937 resultados para Travel -- Guidebooks


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Mediante el acercamiento que se hizo al área corporativa de BCD TRAVEL COLOMBIA y considerando el importante crecimiento actual del Sector Turismo y más precisamente de los viajes con motivo corporativo en el país, surge la necesidad del presente trabajo. Al hacer un análisis interno en la organización y de su entorno, se evidenció que la compañía tiene carencia en procesos y establecimiento de nuevas estrategias que le permitan identificar y potencializar oportunidades en su mercado objetivo y en torno a sus clientes y proveedores, lo cual, puede amenazar y comprometer la estabilidad y prestigio de empresa y así mismo su perdurabilidad. Se elaborará un propuesta de mejora en torno a el área de mercadeo y de logística con el fin de estructurar herramientas que le permitan a la compañía tener un horizonte definido, conocer su posición estratégica en el mercado actual, a donde quiere llegar y que debe hacer para lograr los objetivos establecidos en su unidad de negocio corporativa, la cual representa el mayor porcentaje de ingresos para la compañía. . Se espera que los planes de mejora y estrategias establecidas generen servicios de valor agregado e impacten positivamente a lo largo de la cadena de suministro logrando mayor rentabilidad, competitividad y seguimiento de todos los procesos de esta unidad de negocio.


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The arboreal ant Odontomachus hastatus nests among roots of epiphytic bromeliads in the sandy forest at Cardoso Island (Brazil). Crepuscular and nocturnal foragers travel up to 8m to search for arthropod prey in the canopy, where silhouettes of leaves and branches potentially provide directional information. We investigated the relevance of visual cues (canopy, horizon patterns) during navigation in O. hastatus. Laboratory experiments using a captive ant colony and a round foraging arena revealed that an artificial canopy pattern above the ants and horizon visual marks are effective orientation cues for homing O. hastatus. On the other hand, foragers that were only given a tridimensional landmark (cylinder) or chemical marks were unable to home correctly. Navigation by visual cues in O. hastatus is in accordance with other diurnal arboreal ants. Nocturnal luminosity (moon, stars) is apparently sufficient to produce contrasting silhouettes from the canopy and surrounding vegetation, thus providing orientation cues. Contrary to the plain floor of the round arena, chemical cues may be important for marking bifurcated arboreal routes. This experimental demonstration of the use of visual cues by a predominantly nocturnal arboreal ant provides important information for comparative studies on the evolution of spatial orientation behavior in ants. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Neotropical Behaviour.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Diapoma is reviewed and four species are recognized: (1) Diapoma thauma, new species, from streams of the rio Jacuí basin, state of Rio Grande do Sul; (2) D. pyrrhopteryx, new species collected from the rio Canoas and streams flowing into this basin in the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, Brazil; (3) Diapoma terofali, from streams flowing into rio Uruguay in Uruguay and Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil and streams flowing into rio de la Plata, Argentina; and (4) Diapoma speculiferum, from lowland coastal streams in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil and Uruguay. Diapoma pyrrhopteryx possess the posteroventral opercular elongation typical of D. speculiferum, type species of the genus, but which is absent in D. thauma and D. terofali. Nonetheless, all the diapomin species have the caudal pouch organ about equally developed in both sexes and the dorsal portion of the pouch opening bordered by a series of 3 to 8 elongated scales, the two derived features that characterize the group. The two previously described species, D. speculiferum and D. terofali, are redescribed. Previous hypotheses of relationships among the diapomin genera Planaltina, Diapoma and Acrobrycon are discussed on the basis of preliminary morphological information. It is proposed that the Diapomini is a monophyletic group. An identification key, information on sexual dimorphism, gonad anatomy, reproductive mode and distribution of the species of Diapoma are provided.


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O texto apresenta breve introdução à vida e à obra de Giovanni Angelo Brunelli (1722-1804), astrônomo bolonhês que participou da primeira Comissão Demarcadora de Limites entre as possessões de Portugal e Espanha na América do Sul, de 1753 a 1761, a serviço da Coroa lusitana. Em seguida, são publicados os três trabalhos de Brunelli sobre a Amazônia brasileira, tendo como temas a pororoca (1767), a mandioca (1767) e o rio Amazonas (1791); e dois outros documentos relacionadas à comissão, um ofício no qual Brunelli reclama a coordenação dos trabalhos de cartografia (1752) e um rascunho do diário de viagem do astrônomo até o rio Negro (1754). Todos esses documentos foram traduzidos ao português, pela primeira vez, do latim e do italiano.


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A new species of Euprognatha Stimpson, 1871 from off coast of Brazil (Canopus Bank, 02º15.3'00"S - 38º16.0'00"W) is described and illustrated, namely Euprognatha limatula n. sp. The new species is compared to its congeners. Lectotypes are designated for E. acuta A. Milne-Edwards, 1880 and E. granulata Faxon, 1893. A key to the species of Euprognatha is provided.


