980 resultados para United Way
As the impacts and potential of climate change are realized at the governance level, states are moving towards adaptation strategies that include greater regulatory restrictions on development within coastal zones. The purpose of this paper is to outline the impacts of existing and planned regulatory mechanisms on the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which prevents the government taking of private property for public use without just compensation. A short history of regulatory takings is explained, and the potential legal issues surrounding mitigation and adaptation measures for coastal communities are discussed. The goal is to gain an understanding of the legal issues that must be resolved by governments to effectively deal with regulatory takings claims as coastal mitigation and adaptation plans are implemented. (PDF contains 3 pages)
Documento de trabajo
The initial objective of Part I was to determine the nature of upper mantle discontinuities, the average velocities through the mantle, and differences between mantle structure under continents and oceans by the use of P'dP', the seismic core phase P'P' (PKPPKP) that reflects at depth d in the mantle. In order to accomplish this, it was found necessary to also investigate core phases themselves and their inferences on core structure. P'dP' at both single stations and at the LASA array in Montana indicates that the following zones are candidates for discontinuities with varying degrees of confidence: 800-950 km, weak; 630-670 km, strongest; 500-600 km, strong but interpretation in doubt; 350-415 km, fair; 280-300 km, strong, varying in depth; 100-200 km, strong, varying in depth, may be the bottom of the low-velocity zone. It is estimated that a single station cannot easily discriminate between asymmetric P'P' and P'dP' for lead times of about 30 sec from the main P'P' phase, but the LASA array reduces this uncertainty range to less than 10 sec. The problems of scatter of P'P' main-phase times, mainly due to asymmetric P'P', incorrect identification of the branch, and lack of the proper velocity structure at the velocity point, are avoided and the analysis shows that one-way travel of P waves through oceanic mantle is delayed by 0.65 to 0.95 sec relative to United States mid-continental mantle.
A new P-wave velocity core model is constructed from observed times, dt/dΔ's, and relative amplitudes of P'; the observed times of SKS, SKKS, and PKiKP; and a new mantle-velocity determination by Jordan and Anderson. The new core model is smooth except for a discontinuity at the inner-core boundary determined to be at a radius of 1215 km. Short-period amplitude data do not require the inner core Q to be significantly lower than that of the outer core. Several lines of evidence show that most, if not all, of the arrivals preceding the DF branch of P' at distances shorter than 143° are due to scattering as proposed by Haddon and not due to spherically symmetric discontinuities just above the inner core as previously believed. Calculation of the travel-time distribution of scattered phases and comparison with published data show that the strongest scattering takes place at or near the core-mantle boundary close to the seismic station.
In Part II, the largest events in the San Fernando earthquake series, initiated by the main shock at 14 00 41.8 GMT on February 9, 1971, were chosen for analysis from the first three months of activity, 87 events in all. The initial rupture location coincides with the lower, northernmost edge of the main north-dipping thrust fault and the aftershock distribution. The best focal mechanism fit to the main shock P-wave first motions constrains the fault plane parameters to: strike, N 67° (± 6°) W; dip, 52° (± 3°) NE; rake, 72° (67°-95°) left lateral. Focal mechanisms of the aftershocks clearly outline a downstep of the western edge of the main thrust fault surface along a northeast-trending flexure. Faulting on this downstep is left-lateral strike-slip and dominates the strain release of the aftershock series, which indicates that the downstep limited the main event rupture on the west. The main thrust fault surface dips at about 35° to the northeast at shallow depths and probably steepens to 50° below a depth of 8 km. This steep dip at depth is a characteristic of other thrust faults in the Transverse Ranges and indicates the presence at depth of laterally-varying vertical forces that are probably due to buckling or overriding that causes some upward redirection of a dominant north-south horizontal compression. Two sets of events exhibit normal dip-slip motion with shallow hypocenters and correlate with areas of ground subsidence deduced from gravity data. Several lines of evidence indicate that a horizontal compressional stress in a north or north-northwest direction was added to the stresses in the aftershock area 12 days after the main shock. After this change, events were contained in bursts along the downstep and sequencing within the bursts provides evidence for an earthquake-triggering phenomenon that propagates with speeds of 5 to 15 km/day. Seismicity before the San Fernando series and the mapped structure of the area suggest that the downstep of the main fault surface is not a localized discontinuity but is part of a zone of weakness extending from Point Dume, near Malibu, to Palmdale on the San Andreas fault. This zone is interpreted as a decoupling boundary between crustal blocks that permits them to deform separately in the prevalent crustal-shortening mode of the Transverse Ranges region.
