983 resultados para arm


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The process of prophage integration by phage λ and the function and structure of the chromosomal elements required for λ integration have been studied with the use of λ deletion mutants. Since attφ, the substrate of the integration enzymes, is not essential for λ growth, and since attφ resides in a portion of the λ chromosome which is not necessary for vegetative growth, viable λ deletion mutants were isolated and examined to dissect the structure of attφ.

Deletion mutants were selected from wild type populations by treating the phage under conditions where phage are inactivated at a rate dependent on the DNA content of the particles. A number of deletion mutants were obtained in this way, and many of these mutants proved to have defects in integration. These defects were defined by analyzing the properties of Int-promoted recombination in these att mutants.

The types of mutants found and their properties indicated that attφ has three components: a cross-over point which is bordered on either side by recognition elements whose sequence is specifically required for normal integration. The interactions of the recognition elements in Int-promoted recombination between att mutants was examined and proved to be quite complex. In general, however, it appears that the λ integration system can function with a diverse array of mutant att sites.

The structure of attφ was examined by comparing the genetic properties of various att mutants with their location in the λ chromosome. To map these mutants, the techniques of heteroduplex DNA formation and electron microscopy were employed. It was found that integration cross-overs occur at only one point in attφ and that the recognition sequences that direct the integration enzymes to their site of action are quite small, less than 2000 nucleotides each. Furthermore, no base pair homology was detected between attφ and its bacterial analog, attB. This result clearly demonstrates that λ integration can occur between chromosomes which have little, if any, homology. In this respect, λ integration is unique as a system of recombination since most forms of generalized recombination require extensive base pair homology.

An additional study on the genetic and physical distances in the left arm of the λ genome was described. Here, a large number of conditional lethal nonsense mutants were isolated and mapped, and a genetic map of the entire left arm, comprising a total of 18 genes, was constructed. Four of these genes were discovered in this study. A series of λdg transducing phages was mapped by heteroduplex electron microscopy and the relationship between physical and genetic distances in the left arm was determined. The results indicate that recombination frequency in the left arm is an accurate reflection of physical distances, and moreover, there do not appear to be any undiscovered genes in this segment of the genome.


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We quantitatively study the domain inversion in a RuO2:LiNbO3 crystal wafer by the digital holographic interferometry. The crystal wafer is placed into one arm of a Mach-Zehnder-type interferometer to record a series of holograms. Making use of the angular spectrum backward propagation algorithm, we reconstruct the optical wave field in the crystal plane. The extracted phase difference from the reconstructed optical wave field is a well linear function of the applied external voltage. We deduce that the linear electro-optic coefficient of the detected RuO2:LiNbO3 crystal sample is 9.1x10(-12) m/V. An unexpected phase contrast at the antiparallel domain wall is observed and the influence of the applied external voltage on it is studied in detail. Also the built-in internal field is quantitatively measured as 0.72 kV/mm. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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[ES]Mediante este trabajo se va a diseñar un mecanismo para crear un sistema de suspensión progresiva para la suspensión trasera de una motocicleta a partir de un muelle lineal. El muelle introducido en la suspensión será lineal, por lo tanto, tendrá una sola rigidez, constante y la cual delimita el muelle, pero gracias a un mecanismo diseñado especialmente para la suspensión trasera de una moto, se va conseguir que la rigidez varíe. El mecanismo utilizado para este trabajo se llama Pro-Link y la empresa que lo emplea es Honda. Para ello, se creará un esquema del mecanismo en sí y tras un análisis cinemático mediante el programa Creo Parametric, y haciendo varios cambios en el sistema para ajustarlo a la mejor progresividad posible, se obtendrá la gráfica en la que se observará la curva que marca la rigidez progresiva. Esto es, se verá la evolución de la nueva rigidez dependiendo de la oscilación vertical de la rueda. Por otra parte, gracias a un análisis dinámico del mismo programa se conseguirán las reacciones del sistema y se calcularán los elementos auxiliares de éste para el buen funcionamiento del mismo. Finalmente, se creará el diseño del triángulo y un diseño preliminar del basculante mediante el método de elementos finitos del programa.


