954 resultados para Volcano
Because of a close relationship between detrital flux variations and magnetic susceptibility (MS) flux (MS cm**3 of bulk sediment multiplied by the linear sedimentation rate) variations in the southeast Indian basin of the southern ocean, MS flux profiles have been used to examine the spatial and temporal detrital flux changes in this basin during the last climatic cycle. Results indicate a general increase in detrital material input during the coldest periods, suggesting a widespread phenomenon, at least on the basin scale. Mineralogical data, geochemical data, and 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios have been used to determine the origin and transport mechanisms responsible for increased detrital flux during glacial periods. Mineralogical and geochemical data show that these glacial 'highs' are due to increases in both Kerguelen-Crozet volcanic and Antarctic detrital inputs. The 87Sr/86Sr isotopic composition of the >45-µm fraction indicates that the Kerguelen-Crozet province contributes to at least 50% of the coarse particule input to the west. This contribution decreases eastward to reach less than 10%. These tracers clearly indicate that the Crozet-Kerguelen province was a major source region of detrital in the western part of the basin during glacial times. In contrast, material of Antarctic origin is well represented in the whole basin (fine and coarse fractions). Because of the minor amount of coarse particles in the sediments, volcanic particles from Kerguelen and crustal particles from Antarctica have most probably been transported by the Antarctic bottom water current and/or the Circumpolar deepwater current during glacial periods as is the case today. Nevertheless, the presence of coarse particles even in low amount suggests also a transport by ice rafting (sea-ice and icebergs), originated from both Kerguelen and Antarctic sources. However, the relative importance of both hydrographic and ice-rafting modes of transport cannot be identified accurately with our data. During low sea level stands (glacial maximum periods), increasing instability and erosion of the continental platform and shallow plateaus could have resulted in a more efficient transfer of crustal and volcano-detrital material to the Southeast Indian basin. At the same time, extension of the grounded ice shelves over the continental margins and increase in the erosion rate of the Antarctic ice sheet could have induced a greater input of ice rafted detritus (IRD) to southern ocean basins. Enhancement of the circumpolar deepwater current strength might have also carried a more important flux of detrital material from Kerguelen. However, an increase in the bottom water flow is not necessarily required.
This paper presents materials on the chemical and mineralogical composition of Fe-Mn mineralization in island arcs (Kuril, Nampo, Mariana, New Britain, New Hebrides, and Kermadec) in the western part of the Pacific Ocean. The mineralization was proved to be of hydrothermal and/or hydrogenic genesis. The former is produced by hydrothermal Fe and Mn oxi-hydroxides that cement volcanic-terrigenous material in sediments. Some Fe oxyhydroxides can be derived via the halmyrolysis of volcaniclastic material. Crusts of this stage are characterized by fairly low concentrations of trace and rare elements, and their REE composition is inherited from the volcanic-terrigenous material. The minerals of the Mn oxyhydroxides are todorokite and "Ca-birnessite". The Mn/Fe ratio increases away from the discharge sites of the hydrothermal solutions. The hydrogenic Fe-Mn crusts are characterized by high concentrations of trace and minor elements of both the Mn group (Co, Ni, Tl, and Mo) and the Fe group (REE, Y, and Th). The hydrogenic crusts consist of Fe-vernadite and Mn-feroxyhyte. Some of the hydrothermal crusts originally had a hydrothermal genesis. The first data were obtained on crust B30-72-10 from the Macauley Seamount in the Kermadec island arc, which contained anomalously high concentrations of Co (2587 ppm) and other Mn-related trace elements in the absence of hydrogeneous Fe oxyhydroxides.
Volcanic signatures in ice-core records provide an excellent means to date the cores and obtain information about accumulation rates. From several ice cores it is thus possible to extract a spatio-temporal accumulation pattern. We show records of electrical conductivity and sulfur from 13 firn cores from the Norwegian-USA scientific traverse during the International Polar Year 2007-2009 (IPY) through East Antarctica. Major volcanic eruptions are identified and used to assess century-scale accumulation changes. The largest changes seem to occur in the most recent decades with accumulation over the period 1963-2007/08 being up to 25% different from the long-term record. There is no clear overall trend, some sites show an increase in accumulation over the period 1963 to present while others show a decrease. Almost all of the sites above 3200 m above sea level (asl) suggest a decrease. These sites also show a significantly lower accumulation value than large-scale assessments both for the period 1963 to present and for the long-term mean at the respective drill sites. The spatial accumulation distribution is influenced mainly by elevation and distance to the ocean (continentality), as expected. Ground-penetrating radar data around the drill sites show a spatial variability within 10-20% over several tens of kilometers, indicating that our drill sites are well representative for the area around them. Our results are important for large-scale assessments of Antarctic mass balance and model validation.
