891 resultados para VERTEBRATE TONGUES


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Shrimp cell lines are yet to be reported and this restricts the prospects of investigating the associated viral pathogens, especially white spot syndrome virus (WSSV). In this context, development of primary cell cultures from lymphoid organs was standardized. Poly-l-lysine-coated culture vessels enhanced growth of lymphoid cells, while the application of vertebrate growth factors did not, except insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). Susceptibility of the lymphoid cells to WSSV was confirmed by immunofluoresence assay using monoclonal antibody against the 28 kDa envelope protein of WSSV. Expression of viral and immunerelated genes in WSSV-infected lymphoid cultures could be demonstrated by RT-PCR. This emphasizes the utility of lymphoid primary cell culture as a platform for research in virus–cell interaction, virus morphogenesis, up and downregulation of shrimp immune-related genes, and also for the discovery of novel drugs to combat WSSV in shrimp culture


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Der Janus Kinase / signal transducer and activator of transcription (JAK/STAT) Signal- transduktionsweg wird für viele Entwicklungsvorgänge benötigt und spielt eine zentrale Rolle bei der Hämatopoese und bei der Immunantwort. Obwohl der JAK/STAT-Signalweg in den vergangenen Jahren Gegenstand intensiver Forschung war, erschwert die Redundanz des Signalwegs bei Wirbeltieren genetische Untersuchungen zur Identifizierung derjenigen Mechanismen, die den JAK/STAT-Signalweg regulieren. Der JAK/STAT-Signaltransduktionsweg ist evolutionär konserviert und ebenfalls bei der Taufliege Drosophila melanogaster vorhanden. Im Gegensatz zu Wirbeltieren ist der Signaltransduktionsweg von Drosophila weniger redundant und beinhaltet folgende Hauptkomponenten: den Liganden Unpaired (Upd), den Transmembranrezeptor Domeless (Dome), die einzige JAK-Tyrosinkinase Hopscotch (hop), sowie den Transkriptionsfaktor STAT92E. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Rolle des JAK/STAT-Signalwegs bei der zellulären Proliferation mithilfe der Modellsysteme der Flügel- und der Augen-Imaginalscheiben von Drosophila charakterisiert. "Loss-of-function"- und "Gain-of-function"-Experimente zur Verminderung beziehungs-weise Erhöhung der Signalaktivität zeigten, dass der JAK/STAT-Signalweg eine Rolle bei der zellulären Proliferation der Flügel-Imaginalscheiben spielte, ohne die Zellgröße oder Apoptose zu verändern. Bei der Flügelentwicklung während des zweiten und des frühen dritten Larvalstadiums war die Aktivität des JAK/STAT-Signalwegs sowohl notwendig für die zelluläre Proliferation als auch hinreichend, um Überproliferation anzutreiben. Allerdings änderte sich während der späten dritten Larvalstadien die JAK/STAT-Signalaktivität, sodass endogene STAT92E-Mengen einen anti-proliferativen Effekt im gleichen Gewebe aufwiesen. Weiterhin reichte die ektopische Aktivierung des JAK/STAT-Signalwegs zu diesem späten Entwicklungszeitpunkt aus, um die Mitose zu inhibieren und die Zellen in der Phase G2 des Zellzyklus zu arretieren. Diese Ergebnisse legen den Schluss nahe, dass der JAK/STAT-Signalweg sowohl pro-proliferativ in frühen Flügelscheiben als auch anti-proliferativ zu späten Stadien der Flügelscheiben-Entwicklung wirken kann. Dieser späte anti-proliferative Effekt wurde durch einen nicht-kanonischen Mechanismus der STAT92E-Aktivierung vermittelt, da späte hop defiziente Zellverbände im Vergleich zu Wildtyp-Zellen keine Veränderungen im Ausmaß der zellulären Proliferation aufwiesen. Ferner konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine während der Larvalstadien exprimierte dominant-negative und im N-Terminus deletierte Form von STAT92E (?NSTAT92E) nicht für den anti-proliferativen Effekt verantwortlich ist. Diese Tatsache ist ein weiteres Indiz dafür, dass das vollständige STAT92E den späten anti-proliferativen Effekt verursacht. Um Modulatoren für die von JAK/STAT vermittelte zelluläre Proliferation zu identifieren, wurde ein P-Element-basierter genetischer Interaktions-Screen in einem sensibilisierten genetischen Hintergrund durchgeführt. Insgesamt wurden dazu 2267 unabhängige P-Element-Insertionen auf ihre Wechselwirkung mit der JAK/STAT-Signalaktivität untersucht und 24 interagierende Loci identifiziert. Diese Kandidaten können in folgende Gruppen eingeordnet werden: Zellzyklusproteine, Transkriptionsfaktoren, DNA und RNA bindende Proteine, ein Mikro-RNA-Gen, Komponenten anderer Signaltransduktionswege und Zelladhäsionsproteine. In den meisten Fällen wurden mehrere Allele der interagierenden Kandidatengene getestet. 18 Kandidatengene mit übereinstimmend interagierenden Allelen wurden dann zur weiteren Analyse ausgewählt. Von diesen 18 Kandidaten-Loci wurden 7 mögliche JAK/STAT-Signalwegskomponenten und 6 neue Zielgene des Signalwegs gefunden. Zusammenfassend wurde das Verständnis um STAT92E verbessert. Dieses Protein hat die gleiche Funktion wie das STAT3-Protein der Wirbeltiere und treibt die zelluläre Proliferation voran. Analog zu STAT1 hat STAT92E aber auch einen anti-proliferativen Effekt. Ferner wurden 24 mögliche Modulatoren der JAK/STAT-Signalaktivität identifiziert. Die Charakterisierung dieser Wechselwirkungen eröffnet vielversprechende Wege zu dem Verständnis, wie JAK/STAT die zelluläre Proliferation reguliert und könnte bei der Entwicklung von neuartigen therapeutischen Targets zur Behandlung von Krebskrankheiten und Entwicklungsstörungen beitragen.


