737 resultados para adolescence.


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RESUMO - Introdução: Os problemas do sono, designadamente a insónia, os sintomas de insónia, os padrões de sono inadequados e a sonolência diurna, são frequentes na adolescência. Estes problemas estão frequentemente associados a múltiplos fatores, entre os quais estilos de vida e fatores ambientais, e apresentam consequências significativas na vida do adolescente e posteriormente na idade adulta. O sono e as suas perturbações deveriam constituir uma preocupação para os profissionais da saúde e da educação com o objetivo de tornar os hábitos de sono saudáveis num estilo de vida - com benefícios calculáveis como os associados a outros estilos de vida saudáveis (alimentação e exercício físico). Em Portugal, os estudos sobre problemas do sono em adolescentes são escassos, bem como as intervenções individuais e comunitárias no âmbito da higiene do sono. Os objetivos desta investigação foram estimar a prevalência de insónia e de sintomas de insónia em adolescentes, identificar fatores de risco e protetores dos sintomas de insónia, analisar as repercussões dos sintomas de insónia, caracterizar os padrões de sono dos adolescentes do distrito de Viseu e elaborar uma proposta de intervenção destinada à promoção da higiene do sono adaptada às características dos adolescentes do distrito de Viseu. Métodos: Realizou-se um estudo transversal onde se avaliaram alunos de vinte e seis escolas públicas do terceiro ciclo e secundário do distrito de Viseu, durante ano letivo 2011/2012. A recolha dos dados foi efetuada através de um questionário autoaplicado e respondido pelos alunos em sala de aula. Foram considerados elegíveis para participar no estudo todos os alunos que frequentassem entre o 7.º e o 12.º ano de escolaridade e tivessem idades entre os 12 e os 18 anos. Dos 9237 questionários distribuídos recolheu-se 7581 (82,1%). Foram excluídos da análise os questionários relativos a adolescentes com idade inferior a 12 ou superior a 18 anos e os questionários devolvidos por preencher. A amostra global foi constituída por 6919 adolescentes, sendo 3668 (53,2%) do sexo feminino. A insónia foi definida com base na presença, no mês prévio, dos sintomas de insónia definidos nos critérios do DSM-IV (dificuldade em adormecer, dificuldade em manter o sono, acordar muito cedo e ter dificuldade em voltar a adormecer e sono não reparador) com uma frequência de pelo menos três vezes por semana e associados a consequências no dia-a-dia. A qualidade de vida foi avaliada com recurso à escala de qualidade de vida SF-36; a sintomatologia depressiva através do Inventário de Depressão de Beck para adolescentes (BDI-II) e a sonolência diurna utilizando a Escala de Sonolência de Epworth (ESE). Para responder ao último objetivo foi elaborada uma proposta de intervenção individual e comunitária no âmbito da higiene do sono. A proposta resulta da evidência científica, dos resultados da presente investigação e de reuniões com profissionais da saúde e da educação. Resultados: No total da amostra, a prevalência de insónia foi de 8,3% e de sintomas de insónia foi de 21,4%. A prevalência de insónia foi superior no sexo feminino (10,1% vs. 5,9%; p<0,001) assim como a prevalência de sintomas de insónia (25,6% vs. 15,8%; p<0,001). Individualmente, todos os sintomas foram mais prevalentes no sexo feminino, sendo a diferença estatisticamente significativa (p<0,001). Em média os adolescentes dormiam, durante a semana, 8:04±1:13 horas. A prevalência de sono insuficiente (< 8 horas) foi de 29%. Apenas 6,4% dos adolescentes indicaram que se deitavam todas as noites à mesma hora. A prevalência de sintomatologia depressiva foi de 20,9% (26,0% nas raparigas e 15,1% nos rapazes, p<0,001). A prevalência de sonolência diurna foi de 33,1%, apresentando o sexo feminino um risco superior (OR=1,40; IC95%: 1,27-1,55). A prevalência de sintomatologia depressiva e de sonolência diurna foi superior entre os adolescentes com sintomas de insónia (48,2% vs. 18,8%, p<0,001 e 42,4% vs. 33,0%, p<0,001, respetivamente). Os adolescentes com sintomas de insónia apresentavam igualmente pior qualidade de vida. Em relação a outras repercussões no dia-a-dia, foram os adolescentes com sintomas de insónia que referiam mais vezes sentir dificuldade em levantar-se de manhã, acordar com cefaleias, acordar cansado e recorrer a medicação para dormir. Nos rapazes os sintomas de insónia associaram-se com o IMC. Após o ajustamento para o sexo e idade com recurso à regressão logística verificou-se uma associação entre sintomas de insónia e sexo feminino [OR ajustado(idade)= 1,82; IC95%: 1,56-2,13], idade ≥16 anos [OR ajustado(sexo)= 1,17; IC95%: 1,01-1,35], residência urbana (OR ajustado= 1,30; IC95%: 1,04-1,63), consumo de café (OR ajustado= 1,40; IC95%: 1,20-1,63), consumo de bebidas alcoólicas (OR ajustado= 1,21; IC95%: 1,03-1,41) e sintomatologia depressiva (OR ajustado= 3,59; IC95%: 3,04-4,24). Quanto à escolaridade dos pais, verificou-se uma redução do risco com o aumento da escolaridade dos pais (5º-6º ano OR ajustado= 0,82; IC95%: 0,64- 1,05; 7º-12º ano OR ajustado= 0,77; IC95%: 0,61-0,97; >12º ano OR ajustado= 0,64; IC95%: 0,47-0,87). Após uma análise multivariada, o modelo preditivo para a ocorrência de sintomas de insónia incluiu as variáveis sexo feminino, viver em meio urbano, consumir café e apresentar sintomatologia depressiva. Este modelo apresenta uma especificidade de 84,2% e uma sensibilidade de 63,6%. O sono insuficiente associou-se, após ajuste para o sexo e idade, com o ano de escolaridade, estado civil dos pais, determinados estilos de vida (consumo de café, tabagismo, consumo de álcool, consumo de outras drogas, sair à noite, presença de TV no quarto e número de horas despendido a ver televisão e no computador), latência do sono, sesta > 30 minutos, horários de sono irregulares e com a toma de medicamentos para dormir. Os resultados deste estudo constituem um diagnóstico de situação relativamente aos problemas de sono em adolescentes no distrito de Viseu. Tendo por base os princípios da Carta de Ottawa relativamente à promoção da saúde, a proposta elaborada visa a implementação de estratégias de prevenção agrupadas em intervenções individuais, comunitárias e sobre os planos curriculares. As intervenções baseiam-se na utilização das tecnologias da informação e comunicação, no contexto da nova arquitetura na esfera pública da saúde conducente aos sistemas personalizados de informação em saúde (SPIS). Conclusões: Registou-se uma elevada prevalência de insónia e sintomas de insónia entre os adolescentes do distrito de Viseu, superior no sexo feminino. A presença de sintomas de insónia esteve associada, sobretudo, a determinados estilos de vida e à ausência de higiene do sono. Os problemas de sono em adolescentes, devido à sua frequência e repercussões, devem constituir uma preocupação em termos de saúde pública e constituir uma prioridade nas estratégias de educação para a saúde. Os 9 princípios da intervenção delineada visam uma abordagem preventiva de problemas de sono - através da ação conjunta de profissionais da saúde e da educação, de elementos da comunidade e com o indispensável envolvimento dos adolescentes e da família -, procurando instituir os hábitos de sono saudáveis como um estilo de vida.


