979 resultados para Tilapia mariae


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F. A-B. Bifolium contenant la fin de l’office du Saint Esprit ; cf. le même texte aux ff. 156-156v. XVe siècle. Copie inachevée dont les initialesont été laissées en blanc. Le f. B réglé est blanc. La justification est la même que celle du corps du manuscrit.F. 1-12v. Calendrier écrit à l’encre rouge et bleue et à l’or: nombreux saints méridionaux, en particulier de la vallée du Rhône et du Languedoc : « Fulcrani ep. [Lodevensis] » (13 févr.) ; « translatio s. Pauli » (20 février) ; « translatio s.Augustini » (28 février) ; « Pauli archi. Narbo[nensis] » (22 mars) ; « translatio b. Ferreoli [ ?] (1er avril) ; « Baudilii mart. [Nemausiensis] (20 mai) ; « Quiterie (21 mai) ; « Eutropii [ep. Arausicani] (27 mai) ; « translatio s. Saturnini » (22 juin) ; « Petri de Lucemburgo » (5 juillet) ; « Roqui mart. [Montispessulani] » (16 août) ; « Ludovici regis fratris [ep. Toletani]» (19 août) ; « Privati conf. [ep. Gabalitanus (Gévaudan)] » (21 août) ; « Fereoli mart. [Viennae] (18 sept.) ; « Apolinaris ep. [Valentinensis] » (10 oct.) ; « Firmini ep. [Ucetensis] » (11 oct.] ; « Florencii ep. [Arausicani] » (17 oct.] ; « Amancii ep. [Ruthenensis] » (5 nov.) ; « Restituti ep. [Tricastini] » (8 nov.) ; « Rufi ep. [Avenionensis] » (14 nov.) ; « Pauli ep. [Narbonensis] » (11 déc.) ; « Dominici conf. [de Silos] » (20 déc.). Mentions zodiacales et de comput, parmi lesquelles on note une « renovatio indicionum », le 24 septembre. F. 13-17. Extraits des quatre Evangiles : Io (13-14) ; Lc (14-15) ; Mt (15-16v) ; Mc (16v-17).F. 17v-71. [Horae beatae Mariae virginis secundum usum romanum]. [Ad matutinas], psaumes répartis selon les jours de la semaine (18-32v) ; — « In laudibus » (32v-42v) ; — « Ad primam » (43-46v) ; — « Ad tertiam » (46v-49) ; — « Ad sextam » (49v-52) ; « Ad IXa » (52-55) ; — « Ad vesperas » (55-60) ; — « Ad comple[c]torium » (60-64) ; — Antiennes, psaumes, leçons et répons pour les différents temps de l’année (64v-71) .F. 71-77v. Messe votive. « Missa beate Marie virginis ». « Salve sancta parens... » F. 78-85. Prières et hymnes. [Septem gaudia spiritualia b. Mariae virginis], incomplet des quatre premiers vers par lacune matérielle. « [Gaude flore virginali...] et sanctorum decoratum//...-... per eterna secula » (AH, XXXI, n° 198) ; « O sponsa Dei electa// Esto nobis via recta... » ; « ...Oratio. Domine Jhesu Christe qui beatissimam gloriosam virginem...-... pervenire mereamur » ; « Gaudia. Gaude virgo mater Christi// Que per aurem concepisti// ...-... perhemni gaudio. » (AH, XXIV, n° 57) ; cf. Leroquais, Livres d’heures, I, XXVI-XXVII ; « ... Oratio. Deus qui beatissimam virginem Mariam in consceptu... pervenire. Per... » ; « Gaudia beate Marie spiritualia. Gaude stirpe regis nata// Ab angelo saluta[ta]...-... et celorum mansio » (AH, XXXI, n° 182) ; « Oratio. Consolator mitissime Deus... sempiternis perfrui. Per... » ; « Alia oratio. Deus qui Gabrielem archangelum... mereamur habere. Qui... » ; « Devota oratio ad beatam virginem Mariam. Obsecro te domina... et michi famulo tuo pauperrimo N. ... » (Leroquais, Livres d’heures, II, 346-347).F. 85v blanc.F.86-91v. [Horae Trinitatis].F.91v-93v. Messe votive. « Missa de Trinitate ».F. 93v-97. « Devota oratio. Deus omnipotens propicius esto michi peccatori, custos mei omnibus diebus et horis vite mee, Deus Abraham... Omnes sancti angeli et archangeli Dei succurrite et subvenite michi peccatori... horis vite mee » ; cf. Leroquais, Livres d’heures, II, 396 ; — « O bone Jhesu illumina oculos meos ne unquam obdormiam... impietatem peccati mei » ; cf. Leroquais, Livres d’heures, I, XXX-XXXI ; — « Omnipotens, sempiterne et clementissime Deus qui Ezechie regi ... merear et optinere. Per... », à la forme masculine ; cf. Leroquais, Livres d’heures, II, 438 ; — « Oratio. Omnipotens sempiterne Deus te supplices