939 resultados para VP-SEM-EDS
In this work, we show a set of growth conditions, for the two step process, with which the growth of CZTSe is successful and reproducible. The properties of the best CTZSe thin films grown by this method were examined by SEM/EDS, XRD, Raman scattering, AFM/EFM, transmittance and reflectance measurements, photoluminescence (PL) measurements and hot point probe. A broad emission band was observed in the photoluminescence spectrum of the CZTSe thin film. The band gap energy was estimated to be around 1.05 eV at room temperature, using the transmittance and reflectance data, and CZTSe samples show p-type conductivity with the hot point probe. The different characterization techniques show that we could grow single phase CZTSe thin films with our optimized process conditions.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Biológica - Processos Químicos
Cu2ZnSnSe4 (CZTSe) is a p-type semiconductor with a high absorption coefficient, 104 to 105 cm-1, and is being seen as a possible replacement for Cu(In,Ga)Se2 in thin film solar cells. Yet, there are some fundamental properties of CZTSe that are not well known, one of them is its band gap. In order to resolve its correct value it is necessary to improve the growth conditions to ensure that single phase crystalline thin films are obtained. One of the problems encountered when growing CZTSe is the loss of Sn through evaporation of SnSe. Stoichiometric films are then difficult to obtain and usually there are other phases present. One possible way to overcome this problem is to increase the pressure of growth of CZTSe. This can be done by introducing an atmosphere of an inert gas like Ar or N2. In this work we report the results of morphological, structural and optical studies of the properties of CZTSe thin films grown by selenization of DC magnetron sputtered metallic layers under different Ar pressures. The films are analysed by SEM/EDS, Raman scattering and XRD.
Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) and Cu2ZnSnSe4 (CZTSe) with their band gap energies around 1.45 eV and 1.0 eV, respectively, can be used as the absorber layer in thin film solar cells. By using a mixture of both compounds, Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 (CZTSSe), a band gap tuning may be possible. The latter material has already shown promising results such as solar cell efficiencies up to 10.1%. In this work, CZTSSe thin films were grown in order to study its structure and to establish the best growth precursors. SEM micrographs reveal an open columnar structure for most samples and EDS composition profiling of the cross sections show different selenium gradients. X-ray diffractograms show different shifts of the kesterite/stannite (1 1 2) peak, which indicate the presence of CZTSSe. From Raman scattering analysis, it was concluded that all samples had traces of CZTS and CZTSSe. The composition of the CZTSSe layer was estimated using X-ray diffraction and Raman scattering and both results were compared. It was concluded that Se diffused more easily in precursors with ternary Cu–Sn–S phases and metallic Zn than in precursors with ZnS and/or CZTS already formed. It was also showed that a combination of X-ray diffraction and Raman scattering can be used to estimate the ratio of S per Se in CZTSSe samples.
O presente e-book tem por objetivo registar as contribuições de um conjunto de docentes e investigadores oriundos de várias universidades e politécnicos, aquando da realização do 1º Encontro do Grupo de Trabalho de Comunicação Organizacional e Institucional da SOPCOM, realizado na Universidade do Minho em Julho de 2013. O tema central do debate versou sobre a questão da “divergência ou convergência entre os conceitos da Comunicação Organizacional e das Relações Públicas”, que causa sempre acesa polémica e opiniões diversas. Ambos os conceitos têm falhado em chegar a uma definição consensual em termos dos seus propósitos fundamentais, do seu domínio e do seu âmbito, quer em termos práticos como teóricos. Neste texto procuram-se respostas e fazem-se reflexões na tentativa de aproximar as visões da academia.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar os serviços do Sistema Único de Saúde brasileiro de assistência ambulatorial a adultos vivendo com aids em 2007 e comparar com a avaliação de 2001. MÉTODOS: Os 636 serviços cadastrados no Ministério da Saúde em 2007 foram convidados a responder a um questionário previamente validado (Questionário Qualiaids) com 107 questões de múltipla escolha sobre a organização da assistência prestada. Analisaram-se as frequências das respostas de 2007 comparando-as com as obtidas em 2001 na forma de variação percentual (VP). RESULTADOS: Responderam o questionário 504 (79,2%) serviços. Cerca de 100,0% dos respondentes relataram ter pelo menos um médico, suprimento sem falhas de antirretrovirais e de exames CD4 e carga viral. Vários aspectos mostraram melhor desempenho em 2007 comparados