819 resultados para Vedic Mathematics. Mathematics and Culture. Mental Calculation
OBJECTIVE: The mental health of children living in low-income countries remains a neglected research area despite the high burden of disease. This study is one of the first that examines the effects of long-term physical health problems on child mental health disorders in a low-income country and investigates whether this association is modified by the socio-economic status of the child's family. METHODS: Community-based cross-sectional survey of 975 eight-year-old children from 20 sites in Vietnam. Long-term physical health problems were measured by a caregiver report and included conditions such as anaemia, congenital malformation, physical disability and skin problems. Child mental disorders were assessed using the strengths and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ). Generalised estimating equations models were fitted to explore the association between long-term physical health problems and child mental disorders. RESULTS: Vietnamese children who suffer from long-term physical health problems have odds 2:1 times greater than children without long-term physical health problems of having a mental disorder (95% CI 1.2 to 3.6, p = 0.006). No significant interaction with socio-economic status was found. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed a high burden of mental disorders among physically ill children, re-enforcing the idea that there is "no health without mental health". While this association needs to be explored longitudinally, children with long-term health problems may be a visible group for targeted mental-health interventions.
Research Topic/Aim: Horizontal gender inequalities appear to be rather stable, with girls more often choosing ‘female' service professions, and boys choosing career paths related to science, technology, engineering or mathematics, since measures to bring more women into typical ‘male' jobs and more men into typical ‘female' jobs did not turn out to be sustainable. This paper focuses on gender stereotypes, namely non-egalitarian patriarchal gender-role orientations and gender associations of the school subjects German and mathematics. Dealing with and abolishing such gender stereotypes may be key strategy to reach sustainability regarding more equal vocational choices. Thus, gender stereotypes will be theorised and empirically analysed as a major predictor of gender-typical vocational perspectives considering interest in these school subjects as a mediating factor. Furthermore, we focus on structural patriarchy as a root of gender-role orientations, and teacher gender regarding its impact on gendered images of subjects. Theoretical and methodology framework: Our analyses of gender segregation in vocational aspirations and vocational choice center on Gottfredson's (2002; Gottfredson and Becker, 1981) Theory of Circumscription, Compromise and Self-Creation. One of the main assumptions of this theory is that people associate jobs with particular sexes and those jobs that do not fit particular gender roles are not considered. Empirical analyses are based on survey data of eighth-graders in the Swiss canton of Bern (N = 672). Structural Equation Models (SEM) for male and female students are estimated. Conclusions/Findings: Results reveal different patterns for boys and girls; for boys, gender-typical (male) vocational perspective could be explained via gender role orientations, interest in mathematics and gender associations of the school subjects, for girls, the factors under consideration could be empirically linked to ‘atypical vocational perspective'. Relevance to Nordic educational research: The study focuses on gender relations in society and how they are reproduced. Gender segregation in vocational choice and at the labour market is a universal issue - affecting both egalitarian and non-egalitarian gender regimes in similar ways. Although in general Northern countries appear to be more equal regarding gender inequality, gender segregation is rather persistent (Jarman, Blackburn and Brooks, 2012) and therefore remains a relevant topic.
In the present study, associations between executive functioning, metacognition, and self-perceived competence in the context of early academic outcomes were examined. A total of 209 children attending first grade were initially assessed in terms of their executive functioning and academic self-concept. One year later, children’s executive functioning, academic self-concept, metacognitive monitoring and control, as well as their achievement in mathematics and literacy were evaluated. Structural equation modeling revealed that executive functioning was significantly related to metacognitive control, both cross-sectionally and longitudinally, and that self-concept was substantially associated with metacognitive monitoring, both cross-sectionally and longitudinally. Individual differences in executive functioning and metacognitive control were significantly related to academic outcomes, with metacognitive control appearing to yield a more circumscribed influence on academic outcomes (only literacy) compared to executive functioning (literacy and mathematics).