exoramus ut celesti... consequantur. Per... » (Corpus orationum, VI, n° 4076).F. 97v blanc.F. 98-108. [Psaumes de la pénitence]. F. 108-117v. « Letania ». A noter parmi les confesseurs, la séquence inattendue de trois évêques de Toul honorés en Lorraine : « ... s. Mansuete, s. Gerarde, s. Aper ». Parmi les saintes : « ... s. Martha, s. Eulalia... s. Radegundis... ». — Oraisons diverses : « Propicius esto, parce nobis Domine... ut michi indigno famulo tuo N... exaudire digneris » ; — ... « Omnipotens sempiterne Deus miserere michi indigno famulo tuo N.... perficiat. Per... » ; — « Pie et exaudibilis domine Jhesu Christe Deus noster clementiam tuam... digneris eternam » ; cf. Leroquais, Psautiers, I, 25 ; — « Pietate tua quesumus Domine nostrorum solve vincula delictorum et intercedente pro nobis... virgine Dei genitrice Maria cum beatis apostolis tuis Petro et Paulo atque Andrea... eternam concede. Per... » (Corpus orationum, VI, n° 4227)...F. 118-145. [Officium mortuorum secundum usum romanum]F. 145-147v. Messe votive. « Missa pro omnibus fidelibus defunctis ». F. 148-151. [Horae sancti Spiritus].F. 151-153v. Messe votive. « Missa de sancto Spiritu », incomplet de la fin par lacune matérielle.F. 154-156v. [Horae omnium sanctorum], incomplet du premier feuillet.F. 156v-159v. Messe votive. « Missa de omnibus sanctis. F. 160-162v. [Horae sancti Sacramentis], incomplet du début par lacune matérielle. F. 162v-164v. Messe votive. « Missa de corpore Christi ».F. 164v-169v. Prières et hymnes. « ... salutatio sacratissimi corporis domini nostri Jhesu Christi. Ave Jhesu Christe verbum Patris filius [Virginis] agnus Dei...-... requies nostra vita perhemnis » ; cf. ms NAL 3211, 342 ; — « Alia oratio. Salve sancta caro Dei per quam salvi...-... da michi sedem justorum. Qui... » (ed. Leroquais, Livres d’heures, II, 348) ; — In elevatione corporis Christi. Anima Christi sanctifica me // Corpus Christi salva me... secula seculorum. Amen » ; (ed. Leroquais, Livres d’heures, II, 340 variantes) ; — « Alia. Ave verum corpus natum... o pia... ora pro nobis » (AH, LIV, n° 257) ; — « Alia devota oratio. Domine Jhesu Christe qui hanc sacratissimam carnem tuam... et periculis et in eternum » ; cf.ms NAL 3203, 26v ; — « Dum volueris communicare dic orationem. Omnipotens et misericors Deus ecce accedo ad sacratissimum accedo inquam infirmus ad medicum...-... tutela finalis in morte. Qui... » ; — « Alia oratio ante communionem. Domine sancte Pater, omnipotens eterne Deus, da mihi corpus et sanguinem... in infinita secula... » ; cf. Leroquais, Livres d’heures, II, 108 ; — « Post communionem. Gratias tibi ago Domine sancte pater omnipotens eterne Deus qui me peccatorem indignum famulum tuum saciare... et gaudium sempiternum... » ; cf. Leroquais, Livres d’heures, I, 51 ; — « Post communionem ad beatam Virginem. Serenissima Virgo et inclita mater nostri Jhesu Christi, sancta Maria regina celi et terre que eundem creatorem... hodie veracis [incomplet de la fin par lacune matérielle] ; cf. Leroquais, Livres d’heures, I, 156, 299.F. 170-173. [Horae sanctae Crucis], incomplet du début.F. 173-178. Messe votive. « Missa in honore sancte Crucis ». « Crucem tuam adoramus et veneramur domine Jhesu Christe, et per ipsam tuam sanctissimam recolimus passionem...-...defunctis vitam et gloriam sempiternam... » ; — « Alia oratio. Domine Jhesu Christe plasmator tocius creature, rex glorie obsecro miserere mei quia locutus sum... semper benedictus... » ; — « Alia oratio. Domine Jhesu Christe qui voluisti pro redemptione mundi nasci et circumcidi... ego miserrimus, vilissimus, nequissimus atque indignissimus peccator...