976 resultados para Verbal Memory
RAPPORT DE SYNTHÈSE : Les profils des granules cytotoxiques des cellules T CD8 mémoires sont corrélés à la fonction, à leur état de différentiation et à l'exposition à l'antigène. Les lymphocytes T-CD8 cytotoxiques exercent leur fonction antivirale et antitumorale surtout par la sécrétion des granules cytotoxiques. En général, ce sont l'activité de dégranulation et les granules cytotoxiques (contenant perforine et différentes granzymes) qui définissent les lymphocytes T-CD8 cytotoxiques. Dans cette étude, nous avons investigué l'expression de granzyme K par cytométrie en flux, en comparaison avec l'expression de granzyme A, granzyme B et de perforine. L'expression des granules cytotoxiques a été déterminée dans lymphocytes T-CD8 qui étaient spécifiques pour des différents virus, en particulier spécifique pour le virus d'influenza (flu), le virus Ebstein Barr (EBV), le virus de cytomégalie (CMV) et le virus de l'immunodéficience humaine (HIV). Nous avons observé une dichotomie entre l'expression du granzyme K et de la perforine dans les lymphocytes T-CD8 qui étaient spécifiques aux virus mentionnés. Les profils des lymphocytes T-CD8 spécifiques à flu étaient positifs soit pour granzyme A et granzyme K soit pour le granzyme K seul, mais dans l'ensemble négatifs pour perforine et granzyme B. Les cellules spécifiques à CMV étaient dans la plupart positives pour perforine, granzyme B et A, mais négatives pour le granzyme K. Les cellules spécifiques à EBV et HIV étaient dans la majorité positives pour granzyme A, B et K, et dans la moitié des cas négatives pour la perforine. Nous avons également analysé, selon les marqueurs de mémoire de CD45 et CD127, les profils de différentiation cellulaire: Les cellules avec les granules cytotoxiques contenant exclusivement le granzyme K, étaient associées à un état de différentiation précoce. Au contraire, les protéines cytolytiques perforine, granzyme A et B, correspondent à une différentiation avancée. En outre, les protéines perforine et granzyme B, mais pas les granzymes A et K, sont corrélées à une activité cytotoxique. Finalement, des changements dans l'exposition d'antigène in vitro et in vivo suivant une infection primaire d' HIV ou une vaccination modulent le profil de granules cytotoxiques. Ces résultats nous permettent d'étendre la compréhension de la relation entre les différents profils de granules cytotoxiques des lymphocytes T-CD8 et leur fonction, leur état de différentiation et l'exposition à l'antigène.
To study telomere length dynamics in hematopoietic cells with age, we analyzed the average length of telomere repeat sequences in diverse populations of nucleated blood cells. More than 500 individuals ranging in age from 0 to 90 yr, including 36 pairs of monozygous and dizygotic twins, were analyzed using quantitative fluorescence in situ hybridization and flow cytometry. Granulocytes and naive T cells showed a parallel biphasic decline in telomere length with age that most likely reflected accumulated cell divisions in the common precursors of both cell types: hematopoietic stem cells. Telomere loss was very rapid in the first year, and continued for more than eight decades at a 30-fold lower rate. Memory T cells also showed an initial rapid decline in telomere length with age. However, in contrast to naive T cells, this decline continued for several years, and in older individuals lymphocytes typically had shorter telomeres than did granulocytes. Our findings point to a dramatic decline in stem cell turnover in early childhood and support the notion that cell divisions in hematopoietic stem cells and T cells result in loss of telomeric DNA.
