konnte durch das oberflächenimmobilisierte Enzym eine Biosilikatbeschichtung synthetisiert werden. rnMit der zweiten Modifikation - einem Cys-tag - konnte Silicatein direkt auf Goldoberflächen immobilisiert werden. Durch die Verwendung eines Polydimethylsiloxan (PDMS)-Stempels wurde das Cys-getaggte Silicatein in einem linienförmigen Muster auf das Gold übertragen und die Synthese von Titandioxid dort nachgewiesen.rnDie Experimente und Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit haben gezeigt, dass Silicatein α durch einfache Modifikationen an verschiedene Oberflächen immobilisiert werden kann und dabei immer noch seine Aktivität behält. rnHierdurch ergibt sich die Möglichkeit, unter Normalbedingungen verschiedenste Kompositmaterialien herzustellen.rn


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The full blood cell (FBC) count is the most common indicator of diseases. At present hematology analyzers are used for the blood cell characterization, but, recently, there has been interest in using techniques that take advantage of microscale devices and intrinsic properties of cells for increased automation and decreased cost. Microfluidic technologies offer solutions to handling and processing small volumes of blood (2-50 uL taken by finger prick) for point-of-care(PoC) applications. Several PoC blood analyzers are in use and may have applications in the fields of telemedicine, out patient monitoring and medical care in resource limited settings. They have the advantage to be easy to move and much cheaper than traditional analyzers, which require bulky instruments and consume large amount of reagents. The development of miniaturized point-of-care diagnostic tests may be enabled by chip-based technologies for cell separation and sorting. Many current diagnostic tests depend on fractionated blood components: plasma, red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), and platelets. Specifically, white blood cell differentiation and counting provide valuable information for diagnostic purposes. For example, a low number of WBCs, called leukopenia, may be an indicator of bone marrow deficiency or failure, collagen- vascular diseases, disease of the liver or spleen. The leukocytosis, a high number of WBCs, may be due to anemia, infectious diseases, leukemia or tissue damage. In the laboratory of hybrid biodevices, at the University of Southampton,it was developed a functioning micro impedance cytometer technology for WBC differentiation and counting. It is capable to classify cells and particles on the base of their dielectric properties, in addition to their size, without the need of labeling, in a flow format similar to that of a traditional flow cytometer. It was demonstrated that the micro impedance cytometer system can detect and differentiate monocytes, neutrophils and lymphocytes, which are the three major human leukocyte populations. The simplicity and portability of the microfluidic impedance chip offer a range of potential applications in cell analysis including point-of-care diagnostic systems. The microfluidic device has been integrated into a sample preparation cartridge that semi-automatically performs erythrocyte lysis before leukocyte analysis. Generally erythrocytes are manually lysed according to a specific chemical lysis protocol, but this process has been automated in the cartridge. In this research work the chemical lysis protocol, defined in the patent US 5155044 A, was optimized in order to improve white blood cell differentiation and count performed by the integrated cartridge.


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Questo studio ha valutato l'efficacia di un approccio rigenerativo utilizzando cellule staminali mesenchimali (MSC) e uno scaffold di idrossiapatite pura e porosa (HA) progettata con tecnologia CAD-CAM per sostituire il condilo dell'articolazione temporomandibolare (ATM). Metodi.Uno scaffolds di HA con porosità totale del 70% è stato prototipato per sostituire i due condili temporomandibolari (sinistro e destro) dello stesso animale. MSC sono state ottenute dalla cresta iliaca ed espanse in coltura. Guide chirurgiche su misura sono state create e utilizzate per esportare la pianificazione virtuale delle linee di taglio dell'osso nell'ambiente chirurgico. Sei pecore sono state sacrificate a 4 mesi dopo l'intervento.Gli scaffold sono stati espiantati, campioni istologici sono stati preparati, ed è stata eseguota l'analisi istomorfometrica. Risultati.L'analisi della riduzione di porosità per apposizione di osso neoformato mostrata una differenza statisticamente significativa tra la formazione ossea nei condili carichi di MSC rispetto ai condili senza (


