977 resultados para Translational psychobiotics


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Exercise may be described as a polypill to prevent and/or treat almost every chronic disease, with obvious benefits such as its low cost and practical lack of adverse effects. Implementing physical activity interventions in public health is therefore a goal at the medical, social, and economic levels. This chapter describes the importance of health promotion through physical activity and discusses the impacts of exercise on the most prevalent chronic diseases, namely metabolic syndrome-related disorders, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and Alzheimer's disease. For each of these chronic conditions, we discuss the epidemiological evidence supporting a beneficial role of exercise, provide guidelines for exercise prescription, and describe the biological mechanisms whereby exercise exerts its modulatory effects.


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The purpose of this study is to compare the 4-year biochemical disease-free survival (BDFS) of patients with prostate cancer (PCa) staged according to multiparametric MRI (mpMRI) and treated with radical prostatectomy (RP) versus intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) ≥76 Gy ± hormonal therapy (HT).


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Plakhov, A.Y.; Gouveia, P.D.F., (2007) 'Problems of maximal mean resistance on the plane', Nonlinearity 20(9) pp.2271-2287 RAE2008


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Douglas B. Murray, Manfred Beckmann, and Hiroaki Kitano. (2007). Regulation of yeast oscillatory dynamics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 104 (7), 2241-2246 Sponsorship: Solution-Oriented Research for Science and Technology Agency to the Systems Biology Institute /21st Century Center of Excellence Program and Special Coordination Program of the Ministry of Education, Sports, Culture, Science, and Technology to Keio University RAE2008


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Similarly to protein folding, the association of two proteins is driven by a free energy funnel, determined by favorable interactions in some neighborhood of the native state. We describe a docking method based on stochastic global minimization of funnel-shaped energy functions in the space of rigid body motions (SE(3)) while accounting for flexibility of the interface side chains. The method, called semi-definite programming-based underestimation (SDU), employs a general quadratic function to underestimate a set of local energy minima and uses the resulting underestimator to bias further sampling. While SDU effectively minimizes functions with funnel-shaped basins, its application to docking in the rotational and translational space SE(3) is not straightforward due to the geometry of that space. We introduce a strategy that uses separate independent variables for side-chain optimization, center-to-center distance of the two proteins, and five angular descriptors of the relative orientations of the molecules. The removal of the center-to-center distance turns out to vastly improve the efficiency of the search, because the five-dimensional space now exhibits a well-behaved energy surface suitable for underestimation. This algorithm explores the free energy surface spanned by encounter complexes that correspond to local free energy minima and shows similarity to the model of macromolecular association that proceeds through a series of collisions. Results for standard protein docking benchmarks establish that in this space the free energy landscape is a funnel in a reasonably broad neighborhood of the native state and that the SDU strategy can generate docking predictions with less than 5 � ligand interface Ca root-mean-square deviation while achieving an approximately 20-fold efficiency gain compared to Monte Carlo methods.


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The SIEGE (Smoking Induced Epithelial Gene Expression) database is a clinical resource for compiling and analyzing gene expression data from epithelial cells of the human intra-thoracic airway. This database supports a translational research study whose goal is to profile the changes in airway gene expression that are induced by cigarette smoke. RNA is isolated from airway epithelium obtained at bronchoscopy from current-, former- and never-smoker subjects, and hybridized to Affymetrix HG-U133A Genechips, which measure the level of expression of ~22 500 human transcripts. The microarray data generated along with relevant patient information is uploaded to SIEGE by study administrators using the database's web interface, found at http://pulm.bumc.bu.edu/siegeDB. PERL-coded scripts integrated with SIEGE perform various quality control functions including the processing, filtering and formatting of stored data. The R statistical package is used to import database expression values and execute a number of statistical analyses including t-tests, correlation coefficients and hierarchical clustering. Values from all statistical analyses can be queried through CGI-based tools and web forms found on the �Search� section of the database website. Query results are embedded with graphical capabilities as well as with links to other databases containing valuable gene resources, including Entrez Gene, GO, Biocarta, GeneCards, dbSNP and the NCBI Map Viewer.


