955 resultados para Vincent’s Theorem


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Given a relation α (a binary sociogram) and an a priori equivalence relation π, both on the same set of individuals, it is interesting to look for the largest equivalence πo that is contained in and is regular with respect to α. The equivalence relation πo is called the regular interior of π with respect to α. The computation of πo involves the left and right residuals, a concept that generalized group inverses to the algebra of relations. A polynomial-time procedure is presented (Theorem 11) and illustrated with examples. In particular, the regular interior gives meet in the lattice of regular equivalences: the regular meet of regular equivalences is the regular interior of their intersection. Finally, the concept of relative regular equivalence is defined and compared with regular equivalence.


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A Feller–Reuter–Riley function is a Markov transition function whose corresponding semigroup maps the set of the real-valued continuous functions vanishing at infinity into itself. The aim of this paper is to investigate applications of such functions in the dual problem, Markov branching processes, and the Williams-matrix. The remarkable property of a Feller–Reuter–Riley function is that it is a Feller minimal transition function with a stable q-matrix. By using this property we are able to prove that, in the theory of branching processes, the branching property is equivalent to the requirement that the corresponding transition function satisfies the Kolmogorov forward equations associated with a stable q-matrix. It follows that the probabilistic definition and the analytic definition for Markov branching processes are actually equivalent. Also, by using this property, together with the Resolvent Decomposition Theorem, a simple analytical proof of the Williams' existence theorem with respect to the Williams-matrix is obtained. The close link between the dual problem and the Feller–Reuter–Riley transition functions is revealed. It enables us to prove that a dual transition function must satisfy the Kolmogorov forward equations. A necessary and sufficient condition for a dual transition function satisfying the Kolmogorov backward equations is also provided.


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A weighted variant of Hall's condition for the existence of matchings is shown to be equivalent to the existence of a matching in a lexicographic product. This is used to introduce characterizations of those bipartite graphs whose edges may be replicated so as to yield semiregular multigraphs or, equivalently, semiregular edge-weightings. Such bipartite graphs will be called semiregularizable. Some infinite families of semiregularizable trees are described and all semiregularizable trees on at most 11 vertices are listed. Matrix analogues of some of the results are mentioned and are shown to imply some of the known characterizations of regularizable graphs.


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We study the continuity of the map Lat sending an ultraweakly closed operator algebra to its invariant subspace lattice. We provide an example showing that Lat is in general discontinuous and give sufficient conditions for the restricted continuity of this map. As consequences we obtain that Lat is continuous on the classes of von Neumann and Arveson algebras and give a general approximative criterion for reflexivity, which extends Arvesonâ??s theorem on the reflexivity of commutative subspace lattices.


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We describe an empirical, self-consistent, orthogonal tight-binding model for zirconia, which allows for the polarizability of the anions at dipole and quadrupole levels and for crystal field splitting of the cation d orbitals, This is achieved by mixing the orbitals of different symmetry on a site with coupling coefficients driven by the Coulomb potentials up to octapole level. The additional forces on atoms due to the self-consistency and polarizabilities are exactly obtained by straightforward electrostatics, by analogy with the Hellmann-Feynman theorem as applied in first-principles calculations. The model correctly orders the zero temperature energies of all zirconia polymorphs. The Zr-O matrix elements of the Hamiltonian, which measure covalency, make a greater contribution than the polarizability to the energy differences between phases. Results for elastic constants of the cubic and tetragonal phases and phonon frequencies of the cubic phase are also presented and compared with some experimental data and first-principles calculations. We suggest that the model will be useful for studying finite temperature effects by means of molecular dynamics.


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We prove an analogue of Magnus theorem for associative algebras without unity over arbitrary fields. Namely, if an algebra is given by $n+k$ generators and $k$ relations and has an $n$-element system of generators, then this algebra is a free algebra of rank $n$.


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Asymptotic estimates of the norms of orbits of certain operators that commute with the classical Volterra operator V acting on L-P[0,1], with 1 0, but also to operators of the form phi (V), where phi is a holomorphic function at zero. The method to obtain the estimates is based on the fact that the Riemann-Liouville operator as well as the Volterra operator can be related to the Levin-Pfluger theory of holomorphic functions of completely regular growth. Different methods, such as the Denjoy-Carleman theorem, are needed to analyze the behavior of the orbits of I - cV, where c > 0. The results are applied to the study of cyclic properties of phi (V), where phi is a holomorphic function at 0.


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Let M be the Banach space of sigma-additive complex-valued measures on an abstract measurable space. We prove that any closed, with respect to absolute continuity norm-closed, linear subspace L of M is complemented and describe the unique complement, projection onto L along which has norm 1. Using this fact we prove a decomposition theorem, which includes the Jordan decomposition theorem, the generalized Radon-Nikodym theorem and the decomposition of measures into decaying and non-decaying components as particular cases. We also prove an analog of the Jessen-Wintner purity theorem for our decompositions.