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The assembly history of massive galaxies is one of the most important aspects of galaxy formation and evolution. Although we have a broad idea of what physical processes govern the early phases of galaxy evolution, there are still many open questions. In this thesis I demonstrate the crucial role that spectroscopy can play in a physical understanding of galaxy evolution. I present deep near-infrared spectroscopy for a sample of high-redshift galaxies, from which I derive important physical properties and their evolution with cosmic time. I take advantage of the recent arrival of efficient near-infrared detectors to target the rest-frame optical spectra of z > 1 galaxies, from which many physical quantities can be derived. After illustrating the applications of near-infrared deep spectroscopy with a study of star-forming galaxies, I focus on the evolution of massive quiescent systems.

Most of this thesis is based on two samples collected at the W. M. Keck Observatory that represent a significant step forward in the spectroscopic study of z > 1 quiescent galaxies. All previous spectroscopic samples at this redshift were either limited to a few objects, or much shallower in terms of depth. Our first sample is composed of 56 quiescent galaxies at 1 < z < 1.6 collected using the upgraded red arm of the Low Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (LRIS). The second consists of 24 deep spectra of 1.5 < z < 2.5 quiescent objects observed with the Multi-Object Spectrometer For Infra-Red Exploration (MOSFIRE). Together, these spectra span the critical epoch 1 < z < 2.5, where most of the red sequence is formed, and where the sizes of quiescent systems are observed to increase significantly.

We measure stellar velocity dispersions and dynamical masses for the largest number of z > 1 quiescent galaxies to date. By assuming that the velocity dispersion of a massive galaxy does not change throughout its lifetime, as suggested by theoretical studies, we match galaxies in the local universe with their high-redshift progenitors. This allows us to derive the physical growth in mass and size experienced by individual systems, which represents a substantial advance over photometric inferences based on the overall galaxy population. We find a significant physical growth among quiescent galaxies over 0 < z < 2.5 and, by comparing the slope of growth in the mass-size plane dlogRe/dlogM with the results of numerical simulations, we can constrain the physical process responsible for the evolution. Our results show that the slope of growth becomes steeper at higher redshifts, yet is broadly consistent with minor mergers being the main process by which individual objects evolve in mass and size.

By fitting stellar population models to the observed spectroscopy and photometry we derive reliable ages and other stellar population properties. We show that the addition of the spectroscopic data helps break the degeneracy between age and dust extinction, and yields significantly more robust results compared to fitting models to the photometry alone. We detect a clear relation between size and age, where larger galaxies are younger. Therefore, over time the average size of the quiescent population will increase because of the contribution of large galaxies recently arrived to the red sequence. This effect, called progenitor bias, is different from the physical size growth discussed above, but represents another contribution to the observed difference between the typical sizes of low- and high-redshift quiescent galaxies. By reconstructing the evolution of the red sequence starting at z ∼ 1.25 and using our stellar population histories to infer the past behavior to z ∼ 2, we demonstrate that progenitor bias accounts for only half of the observed growth of the population. The remaining size evolution must be due to physical growth of individual systems, in agreement with our dynamical study.

Finally, we use the stellar population properties to explore the earliest periods which led to the formation of massive quiescent galaxies. We find tentative evidence for two channels of star formation quenching, which suggests the existence of two independent physical mechanisms. We also detect a mass downsizing, where more massive galaxies form at higher redshift, and then evolve passively. By analyzing in depth the star formation history of the brightest object at z > 2 in our sample, we are able to put constraints on the quenching timescale and on the properties of its progenitor.

A consistent picture emerges from our analyses: massive galaxies form at very early epochs, are quenched on short timescales, and then evolve passively. The evolution is passive in the sense that no new stars are formed, but significant mass and size growth is achieved by accreting smaller, gas-poor systems. At the same time the population of quiescent galaxies grows in number due to the quenching of larger star-forming galaxies. This picture is in agreement with other observational studies, such as measurements of the merger rate and analyses of galaxy evolution at fixed number density.