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The genetics and biochemistry involved in the biodegradation of styrene and the production of polyhydroxyalkanoates in Pseudomonas putida CA-3 have been well characterised to date. Knowledge of the role played by global regulators in controlling these pathways currently represents a critical knowledge gap in this area. Here we report on our efforts to identify such regulators using mini-Tn5 transposon mutagenesis of the P. putida CA-3 genome. The library generated was subjected to phenotypic screening to identify mutants exhibiting a reduced sensitivity to the effects of carbon catabolite repression of aromatic pathway activity. Our efforts identified a clpX disrupted mutant which exhibited wild-type levels of growth on styrene but significantly reduced growth on phenylacetic acid. RT-PCR analysis of key PACoA catabolon genes necessary for phenylacetic acid metabolism, and SDS-PAGE protein profile analyses suggest that no direct alteration of PACoA pathway transcriptional or translational activity was involved. The influence of global regulators affecting the accumulation of PHAs in P. putida CA-3 was also studied. Phenotypic screening of the mini-Tn5 library revealed a gacS sensor kinase gene disruption resulting in the loss of PHA accumulation capacity in P. putida CA-3. Subsequent SDS-PAGE protein analyses of the wild type and gacS mutant strains identified post-transcriptional control of phaC1 synthase as a key point of control of PHA synthesis in P. putida CA-3. Disruption of the gacS gene in another PHA accumulating organism, P. putida S12, also demonstrated a reduction of PHA accumulation capacity. PHA accumulation was observed to be disrupted in the CA-3 gacS mutant under phosphorus limited growth conditions. Over-expression studies in both wild type CA-3 and gacS mutant demonstrated that rsmY over-expression in gacS disrupted P. putida CA-3 is insufficient to restore PHA accumulation in the cell however in wild type cells, over-expression of rsmY results in an altered PHA monomer compositions.


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Acute myeloid leukaemia refers to cancer of the blood and bone marrow characterised by the rapid expansion of immature blasts of the myeloid lineage. The aberrant proliferation of these blasts interferes with normal haematopoiesis, resulting in symptoms such as anaemia, poor coagulation and infections. The molecular mechanisms underpinning acute myeloid leukaemia are multi-faceted and complex, with a range of diverse genetic and cytogenetic abnormalities giving rise to the acute myeloid leukaemia phenotype. Amongst the most common causative factors are mutations of the FLT3 gene, which codes for a growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase required by developing haematopoietic cells. Disruptions to this gene can result in constitutively active FLT3, driving the de-regulated proliferation of undifferentiated precursor blasts. FLT3-targeted drugs provide the opportunity to inhibit this oncogenic receptor, but over time can give rise to resistance within the blast population. The identification of targetable components of the FLT3 signalling pathway may allow for combination therapies to be used to impede the emergence of resistance. However, the intracellular signal transduction pathway of FLT3 is relatively obscure. The objective of this study is to further elucidate this pathway, with particular focus on the redox signalling element which is thought to be involved. Signalling via reactive oxygen species is becoming increasingly recognised as a crucial aspect of physiological and pathological processes within the cell. The first part of this study examined the effects of NADPH oxidase-derived reactive oxygen species on the tyrosine phosphorylation levels of acute myeloid leukaemia cell lines. Using two-dimensional phosphotyrosine immunoblotting, a range of proteins were identified as undergoing tyrosine phosphorylation in response to NADPH oxidase activity. Ezrin, a cytoskeletal regulatory protein and substrate of Src kinase, was selected for further study. The next part of this study established that NADPH oxidase is subject to regulation by FLT3. Both wild type and oncogenic FLT3 signalling were shown to affect the expression of a key NADPH oxidase subunit, p22phox, and FLT3 was also demonstrated to drive intracellular reactive oxygen species production. The NADPH oxidase target protein, Ezrin, undergoes phosphorylation on two tyrosine residues downstream of FLT3 signalling, an effect which was shown to be p22phox-dependent and which was attributed to the redox regulation of Src. The cytoskeletal associations of Ezrin and its established role in metastasis prompted the investigation of the effects of FLT3 and NADPH oxidase activity on the migration of acute myeloid leukaemia cell lines. It was found that inhibition of either FLT3 or NADPH oxidase negatively impacted on the motility of acute myeloid leukaemia cells. The final part of this study focused on the relationship between FLT3 signalling and phosphatase activity. It was determined, using phosphatase expression profiling and real-time PCR, that several phosphatases are subject to regulation at the levels of transcription and post-translational modification downstream of oncogenic FLT3 activity. In summary, this study demonstrates that FLT3 signal transduction utilises a NADPH oxidase-dependent redox element, which affects Src kinase, and modulates leukaemic cell migration through Ezrin. Furthermore, the expression and activity of several phosphatases is tightly linked to FLT3 signalling. This work reveals novel components of the FLT3 signalling cascade and indicates a range of potential therapeutic targets.


