582 resultados para biodegradation


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Mechanistically and structurally chloroperoxidase (CPO) occupies a unique niche among heme containing enzymes. Chloroperoxidase catalyzes a broad range of reactions, such as oxidation of organic substrates, dismutation of hydrogen peroxide, and mono-oxygenation of organic molecules. To expand the synthetic utility of CPO and to appreciate the important interactions that lead to CPO’s exceptional properties, a site-directed mutagenesis study was undertaken. ^ Recombinant CPO and CPO mutants were heterologously expressed in Aspergillus niger. The overall protein structure was almost the same as that of wild type CPO, as determined by UV-vis, NMR and CD spectroscopies. Phenylalanine103, which was proposed to regulate substrate access to the active site by restricting the size of substrates and to control CPO’s enantioselectivity, was mutated to Ala. The ligand binding affinity and most importantly the catalytic activity of F103A was dramatically different from wild type CPO. The mutation essentially eliminated the chlorination and dismutation activities but enhanced, 4-10 fold, the epoxidation, peroxidation, and N-demethylation activities. As expected, the F103A mutant displayed dramatically improved epoxidation activity for larger, more branched styrene derivatives. Furthermore, F103A showed a distinctive enantioselectivity profile: losing enantioselectivity to styrene and cis-β-methylstyrene; having a different configuration preference on α-methylstyrene; showing higher enantioselectivites and conversion rates on larger, more branched substrates. Our results show that F103 acts as a switch box that controls the catalytic activity, substrate specificity, and product enantioselectivity of CPO. Given that no other mutant of CPO has displayed distinct properties, the results with F103A are dramatic. ^ The diverse catalytic activity of CPO has long been attributed to the presence of the proximal thiolate ligand. Surprisingly, a recent report on a C29H mutant suggested otherwise. A new CPO triple mutant C29H/C79H/C87H was prepared, in which all the cysteines were replaced by histidine to eliminate the possibility of cysteine coordinating to the heme. No active form protein was isolated, although, successful transformation and transcription was confirmed. The result suggests that Cys79 and Cys87 are critical to maintaining the structural scaffold of CPO. ^ In vitro biodegradation of nanotubes by CPO were examined by scanning electron microscope method, but little oxidation was observed. ^


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Dissolved organic matter (DOM) in groundwater and surface water samples from the Florida coastal Everglades were studied using excitation–emission matrix fluorescence modeled through parallel factor analysis (EEM-PARAFAC). DOM in both surface and groundwater from the eastern Everglades S332 basin reflected a terrestrial-derived fingerprint through dominantly higher abundances of humic-like PARAFAC components. In contrast, surface water DOM from northeastern Florida Bay featured a microbial-derived DOM signature based on the higher abundance of microbial humic-like and protein-like components consistent with its marine source. Surprisingly, groundwater DOM from northeastern Florida Bay reflected a terrestrial-derived source except for samples from central Florida Bay well, which mirrored a combination of terrestrial and marine end-member origin. Furthermore, surface water and groundwater displayed effects of different degradation pathways such as photodegradation and biodegradation as exemplified by two PARAFAC components seemingly indicative of such degradation processes. Finally, Principal Component Analysis of the EEM-PARAFAC data was able to distinguish and classify most of the samples according to DOM origins and degradation processes experienced, except for a small overlap of S332 surface water and groundwater, implying rather active surface-to-ground water interaction in some sites particularly during the rainy season. This study highlights that EEM-PARAFAC could be used successfully to trace and differentiate DOM from diverse sources across both horizontal and vertical flow profiles, and as such could be a convenient and useful tool for the better understanding of hydrological interactions and carbon biogeochemical cycling.