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RESUMO - As desigualdades em saúde estão relacionadas com as condições em que as pessoas se desenvolvem. Estas condições podem ser afetadas, principalmente, por diferenças de rendimento, background socioeconómico, educação e estilos de vida. A adolescência é um período de mudança em que os jovens podem experienciar comportamentos de risco que podem prevalecer na idade adulta. Uma posição socioeconómica inferior, do adolescente, pode estar associada a um aumento na prevalência de consumo de tabaco. Este trabalho tem como objetivo: verificar a associação entre estatuto socioeconómico e consumo de tabaco nos adolescentes em Portugal. Utilizaram-se dados colhidos por questionário, em Abril e Outubro de 2013 na cidade de Coimbra. O questionário insere-se no projeto europeu SILNE. Para avaliar o estatuto socioeconómico foram analisadas cinco variáveis: Family Affluence Scale, privação material, posição social subjetiva, semanada, educação e emprego dos pais. Para estratificar o comportamento do fumador foram desenvolvidas três variáveis: não fumador, experimenter e fumador regular. A análise foi separada por sexo. Constata-se que as raparigas fumam, em média, menos que os rapazes (F =17.1%; M =22.1%). Concluímos que o estatuto socioeconómico, avaliado pela Family Affluence Scale, posição social subjetiva, privação material, educação e emprego dos pais não têm impacto no consumo de tabaco no adolescente. As desigualdades socioeconómicas no consumo de tabaco nos adolescentes estão sim, relacionadas com o próprio estatuto socioeconómico do adolescente, traduzido pela semanada que este recebe. Foi encontrado no desempenho escolar um efeito mediador entre desigualdades socioeconómicas e consumo de tabaco na adolescência.