Many patients with anxiety and depression initially seek treatment from their primary care physicians. Changes in insurance coverage and current mental parity laws, make reimbursement for services a problem. This has led to a coding dilemma for physicians seeking payment for their services. This study seeks to determine first the frequency at which primary care physicians use alternative coding, and secondly, if physicians would change their coding practices, provided reimbursement was assured through changes in mental parity laws. A mail survey was sent to 260 randomly selected primary care physicians, who are family practice, internal medicine, and general practice physicians, and members of the Harris County Medical Society. The survey evaluated the physicians' demographics, the number of patients with psychiatric disorders seen by primary care physicians, the frequency with which physicians used alternative coding, and if mental parity laws changed, the rate at which physicians would use a psychiatric illness diagnosis as the primary diagnostic code. The overall response rate was 23%. Only 47 of the 59 physicians, who responded, qualified for the study and of those 45% used a psychiatric disorder to diagnose patients with a primary psychiatric disorder, 47% used a somatic/symptom disorder, and 8% used a medical diagnosis. From the physicians who would not use a psychiatric diagnosis as a primary ICD-9 code, 88% were afraid of not being reimbursed and 12% were worried about stigma or jeopardizing insurability. If payment were assured using a psychiatric diagnostic code, 81% physicians would use a psychiatric diagnosis as the primary diagnostic code. However, 19% would use an alternative diagnostic code in fear of stigmatizing and/or jeopardizing patients' insurability. Although the sample size of the study design was adequate, our survey did not have an ideal response rate, and no significant correlation was observed. However, it is evident that reimbursement for mental illness continues to be a problem for primary care physicians. The reformation of mental parity laws is necessary to ensure that patients receive mental health services and that primary care physicians are reimbursed. Despite the possibility of improved mental parity legislation, some physicians are still hesitant to assign patients with a mental illness diagnosis, due to the associated stigma, which still plays a role in today's society. ^
Health care workers have been known to carry into the workplace a variety of judgmental and negative attitudes towards their patients. In no other area of patient care has this issue been more pronounced as in the management of patients with AIDS. Health care workers have refused to treat or manage patients with AIDS and have often treated them more harshly than identically described leukemia patients. Some health care institutions have simply refused to admit patients with AIDS and even recent applicants to medical colleges and schools of nursing have indicated a preference for schools in areas with low prevalence of HIV disease. Since the attitudes of health care workers do have significant consequences on patient management, this study was carried out to determine the differences in clinical practice in Nigeria and the United States of America as it relates to knowledge of a patient's HIV status, determine HIV prevalence and culture in each of the study sites and how they impact on infection control practices, determine the relationship between infection control practices and fear of AIDS, and also determine the predictors of safe infection control practices in each of the study sites.^ The study utilized the 38-item fear of AIDS scale and the measure of infection control questionnaire for its data. Questionnaires were administered to health care workers at the university teaching hospital sites of Houston, Texas and Calabar in Nigeria. Data was analyzed using a chi-square test, and where appropriate, a student t-tests to establish the demographic variables for each country. Factor analysis was done using principal components analysis followed by varimax rotation to simple structure. The subscale scores for each study site were compared using t-tests (separate variance estimates) and utilizing Bonferroni adjustments for number of tests. Finally, correlations were carried out between infection control procedures and fear of AIDS in each study site using Pearson-product moment correlation coefficients.^ The study revealed that there were five dimensions of the fear of AIDS in health care workers, namely fear of loss of control, fear of sex, fear of HIV infection through blood and illness, fear of death and medical interventions and fear of contact with out-groups. Fear of loss of control was the primary area of concern in the Nigerian health care workers whereas fear of HIV infection through blood and illness was the most important area of AIDS related feats in United States health care workers. The study also revealed that infection control precautions and practices in Nigeria were based more on normative and social pressures whereas it was based on knowledge of disease transmission, supervision and employee discipline in the United States, and thus stresses the need for focused educational programs in health care settings that emphasize universal precautions at all times and that are sensitive to the cultural nuances of that particular environment. ^
El tema referido a la profesión académica y a las culturas académicas resulta de particular interés puesto que se considera que los profesores universitarios poseen ciertos rasgos de una cultura académica propia, la cual sería el origen y el soporte que legitima sus pensamientos y por tanto su acción dentro de las Universidades. De la necesidad de desentrañar esta cultura es que surge la idea de estudiar si existe un conjunto de creencias, valores y normas que influirían en cómo piensan y actúan los profesores-ingenieros universitarios. El presente trabajo se propone aportar un acercamiento al estudio de los grupos profesionales de los ingenieros, tratando de conocer más acerca de su identidad, trayectoria y cultura. Se propone una lectura longitudinal en el análisis, reconstruyendo trayectorias y abarcando distintos aspectos de la vida, no solo los laborales, analizando al ingeniero que ocupa un determinado lugar en la estructura social la cual está en constante evolución. La pregunta central que guía esta investigación es de carácter cualitativo y