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Poor agreement between 3H/3He ages and CFC-11 and CFC-12 ages suggests that CFCs may not be conservative tracers in the Everglades National Park. 3H/3He ages were used to calculate the expected concentration of CFC-11 and CFC-12 in groundwater from wells 2 to 73 m deep. The expected concentrations of CFCs were compared to the measured concentrations and plots of the % CFC-12 and CFC-11 remaining offered no evidence that significant CFC removal was occurring in the groundwater at depths ≥2 m, suggesting that CFC removal occurs at shallower depths. Except where CFC contamination was suspected, CFC-11, CFC-12 and CFC-113 concentrations in fresh surface water were nearly always below solubility equilibrium with the atmosphere. Measurements of CFC-11, CFC-12 and CFC-113 in pore water indicate a 50–90% decrease in concentration 5 cm below the groundwater–surface water (GW–SW) interface. In the same 5 cm interval CH4 concentrations increased by 300–1000%. This suggested that CFCs were removed at the GW–SW interface, possibly by methane-producing bacteria. CFC derived recharge ages should therefore be viewed with caution when recharging water percolates through anoxic methanogenic sediments.


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Chloroperoxidase (CPO) is the most versatile heme-containing enzyme that catalyzes a broad spectrum of reactions. The remarkable feature of this enzyme is the high regio- and enantio-selectivity exhibited in CPO-catalyzed oxidation reactions. The aim of this dissertation is to elucidate the structural basis for regio- and enantio-selective transformations and investigate the application of CPO in biodegradation of synthetic dyes. ^ To unravel the mechanism of CPO-catalyzed regioselective oxidation of indole, the dissertation explored the structure of CPO-indole complex using paramagnetic relaxation and molecular modeling. The distances between the protons of indole and the heme iron revealed that the pyrrole ring of indole is oriented toward the heme with its 2-H pointing directly at the heme iron. This provides the first experimental and theoretical explanation for the "unexpected" regioselectivity of CPO-catalyzed indole oxidation. Furthermore, the residues including Leu 70, Phe 103, Ile 179, Val 182, Glu 183, and Phe 186 were found essential to the substrate binding to CPO. These results will serve as a lighthouse in guiding the design of CPO mutants with tailor-made activities for biotechnological applications. ^ To understand the origin of the enantioselectivity of CPO-catalyzed oxidation reactions, the interactions of CPO with substrates such as 2-(methylthio)thiophene were investigated by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and computational techniques. In particular, the enantioselectivity is partly explained by the binding orientation of substrates. In third facet of this dissertation, a green and efficient system for degradation of synthetic dyes was developed. Several commercial dyes such as orange G were tested in the CPO-H2O 2-Cl- system, where degradation of these dyes was found very efficient. The presence of halide ions and acidic pH were found necessary to the decomposition of dyes. Significantly, the results revealed that this degradation of azo dyes involves a ferric hypochlorite intermediate of CPO (Fe-OCl), compound X.^


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Advances in biomaterials have enabled medical practitioners to replace diseased body parts or to assist in the healing process. In situations where a permanent biomaterial implant is used for a temporary application, additional surgeries are required to remove these implants once the healing process is complete, which increases medical costs and patient morbidity. Bio-absorbable materials dissolve and are metabolized by the body after the healing process is complete thereby negating additional surgeries for removal of implants. Magnesium alloys as novel bio-absorbable biomaterials, have attracted great attention recently because of their good mechanical properties, biocompatibility and corrosion rate in physiological environments. However, usage of Mg as biodegradable implant has been limited by its poor corrosion resistance in the physiological solutions. An optimal biodegradable implant must initially have slow degradation to ensure total mechanical integrity then degrade over time as the tissue heals. The current research focuses on surface modification of Mg alloy (MZC) by surface treatment and polymer coating in an effort to enhance the corrosion rate and biocompatibility. It is envisaged that the results obtained from this investigation would provide the academic community with insights for the utilization of bio-absorbable implants particularly for patients suffering from atherosclerosis. The alloying elements used in this study are zinc and calcium both of which are essential minerals in the human metabolic and healing processes. A hydrophobic biodegradable co-polymer, polyglycolic-co-caprolactone (PGCL), was used to coat the surface treated MZC to retard the initial degradation rate. Two surface treatments were selected: (a) acid etching and (b) anodization to produce different surface morphologies, roughness, surface energy, chemistry and hydrophobicity that are pivotal for PGCL adhesion onto the MZC. Additionally, analyses of biodegradation, biocompatibility, and mechanical integrity were performed in order to investigate the optimum surface modification process, suitable for biomaterial implants. The study concluded that anodization created better adhesion between the MZC and PGCL coating. Furthermore, PGCL coated anodized MZC exhibited lower corrosion rate, good mechanical integrity, and better biocompatibility as compared with acid etched.