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A avaliação do estado nutricional em pacientes com HIV é de grande importância, pois as conseqüências provocadas pelo processo patológico da doença estão associadas com perda de peso corporal, massa magra e desnutrição grave, o que prediz aumento da morbimortalidade. Os valores de linfometria CD4 também têm sido utilizados como preditores a curto e médio prazo para o desenvolvimento de infecções oportunistas, as quais são incomuns em pacientes com CD4 >200 cels/mm3. Partindo deste conhecimento, optou-se por estudar o estado nutricional de homens e mulheres HIV positivos de acordo com a contagem de células CD4. Utilizou-se como parâmetros nutricionais o índice de massa corporal (IMC), a área muscular do braço corrigida (AMBc), albumina sérica e o ângulo de fase (AF). Foram estudados 39 pacientes HIV positivos, acompanhados pelo ambulatório de doenças infectoparasitárias do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto (HUPE/UERJ). Não foi observada desnutrição na população estudada, quando avaliada pelo IMC e albumina em ambos os sexos, independente do número de células CD4. Entretanto, a AMBc e o AF, tanto nos homens quanto nas mulheres, demonstraram comprometimento nos parâmetros de massa magra. Em relação à associação entre os indicadores nutricionais e o número de células CD4, foi observado correlação significante com a AMBc e a albumina no grupo estudado. A correlação de acordo com o sexo manteve-se significante em ambos os grupos para AMBc e com uma tendência positiva (p=0,06) entre o AF e CD4 no grupo dos homens. Portanto, estes resultados demonstram que para avaliar o estado nutricional, principalmente o compartimento de massa corporal magra de pacientes HIV positivos sob terapia antirretroviral, é preciso utilizar indicadores mais sensíveis, mesmo naqueles pacientes com melhor estado de controle da doença.


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[ES] El objeto de este estudio consiste en el diseño de un sistema de suspensión trasera regulable y progresiva, así como el prediseño de un basculante, para una motocicleta de competición. La motocicleta compite dentro de la categoría MotoStudent, por lo que se ha realizado el estudio de acuerdo con las normas de la Organización y las especificaciones del equipo de la ETSI.


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A doença Inflamatória Intestinal (DII) é uma desordem caracterizada pela inflamação crônica do trato gastrointestinal. Os dois principais tipos de DII são a Retocolite Ulcerativa (RCU) e a Doença de Crohn (DC) e ambas cursam com importantes alterações no estado nutricional (EN). O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar as diferenças na composição corporal entre pacientes com DC, RCU e indivíduos saudáveis, além de comparar o estado nutricional dos três grupos de pacientes, ajustando para fatores que podem interferir no EN, como o uso atual de corticosteróides, a atividade física, a atividade de doença, a idade e o sexo. Foi realizado um estudo transversal que incluiu 101 pacientes com DII (50 com DC e 51 com RCU) e 35 indivíduos saudáveis, selecionados no Ambulatório do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto (HUPE) da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Foram colhidas informações sócio-demográficas e pessoais, tais como: prática de atividade física, tabagismo, doenças pregressas e procedimentos cirúrgicos prévios. Outras informações necessárias à pesquisa foram coletadas em prontuário médico. A avaliação antropométrica foi realizada por meio das seguintes medidas: peso corporal; altura; circunferências do braço, da cintura (CC) e do quadril; dobras cutâneas do tríceps, subescápula, supra-ilíaca e da coxa; e circunferência muscular do braço (CMB). A análise da composição corporal foi realizada por meio da bioimpedância elétrica (BIA), utilizando-se o aparelho Biodynamics modelo 450. As variáveis laboratoriais analisadas foram: glicose, hemograma completo, perfil lipídico, proteínas totais, albumina, globulina, velocidade de hemossedimentação e proteína C reativa. O peso, o índice de massa corporal, a CC e o percentual de gordura corporal calculado a partir da aferição das dobras cutâneas, foram menores nos pacientes com DC, quando comparados aos indivíduos saudáveis e/ou aos pacientes com RCU. A CMB foi menor nos pacientes com DC e RCU quando comparados aos indivíduos saudáveis, porém sem apresentar diferenças entre os dois grupos de pacientes. Por BIA, verificou-se que os pacientes com DC apresentaram valores de massa magra, massa celular corpórea, massa extracelular, água corporal total e água extracelular menores quando comparados aos indivíduos saudáveis. Os níveis séricos de colesterol total, proteínas totais e albumina, e a contagem total de hemácias foram menores nos indivíduos com DC quando comparados aos indivíduos do grupo controle e/ou aos indivíduos do grupo da RCU. Os pacientes com RCU exibem composição corporal semelhante à da população saudável. Em contraposição, os pacientes com DC apresentam EN amplamente comprometido com depleção de gordura corporal e massa magra em relação aos demais indivíduos