The epidemic of HIV/AIDS in the United States is constantly changing and evolving, starting from patient zero to now an estimated 650,000 to 900,000 Americans infected. The nature and course of HIV changed dramatically with the introduction of antiretrovirals. This discourse examines many different facets of HIV from the beginning where there wasn't any treatment for HIV until the present era of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). By utilizing statistical analysis of clinical data, this paper examines where we were, where we are and projections as to where treatment of HIV/AIDS is headed.
Chapter Two describes the datasets that were used for the analyses. The primary database utilized was collected by myself from an outpatient HIV clinic. The data included dates from 1984 until the present. The second database was from the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study (MACS) public dataset. The data from the MACS cover the time between 1984 and October 1992. Comparisons are made between both datasets.
Chapter Three discusses where we were. Before the first anti-HIV drugs (called antiretrovirals) were approved, there was no treatment to slow the progression of HIV. The first generation of antiretrovirals, reverse transcriptase inhibitors such as AZT (zidovudine), DDI (didanosine), DDC (zalcitabine), and D4T (stavudine) provided the first treatment for HIV. The first clinical trials showed that these antiretrovirals had a significant impact on increasing patient survival. The trials also showed that patients on these drugs had increased CD4+ T cell counts. Chapter Three examines the distributions of CD4 T cell counts. The results show that the estimated distributions of CD4 T cell counts are distinctly non-Gaussian. Thus distributional assumptions regarding CD4 T cell counts must be taken, into account when performing analyses with this marker. The results also show the estimated CD4 T cell distributions for each disease stage: asymptomatic, symptomatic and AIDS are non-Gaussian. Interestingly, the distribution of CD4 T cell counts for the asymptomatic period is significantly below that of the CD4 T cell distribution for the uninfected population suggesting that even in patients with no outward symptoms of HIV infection, there exists high levels of immunosuppression.
Chapter Four discusses where we are at present. HIV quickly grew resistant to reverse transcriptase inhibitors which were given sequentially as mono or dual therapy. As resistance grew, the positive effects of the reverse transcriptase inhibitors on CD4 T cell counts and survival dissipated. As the old era faded a new era characterized by a new class of drugs and new technology changed the way that we treat HIV-infected patients. Viral load assays were able to quantify the levels of HIV RNA in the blood. By quantifying the viral load, one now had a faster, more direct way to test antiretroviral regimen efficacy. Protease inhibitors, which attacked a different region of HIV than reverse transcriptase inhibitors, when used in combination with other antiretroviral agents were found to dramatically and significantly reduce the HIV RNA levels in the blood. Patients also experienced significant increases in CD4 T cell counts. For the first time in the epidemic, there was hope. It was hypothesized that with HAART, viral levels could be kept so low that the immune system as measured by CD4 T cell counts would be able to recover. If these viral levels could be kept low enough, it would be possible for the immune system to eradicate the virus. The hypothesis of immune reconstitution, that is bringing CD4 T cell counts up to levels seen in uninfected patients, is tested in Chapter Four. It was found that for these patients, there was not enough of a CD4 T cell increase to be consistent with the hypothesis of immune reconstitution.
In Chapter Five, the effectiveness of long-term HAART is analyzed. Survival analysis was conducted on 213 patients on long-term HAART. The primary endpoint was presence of an AIDS defining illness. A high level of clinical failure, or progression to an endpoint, was found.