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Contamination of soil, sediment and groundwater by hydrophobic organic compounds (HOCs) is a matter of growing concern because groundwater is a valuable and limited resource, and because such contamination is difficult to address. This investigation involved an experimental evaluation of the addition of several surfactant solutions to aqueous and soil-water systems contaminated with phenanthrene, a selected HOC. The results are presented in terms of: * phenanthrene solubilization achieved through surfactant addition * observed effects of surfactant addition on the mineralization of phenanthrene * estimation of relative toxicities of various surfactants using toxicity assays * literature-reported biodegradability/persistence of selected surfactants * surfactant sorption/precipitation onto soil and its impacts on proposed use of surfactant-amended remediation Surfactants were observed to facilitate the transfer of phenanthrene from the soil-sorbed phase to the aqueous pseudophase, however, surfactant solubilization did not translate into enhanced phenanthrene biodegradation.


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This work has the main objective to obtain nano and microcrystals of cellulose, extracted from the pineapple leaf fibres (PALF), as reinforcement for the manufacture of biocomposite films with polymeric matrices of Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) and Poly(lactic acid) (PLA). The polymer matrices and the nano and microcrystals of cellulose were characterised by means of TGA, FTIR and DSC. The analysis was performed on the pineapple leaves to identify the macro and micronutrients. The fibers of the leaves of the pineapple were extracted in a desfibradeira mechanical. The PALF extracted were washed to remove washable impurities and subsequently treated with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) in the removal of impurities, such as fat, grease, pectates, pectin and lignin. The processed PALF fibers were hydrolysed in sulfuric acid (H2SO4) at a concentration of 13.5 %, to obtain nano and microcrystals of cellulose. In the manufacture of biocomposite films, concentrations of cellulose, 0 %, 1 %, 3 %, 6 %, 9% and 12% were used as reinforcement to the matrices of PVA and PLA. The PVA was dissolved in distilled water at 80 ± 5 oC and the PLA was dissolved in dichloromethane at room temperature. The manufacture of biocompósitos in the form of films was carried out by "casting". Tests were carried out to study the water absorption by the films and mechanical test of resistance to traction according to ASTM D638-10 with a velocity of 50 mm/min.. Chi-square statistical test was used to check for the existence of significant differences in the level of 0.05: the lengths of the PALF, lengths of the nano and microcrystals of cellulose and the procedures used for the filtration using filter syringe of 0.2 μm or filtration and centrifugation. The hydrophilicity of biocompósitos was analysed by measuring the contact angle and the thickness of biocompósitos were compared as well as the results of tests of traction. Statistical T test - Student was also applied with the significance level (0.05). In biodegradation, Sturm test of standard D5209 was used. Nano and microcrystals of cellulose with lengths ranging from 7.33 nm to 186.17 nm were found. The PVA films showed average thicknesses of 0.153 μm and PLA 0.210 μm. There is a strong linear correlation directly proportional between the traction of the films of PVA and the concentration of cellulose in the films (composite) (0,7336), while the thickness of the film was correlated in 0.1404. Nano and microcrystals of cellulose and thickness together, correlated to 0.8740. While the correlation between the cellulose content and tensile strength was weak and inversely proportional (- 0,0057) and thickness in -0.2602, totaling -0,2659 in PLA films. This can be attributed to the nano and microcrystals of cellulose not fully adsorbed to the PLA matrix. In the comparison of the results of the traction of the two polymer matrices, the nano and microcrystals have helped in reducing the traction of the films (composite) of PLA. There was still the degradation of the film of PVA, within a period of 20 days, which was not seen in the PLA film, on the other hand, the observations made in the literature, the average time to start the degradation is above 60 days. What can be said that the films are biodegradable composites, with hydrophilicity and the nano and microcrystals of cellulose, contribute positively in the improvement of the results of polymer matrices used.