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Les aspects physiques et psychiques sont étroitement intriqués à l'adolescence, et le corps représente un lieu privilégié d'expression des conflits. C'est dire l'importance de donner une place de choix au versant psychologique au sein d'une consultation de santé des adolescents, pour tenter de discerner la souffrance psychique souvent cachée derrière la plainte somatique.


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) frequently manifests during childhood and adolescence. For providing and understanding a comprehensive picture of a patients' health status, health-related quality of life (HRQoL) instruments are an essential complement to clinical symptoms and functional limitations. Currently, the IMPACT-III questionnaire is one of the most frequently used disease-specific HRQoL instrument among patients with IBD. However, there is a lack of studies examining the validation and reliability of this instrument. METHODS: 146 paediatric IBD patients from the multicenter Swiss IBD paediatric cohort study database were included in the study. Medical and laboratory data were extracted from the hospital records. HRQoL data were assessed by means of standardized questionnaires filled out by the patients in a face-to-face interview. RESULTS: The original six IMPACT-III domain scales could not be replicated in the current sample. A principal component analysis with the extraction of four factor scores revealed the most robust solution. The four factors indicated good internal reliability (Cronbach's alpha=.64-.86), good concurrent validity measured by correlations with the generic KIDSCREEN-27 scales and excellent discriminant validity for the dimension of physical functioning measured by HRQoL differences for active and inactive severity groups (p<.001, d=1.04). CONCLUSIONS: This study with Swiss children with IBD indicates good validity and reliability for the IMPACT-III questionnaire. However, our findings suggest a slightly different factor structure than originally proposed. The IMPACT-III questionnaire can be recommended for its use in clinical practice. The factor structure should be further examined in other samples.


