1000 resultados para Turun hiippakunnan paimenmuisto 1554-1721


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The aim of this study was the assessment of exposure to ultrafine in the urban environment of Lisbon, Portugal, due to automobile traffic, and consisted of the determination of deposited alveolar surface area in an avenue leading to the town center during late spring. This study revealed differentiated patterns for weekdays and weekends, which could be related with the fluxes of automobile traffic. During a typical week, ultrafine particles alveolar deposited surface area varied between 35.0 and 89.2 μm2/cm3, which is comparable with levels reported for other towns such in Germany and the United States. These measurements were also complemented by measuring the electrical mobility diameter (varying from 18.3 to 128.3 nm) and number of particles that showed higher values than those previously reported for Madrid and Brisbane. Also, electron microscopy showed that the collected particles were composed of carbonaceous agglomerates, typical of particles emitted by the exhaustion of diesel vehicles. Implications: The approach of this study considers the measurement of surface deposited alveolar area of particles in the outdoor urban environment of Lisbon, Portugal. This type of measurements has not been done so far. Only particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters <2.5 (PM2.5) and >10 (PM10) μm have been measured in outdoor environments and the levels found cannot be found responsible for all the observed health effects. Therefore, the exposure to nano- and ultrafine particles has not been assessed systematically, and several authors consider this as a real knowledge gap and claim for data such as these that will allow for deriving better and more comprehensive epidemiologic studies. Nanoparticle surface area monitor (NSAM) equipments are recent ones and their use has been limited to indoor atmospheres. However, as this study shows, NSAM is a very powerful tool for outdoor environments also. As most lung diseases are, in fact, related to deposition of the alveolar region of the lung, the metric used in this study is the ideal one.


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Eight marine cyanobacteria strains of the genera Cyanobium, Leptolyngbya, Oscillatoria, Phormidium, and Synechococcus were isolated from rocky beaches along the Atlantic Portuguese central coast and tested for ecotoxicity. Strains were identified by morphological characteristics and by the amplification and sequentiation of the 16S rDNA. Bioactivity of dichloromethane, methanol and aqueous extracts was assessed by the Artemia salina bioassay. Peptide toxin production was screened by matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry. Molecular analysis of the genes involved in the production of known cyanotoxins such as microcystins, nodularins and cylindrospermopsin was also performed. Strains were toxic to the brine shrimp A. salina nauplii with aqueous extracts being more toxic than the organic ones. Although mass spectrometry analysis did not reveal the production of microcystins or other known toxic peptides, a positive result for the presence of mcyE gene was found in one Leptolyngbya strain and one Oscillatoria strain. The extensive brine shrimp mortality points to the involvement of other unknown toxins, and the presence of a fragment of genes involved in the cyanotoxin production highlight the potential risk of cyanobacteria occurrence on the Atlantic coast.


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Copyright © 2014 Entomological Society of America.


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Apesar da vulgaridade com que hoje em dia é usada a expressão “corpo objecto” são vários os autores que a empregam em qualquer representação do corpo da mulher destinada a promover produtos masculinos ou femininos esta comunicação, fruto de uma investigação inserida no contexto da minha tese de Doutoramento, intitulada As representações do corpo na publicidade, já apresentada publicamente no ISCTE (12 de Maio de 2005), visa demonstrar que este conceito apenas se deve aplicar aquando do recurso gratuito e primário de corpos femininos reveladores de determinados detalhes da sua feminilidade poses sensuais ou mesmo eróticas, corpos seminus ou nus e limitados à promoção de produtos masculinos, tal qual defendem Villegas e Chica: «é preciso reconhecer que o tratamento da mulher como objecto sexual passivo emerge de um modo dominante em anúncios dirigidos de forma exclusiva ou prevalecente aos homens: produtos de barbear, roupa masculina, determinados modelos de automóveis, bebidas alcoólicas, etc.» (2001, 40). 1 Nestas situações, a mulher acaba por ser ela própria um produto, um objecto, já que emerge nas mais diversas poses, funcionando como um elemento altamente persuasivo. Para demonstrar a esta posição recorri a uma vasta metodologia de análise da imagem, da qual destaco o inventário de figuras de retórica da imagem publicitária oferecida por J. Durand (1972); os níveis de codificação da imagem publicitária propostos por Umberto Eco (1987); o estudo de Kathy Myers (1995), uma investigadora norteamericana que, baseada nas teorias feministas se dedica ao estudo da mulher na publicidade; e os trabalhos de LazierSmith (citado por Gauli, 2000), investigador americano que analisou, de um modo contínuo, nos anos 70 e 80, a publicidade norteamericana, mais especificamente a publicidade das revistas, MS, Playboy, Time e Nensweek. Esta metodologia foi aplicada a um extenso corpus de anúncios, com especial incidência da marca Calvin Klein.