comparativo y se enuncia de la siguiente manera: ¿cómo se configuran la profesión académica y la cultura académica de los ingenieros académicos que se desempeñan en la Carrera de Ingeniería Electrónica de la Facultad de Ciencias Físico Matemáticas y Naturales, Ingeniería en Alimentos e Ingeniería Química pertenecientes ambas a la Facultad de Química, Bioquímica y Farmacia de la Universidad Nacional de San Luis? Para describir y caracterizar la profesión y culturas académicas de los ingenieros en la UNSL, se propuso el trabajo de campo con entrevistas en profundidad a ingenieros que se desempeñan como docentes e investigadores en la Universidad Nacional de San Luis. El estudio es cualitativo.Tras el recorrido de investigación realizado, el argumento central de esta Tesis que surge de la interpretación de los datos empíricos, queda definido de la siguiente manera: La profesión y cultura académica de los ingenieros entrevistados en la UNSL se conforma a partir de la compleja vinculación entre estos tres elementos: trayectoria individual, comunidad disciplinar o grupo disciplinar de referencia y, las características propias de la UNSL como institución. Esta profesión académica se desarrolla en el marco de al menos dos tipos de regulaciones: unas que son externas que provienen de las políticas educativas nacionales (como por ejemplo: las leyes, el sistema de incentivos, la categorización, etc.) y otras que son internas y que operan como exigencias normativas al interior de la disciplina, de la institución y de las propias actividades del cargo. En síntesis, la heterogeneidad de la profesión y cultura académica de los ingenieros entrevistados está definida por: el contexto ?la UNSL- y sus propiedades en tanto contexto de intercambio; las características individuales alrededor de la disciplina y, los intereses y motivos individuales y colectivos. Todo ello da cuenta de las relaciones sociales en la vida académica explicando la heterogeneidad, la diversidad y la dinámica que se genera. La historia de la UNSL, las características de las Facultades, la historia y evolución de las tres carreras -los campos de conocimiento, los distintos recorridos y configuraciones históricas de los mismos- forman parte de ese contexto de intercambio y se reactualizan permanentemente. La particular combinación de las distintas actividades académicas reviste carácter único e intransferible (por ejemplo: la distribución de tareas, los criterios para seleccionar docentes en los concursos, la vinculación entre la industria y la sociedad, etc.). Todo lo expresado a juicio y entender propio da cuenta de un modo especial y particular de entender, vivir y desarrollar la profesión académica de estos ingenieros en la UNSL.
El tema referido a la profesión académica y a las culturas académicas resulta de particular interés puesto que se considera que los profesores universitarios poseen ciertos rasgos de una cultura académica propia, la cual sería el origen y el soporte que legitima sus pensamientos y por tanto su acción dentro de las Universidades. De la necesidad de desentrañar esta cultura es que surge la idea de estudiar si existe un conjunto de creencias, valores y normas que influirían en cómo piensan y actúan los profesores-ingenieros universitarios. El presente trabajo se propone aportar un acercamiento al estudio de los grupos profesionales de los ingenieros, tratando de conocer más acerca de su identidad, trayectoria y cultura. Se propone una lectura longitudinal en el análisis, reconstruyendo trayectorias y abarcando distintos aspectos de la vida, no solo los laborales, analizando al ingeniero que ocupa un determinado lugar en la estructura social la cual está en constante evolución. La pregunta central que guía esta investigación es de carácter cualitativo y comparativo y se enuncia de la siguiente manera: ¿cómo se configuran la profesión académica y la cultura académica de los ingenieros académicos que se desempeñan en la Carrera de Ingeniería Electrónica de la Facultad de Ciencias Físico Matemáticas y Naturales, Ingeniería en Alimentos e Ingeniería Química pertenecientes ambas a la Facultad de Química, Bioquímica y Farmacia de la Universidad Nacional de San Luis? Para describir y caracterizar la profesión y culturas académicas de los ingenieros en la UNSL, se propuso el trabajo de campo con entrevistas en profundidad a ingenieros que se desempeñan como docentes e investigadores en la Universidad Nacional de San Luis. El estudio es cualitativo.Tras el recorrido de investigación realizado, el argumento central de esta Tesis que surge de la interpretación de los datos empíricos, queda definido de la siguiente manera: La profesión y cultura académica de los ingenieros entrevistados en la UNSL se conforma a partir de la compleja vinculación entre estos tres elementos: trayectoria individual, comunidad disciplinar o grupo disciplinar de referencia y, las características propias de la UNSL como institución. Esta profesión académica se desarrolla en el marco de al menos dos tipos de regulaciones: unas que son externas que provienen de las políticas educativas nacionales (como por ejemplo: las leyes, el sistema de incentivos, la categorización, etc.) y otras que son internas y que operan como exigencias normativas al interior de la disciplina, de la institución y de las propias actividades del cargo. En síntesis, la heterogeneidad de la profesión y cultura académica de los ingenieros entrevistados está definida por: el contexto ?la UNSL- y sus propiedades en tanto contexto de intercambio; las características individuales alrededor de la disciplina y, los intereses y motivos individuales y colectivos. Todo ello da cuenta de las relaciones sociales en la vida académica explicando la heterogeneidad, la diversidad y la dinámica que se genera. La historia de la UNSL, las características de las Facultades, la historia y evolución de las tres carreras -los campos de conocimiento, los distintos recorridos y configuraciones históricas de los mismos- forman parte de ese contexto de intercambio y se reactualizan permanentemente. La particular combinación de las distintas actividades académicas reviste carácter único e intransferible (por ejemplo: la distribución de tareas, los criterios para seleccionar docentes en los concursos, la vinculación entre la industria y la sociedad, etc.). Todo lo expresado a juicio y entender propio da cuenta de un modo especial y particular de entender, vivir y desarrollar la profesión académica de estos ingenieros en la UNSL.