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MicroRNAs (miRNAs), an abundant class of ~22 nucleotide non-coding RNAs, are thought to play an important regulatory role in animal and plant development at the posttranscriptional level. Many miRNAs cloned from mouse bone marrow cells are differentially regulated in various hematopoietic lineages, suggesting that they might influence hematopoietic lineage differentiation. Some human miRNAs are linked to leukemias: the miR-15a/miR-16 locus is frequently deleted or down-regulated in patients with B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia and miR-142 is at a translocation site found in a case of aggressive B-cell leukemia. miR-181, a miRNA upregulated only in the B cell lineage of mouse bone marrow cells, promotes B cell differentiation and inhibits production of CD8⁺ T cells when expressed in hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells. In contrast miR-142s inhibits production of both CD4⁺ and CD8⁺ T cells and does not affect B cells. Collectively, these results indicate that microRNAs are components of the molecular circuitry controlling mouse hematopoiesis and suggest that other microRNAs have similar regulatory roles during other facets of vertebrate development.


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El Programa PALE (programa de apoyo al aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras), cofinanciado por el Ministerio de Educaci??n y Ciencia y las Comunidades Aut??nomas, pretende dar respuesta, desde el Sistema Educativo, a las necesidades derivadas de la mejora de la ense??anza y el aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras en una sociedad como la actual, donde las lenguas se consideran conocimientos b??sicos que precisa la ciudadan??a europea para su formaci??n, para mejorar sus posibilidades de empleo, para la promoci??n del intercambio cultural y para la realizaci??n personal. Esta publicaci??n es el fruto del grupo de trabajo constituido en la tercera fase del curso PALE 2007 para Secundaria del C.P.R. de Oviedo, tras la formaci??n recibida en Asturias y en el extranjero. Se presentan una serie actividades para llevar a cabo en el aula a partir de los contenidos en Secundaria en las ??reas de: Arte, Biolog??a, Ciudadan??a, Ciencias Sociales, Matem??ticas, M??sica, Educaci??n F??sica, F??sica y Qu??mica, y Tecnolog??a. Las unidades trabajadas son respectivamente: Observation; Vertebrate animals; Human rights; 3-d shapes; Sound and its properties; Outdoor activities; Work and energy; Electricity; Technical materials. El libro est?? acompa??ado por 1 CD-ROM que muestra los contenidos en versi??n PDF y PowerPoint.


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Dentro del estudio de la expresión de diferentes genes, el teleósteo Danio rerio (Pez cebra) ha sido modelo de estudio del desarrollo de los vertebrados. Esta especie es ventajosa para este fin por diferentes razones, entre- ellas están la producción de grandes camadas durante todo el año, son fácilmente mantenidos, sus embriones son transparentes y se desarrollan fuera de la madre, tienen un desarrollo rápido, ya que en las 24 horas post -fecundación ya están formados la mayor parte de tejidos y primordios de los órganos, se pueden generar mutantes que se pueden propagar y estudiar muy fácilmente. Este trabajo pretende mostrar la relación entre la expresión temprana del Factor de Crecimiento Fibroblástico tipo 8 (FGF8) y el desarrollo del Sistema Nervioso Central de esta especie.