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To cope with permanent fluctuations in demand, organizations are challenged to organize their manpower capacity in a flexible way. Different strategies of manpower planning are being used for this purpose. Using data from the 2002 Panel Survey of Organisations Flanders, we first verify to what extent temporal, contractual and functional flexibility strategies are applied in Flemish organizations. Subsequently, logistic regression is used to analyse the link between these flexible work strategies and a ‘fitting manpower capacity’. While the results show a negative association between the use of temporal or contractual flexibility measures and a balanced manpower capacity, functional flexibility seems to be positively related. The different logics in which numerical and functional flexibility proceed can be labeled as ‘curative’ versus ‘preventive’ strategies of flexibility. Further analyses discern between various interpretations of functional flexibility and assess whether different team types make a contribution to a fitting manpower capacity.


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Incontinentia pigmenti (IP) is a rare multisystem disease, X linked dominant disorder. As all X linked dominant diseases, it is usually male-lethal. Female newborn admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit on the fi rst day of life was diagnosed as having probable herpetic infection with vesicular skin lesions distributed on upper right limb and inferior limbs. Family history showed that her 22-year-old mother had hypopigmented lesions on the lower limbs and her 13-month-old sister had hyperpigmented lesions on the trunk and limbs. In newborns, herpes infection emerges as the principal diagnosis of vesicular rash, due to the importance of precocious diagnosis and treatment. Other hypothesis must be considered in a newborn with vesicobullous rash, such as IP.


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O tumor de Buschke-Löwenstein (TBL) é uma variante rara de condiloma acuminatum que possui comportamento maligno pelo crescimento local, mas não apresenta potencial metastático. Afeta primariamente a área genital e, menos frequentemente a região perianal. Os fatores de risco para o seu desenvolvimento incluem a terapêutica imunossupressora e a infeção VIH. Possui elevada taxa de recorrência e de transformação maligna, sendo a cirurgia o tratamento inicial recomendado. Apresenta-se um caso de TBL perianal e anal num doente com infeção VIH cuja histologia não revelou transformação maligna e para o qual a terapêutica cirúrgica isolada foi eficaz. Revê-se o conhecimento atual sobre esta entidade tendo em atenção a história natural nos indivíduos infetados pelo VIH.


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Henrique, ou Jacob, de Castro Sarmento (1691-1762), médico judeu, nascido em Bragança e exilado em Inglaterra a partir de 1721, devido às perseguições da Inquisição aos cristãos-novos, é considerado como o introdutor das ideias de Isaac Newton (1662-1727) em Portugal e um dos principais responsáveis pela disseminação da iatroquímica entre os médicos portugueses, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento da medicina e ciência portuguesas do século XVIII. Eleito para sócio da Royal Society em 1730, o médico português tornou-se o principal interlocutor científico entre Portugal e Inglaterra, sendo a sua actividade exemplar do modo como ocorreram as trocas de conhecimento entre o centro da Europa e a sua periferia. Autor de diversas obras médicas, Sarmento abordou algumas das temáticas médicas mais relevantes do século das luzes, como a inoculação das bexigas ou a utilização terapêutica das águas minerais, veiculando uma nova forma de encarar a prática médica. A sua obra Theorica Verdadeira das Mares, editada em 1737, foi a primeira publicada em Portugal onde as ideias de Newton são consideradas com o devido detalhe. Paradoxalmente, Sarmento foi também produtor de medicamentos de segredo, tendo a sua Água de Inglaterra alcançado um sucesso significativo em Portugal. Figura polémica e multifacetada, Sarmento dedicou uma parte considerável da sua vida à divulgação e disseminação das ideias dos autores modernos, dos quais se destacam Boyle, Newton e Boerhaave. O presente trabalho tem como principal objectivo elucidar os principais aspectos da sua vida e obra, procurando enquadrar as suas actividades no contexto da medicina e ciência europeias de setecentos.


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Biofilm research is growing more diverse and dependent on high-throughput technologies and the large-scale production of results aggravates data substantiation. In particular, it is often the case that experimental protocols are adapted to meet the needs of a particular laboratory and no statistical validation of the modified method is provided. This paper discusses the impact of intra-laboratory adaptation and non-rigorous documentation of experimental protocols on biofilm data interchange and validation. The case study is a non-standard, but widely used, workflow for Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm development, considering three analysis assays: the crystal violet (CV) assay for biomass quantification, the XTT assay for respiratory activity assessment, and the colony forming units (CFU) assay for determination of cell viability. The ruggedness of the protocol was assessed by introducing small changes in the biofilm growth conditions, which simulate minor protocol adaptations and non-rigorous protocol documentation. Results show that even minor variations in the biofilm growth conditions may affect the results considerably, and that the biofilm analysis assays lack repeatability. Intra-laboratory validation of non-standard protocols is found critical to ensure data quality and enable the comparison of results within and among laboratories.


