947 resultados para biologic forms
The hydroxylation of N- and O-methyl drugs and a polycyclic hydrocarbon has been demonstrated in microsomes prepared from two transplantable Morris hepatomas (i.e., 7288C. t.c. and 5123 t.c.(H). The hydroxylation rates of the drug benzphetamine and the polycyclic hydrocarbon benzo {(alpha)} pyrene by tumor microsomes were inducible 2 to 3-fold and 2-fold, respectively by pretreatment of rats with phenobarbital/hydrocortisone. Hepatoma 5123t.c.(h) microsomal hydroxylation activities were more inducible after these pretreatments than hepatoma 7288C.t.c. Two chemotherapeutic drugs (cyclophosphamide and isophosphamide) were shown to be mutagenic after activation by the tumor hemogenate with the TA100 strain of Salmonella typhimurium bacteria. NADPH-cytochrome P-450 was purified from phenobarbital/hydrocortisone treated rat hepatoma 5123t.c.(H) microsomes 353-fold with a specific activity 63.6 nmol of cytochrome c reduced per min per mg of protein. The purified enzyme, has an apparent molecular weight of 79,500 daltons, and contained an equal molar ratio of FMN and FAD, with a total flavin content of 16.4 nmol per mg of protein. The purified enzyme also catalyzed electron transfer to artificial electron acceptors with the K(,m) values of the hepatoma reductase similar to those of purified liver reductase. The K(,m) value of the hepatoma reductase (13 uM) for NADPH was similar to that of purified liver reductase (5.0 uM). In addition the purified hepatoma reductase was immunochemically similar to the liver reductase.^ Hepatoma cytochrome P-450, the hemeprotein component of the hepatoma microsomes of rats pretreated with phenobarbital/hydrocortisone. The resolution of the six forms was achieved by the DE-53 ion-exchange chromatography, and further purified by hydroxyapatite. The six different fractions that contained P-450 activity, had specific contents from 0.47 to 1.75 nmol of cytochrome P-450 per mg of protein, and indicated a 2 to 9-fold purification as compared to the original microsomes. In addition, difference spectra, molecular weights and immunological results suggest there are at least six different forms of cytochrome P-450 in hepatoma 5123 t.c.(H). ^
The conversion between representations of angular momentum in spherical polar and cartesian form is discussed.
Protein Kinase R (PKR) is induced by interferon and activated by dsRNA. Subsequent autophosphorylation and phosphorylation of eIF2alpha inhibits viral replication. In the latent state PKR exists as an unphosphorylated monomer. Work in the Cole laboratory has shown two additional states, a phosphorylated monomeric state (pPKRm) and a phosphorylated dimeric state (pPKRd). RNA serves as a scaffold bringing two PKRs together allowing dimerization and autophosphorylation to occur. The contribution of each state to the function of PKR remains unclear. Western blots were performed to examine the phosphorylation states of the essential residues, T446 and T451. Activity assays have shown activation of pPKRm at a level comparable to pPKRd in its ability to phosphorylate eIF2alpha. Phosphorylation of eIF2alpha by both pPKRm and pPKRd was shown to be RNA independent. Despite reaching similar terminal levels of eIF2alpha phosphorylation, kinetic measurements revealed a faster reaction from pPKRd. Therefore, pPKRm and pPKRd may both contribute to the activity of PKR.