-... latronem crucifixum. Qui... » ; — « Alia oratio. Precor te, piissime domine Jhesu Christe, per illam eximiam caritatem qua tu rex celestis... mihi tribuere digneris. Qui... » ; — « Alia oratio. Deus propicius esto michi peccatori. Quid est Jhesus nisi salvator ergo Jhesus per te ipsum redemptus sum... miserere michi Deus » ; — « Dic totum deinde dic oracionem. Tribulacionem nobis [sic], quesumus, Domine propicius respice... clementer averte. Per... ». F. 178-200. « ... suffragia sanctorum ». « ... de Trinitate » ; — « De sancto Michaele archangelo » ; — « De sancto Johanne Baptista » ; — « De sancto Petro et Paulo » ; — « De sancto Andrea apostolo » ; — « De sancto Johanne evangelista » ; — « De sancto Jacobo minori » ; — « Sanctorum Philippi et Jacobi » ; — « De innocentibus » ; — « De apostolis et evvangelistis » ; — « De sancto Stephano » ; — « De sancto Laurencio » ; — « De sancto Eutropio... Eutropium martyrem tuum (f. 183v)... » ; — « De sancto Georgio » ; — « De sancto Blasio » ; — « De sancto Dyonisio » ; — « De sancto Yppolito » ; — « De sancto Christophoro » ; — « De sancto Sebastiano. Omnipotens sempiterne Deus qui meritis beati Sebastiani martyris gloriosissimi quemdam pestem epydimie generalem hominibus mortiferam revocasti, presta supplicibus tuis ut qui hanc orationem super se portavit aut in domibus vel mansionibus scriptam aut alias de ea in tuo nomine memoriam habuerint sive in die aut in nocte legerint a simili a peste et morbo epydimie sub ejus confidencia ad te confugerint ipsius meritis et precibus ab ipsis peste et morbo epydimie et ab omnibus nocumentis venenosis necnon ab omnibus periculis corporis et anime atque a subitanea et improvisa morte et ab omnibus inimicis visibilibus et invisibilibus singulis diebus et noctibus horis atque momentis liberemur. Per Dominum. Pater noster. Ave Maria. Credo. Salva regina. Ave stella matutina, rosa sine spinis, cum reliquis ». — « Unius martyris communis » ; — « De martyribus communis » ; — « De sancto Martino » ; — « De sancto Nicholao » ; — « De sancto Anthonio » ; — « De sancto Lazaro » ; — « De sancto Restituto... Deus qui per merita beati Restituti confessoris atque pontificis a multorum oculis dolorem sanas, labem removes et visum clarificas... (189v-190) » ; — « Unius confessoris » ; — « De confessoribus communis » ; — « De beata Maria Magdalena prosa. Gaude pia Magdalena // Spes salutis // Vite vena // Lapsorum fiducia // Gaude dulcis advocata // ... » ; — « De beata Catherina. Gaude virgo Catherina /// Quam refecit lux divina // Ter quaternis noctibus //... » ; — « De beata Lucia » ; — « De beata Apollonia » ; — « De beata Agatha » ; — « De virginibus » ; — « De omnibus sanctis » ; — « De pace » ; — « De sancto Petro de Lucemburgo » ; le suffrage commence par la prière attribuée à s. Pierre de Luxembourg : « Deus pater qui creasti // Mundum et illuminasti // Suscipe...-... requiescant in pace. Amen » ; cf.ms NAL 3196, 152.F. 200v-204, feuillets réglés blancs.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a variabilidade genética nos parentais (G0) e em três gerações consecutivas (G1, G2 e G3) de tilápia Gift (genetically improved farmed tilapia), por meio de marcadores microssatélites. Trezentos e sessenta indivíduos, provenientes do programa de melhoramento da Universidade Estadual de Maringá, foram selecionados quanto ao ganho de peso. O total de 21 alelos foi encontrado nos cinco loci microssatélites polimórficos (G12292, UNH140; G12311, UNH159; G12312, UNH160; G12314, UNH162; e G12315, UNH163), com número médio entre três e cinco alelos por locus. As frequências alélicas variaram de 0,017 (UNH160 - G2) a 0,750 (UNH160 - G0). A heterozigosidade média observada foi de 0,501, 0,391, 0,531 e 0,503 para G0, G1, G2 e G3, respectivamente. O coeficiente de endogamia médio foi 0,192 (G0), 0,401 (G1), 0,230 (G2) e 0,301 (G3). Todas as gerações apresentaram desvio no equilíbrio de Hardy-Weinberg, com desequilíbrio de ligação na maioria dos loci. Exceto para a G1, a heterozigosidade foi mantida nas gerações G2 e G3, o que indica que não há perda significativa de variabilidade genética no programa de melhoramento.