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B-Lactoglobulin (b-Lg) is the major protein fraction of bovine whey serum and a primary gelling agent. b-Lg has a high nutritional value, is stable at low pH being highly resistant to proteolytic degradation in the stomach, besides, it has the ability of acting as an encapsulating agent. This study aims at assessing the ability of b-Lg nanostructures to associate a nutraceutical - i.e. riboflavin - and release it in a controlled manner throughout an in vitro gastrointestinal (GI) system. For this reason b-Lg nanostructures loaded with riboflavin were critically characterized in terms of their morphology (i.e. size, polydispersity, -potential and shape) by dynamic light scattering (DLS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and efficiency to associate to riboflavin through spectrofluorimetry. Furthermore, these nanocomplexes were evaluated in an in vitro GI model, simulating the physiological conditions. Stable b-Lg nanostructures were obtained at pH 6, of spherical shape, characterized by particle size of 172±1 nm, low polydispersity (i.e. PDI of 0.06±0.02), -potential of -32±3 mV and association efficiency (AE) of 26±1 %. b-Lg nanostructures showed to be stable upon their passage throughout stomach (i.e. particle size, PDI and potential of 248±10 nm, 0.18±0.03 and 18±3 mV, respectively). Concerning their passage throughout the intestine, such nanostructures were mostly degraded in the duodenum. Regarding riboflavin, a release of about 11 % was observed after their passage through stomach, while 35 %, 38 % and 5 % were the released percentages of the total riboflavin associated observed after passage through duodenum, jejunum and ileum, respectively. Hence,b-Lg nanostructures showed to be suitable carriers for riboflavin until the intestine, where their degradation occurs. b-Lg also showed to be structurally stable, under food simulant conditions (yoghurt simulant, composed of 3 % acetic acid), over 14 days, with a protective effect upon riboflavin activity, releasing it in a 7 day period.


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გამოცემა შეიცავს სტატისტიკურ ცნობებს საქართველოს შესახებ მეთვრამეტე საუკუნეში. მათში პირველი ადგილი უჭირავს მეწინავე დროშის საბარათოშვილოს და სომხითის აღწერას, რომელიც შედგენილია მეფის ვახტანგ მეეხვსის ბრძანებით 1721 წელს ცნობილი ისტორიკოსის ვახუშტი ბატონიშვილის და მდივნის გივი თუმანიშვილის მიერ. შემდეგი სტატისტიკური მასალა (გვ. 407-486) შეიცავს არაგვის ხეობის აღწერას 1774 წლისა. ეს აღწერა შეუდგენიათ მეფე ირაკლი მეორის ბრძანებით ლუარსაბ მაყაშვილს და მანუჩარ თუმანიშვილს, მდივნის გორჯასპის შვილს.


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Ovalbumin-like serine protease inhibitors are mainly localized intracellularly and their in vivo functions are largely unknown. To elucidate their physiological role(s), we studied the expression of one of these inhibitors, protease inhibitor 8 (PI-8), in normal human tissues by immunohistochemistry using a PI-8-specific monoclonal antibody. PI-8 was strongly expressed in the nuclei of squamous epithelium of mouth, pharynx, esophagus, and epidermis, and by the epithelial layer of skin appendages, particularly by more differentiated epithelial cells. PI-8 was also expressed by monocytes and by neuroendocrine cells in the pituitary gland, pancreas, and digestive tract. Monocytes showed nuclear and cytoplasmic localization of PI-8, whereas neuroendocrine cells showed only cytoplasmic staining. In vitro nuclear localization of PI-8 was confirmed by confocal analysis using serpin-transfected HeLa cells. Furthermore, mutation of the P(1) residue did not affect the subcellular distribution pattern of PI-8, indicating that its nuclear localization is independent of the interaction with its target protease. We conclude that PI-8 has a unique distribution pattern in human tissues compared to the distribution patterns of other intracellular serpins. Additional studies must be performed to elucidate its physiological role.


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For many drugs, finding the balance between efficacy and toxicity requires monitoring their concentrations in the patient's blood. Quantifying drug levels at the bedside or at home would have advantages in terms of therapeutic outcome and convenience, but current techniques require the setting of a diagnostic laboratory. We have developed semisynthetic bioluminescent sensors that permit precise measurements of drug concentrations in patient samples by spotting minimal volumes on paper and recording the signal using a simple point-and-shoot camera. Our sensors have a modular design consisting of a protein-based and a synthetic part and can be engineered to selectively recognize a wide range of drugs, including immunosuppressants, antiepileptics, anticancer agents and antiarrhythmics. This low-cost point-of-care method could make therapies safer, increase the convenience of doctors and patients and make therapeutic drug monitoring available in regions with poor infrastructure.