El tema referido a la profesión académica y a las culturas académicas resulta de particular interés puesto que se considera que los profesores universitarios poseen ciertos rasgos de una cultura académica propia, la cual sería el origen y el soporte que legitima sus pensamientos y por tanto su acción dentro de las Universidades. De la necesidad de desentrañar esta cultura es que surge la idea de estudiar si existe un conjunto de creencias, valores y normas que influirían en cómo piensan y actúan los profesores-ingenieros universitarios. El presente trabajo se propone aportar un acercamiento al estudio de los grupos profesionales de los ingenieros, tratando de conocer más acerca de su identidad, trayectoria y cultura. Se propone una lectura longitudinal en el análisis, reconstruyendo trayectorias y abarcando distintos aspectos de la vida, no solo los laborales, analizando al ingeniero que ocupa un determinado lugar en la estructura social la cual está en constante evolución. La pregunta central que guía esta investigación es de carácter cualitativo y comparativo y se enuncia de la siguiente manera: ¿cómo se configuran la profesión académica y la cultura académica de los ingenieros académicos que se desempeñan en la Carrera de Ingeniería Electrónica de la Facultad de Ciencias Físico Matemáticas y Naturales, Ingeniería en Alimentos e Ingeniería Química pertenecientes ambas a la Facultad de Química, Bioquímica y Farmacia de la Universidad Nacional de San Luis? Para describir y caracterizar la profesión y culturas académicas de los ingenieros en la UNSL, se propuso el trabajo de campo con entrevistas en profundidad a ingenieros que se desempeñan como docentes e investigadores en la Universidad Nacional de San Luis. El estudio es cualitativo.Tras el recorrido de investigación realizado, el argumento central de esta Tesis que surge de la interpretación de los datos empíricos, queda definido de la siguiente manera: La profesión y cultura académica de los ingenieros entrevistados en la UNSL se conforma a partir de la compleja vinculación entre estos tres elementos: trayectoria individual, comunidad disciplinar o grupo disciplinar de referencia y, las características propias de la UNSL como institución. Esta profesión académica se desarrolla en el marco de al menos dos tipos de regulaciones: unas que son externas que provienen de las políticas educativas nacionales (como por ejemplo: las leyes, el sistema de incentivos, la categorización, etc.) y otras que son internas y que operan como exigencias normativas al interior de la disciplina, de la institución y de las propias actividades del cargo. En síntesis, la heterogeneidad de la profesión y cultura académica de los ingenieros entrevistados está definida por: el contexto ?la UNSL- y sus propiedades en tanto contexto de intercambio; las características individuales alrededor de la disciplina y, los intereses y motivos individuales y colectivos. Todo ello da cuenta de las relaciones sociales en la vida académica explicando la heterogeneidad, la diversidad y la dinámica que se genera. La historia de la UNSL, las características de las Facultades, la historia y evolución de las tres carreras -los campos de conocimiento, los distintos recorridos y configuraciones históricas de los mismos- forman parte de ese contexto de intercambio y se reactualizan permanentemente. La particular combinación de las distintas actividades académicas reviste carácter único e intransferible (por ejemplo: la distribución de tareas, los criterios para seleccionar docentes en los concursos, la vinculación entre la industria y la sociedad, etc.). Todo lo expresado a juicio y entender propio da cuenta de un modo especial y particular de entender, vivir y desarrollar la profesión académica de estos ingenieros en la UNSL.
d11B and trace results obtained for a deep sea coral specimen Madrepora oculata collected from the Norwegian Sea (67°N, 9°E, 340 m) during the RV Polarstern ARK/II/Ia cruise (2007). Such coral specimen grew during the last four decades (1968-2007) and geochemical results highligh a seawater pH decrease with an order of magnitude in good agreement with an ocean acidification rate today known. This pH record is strongly impacted by inter-decadal change of ocean dynamic (NAO) and productivity. pHT calculation parameters (Hönisch et al., 2007): a=5; a=0.9804, d11B=39.5 PER MIL, Li/Mg temperature, salinity=35.1, pKB from Dickson (1990).