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O intertexto canônico de Avalovara concretiza-se neste artigo a partir do diálogo desse romance de Osman Lins com A divina comédia, de Dante, Werther, de Goethe, Moby Dick, de Melville, e La modification, de Butor. Essas obras se unem em torno de uma experiência comum de seus protagonistas: a viagem e a busca de algo inapreensível, motivos nucleares do gênero épico.


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OBJETIVO: Verificar a influência do local de nascimento e do transporte sobre a morbimortalidade de recém-nascidos prematuros na Região Sul do Brasil. MÉTODOS: Estudo de coorte com recém-nascidos prematuros transferidos para a unidade de tratamento intensivo de referência (grupo transporte = 61), tendo sido acompanhados até a alta. Os dados sobre o atendimento no hospital de origem e transporte foram obtidos no momento da internação. Esse grupo foi comparado com neonatos da maternidade de referência, pareados por idade gestacional (grupo controle = 123), tendo como desfecho primário o óbito e desfechos secundários as alterações da glicemia, temperatura e saturação de oxigênio no momento da internação e a incidência de enterocolite necrosante, displasia broncopulmonar e sepses. Na associação entre as variáveis e o desfecho, foi utilizado o risco relativo. Foi adotado um nível de significância de α = 5% e β = 90%. RESULTADOS: A distância média percorrida foi de 91 km. A idade gestacional média foi de 34 semanas. Entre os recém-nascidos transferidos, 23% (n = 14) não tiveram atendimento pediátrico na sala de parto. No transporte, 33% dos recém-nascidos foram acompanhados por pediatra, e os equipamentos utilizados foram: incubadora (57%), bomba de infusão (13%), oxímetro (49%) e aparelho para aferição da glicemia (21%). O grupo transporte apresentou maior incidência de hiperglicemia, risco relativo (RR) = 3,2 (2,3-4,4), hipoglicemia, RR = 2,4 (1,4-4,0), hipertermia, RR = 2,5 (1,6-3,9), e hipoxemia, RR = 2,2 (1,6-3,0). Foram observados 18% de óbitos no grupo dos transferidos e 8,9% no grupo controle, RR = 2,0 (1,0-2,6). CONCLUSÕES: A pesquisa expõe deficiências no atendimento e transporte dos recém-nascidos, sendo necessária uma melhor organização do atendimento perinatal e do transporte na região nordeste do Rio Grande do Sul.


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Background: In a number of malaria endemic regions, tourists and travellers face a declining risk of travel associated malaria, in part due to successful malaria control. Many millions of visitors to these regions are recommended, via national and international policy, to use chemoprophylaxis which has a well recognized morbidity profile. To evaluate whether current malaria chemo-prophylactic policy for travellers is cost effective when adjusted for endemic transmission risk and duration of exposure. a framework, based on partial cost-benefit analysis was used Methods: Using a three component model combining a probability component, a cost component and a malaria risk component, the study estimated health costs avoided through use of chemoprophylaxis and costs of disease prevention (including adverse events and pre-travel advice for visits to five popular high and low malaria endemic regions) and malaria transmission risk using imported malaria cases and numbers of travellers to malarious countries. By calculating the minimal threshold malaria risk below which the economic costs of chemoprophylaxis are greater than the avoided health costs we were able to identify the point at which chemoprophylaxis would be economically rational. Results: The threshold incidence at which malaria chemoprophylaxis policy becomes cost effective for UK travellers is an accumulated risk of 1.13% assuming a given set of cost parameters. The period a travellers need to remain exposed to achieve this accumulated risk varied from 30 to more than 365 days, depending on the regions intensity of malaria transmission. Conclusions: The cost-benefit analysis identified that chemoprophylaxis use was not a cost-effective policy for travellers to Thailand or the Amazon region of Brazil, but was cost-effective for travel to West Africa and for those staying longer than 45 days in India and Indonesia.