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“Aprender inglês como segunda língua – A importância do Domínio de outras línguas num mundo globalizado” é um trabalho de investigação que visa abordar a importância da aprendizagem da língua inglesa na perspetiva dos alunos no final do 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e tendo em conta o mundo globalizado em que vivemos. A metodologia a aplicar é do tipo descritivo. Os sujeitos são 101 alunos do 9º ano de escolaridade do Ensino Básico, pertencentes ao Colégio Vasco da Gama, perfazendo cinco turmas. Para ter acesso às opiniões dos alunos, recorremos à elaboração de questionários estruturados de acordo com os objetivos da investigação. Os questionários foram aplicados em aula com a devida autorização da Direção do Colégio. Procuramos apurar se, de acordo com a legislação europeia que valoriza a aprendizagem de várias línguas como forma de aproximar os vários países da comunidade, nomeadamente de uma língua franca que possa ser o meio de comunicação preferencial no mundo político, económico, social e cultural, os alunos valorizam a aquisição da língua estrangeira e em caso afirmativo, quais as funções e com que objetivos pretendem os alunos atingir a fluência na língua inglesa. No que diz respeito aos resultados obtidos, podemos afirmar que os alunos valorizam o domínio de outras línguas num mundo globalizado, em especial o domínio da língua inglesa visto ser considerada a língua franca internacional que permite a comunicação entre povos de diferentes línguas maternas. Também o enriquecimento cultural e o desenvolvimento da criatividade são fatores apontados pelos alunos como importantes consequências da aquisição de outras línguas.


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There is an imminent need for conservation and best-practice management efforts in marine ecosystems where global-scale declines in the biodiversity and biomass of large vertebrate predators are increasing and marine communities are being altered. We examine two marine-based industries that incidentally take migratory birds in Canada: (1) commercial fisheries, through bycatch, and (2) offshore oil and gas exploration, development, and production. We summarize information from the scientific literature and technical reports and also present new information from recently analyzed data to assess the magnitude and scope of mortality. Fisheries bycatch was responsible for the highest levels of incidental take of migratory bird species; estimated combined take in the longline, gillnet, and bottom otter trawl fisheries within the Atlantic, including the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and Pacific regions was 2679 to 45,586 birds per year. For the offshore oil and gas sector, mortality estimates ranged from 188 to 4494 deaths per year due to the discharge of produced waters resulting in oil sheens and collisions with platforms and vessels; however these estimates for the oil and gas sector are based on many untested assumptions. In spite of the uncertainties, we feel levels of mortality from these two industries are unlikely to affect the marine bird community in Canada, but some effects on local populations from bycatch are likely. Further research and monitoring will be required to: (1) better estimate fisheries-related mortality for vulnerable species and populations that may be impacted by local fisheries, (2) determine the effects of oil sheens from produced waters, and attraction to platforms and associated mortality from collisions, sheens, and flaring, so that better estimates of mortality from the offshore oil and gas sector can be obtained, and (3) determine impacts associated with accidental spills, which are not included in our current assessment. With a better understanding of the direct mortality of marine birds from industry, appropriate mitigation and management actions can be implemented. Cooperation from industry for data collection, research to fill knowledge gaps, and implementation of mitigation approaches will all be needed to conserve marine birds in Canada.


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The 70kDa ribosomal protein S6 kinase 1 (S6K1) plays important roles in the regulation of protein synthesis, cell growth and metabolism. S6K1 is activated by the phosphorylation of multiple serine and threonine residues in response to stimulation by a variety of growth factors and cytokines. In addition to phosphorylation, we have recently shown that S6K1 is also targeted by lysine acetylation. Here, using tandem mass spectrometry we have mapped acetylation of S6K1 to lysine 516, a site close to the C-terminus of the kinase that is highly conserved amongst vertebrate S6K1 orthologues. Using acetyl-specific K516 antibodies, we show that acetylation of endogenous S6K1 at this site is potently induced upon growth factor stimulation. Although S6K1 acetylation and phosphorylation are both induced by growth factor stimulation, these events appear to be functionally independent. Indeed, experiments using inhibitors of S6K1 activation and exposure of cells to various stresses indicate that S6K1 acetylation can occur in the absence of phosphorylation and vice versa. We propose that K516 acetylation may serve to modulate important kinase-independent functions of S6K1 in response to growth factor signalling.