The uncertainty propagation in fuel cycle calculations due to Nuclear Data (ND) is a important important issue for : issue for : • Present fuel cycles (e.g. high burnup fuel programme) • New fuel cycles designs (e.g. fast breeder reactors and ADS) Different error propagation techniques can be used: • Sensitivity analysis • Response Response Surface Method Surface Method • Monte Carlo technique Then, p p , , in this paper, it is assessed the imp y pact of ND uncertainties on the decay heat and radiotoxicity in two applications: • Fission Pulse Decay ( y Heat calculation (FPDH) • Conceptual design of European Facility for Industrial Transmutation (EFIT)
Self-consciousness implies not only self or group recognition, but also real knowledge of one’s own identity. Self-consciousness is only possible if an individual is intelligent enough to formulate an abstract self-representation. Moreover, it necessarily entails the capability of referencing and using this elf-representation in connection with other cognitive features, such as inference, and the anticipation of the consequences of both one’s own and other individuals’ acts. In this paper, a cognitive architecture for self-consciousness is proposed. This cognitive architecture includes several modules: abstraction, self-representation, other individuals'representation, decision and action modules. It includes a learning process of self-representation by direct (self-experience based) and observational learning (based on the observation of other individuals). For model implementation a new approach is taken using Modular Artificial Neural Networks (MANN). For model testing, a virtual environment has been implemented. This virtual environment can be described as a holonic system or holarchy, meaning that it is composed of autonomous entities that behave both as a whole and as part of a greater whole. The system is composed of a certain number of holons interacting. These holons are equipped with cognitive features, such as sensory perception, and a simplified model of personality and self-representation. We explain holons’ cognitive architecture that enables dynamic self-representation. We analyse the effect of holon interaction, focusing on the evolution of the holon’s abstract self-representation. Finally, the results are explained and analysed and conclusions drawn.
In a large number of physical, biological and environmental processes interfaces with high irregular geometry appear separating media (phases) in which the heterogeneity of constituents is present. In this work the quantification of the interplay between irregular structures and surrounding heterogeneous distributions in the plane is made For a geometric set image and a mass distribution (measure) image supported in image, being image, the mass image gives account of the interplay between the geometric structure and the surrounding distribution. A computation method is developed for the estimation and corresponding scaling analysis of image, being image a fractal plane set of Minkowski dimension image and image a multifractal measure produced by random multiplicative cascades. The method is applied to natural and mathematical fractal structures in order to study the influence of both, the irregularity of the geometric structure and the heterogeneity of the distribution, in the scaling of image. Applications to the analysis and modeling of interplay of phases in environmental scenarios are given.
In this work, a combination of numerical methods applied to thermohydrodynamic lubrication problems with cavitation is presented. It should be emphasized the difficulty of the nonlinear mathematical coupled model involving a free boundary problem, but also the simplicity of the algorithms employed to solve it. So, finite element discretizations for the hydrodynamic and thermal equations combined with upwind techniques for the convection terms and duality methods for nonlinear features are proposed. Additionally, a model describing the movement of the shaft is provided. Considering the shaft as a rigid body this model will consist of an ODE system relating acceleration of the center of gravity and external and pressure loads. The numerical experiments of mechanical stability try to clarify the position of the neutral stability curve. Finally, a rotating machine for ship propulsion involving both axial and radial bearings operating with nonconventional lubricants (seawater to avoid environmental pollution) is analyzed by using laminar and turbulent inertial flows.
This paper describes the processes used by students to learn from worked-out examples and by working through problems. Evidence is derived from protocols of students learning secondary school mathematics and physics. The students acquired knowledge from the examples in the form of productions (condition-->action): first discovering conditions under which the actions are appropriate and then elaborating the conditions to enhance efficiency. Students devoted most of their attention to the condition side of the productions. Subsequently, they generalized the productions for broader application and acquired specialized productions for special problem classes.
"From the 1859 gold rush through the early 1900s, popular press images linked Denver’s civic development, capitalist values and culture to the Rocky Mountains. These prints of a wilderness city sending pioneers and prospectors into the Rockies appeared in national newspapers, magazines, settlement manifestos, railroad guidebooks and tourist pamphlets. Readers were saturated with illustrations associating Denver with prosperity and rejuvenated health"-