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We experimentally examined the predator-prey relationships between juvenile spotted sorubim Pseudoplastystoma corruscans and young-of-the-year invasive and native fish species of the Paraná River basin, Brazil. Three invasive (peacock bass Cichla piquiti, Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus, and channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus) and two native (yellowtail tetra Astyanax altiparanae and streaked prochilod Prochilodus lineatus) fish species were offered as prey to P. corruscans in 300 L aquaria with three habitat complexity treatments (0%, 50% and 100% structure-covered). Prey survival was variable through time and among species (C. piquiti < O. niloticus < A. altiparanae < P. lineatus < I. punctatus), depending largely on species-specific prey behavior but also on prey size and morphological defenses. Habitat complexity did not directly affect P. corruscans piscivory but some prey species changed their microhabitat use and shoaling behavior among habitat treatments in predator’s presence. Pseudoplatystoma corruscans preyed preferentially on smaller individuals of those invasive species with weak morphological defensive features that persisted in a non-shoaling behavior. Overall, our results contrast with those in a companion experiment using a diurnal predator, suggesting that nocturnal piscivores preferentially prey on different (rather diurnal) fish species and are less affected by habitat complexity. Our findings suggest that recovering the native populations of P. corruscans might help controling some fish species introduced to the Paraná River basin, particularly C. piquiti and O. niloticus, whose parental care is expected to be weak or null at night


