973 resultados para acid-base equilibrium


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Dimeric intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) binds more efficiently to lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 (LFA-1) than monomeric ICAM-1. However, it is unknown whether dimerization enhances binding simply by providing two ligand-binding sites and thereby increasing avidity, or whether it serves to generate a single “fully competent” LFA-1-binding surface. Domain 1 of ICAM-1 contains both the binding site for LFA-1, centered on residue E34, and a homodimerization interface. Whether the LFA-1-binding site extends across the homodimerization interface has not been tested. To address this question, we constructed four different heterodimeric soluble forms of ICAM-1 joined at the C terminus via an α-helical coiled coil (ACID-BASE). These heterodimeric ICAM-1 constructs include, (i) E34/E34 (two intact LFA-1-binding sites), (ii) E34/K34 (one disrupted LFA-1-binding site), (iii) E34/ΔD1–2 (one deleted LFA-1-binding site), and (iv) K34/K34 (two disrupted LFA-1-binding sites). Cells bearing activated LFA-1 bound similarly to surfaces coated with either E34/K34 or E34/ΔD1–2 and with an ≈2-fold reduction in efficiency compared with E34/E34, suggesting that D1 dimerization, which is precluded in E34/ΔD1-D2, is not necessary for optimal LFA-1 binding. Furthermore, BIAcore (BIAcore, Piscataway, NJ) affinity measurements revealed that soluble open LFA-1 I domain bound to immobilized soluble ICAM-1, E34/E34, E34/K34, and E34/ΔD1-D2 with nearly identical affinities. These studies demonstrate that a single ICAM-1 monomer, not dimeric ICAM-1, represents the complete, “fully competent” LFA-1-binding surface.


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The relationship between the production of reactive oxygen species and the hypersensitive response (HR) of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) toward an incompatible race of the Oomycete Phytophthora parasitica var nicotianae has been investigated. A new assay for superoxide radical (O2−) production based on reduction of the tetrazolium dye sodium,3′-(1-[phenylamino-carbonyl]-3,4-tetrazolium)-bis(4-methoxy-6-nitro) benzene-sulfonic acid hydrate (XTT) has enabled the quantitative estimation of perhydroxyl/superoxide radical acid-base pair (HO2·/O2−) production during the resistant response. Tobacco suspension cells were inoculated with zoospores from compatible or incompatible races of the pathogen. Subsequent HO2·/O2− production was monitored by following the formation of XTT formazan. In the incompatible interaction only, HO2·/O2− was produced in a minor burst between 0 and 2 h and then in a major burst between 8 and 10 h postinoculation. During this second burst, rates of XTT reduction equivalent to a radical flux of 9.9 × 10−15 mol min−1 cell−1 were observed. The HO2·/O2− scavengers O2− dismutase and Mn(III)desferal each inhibited dye reduction. An HR was observed in challenged, resistant cells immediately following the second burst of radical production. Both scavengers inhibited the HR when added prior to the occurrence of either radical burst, indicating that O2− production is a necessary precursor to the HR.


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The cleavage of RNA can be accelerated by a number of factors. These factors include an acidic group (Lewis acid) or a basic group that aids in the deprotonation of the attacking nucleophile, in effect enhancing the nucleophilicity of the nucleophile; an acidic group that can neutralize and stabilize the leaving group; and any environment that can stabilize the pentavalent species that is either a transition state or a short-lived intermediate. The catalytic properties of ribozymes are due to factors that are derived from the complicated and specific structure of the ribozyme–substrate complex. It was postulated initially that nature had adopted a rather narrowly defined mechanism for the cleavage of RNA. However, recent findings have clearly demonstrated the diversity of the mechanisms of ribozyme-catalyzed reactions. Such mechanisms include the metal-independent cleavage that occurs in reactions catalyzed by hairpin ribozymes and the general double-metal-ion mechanism of catalysis in reactions catalyzed by the Tetrahymena group I ribozyme. Furthermore, the architecture of the complex between the substrate and the hepatitis delta virus ribozyme allows perturbation of the pKa of ring nitrogens of cytosine and adenine. The resultant perturbed ring nitrogens appear to be directly involved in acid/base catalysis. Moreover, while high concentrations of monovalent metal ions or polyamines can facilitate cleavage by hammerhead ribozymes, divalent metal ions are the most effective acid/base catalysts under physiological conditions.


