992 resultados para Tropical rain forest
A produção de folhedo e a taxa de decomposição de folhedo (k) foram estimadas, no período de 2.8.85 a 10.8.86, numa área de 1 ha de mata atlântica de encosta (60º de inclinação e altitude de 140m), no município do Guarujá (Lat. S 24º16'; Long. W 46º19'), Estado de São Paulo. A queda pluviométrica anual média é de 2050 mm e não há estação seca definida. O solo é argilo-arenoso e ácido, com pH variando entre 3 e 4. A produção anual de folhedo foi de 7925 kg/ha. A fração folhas contribuiu com 5040 kg/ha seguida pelas frações ramos (1950 kg/ha), flores (491 kg/ha), frutos (222 kg/ha) e material de origem animal (222 kg/ha). A produção de folhedo e das frações componentes foi contínua durante todo o ano. Os valores mensais de produção não revelaram nenhum padrão sazonal. A taxa de decomposição (k) foi estimada para condições de equilíbrio dinâmico (0,72) e também utilizando a porcentagem de peso remanescente da fração foliar (0,83). O tempo médio para a decomposição de 50% do folhedo foi de 350 dias.
The golden-faced saki monkey Pithecia pithecia chrysocephala (Cebidae, Primates) was observed eating soil from termite nests during a long-term study of a family group in a Central Amazonian forest fragment. In this paper we describe the behaviour involved in the geophagy in these monkeys, and the results of geochemical and physical analyses of the termite nest material, as well as root mat and topsoil samples below the trees, in order to clarify the possible reasons for it. The sakis ate soil from nine arboreal termite nests on 26 soil feeding-bouts (in 853 observation hours); 25 soil feeding-bouts occurred in March 1987 (rainy season), during 19 days or 132 observation hours, and occupied 0.7% of the feeding time. Geophagy frequencies did not differ between sexes (17 feeding-bouts of four females and 8 for two males). Mineral composition was higher in arboreal termitaria than in the topsoil. Kaolinite was the major clay component. Tannin adsorptive capacity, tested through a modified radial diffusion method of Hagerman, was around 10-20%, similar to a control with kaolin (10-20%), but lower than bentonite or celite (30-45%). The observations reported here, although inconclusive as to the function of geophagy in this species, indicate that it is not a mineral supplement during times of scarcity or high consumption of leaves, as has been reported for other primates, nor that it is related to fruit consumption (redressing possible mineral imbalance), as has been suggested for some other frugivorous mammals. Our results do not rule out tannin adsorptive hypothesis for the ingestion of clays, but, being an irregular habit, we argue that it is most likely related to rare and occasional dietary components.
Piper cernuum is a native plant of the Brazilian Atlantic rain forest. This work studies the distribution of allozyme diversity in P. cernuum natural populations in order to establish a strategy for sustainable management and conservation. Leaf samples were collected in two Brazilian states. High divergences among populations (F-SR = 0.380) and low divergences among regions (F-RT = -0.069) and among gaps of the same population (F-GT = 0.062) were found. No association between the geographical variation and the genetic distance was detected. An excess of heterozygotes was detected in the populations (F-IS = -0.170), suggesting selection in favor of heterozygotes. The results, and the fact that the species depends on constant gap formation for maintenance of its dynamism, suggest that the founder effect is largely responsible for the structuring of populations. For sustainable management, the maintenance of plants/reproductive branches in the gaps is of major importance. The genotypes produced in these gaps are responsible for the establishment of new gaps and are the foundation for new populations, maintaining the dynamics of allele movement.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A study of the characteristics and distribution of the soil humus fractions in representative ecosystems of central Brazil was carried out with special emphasis on the comparison between the soils under virgin vegetation-Cerrado-and those subjected to cultivation. In spite of the contrasted vegetation and cultural practices in the sites studied, the soil humus showed analogous characteristics: there was a negligible amount of plant residues, the humic and fulvic acids amounted to approximately 70% of the total organic carbon, and about 40% of these humic substances were in extremely stable association with the soil mineral fraction, the HCl-HF treatment being required for their extraction. The stability of such organo-mineral complexes increased slightly in the cultured sites. The study of the humic acid fraction showed increased oxidation and aromaticity in most of the cultivated sites: the lowest values for the IR alkyl vibrations and H/C atomic ratios and the highest ones for the optical density at 465 nm were observed in sites transformed into orchards, whereas the above changes were small in those used as pasture. The 14C NMR spectra confirmed that the proportion of polyalkyl structures decreased in the humic acids of soils subjected to cultivation, as opposed to that of carboxyl groups. In spite of the high stability inferred for the organic matter throughout the wide area examined, the samples from the original Cerrado as well as from those transformed into pastures showed, in laboratory conditions, higher mineralization rates than those from the sites subjected to cultivation. This is partly attributed to the decreased proportions of extractable humic substances in the latter. © 1992.