The most extensively studied Heusler alloys are those based on the Ni-Mn-Ga system. However, to overcome the high cost of Gallium and the usually low martensitic transformation temperature, the search for Ga-free alloys has been recently attempted, particularly, by introducing In, Sn or Sb. In this work, two alloys (Mn50Ni35.5In14.5 and Ni50Mn35In15) have been obtained by melt spinning. We outline their structural and thermal behaviour. Mn50Ni35.5In14.5 alloy has the transformation above room temperature whereas Ni50Mn35In15 does not have this transformation in the temperature range here analyzed
The influence of external factors on food preferences and choices is poorly understood. Knowing which and how food-external cues impact the sensory processing and cognitive valuation of food would provide a strong benefit toward a more integrative understanding of food intake behavior and potential means of interfering with deviant eating patterns to avoid detrimental health consequences for individuals in the long run. We investigated whether written labels with positive and negative (as opposed to 'neutral') valence differentially modulate the spatio-temporal brain dynamics in response to the subsequent viewing of high- and low-energetic food images. Electrical neuroimaging analyses were applied to visual evoked potentials (VEPs) from 20 normal-weight participants. VEPs and source estimations in response to high- and low- energy foods were differentially affected by the valence of preceding word labels over the ~260-300 ms post-stimulus period. These effects were only observed when high-energy foods were preceded by labels with positive valence. Neural sources in occipital as well as posterior, frontal, insular and cingulate regions were down-regulated. These findings favor cognitive-affective influences especially on the visual responses to high-energetic food cues, potentially indicating decreases in cognitive control and goal-adaptive behavior. Inverse correlations between insular activity and effectiveness in food classification further indicate that this down-regulation directly impacts food-related behavior.
Working memory, commonly defined as the ability to hold mental representations on line transiently and to manipulate these representations, is known to be a core deficit in schizophrenia. The aim of the present study was to investigate the visuo-spatial component of the working memory in schizophrenia, and more precisely to what extent the dynamic visuo-spatial information processing is impaired in schizophrenia patients. For this purpose we used a computerized paradigm in which 29 patients with schizophrenia (DSMIV, Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies) and 29 age and sex matched control subjects (DIGS) had to memorize a plane moving across the computer screen and to identify the observed trajectory among 9 plots proposed together. Each trajectory could be seen max. 3 times if needed. The results showed no difference between schizophrenia patients and controls regarding the number of correct trajectory identified after the first presentation. However, when we determine the mean number of correct trajectories on the basis of 3 trials, we observed that schizophrenia patients are significantly less performant than controls (Mann-Whitney, p _ 0.002). These findings suggest that, although schizophrenia patients are able to memorize some dynamic trajectories as well as controls, they do not profit from the repetition of the trajectory presentation. These findings are congruent with the hypothesis that schizophrenia could induce an unbalance between local and global information processing: the patients may be able to focus on details of the trajectory which could allow them to find the right target (bottom-up processes), but may show difficulty to refer to previous experience in order to filter incoming information (top-down processes) and enhance their visuo-spatial working memory abilities.
The present work assessed the effects of intracerebroventricular injections (2x5 mg/2.5 ml) of recombined human nerve growth factor (rhNGF) at postnatal days 2 and 3 upon the development of spatial learning capacities in rats. The treated rats were trained at the age of 22 days to escape onto an invisible platform at a fixed position in space in a Morris navigation task. For half of the subjects, the training position was also cued, a procedure aimed at facilitating escape and reducing attention to the distant spatial cues. At the age of 2 months all the rats were retrained in the same task. Treatment effects were found in both immature and adult rats. The injection of NGF induced a slight alteration of the immature rats' performance. In contrast, a marked impairment of spatial abilities was shown in the 2-month-old rats. The most consistent effects were a significant increase in the escape latency and a decrease bias towards the training platform area during probe trials. The reduction of spatial memory was particularly marked if the subjects had been trained in a cued condition. Taken together, these experiments reveal that an acute pharmacological treatment that leads to transient modifications during early development might induce a behavioural change long after treatment. Thus, the development and the maintenance of an accurate spatial representation are tightly related to the development of brain structures that could be altered by precocious NGF administrations.