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The aim of the present work was to develop and optimize a method for determination of bioavailable phosphorus in samples of feces and fish feed using ultrasound extraction and subsequent quantification by visible spectrophotometry. Using as extractor solution HNO3 0.50 mol L-1, the great conditions of extraction established were: sample mass - 100 mg, samples granulometry - < 60 µm, sonification time - five cycles of 40 s and ultrasound potency - 136 W. The proposed method was applied in studies of digestibility of this nutrient in different feeds used in diets of juvenile of Nile tilapia.


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Alginate microparticles were prepared by an emulsion method aiming oral controlled release of antigens to fish. The effects of emulsification temperature and impeller type on particle morphology, average diameter, and size distribution were evaluated. Microparticles contaning formalin-killed Flavobacterium columnare cells (a model antigen) were prepared and characterized regarding bacterial release and particle stability when exposed to Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) typical gastrointestinal conditions. This methodology allowed the production of microparticles containing up to 14.3 g/L of bacterin, stable at a pH range from 2.0 to 9.0 for 12 h and smaller than 35 μm.


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Copper fractionation in plasma, muscle and liver of Nile tilapia was performed after protein separation by 2D-PAGE. SR XRF analysis indicated the presence of copper in three protein spots of plasma, and in two protein spots of muscle and liver, respectively. Copper ions were found to be distributed mostly in proteins that had a molar mass of less than 54 kDa and greater than 13 kDa and a pI in the 5.3-9.3 range. The copper concentration bound to these proteins was determined by GFAAS which showed concentrations in the 1.20-4.82 mg g-1 range.


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Nutrient levels in water reservoirs have been increasing over the years worldwide and fish farming is one of the activities with the potential to cause negative impacts on these environments. Thus, the sedimentation of the main nutrients was evaluated in a reservoir as well as the contribution of aquaculture in raising these rates. The results indicated a significant difference for all nutrients, with higher concentrations in areas near the fish farming, and lower levels in more distant regions. Therefore, assessments that focus only on the water column do not reflect the true impact of this activity.


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Multiple factors can be involved in the virulence processes of Aeromonas hydrophila. The objective of the present paper was to verify the presence of aerolysin, hidrolipase, elastase and lipase virulence genes through the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in A. hydrophila isolates obtained from fish of the São Francisco River Valley, and to evaluate virulence according to the presence of these genes in Nile tilapia fingerlings. One hundred and fourteen isolates from the bacteria were used. DNA was heat extracted and PCR undertaken using specific primers described in the literature. For in vivo tests Nile tilapia fingerlings were used. From the PCR tests, negative isolates for all genes tested were selected, positive isolates for two genes (aerolysin and elastase) and positive for the four genes tested. These were inoculated at a concentration of 10(8) UFC/ml into the tilapias, considered as treatments; another group of animals was used as control (with inoculation of saline solution). In all, 12 distinct standards regarding the presence of virulence factors in isolates from A. hydrophila, were observed. Of the 114 isolates analyzed, 100 (87.72%) presented at least one of the virulence factors under study. The virulence factors were widely distributed among the A. hydrophila isolates. Aerolysin was the most frequent virulence factor present in the isolates analyzed. A. hydrophila led to the mortality of the Nile tilapia fingerlings, regardless of the absence or quantity of virulence genes tested.


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This paper presents a science metric study of parasites of fish farming in Brazil, including a significant review of the literature. The methodology used was based on researching articles in three different databases, carried out ​on May 2012: ISI (Institute for Scientific Information), SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online), and Google Academic. The number of articles on fish parasites is mounting (currently over 110), having much increased since 1995. However, the quantity is still low compared with the amount of papers on parasites of fish from natural environments. In Brazil, the farmed fish that have been studied the most are pacu, tilapia and tambaqui. Monogeneans represent the most prevalent group, followed by protozoa and crustaceans. The regions most researched were the southeast and south, making up 84% of the total literature. The main issue addressed in articles was pathology, followed by treatment and record. In conclusion, the treatment of parasitic diseases of farmed fish in Brazil is still incipient, highlighting the importance and usefulness of management practices to prevent the occurrence of health problems.


