998 resultados para animal trade


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Newsletter produced by Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship about the animal industry in Iowa.


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Newsletter produced by Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship about the animal industry in Iowa.


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In this article we research into the difficulties that foreign trade imposed onSpanish process of integration into the international economy in the years priorto the First World War. We start out by examining some features of the foreigntrade structure of the country. By means of an econometric analysis of importand export series, it is possible to observe the presence of a trend towards tradedeficit, which was in force when Spain grew at a rate similar to that of itstrading partners. We also check that, in the absence of these compensatorymechanisms, adjustment in foreign payments could be reached by means ofprotective measures and the exchange rate.


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This paper aims to illustrate the dynamics of coal trade between Latin America and its main trade partners, i.e. the USA, Great Britain and Germany, before and after the enormous disruption caused by the First World War. The coal trade was used as an indicator of modernization for Latin American countries, given that oil was at that time of secondary importance. Energy imports have determined the possibilities of each Latin American country in its process of development. Here we address this question and place special emphasis on supply channels, concluding that the trade link with main suppliers was of key significance. Although this was very clear by the end of the period, the process had started well before the First World War, at least for the majority of LA&C countries. These points are developed through a gravity model applied to the bilateral coal trade. The importance of the market supplier share is addressed through cluster methodologies.


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The objective of this paper is to ascertain whether the EU is seeking policy convergence with its neighbours in the area of trade by means of EU regulations. For each trade- related topic, we carried out a content analysis of the available official documents to identify the model of relations that has been established between the EU and four neighbouring countries (Morocco, Algeria, Ukraine and Georgia). The findings indicate that Europeanization is the EU strategy in most cases. However, adaptation to European regulations is only a long-term aim. When international regulations exist in a specific area, the EU usually demands the internationalization of a country¿s regulations as a first step. When there are no international regulations, the convergence process is established on the basis of bilaterally developed norms. EU strategy also varies depending on the country. Its relations with Algeria are the most particular. We conclude that the EU is promoting policy convergence with its neighbours in the area of trade mainly on the basis of international and bilaterally-developed regulations.


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[cat] Com afecten l’obertura comercial i financera a la volatilitat macroeconòmica? La literatura existent, tant empírica com teòrica, no ha assolit encara un consens. Aquest article usa un model microfonamentat de dos països simètrics amb entrada endògena d’empreses per estudiar-ho. L’anàlisis es du a terme per tres règims econòmics diferents amb diferents nivells d’integració internacional: una economia tancada, una autarquia financera i una integració plena. Es consideren diversos nivells d’obertura comercial, en forma de biaix domèstic de la demanda i l’economia pot patir pertorbacions en la productivitat del treball i en innovació. El model conclou que la incertesa macroeconòmica, representada principalment per la volatilitat del consum, la producció i la relació real d’intercanvi internacional, depèn del grau d’obertura i del tipus de pertorbació.


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The effect of openness and trade orientation on economic growth remains a highly contentious issue in the literature. Trade facilitates the spread of knowledge and the adoption of more advanced and efficient technologies, which hastens total factor productivity (TFP) growth and, hence, per capita income. New technologies that spread through trade require a sufficiently skilled labour force to adapt them to the domestic productive environment. Thus, openness and human capital accumulation will lead to TFP growth and the greater the complementarity between both variables, the higher the TFP growth. This paper discusses the implications of these assumptions and tests their empirical validity, using a pool of data for manufacturing industry in Spanish regions in a period in which both the stock of human capital and openness experienced a notable increase.


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[cat] La historiografia ha assenyalat que en el segle XIX el crèdit que els fabricants cotoners catalans oferien als seus clients era de caràcter informal i, per tant, impossible de ser transferit al sistema bancari. Això hauria tingut un efecte negatiu en la rendibilitat de les empreses cotoneres. A partir de l’anàlisi de diversos arxius empresarials, així com de fonts judicials i notarials, aquest treball confirma aquesta descripció dels fets però proposa una interpretació més optimista. Els fabricants feien de banquers dels seus clients perquè eren els millor situats per a exercir aquesta funció. Havien construït una bona estructura d’informació, gestionaven eficientment el risc creditici i obtenien beneficis d’aquesta activitat.


