986 resultados para Thermal electric polarization
The removal of the litter layer in Portuguese pine forests would reduce fire hazard, but on the other hand this practice would influence the thermal regime of the soil, hence affecting soil biological activity, litter decomposition and nutrient dynamics. Temperature profiles of a sandy soil (Haplic Podzol) under a pine forest were measured with thermocouples at depths to 16 cm, with and without litter layer. The litter layer acted as a thermal insulator, reducing the amplitude of the periodic temperature variation in the mineral soil underneath and increasing damping depths, particularly at low soil water contents. At the mineral soil surface the reduction of amplitudes was about 2.5 ºC in the annual cycle and 5 to 6.7 ºC in the daily cycle, depending on the soil water content. When soil was both cold and wet, mean daily soil temperatures were higher (about 1 - 1.5 ºC) under the litter layer. Improved soil thermal conditions under the litter layer recommend its retention as a forest management practice to follow in general.
We have investigated the nucleation rate at which cavities are formed in 4He and 3He at negative pressures due to thermal fluctuations. To this end, we have used a density functional that reproduces the He liquid-gas interface along the coexistence line. The inclusion of thermal effects in the calculation of the barrier against nucleation results in a sizable decrease of the absolute value of the tensile strength above 1.5 K.
Density functionals that reproduce the helium liquid-gas interface as a function of temperature have been used, within an improved homogeneous nucleation approach, to investigate thermal nucleation and cavitation in both helium isotopes. The results are compared with available experimental data on cavitation in 3He and 4He. Predictions are made for cavitation in 3He at negative pressures and for nucleation in both isotopes.
Selostus: Termisen kasvukauden muutokset Pohjoismaissa viimeisen vuosisadan aikana ja tulevaisuudessa
In this paper we show that if the electrons in a quantum Hall sample are subjected to a constant electric field in the plane of the material, comparable in magnitude to the background magnetic field on the system of electrons, a multiplicity of edge states localized at different regions of space is produced in the sample. The actions governing the dynamics of these edge states are obtained starting from the well-known Schrödinger field theory for a system of nonrelativistic electrons, where on top of the constant background electric and magnetic fields, the electrons are further subject to slowly varying weak electromagnetic fields. In the regions between the edges, dubbed as the "bulk," the fermions can be integrated out entirely and the dynamics expressed in terms of a local effective action involving the slowly varying electromagnetic potentials. It is further shown how the bulk action is gauge noninvariant in a particular way, and how the edge states conspire to restore the U(1) electromagnetic gauge invariance of the system. In the edge action we obtain a heretofore unnoticed gauge-invariant term that depends on the particular edge. We argue that this term may be detected experimentally as different edges respond differently to a monochromatic probe due to this term
In this paper we study the evolution of the kinetic features of the martensitic transition in a Cu-Al-Mn single crystal under thermal cycling. The use of several experimental techniques including optical microscopy, calorimetry, and acoustic emission, has enabled us to perform an analysis at multiple scales. In particular, we have focused on the analysis of avalanche events (associated with the nucleation and growth of martensitic domains), which occur during the transition. There are significant differences between the kinetics at large and small length scales. On the one hand, at small length scales, small avalanche events tend to sum to give new larger events in subsequent loops. On the other hand, at large length scales the large domains tend to split into smaller ones on thermal cycling. We suggest that such different behavior is the necessary ingredient that leads the system to the final critical state corresponding to a power-law distribution of avalanches.
Recent improvements in the determination of the running of the fine-structure constant also allow an update of the hadronic vacuum-polarization contribution to the Lamb shift. We find a shift of -3.40(7) kHz to the 1S level of hydrogen. We also comment on the contribution of this effect to the determination by elastic electron scattering of the rms radii of nuclei.
We study the properties of the 1S0 pairing gap in low-density neutron matter. Different corrections to the lowest-order scattering length approximation are explored, resulting in a strong suppression with respect to the BCS result.
Classical transport theory is employed to analyze the hot quark-gluon plasma at the leading order in the coupling constant. A condition on the (covariantly conserved) color current is obtained. From this condition, the generating functional of hard thermal loops with an arbitrary number of soft external bosonic legs can be derived. Our approach, besides being more direct than alternative ones, shows that hard thermal loops are essentially classical.