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According to the Mickael's selection theorem any surjective continuous linear operator from one Fr\'echet space onto another has a continuous (not necessarily linear) right inverse. Using this theorem Herzog and Lemmert proved that if $E$ is a Fr\'echet space and $T:E\to E$ is a continuous linear operator such that the Cauchy problem $\dot x=Tx$, $x(0)=x_0$ is solvable in $[0,1]$ for any $x_0\in E$, then for any $f\in C([0,1],E)$, there exists a continuos map $S:[0,1]\times E\to E$, $(t,x)\mapsto S_tx$ such that for any $x_0\in E$, the function $x(t)=S_tx_0$ is a solution of the Cauchy problem $\dot x(t)=Tx(t)+f(t)$, $x(0)=x_0$ (they call $S$ a fundamental system of solutions of the equation $\dot x=Tx+f$). We prove the same theorem, replacing "continuous" by "sequentially continuous" for locally convex spaces from a class which contains strict inductive limits of Fr\'echet spaces and strong duals of Fr\'echet--Schwarz spaces and is closed with respect to finite products and sequentially closed subspaces. The key-point of the proof is an extension of the theorem on existence of a sequentially continuous right inverse of any surjective sequentially continuous linear operator to some class of non-metrizable locally convex spaces.


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We say that the Peano theorem holds for a topological vector space $E$ if, for any continuous mapping $f : {\Bbb R}\times E \to E$ and any $(t(0), x(0))$ is an element of ${\Bbb R}\times E$, the Cauchy problem $\dot x(t) = f(t,x(t))$, $x(t(0)) = x(0)$, has a solution in some neighborhood of $t(0)$. We say that the weak version of Peano theorem holds for $E$ if, for any continuous map $f : {\Bbb R}\times E \to E$, the equation $\dot x(t) = f (t, x(t))$ has a solution on some interval. We construct an example (answering a question posed by S. G. Lobanov) of a Hausdorff locally convex topological vector space E for which the weak version of Peano theorem holds and the Peano theorem fails to hold. We also construct a Hausdorff locally convex topological vector space E for which the Peano theorem holds and any barrel in E is neither compact nor sequentially compact.


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Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH SECTION A-MATHEMATICS Volume: 131 Pages: 1257-1273 Part: Part 6 Published: 2001 Times Cited: 5 References: 23 Citation MapCitation Map beta Abstract: We show that the Banach space M of regular sigma-additive finite Borel complex-valued measures on a non-discrete locally compact Hausdorff topological Abelian group is the direct sum of two linear closed subspaces M-D and M-ND, where M-D is the set of measures mu is an element of M whose Fourier transform vanishes at infinity and M-ND is the set of measures mu is an element of M such that nu is not an element of MD for any nu is an element of M \ {0} absolutely continuous with respect to the variation \mu\. For any corresponding decomposition mu = mu(D) + mu(ND) (mu(D) is an element of M-D and mu(ND) is an element of M-ND) there exist a Borel set A = A(mu) such that mu(D) is the restriction of mu to A, therefore the measures mu(D) and mu(ND) are singular with respect to each other. The measures mu(D) and mu(ND) are real if mu is real and positive if mu is positive. In the case of singular continuous measures we have a refinement of Jordan's decomposition theorem. We provide series of examples of different behaviour of convolutions of measures from M-D and M-ND.


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Let $\Gamma$ be the class of sequentially complete locally convex spaces such that an existence theorem holds for the linear Cauchy problem $\dot x = Ax$, $x(0) = x_0$ with respect to functions $x: R\to E$. It is proved that if $E\in \Gamma$, then $E\times R^A$ is-an-element-of $\Gamma$ for an arbitrary set $A$. It is also proved that a topological product of infinitely many infinite-dimensional Frechet spaces, each not isomorphic to $\omega$, does not belong to $\Gamma$.


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We generalise Dedden's Theorem for nest algebras to nest algebra bimodules. We define an object which extends the Jacobson radical of a nest algebra, and characterose it generalising a theorem of Erdos.


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This paper studies a problem of dynamic pricing faced by a retailer with limited inventory, uncertain about the demand rate model, aiming to maximize expected discounted revenue over an infinite time horizon. The retailer doubts his demand model which is generated by historical data and views it as an approximation. Uncertainty in the demand rate model is represented by a notion of generalized relative entropy process, and the robust pricing problem is formulated as a two-player zero-sum stochastic differential game. The pricing policy is obtained through the Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs (HJI) equation. The existence and uniqueness of the solution of the HJI equation is shown and a verification theorem is proved to show that the solution of the HJI equation is indeed the value function of the pricing problem. The results are illustrated by an example with exponential nominal demand rate.


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The reduced Whitehead group $\SK$ of a graded division algebra graded by a torsion-free abelian group is studied. It is observed that the computations here are much more straightforward than in the non-graded setting. Bridges to the ungraded case are then established by the following two theorems: It is proved that $\SK$ of a tame valued division algebra over a henselian field coincides with $\SK$ of its associated graded division algebra. Furthermore, it is shown that $\SK$ of a graded division algebra is isomorphic to $\SK$ of its quotient division algebra. The first theorem gives the established formulas for the reduced Whitehead group of certain valued division algebras in a unified manner, whereas the latter theorem covers the stability of reduced Whitehead groups, and also describes $\SK$ for generic abelian crossed products.