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Antioxidants may play an important role in preventing free radical damage associated with aging by interfering directly in the generation of radicals or by scavenging them. We investigated the effects of a high vitamin E and/or a high beta-carotene diet on aging of the anion transporter, band 3, in lymphocytes and brain. The band 3 proteins function as anion transporters, acid base regulators, C02 transporters, and structural proteins that provide a framework for membrane lipids and that link the plasma membrane to the cytoskeleton. Senescent cell antigen (SCA), which terminates the life of cells, is a degradation product of band 3. This study was conducted as a double-blind study in which eight groups of middle-aged or old mice received either high levels of beta-carotene and/or vitamin E or standard levels of these supplements in their diets. Anion transport kinetic assays were performed on isolated splenic lymphocytes. Immunoreactivity of an antibody that recognizes aging changes in old band 3 preceding generation of SCA was used to quantitate aged band 3 in brain tissue. Results indicate that vitamin E prevented the observed age-related decline in anion transport by lymphocytes and the generation of aged band 3 leading to SCA formation. beta-Carotene had no significant effect on the results of either assay. Since increased aged band 3 and decreased anion transport are initial steps in band 3 aging, which culminates in the generation of SCA and cellular removal, vitamin E prevents or delays aging of band 3-related proteins in lymphocytes and brain.


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The Drosophila CF2II protein, which contains zinc fingers of the Cys2His2 type and recognizes an A+T-rich sequence, behaves in cell culture as an activator of a reporter chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene. This activity depends on C-terminal but not N-terminal zinc fingers, as does in vitro DNA binding. By site-specific mutagenesis and binding site selection, we define the critical amino acid-base interactions. Mutations of single amino acid residues at the leading edge of the recognition helix are rarely neutral: many result in a slight change in affinity for the ideal DNA target site; some cause major loss of affinity; and others change specificity for as many as two bases in the target site. Compared to zinc fingers that recognize G+C-rich DNA, CF2II fingers appear to bind to A+T-rich DNA in a generally similar manner, but with additional flexibility and amino acid-base interactions. The results illustrate how zinc fingers may be evolving to recognize an unusually diverse set of DNA sequences.


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Fermentation of nonabsorbed nutrients in the colon generates high concentrations of NH3/NH4+ in the colonic lumen. NH3 is a small, lipophilic neutral weak base that readily permeates almost all cell membranes, whereas its conjugate weak acid NH4+ generally crosses membranes much more slowly. It is not known how colonocytes maintain intracellular pH in the unusual acid-base environment of the colon, where permeant acid-base products of fermentation exist in high concentration. To address this issue, we hand dissected and perfused single, isolated crypts from rabbit proximal colon, adapting techniques from renal-tubule microperfusion. Crypt perfusion permits control of solutions at the apical (luminal) and basolateral (serosal) surfaces of crypt cells. We assessed apical- vs. basolateral-membrane transport of NH3/NH4+ by using fluorescent dyes and digital imaging to monitor intracellular pH of microvacuolated crypt cells as well as luminal pH. We found that, although the basolateral membranes have normal NH3/NH4+ permeability properties, there is no evidence for transport of either NH3 or NH4+ across the apical borders of these crypt cells. Disaggregating luminal mucus did not increase the transport of NH3/NH4+ across the apical border. We conclude that, compared to the basolateral membrane, the apical border of crypt colonocytes has a very low permeability-area product for NH3/NH4+. This barrier may represent an important adaptation for the survival of crypt cells in the environment of the colon.