Cellular migration is essential to many normal cellular processes. In tumor cells, aberrant activation of the normal pathways regulating migration is one of the critical steps in the development of metastasis. Previously, I demonstrated for the first time that overexpression of Tiam1, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GNEF) for small G proteins in the Rho family, could alter migration in colorectal tumor cells. ^ This dissertation focuses on the roles of Tiam1 in promoting cell migration, survival, and metastasis of colorectal carcinoma cells, utilizing the model system I developed. To determine the in vivo phenotype of the migratory cell lines, athymic nude mice were injected with cells into the orthotopic site. Several of the mice injected with cells of increased migratory potential had metastases. Thus, the in vitro selection for increased migration resulted in increased metastatic potential in vivo, and therefore, the Tiam1-overexpressing cells provide a model to examine signal transduction pathways important to this process. ^ To examine effects of Tiam1 signaling on small G proteins critical to cellular functions associated with migration, I examined the activation status of the small G proteins Rac, Rho, and Cdc42. The cells of increased migratory potential have increased GTP-bound Rac and Rho, compared to control SW480 cells. Cells that overexpress Tiam1 are more migratory and are resistant to detachment-induced death, or anoikis. To determine which effects and phenotypes were Tiam1-specific, we utilized siRNA to downregulate Tiam1 expression. These results demonstrate that Tiam1 is sufficient but not required for the migration of colorectal carcinoma cells in our model system, and that the biologically selected cells have additional changes that promote migration besides the increase in Tiam1. I also show that Tiam1 protects colorectal carcinoma cells from detachment-induced death, but is not required for anoikis resistance in the biologically selected migratory cells. ^ In summary, my studies demonstrate a heretofore-unknown regulator of phenotypes critical to the development of colorectal carcinoma metastases, overexpression of Tiam1. Understanding the mechanism by which Tiam1 contributes to cellular migration and metastasis is crucial to developing desperately needed new therapies for colorectal carcinoma. ^
Cyclin E, in complex with cyclin dependent kinase 2 (CDK2), is a positive regulator of G1 to S phase progression of the cell cycle. Deregulation of G1/S phase transition occurs in the majority of tumors. Cyclin E is overexpressed and post-translationally generates low molecular weight (LMW) isoforms in breast cancer, but not normal cells. Such alteration of cyclin E is linked to poor prognosis. Therefore, we hypothesized that the LMW isoforms of cyclin E provide a novel mechanism of cell cycle de-regulation in cancer cells. Insect cell expression system was used to explore the biochemical properties of the cyclin E isoforms. Non-tumorigenic (76NE6) and tumorigenic (T47D) mammary epithelial cells transfected with the cyclin E isoforms and breast tumor tissue endogenously expressing the LMW isoforms were used to study the biologic consequences of the LMW isoforms of cyclin E. All model systems studied show that the LMW forms (compared to full-length cyclin E) have increased kinase activity when partnered with CDK2. Increases in the percentage of cells in S phase and colony formation were also observed after overexpression of LMW compared to full-length cyclin E. The LMW isoforms of cyclin E utilize several mechanisms to attain their hyper-activity. They bind CDK2 more efficiently, and are resistant to inhibition by cyclin dependent kinase inhibitors (CKIs) as compared to full-length cyclin E. In addition, the LMW isoforms sequester the CKIs from full-length cyclin E abrogating the overall negative regulation of cyclin E. Despite their correlation with adverse biological consequences, the direct role of the LMW isoforms of cyclin E in mediating tumorigenesis remained unanswered. Subsequent to LMW cyclin E expression in 76NE6 cells, they lose their ability to enter quiescence and exhibit genomic instability, both characteristic of a tumor cell phenotype. Furthermore, injection of 76NE6 cells overexpressing each of the cyclin E isoforms into the mammary fat pad of nude mice revealed that the LMW isoforms of cyclin E yield tumors, whereas the full-length cyclin E does not. In conclusion, the LMW isoforms of cyclin E utilize several mechanisms to acquire a hyperactive phenotype that results in deregulation of the cell cycle and initiates the tumorigenic process in otherwise non-transformed mammary epithelial cells. ^
Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaM kinase) is a multifunctional Ser/Thr protein kinase, that is highly enriched in brain and is involved in regulating many aspects of neuronal function. We observed that forebrain CaM kinase from crude homogenates, cytosolic fractions and purified preparations inactivates and translocates into the particulate fraction following autophosphorylation. Using purified forebrain CaM kinase as well as recombinant $\alpha$ isozyme, we determined that the formation of particulate enzyme was due to enzyme self-association. The conditions of autophosphorylation determine whether enzyme self-association and/or inactivation will occur. Self-association of CaM kinase is sensitive to pH, ATP concentration, and enzyme autophosphorylation. This process is prevented by saturating concentrations of ATP. However, in limiting ATP, pH is the dominant factor, and enzyme self-association occurs at pH values $\rm{<}7.0.$ Site-specific mutants were produced by substituting Ala for Thr286, Thr253, or Thr305,306 to determine whether these sites of autophosphorylation affect enzyme inactivation and self-association. The only mutation that influenced these processes was Ala286, which removed the protective effect afforded by autophosphorylation in saturating ATP. Enzyme inactivation occurs in the presence and absence of self-association and appears predominantly sensitive to nucleotide concentration, because saturating concentrations of $\rm Mg\sp{2+}/ADP$ or $\rm Mg\sp{2+}/ATP$ prevent this process. These data implicate the ATP binding pocket in both inactivation and self-association. We also observed that select peptide substrates and peptide inhibitors modeled after the autoregulatory domain of CaM kinase prevented these processes. The $\alpha$ and $\beta$ isozymes of CaM kinase were characterized independently, and were observed to exhibit differences in both enzyme inactivation and self-association. The $\beta$ isozyme was less sensitive to inactivation, and was never observed to self-associate. Biophysical characterization, and transmission electron microscopy coupled with image analysis indicated both isozymes were multimeric, however, the $\alpha$ and $\beta$ isozymes appeared structurally different. We hypothesize that the $\alpha$ subunit of CaM kinase plays both a structural and enzymatic role, and the $\beta$ subunit plays an enzymatic role. The ramifications for the functional differences observed for inactivation and self-association are discussed based on potential structural differences and autoregulation of the $\alpha$ and $\beta$ isozymes in both calcium-induced physiological and pathological processes. ^
El presente informe es el resultado de la investigación prospectiva realizada en mujeres infectadas por VIH/SIDA como tema de tesis de Magíster Políticas Sociales y Gestión Local defendida el 25 de noviembre de 2002 en el aula magna de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UNC. El SIDA no es sólo una enfermedad biológica sino que tiene una fuerte incidencia en lo social. La intención de este trabajo es despertar la inquietud para que las personas se movilicen a trabajar en la prevención y la asistencia, buscando respuestas alternativas que le faciliten al ser humano la posibilidad de tener una vida más digna. Las estadísticas nacionales demuestran una marcada feminización de esta epidemia. Las formas que asume la sexualidad son muy variadas y están determinadas por el tiempo y lugar donde vivimos. Las mujeres sufren una falta de contención de sus parejas sexuales con escasa toma de conciencia de la posibilidad de progresión de la enfermedad si no se utilizan métodos de barrera, que está íntimamente relacionado con la falta de educación sexual, también en el varón. Como conclusión, podemos decir que el 63,9% de las mujeres no utilizan métodos anticonceptivos debido a temores y prejuicios provocados por la falta de educación sexual. El 75,3% proviene de la negativa del varón a usar preservativo y el 100 % de las mujeres, a pedir el uso del preservativo por vergüenza o miedo. Todo esto nos está demostrando el poco diálogo con sus parejas sexuales y, por parte del hombre, la no protección de la mujer como madre, compañera y miembro útil de la sociedad.
Como profesoras de Fonética y Fonología Inglesa hemos percibido que nuestros alumnos –hispano-hablantes- enfrentan una serie de dificultades en relación con la percepción y producción de las formas débiles de las palabras estructurales. En consecuencia, evaluamos la percepción y producción de las formas débiles y fuertes en nuestros alumnos, a través de una prueba de escucha y otra de habla, una vez que los estudiantes de primer año de la Facultad de Filosofía, Humanidades y Artes, Universidad Nacional de San Juan (UNSJ), habían finalizado el período de entrenamiento en estas formas. Para la recolección de datos utilizamos dos tipos de tests: uno de percepción y otro de producción. En general, los resultados corroboraron nuestra percepción: los alumnos continuaron teniendo mayor dificultad en la percepción y producción de las formas débiles de las palabras estructurales que en la de las formas fuertes, aún después de haber estado expuestos al entrenamiento explícito.
Concentrations of labile dissolved forms of Cu, Zn, Pb, and Cu in waters of the Kara Sea and Ob and Yenisey estuaries measured on board during Cruise 49 of R/V Dmitry Mendeleev.