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The dynamic interaction of limb segments during movements that involve multiple joints creates torques in one joint due to motion about another. Evidence shows that such interaction torques are taken into account during the planning or control of movement in humans. Two alternative hypotheses could explain the compensation of these dynamic torques. One involves the use of internal models to centrally compute predicted interaction torques and their explicit compensation through anticipatory adjustment of descending motor commands. The alternative, based on the equilibrium-point hypothesis, claims that descending signals can be simple and related to the desired movement kinematics only, while spinal feedback mechanisms are responsible for the appropriate creation and coordination of dynamic muscle forces. Partial supporting evidence exists in each case. However, until now no model has explicitly shown, in the case of the second hypothesis, whether peripheral feedback is really sufficient on its own for coordinating the motion of several joints while at the same time accommodating intersegmental interaction torques. Here we propose a minimal computational model to examine this question. Using a biomechanics simulation of a two-joint arm controlled by spinal neural circuitry, we show for the first time that it is indeed possible for the neuromusculoskeletal system to transform simple descending control signals into muscle activation patterns that accommodate interaction forces depending on their direction and magnitude. This is achieved without the aid of any central predictive signal. Even though the model makes various simplifications and abstractions compared to the complexities involved in the control of human arm movements, the finding lends plausibility to the hypothesis that some multijoint movements can in principle be controlled even in the absence of internal models of intersegmental dynamics or learned compensatory motor signals.


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In this study we employed a dynamic recurrent neural network (DRNN) in a novel fashion to reveal characteristics of control modules underlying the generation of muscle activations when drawing figures with the outstretched arm. We asked healthy human subjects to perform four different figure-eight movements in each of two workspaces (frontal plane and sagittal plane). We then trained a DRNN to predict the movement of the wrist from information in the EMG signals from seven different muscles. We trained different instances of the same network on a single movement direction, on all four movement directions in a single movement plane, or on all eight possible movement patterns and looked at the ability of the DRNN to generalize and predict movements for trials that were not included in the training set. Within a single movement plane, a DRNN trained on one movement direction was not able to predict movements of the hand for trials in the other three directions, but a DRNN trained simultaneously on all four movement directions could generalize across movement directions within the same plane. Similarly, the DRNN was able to reproduce the kinematics of the hand for both movement planes, but only if it was trained on examples performed in each one. As we will discuss, these results indicate that there are important dynamical constraints on the mapping of EMG to hand movement that depend on both the time sequence of the movement and on the anatomical constraints of the musculoskeletal system. In a second step, we injected EMG signals constructed from different synergies derived by the PCA in order to identify the mechanical significance of each of these components. From these results, one can surmise that discrete-rhythmic movements may be constructed from three different fundamental modules, one regulating the co-activation of all muscles over the time span of the movement and two others elliciting patterns of reciprocal activation operating in orthogonal directions.


