712 resultados para Verreyt, Nele
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC
This article discusses the project of the Information Society and the discourses that undergo it, as part of a political and ideological conception universalized by those countries that created and dominate computer technology, which is in turn is aligned with the Post-Fordist industrial capitalist order and its emphasis on economic accumulation and consumerism. We explain how information technology creates routines and legitimate social orders, taking for analyzes the case of the Clinton-Gore policy in the United States, when the discourse of the computer society was associated with the development and social welfare. This association is revealed in the speech made by Clinton in the city of Knoxville in year 1996. There we see the beginnings of the concern about the Digital Divide as a new form of "social disease" that prevents the passage to a better world, focused on productivity, accumulation and consumption in information-dense societies. This generates a clash between the industrial-graph-centric world and the oral-pre-industrial communities, as a result of attempting to transplant the institutional forms of the developed West. We explain the pillars of the new computerized order, and how they replaced previous epic narratives creating techno-deterministic or techno-phobic discourses in prejudice of more critical approaches. We identify the effects such deterministic discourses that connote the association between the Information Society, welfare and development, questioning the urgency of deploying this system at global level without profound critical discussion, clear goals focused on the benefit of the human beings, and the open participation of the users of the system.
This article is the result of a narrative literature review. The objective is to show the development of an overview on the ideological debate on the design of state health policies. We argue that the role of the state in the development of health policy, even under the pressure of the global market, may create alternatives to promote and drive economic and social development, meaning they are not subject to economic constraints imposed by the liberal ideal of market. Here is a part of a theoretical discussion about the construction and presence of the State in Latin America, particularly in Brazil. We take the approaches of the Marxist tradition and liberal to the issue as reference. This discussion allows us to understand the historical role of the state in the maintenance of social policies, specifically health, is an alternative to public control eases the intense capital mobility promoted by economic globalization. In this sense, the theme makes the Brazilian health an important issue of social sciences, why is the historicity of the construction of the Brazilian health system, as a public policy that can mirror the actual reconstruction of the institutional framework of the Brazilian state with the establishment instances of negotiation between the various spheres of power that strengthen the state in this process of democratization of Brazilian society.
Segundo a Confederação Brasileira de Basquetebol (CBB), o basquete é um esporte popular, praticado em todo o mundo por mais de 300 milhões de pessoas. Manoel Tubino (2001, p. 57), aponta é um fenômeno social que atingiu níveis muito complexos de desenvolvimento nas diversas sociedades. Sobre o jovem atleta Cratty (1984) destaca que este acaba vivenciando situações em que seu rendimento, tanto sendo um sucesso como um fracasso se torne visível perante a sociedade, deixando que os sentimentos emocionais e psíquicos se aflorem junto com os fisiológicos influenciando no desempenho. Entre os vários fatores intra e extra quadra que podem influenciar no resultado, estão os aspectos psicológicos e os pensamentos automáticos. Para Cecarelli (2011) um dos fatores que mais afetam os atletas é a ansiedade e está diretamente ligado, a importância da competição e de cada jogo, distância de casa, viagem, mudança de hábitos, adaptação ao clima e fuso horário, entre outros aspectos que provocam possível processamento errôneo do pensamento automático e um aumento da ansiedade. Desta maneira torna-se imprescindível destacar que os aspectos fisiológicos e psicológicos de jovens atletas não se encontram eficientemente maduros para lidar com cobranças e pressões advindas do meio esportivo, cabendo aos sujeitos envolvidos na prática do basquetebol (técnicos, diretores, pais, patrocinadores, psicólogo do esporte e atletas) fazer uso da psicologia do esporte a fim de objetivar-se um bom rendimento. O objetivo deste estudo foi compreender como se dá a relação entre os pensamentos automáticos e a ansiedade. A metodologia deste estudo pautou-se em uma revisão de literatura utilizando os principais referenciais teóricos que circunscrevem os temas principais deste trabalho. Segundo Beck (2005) é tão possível perceber um pensamento, focar nele e avaliá-lo, como é possível identificar e refletir sobre uma sensação...