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Antibióticos têm sido utilizados em grandes quantidades nas criações animais. Muitas dessas moléculas não são totalmente metabolizadas no organismo animal e seus resíduos têm sido detectados em amostras de solo, água superficial e subterrânea. A ocorrência desses resíduos no ambiente pode favorecer a resistência de microrganismos aos agentes antibióticos, além de causar problemas de ordem toxicológica a determinados organismos vivos. Os antibióticos de uso veterinário são, no geral, representados por moléculas anfóteras, com vários grupos funcionais ionizáveis (diferentes valores de pKa), massas molares bastante variáveis (172 a 916 g mol-1) e baixos potenciais de volatilização (pressão de vapor < 1,1 x 10-11 mm Hg). Em relação aos pesticidas, esses compostos apresentam maiores valores de solubilidade em água e menores valores de coeficiente de partição n-octanol-água (log Kow), provavelmente devido à presença de muitos grupos funcionais ionizáveis, o que sugere menor potencial de bioacumulação e maior mobilidade no solo. No presente trabalho avaliam-se o uso de antibióticos e a importância da produção animal no Brasil, aspectos do seu comportamento ambiental em condições de clima temperado e, por fim, enfatiza-se a necessidade de conduzir investigações sobre sua ocorrência e comportamento em solos muito intemperizados, predominantes nos ambientes tropicais.


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This paper aims to analyse the effects of trade policies in the pattern of regional inequalities within a country. Inspired firstly, by the debate concerning the role of protectionist policies in the settlement of a pattern of striking regional inequalities in the Spanish industrialisation process and secondly, by current evidence of an increase in these inequalities following the entry of Spain in the EU (1986), we set a model that shows that trade liberalisation increases regional inequalities.


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In this paper we use a gravity model to study the trade performance of French and Spanishborder regions relatively to non-border regions, over the past two decades. We find that,controlling for their size, proximity and location characteristics, border regions trade onaverage between 62% and 193% more with their neighbouring country than other regions,and twice as much if they are endowed with good cross border transport infrastructures.Despite European integration, however, this trade outperformance has fallen for the mostperipheral regions within the EU. We show that this trend was linked in part to a shift in the propensity of foreign investors to move their affiliates from the regions near their home market to the regions bordering the EU core.


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PURPOSE: The combination of embolic beads with a multitargeted tyrosine kinase inhibitor that inhibits tumor vessel growth is suggested as an alternative and improvement to the current standard doxorubicin-eluting beads for use in transarterial chemoembolization. This study demonstrates the in vitro loading and release kinetics of sunitinib using commercially available embolization microspheres and evaluates the in vitro biologic efficacy on cell cultures and the resulting in vivo pharmacokinetics profiles in an animal model. MATERIALS AND METHODS: DC Bead microspheres, 70-150 µm and 100-300 µm (Biocompatibles Ltd., Farnham, United Kingdom), were loaded by immersion in sunitinib solution. Drug release was measured in saline in a USP-approved flow-through apparatus and quantified by spectrophotometry. Activity after release was confirmed in cell culture. For pharmacokinetics and in vivo toxicity evaluation, New Zealand white rabbits received sunitinib either by intraarterial injection of 100-300 µm sized beads or per os. Plasma and liver tissue drug concentrations were assessed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectroscopy. RESULTS: Sunitinib loading on beads was close to complete and homogeneous. A total release of 80% in saline was measured, with similar fast-release profiles for both sphere sizes. After embolization, drug plasma levels remained below the therapeutic threshold (< 50 ng/mL), but high concentrations at 6 hours (14.9 µg/g) and 24 hours (3.4 µg/g) were found in the liver tissue. CONCLUSIONS: DC Bead microspheres of two sizes were efficiently loaded with sunitinib and displayed a fast and almost complete release in saline. High liver drug concentrations and low systemic levels indicated the potential of sunitinib-eluting beads for use in embolization.