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This article presents the design, kinematic model and communication architecture for the multi-agent robotic system called SMART. The philosophy behind this kind of system requires the communication architecture to contemplate the concurrence of the whole system. The proposed architecture combines different communication technologies (TCP/IP and Bluetooth) under one protocol designed for the cooperation among agents and other elements of the system such as IP-Cameras, image processing library, path planner, user Interface, control block and data block. The high level control is modeled by Work-Flow Petri nets and implemented in C++ and C♯♯. Experimental results show the performance of the designed architecture.


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The elaboration of a generic decision-making strategy to address the evolution of an emergency situation, from the stages of response to recovery, and including a planning stage, can facilitate timely, effective and consistent decision making by the response organisations at every level within the emergency management structure and between countries, helping to ensure optimal protection of health, environment, and society. The degree of involvement of stakeholders in this process is a key strategic element for strengthening the local preparedness and response and can help a successful countermeasures strategy. A significant progress was made with the multi-national European project EURANOS (2004-2009) which brought together best practice, knowledge and technology to enhance the preparedness for Europe's response to any radiation emergency and long term contamination. The subsequent establishment of a European Technology Platform and the recent launch of the research project NERIS-TP ("Towards a self sustaining European Technology Platform (NERIS-TP) on Preparedness for Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Response and Recovery") are aimed to continue with the remaining tasks for gaining appropriate levels of emergency preparedness at local level in most European countries. One of the objectives of the NERIS-TP project is: Strengthen the preparedness at the local/national level by setting up dedicated fora and developing new tools or adapting the tools developed within the EURANOS projects (such as the governance framework for preparedness, the handbooks on countermeasures, the RODOS system, and the MOIRA DSS for long term contamination in catchments) to meet the needs of local communities. CIEMAT and UPM in close interaction with the Nuclear Safety Council will explore, within this project, the use and application in Spain of such technical tools, including other national tools and information and communication strategies to foster cooperation between local, national and international stakeholders. The aim is identify and involve relevant stakeholders in emergency preparedness to improve the development and implementation of appropriate protection strategies as part of the consequence management and the transition to recovery. In this paper, an overview of the "state of the art" on this area in Spain and the methodology and work Plan proposed by the Spanish group within the project NERIS to grow the stakeholder involvement in the preparedness to emergency response and recovery is presented.


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One of the main problems in urban areas is the steady growth in car ownership and traffic levels. Therefore, the challenge of sustainability is focused on a shift of the demand for mobility from cars to collective means of transport. For this end, buses are a key element of the public transport systems. In this respect Real Time Passenger Information (RTPI) systems help citizens change their travel behaviour towards more sustainable transport modes. This paper provides an assessment methodology which evaluates how RTPI systems improve the quality of bus services in two European cities, Madrid and Bremerhaven. In the case of Madrid, bus punctuality has increased by 3%. Regarding the travellers perception, Madrid raised its quality of service by 6% while Bremerhaven increased by 13%. On the other hand, the users ́ perception of Public Transport (PT) image increased by 14%.


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Background: Healthy diet and regular physical activity are powerful tools in reducing diabetes and cardiometabolic risk. Various international scientific and health organizations have advocated the use of new technologies to solve these problems. The PREDIRCAM project explores the contribution that a technological system could offer for the continuous monitoring of lifestyle habits and individualized treatment of obesity as well as cardiometabolic risk prevention. Methods: PREDIRCAM is a technological platform for patients and professionals designed to improve the effectiveness of lifestyle behavior modifications through the intensive use of the latest information and communication technologies. The platform consists of a web-based application providing communication interface with monitoring devices of physiological variables, application for monitoring dietary intake, ad hoc electronic medical records, different communication channels, and an intelligent notification system. A 2-week feasibility study was conducted in 15 volunteers to assess the viability of the platform. Results: The website received 244 visits (average time/session: 17 min 45 s). A total of 435 dietary intakes were recorded (average time for each intake registration, 4 min 42 s ± 2 min 30 s), 59 exercises were recorded in 20 heart rate monitor downloads, 43 topics were discussed through a forum, and 11 of the 15 volunteers expressed a favorable opinion toward the platform. Food intake recording was reported as the most laborious task. Ten of the volunteers considered long-term use of the platform to be feasible. Conclusions: The PREDIRCAM platform is technically ready for clinical evaluation. Training is required to use the platform and, in particular, for registration of dietary food intake.