A study of the feeding habits of the neotropical river otter, Lontra longicaudis, based on focal analysis was carried out from July 1986 to July 1987. The study was conducted at a dam in the 'Duas Bocas' Biological Reserve near the town of Cariacica, Espirito Santo State, Brazil. This reserve spreads over an area of 2 910 ha, the surface being mainly covered by the Atlantic Rain Forest. In order to identify the fish and other animal remains found in otter fecal samples, these were compared to the homologous structures of identical species living in the dam. The results of 288 samples were expressed in numbers and frequency of occurrence. Fishes were the most important food item, being present in 281 samples (97.2 %). A species of the genus Geophagus was frequently found in spraints, eaten during all months studied and present in 88.9 % of the samples. Astyanax, Pimelodella, Hoplias, Leporinus, Rhamdia, Tilapia and two other unidentified genera were found less frequently. In decreasing order of occurrence, crustaceans, amphibia, mammals, insects and birds were also encountered. Seasonal variation was verified in the scats between the dry and rainy seasons, with a higher frequency of food items occurring in the latter. In agreement with other species of otters, fishes also are the most commonly ingested prey. Two characteristics of fishes, greater abundance and easier capture, make them the major prey of otters, implying that otters are opportunistic predators eating whatever is more available.
The significance of recruitment systems for community structure of epigaeic ants in a tropical upland forest in southern Brazil was evaluated by examining patterns of spatial occurrence at fixed points. Normal exploratory activity was evaluated with pitfall traps, while the effect of recruitment and diet was evaluated by using honey and sardine baits at the same points. Through techniques developed for environmental impact assessment, the significance of recruitment was evaluated following perturbation, or the placement of bait. Of the 46 species encountered, 15 were sufficiently frequent to study. Of these, only 6 showed significant spatial frequency changes at baits when compared with pitfall trap collections. In one analysis, monthly differences were important for a few smaller species, suggesting thermic limitations, while bait types either increased or decreased spatial point usage. The magnitude of spatial point variation is an index for the strength of recruitment in community organization. Bait types suggest nutritional possibilities of each species. Both recruitment and diet are probably functions of the species composition of the ant community.
Guazuma ulmifolia is as popular reforestation tree all over Latin America. It is characteristic of the initial stages of the secondary sucession and presents potential utility in the restoring of degraded areas. There is no information about fruit, seed and seedling morphology, which is of fundamental importance for identification, extraction, management and seed germination as well as for the characterization of post-seminal development and normal seedling pattern. To obtain such information, external fruit, and external and internal seed structures were studied considenng shape, size, micropile and embryo localization, and tegumentar structures. All stages of this work were conduced in the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Campus of Jaboticabal city. The fruits were collected in a mixed plantation in Jaboticabal city, State of São Paulo, Brazil. For the biometric study eight repetitions of ten fruits and eight repetitions of 100 seeds were utilized. For seed internal traits study, 50 seeds were drenched in a distiled water, cut, and observed with a scanning electron microscope and a stereomicroscope. For post-seminal study ten repetitions of seven seeds were scarificated chemically with sulphuric acid during 50 min, and placed to germinate in a culture medium, at 30°C, and eight hours of photoperiod. We found elipsoid, woody, indehiscent, pentacarpelar fruits, with a mean lenght of 22.61 mm (diameter 24.88 mm) and 64.0 seeds per fruit. Seed shape varies, mean length is 3.07 mm (width of 2.36 mm).The seed is bitegumented, tegmic, with a continuous, axial and curved embryo. The germination is epigeal and the seedlings are fanerocotiledoneus. Drawings of all stages are included.
A new species of Acanthaceae, Staurogyne rubescens, is described and illustrated. It is endemic to the Brazilian moist forests on the eastern range of mountains named Serra do Mar and is thus far known only from the states of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. Staurogyne rubescens can be distinguished by its lax terminal racemes, with bracts and bracteoles that are foliaceous, and the flowers that have a pink calyx and red corolla. Staurogyne itatiaiae (Wawra) Leonard also has red flowers and occurs in the highlands of the Atlantic rain forest. The distinguishing characters for these two species are presented in tabular format.
