947 resultados para Windows


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Os consumidores estão preocupados em adquirir produtos que atendam as questões ambientais, sociais e conseqüentemente sejam saudáveis, contribuindo para o crescimento da comercialização de produtos orgânicos em todo mundo. O café, produto tradicionalmente cultivado no Brasil e de grande aceitação (70% da população brasileira consome café diariamente), é um dos produtos cultivados sob manejo orgânico. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar as características temporais do gosto amargo na bebida de café orgânico. Foram avaliadas quatro marcas de café orgânico (ORG-1, ORG-2, ORG-3 e ORG-4) e uma marca de café convencional (CON) por meio da Análise Tempo-Intensidade. Sete provadores selecionados e treinados avaliaram as amostras de café utilizando o programa "Sistema de Coleta de Dados Tempo-Intensidade-SCDTI" para Windows. Os resultados obtidos foram estatisticamente analisados por Análise de Variância (ANOVA), teste de Duncan e Análise de Componente Principal (ACP). A marca ORG-3 apresentou maior intensidade máxima (Imax), apresentando diferença estatística significativa (p<0,05) em relação as demais amostras para a percepção desse atributo. Entre as amostras ORG-1, ORG-2, ORG-4 e CON não houve diferença estatística significativa (p>0,05) em relação aos seis parâmetros avaliados.


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Battery consumption in mobile applications development is a very important aspect and has to be considered by all the developers in their applications. This study will present an analysis of different relevant concepts and parameters that may have impact on energy consumption of Windows Phone applications. This operating system was chosen because there is limited research even though there are related studies for Android an iOS operating systems. Furthermore, another reason is the increasing number of Windows Phone users. The objective of this research is to categorise the energy consumption parameters (e.g. use of one thread or several thread for the same output). The result for each group of experiment will be analyzed and a rule will be derived. The set of derived rules will serve as a guide for developers who intend to develop energy efficient Windows Phone applications. For each experiment, one application is created for each concept and the results are presented in two ways: a table and a chart. The table presents the duration of the experiment, the battery consumed by the experiment, the expected battery lifetime and the energy consumption, while the charts display the energy distribution based on the main threads: UI thread, application thread and network thread.


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Em outubro de 2006, a Regional do Paraná sediou em Curitiba o XX Congresso Brasileiro de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos (XX CBCTA) com o tema Alimentos e Agroindústrias Brasileiras no Contexto Internacional. O objetivo deste Congresso foi discutir o desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico e a inovação na indústria de alimentos no cenário nacional e internacional. O programa científico foi abrangente e diversificado, com Conferências, Palestras, Mesas-Redondas, Curso de Atualização, Clínicas Tecnológicas, Visitas Técnicas e Apresentações de Trabalhos Científicos em oito áreas definidas pelo Congresso. Como resultado da realização do XX CBCTA, esta análise visa uma apresentação e discussão dos indicadores da pesquisa da área de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos do País e contribuição ao desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico da área, bem como subsídios para órgãos de fomento para decisão de investimentos na pesquisa e na formação de recursos humanos. No XX CBCTA, foi apresentado um total de 2066 trabalhos científicos de todo o Brasil, com exceção do Estado de Rondônia. Os trabalhos foram registrados no banco de dados e utilizados para esta análise. As inscrições foram escolhidas de acordo com a área da pesquisa de cada trabalho, sob responsabilidade de cada autor. As áreas definidas pela Comissão Científica do Congresso foram: Embalagem (EB); Método Analítico (MA); Microbiologia, Micotoxicologia e Biotecnologia (MB); Nutrição, Saúde e Alimentação (NA); Processo e Desenvolvimento de Produto (PD); Qualidade de Alimentos (QA); Química e Bioquímica (QB); e Resíduo Agroindustrial e Meio Ambiente (RM). Foi utilizado o Programa da Microsoft® Office Excel para a composição dos gráficos, versão Windows XP.


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Neste trabalho, isotermas de adsorção e dessorção do açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) e do cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum Schum.) em pó foram determinadas experimentalmente com o auxílio de higrômetro AQUAlab3TE da Decagon nas temperaturas de 15, 25 e 35 °C. As curvas obtidas apresentaram um comportamento do tipo III, característico de materiais ricos em carboidratos. Os dados experimentais de adsorção e dessorção dos produtos foram ajustados, por análise de regressão não-linear, usando o aplicativo STATISTICA para Windows 5.1B, aos modelos matemáticos de Handerson, Oswin, GAB e BET-modificado. Os modelos de Oswin e GAB foram os que melhor se ajustaram aos dados experimentais de sorção de umidade para o açaí e cupuaçu em pó, respectivamente. Determinou-se ainda a monocamada para os dois produtos e o calor de dessorção para o açaí em pó.