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Nuevas aplicaciones tecnológicas y científicas mediante amarras electrodinámicas son analizadas para misiones planetarias. i) Primero, se considera un conjunto de amarras cilíndricas en paralelo (veleros electrosolares) para una misión interplanetaria. Los iones provenientes del viento solar son repelidos por el alto potencial de dichas amarras generando empuje sobre el velero. Para conocer el intercambio de momento que provocan los iones sobre las amarras se ha considerado un modelo de potencial estacionario. Se ha analizado la transferencia orbital de la Tierra a Júpiter siguiendo un método de optimización de trayectoria indirecto. ii) Una vez que el velero se encuentra cerca de Júpiter, se ha considerado el despliegue de una amarra para diferentes objetivos científicos. iia) Una amarra podría ser utilizada para diagnóstico de plasmas, al ser una fuente efectiva de ondas, y también como un generador de auroras artificiales. Una amarra conductora que orbite en la magnetosfera jovial es capaz de producir ondas. Se han analizado las diferentes ondas radiadas por un conductor por el que circula una corriente constante que sigue una órbita polar de alta excentricidad y bajo apoápside, como ocurre en la misión Juno de la NASA. iib) Además, se ha estudiado una misión tentativa que sigue una órbita ecuatorial (LJO) por debajo de los intensos cinturones de radiación. Ambas misiones requiren potencia eléctrica para los sistemas de comunicación e instrumentos científicos. Las amarras pueden generar potencia de manera más eficiente que otros sistemas que utlizan paneles solares o sistemas de potencia de radioisótopos (RPS). La impedancia de radiación es necesaria para determinar la corriente que circula por todo el circuito de la amarra. En un modelo de plasma frío, la radiación ocurre principalmente en los modos de Alfven y magnetosónica rápida, mostrando un elevado índice de refracción. Se ha estudiado la impedancia de radiación en amarras con recubrimiento aislante para los dos modos de radiación y cada una de las misiones. A diferencia del caso ionosférico terrestre, la baja densidad y el intenso campo magnético que aparecen en el entorno de Júpiter consiguen que la girofrecuencia de los electrones sea mucho mayor que la frecuencia del plasma; esto hace que el espectro de potencia para cada modo se modifique substancialmente, aumentando la velocidad de Alfven. Se ha estimado también la impedancia de radiación para amarras sin aislante conductor. En la misión LJO, un vehículo espacial bajando lentamente la altitud de su órbita permitiría estudiar la estructura del campo magnético y composición atmosférica para entender la formación, evolución, y estructura de Júpiter. Adicionalmente, si el contactor (cátodo) se apaga, se dice que la amarra flota eléctricamente, permitiendo emisión de haz de electrones que generan auroras. El continuo apagado y encendido produce pulsos de corriente dando lugar a emisiones de señales, que pueden ser utilizadas para diagnóstico del plasma jovial. En Órbita Baja Jovial, los iones que impactan contra una amarra polarizada negativamente producen electrones secundarios, que, viajando helicoidalmente sobre las líneas de campo magnético de Júpiter, son capaces de alcanzar su atmósfera más alta, y, de esta manera, generar auroras. Se han identificado cuáles son las regiones donde la amarra sería más eficiente para producir auroras. iic) Otra aplicación científica sugerida para la misión LJO es la detección de granos cargados que orbitan cerca de Júpiter. Los electrones de alta energía en este ambiente pueden ser modelados por una distribucción no Maxwelliana conocida como distribución kappa. En escenarios con plasmas complejos, donde los campos eléctricos en Júpiter pueden acelerar las cargas hasta velocidades que superen la velocidad térmica, este tipo de distribuciones son muy útiles. En este caso las colas de las distribuciones de electrones siguen una ley de potencias. Se han estudiado las fluctuaciones de granos cargados para funciones de distribución kappa. iii) La tesis concluye con el análisis para deorbitar satélites con amarras electrodinámicas que siguen una Órbita Baja Terrestre (LEO). Una amarra debe presentar una baja probabilidad de corte por pequeño debris y además debe ser suficientemente ligero para que el cociente entre la masa de la amarra y el satélite sea muy pequeño. En este trabajo se estiman las medidas de la longitud, anchura y espesor que debe tener una amarra para minimizar el producto de la probabilidad de corte por el cociente entre las masas de la amarra y el satélite. Se presentan resultados preliminares del diseño de una amarra con forma de cinta para deorbitar satélites