924 resultados para Virtual organizations Breeding Environments (VBE)
1. Between 1988 and 2001, we studied social relationships in the superb fairy-wren Malurus cyaneus (Latham), a cooperative breeder with male helpers in which extra-group fertilizations are more common than within-pair fertilizations. 2. Unlike other fairy-wren species, females never bred on their natal territory. First-year females dispersed either directly from their natal territory to a breeding vacancy or to a foreign 'staging-post' territory where they spent their first winter as a subordinate. Females dispersing to a foreign territory settled in larger groups. Females on foreign territories inherited the territory if the dominant female died, and were sometimes able to split the territory into two by pairing with a helper male. However, most dispersed again to obtain a vacancy. 3. Females dispersing from a staging post usually gained a neighbouring vacancy, but females gaining a vacancy directly from their natal territory travelled further, perhaps to avoid pairing or mating with related males. 4. Females frequently divorced their partner, although the majority of relationships were terminated by the death of one of the pair. If death did not intervene, one-third of pairings were terminated by female-initiated divorce within 1000 days. 5. Three divorce syndromes were recognized. First, females that failed to obtain a preferred territory moved to territories with more helpers. Secondly, females that became paired to their sons when their partner died usually divorced away from them. Thirdly, females that have been in a long relationship divorce once a son has gained the senior helper position. 6. Dispersal to avoid pairing with sons is consistent with incest avoidance. However, there may be two additional benefits. Mothers do not mate with their sons, so dispersal by the mother liberates her sons to compete for within-group matings. Further, divorcing once their son has become a breeder or a senior helper allows the female to start sons in a queue for dominance on another territory. Females that do not take this option face constraints on their ability to recruit more sons into the local neighbourhood.
One of the most important advantages of database systems is that the underlying mathematics is rich enough to specify very complex operations with a small number of statements in the database language. This research covers an aspect of biological informatics that is the marriage of information technology and biology, involving the study of real-world phenomena using virtual plants derived from L-systems simulation. L-systems were introduced by Aristid Lindenmayer as a mathematical model of multicellular organisms. Not much consideration has been given to the problem of persistent storage for these simulations. Current procedures for querying data generated by L-systems for scientific experiments, simulations and measurements are also inadequate. To address these problems the research in this paper presents a generic process for data-modeling tools (L-DBM) between L-systems and database systems. This paper shows how L-system productions can be generically and automatically represented in database schemas and how a database can be populated from the L-system strings. This paper further describes the idea of pre-computing recursive structures in the data into derived attributes using compiler generation. A method to allow a correspondence between biologists' terms and compiler-generated terms in a biologist computing environment is supplied. Once the L-DBM gets any specific L-systems productions and its declarations, it can generate the specific schema for both simple correspondence terminology and also complex recursive structure data attributes and relationships.
It has been suggested that twinning may influence handedness through the effects of birth order, intra-uterine crowding and mirror imaging. The influence of these effects on handedness (for writing and throwing) was examined in 3657 Monozygotic (MZ) and 3762 Dizygotic (DZ) twin pairs (born 1893-1992). Maximum likelihood analyses revealed no effects of birth order on the incidence of left-handedness. Twins were no more likely to be left-handed than their singleton siblings (n = 1757), and there were no differences between the DZ co-twin and sibling-twin covariances, suggesting that neither intra-uterine crowding nor the experience of being a twin affects handedness. There was no evidence of mirror imaging; the co-twin correlations of monochorionic and dichorionic MZ twins did not differ. Univariate genetic analyses revealed common environmental factors to be the most parsimonious explanation of familial aggregation for the writing-hand measure, while additive genetic influences provided a better interpretation of the throwing hand data.
An approach based on a linear rate of increase in harvest index (141) with time after anthesis has been used as a simple means-to predict grain growth and yield in many crop simulation models. When applied to diverse situations, however, this approach has been found to introduce significant error in grain yield predictions. Accordingly, this study was undertaken to examine the stability of the HI approach for yield prediction in sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]. Four field experiments were conducted under nonlimiting water. and N conditions. The experiments were sown at times that ensured a broad range in temperature and radiation conditions. Treatments consisted of two population densities and three genotypes varying in maturity. Frequent sequential harvests were used to monitor crop growth, yield, and the dynamics of 111. Experiments varied greatly in yield and final HI. There was also a tendency for lower HI with later maturity. Harvest index dynamics also varied among experiments and, to a lesser extent, among treatments within experiments. The variation was associated mostly with the linear rate of increase in HI and timing of cessation of that increase. The average rate of HI increase was 0.0198 d(-1), but this was reduced considerably (0.0147) in one experiment that matured in cool conditions. The variations found in IN dynamics could be largely explained by differences in assimilation during grain filling and remobilization of preanthesis assimilate. We concluded that this level of variation in HI dynamics limited the general applicability of the HI approach in yield prediction and suggested a potential alternative for testing.