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This thesis describes the occurrence and sources of selected persistent organic pollutants (POPs) such as polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) in the northern watershed of Lake Victoria. Sediments and fish were collected from three highly polluted embayments (i.e. Murchison Bay, Napoleon Gulf and Thurston Bay) of the lake. The analysis for PCDD/Fs, PCBs and PBDEs was done using a high resolution mass spectrometer coupled to a gas chromatograph (GC), and a GC equipped with an electron capture detector was used for HCHs. Total (Σ) PCDD/Fs, PCBs and PBDEs in sediments ranged from 3.19 to 478, 313 to 4325 and 60.8 to 179 pg g-1 dry weight (dw), respectively. The highest concentrations of pollutants were found at sites close to industrial areas and wastewater discharge points. The maximum concentrations of PCDD/Fs, PCBs, PBDEs and HCHs in fish muscle homogenates were 49, 779, 495 and 45,900 pg g-1 wet weight (ww), respectively. The concentrations of the pollutants in Nile perch (Lates niloticus) were significantly greater than those in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), possibly due to differences in trophic level and dietary feeding habits among fish species. World Health Organization-toxic equivalency quotient (WHO2005-TEQ) values in the sediments were up to 4.24 pg g-1 dw for PCDD/Fs and 0.55 pg TEQ g-1 dw for the 12 dioxin-like PCBs (dl-PCBs). 23.1% of the samples from the Napoleon Gulf were above the interim sediment quality guideline value of 0.85 pg WHO-TEQ g-1 dw set by the Canadian Council for Ministers of the Environment. The WHO2005-TEQs in fish were 0.001-0.16 pg g-1 for PCDD/Fs and 0.001-0.31 pg g-1 ww for dl- PCBs. The TEQ values were within a permissible level of 3.5 pg g−1 ww recommended by the European Commission. Based on the Commission set TEQs and minimum risk level criteria formulated by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, the consumption of fish from Lake Victoria gives no indication of health risks associated to PCDD/Fs and PCBs. Principal component analysis (PCA) indicated that anthropogenic activities such as agricultural straw open burning, medical waste incinerators and municipal solid waste combustors were the major sources of PCDD/Fs in the watershed of Lake Victoria. The ratios of α-/γ-HCH varied from 0.89 to 1.68 suggesting that the highest HCH residues mainly came from earlier usage and fresh γ-HCH (lindane). In the present study, the concentration of POPs in fish were not significantly related to those in sediments, and the biota sediment accumulation factor (BSAF) concept was found to be a poor predictor of the bioavailability and bioaccumulation of environmental pollutants.


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Foram utilizadas carcaças residuais da filetagem industrial de tilápias (Oreochomis sp.) na obtenção de carne de pescado separada mecanicamente (CPSM) para elaboração de surimi. Amidos de diferentes fontes, como milho ceroso, milho ceroso modificado e mandioca, e o polissacarídeo carragena foram usados como ingredientes, e estudados seus efeitos no comportamento do gel de surimi. O surimi elaborado a partir de carcaças residuais da filetagem industrial, apresentou um rendimento final de 25% (peso/peso). A análise instrumental de textura apresentou um efeito fortalecedor, em relação à força de penetração dos amidos no gel de surimi, sendo esse efeito proporcional à viscosidade (r = 0,81, p<0,05) dos amidos, estudados por amilograma Brabender; por outro lado, tanto os amidos como a carragena apresentaram uma diminuição da viscoelasticidade (p < 0,05) do gel de surimi.