a 2001: registro de número de faltas à consulta médica (de 18,3 para 27,0%, VP: 47,5%), agendamento de consulta em menos de 15 dias no início da terapia antirretroviral (de 55,3 para 66,2%, VP: 19,7%) e participação organizada do usuário (de 5,9 para 16,7%, VP: 183,1%). Houve manutenção de dificuldades: pequena variação na disponibilidade de exames especializados em até 15 dias, como endoscopia (31,9 para 34,5%, VP: 8,1%), e a piora de indicadores como tempo ideal de acesso a consultas especializadas (55,9 para 34,5% em cardiologia, VP negativa de 38,3%). O tempo médio despendido nas consultas médicas de seguimento manteve-se baixo: 15 minutos ou menos (52,5 para 49,5%, VP negativa de 5,8%). CONCLUSÕES: A avaliação de 2007 mostrou que os serviços contam com os recursos essenciais para a assistência ambulatorial. Houve melhoras em muitos aspectos em relação a 2001, mas persistem desafios. Pouco tempo dedicado à consulta médica pode estar vinculado ao número insuficiente de médicos e/ou à baixa capacidade de escuta e diálogo. A acessibilidade prejudicada a consultas especializadas mostra a dificuldade das infraestruturas locais do Sistema Único de Saúde.
This paper presents part of a study that aimed to understand how the emergence of algebraic thinking takes place in a group of four-year-old children, as well as its relationship to the exploration of children‘s literature. To further deepen and guide this study the following research questions were formulated: (1) How can children's literature help preschoolers identify patterns?; (2) What strategies and thinking processes do children use to create, analyze and generalize repeating and growing patterns?; (3) What strategies do children use to identify the unit of repeat of a pattern? and (4) What factors influence the identification of patterns? The paper focuses only on the strategies and thinking processes that children use to create, analyze and generalize repeating patterns. The present study was developed with a group of 14 preschoolers in a private school in Lisbon, and it was carried out with all children. In order to develop the research, a qualitative research methodology under the interpretive paradigm was chosen, emphasizing meanings and processes. The researcher took the dual role of teacher-researcher, conducting the study with her own group and in her own natural environment. Participant observation and document analysis (audio and video recordings, photos and children productions) were used as data collection methods. Data collection took place from October 2013 to April 2014. The results of the study indicate that children master the concept of repeating patterns, and they are able to identify the unit of repeat, create and analyze various repeating patterns, evolving from simpler to more complex forms.
Introdução – O melanoma maligno cutâneo (MMC) é considerado uma das mais letais neoplasias e no seu seguimento recorre-se, para além dos exames clínicos e da análise de marcadores tumorais, a diversos métodos imagiológicos, como é o exame Tomografia por Emissão de Positrões/Tomografia Computorizada (PET/CT, do acrónimo inglês Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography) com 18fluor-fluorodeoxiglucose (18F-FDG). O presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a utilidade da PET/CT relativamente à análise da extensão e à suspeita de recidiva do MMC, comparando os achados imagiológicos com os descritos em estudos CT. Metodologia – Estudo retrospetivo de 62 estudos PET/CT realizados em 50 pacientes diagnosticados com MMC. Excluiu-se um estudo cujo resultado era duvidoso (nódulo pulmonar). As informações relativas aos resultados dos estudos anatomopatológicos e dos exames imagiológicos foram obtidas através da história clínica e dos relatórios médicos dos estudos CT e PET/CT. Foi criada uma base de dados com os dados recolhidos através do software Excel e foi efetuada uma análise estatística descritiva. Resultados – Dos estudos PET/CT analisados, 31 foram considerados verdadeiros positivos (VP), 28 verdadeiros negativos (VN), um falso positivo (FP) e um falso negativo (FN). A sensibilidade, especificidade, o valor preditivo positivo (VPP), o valor preditivo negativo (VPN) e a exatidão da PET/CT para o estadiamento e avaliação de suspeita de recidiva no MMC são, respetivamente, 96,9%, 96,6%, 96,9%, 96,6% e 96,7%. Dos resultados da CT considerados na análise estatística, 14 corresponderam a VP, 12 a VN, três a FP e cinco a FN. A sensibilidade, especificidade, o VPP e o VPN e a exatidão da CT para o estadiamento e avaliação de suspeita de recidiva no MMC são, respetivamente, 73,7%, 80,0%, 82,4%, 70,6% e 76,5%. Comparativamente aos resultados CT, a PET/CT permitiu uma mudança na atitude terapêutica em 23% dos estudos. Conclusão – A PET/CT é um exame útil na avaliação do MMC, caracterizando-se por uma maior acuidade diagnóstica no estadiamento e na avaliação de suspeita de recidiva do MMC comparativamente à CT isoladamente.