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During the oil refining process a huge discard volume of water occurs, which carries the contaminants from the process. A class of contaminant compounds resulting from the petrochemical industry are the Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH's). To evaluate the biodegradation of Dibenzothiophene in refinery water a synthetic wastewater was prepared to be treated using activated sludge. For this, a 2 3 Composite Design (plus 3 central points and six axial points) was carried out. The planning had as independent variables (factors) the initial concentration of DBT, pH and time of biodegradation. Biodegradation of DBT was assayed following the parameters COD, pH, temperature, SS, VSS, FVS, SVI. Concerned to the chromatographic conditions, a methodology was validated in order to verify the presence of DBT and its metabolite, 2-HBF, in the final wastewater treated by activated sludge system using a liquid - liquid extraction coupled to HPLC / UV analysis. The parameters used for validation were DL, QL, linearity, recovery and repeatability. As for optimization, the results indicated that the studied methodology can be used in monitoring the DBT degradation and 2- HBF by activated sludge, as they showed excellent linearity values, coefficients of variation, so as satisfactory recovery percentage. COD reduction efficiency tests showed an average percentage of 64.4%. The increasing trend for the results for the TSS and VSS tests showed that the activated sludge was well tailored. The best operating conditions for the reduction of COD were observed when operated with median concentrations of DBT, a higher time to biodegradation, and pH in both the acidic range as the basic one. The biodegradability of the DBT was confirmed by determining the presence of HBF-2. The highest concentrations of HBF-2 were obtained in extreme concentrations of DBT and pH, and higher biodegradation times.


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The Sustainability has been evidence in the world today; organizations have sought to be more and more into this philosophy in their processes, whether products or attendance. In the present work were manufactured eco-composites with animal fiber (dog wool) that is currently discarded into the environment without any use. Project phases consisted on the initial treatment of fibers with alkaline solution (NaOH) at 0.05 mols for removal of impurities, developing methods to convert these fibers (reinforcement) blended with castor oil polyurethane (matrix) in eco-composite with different proportions (5%, 10%, 15% and 20%). Fiber properties were evaluated by analysis of SEM, XRD and FTIR. The composites were produced by compression molding with dimensions 30x30x1cm. For characterization of the composites the following tests were performed: mechanical (tensile, compression, shore hardness A) according the standards and testing water absorption, moisture regain and biodegradation. The analysis of thermal properties on fibers and composites were by TG, DSC, thermal conductivity, resistivity, heat capacity and thermal resistance. Analyzing the results of these tests, it was observed that the composite reinforced with 20% showed a better thermal performance between others composites and dimensional stability when compared to commercial thermal insulation. Also is possible to observe a balance in moisture absorption of the composite being shown with its higher absorption rate in this same sample (20%). The micrographs show the fiber interaction regions with polyurethane to fill the empty spaces. In hardness and compression testing can identify that with increasing percentage of the fiber material acquires a greater stiffness by making a higher voltage is used for forming necessary. So by the tests performed in eco-composites, the highest percentage of fiber used as reinforcement in their composition obtained a better performance compared to the remaining eco-composites, reaching values very close to the PU.


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The monoaromatic compounds are toxic substances present in petroleum derivades and used broadly in the chemical and petrochemical industries. Those compounds are continuously released into the environment, contaminating the soil and water sources, leading to the possible unfeasibility of those hydrous resources due to their highly carcinogenic and mutagenic potentiality, since even in low concentrations, the BTEX may cause serious health issues. Therefore, it is extremely important to develop and search for new methodologies that assist and enable the treatment of BTEX-contaminated matrix. The bioremediation consists on the utilization of microbial groups capable of degrading hydrocarbons, promoting mineralization, or in other words, the permanent destruction of residues, eliminating the risks of future contaminations. This work investigated the biodegradation kinetics of water-soluble monoaromatic compounds (benzene, toluene and ethylbenzene), based on the evaluation of its consummation by the Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria, for concentrations varying from 40 to 200 mg/L. To do so, the performances of Monod kinetic model for microbial growth were evaluated and the material balance equations for a batch operation were discretized and numerically solved by the fourth order Runge-Kutta method. The kinetic parameters obtained using the method of least squares as statistical criteria were coherent when compared to those obtained from the literature. They also showed that, the microorganism has greater affinity for ethylbenzene. That way, it was possible to observe that Monod model can predict the experimental data for the individual biodegradation of the BTEX substrates and it can be applied to the optimization of the biodegradation processes of toxic compounds for different types of bioreactors and for different operational conditions.