relativamente ligeros como Cryosat y pesados como Envisat. Las misiones espaciales a planetas exteriores y en el ámbito terrestre plantean importantes retos científico-tecnológicos que deben ser abordados y solucionados. Por ello, desde el inicio de la era espacial se han diseñando novedosos métodos propulsivos, sistemas de guiado, navegación y control más robustos, y nuevos materiales para mejorar el rendimiento de los vehículos espaciales (SC). En un gran número de misiones interplanetarias y en todas las misiones a planetas exteriores se han empleado sistemas de radioisótopos (RPS) para generar potencia eléctrica en los vehículos espaciales y en los rovers de exploración. Estos sistemas emplean como fuente de energía el escaso y costoso plutonio-238. La NASA, por medio de un informe de la National Academy of Science (5 de Mayo del 2009), expresó una profunda preocupación por la baja cantidad de plutonio almacenado, insuficiente para desarrollar todas las misiones de exploración planetaria planeadas en el futuro [81, 91]. Esta circustancia ha llevado a dicha Agencia tomar la decisión de limitar el uso de estos sistemas RPS en algunas misiones de especial interés científico y una recomendación de alta prioridad para que el Congreso de los EEUU apruebe el reestablecimiento de la producción de plutonio-238, -son necesarios cerca de 5 kg de este material radiactivo al año-, para salvaguardar las misiones que requieran dichos sistemas de potencia a partir del año 2018. Por otro lado, la Agencia estadounidense ha estado considerando el uso de fuentes de energía alternativa; como la fisión nuclear a través del ambicioso proyecto Prometheus, para llevar a cabo una misión de exploración en el sistema jovial (JIMO). Finalmente, dicha misión fue desestimada por su elevado coste. Recientemente se han estado desarrollando sistemas que consigan energía a través de los recursos naturales que nos aporta el Sol, mediante paneles solares -poco eficientes para misiones a planetas alejados de la luz solar-. En este contexto, la misión JUNO del programa Nuevas Fronteras de la NASA, cuyo lanzamiento fue realizado con éxito en Agosto de 2011, va a ser la primera misión equipada con paneles solares que sobrevolará Júpiter en el 2015 siguiendo una órbita polar. Anteriormente se habían empleado los antes mencionados RPS para las misiones Pioneer 10,11, Voyager 1,2, Ulysses, Cassini-Huygens y Galileo (todas sobrevuelos excepto Galileo). Dicha misión seguirá una órbita elíptica de alta excentricidad con un periápside muy cercano a Júpiter, y apoápside lejano, evitando que los intensos cinturones de radiación puedan dañar los instrumentos de navegación y científicos. Un tether o amarra electrodinámica es capaz de operar como sistema propulsivo o generador de potencia, pero también puede ser considerado como solución científicotecnológica en misiones espaciales tanto en LEO (Órbita Baja Terrestre) como en planetas exteriores. Siguiendo una perspectiva histórica, durante las misiones terrestres TSS-1 (1992) y TSS-1R (1996) se emplearon amarras estandard con recubrimiento aislante en toda su longitud, aplicando como terminal anódico pasivo un colector esférico para captar electrones. En una geometría alternativa, propuesta por J. R. Sanmartín et al. (1993) [93], se consideró dejar la amarra sin recubrimiento aislante (“bare tether”), y sin colector anódico esférico, de forma que recogiera electrones a lo largo del segmento que resulta polarizado positivo, como si se tratara de una sonda de Langmuir de gran longitud. A diferencia de la amarra estandard, el “bare tether” es capaz de recoger electrones a lo largo de una superficie grande ya que este segmento es de varios kilómetros de longitud. Como el radio de la amarra es del orden de la longitud de Debye y pequeño comparado con el radio de Larmor de los electrones, permite una recolección eficiente de electrones en el régimen OML (Orbital Motion Limited) de sondas de Langmuir. La corriente dada por la teoría OML varía en función del perímetro y la longitud. En el caso de una cinta delgada, el perímetro depende de la anchura, que debe ser suficientemente grande para evitar cortes producidos por debris y micrometeoritos, y suficientemente pequeño para que la amarra funcione en dicho régimen [95]. En el experimento espacial TSS-1R mencionado anteriormente, se identificó una recolección de corriente más elevada que la que predecía el modelo teórico de Parker- Murphy, debido posiblemente a que se utilizaba un colector esférico de radio bastante mayor que la longitud de Debye [79]. En el caso de una amarra “bare”, que recoge electrones a lo largo de gran parte de su longitud, se puede producir un fenómeno conocido como atrapamiento adiabático de electrones (adiabatic electron