Functional genomics is the systematic study of genome-wide effects of gene expression on organism growth and development with the ultimate aim of understanding how networks of genes influence traits. Here, we use a dynamic biophysical cropping systems model (APSIM-Sorg) to generate a state space of genotype performance based on 15 genes controlling four adaptive traits and then search this spice using a quantitative genetics model of a plant breeding program (QU-GENE) to simulate recurrent selection. Complex epistatic and gene X environment effects were generated for yield even though gene action at the trait level had been defined as simple additive effects. Given alternative breeding strategies that restricted either the cultivar maturity type or the drought environment type, the positive (+) alleles for 15 genes associated with the four adaptive traits were accumulated at different rates over cycles of selection. While early maturing genotypes were favored in the Severe-Terminal drought environment type, late genotypes were favored in the Mild-Terminal and Midseason drought environment types. In the Severe-Terminal environment, there was an interaction of the stay-green (SG) trait with other traits: Selection for + alleles of the SG genes was delayed until + alleles for genes associated with the transpiration efficiency and osmotic adjustment traits had been fixed. Given limitations in our current understanding of trait interaction and genetic control, the results are not conclusive. However, they demonstrate how the per se complexity of gene X gene X environment interactions will challenge the application of genomics and marker-assisted selection in crop improvement for dryland adaptation.
Functional knowledge of the physiological basis of crop adaptation to stress is a prerequisite for exploiting specific adaptation to stress environments in breeding programs. This paper presents an analysis of yield components for pearl millet, to explain the specific adaptation of local landraces to stress environments in Rajasthan, India. Six genotypes, ranging from high-tillering traditional landraces to low-tillering open-pollinated modern cultivars, were grown in 20 experiments, covering a range of nonstress and drought stress patterns. In each experiment, yield components (particle number, grain number, 100 grain mass) were measured separately for main shoots, basal tillers, and nodal tillers. Under optimum conditions, landraces had a significantly lower grain yield than the cultivars, but no significant differences were observed at yield levels around 1 ton ha(-1). This genotype x environment interaction for grain yield was due to a difference in yield strategy, where landraces aimed at minimising the risk of a crop failure under stress conditions, and modem cultivars aimed at maximising yield potential under optimum conditions. A key aspect of the adaptation of landraces was the small size of the main shoot panicle, as it minimised (1) the loss of productive tillers during stem elongation; (2) the delay in anthesis if mid-season drought occurs; and (3) the reduction in panicle productivity of the basal tillers under stress. In addition, a low investment in structural panicle weight, relative to vegetative crop growth rate, promoted the production of nodal tillers, providing a mechanism to compensate for reduced basal tiller productivity if stress occurred around anthesis. A low maximum 100 grain mass also ensured individual grain mass was little affected by environmental conditions. The strategy of the high-tillering landraces carries a yield penalty under optimum conditions, but is expected to minimise the risk of a crop failure, particularly if mid-season drought stress occurs. The yield architecture of low-tillering varieties, by contrast, will be suited to end-of-season drought stress, provided anthesis is early. Application of the above adaptation mechanisms into a breeding program could enable the identification of plant types that match the prevalent stress patterns in the target environments. (C) 2003 E.J. van Oosterom. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
A iniciativa opera a partir da presta????o de um servi??o continuado de gerenciamento de meios. Em s??ntese, o ??rg??o parou de adquirir materiais de escrit??rio e de combate a inc??ndio e passou a operar com um almoxarifado terceirizado que fornece insumos de expediente, processamento de dados e combate a inc??ndios de seu pr??prio almoxarifado, num sistema similar a um stop shop, al??m de controlar os estoques de pronto uso de cada unidade e fazer o seu ressuprimento. Cada unidade da autarquia possui uma cota aut??noma de pedidos, num baixo valor em periodicidade mensal. Com tal iniciativa, as unidades se mant??m supridas o ano todo, sem desperd??cios e sem estoques, fazendo os seus pedidos no almoxarifado virtual e customizando suas cestas de necessidades de produtos para a produ????o processual e o atendimento sazonal das emerg??ncias ambientais