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Post-translational modification of the γ-secretase protease complexes and their substrates has an important role in controlling receptor-initiated signalling events, which are critically important in the pathogenesis of cancer, inflammatory and Alzheimer’s disease. Our lab has previously characterised an interaction between TRAF6 and presenilin-1, which lead to the identification of interleukin-1 (IL-1) receptor type 1 (IL-1R1) and Toll-like receptor-4 (TLR4) as novel γ-secretase substrates. Subsequently our group showed that TRAF6 promoted ubiquitination and γ-secretase cleavage of IL-1R1. The aim of this project is to study the association between TRAF6 and the presenilins, the critical γ-secretase complex components, and to determine the functional importance of TRAF6-mediated ubiquitination of γ-secretase substrates. Firstly, we show that the full-length presenilins are novel substrates of TRAF6-mediated Lysine-63-linked polyubiquitination. Secondly, we show that co-expression of TRAF6 and the presenilins increases the stability and alters the turnover of the presenilins. Thirdly, we reveal that TRAF6-mediated ubiquitination of presenilin does not affect γ-secretase enzyme activity, but may regulate the full-length presenilin functions such as ER Ca2+ signalling. Previously, we have reported IL-1R1 as a novel substrate of TRAF6-mediated ubiquitination. In this study, we identified five lysine residues in the IL-1R1 intracellular domain targeted by TRAF6-mediated polyubiquitination. Furthermore, mutagenesis of these five lysine residues led to decreased IL-1R1 cell surface expression, precluded the ectodomain shedding and attenuated the responsiveness to IL-1β stimulation, demonstrating the critical role of TRAF6 in IL-1R1 trafficking.


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The differentiation of stem cells into multiple lineages has been explored in vascular regenerative medicine. However, in the case of smooth muscle cells (SMC), issues exist concerning inefficient rates of differentiation. In stem cells, multiple repressors potentially downregulate myocardin, the potent SRF coactivator induced SMC transcription including Krüppel like zinc finger transcription factor-4 (KLF4). This thesis aimed to explore the role of KLF4 in the regulation of myocardin gene expression in human smooth muscle stem/progenitor cells (hSMSPC), a novel circulating stem cell identified in our laboratory which expresses low levels of myocardin and higher levels of KLF4. hSMSPC cells cultured in SmGM2 1% FBS with TGF-β1 (5 ng/ml “differentiation media”) show limited SMC cell differentiation potential. Furthermore, myocardin transduced hSMSPC cells cultured in differentiation media induced myofilamentous SMC like cells with expression of SM markers. Five potential KLF4 binding sites were identified in silico within 3.9Kb upstream of the translational start site of the human myocardin promoter. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays verified that endogenous KLF4 binds the human myocardin promoter at -3702bp with Respect to the translation start site (-1). Transduction of lentiviral vectors encoding either myocardin cDNA (LV_myocardin) or KLF4 targeting shRNA (LV_shKLF4 B) induced human myocardin promoter activity in hSMSPCs. Silencing of KLF4 expression in differentiation media induced smooth muscle like morphology by day 5 in culture and increased overtime with expression of SMC markers in hSMSPCs. Implantation of silastic tubes into the rat peritoneal cavity induces formation of a tissue capsule structure which may be used as vascular grafts. Rat SMSPCs integrate into, strengthen and enhance the SMC component of such tubular capsules. These data demonstrate that KLF4 directly represses myocardin gene expression in hSMSPCs, which when differentiated, provide a potential source of SMCs in the development of autologous vascular grafts in regenerative medicine.