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The most consistent feature of Wiskott Aldrich syndrome (WAS) is profound thrombocytopenia with small platelets. The responsible gene encodes WAS protein (WASP), which functions in leucocytes as an actin filament nucleating agent -yet- actin filament nucleation proceeds normally in patient platelets regarding shape change, filopodia and lamellipodia generation. Because WASP localizes in the platelet membrane skeleton and is mobilized by alphaIIbbeta3 integrin outside-in signalling, we questioned whether its function might be linked to integrin. Agonist-induced alphaIIbbeta3 activation (PAC-1 binding) was normal for patient platelets, indicating normal integrin inside-out signalling. Inside-out signalling (fibrinogen, JON/A binding) was also normal for wasp-deficient murine platelets. However, adherence/spreading on immobilized fibrinogen was decreased for patient platelets and wasp-deficient murine platelets, indicating decreased integrin outside-in responses. Another integrin outside-in dependent response, fibrin clot retraction, involving contraction of the post-aggregation actin cytoskeleton, was also decreased for patient platelets and wasp-deficient murine platelets. Rebleeding from tail cuts was more frequent for wasp-deficient mice, suggesting decreased stabilisation of the primary platelet plug. In contrast, phosphatidylserine exposure, a pro-coagulant response, was enhanced for WASP-deficient patient and murine platelets. The collective results reveal a novel function for WASP in regulating pro-aggregatory and pro-coagulant responses downstream of integrin outside-in signalling.


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Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and its complication, pulmonary embolism, are frequent causes of disability and mortality. Although blood flow disturbance is considered an important triggering factor, the mechanism of DVT initiation remains elusive. Here we show that 48-hour flow restriction in the inferior vena cava (IVC) results in the development of thrombi structurally similar to human deep vein thrombi. von Willebrand factor (VWF)-deficient mice were protected from thrombosis induced by complete (stasis) or partial (stenosis) flow restriction in the IVC. Mice with half normal VWF levels were also protected in the stenosis model. Besides promoting platelet adhesion, VWF carries Factor VIII. Repeated infusions of recombinant Factor VIII did not rescue thrombosis in VWF(-/-) mice, indicating that impaired coagulation was not the primary reason for the absence of DVT in VWF(-/-) mice. Infusion of GPG-290, a mutant glycoprotein Ib?-immunoglobulin chimera that specifically inhibits interaction of the VWF A1 domain with platelets, prevented thrombosis in wild-type mice. Intravital microscopy showed that platelet and leukocyte recruitment in the early stages of DVT was dramatically higher in wild-type than in VWF(-/-) IVC. Our results demonstrate a pathogenetic role for VWF-platelet interaction in flow disturbance-induced venous thrombosis.


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CD34 (+) progenitor cells are a promising source of regeneration in atherosclerosis or ischemic heart disease. However, as recently published, CD34(+) progenitor cells have the potential to differentiate not only into endothelial cells but also into foam cells upon interaction with platelets. The mechanism of platelet-induced differentiation of progenitor cells into foam cells is as yet unclear. In the present study we investigated the role of scavenger receptor (SR)-A and CD36 in platelet-induced foam cell formation. Human CD34(+) progenitor cells were freshly derived from human umbilical veins and were co-incubated with platelets (2 x 10(8)/mL) up to 14 days resulting in large lipid-laden foam cells. Developing macrophages expressed SR-A, CD36, and Lox-1 as measured by fluorescent-activated cell sorting analysis. The presence of a blocking anti-CD36 or anti-SR-A antibody nearly abrogated foam cell formation, whereas anti-Lox-1 did not affect foam cell formation. Consistently blocking either anti-CD36 or anti-SR-A antibody significantly reduced the phagocytosis of lipid-laden platelets by macrophages. We conclude that CD36 and SR-A play an important role in platelet-induced foam cell formation from CD34(+) progenitor cells and thus represent a promising target to inhibit platelet-induced foam cell formation.


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In older patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), the prevention of relapse has remained one of the major therapeutic challenges, with more than 75% relapses after complete remission. The anti-CD33 immunotoxin conjugate gemtuzumab ozogamicin (GO) has shown antileukemic remission induction activity in patients with relapsed AML. Patients with AML or refractory anemia with excess blasts in first complete remission attained after intensive induction chemotherapy were randomized between 3 cycles of GO (6 mg/m(2) every 4 weeks) or no postremission therapy (control) to assess whether GO would improve outcome. The 2 treatment groups (113 patients receiving GO vs 119 control patients) were comparable with regard to age (60-78 years, median 67 years), performance status, and cytogenetics. A total of 110 of 113 received at least 1 cycle of GO, and 65 of 113 patients completed the 3 cycles. Premature discontinuation was mainly attributable to incomplete hematologic recovery or intercurrent relapse. Median time to recovery of platelets 50 x 10(9)/L and neutrophils 0.5 x 10(9)/L after GO was 14 days and 20 days. Nonhematologic toxicities were mild overall, but there was 1 toxic death caused by liver failure. There were no significant differences between both treatment groups with regard to relapse probabilities, nonrelapse mortality, overall survival, or disease-free survival (17% vs 16% at 5 years). Postremission treatment with GO in older AML patients does not provide benefits regarding any clinical end points. The HOVON-43 study is registered at The Netherlands Trial Registry (number NTR212) and at http://www.controlled-trials.com as ISRCTN77039377.