Este projeto nasceu de uma parceria entre o Departamento Penitenci??rio Nacional e a Defensoria P??blica da Uni??o (DPU). Apresenta duas importantes vertentes no ??mbito da execu????o penal. A primeira relaciona-se ao direito de manuten????o dos v??nculos afetivos dos presidi??rios, possibilitando o contato deles com seus familiares e amigos; e a segunda refere-se ?? realiza????o de audi??ncias judiciais por videoconfer??ncia. Desde a implanta????o do Projeto Visita Virtual e Videoconfer??ncia Judicial, em maio de 2010, 509 presos participaram da visita virtual e puderam conversar e visualizar seus familiares e amigos por meio desse recurso, conferindo, assim, um resultado extremamente satisfat??rio, visto que h?? pelo menos um ano n??o recebiam visitas. De mar??o de 2011 at?? julho deste ano, foram realizadas 160 videoconfer??ncias
Este projeto refere-se ?? implementa????o de um modelo de gest??o que reduz os custos com as ??reas-meio, e volta o seu potencial para o provimento de solu????es das necessidades do cliente. ?? uma nova forma de conceber o tempo, o espa??o e os relacionamentos, mediante a cria????o de um escrit??rio virtual que visa aproximar os t??cnicos aos seus clientes. O funcion??rio carrega consigo o notebook e o aparelho celular podendo trabalhar em qualquer lugar e a qualquer hora, com o objetivo de atender as demandas dos clientes com prontid??o e agilidade no momento da solicita????o. Os resultados deste modelo podem ser percebidos tanto na satisfa????o dos clientes como dos funcion??rios envolvidos
Novas ferramentas de Tecnologias Assistivas (TAs) têm aparecido ultimamente. Um exemplo são os Ambientes Virtuais (AVs), os quais são importantes para o desenvolvimento de novas TAs, que podem ser direcionadas para promoverem uma melhor qualidade de vida de pessoas com mobilidade reduzida permanente ou promover a reabilitação de pessoas com deficiência motora temporária. Outras ferramentas, que surgiram há algumas décadas com o desenvolvimento dos computadores, também ajudam no tratamento de pessoas com deficiência motora, que são as Interfaces Humano-Máquina (IHM). Utilizando em conjunto com equipamentos que capturam sinais biológicos, como equipamentos de Eletromiografia (EMG) e Eletroencefalografia (EEG), essas ferramentas se configuram como canais de comunicações entre o ser humano e os computadores, diferentemente das comumente utilizadas. Isso abre uma gama de possibilidades para sua utilização no tratamento e na assistência de pessoas com deficiência motora, onde sinais EMG podem ser utilizados para controlar próteses robóticas; e sinais EEG, quando capturados da região do córtex motor, podem ser utilizados em neuroreabilitação. Por outro lado, quando capturados na região occipital, os sinais de EEG podem ser utilizados para gerar comandos e outras finalidades. Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de novas ferramentas para auxiliar em pesquisas de TAs envolvendo sinais biológicos. Três diferentes AVs foram desenvolvidos para auxiliar nesse tipo de pesquisa. Além deles, um equipamento EEG comercial foi adaptado para ser utilizado com uma IHM, o qual utiliza dois desses três AVs desenvolvidos. Como resultados, temos a utilização bem sucedida do equipamento EEG obtido com sua utilização com SSVEP e Imaginação motora, além da implementação com sucesso dos três AVs desenvolvidos, que estão disponíveis para download gratuito, e que podem ser utilizados em demais pesquisas envolvendo TAs.
According to the opinion of clinicians, emerging medical conditions can be timely detected by observing changes in the activities of daily living and/or in the physiological signals of a person. To accomplish such purpose, it is necessary to properly monitor both the person’s physiological signals as well as the home environment with sensing technology. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are a promising technology for this support. After receiving the data from the sensor nodes, a computer processes the data and extracts information to detect any abnormality. The computer runs algorithms that should have been previously developed and tested in real homes or in living-labs. However, these installations (and volunteers) may not be easily available. In order to get around that difficulty, this paper suggests the making of a physical model to emulate basic actions of a user at home, thus giving autonomy to researchers wanting to test the performance of their algorithms. This paper also studies some data communication issues in mobile WSNs namely how the orientation of the sensor nodes in the body affects the received signal strength, as well as retransmission aspects of a TDMA-based MAC protocol in the data recovery process.