A Companhia Éxciton é um projeto de extensão universitária da Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, campus de Rio Claro. O projeto se ocupa com a criação de trabalhos com dança, arte e expressão, que são oferecidos para toda comunidade universitária e público em geral. Com essa abertura ao grande público, a intenção da Cia. é democratizar o contato da população com atividades artísticas, culturais e educativas, através de aulas abertas, intervenções, performances e apresentações de espetáculos, expandindo as atividades do projeto para além dos muros da universidade. Tendo em vista este quadro de ações de extensão universitária, essa pesquisa buscou compreender como esses trabalhos da Cia. se constituem como práticas de produção de conhecimento que refletem não só na formação universitária de seus integrantes, mas também na formação de todo aquele que se envolve com o projeto. Para tanto, foi feito uma análise dos documentos oficiais deste projeto e uma análise sobre a noção de projeto de extensão dentro do contexto da formação acadêmica. A partir destas compreensões, descrevemos o processo de criação dos espetáculos produzidos nos anos de 2012 e 2013 Desvenda-$e e Em Obras, respectivamente, desta forma, mapeamos os modos, através dos quais a Cia. Éxciton mobilizou suas ações de extensão neste período. Com essas medidas foi possível compreender a natureza do conhecimento gerado neste projeto e perceber seu alcance na formação integral daqueles que nele se envolvem
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The teaching of Science is one great challenge not only for educators but also for researchers in our country. In a globalized world where the social foundations, cultural and economic depend fundamentally on science and technology, science education is a basic requirement for the exercise of citizenship. Multiple initiatives have been taken to improve the quality of teaching of science practiced in our schools: the ReAction Program is the result of a set of actions developed by a public educational policy that invests in improving the Teaching of Science the elementary school. In this work, we present a history of this program and the search on the contribution and the actions developed, the collaborative research with a group of teachers-multiplier, and the evaluation of the teaching of science, measured from notes, frequency and speech teacher.
The idea of "mature development" is based, frequently, on explanations of school failure: the student does not learn because he is immature and the school has to wait until he gets "mature". When one says that a child is not mature compared to the development already attained by an adult, one focuses only the quantitative differences between them and forgets that these new qualities of the adult did not arise by the maturation, but by the permanent appropriation process of the human culture. Thus, this idea of "maturity of development" expresses a deep biologization of the human being, reducing social and educational problems explanation to the biological apparatus of the individual. The purpose of this essay is to analyze the relationship between maturation and development, pointing out the limits of biologists’ explanations of human phenomena and the possibilities of explanation formulated by the historical-cultural theory to the organization of pedagogical work. This concept gives a new configuration to the role of maturation in the learning process and gives the school education a central role in the development of higher psychological functions. Thus, the school does not have to wait for the child’s maturation. Rather, it is its duty to create conditions for his/her maturation to become effective.
Toys are undoubtedly an important tool for healthy child development. Designers, as toys creators need to get theoretical bases of multidisciplinary to be able to define the issues around them with clarity and certainty. To analyze what makes the toy be efficient and present on child's routine is crucial to define this problem. To this end we need to probe his universe and find ways to turn the products more attractive to him. This paper discusses issues about the toy's world and describes a project developed in its bases that must value the national culture.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Docência para a Educação Básica - FC
Among the various school functions in capitalist society there in the literature and common sense that the school would have a central role in correcting social inequalities produced by the capitalist mode of production. We see, in today's society, children and young people who moved by the desire to get out of where they are, usually on the outskirts, in a vulnerable situation, seek growth through the study; They see it as a way out to another reality with more opportunit ies and chances for improvement, both as regards their quality of life, and even want to change, change and influence their own reality or part of it, with the knowledge learned in school. On the other hand, there are theorists who maintain that the school reproduces the basic features of the social structure and the current system of power in society. Our goal is to discuss the transformative potential of education as opposed to its role of reproduction of social inequalities, through the essential role of the teacher, who has a high profile role when it comes to change. The teacher is one of the first professionals that we remember when we turn to the school and refer to the systematic teaching. But sometimes forms of education present in the school, afflicting much of children and young people and are characterized in order to favor certain classes and eventually stop the growth and development of those who do not meet the required standards. In this paper we intend to compare two lines of thought, alluding to pedagogical activities in class, the Paulo Freire, which brings the teacher's figure with a responsible actor for lead students to reflection of their practice; and Pierre Bourdieu, which considers the pedagogical practice as an act of imposition of values of the ruling class. The work will address the issue from literature
Understanding dance in all its educational aspects, creative and liberating, this of course work completion back motivating information for new studies and reflections. This study did a literature review to contextualize and detail reach the story and how it perpetuates in practice the dance style Waacking, sought the understanding of how the body is inserted in our society, made notes on the Sport Psychology regarding the topic fear and shame, and pledged to address the conflicting issues of gender and sexuality, to then be possible to develop what has been objectified. This study sought to establish whether there are national publications on the Waacking dance style and what their contributions to the Brazilian context, verifying the presence of stereotypes and prejudices to males in it are inserted. As used method, the survey was conducted in online databases having the following sites as a source of scientific academic content to nationwide: Google Scholar (like the filter to search only in Portuguese language - as the focus of the research is to gather national publications); Journals Portal CAPES / MEC; and SciELO - (Scientific Electronic Library Online). The review process took place using the categorization model, which was essential to be able to extract the information that met relevant from the criteria that have been pre-established, thus enabling the completion of this work Completion of course