trapping) [25, 40, 60, 73, 74, 97]. En el caso terrestre (LEO) se da la condición mesotérmica en la que la amarra se mueve con una velocidad muy superior a la velocidad térmica de los iones del ambiente y muy inferior a la velocidad térmica de los electrones. J. Laframboise y L. Parker [57] mostraron que, para una función de distribución quasi-isotrópica, la densidad de electrones debe entonces ser necesariamente inferior a la densidad ambiente. Por otra parte, debido a su flujo hipersónico y a la alta polarización positiva de la amarra, la densidad de los iones es mayor que la densidad ambiente en una vasta región de la parte “ram” del flujo, violando la condición de cuasi-neutralidad,-en una región de dimensión mayor que la longitud de Debye-. La solución a esta paradoja podría basarse en el atrapamiento adiabático de electrones ambiente en órbitas acotadas entorno al tether. ABSTRACT New technological and scientific applications by electrodynamic tethers for planetary missions are analyzed: i) A set of cylindrical, parallel tethers (electric solar sail or e-sail) is considered for an interplanetary mission; ions from the solar wind are repelled by the high potential of the tether, providing momentum to the e-sail. An approximated model of a stationary potential for a high solar wind flow is considered. With the force provided by a negative biased tether, an indirect method for the optimization trajectory of an Earth-to-Jupiter orbit transfer is analyzed. ii) The deployment of a tether from the e-sail allows several scientific applications in Jupiter. iia) It might be used as a source of radiative waves for plasma diagnostics and artificial aurora generator. A conductive tether orbiting in the Jovian magnetosphere produces waves. Wave radiation by a conductor carrying a steady current in both a polar, highly eccentric, low perijove orbit, as in NASA’s Juno mission, and an equatorial low Jovian orbit (LJO) mission below the intense radiation belts, is considered. Both missions will need electric power generation for scientific instruments and communication systems. Tethers generate power more efficiently than solar panels or radioisotope power systems (RPS). The radiation impedance is required to determine the current in the overall tether circuit. In a cold plasma model, radiation occurs mainly in the Alfven and fast magnetosonic modes, exhibiting a large refraction index. The radiation impedance of insulated tethers is determined for both modes and either mission. Unlike the Earth ionospheric case, the low-density, highly magnetized Jovian plasma makes the electron gyrofrequency much larger than the plasma frequency; this substantially modifies the power spectrum for either mode by increasing the Alfven velocity. An estimation of the radiation impedance of bare tethers is also considered. iib) In LJO, a spacecraft orbiting in a slow downward spiral under the radiation belts would allow determining magnetic field structure and atmospheric composition for understanding the formation, evolution, and structure of Jupiter. Additionally, if the cathodic contactor is switched off, a tether floats electrically, allowing e-beam emission that generate auroras. On/off switching produces bias/current pulses and signal emission, which might be used for Jovian plasma diagnostics. In LJO, the ions impacting against the negative-biased tether do produce secondary electrons, which racing down Jupiter’s magnetic field lines, reach the upper atmosphere. The energetic electrons there generate auroral effects. Regions where the tether efficiently should produce secondary electrons are analyzed. iic) Other scientific application suggested in LJO is the in-situ detection of charged grains. Charged grains naturally orbit near Jupiter. High-energy electrons in the Jovian ambient may be modeled by the kappa distribution function. In complex plasma scenarios, where the Jovian high electric field may accelerate charges up superthermal velocities, the use of non-Maxwellian distributions should be considered. In these cases, the distribution tails fit well to a power-law dependence for electrons. Fluctuations of the charged grains for non-Mawellian distribution function are here studied. iii) The present thesis is concluded with the analysis for de-orbiting satellites at end of mission by electrodynamic tethers. A de-orbit tether system must present very small tether-to-satellite mass ratio and small probability of a tether cut by small debris too. The present work shows how to select tape dimensions so as to minimize the product of those two magnitudes. Preliminary results of tape-tether design are here discussed to minimize that function. Results for de-orbiting Cryosat and Envisat are also presented.