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Many populations have recovered from severe bottlenecks either naturally or through intensive conservation management. In the past, however, few conservation programs have monitored the genetic health of recovering populations. We conducted a conservation genetic assessment of a small, reintroduced population of Mauritius Kestrel (Falco punctatus) to determine whether genetic deterioration has occurred since its reintroduction. We used pedigree analysis that partially accounted for individuals of unknown origin to document that (1) inbreeding occurred frequently (2.6% increase per generation; N-el = 18.9), (2) 25% of breeding pairs were composed of either closely or moderately related individuals, (3) genetic diversity has been lost from the population (1,6% loss per generation; N-ev = 32.1) less rapidly than the corresponding increase in inbreeding, and (4) ignoring the contribution of unknown individuals to a pedigree will bias the metrics derived from that pedigree, ultimately obscuring the prevailing genetic dynamics. The rates of inbreeding and loss of genetic variation in the subpopulation of Mauritius Kestrel we examined were extreme and among the highest yet documented in a wild vertebrate population. Thus, genetic deterioration may affect this population's long-term viability. Remedial conservation strategies are needed to reduce the impact of inbreeding and loss of genetic variation in this species, We suggest that schemes to monitor genetic variation after reintroduction should be an integral component of endangered species recovery programs


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In this study, we demonstrate the suitability of the vertebrate Danio rerio (zebrafish) for functional screening of novel platelet genes in vivo by reverse genetics. Comparative transcript analysis of platelets and their precursor cell, the megakaryocyte, together with nucleated blood cell elements, endothelial cells, and erythroblasts, identified novel platelet membrane proteins with hitherto unknown roles in thrombus formation. We determined the phenotype induced by antisense morpholino oligonucleotide (MO)–based knockdown of 5 of these genes in a laser-induced arterial thrombosis model. To validate the model, the genes for platelet glycoprotein (GP) IIb and the coagulation protein factor VIII were targeted. MO-injected fish showed normal thrombus initiation but severely impaired thrombus growth, consistent with the mouse knockout phenotypes, and concomitant knockdown of both resulted in spontaneous bleeding. Knockdown of 4 of the 5 novel platelet proteins altered arterial thrombosis, as demonstrated by modified kinetics of thrombus initiation and/or development. We identified a putative role for BAMBI and LRRC32 in promotion and DCBLD2 and ESAM in inhibition of thrombus formation. We conclude that phenotypic analysis of MO-injected zebrafish is a fast and powerful method for initial screening of novel platelet proteins for function in thrombosis.


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The Wnt family of secreted signalling molecules controls a wide range of developmental processes in all metazoans. In this investigation we concentrate on the role that members of this family play during the development of (1) the somites and (2) the neural crest. (3) We also isolate a novel component of the Wnt signalling pathway called Naked cuticle and investigate the role that this protein may play in both of the previously mentioned developmental processes. (1) In higher vertebrates the paraxial mesoderm undergoes a mesenchymal-to-epithelial transformation to form segmentally organised structures called somites. Experiments have shown that signals originating from the ectoderm overlying the somites or from midline structures are required for the formation of the somites, but their identity has yet to be determined. Wnt6 is a good candidate as a somite epithelialisation factor from the ectoderm since it is expressed in this tissue. In this study we show that injection of Wnt6-producing cells beneath the ectoderm at the level of the segmental plate or lateral to the segmental plate leads to the formation of numerous small epithelial somites. We show that Wnts are indeed responsible for the epithelialisation of somites by applying Wnt antagonists which result in the segmental plate being unable to form somites. These results show that Wnt6, the only member of this family to be localised to the chick paraxial ectoderm, is able to regulate the development of epithelial somites and that cellular organisation is pivotal in the execution of the differentiation programmes. (2) The neural crest is a population of multipotent progenitor cells that arise from the neural ectoderm in all vertebrate embryos and form a multitude of derivatives including the peripheral sensory neurons, the enteric nervous system, Schwann cells, pigment cells and parts of the craniofacial skeleton. The induction of the neural crest relies on an ectodermally derived signal, but the identity of the molecule performing this role in amniotes is not known. Here we show that Wnt6, a protein expressed in the ectoderm, induces neural crest production. (3) The intracellular response to Wnt signalling depends on the choice of signalling cascade activated in the responding cell. Cells can activate either the canonical pathway that modulates gene expression to control cellular differentiation and proliferation, or the non-canonical pathway that controls cell polarity and movement (Pandur et al. 2002b). Recent work has identified the protein Naked cuticle as an intracellular switch promoting the non-canonical pathway at the expense of the canonical pathway. We have cloned chick Naked cuticle-1 (cNkd1) and demonstrate that it is expressed in a dynamic manner during early embryogenesis. We show that it is expressed in the somites and in particular regions where cells are undergoing movement. Lastly our study shows that the expression of cNkd1 is regulated by Wnt expression originating from the neural tube. This study provides evidence that non-canonical Wnt signalling plays a part in somite development.