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A água tônica é um refrigerante caracterizado pelo gosto amargo atribuído à presença de quinina. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a aceitação e a percepção do gosto amargo de três marcas comerciais de água tônica. Para o teste de aceitação foi utilizada escala hedônica de nove pontos com noventa e seis consumidores. Este estímulo também foi analisado utilizando-se a técnica tempo-intensidade. Nove provadores selecionados e treinados avaliaram as amostras da água tônica utilizando o programa "Sistema de Coleta de Dados Tempo-Intensidade-SCDTI" para Windows. Os resultados obtidos foram analisados por análise de variância (ANOVA) e teste de Duncan para comparação de médias. As marcas de água tônica apresentaram curvas de tempo-intensidade distintas para o gosto amargo. As amostras não apresentaram diferença quanto à intensidade do gosto amargo pela análise tempo-intensidade. Em relação à aceitação, as amostras M-1 e M-2 diferiram da amostra M-3 (p < 0,05), sendo M-3 a menos aceita.


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Sotilaiden fyysisiä vaatimuksia taistelukentän olosuhteissa on tutkittu paljon eri asevoimissa. Osa maista tarkastelee asiaa puhtaasti taistelukokemusten kautta, kun osalle maista tärkeämpää on yleisen fyysisen toimintakyvyn seuraaminen ja kehittäminen. Taistelukentän toiminnalliset vaatimukset tarkoittavat fyysisen kunnon mittaamiselta sitä, että mittareiden tulee olla luotettavia eli mitataan oikeita asioita. Oikeiden mitattavien fyysisten suoritteiden tunnistaminen on tärkeää myös johtamisen kannalta, se antaa joukon johtajille mahdollisuuden ylläpitää oikeanlaista fyysistä suorituskykyä ja edistää sotilaiden terveyttä. Puolustusvoimien fyysisen kunnon testit määrittävät osaltaan sotilaan työkykyisyyden, joka koetaan asiantuntijoiden keskuudessa moniulotteisena ilmiönä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli saada tietoa siitä, millaisia käsityksiä ja mielipiteitä puolustusvoimien miessotilailla on fyysisestä kunnosta ja kuntotestien suoritusvaatimuksista. Kohdejoukkona olivat kaikki puolustusvoimien miessotilaat. Vastauksia saatiin 2044 henkilöltä, joka edusti 26 %:ia koko kohdejoukosta. Tutkimus suoritettiin Webropol kyselytutkimuksena. Kysely välitettiin miessotilaiden sähköpostiosoitteisiin ammattiliittojen kautta sekä julkaisemalla kysely puolustusvoimien TORNI- portaalissa. Vastaaminen oli mahdollista kuuden viikon ajan. Kyselylomake sisälsi myös avoimia vastauksia, jotka rajattiin pois tästä tutkimuksesta. Tilastolliset analyysit suoritettiin SPSS –ohjelmalla (SPSS for Windows). Tuloksia vertailtiin ammattiryhmien, ikäryhmien, fyysisen kunnon luokkien, painoindeksiluokkien, puolustushaarojen ja johtamistasojen välillä. Ryhmävertailuissa käytettiin suhteellisten osuuksien testejä ja X2-testejä ristiintaulukoinnissa. Suurin osa miessotilaista oli liikunnallisesti aktiivisia ja heidän mielestään sotilaan tulee olla fyysisesti hyvässä kunnossa. Kuntotestaamiseen suhtauduttiin pääosin myönteisesti ja testaamista pidettiin laadukkaana. Vastaajat olivat sitä mieltä, että kuntotestirajojen tulisi olla sukupuolineutraaleja. Kiusaamista ja syrjintää fyysisen kunnon vuoksi tapahtuu jonkin verran puolustusvoimissa. Viikkoliikuntaa pidettiin tärkeänä osana fyysisen kunnon kehittämisessä ja se arvioitiin yhtä tärkeäksi työtehtäväksi muiden tehtävien kanssa. Viikkoliikunta ei kuitenkaan ole riittävän läpinäkyvää ja todellista mahdollisuutta liikkumiseen ei kaikilla ole. Suurimmat muutokset fyysisessä kunnossa tapahtuu varhaisen keski-iän kynnyksellä, noin 40- vuotiaana. Upseerit olivat parhaimmassa kunnossa ja perusyksikön henkilökunta oli paremmassa kunnossa kuin esikunnissa työskentelevät. Suhtautumisessa fyysiseen kuntoon, testaamiseen ja kuntorajoihin oli havaittavissa eroja. Upseerit, alle 40-vuotiaat ja yli 2600 m juoksutestissä juosseet suhtautuivat rajoihin muita kriittisemmin. Puolustushaarojen väliset erot selittynevät puolustushaarojen välisillä kulttuurieroilla. Puolustusvoimissa ei täysin toteudu vaatimus, että huonokuntoista sotilasta ei määrätä fyysisesti raskaisiin tehtäviin. Johtopäätöksinä voidaan todeta, että miessotilaat suhtautuvat fyysiseen kuntoon ja testaamiseen pääosin myönteisesti, mutta mielipiteissä oli eroavaisuuksia. Fyysisen kunnon rajoihin suhtautuminen erosi vertailuryhmissä. Puolustusvoimien tulisi jatkossa pohtia, miten suhtautumista fyysisen kunnon rajoihin saataisiin yhtenäistettyä. Toisekseen jatkossa pitäisi kriittisesti pohtia, ovatko nykyiset fyysisen kunnon rajat päteviä.


