963 resultados para amino acid oxidase


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The aim of this work was to investigate alternative safe and effective permeation enhancers for buccal peptide delivery. Basic amino acids improved insulin solubility in water while 200 and 400 µg/mL lysine significantly increased insulin solubility in HBSS. Permeability data showed a significant improvement in insulin permeation especially for 10 µg/mL of lysine (p < 0.05) and 10 µg/mL histidine (p < 0.001), 100 µg/mL of glutamic acid (p < 0.05) and 200 µg/mL of glutamic acid and aspartic acid (p < 0.001) without affecting cell integrity; in contrast to sodium deoxycholate which enhanced insulin permeability but was toxic to the cells. It was hypothesized that both amino acids and insulin were ionised at buccal cavity pH and able to form stable ion pairs which penetrated the cells as one entity; while possibly triggering amino acid nutrient transporters on cell surfaces. Evidence of these transport mechanisms was seen with reduction of insulin transport at suboptimal temperatures as well as with basal-to-apical vectoral transport, and confocal imaging of transcellular insulin transport. These results obtained for insulin is the first indication of a possible amino acid mediated transport of insulin via formation of insulin-amino acid neutral complexes by the ion pairing mechanism.


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Amino acid-based geochronological analyses were carried out on fossil mollusc shell and foraminifera from Unit 3.1, Cape Roberts Project core CRP-1. Ratios of D-alloIsoleucine to L-Isoleucine (D/L) were measured from 19 fossil samples using cation exchange High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) methods. Preliminary interpretation of these results suggest that Unit 3.1 contains carbonate fossils having multiple ages. The interpreted ages have a bimodal distribution between ~220 Ka (Quaternary) and ~2.4 Ma (Pliocene). However, these results lack a comprehensive regional and taxonomic context for amino acid studies in Antarctica and therefore should be regarded as preliminary age estimates of fossil shell ages.


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Kinetic parameters for the epimerization of isoleucine in multispecific foraminiferal asemblages were used to establish the effects of burial depth and the geothermal gradient on the extent of reaction. It was observed that with a little as thirty meters of burial in a normal thermal regime there were differences between the extent of epimerization measured and that which would have been predicted for thermal equilibrium with bottom water temperatures. As would be expected, these differences are greatest when the heat flow (the geothermal gradient) and/or the sedimentation rates are highest. These effects were observed in most of the DSDP samples studied, and have been used to estimate the average heat flux since the time of sample deposition. Occasional anomalous effects were observed which could not be related to past or present heat flux. These were determined to be due to such geologic occurrences as slumping and reworking or to recent sample contamination. Other problems emerged related to bottom water temperatures including changes over geologic time which are unknown and could not be deduced. Thus, the presence of epimerization anomalies in DSDP cores as noted above limits the effectiveness of amino acid geochronology in such cores, unless these anomalies can be recognized as ab initio.


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The Northern Bay of Bengal (NBoB) is a globally important region for deep-sea organic matter (OM) deposition due to massive fluvial discharge from the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (G-B-M) rivers and moderate to high surface productivity. Previous studies have focused on carbon burial in turbiditic sediments of the Bengal Fan. However, little is known about the storage of carbon in pelagic and hemipelagic sediments of the Bay of Bengal over millennial time scales. This study presents a comprehensive history of OM origin and fate as well as a quantification of carbon sediment storage in the Eastern Bengal Slope (EBS) during the last 18 ka. Bulk organic proxies (TOC, TIC, TN, d13CTOC, d15NTN) and content and composition of total hydrolysable amino acids (THAA) in a sediment core (SO188-342KL) from the EBS were analyzed. Three periods of high OM accumulation were identified: the Late Glacial (LG), the Bölling/Alleröd (B/A), and the Early Holocene Climatic Optimum (EHCO). Lower eustatic sea level before 15 ka BP allowed a closer connection between the EBS and the fluvial debouch, favoring high terrestrial OM input to the core site. This connection was progressively lost between 15 and 7 ka BP as sea level rose to its present height and terrestrial OM input decreased considerably. Export and preservation of marine OM was stimulated during periods of summer monsoon intensification (B/A and EHCO) as a consequence of higher surface productivity enhanced by cyclonic-eddy nutrient pumping and fluvial nutrient delivery into the photic zone. Changes in the THAA composition indicate that the marine plankton community structure shifted from calcareous-dominated before 13 ka BP to siliceous-dominated afterwards. They also indicate that the relative proportion of marine versus terrestrial OM deposited at site 342KL was primarily driven by relative sea level and enlarged during the Holocene. The ballasting effect of lithogenic particles during periods of high coastal proximity and/or enhanced fluvial discharge promoted the export and preservation of OM. The high organic carbon accumulation rates in the EBS during the LG (18-17 ka BP) were 5-fold higher than at present and comparable to those of glacial upwelling areas. Despite the differences in sediment and OM transport and storage among the Western and Eastern sectors of the NBoB, this region remains important for global carbon sequestration during sea level low-stands. In addition, the summer monsoon was a key promotor of terrestrial and marine OM export to the deep-ocean, highlighting its relevance as regulator of the global carbon budget.