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Résumé de thèseLe syndrome de PFAPA est une maladie fébrile récurrente décrite pour la première fois en 1987 par Marshall et col. Elle est caractérisée par une fièvre périodique, une stomatite aphteuse, une pharyngite et des adénopathies. Ce syndrome débute dans les premières années de vie et est connu pour disparaître spontanément en principe avant l'adolescence. Hormis un traitement de prednisone en début de crise, aucun traitement n'a pu montrer une efficacité thérapeutique ou curative.L'origine et l'étiologie de cette maladie sont encore inconnues à ce jour et le diagnostic reste un diagnostic d'exclusion qui repose sur des critères définis par différents groupes depuis 1987. Dans le cadre du Working Party periodic fever de la Société Européenne de Rhumatologie pédiatrique (PreS), un groupe a été établi et celui-ci a mis en place un registre de patients atteints de PFAPA afin d'analyser cette maladie et de mieux définir les critères diagnostic. Le Dr Michael Hofer a été nommé chairman de ce groupe et a introduit rapidement les patients romands dans cet outil de travail.L'introduction des patients romands dans la base de données ainsi créée, nous a suggéré une susceptibilité familiale qui nous a poussés à investiguer ce point de manière plus approfondie. Nous avons donc regroupé tous les patients lausannois et ceux de collègues bordelais ayant un diagnostic avéré de PFAPA. Nous avons ensuite interrogé, au cours d'un entretien téléphonique, les familles de ces enfants grâce à un questionnaire standardisé. Celui-ci a été testé et validé sur des patients sains d'une consultation de pédiatrie générale.Nous avons ensuite réunie toutes ces informations et séparés les patients en deux groupes AF+ (anamnèse familiale positive pour une fièvre récurrente) et AF- (anamnèse familiale négative pour une fièvre récurrente). Nous avons établi des comparaisons entre les 2 différents groupes en reprenant les caractéristiques de ces patients depuis le registre PFAPA dans lequel ils sont tous inclus. Les analyses ont été contrôlées et validées par le centre d'épidémiologie clinique grâce aux méthodes statistiques reconnues.Les résultats obtenus et qui sont détaillés dans l'article, permettent de suspecter une origine familiale et par là même, potentiellement génétique, à cette maladie d'étiologie inconnue. Jusqu'à présent aucune prépondérance familiale n'avait pu être mise en évidence dans les autres études sur le sujet. Pourtant cette maladie fait partie du groupe des fièvres récurrentes qui ont pour beaucoup déjà un diagnostic génétique.Notre étude ouvre donc des perspectives non seulement de recherche sur l'éventuelle cause génétique mais pourrait également permettre une meilleure compréhension de la maladie, de ses diverses présentations ainsi que par la suite de nouvelles possibilités thérapeutiques.


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L'objectif de cette étude est d'examiner la structure factorielle et la consistance interne de la TAS-20 sur un échantillon d'adolescents (n = 264), ainsi que de décrire la distribution des caractéristiques alexithymiques dans cet échantillon. La structure à trois facteurs de la TAS-20 a été confirmée par notre analyse factorielle confirmatoire. La consistance interne, mesurée à l'aide d'alpha de Cronbach, est acceptable pour le premier facteur (difficulté à identifier les sentiments (DIF)), bonne pour le second (difficulté à verbaliser les sentiments (DDF)), mais en revanche, faible pour le troisième facteur (pensées orientées vers l'extérieur (EOT)). Les résultats d'une Anova mettent en évidence une tendance linéaire indiquant que plus l'âge augmente plus le niveau d'alexithymie (score total TAS-20), la difficulté à identifier les sentiments et les pensées orientées vers l'extérieur diminuent. En ce qui concerne la prévalence de l'alexithymie, on remarque en effet que 38,5 % des adolescents de moins de 16 ans sont considérés comme alexithymiques, contre 30,1 % des 16-17 ans et 22 % des plus de 17 ans. Notre étude indique donc que la TAS-20 est un instrument adéquat pour évaluer l'alexithymie à l'adolescence, tout en suggérant quelques précautions étant donné l'aspect développemental de cette période.