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RNA editing is a biological phenomena that alters nascent RNA transcripts by insertion, deletion and/or substitution of one or a few nucleotides. It is ubiquitous in all kingdoms of life and in viruses. The predominant editing event in organisms with a developed central nervous system is Adenosine to Inosine deamination. Inosine is recognized as Guanosine by the translational machinery and reverse-transcriptase. In primates, RNA editing occurs frequently in transcripts from repetitive regions of the genome. In humans, more than 500,000 editing instances have been identified, by applying computational pipelines on available ESTs and high-throughput sequencing data, and by using chemical methods. However, the functions of only a small number of cases have been studied thoroughly. RNA editing instances have been found to have roles in peptide variants synthesis by non-synonymous codon substitutions, transcript variants by alterations in splicing sites and gene silencing by miRNAs sequence modifications. We established the Database of RNA EDiting (DARNED) to accommo-date the reference genomic coordinates of substitution editing in human, mouse and fly transcripts from published literatures, with additional information on edited genomic coordinates collected from various databases e.g. UCSC, NCBI. DARNED contains mostly Adenosine to Inosine editing and allows searches based on genomic region, gene ID, and user provided sequence. The Database is accessible at http://darned.ucc.ie RNA editing instances in coding region are likely to result in recoding in protein synthesis. This encouraged me to focus my research on the occurrences of RNA editing specific CDS and non-Alu exonic regions. By applying various filters on discrepancies between available ESTs and their corresponding reference genomic sequences, putative RNA editing candidates were identified. High-throughput sequencing was used to validate these candidates. All predicted coordinates appeared to be either SNPs or unedited.


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Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia (CML) is a myeloproliferative disorder characterised by increased proliferation of haematopoietic stem cells. CML results following generation of the chimeric protein Bcr-Abl, a constitutively active tyrosine kinase which induces oncogenesis in part by promoting increased cell survival and proliferation. Since the development of Bcr-Abl-specific tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) there has been a substantial improvement in the clinical treatment of CML. Unfortunately, residual disease and the development of TKI resistance has become an ever growing concern, resulting in the need for a greater understanding of the disease in order to develop new treatment strategies. Interestingly, constitutive expression of the Bcr-Abl in CML is known to produce elevated levels of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) which are known to influence a variety of cellular processes. Previous studies have demonstrated that NADPH oxidase (Nox) activity contributes to intracellular-ROS levels in Bcr-Abl-positive cells, enhancing survival signalling. The objective of this study was to elucidate how Nox protein activity was influenced downstream of Bcr-Abl while examining how Nox-derived ROS influenced CML disease phenotype to identify the potential in targeting these proteins to improve CML treatment. These studies demonstrated that inhibition of Bcr-Abl signalling, led to a significant reduction in ROS levels which was concurrent with the GSK-3dependent, post-translational down-regulation of the small membrane-bound protein p22phox, an essential component of the Nox complex. siRNA knockdown of p22phox identified it to have a significant role in cellular proliferation and cell viability, demonstrating the importance of Nox protein activity in CML disease phenotype. Furthermore, removal of p22phox was demonstrated to make cells significantly more susceptible to Bcr-Abl-specific TKI treatment, while pharmacological silencing of Nox activity in combination with TKIs was demonstrated to produce substantial, synergistic increases in cell death through augmentation of apoptosis, demonstrating the therapeutic potential of targeting Nox proteins in combination with Bcr-Abl inhibition.