Chapter Six yields insights into where we are going. New technology such as viral genotypic testing, that looks at the genetic structure of HIV and determines where mutations have occurred, has shown that HIV is capable of producing resistance mutations that confer multiple drug resistance. This section looks at resistance issues and speculates, ceterus parabis, where the state of HIV is going. This section first addresses viral genotype and the correlates of viral load and disease progression. A second analysis looks at patients who have failed their primary attempts at HAART and subsequent salvage therapy. It was found that salvage regimens, efforts to control viral replication through the administration of different combinations of antiretrovirals, were not effective in 90 percent of the population in controlling viral replication. Thus, primary attempts at therapy offer the best change of viral suppression and delay of disease progression. Documentation of transmission of drug-resistant virus suggests that the public health crisis of HIV is far from over. Drug resistant HIV can sustain the epidemic and hamper our efforts to treat HIV infection. The data presented suggest that the decrease in the morbidity and mortality due to HIV/AIDS is transient. Deaths due to HIV will increase and public health officials must prepare for this eventuality unless new treatments become available. These results also underscore the importance of the vaccine effort.
The final chapter looks at the economic issues related to HIV. The direct and indirect costs of treating HIV/AIDS are very high. For the first time in the epidemic, there exists treatment that can actually slow disease progression. The direct costs for HAART are estimated. It is estimated that the direct lifetime costs for treating each HIV infected patient with HAART is between $353,000 to $598,000 depending on how long HAART prolongs life. If one looks at the incremental cost per year of life saved it is only $101,000. This is comparable with the incremental costs per year of life saved from coronary artery bypass surgery.
Policy makers need to be aware that although HAART can delay disease progression, it is not a cure and HIV is not over. The results presented here suggest that the decreases in the morbidity and mortality due to HIV are transient. Policymakers need to be prepared for the eventual increase in AIDS incidence and mortality. Costs associated with HIV/AIDS are also projected to increase. The cost savings seen recently have been from the dramatic decreases in the incidence of AIDS defining opportunistic infections. As patients who have been on HAART the longest start to progress to AIDS, policymakers and insurance companies will find that the cost of treating HIV/AIDS will increase.
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Part I: The dynamic response of an elastic half space to an explosion in a buried spherical cavity is investigated by two methods. The first is implicit, and the final expressions for the displacements at the free surface are given as a series of spherical wave functions whose coefficients are solutions of an infinite set of linear equations. The second method is based on Schwarz's technique to solve boundary value problems, and leads to an iterative solution, starting with the known expression for the point source in a half space as first term. The iterative series is transformed into a system of two integral equations, and into an equivalent set of linear equations. In this way, a dual interpretation of the physical phenomena is achieved. The systems are treated numerically and the Rayleigh wave part of the displacements is given in the frequency domain. Several comparisons with simpler cases are analyzed to show the effect of the cavity radius-depth ratio on the spectra of the displacements.
Part II: A high speed, large capacity, hypocenter location program has been written for an IBM 7094 computer. Important modifications to the standard method of least squares have been incorporated in it. Among them are a new way to obtain the depth of shocks from the normal equations, and the computation of variable travel times for the local shocks in order to account automatically for crustal variations. The multiregional travel times, largely based upon the investigations of the United States Geological Survey, are confronted with actual traverses to test their validity.
It is shown that several crustal phases provide control enough to obtain good solutions in depth for nuclear explosions, though not all the recording stations are in the region where crustal corrections are considered. The use of the European travel times, to locate the French nuclear explosion of May 1962 in the Sahara, proved to be more adequate than previous work.
A simpler program, with manual crustal corrections, is used to process the Kern County series of aftershocks, and a clearer picture of tectonic mechanism of the White Wolf fault is obtained.
Shocks in the California region are processed automatically and statistical frequency-depth and energy depth curves are discussed in relation to the tectonics of the area.