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BACKGROUND: Although long-term implications of cancer in childhood or adolescence with regard to medical conditions are well documented, the impact on mental health and on response to stress, which may be an indicator of psychological vulnerability, is not yet well understood. In this study, psychological and physiological responses to stress were examined.¦PROCEDURE: Fifty-three participants aged 18-39 years (n = 25 survivors of childhood or adolescence cancer, n = 28 controls) underwent an experimental stress test, the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST). Participants were asked to provide repeated evaluations of perceived stress on visual-analogical scales and blood samples were collected before and after the TSST to measure plasma cortisol.¦RESULTS: The psychological perception of stress was not different between the two groups. However, the cancer survivors group showed a higher global plasma cortisol level as well as higher amplitude in the response to the TSST. The global cortisol level in cancer survivors was increased when depression symptoms were present. The subjective perception of stress and the plasma cortisol levels were only marginally correlated in both groups.¦CONCLUSIONS: It is suggested that the exposure to a life-threatening experience in childhood/adolescence increases the endocrine response to stress, and that the presence of depressive symptoms is associated with an elevation of plasma cortisol levels. A better knowledge of these mechanisms is important given that the dysregulations of the stress responses may cause psychological vulnerability. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2012; 59: 138-143. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Adolescence, defined as a transition phase toward autonomy and independence, is a natural time of learning and adjustment, particularly in the setting of long-term goals and personal aspirations. It also is a period of heightened sensation seeking, including risk taking and reckless behaviors, which is a major cause of morbidity and mortality among teenagers. Recent observations suggest that a relative immaturity in frontal cortical neural systems may underlie the adolescent propensity for uninhibited risk taking and hazardous behaviors. However, converging preclinical and clinical studies do not support a simple model of frontal cortical immaturity, and there is substantial evidence that adolescents engage in dangerous activities, including drug abuse, despite knowing and understanding the risks involved. Therefore, a current consensus considers that much brain development during adolescence occurs in brain regions and systems that are critically involved in the perception and evaluation of risk and reward, leading to important changes in social and affective processing. Hence, rather than naive, immature and vulnerable, the adolescent brain, particularly the prefrontal cortex, should be considered as prewired for expecting novel experiences. In this perspective, thrill seeking may not represent a danger but rather a window of opportunities permitting the development of cognitive control through multiple experiences. However, if the maturation of brain systems implicated in self-regulation is contextually dependent, it is important to understand which experiences matter most. In particular, it is essential to unveil the underpinning mechanisms by which recurrent adverse episodes of stress or unrestricted access to drugs can shape the adolescent brain and potentially trigger life-long maladaptive responses.


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Patients with Ebstein's anomaly can present after childhood or adolescence with cyanosis, arrhythmias, severe right ventricular dysfunction and frequently with left ventricular dysfunction secondary to the prolonged cyanosis and to the right ventricular interference. At this point conventional repair is accompanied by elevated mortality and morbidity and poor functional results. We report our experience with three patients (8, 16 and 35 years of age) with Ebstein's anomaly, very dilated right atrium, severe tricuspid valve regurgitation (4/4), bi-directional shunt through an atrial septal defect and reduced left ventricular function (mean ejection fraction = 58%, mean shortening fraction = 25%). All underwent one and a half ventricular repair consisting of closure of the atrial septal defect, tricuspid repair with reduction of the atrialised portion of the right ventricle and end-to-side anastomosis of the superior vena cava to the right pulmonary artery. All patients survived, with a mean follow-up of 33 months. In all there was complete regression of the cyanosis and of the signs of heart failure. Postoperative echocardiography showed reduced degree of tricuspid regurgitation (2/4) and improvement of the left ventricular function (mean ejection fraction = 77%, mean shortening fraction = 40%). In patients with Ebstein's anomaly referred late for surgery with severely compromised right ventricular function or even with reduced biventricular function, the presence of a relatively hypoplastic and/or malfunctioning right ventricular chamber inadequate to sustain the entire systemic venous return but capable of managing part of the systemic venous return, permits a one and a half ventricular repair with good functional results.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess whether problematic internet use is associated with somatic complaints and whether this association remains when checking for internet activity among a random sample of adolescents living in the canton of Vaud, Switzerland. METHODS: Cross-sectional survey of 3,067 8th graders (50.3% females) divided into average (n = 2,708) and problematic (n = 359) Internet users and compared for somatic complaints (backache, overweight, headaches, musculoskeletal pain, sleep problems and sight problems) controlling for sociodemographic and internet-related variables. Logistic regressions were performed for each complaint and for all of them simultaneously controlling variables significant at the bivariate level. RESULTS: At the multivariate level, when taken separately, problematic internet users were more likely to have a chronic condition (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] with 95% CI: 1.58 [1.11:2.23]) and to report back pain (aOR: 1.46 [1.04:2.05]), overweight (aOR: 1.74 [1.03:2.93]), musculoskeletal pain (aOR: 1.36 [1.00:1.84]) and sleep problems (aOR: 2.16 [1.62:2.88]). When considered in the full model, only sleep problems remained significant (aOR: 2.03 [1.50:2.74]). CONCLUSIONS: Our results confirm that problematic internet users report health problems more frequently, with lack of sleep being the most strongly associated and seeming to act as mediator regarding the other ones. Clinicians should remember to screen for excessive internet use their patients complaining of sleep-related problems, back or musculoskeletal pain or overweight. Clinicians should advise parents to limit the amount of time their adolescent children can spend online for leisure activities. Furthermore, limiting the number of devices used to connect to the internet could help warrant enough sleeping time.