We studied the reproductive biology and visual signaling of Dendropsophus werneri, whose distribution is limited to the Atlantic Rain Forest. The fieldwork was carried out in the Estação 2 do IAPAR, municipality of Morretes, state of Paraná, Brazil, from August 2006 to March 2007. Additional information on reproduction was gathered in the Reserva Natural Salto Morato, municipality of Guaraqueçaba, state of Paraná, Brazil, from September 2006 to March 2007. Males were smaller than females. Males called throughout all the study period in Morretes, but were active only during three months in Guaraqueçaba; males called from low vegetation along the edge of temporary ponds in open areas. The visual signaling was observed in two contexts: (1) aggressive behaviors between two males and (2) during the reproduction, by amplectant males. In the territorial behavior, males exhibited both aggressive and mixed calls, visual signaling as well as physical combats. We also recorded satellite behavior in four males. The mean egg number per clutch was 244 ± 32 eggs, varying between 188 and 310 eggs. We observed two reproductive modes: Mode 1 and Mode 24. In the present study, Dendropsophus werneri showed elaborated social interactions involving visual signaling, territorial behavior, mating bahavior with tactile stimuli, and two different reproductive modes, demonstrating its complex reproductive biology.
Studies focusing on communities of helminths from Brazilian lizards are increasing, but there are many blanks in the knowledge of parasitic fauna of wild fauna. This lack of knowledge hampers understanding of ecological and parasitological aspects of involved species. Moreover, the majority of research has focused on parasitic fauna of lizards from families Tropiduridae and Scincidae. Only a few studies have looked at lizards from the family Leiosauridae, including some species of Enyalius. This study presents data on the gastrointestinal parasite fauna of Enyalius perditus and their relationships with ecological aspects of hosts in a disturbed Atlantic rainforest area in the state of Minas Gerais, south-eastern Brazil. Two nematode species, Oswaldocruzia burseyi [(Molineidae) and Strongyluris oscari (Heterakidae) were found. Nematode species showed an aggregated distribution in this host population, with O. burseyi being more aggregated than S. oscari. The present study extends the range of occurrence of O. burseyi to the Brazilian continental area. © 2011 Cambridge University Press.
The occurence of carbonatic rocks defines a typical type of relief, called karst, that, by its geomorphology and hydrology, usually differs from the surrounding landscape. In the upper São Francisco river basin, some striking remnants of vegetation associated to karst can be found, which are locally knwon as Mata de Pains. In this region, a mosaic of different physiognomies, including forests and open areas, which present noteworthy plant diversity, composes the vegetation. The aim of this study is to provide an inventory of angiosperm species in areas of carbonatic rocks outcrops in the upper São Francisco river basin karst region, as well as analyze the floristic relationship of the study area with different Brazilian phytogeographic domains. Fieldwork was performed during the period of 2002 a 2006, when collections of fertile speciemns were done in areas associated to carbonatic rock outcrops. During the study, 1512 exsicates were incorporated to BHCB herbarium collection. A total of 456 angiosperm species were inventoried, distributed in 299 genera and 77 families. Herbaceous habit was better represented, with 161 species, followed by shrubs and trees (111 species each) and lianas (73 species). The flora of the study area presents more influence of the Mata Atlântica domain (Atlantic Rain Forest), followed by, in order of importance, Cerrado, Amazonia, Caatinga, Pantanal and Pampa. Floristic surveys in different karst regions inserted in different phytogeographic domains may, together, provide useful information in understanding the phytogeografic history of Neotropical vegetation.
Experiments of biomass combustion were performed to determine whether specimen size, tray inclination, or combustion air flow rate was the factor that most affects the emission of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and methane. The chosen biomass was Eucalyptus citriodora, a very abundant species in Brazil, utilized in many industrial applications, including combustion for energy generation. Analyses by gas chromatograph and specific online instruments were used to determine the concentrations of the main emitted gases, and the following figures were found for the emission factors: 1400 ± 101 g kg-1 of CO2, 50 ± 13 g kg-1 of CO, and 3.2 ± 0.5 g kg-1 of CH4, which agree with values published in the literature for biomass from the Amazon rainforest. Statistical analysis of the experiments determined that specimen size most significantly affected the emission of gases, especially CO2 and CO. •Statistical analysis to determine effects on emission factors.•CO2, CO, CH4 emission factors determined for combustion of Eucalyptus.•Laboratory results agreed with data for Amazonian biomass combustion in field tests.•Combustion behavior under flaming and smoldering was analyzed. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)