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Wave radiation by a conductor carrying a steady current in both a polar, highly eccentric, low perijove orbit, as in NASA's planned Juno mission, and an equatorial low Jovian orbit (LJO) mission below the intense radiation belts, is considered. Both missions will need electric power generation for scientific instruments and communication systems. Tethers generate power more efficiently than solar panels or radioisotope power systems (RPS). The radiation impedance is required to determine the current in the overall tether circuit. In a cold plasma model, radiation occurs mainly in the Alfven and fast magnetosonic modes, exhibiting a large refraction index. The radiation impedance of insulated tethers is determined for both modes and either mission. Unlike the Earth ionospheric case, the low-density, highly magnetized Jovian plasma makes the electron gyrofrequency much larger than the plasma frequency; this substantially modifies the power spectrum for either mode by increasing the Alfven velocity. Finally, an estimation of the radiation impedance of bare tethers is considered. In LJO, a spacecraft orbiting in a slow downward spiral under the radiation belts would allow determining magnetic field structure and atmospheric composition for understanding the formation, evolution, and structure of Jupiter. Additionally, if the cathodic contactor is switched off, a tether floats electrically, allowing e-beam emission that generate auroras. On/off switching produces bias/current pulses and signal emission, which might be used for Jovian plasma diagnostics.


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Changing factors (mainly traffic intensity and weather conditions) affecting road conditions require a suitable optimal speed at any time. To solve this problem, variable speed limit systems (VSL) ? as opposed to fixed limits ? have been developed in recent decades. This term has included a number of speed management systems, most notably dynamic speed limits (DSL). In order to avoid the indiscriminate use of both terms in the literature, this paper proposes a simple classification and offers a review of some experiences, how their effects are evaluated and their results This study also presents a key indicator, which measures the speed homogeneity and a methodology to obtain the data based on floating cars and GPS technology applying it to a case study on a section of the M30 urban motorway in Madrid (Spain).


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In this paper we approximate to the understanding of the hybrid city as a context of changes, produced in the perception and in the modes of inhabiting and coexisting in cities through new technologies of information and communication.


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Experimental software engineering includes several processes, the most representative being run experiments, run replications and synthesize the results of multiple replications. Of these processes, only the first is relatively well established in software engineering. Problems of information management and communication among researchers are one of the obstacles to progress in the replication and synthesis processes. Software engineering experimentation has expanded considerably over the last few years. This has brought with it the invention of experimental process support proposals. However, few of these proposals provide integral support, including replication and synthesis processes. Most of the proposals focus on experiment execution. This paper proposes an infrastructure providing integral support for the experimental research process, specializing in the replication and synthesis of a family of experiments. The research has been divided into stages or phases, whose transition milestones are marked by the attainment of their goals. Each goal exactly matches an artifact or product. Within each stage, we will adopt cycles of successive approximations (generateand- test cycles), where each approximation includes a diferent viewpoint or input. Each cycle will end with the product approval.


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There is an increasing tendency of turning the current power grid, essentially unaware of variations in electricity demand and scattered energy sources, into something capable of bringing a degree of intelligence by using tools strongly related to information and communication technologies, thus turning into the so-called Smart Grid. In fact, it could be considered that the Smart Grid is an extensive smart system that spreads throughout any area where power is required, providing a significant optimization in energy generation, storage and consumption. However, the information that must be treated to accomplish these tasks is challenging both in terms of complexity (semantic features, distributed systems, suitable hardware) and quantity (consumption data, generation data, forecasting functionalities, service reporting), since the different energy beneficiaries are prone to be heterogeneous, as the nature of their own activities is. This paper presents a proposal on how to deal with these issues by using a semantic middleware architecture that integrates different components focused on specific tasks, and how it is used to handle information at every level and satisfy end user requests.