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It has been suggested that transepithelial gradients of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs; the major anions in the colonic lumen) generate pH gradients across the colonic epithelium. Quantitative confocal microscopy was used to study extracellular pH in mouse distal colon with intact epithelial architecture, by superfusing tissue with carboxy SNARF-1 (a pH-sensitive fluorescent dye). Results demonstrate extracellular pH regulation in two separate microdomains surrounding colonic crypts: the crypt lumen and the subepithelial tissue adjacent to crypt colonocytes. Apical superfusion with (i) a poorly metabolized SCFA (isobutyrate), (ii) an avidly metabolized SCFA (n-butyrate), or (iii) a physiologic mixture of acetate/propionate/n-butyrate produced similar results: alkalinization of the crypt lumen and acidification of subepithelial tissue. Effects were (i) dependent on the presence and orientation of a transepithelial SCFA gradient, (ii) not observed with gluconate substitution, and (iii) required activation of sustained vectorial acid/base transport by SCFAs. Results suggest that the crypt lumen functions as a pH microdomain due to slow mixing with bulk superfusates and that crypts contribute significant buffering capacity to the lumen. In conclusion, physiologic SCFA gradients cause polarized extracellular pH regulation because epithelial architecture and vectorial transport synergize to establish regulated microenvironments.


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O presente estudo objetivou determinar um protocolo para sedação de veados-mateiros (Mazama americana) que permitisse procedimentos comumente utilizados no manejo dessa espécie em cativeiro. Foram utilizados seis animais adultos, pesando 38,4 ± 5 Kg, pertencentes ao Núcleo de Pesquisa e Conservação de Cervídeos (UNESP - Jaboticabal). Os animais foram submetidos a dois tratamentos, com um intervalo mínimo de 30 dias entre eles, a saber: AX-0,5 - associação de 1 mg/kg de azaperone e 0,5 mg/kg de xilazina via intramuscular (IM) e AX-1,0 - associação de 1 mg/kg de azaperone e 1 mg/kg de xilazina (IM). A partir da administração do tratamento (0 minuto) foram avaliados os tempos para latência da sedação, para decúbito esternal, para a manipulação segura e para a manipulação sem segurança. Ainda, foram avaliados a qualidade da contenção química por meio da somatória de pontos obtida com a utilização de uma escala descritiva adaptada, a cada 10 minutos, por até 90 minutos, parâmetros fisiológicos (FC, fR, PAM e To) a cada 10 minutos, durante 60 minutos, perfil ácido-base e eletrolítico (pH, PaCO2, PaO2, HCO3-, EB, SaO2, Na+ e K+) aos 10, 30 e 60 minutos e lactato sérico aos 30 e 60 minutos pós-tratamentos. As diferenças foram consideradas significantes quando P < 0,05. O período de latência da sedação e período para os animais apresentarem decúbito esternal foram maiores em AX-0,5 (7 ± 6,6 e 12 ± 9,7 minutos, respectivamente) em relação a AX-1,0 (5 ± 2,0 e 6 ± 3,1 minutos respectivamente), porém não houve diferenças entre os grupos para os demais tempos avaliados. A qualidade da contenção química diferiu entre os grupos a partir de 60 minutos, observando-se possibilidade de manipulação sem segurança a partir de 60 minutos para AX-0,5 e de 90 minutos para AX-1,0. Não houve diferenças entre FC, fR, PAM e To e o lactato sérico entre os momentos nem entre os grupos. Em relação ao perfil ácido-base e eletrólitico, AX-0,5 apresentou diferenças em pH, HCO3-,, EB e K+, com valores aos 60 minutos superiores aos valores em 10 minutos, e AX-1,0 apresentou diferenças apenas para EB também com valores aos 60 minutos superiores aos 10 minutos. Diante dos resultados conclui-se que os dois protocolos promoveram sedação adequada e que a escolha entre eles deve ser pautada pela índole do animal. Embora não tenham ocorrido alterações fisiológicas consideráveis em nenhum dos grupos, sugere-se a suplementação de oxigênio nos primeiros 30 minutos de contenção química.