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The purpose of this study was to explore the frequency of risk behaviours among Swiss adolescents and their links with risk perception, impulsivity and emotion regulation abilities, operationalized with the concepts of alexithymia and emo- tional openness. We recruited 144 subjects (aged 14-20), who completed the Risk Involvement and Perception Scale (RIPS-R), the UPPS Impulsive Behavior Scale, the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20), and the 20-item Dimensions of Openness to Emotional Experiences (DOE-20) questionnaire. Findings revealed that a greater perception of benefits and a higher level of sensation seeking were associated with more involvement in risk behaviours, which are essentially socially accepted behaviours. Notably, the path model indicated that the perception of benefits was a mediator in the relationship between sensation seeking and risk behaviours. The results add to the psychological understanding of factors associated with risk behaviours in adolescence. The limitations and implications of these results for developmental theories, research, and prevention are stated.


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Self-presentation has been identified as playing a key role in the perfonnance of various potentially hazardous health behaviours such as substance abuse, eating disorders and reckless behaviours (Leary, Tchividjian, & Kraxberger, 1994; Martin & Leary, 2001; Martin, Leary, & O'Brien, 2001). The present study investigated the role of selfpresentation on adolescent health-risk behaviours. Specifically, this study examined the prevalence of adolescent identified health-risk behaviours rooted in self-presentational motives in youths aged 13-18 years. The current study also identified the specific images associated with these behaviours desired by youth, and the targets of these behaviours. Also, the relationship between these behaviours, and several trait measures (social physique anxiety, public-self consciousness, fear of negative evaluations, selfpresentational efficacy) of self-presentation were examined. Finally, the gender differences in health risk behaviours and self-presentational concerns were examined. Participants in the present study were 96 adolescent students, 34 male and 62 female, recruited from various private schools across Southern Ontario. Students ranged in age from 13 to 18 years for both males (M age = 15.81 years, SD = 1.49) and females (M age = 14.89 years, SD = 1.17) and ranged from grades 8 through 13. Results of the current study suggested that Canadian adolescents between the ages of 13 and 18 years participated in health risk behaviours for self-presentational purposes. Drinking alcohol, skipping school, and performing stunts and dares were identified as the most common health risk behaviours performed for self-presentational purposes by both males and females. Appearing fun and cool were the most commonly reported desired images while appearing brave and mature were the least reported. The most desired target group cited was same sex friends, followed by other sex friends. Trait measures of self-presentational concerns identified females as being higher in public self-consciousness, and social physique anxiety than males. Males were found to be higher in self-presentational efficacy than females. The total number of health risk behaviours was predicted by selfpresentational efficacy and social physique anxiety for males, and social physique anxiety for females. Findings of the current study suggest that Canadian adolescents' health risk behaviours are rooted, in part, in self-presentational motives. Thus far, an educational approach to health interventions has been favoured and/or adopted by teachers, health promoters, and educators (Jessor, 1992). Implications of the current study suggest that although educational interventions are beneficial in presenting the associated risks with certain activities and/or behaviours, one reason this type of approach may be ineffective in changing adolescent behaviour over the long run is that it does not address the strong and prominent influences of interpersonal motives on health damaging behaviour. It is evident that social acceptance and public image are of importance to adolescents, and the desire to make the "right" impression and to achieve peer approval and acceptance often override health and safety concerns (Jessor, 1992). Thus, a self-presentational approach focusing on changing the images associated with the behaviours may be more successful at deterring adolescent health risk behaviours.