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En entornos hostiles tales como aquellas instalaciones científicas donde la radiación ionizante es el principal peligro, el hecho de reducir las intervenciones humanas mediante el incremento de las operaciones robotizadas está siendo cada vez más de especial interés. CERN, la Organización Europea para la Investigación Nuclear, tiene alrededor de unos 50 km de superficie subterránea donde robots móviles controlador de forma remota podrían ayudar en su funcionamiento, por ejemplo, a la hora de llevar a cabo inspecciones remotas sobre radiación en los diferentes áreas destinados al efecto. No solo es preciso considerar que los robots deben ser capaces de recorrer largas distancias y operar durante largos periodos de tiempo, sino que deben saber desenvolverse en los correspondientes túneles subterráneos, tener en cuenta la presencia de campos electromagnéticos, radiación ionizante, etc. y finalmente, el hecho de que los robots no deben interrumpir el funcionamiento de los aceleradores. El hecho de disponer de un sistema de comunicaciones inalámbrico fiable y robusto es esencial para la correcta ejecución de las misiones que los robots deben afrontar y por supuesto, para evitar tales situaciones en las que es necesario la recuperación manual de los robots al agotarse su energía o al perder el enlace de comunicaciones. El objetivo de esta Tesis es proveer de las directrices y los medios necesarios para reducir el riesgo de fallo en la misión y maximizar las capacidades de los robots móviles inalámbricos los cuales disponen de almacenamiento finito de energía al trabajar en entornos peligrosos donde no se dispone de línea de vista directa. Para ello se proponen y muestran diferentes estrategias y métodos de comunicación inalámbrica. Teniendo esto en cuenta, se presentan a continuación los objetivos de investigación a seguir a lo largo de la Tesis: predecir la cobertura de comunicaciones antes y durante las misiones robotizadas; optimizar la capacidad de red inalámbrica de los robots móviles con respecto a su posición; y mejorar el rango operacional de esta clase de robots. Por su parte, las contribuciones a la Tesis se citan más abajo. El primer conjunto de contribuciones son métodos novedosos para predecir el consumo de energía y la autonomía en la comunicación antes y después de disponer de los robots en el entorno seleccionado. Esto es importante para proporcionar conciencia de la situación del robot y evitar fallos en la misión. El consumo de energía se predice usando una estrategia propuesta la cual usa modelos de consumo provenientes de diferentes componentes en un robot. La predicción para la cobertura de comunicaciones se desarrolla usando un nuevo filtro de RSS (Radio Signal Strength) y técnicas de estimación con la ayuda de Filtros de Kalman. El segundo conjunto de contribuciones son métodos para optimizar el rango de comunicaciones usando novedosas técnicas basadas en muestreo espacial que son robustas frente a ruidos de campos de detección y radio y que proporcionan redundancia. Se emplean métodos de diferencia central finitos para determinar los gradientes 2D RSS y se usa la movilidad del robot para optimizar el rango de comunicaciones y la capacidad de red. Este método también se valida con un caso de estudio centrado en la teleoperación háptica de robots móviles inalámbricos. La tercera contribución es un algoritmo robusto y estocástico descentralizado para la optimización de la posición al considerar múltiples robots autónomos usados principalmente para extender el rango de comunicaciones desde la estación de control al robot que está desarrollando la tarea. Todos los métodos y algoritmos propuestos se verifican y validan usando simulaciones y experimentos de campo con variedad de robots móviles disponibles en CERN. En resumen, esta Tesis ofrece métodos novedosos y demuestra su uso para: predecir RSS; optimizar la posición del robot; extender el rango de las comunicaciones inalámbricas; y mejorar las capacidades de red de los robots móviles inalámbricos para su uso en aplicaciones dentro de entornos peligrosos, que como ya se mencionó anteriormente, se destacan las instalaciones científicas con emisión de radiación ionizante. En otros términos, se ha desarrollado un conjunto de herramientas para mejorar, facilitar y hacer más seguras las misiones de los robots en entornos hostiles. Esta Tesis demuestra tanto en teoría como en práctica que los robots móviles pueden mejorar la calidad de las comunicaciones inalámbricas mediante la profundización en el estudio de su movilidad para optimizar dinámicamente sus posiciones y mantener conectividad incluso cuando no existe línea de vista. Los métodos desarrollados en la Tesis son especialmente adecuados para su fácil integración en robots móviles y pueden ser aplicados directamente en la capa de aplicación de la red inalámbrica. ABSTRACT In hostile environments such as in scientific facilities where ionising radiation is a dominant hazard, reducing human interventions by increasing robotic operations are desirable. CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, has around 50 km of underground scientific facilities, where wireless mobile robots could help in the operation of the accelerator complex, e.g. in conducting remote inspections and radiation surveys in different areas. The main challenges to be considered here are not only that the robots should be able to go over long distances and operate for relatively long periods, but also the underground tunnel environment, the possible presence of electromagnetic fields, radiation effects, and the fact that the robots shall in no way interrupt the operation of the accelerators. Having a reliable and robust wireless communication system is essential for successful execution of such robotic missions and to avoid situations of manual recovery of the robots in the event that the robot runs out of energy or when the robot loses its communication link. The goal