In the last decades TiAlN coatings deposited by PVD techniques have been extensively investigated but, nowadays, their potential development for tribological applications is relatively low. However, new coatings are emerging based on them, trying to improve wear behavior. TiAlSiN thin coatings are now investigated, analyzing if Si introduction increases the wear resistance of PVD films. Attending to the application, several wear test configurations has been recently used by some researchers. In this work, TiAlSiN thin coatings were produced by PVD Unbalanced Magnetron Sputtering technique and they were conveniently characterized using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) provided with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Electron Probe Micro-Analyzer (EPMA), Micro Hardness (MH) and Scratch Test Analysis. Properties as morphology, thickness, roughness, chemical composition and structure, hardness and film adhesion to the substrate were investigated. Concerning to wear characterization, two very different ways were chosen: micro-abrasion with ball-on-flat configuration and industrial non-standardized tests based on samples inserted in a feed channel of a selected plastic injection mould working with 30% (wt.) glass fiber reinforced polypropylene. TiAlSiN coatings with a small amount of about 5% (wt.) Si showed a similar wear behavior when compared with TiAlN reported performances, denoting that Si addition does not improve the wear performance of the TiAlN coatings in these wear test conditions.
Titanium Diboride (TiB2) presents high mechanical and physical properties. Some wear studies were also carried out in order to evaluate its tribological properties. One of the most popular wear tests for thin films is the ball-cratering configuration. This work was focused on the study of the tribological properties of TiB2 thin films using micro-abrasion tests and following the BS EN 1071-6: 2007 standard. Due to high hardness usually patented by these films, diamond was selected as abrasive on micro-abrasion tests. Micro-abrasion wear tests were performed under five different durations, using the same normal load, speed rotation and ball. Films were deposited by unbalanced magnetron sputtering Physical Vapour Deposition (PVD) technique using TiB2 targets. TiB2 films were characterized using different methods as Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Electron Probe Micro-Analyser (EPMA), Ultra Micro Hardness and Scratch-test Analysis, allowing to confirm that TiB2 presents adequate mechanical and physical properties. Ratio between hardness (coating and abrasive particles), wear resistance and wear coefficient were studied, showing that TiB2 films shows excellent properties for tribological applications.
The main aims of the present study are simultaneously to relate the brazing parameters with: (i) the correspondent interfacial microstructure, (ii) the resultant mechanical properties and (iii) the electrochemical degradation behaviour of AISI 316 stainless steel/alumina brazed joints. Filler metals on such as Ag–26.5Cu–3Ti and Ag–34.5Cu–1.5Ti were used to produce the joints. Three different brazing temperatures (850, 900 and 950 °C), keeping a constant holding time of 20 min, were tested. The objective was to understand the influence of the brazing temperature on the final microstructure and properties of the joints. The mechanical properties of the metal/ceramic (M/C) joints were assessed from bond strength tests carried out using a shear solicitation loading scheme. The fracture surfaces were studied both morphologically and structurally using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD). The degradation behaviour of the M/C joints was assessed by means of electrochemical techniques. It was found that using a Ag–26.5Cu–3Ti brazing alloy and a brazing temperature of 850 °C, produces the best results in terms of bond strength, 234 ± 18 MPa. The mechanical properties obtained could be explained on the basis of the different compounds identified on the fracture surfaces by XRD. On the other hand, the use of the Ag–34.5Cu–1.5Ti brazing alloy and a brazing temperature of 850 °C produces the best results in terms of corrosion rates (lower corrosion current density), 0.76 ± 0.21 μA cm−2. Nevertheless, the joints produced at 850 °C using a Ag–26.5Cu–3Ti brazing alloy present the best compromise between mechanical properties and degradation behaviour, 234 ± 18 MPa and 1.26 ± 0.58 μA cm−2, respectively. The role of Ti diffusion is fundamental in terms of the final value achieved for the M/C bond strength. On the contrary, the Ag and Cu distribution along the brazed interface seem to play the most relevant role in the metal/ceramic joints electrochemical performance.