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Water activity in aqueous solutions of DL-alanine, glycine, or L-serine, with ammonium sulfate, molality ranging from 0.5 to 5.0, have been measured at 298.2 K. The new experimental data was correlated using three different theoretical schemes such as Zdanovskii-Stokes-Robinson, its extension, or the Clegg-Seinfeld-Brimblecombe approach, with global average absolute deviations in the calculation of the osmotic coefficient of 3.46 %, 0.93 % and 1.95 %, respectively. The extended Zdanovskii-Stokes-Robinson method also enabled the prediction of unsymmetric molal activity coefficients of the electrolyte, in fair agreement with the experimental values found from literature measured by an electrochemical method. It is evidenced the usefulness of the experimental ternary data measured to extend the capabilities of thermodynamic models to higher salt and amino acid concentrations.


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The nutritional and amino acid analysis of raw and fermented seeds of Parkia biglobosa were carried out. Parameters investigated include moisture, crude protein, crude fat, ash, crude fibre and mineral contents; and the effect of the degree of fermentation on these parameters was also investigated. The amino acid compositions of all the samples were evaluated and amino acid quality determined by calculating amino acid scores and the predicted protein efficiency ratio (P-PER). Results showed that the proximate composition was significantly affected by fermentation, although there was little difference between the parameters for the partially fermented and completely fermented samples. Based on dry matter percentage, protein content was in the 39.77 – 43.74 % range while crude fibre ranged between 5.55 – 7.42 %. The ash content was lowest in the raw sample (2.34 %), while the fermented samples had ash contents between 4.27 and 8.33 % for the fully fermented and the partially fermented seeds, respectively. The fat content increased from 8.65 % in the raw seed to 24.4 % and 27.6 % for the partially and completely fermented samples, respectively. Results of the amino acid analysis showed that the partially fermented sample had the lowest quantities of all amino acids determined and had lysine as the limiting amino acid, whereas the raw and completely fermented samples had very similar amino acid profile with amino acid scores of 100, indicating that there are no limiting amino acids. All the samples were rich in essential amino acids. The P-PER also showed that the partially fermented sample had the lowest protein efficiency while the raw seed had the highest. Mineral contents generally increased from the raw, through the partially fermented, to the completely fermented seeds and results showed the samples to be good sources of potassium (K), calcium (Ca), manganese (Mn) and copper (Cu) in addition to being complementary sources of other metals. Locust bean seed does not accumulate lead and is, therefore, safe for consumption without the potential of food poisoning.


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In natural environments, bacterial physiology is frequently characterized by slow metabolic rates and complex cellular heterogeneities. The opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa provides one such example; P. aeruginosa forms untreatable chronic biofilm infections of the cystic fibrosis lung, where oxygen limitation can lead to states of metabolic dormancy. To better understand the biology of these states, in vitro experiments must be adapted to better recapitulate natural settings. However, low rates of protein turnover and cellular or phenotypic complexity make these systems difficult to study using established methods. Here we adapt the bioorthogonal noncanonical amino acid tagging (BONCAT) method for time- and cell-selective proteomic analysis to the study of P. aeruginosa. Analysis of proteins synthesized in an anoxic dormancy state led to the discovery of a new type of transcriptional regulator which we designated SutA. We performed detailed analyses of SutA’s role in transcription under slow growth states and we elucidated the structural basis for its regulatory behavior. Additionally, we used cell-selective targeting of BONCAT labeling to measure the dynamic proteomic response of an antibiotic-tolerant biofilm subpopulation. Overall this work shows the utility of selective proteomics as applied to bacterial physiology and describes the broad biological insight obtained from that application.