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As a contribution to the Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia - Cooperative LBA Airborne Regional Experiment (LBA-CLAIRE-2001) field campaign in the heart of the Amazon Basin, we analyzed the temporal and spatial dynamics of the urban plume of Manaus City during the wet-to-dry season transition period in July 2001. During the flights, we performed vertical stacks of crosswind transects in the urban outflow downwind of Manaus City, measuring a comprehensive set of trace constituents including O(3), NO, NO(2), CO, VOC, CO(2), and H(2)O. Aerosol loads were characterized by concentrations of total aerosol number (CN) and cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), and by light scattering properties. Measurements over pristine rainforest areas during the campaign showed low levels of pollution from biomass burning or industrial emissions, representative of wet season background conditions. The urban plume of Manaus City was found to be joined by plumes from power plants south of the city, all showing evidence of very strong photochemical ozone formation. One episode is discussed in detail, where a threefold increase in ozone mixing ratios within the atmospheric boundary layer occurred within a 100 km travel distance downwind of Manaus. Observation-based estimates of the ozone production rates in the plume reached 15 ppb h(-1). Within the plume core, aerosol concentrations were strongly enhanced, with Delta CN/Delta CO ratios about one order of magnitude higher than observed in Amazon biomass burning plumes. Delta CN/Delta CO ratios tended to decrease with increasing transport time, indicative of a significant reduction in particle number by coagulation, and without substantial new particle nucleation occurring within the time/space observed. While in the background atmosphere a large fraction of the total particle number served as CCN (about 60-80% at 0.6% supersaturation), the CCN/CN ratios within the plume indicated that only a small fraction (16 +/- 12 %) of the plume particles were CCN. The fresh plume aerosols showed relatively weak light scattering efficiency. The CO-normalized CCN concentrations and light scattering coefficients increased with plume age in most cases, suggesting particle growth by condensation of soluble organic or inorganic species. We used a Single Column Chemistry and Transport Model (SCM) to infer the urban pollution emission fluxes of Manaus City, implying observed mixing ratios of CO, NO(x) and VOC. The model can reproduce the temporal/spatial distribution of ozone enhancements in the Manaus plume, both with and without accounting for the distinct (high NO(x)) contribution by the power plants; this way examining the sensitivity of ozone production to changes in the emission rates of NO(x). The VOC reactivity in the Manaus region was dominated by a high burden of biogenic isoprene from the background rainforest atmosphere, and therefore NO(x) control is assumed to be the most effective ozone abatement strategy. Both observations and models show that the agglomeration of NO(x) emission sources, like power plants, in a well-arranged area can decrease the ozone production efficiency in the near field of the urban populated cores. But on the other hand remote areas downwind of the city then bear the brunt, being exposed to increased ozone production and N-deposition. The simulated maximum stomatal ozone uptake fluxes were 4 nmol m(-2) s(-1) close to Manaus, and decreased only to about 2 nmol m(-2) s(-1) within a travel distance >1500 km downwind from Manaus, clearly exceeding the critical threshold level for broadleaf trees. Likewise, the simulated N deposition close to Manaus was similar to 70 kg N ha(-1) a(-1) decreasing only to about 30 kg N ha(-1) a(-1) after three days of simulation.


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Commercial passenger flights have been increasing around the world. The effect of these flights on health is unclear. Venous thromboembolism has been noted after recent long-distance airplane flight, even in the absence of other risk factors. Hypoxia caused by the low ambient pressure during flights could contribute, and individuals with obstructive sleep apnea may be particularly vulnerable. The association between the effects of long airplane travel and sleep-disordered breathing deserves further study. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study evaluates the impacts of Brazilian highway conditions on fuel consumption and, consequently, on carbon dioxide (COO emissions. For the purpose of this study, highway conditions refer to the level of highway maintenance: the incidence of large potholes, large surface cracks, uneven sections, and debris. Primary computer collected data related to the fuel consumption of three types of trucks were analyzed. The data were derived from 88 trips taken over six routes, each route representative of one of two highway conditions: better or worse. Study results are initially presented for each type of truck being monitored. The results are then aggregated to approximate the entire Brazilian highway network. In all cases, results confirmed environmental benefits resulting from travel over the better routes. There was found to be an increase in energy efficiency from traveling better roads, which resulted in lower fuel consumption and lower CO(2) emissions. Statistical analysis of the results suggests that, in general, fuel consumption data were significant at *P < 0.05, rejecting the null hypothesis that average fuel consumption from traveling the better routes is statistically equal to average fuel consumption from traveling the worse routes. Improved Brazilian road conditions would generate economic benefits, reduce dependency on and consumption of fossil fuels (due to the increase in energy efficiency), and reduce CO(2) emissions. These findings may have additional relevancy if Brazil needs to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to reach future Kyoto Protocol`s emissions targets, which should take effect in January 2013. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this study was to determine the attentional demands of natural and imposed gait, as well as the attentional costs of transitions between the walking and running co-ordination patterns. Seven healthy young men and four healthy young women undertook an auditory probe reaction time task concurrently with self-selected gait (Experiment 1) and imposed walking and running (Experiment 2) at different speeds on a motor-driven treadmill. In Experiment 1, where participants were free to choose their own movement pattern to match the speed of travel of the treadmill, normal gait control was shown to have a significant attentional cost, and hence not be automatic in the classical sense. However, this attentional cost did not differ between the two gait modes or at the transition point. In Experiment 2, where participants were required to maintain specific gait modes regardless of the treadmill speed, the maintenance of walking at speeds normally associated with running was found to have an attentional cost whereas this was not the case for running at normal walking speeds. Collectively the findings support a model of gait control in which the normal switching between gait modes is determined with minimal attention demand and in which it is possible to sustain non-preferred gait modes although, in the case of walking, only at a significant attentional/cognitive cost. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.