of this thesis is to provide means to reduce risk of mission failure and maximise mission capabilities of wireless mobile robots with finite energy storage capacity working in a radiation environment with non-line-of-sight (NLOS) communications by employing enhanced wireless communication methods. Towards this goal, the following research objectives are addressed in this thesis: predict the communication range before and during robotic missions; optimise and enhance wireless communication qualities of mobile robots by using robot mobility and employing multi-robot network. This thesis provides introductory information on the infrastructures where mobile robots will need to operate, the tasks to be carried out by mobile robots and the problems encountered in these environments. The reporting of research work carried out to improve wireless communication comprises an introduction to the relevant radio signal propagation theory and technology followed by explanation of the research in the following stages: An analysis of the wireless communication requirements for mobile robot for different tasks in a selection of CERN facilities; predictions of energy and communication autonomies (in terms of distance and time) to reduce risk of energy and communication related failures during missions; autonomous navigation of a mobile robot to find zone(s) of maximum radio signal strength to improve communication coverage area; and autonomous navigation of one or more mobile robots acting as mobile wireless relay (repeater) points in order to provide a tethered wireless connection to a teleoperated mobile robot carrying out inspection or radiation monitoring activities in a challenging radio environment. The specific contributions of this thesis are outlined below. The first sets of contributions are novel methods for predicting the energy autonomy and communication range(s) before and after deployment of the mobile robots in the intended environments. This is important in order to provide situational awareness and avoid mission failures. The energy consumption is predicted by using power consumption models of different components in a mobile robot. This energy prediction model will pave the way for choosing energy-efficient wireless communication strategies. The communication range prediction is performed using radio signal propagation models and applies radio signal strength (RSS) filtering and estimation techniques with the help of Kalman filters and Gaussian process models. The second set of contributions are methods to optimise the wireless communication qualities by using novel spatial sampling based techniques that are robust to sensing and radio field noises and provide redundancy features. Central finite difference (CFD) methods are employed to determine the 2-D RSS gradients and use robot mobility to optimise the communication quality and the network throughput. This method is also validated with a case study application involving superior haptic teleoperation of wireless mobile robots where an operator from a remote location can smoothly navigate a mobile robot in an environment with low-wireless signals. The third contribution is a robust stochastic position optimisation algorithm for multiple autonomous relay robots which are used for wireless tethering of radio signals and thereby to enhance the wireless communication qualities. All the proposed methods and algorithms are verified and validated using simulations and field experiments with a variety of mobile robots available at CERN. In summary, this thesis offers novel methods and demonstrates their use to predict energy autonomy and wireless communication range, optimise robots position to improve communication quality and enhance communication range and wireless network qualities of mobile robots for use in applications in hostile environmental characteristics such as scientific facilities emitting ionising radiations. In simpler terms, a set of tools are developed in this thesis for improving, easing and making safer robotic missions in hostile environments. This thesis validates both in theory and experiments that mobile robots can improve wireless communication quality by exploiting robots mobility to dynamically optimise their positions and maintain connectivity even when the (radio signal) environment possess non-line-of-sight characteristics. The methods developed in this thesis are well-suited for easier integration in mobile robots and can be applied directly at the application layer of the wireless network. The results of the proposed methods have outperformed other comparable state-of-the-art methods.


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This paper aims to outline a theory-based Content and Language Integrated Learning course and to establish the rationale for adopting a holistic approach to the teaching of languages in tertiary education. Our work focuses on the interdependence between Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), and the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), in particular regarding the learning of English within the framework of Telecommunications Engineering. The study first analyses the diverse components of the instructional approach and the extent to which this approach interrelates with technologies within the context of what we have defined as a holistic experience, since it also aims to develop a set of generic competences or transferable skills. Second, an example of a course project framed in this holistic approach is described in order to exemplify the specific actions suggested for learner autonomy and CLIL. The approach provides both an adequate framework as well as the conditions needed to carry out a lifelong learning experience within our context, a Spanish School of Engineering. In addition to specialized language and content, the approach integrates the learning of skills and capacities required by the new plans that have been established following the Bologna Declaration in 1999.