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Dissertação de mest. em Aquacultura e Pescas, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Univ. do Algarve, 2006


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The objective was to evaluate amino acid composition of silages produced from three raw materials. Commercial marine fish waste, commercial freshwater fish waste, and tilapia filleting residue were used to produce fish silage by acid digestion (20 ml/kg formic acid and 20 ml/kg sulfuric acid) and anaerobic fermentation (50 g/kg Lactobacillus plantarum, 150 g/kg sugar cane molasses). Protein content and amino acid composition were determined for raw materials and silage. Marine fish waste had higher crude protein content (776.7 g/kg) compared to freshwater fish waste (496.2 g/kg) and tilapia filleting residue (429.9 g/kg). All silages lacked up to three amino acids for each product according to FAO standards for essential amino acids. However, considering as the limiting factor only the amino acids below the 30% minimum requirement for fish in general, all products were satisfactory with respect to essential amino acids. Therefore, the results suggest that all products investigated are appropriate for use in balanced fish diets. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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The operation of many nanostructured biomolecular sensors and catalysts critically hinges on the manipulation of non-covalent adsorption of biomolecules on unfunctionalised noble-metal nanoparticles (NMNPs). Molecular-level structural details of the aqueous biomolecule/NMNP interface are pivotal to the successful realisation of these technologies, but such experimental data are currently scarce and challenging to obtain. Molecular simulations can generate these details, but are limited by the assumption of non-preferential adsorption to NMNP features. Here, via first principles calculations using a vdW-DF functional, and based on nanoscale sized NMNPs, we demonstrate that adsorption preferences to NP features vary with adsorbate chemistry. These results show a clear distinction between hydrocarbons, that prefer adsorption to facets over edges/vertices, over heteroatomic molecules that favour adsorption onto vertices over facets. Our data indicate the inability of widely used force-fields to correctly capture the adsorption of biomolecules onto NMNP surfaces under aqueous conditions. Our findings introduce a rational basis for the development of new force-fields that will reliably capture these phenomena.


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Five new organotin(IV) complexes of composition [Bz2SnL1]n (1), [Bz3SnL1HH2O] (2), [Me2SnL2H2O] (3), [Me2SnL3] (4) and [Bz3SnL3H]n (5) (where L1 = (2S)-2-([(E)-(4-hydroxypentan-2-ylidene)]amino)-4-methylpentanoate, L2 = (rac)-2-([(E)-1-(2-hydroxyphenyl)methylidene]amino)-4-methylpentanoate and L3 = (2S)- or (rac)-2-([(E)-1-(2-hydroxyphenyl)ethylidene]amino)-4-methylpentanoate) were synthesized and characterized using 1H NMR, 13C NMR, 119Sn NMR and infrared spectroscopic techniques. The crystal structure of 2 reveals a distorted trigonal-bipyramidal geometry around the tin atom where the oxygen atoms of the carboxylate ligand and a water ligand occupy the axial positions, while the three benzyl ligands are located at the equatorial positions. On the other hand, the analogous derivative of enantiopure L3H (5) consists of polymeric chains, in which the ligand-bridged tin atoms adopt the same trans-Bz3SnO2 trigonal-bipyramidal configuration and are now coordinated to a phenolic oxygen atom instead of H2O. In 2, the OH hydrogen of the ketoimine substituent has moved to the nearby nitrogen atom while in the salicylidene derivative 5, the OH is located almost midway between the phenolic oxygen atom and the nitrogen atom of the C=N group. For the dibenzyltin derivative 1, a polymeric chain structure is observed as a result of a long intermolecular SnO bond involving the exocyclic carbonyl oxygen atom from the tridentate ligand of a neighbouring tin-complex unit. The tin atom in this complex has distorted octahedral coordination geometry. In contrast, the racemic dimethyltin(IV) complexes 3 and 4 display discrete monomeric structures with a distorted octahedral- and trigonal-bipyramidal geometry, respectively. The structures show that the coordination mode of the Schiff base ligand depends primarily on the number of bulky benzyl ligands (R) at the tin atom, as indeed found in the structures of related complexes where R = phenyl. With three bulky R groups, the tridentate chelating O,N,O coordination mode is preferred, whereas with fewer or less bulky R ligands, only the carboxylate and hydroxy groups are involved, which leads to polymers. Larvicidal efficacies of two of the new tribenzyltin(IV) complexes (2 and 5) were assessed on the second larval instar of Anopheles stephensi mosquito larvae and compared with two triphenyltin(IV) analogues, [Ph3SnL1H]n and [Ph3SnL3H]n. The results demonstrate that the compounds containing Sn-Ph ligands are more effective than those with Sn-Bz ligands.