A geração de energia a partir do biogás do lixo em aterros sanitários é uma maneira de produzir energia elétrica renovável e limpa, reduzindo os impactos globais provocados pela queima dos resíduos sólidos urbanos. A contribuição ambiental mais relevante é a redução de emissões dos gases de efeito estufa (GEE), por meio da conversão do metano em dióxido de carbono, visto que o metano possui um potencial de aquecimento global cerca de 21 vezes maior, quando comparado ao dióxido de carbono (através da combustão do mesmo). De acordo com o Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo (MDL), os países ricos podem comprar créditos de carbono (CERs) dos países em desenvolvimento (que possuam projetos sustentáveis) para cumprir suas metas ambientais. O objetivo é transformar um passivo ambiental (destinação final dos resíduos sólidos urbanos) em um recurso energético, além do estudo da alternativa de obtenção de recursos financeiros através dos CERs. São analisadas as tecnologias de conversão energética (tecnologia de gás de lixo, incineração, entre outras), com a seleção da melhor alternativa para a geração de energia através do biogás de lixo em aterros sanitários. A metodologia utilizada é a recomendada pela Agência de Proteção Ambiental dos Estados Unidos - USEPA (2005). Serão apresentadas outras duas metodologias de cálculo da geração de metano: a do Banco Mundial e a do IPCC (Painel Intergovernamental sobre Mudanças Climáticas). São apresentados estudos comparativos demonstrando quando as turbinas a gás, motores de combustão interna (ciclos Otto ou Diesel) ou outras tecnologias de conversão energética serão viáveis na área técnica e econômica para implantação de Unidades Termoelétricas a biogás. No caso do Aterro de Gramacho, o projeto é viável com a utilização de motores a combustão interna e a obtenção de receitas com a venda da produção de energia e créditos de carbono. Por fim, será apresentada a alternativa do uso do biogás como substituto do gás natural para fins energéticos ou outros fins industriais.
Some of the metallogenic provinces of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico are defined by the geographic distribution of trace elements in the primary sulfide minerals chalcopyrite and sphalerite. The elements investigated include antimony, arsenic, bismuth, cadmium, cobalt, gallium, germanium, indium, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, silver, tellurium, thallium, and tin. Of these elements, cobalt, gallium, germanium, indium, nickel, silver, and tin exhibit the best defined geographic distribution.
The data indicate that chalcopyrite is the preferred host for tin and perhaps molybdenum; sphalerite is the preferred host for cadmium, gallium, germanium, indium, and manganese; galena is the preferred host for antimony, bismuth, silver, tellurium, and thallium; and pyrite is the preferred host for cobalt, nickel, and perhaps arsenic. With respect to the two minerals chalcopyrite and sphalerite, antimony, arsenic, molybdenum, nickel, silver, and tin prefer chalcopyrite; and bismuth, cadmium, cobalt, gallium, germanium, indium, manganese, and thallium prefer sphalerite. This distribution probably is the result of the interaction of several factors, among which are these: the various radii of the elements, the association due to chemical similarities of the major and trace elements, and the degree of ionic versus covalent and metallic character of the metal-sulfur bonds in chalcopyrite and sphalerite. The type of deposit, according to a temperature classification, appears to be of minor importance in determining the trace element content of chalcopyrite and sphalerite.
A preliminary investigation of large single crystals of sphalerite and chalcopyrite indicates that the distribution within a single crystal of some elements such as cadmium in sphalerite and indium and silver in chalcopyrite is relatively uniform, whereas the distribution of some other elements such as cobalt and manganese in sphalerite is somewhat less uniform and the distribution of tin in sphalerite is extremely erratic. The variations in trace element content probably are due largely to variations in the composition of the fluids during the growth of the crystals, but the erratic behavior of tin in sphalerite perhaps is related to the presence of numerous cavities and inclusions in the crystal studied.
Maps of the geographic distribution of trace elements in chalcopyrite and sphalerite exhibit three main belts of greater than average trace element content, which are called the Eastern, Central, and Western belts. These belts are consistent in trend and position with a beltlike distribution of copper, gold, lead, zinc, silver, and tungsten deposits and with most of the major tectonic features. However, there appear to be no definite time relationships, for as many as four metallogenic epochs, from Precambrian to late Tertiary, are represented by ore deposits within the Central belt.