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[ES]En este documento se propone el diseño de dos sistemas imprescindibles en el tren trasero de una moto de competición, el sistema de tensor de cadena y el del acople de pinza de freno trasero. Junto a estos sistemas se diseñará, dada su relevancia, el basculante de la moto. Estos diseños se realizarán de tal manera que cumplan una serie de requisitos geométricos y de resistencia, garantizando en todo momento la estabilidad y seguridad del piloto. Se realizará también el estudio de la fabricación de cada uno de los elementos que componen los sistemas, con el fin de realizar diseños viables, que resulten económicamente factibles y mantengan un alto grado de calidad. En el proyecto se analizarán las diferentes alternativas de los sistemas que se puedan adoptar, sus ventajas y desventajas, para así poder escoger, con un alto grado de seguridad, la opción que mejor cumpla los objetivos y condiciones establecidos. Cabe destacar que este proyecto se encuentra dentro de otro de mayor envergadura consistente en el diseño y la fabricación de una motocicleta de competición para participar en el campeonato internacional llamado “MotoStudent”. Esta competición se realiza entre universidades de todo el mundo y en ella los equipos de estudiantes se enfrentan al desafío de diseñar y desarrollar un prototipo de motocicleta de competición similar a la categoría mundialista de “Moto3”.


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ES]El Trabajo Fin de Grado que se presenta a continuación tiene como objetivo principal el diseño de una unión flexible que formará parte de las patas de un robot de cinemática paralela. Por la propia arquitectura de estos mecanismos, y para dotar a la plataforma de movimientos precisos, esta unión, ubicada en la parte superior de las patas, debe deformarse al ser sometida a esfuerzos de flexión y torsión. Se realiza un adecuado diseño que maximice las deformaciones de dicha unión a la par que se garantiza una adecuada duración de la misma para la aplicación requerida. A su vez, se comprueba que las tensiones a las que se verá sometida no superan el límite de fluencia del material elegido. Todo ello se realiza de forma computacional mediante el método de los elementos finitos.


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[ES]Con el objetivo de crear un entorno de desarrollo que permita la ejecución de aplicaciones de control en sistemas ARM, se utilizarán diferentes métodos y recursos informáticos y poder crear con esto un Toolchain capaz de generar binarios para los sistemas citados anteriormente.


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A presença de ventilação periódica durante o exercício confere pior prognóstico a pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca. Existem divergências quanto aos critérios para identificação deste fenômeno. Além disso, a interpretação dicotômica (presença ou ausência) quanto a este fenômeno dificulta a estratificação de risco mais detalhada dos pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca. Desta forma, esta tese avalia a utilização de técnicas estabelecidas para análise de variabilidade de sinais para quantificar as oscilações ventilatórias que ocorrem durante o teste cardiopulmonar de exercício, em indivíduos saudáveis, atletas e com insuficiência cardíaca. Um protocolo mais curto para realização de teste cardiopulmonar de exercício em cicloergômetro de braço foi proposto e validado. Tal protocolo foi utilizado em estudo posterior, onde se comprovou que, apesar dos tempos respiratórios não serem influenciados pelo tipo de exercício realizado, a variabilidade ventilatória é maior durante a realização de exercício dinâmico com membros superiores do que com membros inferiores. A capacidade aeróbica de indivíduos sadios também influencia a variabilidade ventilatória durante o teste cardiopulmonar de exercício. Isto foi comprovado pela menor variabilidade ventilatória no domínio do tempo em atletas do que sedentários durante exercício. A análise destes voluntários com o método da análise dos componentes principais revelou que em atletas a variabilidade do volume corrente é a principal responsável pela variabilidade da ventilação-minuto durante o exercício, ao passo que em sedentários a variabilidade da freqüência respiratória apresenta-se como principal responsável por tais variações. Em estudo randomizado e controlado comprovamos que, mesmo indivíduos sadios apresentam redução da variabilidade ventilatória ao exercício após 12 semanas de treinamento físico. Comprovamos que a reabilitação cardíaca reverteu a ocorrência de ventilação periódica em um paciente com insuficiência cardíaca e, finalmente, encontramos que a variabilidade ventilatória correlaciona-se inversamente com a fração de ejeção ventricular esquerda em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca. Estudos futuros deverão analisar o poder prognóstico da variabilidade ventilatória nestes pacientes.