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Habitual sedentary behavior increases risk of chronic disease, hospitalization and poor quality of life. Short-term bed rest or disuse accelerates the loss of muscle mass, function, and glucose tolerance. Optimizing nutritional practices and protein intake may reduce the consequences of disuse by preserving metabolic homeostasis and muscle mass and function. Most modes of physical inactivity have the potential to negatively impact the health of older adults more than their younger counterparts. Mechanistically, mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) signaling and muscle protein synthesis are negatively affected by disuse. This contributes to reduced muscle quality and is accompanied by impaired glucose regulation. Simply encouraging increased protein and/or energy consumption is a well-intentioned, but often impractical strategy to protect muscle health. Emerging evidence suggests that leucine supplemented meals may partially and temporarily protect skeletal muscle during disuse by preserving anabolism and mitigating reductions in mass, function and metabolic homeostasis.


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A fungus capable of degrading DL-phenylalanine was isolated from the soil and identified as Aspergillus niger. It was found to metabolize DL-phenylalanine by a new pathway involving 4-hydroxymandelic acid. D-Amino acid oxidase and L-phenylalanine: 2-oxoglutaric acid aminotransferase initiated the degradation of D- and L-phenylalanine, respectively. Both phenylpyruvate oxidase and phenylpyruvate decarboxylase activities could be demonstrated in the cell-free system. Phenylacetate hydroxylase, which required reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate, converted phenylacetic acid to 2- and 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid. Although 4-hydroxyphenylacetate was converted to 4-hydroxymandelate, 2-hydroxyphenylacetate was not utilized until the onset of sporulation. During sporulation, it was converted rapidly into homogentisate and oxidized to ring-cleaved products. 4-Hydroxymandelate was degraded to protocatechuate via


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Pohjoisella havumetsävyöhykkeellä typpi on usein kasvien kasvua rajoittava tekijä. Metsämaan typpivarannot koostuvat pääasiassa orgaaniseen ainekseen sitoutuneista typpiyhdisteistä, erityisesti aminohapoista. Ektomykorritsasienet osallistuvat metsämaassa tapahtuvaan typenkiertoon hajottamalla orgaanisia typpiyhdisteitä ja kuljettamalla niitä kasvien käytettäväksi. Sienisolun sisällä tapahtuvasta aminohappojen mineralisaatiosta tiedetään toistaiseksi melko vähän. Aminohappo-oksidaasit katalysoivat aminohappojen mineralisaatiota. Eräissä ektomykorritsaa muodostavien kantasienten suvuissa on osoitettu L-aminohappo-oksidaaseja (LAO). Toistaiseksi LAO-geeniä ei tunneta kantasienistä. Työssä kuvattiin ensimmäistä kertaa LAO-geeni kantasienistä. Hiekkatympösen LAO1- geenin cDNA:n 5´ ja 3´ päiden emäsjärjestykset määritettiin RACE-PCR -menetelmällä, josta saatujen sekvenssien perusteella suunniteltiin alukkeet koko geenin cDNA:n ja genomisen DNA:n monistamiseksi. Genomisen DNA ja cDNA -sekvenssien perusteella määritettiin hiekkatympösen LAO1-geenin rakenne. Hiekkatympösen LAO1-geeni koostuu viidestä eksonista ja neljästä intronista. Hiekkatympösen LAO1-geenin yläpuoliselta alueelta löydettiin typpimetabolian säätelyyn osallistuvan proteiinin sitoutumiskohta. LAO1-geeniä edeltävä geenin osittainen genominen DNA-sekvenssi määritettiin. Kangaslohisienen genomissa LAO1-geeniä edeltävä geeni oli ennustettu pyruvaattidekarboksylaasiksi. Lisäksi työssä määritettiin hiekkatympösen toisen LAOhomologin cDNA:n osittainen emäsjärjestys. Työssä tunnistettiin myös toisen kantasienen, kangaslohisienen, LAO-geeni. LAO-geeniksi tunnistettu kangaslohisienen geenimalli oli aiemmin ennustettu NCBI:n tietokannassa toiminnaltaan tuntemattomaksi proteiiniksi. Proteiinien sukupuun perusteella hiekkatympösen ja kangaslohisienen LAO:n kantamuoto on kahdentunut. Työstä saatu tutkimustulos tuo täysin uutta tietoa molekyylibiologian tasolla ektomykorritsasienten aminohappojen katabolisista reaktioista. Aminohappojen mineralisaation seurauksen muodostuneet ammoniumionit saattavat olla merkittävä typen lähde myös maan muille mikrobeille ja kasveille. On mahdollista, että ektomykorritsasienten LAO-entsyymi on yksi merkittävä tekijä metsämaan typenkierrossa.