Si3N4 tools were coated with a thin diamond film using a Hot-Filament Chemical Vapour Deposition (HFCVD) reactor, in order to machining a grey cast iron. Wear behaviour of these tools in high speed machining was the main subject of this work. Turning tests were performed with a combination of cutting speeds of 500, 700 and 900 m min−1, and feed rates of 0.1, 0.25 and 0.4 mm rot−1, remaining constant the depth of cut of 1 mm. In order to evaluate the tool behaviour during the turning tests, cutting forces were analyzed being verified a significant increase with feed rate. Diamond film removal occurred for the most severe set of cutting parameters. It was also observed the adhesion of iron and manganese from the workpiece to the tool. Tests were performed on a CNC lathe provided with a 3-axis dynamometer. Results were collected and registered by homemade software. Tool wear analysis was achieved by a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) provided with an X-ray Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) system. Surface analysis was performed by a profilometer.
This text is based on a research, which is still in progress, whose main objective is to identify and understand what are the main difficulties of future mathematics teachers of basic education are, regarding their content knowledge in geometry in the context of the curricular unit of Geometry during their undergraduate degree. We chose a qualitative approach in the form of case study, in which data collection was done through observation, interviews, a diverse set of tasks, a diagnostic test and other documents. This paper focuses on the test given to prospective teachers at the beginning of the course. The preliminary analysis of the data points to a weak performance of preservice teachers in the test issues addressing elementary knowledge of Geometry
In the injection moulding of polypropylene reinforced with hard glass fibres, die materials are commonly subjected to severe abrasive wear. In order to improve its wear resistance, an unbalanced magnetron sputtering PVD compositional monolayered coating has been produced. The film was composed by a nanostructured TiB2 monolayer. Microstructure characterization and thickness evaluation were conducted by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Film topography and roughness were accessed by SEM and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). The phase analyse was investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), using Cu Kalpha radiation. Scratch tests were conducted in order to study the film adhesion to the substrate. Load-Displacement curves (nanoindentation analysis) allowed measuring the film hardness and Young's modulus. A ball-cratering tribometer was used to determine the micro-abrasion laboratorial wear resistance, under different tests conditions, using SiC particles in distilled water slurry. At the end of these tests, the worn surfaces were analyzed by SEM and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) in order to compare these results with some other coatings already tested in the same conditions. To test the practical wear resistance, 135000 injection cycles were done in a plastic injection industrial mould. Coated samples were put on the plastic feed canal, after a turbulent zone. In these tests, a 30% (wt) glass fibres reinforced polypropylene was used. Worn sample surfaces were analyzed by SEM after 45.000 and 90.000 cycles. Image analyses were made in order to evaluate the damage increases and to observe the wear mechanisms involved.
Micro-abrasion wear tests with ball-cratering configuration are widely used. Sources of variability are already studied by different authors and conditions for testing are parameterized by BS EN 1071-6: 2007 standard which refers silicon carbide as abrasive. However, the use of other abrasives is possible and allowed. In this work, ball-cratering wear tests were performed using four different abrasive particles of three dissimilar materials: diamond, alumina and silicon carbide. Tests were carried out under the same conditions on a steel plate provided with TiB2 hard coating. For each abrasive, five different test durations were used allowing understanding the initial wear phenomena. Composition and shape of abrasive particles were investigated by SEM and EDS. Scar areas were observed by optical and electronic microscopy in order to understand the wear effects caused by each of them. Scar geometry and grooves were analyzed and compared. Wear coefficient was calculated for each situation. It was observed that diamond particles produce well-defined and circular wear scars. Different silicon carbide particles presented dissimilar results as consequence of distinct particle shape and size distribution.