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This research illuminates the relationship between female adolescents' self-concept and their experience of physical education. This was accomplished through three stages of interviews and a Qsort. The topics through which the research was categorized included peer support, teachers as significant others, meaningful connections to the body, and curriculum content. During stage one female physical education specialists, curriculum coordinators, and adolescents were interviewed to develop Q-items for the Q-sort. The second stage Involved two groups of females between the ages of 12 and 14 years who participated in the Q-sort. The final stage involved an insight group that consisted of four Q-sort participants who interpreted the highest ranking Q-items. Critical to this research was giving these adolescents the opportunity to voice what was important to them. The results of the research included descriptions of the elements in physical education that were deemed most important by female adolescent students. The topics of "peer support" and "meaningful connections to the body" were ranked the highest. By interpreting the rich insights of the discussion group, it was found that peers were most influential to these young girls. Perceiving and bestowing respect were imperative in this stage of their lives.


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The present study explored the connections among adolescents' sense of self, sexuality, and perceptions of risk. Such an exploration may help educators to further understand why adolescents engage in risk-taking behaviours such as unprotected sex. The study involved secondary analysis on the data collected from the Youth Lifestyle Choices - Community University Research Alliance 2000 (YLC - CURA) Youth Resilience Questionnaire (YRQ). Participants were 300 male and female students in Grades 9, 1 1 and OAC. Data analyses involved both descriptive and inferential statistics (correlational and multivariate analysis). Chi-square analyses were performed on the open-ended self-description question. Separate analyses were conducted on gender and age (grade levels). Correlational analyses revealed that adolescents with a more positive sense of self were more likely to perceive sexual involvement as a relatively high-risk behaviour. Specifically, results found that male adolescents were less likely than females to perceive sex to be risky. Results are discussed in relation to previous research in the area of selfcognitions and risk-taking sexual behaviour. Results are also discussed in terms of educational implications in that the current results may provide the beginnings of a framework for more holistic sexual education programs.


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The present study was a phenomenological investigation of adolescent constructs of stress and academic achievement. The study utilised a modified version of George Kelly's Repertory Grid Technique to provide direct insight into adolescent stress and academic achievement. The premise of the study was that only students who exhibited extreme cases of stress and academic achievement levels would be examined. The investigation identified and examined the adolescents who exhibited these extremes and explored the underlying constructs that defined these differences. It was expected that if adolescents were able to identify the stressors in their lives, how these stressors affect their lives, and how these stressors affect their academic performance, then suggestions could be made to help students to better cope with stress and to improve their academic achievement level. Further, based on the results of the study, the pedagogical implications for classroom research are provided. Phenomenological inquiries, using modified, and less complex versions of the repertory grid, can be conducted pre-, mid-, and postacademic terms, to determine and to monitor the stressors and the academic performance of the students in a classroom. Specific assessments for individual students will help teachers to better exercise their knowledge and understanding of the realm of teaching and learning strategies (e.g., Gardiner's Multiple Intelligences) that exist.