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Various researches in the field of econophysics has shown that fluid flow have analogous phenomena in financial market behavior, the typical parallelism being delivered between energy in fluids and information on markets. However, the geometry of the manifold on which market dynamics act out their dynamics (corporate space) is not yet known. In this thesis, utilizing a Seven year time series of prices of stocks used to compute S&P500 index on the New York Stock Exchange, we have created local chart to the corporate space with the goal of finding standing waves and other soliton like patterns in the behavior of stock price deviations from the S&P500 index. By first calculating the correlation matrix of normalized stock price deviations from the S&P500 index, we have performed a local singular value decomposition over a set of four different time windows as guides to the nature of patterns that may emerge. I turns out that in almost all cases, each singular vector is essentially determined by relatively small set of companies with big positive or negative weights on that singular vector. Over particular time windows, sometimes these weights are strongly correlated with at least one industrial sector and certain sectors are more prone to fast dynamics whereas others have longer standing waves.


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Electrochromism, the phenomenon of reversible color change induced by a small electric charge, forms the basis for operation of several devices including mirrors, displays and smart windows. Although, the history of electrochromism dates back to the 19th century, only the last quarter of the 20th century has its considerable scientific and technological impact. The commercial applications of electrochromics (ECs) are rather limited, besides top selling EC anti-glare mirrors by Gentex Corporation and airplane windows by Boeing, which made a huge commercial success and exposed the potential of EC materials for future glass industry. It is evident from their patents that viologens (salts of 4,4ʹ-bipyridilium) were the major active EC component for most of these marketed devices, signifying the motivation of this thesis focusing on EC viologens. Among the family of electrochromes, viologens have been utilized in electrochromic devices (ECDs) for a while, due to its intensely colored radical cation formation induced by applying a small cathodic potential. Viologens can be synthesized as oligomer or in the polymeric form or as functionality to conjugated polymers. In this thesis, polyviologens (PVs) were synthesized starting from cyanopyridinium (CNP) based monomer precursors. Reductive coupling of cross-connected cyano groups yields viologen and polyviologen under successive electropolymerization using for example the cyclic voltammetry (CV) technique. For further development, a polyviologen-graphene composite system was fabricated, focusing at the stability of the PV electrochrome without sacrificing its excellent EC properties. High electrical conductivity, high surface area offered by graphene sheets together with its non-covalent interactions and synergism with PV significantly improved the electrochrome durability in the composite matrix. The work thereby continued in developing a CNP functionalized thiophene derivative and its copolymer for possible utilization of viologen in the copolymer blend. Furthermore, the viologen functionalized thiophene derivative was synthesized and electropolymerized in order to explore enhancement in the EC contrast and overall EC performance. The findings suggest that such electroactive viologen/polyviologen systems and their nanostructured composite films as well as viologen functionalized conjugated polymers, can be potentially applied as an active EC material in future ECDs aiming at durable device performances.


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A student crashes a car through the main entrance of Brock University and ransacks the office of the University President. The Buick La Sabre is driven through the glass doors of the Schmon Tower in the early morning, just as staff are beginning to report for work. The occupant of the vehicle proceeds to the tower's thirteenth floor, where he overturns furniture in the President's offices and breaks windows. University officials find him sitting in the President's chair, claiming he is God or Jesus.


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View of the cafeteria in Schmon Tower. This view is facing west or southwest as one can see the windows to the courtyard in the background.


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Another view of the cafeteria in Schmon Tower from further back. This view is facing west or southwest as one can see the windows to the courtyard in the background.