The powerful eruption in the Akademii Nauk caldera on January 2, 1996 marked a new activity phase of the Karymsky volcano and became a noticeable event in the history of modern volcanism in Kamchatka. The paper reports data obtained by studying more than 200 glassy melt inclusions in phenocrysts of olivine (Fo82-72), plagioclase (An92-73), and clinopyroxene (Mg# 83-70) in basalts of the 1996 eruption. The data were used to estimate composition of the parental melt and physicochemical parameters of the magma evolution. According to our data, the parental melt corresponded to low magnesium, high aluminum basalt (SiO2 = 50.2%, MgO = 5.6%, Al2O3 = 17%) of the mildly potassium type (K2O = 0.56%) and contained much dissolved volatile components (H2O = 2.8%, S = 0.17%, and Cl = 0.11%). Melt inclusions in the minerals are similar in chemical composition, a fact testifying that the minerals crystallized simultaneously with one another. Their crystallization started at pressure ~1.5 kbar, proceeded within a narrow temperature range of 1040+/-20°C, and continued until near-surface pressure ~100 bar was reached. Degree of crystallization of the parental melt during its eruption was close to 55%. Massive crystallization was triggered by H2O degassing under pressure <1 kbar. Magma degassing in an open system resulted in escape of 82% H2O, 93% S, and 24% Cl (of their initial contents in the parental melt) to the fluid phase. Release of volatile compounds to the atmosphere during the eruption that lasted for 18 h was estimated as 1.7x10**6 t H2O, 1.4x10**5 t S, and 1.5x10**4 t Cl. Concentrations of most incompatible trace elements in the melt inclusions are close to those in the rocks and to the expected fractional differentiation trend. Melt inclusions in plagioclase were found to be selectively enriched in Li. The Li-enriched plagioclase with melt inclusions thought to originate from cumulate layers in the feeding system beneath Karymsky volcano, in which plagioclase interacted with Li-rich melts/brines and was subsequently entrapped and entrained by the magma during the 1996 eruption.
Mineral and chemical compositions of highly ferruginous layered silicates (HLS) of glauconite sands occurred on the East Korean Rise outside volcanic structures and on an unnamed volcano and the Chentsov Volcano have been studied. The use of cluster and discriminant analyses has resulted to more objectively distinguished groups among HLS, and the use of factor analysis - to illustrate correlations between chemical elements in different groups. It has been found that green mineral assemblages of the East Korean Rise are heterogeneous in terms of morphology, composition and origin, and their formation is a complex multistage process including both neoformation and degradation.
Subduction of the Pacific plate beneath the Mariana forearc releases fluids to the overlying mantle wedge that ascend, producing serpentinite "mud" that discharges on the ocean floor. As part of Leg 195 of the Ocean Drilling Program cores were obtained from drill-holes into the mud volcanoes. We report the isotopic composition of Sr in water squeezed from intervals of the cores, in the serpentinite mud, in leaches of the serpentinite mud, and in entrained small harzburgitic clasts. Except in the upper few meters below the seawater-mud interface, where pore water approaches seawater Sr concentration and isotopic ratio, Sr concentration and isotopic composition remain constant at 3-6 µmol/kg and ~0.7054. Because the elemental chemistry of the pore water is unlike seawater, this isotopic composition reflects fluids derived from the subducted slab, probably modified by reaction with mantle material during ascent. Higher Sr isotopic ratios, up to 0.7087, - but not with higher Sr concentrations in pore water - occur superimposed on an advection profile at 13-16 mbsf surrounding a thin layer of foraminiferal sand. Since the upward seepage velocity of slab fluids in the mud volcano vents is a few cm/yr, exchange of Sr between these carbonates and the rising fluids must have occurred within a maximum of a few hundred years, essentially instantaneously given the millions, or tens of millions, of years the mud volcanoes have been in existence. In contrast, the strontium isotopic compositions of leached serpentinite mud, and of small harzburgite clasts entrained in the mud, are always significantly greater than that of the pore water. In small harzburgite clasts the ratio reaches 0.7088, almost as high as the seawater value of 0.7092 and much higher than the value of typical mantle-derived strontium of ~0.704. The serpentinite muds and harzburgite clasts clearly equilibrated with seawater Sr when they were initially deposited at the surface of the seamount, but following burial they have not fully equilibrated with strontium in the pore water now discharging through the vents. These variations in the strontium isotopic composition of solids and pore waters are more consistent with episodic expulsion of fluids in the subduction zone than steady state flow. Whereas strontium in carbonates equilibrates isotopically within a few hundred years, strontium in buried harzburgite clasts does not equilibrate in the same time, assuming steady state rates of upward fluid flow. By inference, the harzburgite clasts and associated serpentinite mud must have been near the seafloor, unburied, for a yet undetermined but much longer period of time to have equilibrated from ~0.704 to 0.709 prior to subsequent burial. It may be possible to characterize at least the periodicity of fluid release in the mud volcano setting by investigating the zonation of strontium isotopic composition of hartzburgite clasts throughout the 60-meter deep composite cores.
At Holes 650A and 651 A, set respectively in the Marsili Basin and the Vavilov Basin, Pleistocene sediments (turbiditic inputs interbedded with essentially hemipelagic sediments) may show layers of mudrocks with moderate to strong induration. Except in the two samples from Hole 651 A, it seems that zeolite crystallization does not play a role in the induration phenomenon. This latter appears to result from in situ clay authigenesis. Secondary K-Fe beidellite or Fe-Mg beidellite form diagenetic growths and bridges between sedimented particles. Turbidites are rich in volcaniclastics (glass, pumices and other volcanogenic elements) but the induration phenomenon appears to be associated essentially with the occurrence of basaltic detritus. It is proposed that clay authigenesis results from low temperature alteration of basaltic fragments issued from Vavilov and probably Marsili seamounts in sediments isolated from seawater by overlying deposits.