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Les réactions de transfert de proton se retrouvent abondamment dans la nature et sont des processus cruciaux dans plusieurs réactions chimiques et biologiques, qui se produisent souvent en milieu aqueux. Les mécanismes régissant ces échanges de protons sont complexes et encore mal compris, suscitant un intérêt des chercheurs en vue d’une meilleure compréhension fondamentale du processus de transfert. Le présent manuscrit présente une étude mécanistique portant sur une réaction de transfert de proton entre un acide (phénol fonctionnalisé) et une base (ion carboxylate) en phase aqueuse. Les résultats obtenus sont basés sur un grand nombre de simulations de dynamique moléculaire ab-initio réalisées pour des systèmes de type « donneur-pont-accepteur », où le pont se trouve à être une unique molécule d’eau, permettant ainsi l’élaboration d’un modèle cinétique détaillé pour le système étudié. La voie de transfert principalement observée est un processus ultra-rapide (moins d’une picoseconde) passant par la formation d’une structure de type « Eigen » (H9O4+) pour la molécule d’eau pontante, menant directement à la formation des produits. Une seconde structure de la molécule d’eau pontante est également observée, soit une configuration de type « Zündel » (H5O2+) impliquant l’accepteur de proton (l’ion carboxylate) qui semble agir comme un cul-de-sac pour la réaction de transfert de proton.


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Les réactions de transfert de proton se retrouvent abondamment dans la nature et sont des processus cruciaux dans plusieurs réactions chimiques et biologiques, qui se produisent souvent en milieu aqueux. Les mécanismes régissant ces échanges de protons sont complexes et encore mal compris, suscitant un intérêt des chercheurs en vue d’une meilleure compréhension fondamentale du processus de transfert. Le présent manuscrit présente une étude mécanistique portant sur une réaction de transfert de proton entre un acide (phénol fonctionnalisé) et une base (ion carboxylate) en phase aqueuse. Les résultats obtenus sont basés sur un grand nombre de simulations de dynamique moléculaire ab-initio réalisées pour des systèmes de type « donneur-pont-accepteur », où le pont se trouve à être une unique molécule d’eau, permettant ainsi l’élaboration d’un modèle cinétique détaillé pour le système étudié. La voie de transfert principalement observée est un processus ultra-rapide (moins d’une picoseconde) passant par la formation d’une structure de type « Eigen » (H9O4+) pour la molécule d’eau pontante, menant directement à la formation des produits. Une seconde structure de la molécule d’eau pontante est également observée, soit une configuration de type « Zündel » (H5O2+) impliquant l’accepteur de proton (l’ion carboxylate) qui semble agir comme un cul-de-sac pour la réaction de transfert de proton.


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Experimental ocean acidification leads to a shift in resource allocation and to an increased [HCO3-] within the perivisceral coelomic fluid (PCF) in the Baltic green sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis. We investigated putative mechanisms of this pH compensation reaction by evaluating epithelial barrier function and the magnitude of skeleton (stereom) dissolution. In addition, we measured ossicle growth and skeletal stability. Ussing chamber measurements revealed that the intestine formed a barrier for HCO3- and was selective for cation diffusion. In contrast, the peritoneal epithelium was leaky and only formed a barrier for macromolecules. The ossicles of 6 week high CO2-acclimatised sea urchins revealed minor carbonate dissolution, reduced growth but unchanged stability. On the other hand, spines dissolved more severely and were more fragile following acclimatisation to high CO2. Our results indicate that epithelia lining the PCF space contribute to its acid-base regulation. The intestine prevents HCO3- diffusion and thus buffer leakage. In contrast, the leaky peritoneal epithelium allows buffer generation via carbonate dissolution from the surrounding skeletal ossicles. Long-term extracellular acid-base balance must be mediated by active processes, as sea urchins can maintain relatively high extracellular [HCO3-]. The intestinal epithelia are good candidate tissues for this active net import of HCO3- into the PCF. Spines appear to be more vulnerable to ocean acidification which might significantly impact resistance to predation pressure and thus influence fitness of this keystone species.


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