The evidence suggests that the beltlike features have a deep seated origin, perhaps in the sub-crust or outer parts of the mantle, and that the deposits within each belt might be genetically related through a beltlike compositional heterogeneity in the source regions of the ores. Hence, the belts are regarded as metallogenic provinces.
Jet noise reduction is an important goal within both commercial and military aviation. Although large-scale numerical simulations are now able to simultaneously compute turbulent jets and their radiated sound, lost-cost, physically-motivated models are needed to guide noise-reduction efforts. A particularly promising modeling approach centers around certain large-scale coherent structures, called wavepackets, that are observed in jets and their radiated sound. The typical approach to modeling wavepackets is to approximate them as linear modal solutions of the Euler or Navier-Stokes equations linearized about the long-time mean of the turbulent flow field. The near-field wavepackets obtained from these models show compelling agreement with those educed from experimental and simulation data for both subsonic and supersonic jets, but the acoustic radiation is severely under-predicted in the subsonic case. This thesis contributes to two aspects of these models. First, two new solution methods are developed that can be used to efficiently compute wavepackets and their acoustic radiation, reducing the computational cost of the model by more than an order of magnitude. The new techniques are spatial integration methods and constitute a well-posed, convergent alternative to the frequently used parabolized stability equations. Using concepts related to well-posed boundary conditions, the methods are formulated for general hyperbolic equations and thus have potential applications in many fields of physics and engineering. Second, the nonlinear and stochastic forcing of wavepackets is investigated with the goal of identifying and characterizing the missing dynamics responsible for the under-prediction of acoustic radiation by linear wavepacket models for subsonic jets. Specifically, we use ensembles of large-eddy-simulation flow and force data along with two data decomposition techniques to educe the actual nonlinear forcing experienced by wavepackets in a Mach 0.9 turbulent jet. Modes with high energy are extracted using proper orthogonal decomposition, while high gain modes are identified using a novel technique called empirical resolvent-mode decomposition. In contrast to the flow and acoustic fields, the forcing field is characterized by a lack of energetic coherent structures. Furthermore, the structures that do exist are largely uncorrelated with the acoustic field. Instead, the forces that most efficiently excite an acoustic response appear to take the form of random turbulent fluctuations, implying that direct feedback from nonlinear interactions amongst wavepackets is not an essential noise source mechanism. This suggests that the essential ingredients of sound generation in high Reynolds number jets are contained within the linearized Navier-Stokes operator rather than in the nonlinear forcing terms, a conclusion that has important implications for jet noise modeling.
Natural calcite precipitation in lakes is a well-known control mechanism of eutrophication. In hard-water lakes, calcite deposits on the flat bottoms of shallow lakes and near the shores of deeper lakes resulted from biogenic decalcification during the millenia after the last glacial period. The objective of a new restoration technology is to intensify the natural process of precipitation by utilizing the different qualities of calcareous mud layers. In a pilot experiment in Lake Rudower See, East Germany, phosphorus-poor deeper layers of the sediments were flushed out and spread over the phosphorus-rich uppermost sediments, to promote the co- precipitation of calcite with phosphorus from the water-column.
A presente dissertação pretende analisar a visão do autor irlandês Oscar Wilde sobre diferentes expressões artísticas, e discutir como ele relacionava tais formas de arte com a vida cotidiana. Para tanto, o primeiro capítulo é dedicado à vida de Wilde por entendermos que a sua vida foi, igualmente com os seus textos, uma obra de arte. No segundo capítulo, foram analisadas as conferências proferidas pelo escritor em uma turnê que ele fez pelos Estados Unidos e Canadá no ano de 1882. No terceiro, e último capítulo, foram selecionados três ensaios nos quais os temas debatidos sempre convergem para a discussão sobre a arte e sua relação com a vida