OBJECTIVE: Patients with schizophrenia show deficits in visuospatial working memory and visual pursuit processes. It is currently unclear, however, whether both impairments are related to a common neuropathological origin. The purpose of the present study was therefore to examine the possible relations between the encoding and the discrimination of dynamic visuospatial stimuli in schizophrenia. METHOD: Sixteen outpatients with schizophrenia and 16 control subjects were asked to encode complex disc displacements presented on a screen. After a delay, participants had to identify the previously presented disc trajectory from a choice of six static linear paths, among which were five incorrect paths. The precision of visual pursuit eye movements during the initial presentation of the dynamic stimulus was assessed. The fixations and scanning time in definite regions of the six paths presented during the discrimination phase were investigated. RESULTS: In comparison with controls, patients showed poorer task performance, reduced pursuit accuracy during incorrect trials and less time scanning the correct stimulus or the incorrect paths approximating its global structure. Patients also spent less time scanning the leftmost portion of the correct path even when making a correct choice. The accuracy of visual pursuit and head movements, however, was not correlated with task performance. CONCLUSIONS: The present study provides direct support for the hypothesis that active integration of visuospatial information within working memory is deficient in schizophrenia. In contrast, a general impairment of oculomotor mechanisms involved in smooth pursuit did not appear to be directly related to lower visuospatial working memory performance in schizophrenia.
Background: The poxvirus vector Modified Vaccinia Virus Ankara (MVA) expressing HIV-1 Env, Gag, Pol and Nef antigens from clade B (MVA-B) is currently used as a HIV/AIDS vaccine candidate. A general strategy to try to improve the immunogenicity of poxvirus HIV-1 vaccine candidates is the deletion of known or suggested immunomodulatory vaccinia virus (VACV) genes.Methods: We have generated and characterized the innate immune sensing and the immunogenicity profile of a new HIV-1 vaccine candidate, which contains a deletion in a VACV gene.Results: We show that this VACV protein is expressed early during virus infection and localizes to the cytoplasm of infected cells. Deletion of this VACV gene from the MVA-B had no effect on virus growth kinetics; therefore this VACV protein is not essential for virus replication. The innate immune signals elicited by the MVA-B deletion mutant in human macrophages and monocyte-derived dendritic cells were characterized. In a DNA prime/MVA boost immunization protocol in mice, flow cytometry analysis revealed that the MVA-B deletion mutant enhanced the magnitude and polyfunctionality of the HIV-1-specific CD4 + and CD8 + T-cell memory immune responses, with most of the HIV-1 responses mediated by the CD8 + T-cell compartment with an effector phenotype. Significantly, while MVA-B induced preferentially Env- and Gag-specific CD8 + T-cell responses, the MVA-B deletion mutant induced more GPN-specific CD8 + T-cell responses. Furthermore, the MVA-B deletion mutant enhanced the levels of antibodies against Env in comparison with MVA-B.Conclusion: These findings revealed that this new VACV protein can be considered as an immunomodulator and that deleting this gene in MVA-B confers an immunological benefit by inducing innate immune responses and increasing the magnitude and quality of the T-cell memory immune responses to HIV-1 antigens. Our observations are relevant for the improvement of MVA vectors as HIV-1 vaccines.
Background and aim of the study: Formation of implicit memory during general anaesthesia is still debated. Perceptual learning is the ability to learn to perceive. In this study, an auditory perceptual learning paradigm, using frequency discrimination, was performed to investigate the implicit memory. It was hypothesized that auditory stimulation would successfully induce perceptual learning. Thus, initial thresholds of the frequency discrimination postoperative task should be lower for the stimulated group (group S) compared to the control group (group C). Material and method: Eighty-seven patients ASA I-III undergoing visceral and orthopaedic surgery during general anaesthesia lasting more than 60 minutes were recruited. The anaesthesia procedure was standardized (BISR monitoring included). Group S received auditory stimulation (2000 pure tones applied for 45 minutes) during the surgery. Twenty-four hours after the operation, both groups performed ten blocks of the frequency discrimination task. Mean of the thresholds for the first three blocks (T1) were compared between groups. Results: Mean age and BIS value of group S and group C are respectively 40 } 11 vs 42 } 11 years (p = 0,49) and 42 } 6 vs 41 } 8 (p = 0.87). T1 is respectively 31 } 33 vs 28 } 34 (p = 0.72) in group S and C. Conclusion: In our study, no implicit memory during general anaesthesia was demonstrated. This may be explained by a modulation of the auditory evoked potentials caused by the anaesthesia, or by an insufficient longer time of repetitive stimulation to induce perceptual learning.