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The monoaromatic compounds are toxic substances present in petroleum derivades and used broadly in the chemical and petrochemical industries. Those compounds are continuously released into the environment, contaminating the soil and water sources, leading to the possible unfeasibility of those hydrous resources due to their highly carcinogenic and mutagenic potentiality, since even in low concentrations, the BTEX may cause serious health issues. Therefore, it is extremely important to develop and search for new methodologies that assist and enable the treatment of BTEX-contaminated matrix. The bioremediation consists on the utilization of microbial groups capable of degrading hydrocarbons, promoting mineralization, or in other words, the permanent destruction of residues, eliminating the risks of future contaminations. This work investigated the biodegradation kinetics of water-soluble monoaromatic compounds (benzene, toluene and ethylbenzene), based on the evaluation of its consummation by the Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria, for concentrations varying from 40 to 200 mg/L. To do so, the performances of Monod kinetic model for microbial growth were evaluated and the material balance equations for a batch operation were discretized and numerically solved by the fourth order Runge-Kutta method. The kinetic parameters obtained using the method of least squares as statistical criteria were coherent when compared to those obtained from the literature. They also showed that, the microorganism has greater affinity for ethylbenzene. That way, it was possible to observe that Monod model can predict the experimental data for the individual biodegradation of the BTEX substrates and it can be applied to the optimization of the biodegradation processes of toxic compounds for different types of bioreactors and for different operational conditions.


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Timothy Bata is thankful to the Petroleum Technology Development Fund of Nigeria (PTDF) (PTDF/E/OSS/PHD/BTP/359/11) for sponsoring his PhD research at the University of Aberdeen, and the management of Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi, Nigeria, for permitting him to proceed on study leave. We are grateful to Colin Taylor for his help during laboratory work and S. Bowden for advice on the interpretation of the gas chromatographic data.


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Timothy Bata is thankful to the Petroleum Technology Development Fund of Nigeria (PTDF) (PTDF/E/OSS/PHD/BTP/359/11) for sponsoring his PhD research at the University of Aberdeen, and the management of Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi, Nigeria, for permitting him to proceed on study leave. We are grateful to Colin Taylor for his help during laboratory work and S. Bowden for advice on the interpretation of the gas chromatographic data.


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Chitosan gel films were successfully obtained by evaporation cast from chitosan solutions in aqueous acidic solutions of organic acids (lactic and acetic acid) as gel film bandages, with a range of additives that directly influence film morphology and porosity. We show that the structure and composition of a wide range of 128 thin gel films, is correlated to the antimicrobial properties, their biocompatibility and resistance to biodegradation. Infrared spectroscopy and solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy was used to correlate film molecular structure and composition to good antimicrobial properties against 10 of the most prevalent Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria. Chitosan gel films reduce the number of colonies after 24 h of incubation by factors of ∼105–107 CFU/mL, compared with controls. For each of these films, the structure and preparation condition has a direct relationship to antimicrobial activity and effectiveness. These gel film bandages also show excellent stability against biodegradation with lysozyme under physiological conditions (5% weight loss over a period of 1 month, 2% in the first week), allowing use during the entire healing process. These chitosan thin films and subsequent derivatives hold potential as low-cost, dissolvable bandages, or second skin, with antimicrobial properties that prohibit the most relevant intrahospital bacteria that infest burn injuries.


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Contents of free lipids in the upper layers of slightly siliceous diatomaceous oozes from the South Atlantic and of calcareous foraminiferal oozes, of coral sediments and of red clays from the western tropical Pacific amount varies from 0.014 to 0.057% of dry sediment. Their content is inversely proportional to total content of organic matter. Relative content of low-polar compounds in total amount of lipids and content of hydrocarbons, fatty acids, and sterols in the composition of these compounds can serve as an index of degree of transformation of organic matter in sediment because these compounds are resistant to various degree to microbial and hydrolytic decomposition and, consequently, are selectively preserved under conditions of biodegradation of organic compounds during oxydation-reduction processes.