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Currently, student dropout rates are a matter of concern among universities. Many research studies, aimed at discovering the causes, have been carried out. However, few solutions, that could serve all students and related problems, have been proposed so far. One such problem is caused by the lack of the "knowledge chain educational links" that occurs when students move onto higher studies without mastering their basic studies. Most regulated studies imparted at universities are designed so that some basic subjects serve as support for other, more complicated, subjects, thus forming a complicated knowledge network. When a link in this chain fails, student frustration occurs as it prevents him from fully understanding the following educational links. In this proposal we try to mitigate these disasters that stem, for the most part, the student?s frustration beyond his college stay. On one hand, we make a dissertation on the student?s learning process, which we divide into a series of phases that amount to what we call the "learning lifecycle." Also, we analyze at what stage the action by the stakeholders involved in this scenario: teachers and students; is most important. On the other hand, we consider that Information and Communication Technologies ICT, such as Cloud Computing, can help develop new ways, allowing for the teaching of higher education, while easing and facilitating the student?s learning process. But, methods and processes need to be defined as to direct the use of such technologies; in the teaching process in general, and within higher education in particular; in order to achieve optimum results. Our methodology integrates, as another actor, the ICT into the "Learning Lifecycle". We stimulate students to stop being merely spectators of their own education, and encourage them to take an active part in their training process. To do this, we offer a set of useful tools to determine not only academic failure causes, (for self assessment), but also to remedy these failures (with corrective actions); "discovered the causes it is easier to determine solutions?. We believe this study will be useful for both students and teachers. Students learn from their own experience and improve their learning process, while obtaining all of the "knowledge chain educational links? required in their studies. We stand by the motto "Studying to learn instead of studying to pass". Teachers will also be benefited by detecting where and how to strengthen their teaching proposals. All of this will also result in decreasing dropout rates.


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New technologies such as, the new Information and Communication Technology ICT, break new paths and redefines the way we understand business, the Cloud Computing is one of them. The on demand resource gathering and the per usage payment scheme are now commonplace, and allows companies to save on their ICT investments. Despite the importance of this issue, we still lack methodologies that help companies, to develop applications oriented for its exploitation in the Cloud. In this study we aim to fill this gap and propose a methodology for the development of ICT applications, which are directed towards a business model, and further outsourcing in the Cloud. In the former the Development of SOA applications, we take, as a baseline scenario, a business model from which to obtain a business process model. To this end, we use software engineering tools; and in the latter The Outsourcing we propose a guide that would facilitate uploading business models into the Cloud; to this end we describe a SOA governance model, which controls the SOA. Additionally we propose a Cloud government that integrates Service Level Agreements SLAs, plus SOA governance, and Cloud architecture. Finally we apply our methodology in an example illustrating our proposal. We believe that our proposal can be used as a guide/pattern for the development of business applications.


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An important part of human intelligence, both historically and operationally, is our ability to communicate. We learn how to communicate, and maintain our communicative skills, in a society of communicators – a highly effective way to reach and maintain proficiency in this complex skill. Principles that might allow artificial agents to learn language this way are in completely known at present – the multi-dimensional nature of socio-communicative skills are beyond every machine learning framework so far proposed. Our work begins to address the challenge of proposing a way for observation-based machine learning of natural language and communication. Our framework can learn complex communicative skills with minimal up-front knowledge. The system learns by incrementally producing predictive models of causal relationships in observed data, guided by goal-inference and reasoning using forward-inverse models. We present results from two experiments where our S1 agent learns human communication by observing two humans interacting in a realtime TV-style interview, using multimodal communicative gesture and situated language to talk about recycling of various materials and objects. S1 can learn multimodal complex language and multimodal communicative acts, a vocabulary of 100 words forming natural sentences with relatively complex sentence structure, including manual deictic reference and anaphora. S1 is seeded only with high-level information about goals of the interviewer and interviewee, and a small ontology; no grammar or other information is provided to S1 a priori. The agent learns the pragmatics, semantics, and syntax of complex utterances spoken and gestures from scratch, by observing the humans compare and contrast the cost and pollution related to recycling aluminum cans, glass bottles, newspaper, plastic, and wood. After 20 hours of observation S1 can perform an unscripted TV interview with a human, in the same style, without making mistakes.