Consideramos de interés realizar un análisis financiero de la banca virtual en España para ser capaces de posicionar aquellas entidades bancarias que vieron en el canal de Internet una vía de expansión hacia nuevos clientes o como consolidación de los existentes, ya que todos los bancos creados en España de carácter virtual son filiales de grandes grupos bancarios. Utilizamos como modelos de análisis la aplicación de los métodos multicriterio CAMEL y Promethee. Como conclusiones del trabajo se observa que, independientemente del método utilizado, la entidad que mejor se posiciona para el periodo de análisis estudiado (2004-2010) es Bancopopular-e. No obstante, son entidades que todavía alcanzan valores muy bajas de rentabilidad y liquidez y donde datos como la eficiencia o la calidad de activos son muy mejorables.
This paper aims to describe the processes of teaching illustration and animation, together, in the context of a masters degree program. In Portugal, until very recently, illustration and animation higher education courses, were very scarce and only provided by a few private universities, which offered separated programs - either illustration or animation. The MA in Illustration and Animation (MIA) based in the Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e Ave in Portugal, dared to join these two creative areas in a common learning model and is already starting it’s third edition with encouraging results and will be supported by the first international conference on illustration and animation (CONFIA). This masters program integrates several approaches and techniques (in illustration and animation) and integrates and encourages creative writing and critique writing. This paper describes the iterative process of construction, and implementation of the program as well as the results obtained on the initial years of existence in terms of pedagogic and learning conclusions. In summary, we aim to compare pedagogic models of animation or illustration teaching in higher education opposed to a more contemporary and multidisciplinary model approach that integrates the two - on an earlier stage - and allows them to be developed separately – on the second part of the program. This is based on the differences and specificities of animation (from classic techniques to 3D) and illustration (drawing the illustration) and the intersection area of these two subjects within the program structure focused on the students learning and competencies acquired to use in professional or authorial projects.
In this paper we aim to identify and analyze a set of variables that can potentially influence the adoption and knowledge of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) in Portugal. Hypotheses were tested using data obtained from a questionnaire sent to 591 publicly-owned organizations (local governments, municipal corporations and hospitals) and 549 privately-owned organizations (large companies and small and medium enterprises) in Portugal. The results allow us to conclude that although the majority of respondents claimed to know the BSC, its use in Portugal is still limited and very recent, particularly in the public sector organizations. However, it should be noted that its use has increased in Portugal in recent years. The study also reveals that in spite of the noticeable differences between public and private sector, the BSC is used in the public sector after a few adjustments to the traditional model. Using as theoretical framework the contingency and institutional theories, we found that decentralization, vertical differentiation and the degree of higher education are associated with the implementation of the BSC.
Pectus excavatum is the most common congenital deformity of the anterior chest wall, in which several ribs and the sternum grow abnormally. Nowadays, the surgical correction is carried out in children and adults through Nuss technic. This technic has been shown to be safe with major drivers as cosmesis and the prevention of psychological problems and social stress. Nowadays, no application is known to predict the cosmetic outcome of the pectus excavatum surgical correction. Such tool could be used to help the surgeon and the patient in the moment of deciding the need for surgery correction. This work is a first step to predict postsurgical outcome in pectus excavatum surgery correction. Facing this goal, it was firstly determined a point cloud of the skin surface along the thoracic wall using Computed Tomography (before surgical correction) and the Polhemus FastSCAN (after the surgical correction). Then, a surface mesh was reconstructed from the two point clouds using a Radial Basis Function algorithm for further affine registration between the meshes. After registration, one studied the surgical correction influence area (SCIA) of the thoracic wall. This SCIA was used to train, test and validate artificial neural networks in order to predict the surgical outcome of pectus excavatum correction and to determine the degree of convergence of SCIA in different patients. Often, ANN did not converge to a satisfactory solution (each patient had its own deformity characteristics), thus invalidating the creation of a mathematical model capable of estimating, with satisfactory results, the postsurgical outcome