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The viscoelastic properties of edible films can provide information at the structural level of the biopolymers used. The objective of this work was to test three simple models of linear viscoelastic theory (Maxwell, Generalized Maxwell with two units in parallel, and Burgers) using the results of stress relaxation tests in edible films of myofibrillar proteins of Nile Tilapia. The films were elaborated according to a casting technique and pre-conditioned at 58% relative humidity and 22ºC for 4 days. The testing sample (15mm x 118mm) was submitted to tests of stress relaxation in an equipment of physical measurements, TA.XT2i. The deformation, imposed to the sample, was 1%, guaranteeing the permanency in the domain of the linear viscoelasticity. The models were fitted to experimental data (stress x time) by nonlinear regression. The Generalized Maxwell model with two units in parallel and the Burgers model represented the relaxation curves of stress satisfactorily. The viscoelastic properties varied in a way that they were less dependent on the thickness of the films.


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O mercúrio total foi quantificado em 11 espécies de peixes de água-doce, originárias de diferentes procedências comerciais. O mercúrio vem sendo utilizado na agricultura, indústria, mineração, etc., e isso tem provocado drástico aumento desse metal no meio ambiente, atingindo em conseqüência a cadeia trófica. Nesse contexto, o homem, através do consumo de alimentos, principalmente pescado, torna-se vulnerável à ação tóxica do mercúrio. Os resultados obtidos para as espécies mandi - Pimelodus maculatus, tilápia - Tilapia sp, sagüiru - Cyphocharax modestus, lambari - Astyanax sp, sardela - Triportheus sp, traíra - Hoplias sp, curimbatá - Prochilodus sp e dourado - Salminus sp, comercializadas em São Paulo - SP, e para o jaraqui - Semaprochilodus insignis, curimatã - Prochilodus nigricans e matrinchã - Brycon sp, procedentes da Amazônia brasileira, variaram de 0,01 a 0,39mgHg/Kg. Os resultados observados, sob o ponto-de-vista de Saúde Pública, estão abaixo dos limites de tolerância brasileiros, de 0,5 e 1,0mgHg/Kg, para espécies não-predadoras e predadoras, respectivamente. Nas espécies de hábito alimentar carnívoro (traíra e dourado) os teores de mercúrio foram de 0,26 a 0,39mgHg/Kg. A expectativa de ocorrência de espécies excessivamente contaminadas não se confirmou.


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Abstract Tilapia, salmon, tuna and sardine meals were prepared to develop and analyze extruded snacks with residue meal from fish processing. Residue meals were included in five types of corn snacks: control (0% fish meal) and four with 9% tilapia, salmon, tuna and sardine meals. Although moisture, lipids and carbohydrates rates did not differ among the snacks, protein rates increased with the increment of fish meal, reaching 11.85% in the tuna snack. Tuna and sardine snacks had the highest iron levels. The most abundant fatty acids were linoleic, oleic, palmitic, linolenic and stearic acids, with sardine, salmon and tuna snacks presenting the highest values of n-3 series fatty acids. Greater luminosity rate was reported for salmon snack, followed by tilapia, tuna and sardine snacks. The highest sensory acceptance index was verified in tilapia (78.07%) and salmon (72.40%). A 9% addition of residue meals of tilapia, salmon and tuna improved the nutritional value of the snacks.


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Avec prologues et arguments. Genesis (3v), etc. — Oratio Manasse (158v) ; Esdras I-III (159), etc. — Macchab. I-II, avec prologues de RABAN MAUR (320). — Evang. Matthaei (340v), etc. — XIV Epist. Pauli (381v) ; Actus Apost. (406v), etc. — Interpretationes nominum hebraicorum : « Aaz, apprehendens... — ... consiliatores eorum. » (432). — « Liber ystorialis et florum totius Novi et Antiqui Testamenti. In Genesi sunt L capitula. In primo... — ... In XXVIII (Act. Apost.)... quidam crediderunt et quidam non. » (474). F. 430v et 431 En marge, recettes de médecine (XIVe-XVe s.). F. 431v Table des livres de la Bible (XIVe s.).