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Due to the increasing incidence of antibiotic resistant strains, the use of novel antimicrobials, such as bacteriocins, has become an ever more likely prospect. Lacticin 3147 (of which there are two components, Ltnα and Ltnβ) and nisin belong to the subgroup of bacteriocins called the lantibiotics, which has attracted much attention in recent years. The lantibiotics are antimicrobial peptides that contain unusual amino acids resulting from a series of enzyme-mediated post translational modifications. Given that there have been relatively few examples of lantibiotic-specific resistance; these antimicrobials appear to represent valid alternatives to classical antibiotics. However, the fact that lantibiotics are naturally only produced in small amounts often hinders their commercialisation. In order to overcome this bottleneck, several approaches can be employed. For example, we can create a situation that reduces the quantity of a lantibiotic required to inhibit a target by combining it with other antimicrobials. Here, following an initial screen involving lacticin 3147 and several classical antibiotics, it was observed between lacticin 3147 and the commercial antibiotics polymyxin B/E function synergistically. This reduced the amounts of the individual antimicrobials required for kill and broadened the spectrum of inhibition of both agents. Upon combination with polymyxins, lacticin 3147, which has been associated with Gram positive targets only, actively targeted Gram negative species such as Escherichia coli and Cronobacter sp. An alternative means of addressing problems associated with lantibiotic yield is to better understand how production is regulated, and ultimately use this information to enhance peptide levels. With this in mind the regulation of lacticin 3147 production from the promoter Pbac was investigated using a green fluorescent protein (GFP) expression reporter system. This revealed that elements within both of the divergent operons of the lacticin 3147 gene cluster are involved in Pbac regulation. That is, LtnR, already established as a negative regulator of itself and the lacticin 3147 associated immunity genes, also acts as an activator of Pbac transcription. In contrast, an enhanced level of expression is observed in the absence of the lacticin 3147 structural genes, ltnA1 and ltnA2, indicating that these genes/gene products are involved in Pbac repression. In fact, through complementation of the ltnA2 gene, it was revealed that this regulation is more likely to be dependent on the presence of the gene transcript rather that the corresponding prepropeptide or modified Ltnβ. It may be that if lacticin 3147 production is successfully enhanced, the ability of the producing cell to protect itself may become an issue. To prepare for such a possibility a bioengineered derivative of the lacticin 3147 immunity protein LtnI (LtnI I81V) which provides enhanced protection was discovered through an in depth investigation involving the site and saturation mutagenesis of this protein. In addition, the creation of truncated forms of LtnI allowed the identification of important and essential regions of this immunity protein. Finally, as mentioned, self-immunity is essential to prevent self-killing. However the discovery of nisin U immunity and regulatory gene homologues (spiFEGRR’K) within the pathogenic strain S. infantarius subsp. infantarius is a cause for concern as it represents an example of immune mimicry, a form of lantibiotic-specific resistance. The ability of spiFEG to confer protection was apparent when they successfully provided protection to nisin A, F, Z, Q and U when expressed heterologously in the nisin sensitive L. lactis HP host. As a consequence of the studies presented in this thesis, it is likely that strategies will emerge that will facilitate the production of greater levels of lacticin 3147 production and lead to enhanced immunity in lactococcal backgrounds. Alternatively the need for enhanced production could be avoided through the use of antimicrobial combinations. In addition, providing awareness of the threats of the emergence of resistance through immune mimicry can allow researchers to develop strategies to prevent this phenomenon from leading to the dissemination of lantibiotic resistance.


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Recent studies have shown that deoxygenated human red blood cells (RBCs) converted garlic-derived polysulfides into hydrogen sulfide, which in turn produced vasorelaxation in aortic ring preparations. The vasoactivity was proposed to occur via glucose- and thiol-dependent acellular reactions. In the present study, we investigated the interaction of garlic extracts with human deoxygenated RBCs and its effect on intracellular hemoglobin molecules. The results showed that garlic extract covalently modified intraerythrocytic deoxygenated hemoglobin. The modification identified consisted of an addition of 71 atomic mass units, suggesting allylation of the cysteine residues. Consistently, purified human deoxyhemoglobin reacted with chemically pure diallyl disulfide, showing the same modification as garlic extracts. Tandem mass spectrometry analysis demonstrated that garlic extract and diallyl disulfide modified hemoglobin's beta-chain at cysteine-93 (beta-93C) or cysteine-112 (beta-112C). These results indicate that garlic-derived organic disulfides as well as pure diallyl disulfide must permeate the RBC membrane and modified deoxyhemoglobin at beta-93C or beta-112C. Although the physiological role of the reported garlic extract-induced allyl modification on human hemoglobin warrants further study, the results indicate that constituents of natural products, such as those from garlic extract, modify intracellular proteins.


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Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease that can result in joint pain, loss of joint function, and deleterious effects on activity levels and lifestyle habits. Current therapies for OA are largely aimed at symptomatic relief and may have limited effects on the underlying cascade of joint degradation. Local drug delivery strategies may provide for the development of more successful OA treatment outcomes that have potential to reduce local joint inflammation, reduce joint destruction, offer pain relief, and restore patient activity levels and joint function. As increasing interest turns toward intra-articular drug delivery routes, parallel interest has emerged in evaluating drug biodistribution, safety, and efficacy in preclinical models. Rodent models provide major advantages for the development of drug delivery strategies, chiefly because of lower cost, successful replication of human OA-like characteristics, rapid disease development, and small joint volumes that enable use of lower total drug amounts during protocol development. These models, however, also offer the potential to investigate the therapeutic effects of local drug therapy on animal behavior, including pain sensitivity thresholds and locomotion characteristics. Herein, we describe a translational paradigm for the evaluation of an intra-articular drug delivery strategy in a rat OA model. This model, a rat interleukin-1beta overexpression model, offers the ability to evaluate anti-interleukin-1 therapeutics for drug biodistribution, activity, and safety as well as the therapeutic relief of disease symptoms. Once the action against interleukin-1 is confirmed in vivo, the newly developed anti-inflammatory drug can be evaluated for evidence of disease-modifying effects in more complex preclinical models.