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The Fox genes are united by encoding a fork head domain, a deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)-binding domain of the winged-helix type that marks these genes as encoding transcription factors. Vertebrate Fox genes are classified into 23 subclasses named from FoxA to FoxS. We have surveyed the genome of the amphioxus Branchiostoma floridae, identifying 32 distinct Fox genes representing 21 of these 23 subclasses. The missing subclasses, FoxR and FoxS, are specific to vertebrates, and in addition, B. floridae has one further group, FoxAB, that is not found in vertebrates. Hence, we conclude B. floridae has maintained a high level of Fox gene diversity. Expressed sequence tag and complementary DNA sequence data support the expression of 23 genes. Several linkages between B. floridae Fox genes were noted, including some that have evolved relatively recently via tandem duplication in the amphioxus lineage and others that are more ancient.


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The neural crest is a multipotent embryonic cell population that arises from neural ectoderm and forms derivatives essential for vertebrate function. Neural crest induction requires an ectodermal signal, thought to be a Writ ligand, but the identity of the Wnt that performs this function in amniotes is unknown. Here, we demonstrate that Wnt6, derived from the ectoderm, is necessary for chick neural crest induction. Crucially, we also show that Wnt6 acts through the non-canonical pathway and not the beta-catenin-dependant pathway. Surprisingly, we found that canonical Wnt signaling inhibited neural crest production in the chick embryo. In light of studies in anamniotes demonstrating that canonical Wnt signaling induces neural crest, these results indicate a significant and novel change in the mechanism of neural crest induction during vertebrate evolution. These data also highlight a key role for noncanonical Wnt signaling in cell type specification from a stem population during development.


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The ascidian Ciona intestinalis, a marine invertebrate chordate, is an emerging model system for developmental and evolutionary studies. The endostyle, one of the characteristic organs of ascidians, is a pharyngeal structure with iodine-concentrating and peroxidase activities and is therefore considered to be homologous to the follicular thyroid of higher vertebrates. We have previously reported that a limited part of the endostyle (zone VII) is marked by the expression of orthologs of the thyroid peroxidase (TPO) and thyroid transcription factor-2 (TTF-2/FoxE) genes. In this study, we have identified the Ciona homolog of NADPH oxidase/peroxidase (Duox), which provides hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) for iodine metabolism by TPO in the vertebrate thyroid. Expression patterns assessed by in situ hybridization have revealed that Ciona Duox (Ci-Duox) is predominantly expressed in the dorsal part of zone VII of the endostyle. Furthermore, two-color fluorescent in situ hybridization with Ci-Duox and Ciona TPO (CiTPO) has revealed that the ventral boundary of the Ci-Duox domain of expression is more dorsal than that of CiTPO. We have also characterized several genes, such as Ci-Fgf8/17/18, 5HT7, and Ci-NK4, which are predominantly expressed in the ventral part of zone VII, in a region complementary to the Ci-Duox expression domain. These observations suggest that, at the molecular level, zone VII has a complex organization that might have some impact on the specification of cell types and functions in this thyroid-equivalent element of the ascidian endostyle.


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The vertebrate cranial sensory placodes are ectodermal embryonic patches that give rise to sensory receptor cells of the peripheral paired sense organs and to neurons in the cranial sensory ganglia. Their differentiation and the genetic pathways that underlay their development are now well understood. Their evolutionary history, however, has remained obscure. Recent molecular work, performed on close relatives of the vertebrates, demonstrated that some sensory placodes (namely the adenohypophysis, the olfactory, and accoustico-lateralis placodes) first evolved at the base of the chordate lineage, while others might be specific to vertebrates. Combined with morphological and cellular fate data, these results also suggest that the sensory placodes of the ancestor of all chordates differentiated into a wide range of structures, most likely to fit the lifestyle and environment of each species.