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The oscillation of neuronal circuits reflected in the EEG gamma frequency may be fundamental to the perceptual process referred to as binding (the integration of various thoughts and perceptions into a coherent picture). The aim of our study was to expand our knowledge of the developmental course ofEEG gamma in the auditory modality. 2 We investigated EEG 40 Hz gamma band responses (35.2 to 43.0 Hz) using an auditory novelty oddball paradigm alone and with a visual-number-series distracter task in 208 participants as a function of age (7 years to adult) at 9 sites across the sagital and lateral axes (F3, Fz, F4, C3, Cz, C4, P3, Pz, P4). Gamma responses were operationally defined as change in power or a change in phase synchrony level from baseline within two time windows. The evoked gamma response was defined as a significant change from baseline occurring between 0 to 150 ms after stimulus onset; the induced gamma response was measured from 250 to 750 ms after stimulus onset. A significant evoked gamma band response was found when measuring changes in both power and phase synchrony. The increase in both measures was maximal at frontal regions. Decreases in both measures were found when participants were distracted by a secondary task. For neither measure were developmental effects noted. However, evoked gamma power was significantly enhanced with the presentation of a novel stimulus, especially at the right frontal site (F4); frontal evoked gamma phase synchrony also showed enhancement for novel stimuli but only for our two oldest age groups (16-18 year olds and adults). Induced gamma band responses also varied with task-dependent cognitive stimulus properties. In the induced gamma power response in all age groups, target stimuli generated the highest power values at the parietal region, while the novel stimuli were always below baseline. Target stimuli increased induced synchrony in all regions for all participants, but the novel stimulus selectively affected participants dependent on their age and gender. Adult participants, for example, exhibited a reduction in gamma power, but an increase in synchrony to the novel stimulus within the same region. Induced gamma synchrony was more sensitive to the gender of the participant than was induced gamma power. While induced gamma power produced little effects of age, gamma synchrony did have age effects. These results confirm that the perceptual process which regulates gamma power is distinct from that which governs the synchronization for neuronal firing, and both gamma power and synchrony are important factors to be considered for the "binding" hypothesis. However, there is surprisingly little effect of age on the absolute levels of or distribution of EEG gamma in the age range investigated.


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Henry Hope & Sons of Canada Ltd. were located at 45 King Street West, Toronto, Ont. at the writing of this letter in 1916. The company specialized in “weathertight casements in iron steel or gun-metal, unbreakable steel windows, fanlight opening-gear, leaded lights and stained glass, patent glass roofing, locks and door furniture, rainwater goods in cast lead and cast iron”. The letter is addressed to Mr. H.Y. [Harry Young] Grant, c/o Fenwick Farm, Lundy’s Lane, Niagara Falls, Ont. from R.W. Smith. The letter is in reply to a query about casement windows. Harry Young Grant (1860-1934), son of Sir James Alexander Grant and Maria Malloch of Ottawa, Ont. was a medical doctor specializing in the treatment of the eye, ear, nose and throat. After his retirement he became a member of the Niagara Parks Commission. He was married to Grace A. Smith, daughter of James R. Smith of Buffalo.


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Passive solar building design is the process of designing a building while considering sunlight exposure for receiving heat in winter and rejecting heat in summer. The main goal of a passive solar building design is to remove or reduce the need of mechanical and electrical systems for cooling and heating, and therefore saving energy costs and reducing environmental impact. This research will use evolutionary computation to design passive solar buildings. Evolutionary design is used in many research projects to build 3D models for structures automatically. In this research, we use a mixture of split grammar and string-rewriting for generating new 3D structures. To evaluate energy costs, the EnergyPlus system is used. This is a comprehensive building energy simulation system, which will be used alongside the genetic programming system. In addition, genetic programming will also consider other design and geometry characteristics of the building as search objectives, for example, window placement, building shape, size, and complexity. In passive solar designs, reducing energy that is needed for cooling and heating are two objectives of interest. Experiments show that smaller buildings with no windows and skylights are the most energy efficient models. Window heat gain is another objective used to encourage models to have windows. In addition, window and volume based objectives are tried. To examine the impact of environment on designs, experiments are run on five different geographic locations. Also, both single floor models and multi-floor models are examined in this research. According to the experiments, solutions from the experiments were consistent with respect to materials, sizes, and appearance, and satisfied problem constraints in all instances.


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Interior illumination is a complex problem involving numerous interacting factors. This research applies genetic programming towards problems in illumination design. The Radiance system is used for performing accurate illumination simulations. Radiance accounts for a number of important environmental factors, which we exploit during fitness evaluation. Illumination requirements include local illumination intensity from natural and artificial sources, colour, and uniformity. Evolved solutions incorporate design elements such as artificial lights, room materials, windows, and glass properties. A number of case studies are examined, including many-objective problems involving up to 7 illumination requirements, the design of a decorative wall of lights, and the creation of a stained-glass window for a large public space. Our results show the technical and creative possibilities of applying genetic programming to illumination design.