966 resultados para Terrestrial Laser Scanning
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: In this in vitro feasibility study we analyzed tissue fusion using bovine serum albumin (BSA) and Indocyanine green (ICG) doped polycaprolactone (PCL) scaffolds in combination with a diode laser as energy source while focusing on the influence of irradiation power and albumin concentration on the resulting tensile strength and induced tissue damage. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A porous PCL scaffold doped with either 25% or 40% (w/w) of BSA in combination with 0.1% (w/w) ICG was used to fuse rabbit aortas. Soldering energy was delivered through the vessel from the endoluminal side using a continuous wave diode laser at 808 nm via a 400 microm core fiber. Scaffold surface temperatures were analyzed with an infrared camera. Optimum parameters such as irradiation time, radiation power and temperature were determined in view of maximum tensile strength but simultaneously minimum thermally induced tissue damage. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was performed to measure the influence of PCL on the denaturation temperature of BSA. RESULTS: Optimum parameter settings were found to be 60 seconds irradiation time and 1.5 W irradiation power resulting in tensile strengths of around 2,000 mN. Corresponding scaffold surface temperature was 117.4+/- 12 degrees C. Comparison of the two BSA concentration revealed that 40% BSA scaffold resulted in significant higher tensile strength compared to the 25%. At optimum parameter settings, thermal damage was restricted to the adventitia and its interface with the outermost layer of the tunica media. The DSC showed two endothermic peaks in BSA containing samples, both strongly depending on the water content and the presence of PCL and/or ICG. CONCLUSIONS: Diode laser soldering of vascular tissue using BSA-ICG-PCL-scaffolds leads to strong and reproducible tissue bonds, with vessel damage limited to the adventitia. Higher BSA content results in higher tensile strengths. The DSC-measurements showed that BSA denaturation temperature is lowered by addition of water and/or ICG-PCL.
Currently, the contributions of Starlette, Stella, and AJISAI are not taken into account when defining the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF), despite the large amount of data collected in a long time-span. Consequently, the SLR-derived parameters and the SLR part of the ITRF are almost exclusively defined by LAGEOS-1 and LAGEOS-2. We investigate the potential of combining the observations to several SLR satellites with different orbital characteristics. Ten years of SLR data are homogeneously processed using the development version 5.3 of the Bernese GNSS Software. Special emphasis is put on orbit parameterization and the impact of LEO data on the estimation of the geocenter coordinates, Earth rotation parameters, Earth gravity field coefficients, and the station coordinates in one common adjustment procedure. We find that the parameters derived from the multi-satellite solutions are of better quality than those obtained in single satellite solutions or solutions based on the two LAGEOS satellites. A spectral analysis of the SLR network scale w.r.t. SLRF2008 shows that artifacts related to orbit perturbations in the LAGEOS-1/2 solutions, i.e., periods related to the draconitic years of the LAGEOS satellites, are greatly reduced in the combined solutions.
An experimental procedure for precise and accurate measurements of isotope abundances by a miniature laser ablation mass spectrometer for space research is described. The measurements were conducted on different untreated NIST standards and galena samples by applying pulsed UV laser radiation (266 nm, 3 ns and 20 Hz) for ablation, atomisation, and ionisation of the sample material. Mass spectra of released ions are measured by a reflectron-type time-of-flight mass analyser. A computer controlled performance optimiser was used to operate the system at maximum ion transmission and mass resolution. At optimal experimental conditions, the best relative accuracy and precision achieved for Pb isotope compositions are at the per mill level and were obtained in a range of applied laser irradiances and a defined number of accumulated spectra. A similar relative accuracy and precision was achieved in the study of Pb isotope compositions in terrestrial galena samples. The results for the galena samples are similar to those obtained with a thermal ionisation mass spectrometer (TIMS). The studies of the isotope composition of other elements yielded relative accuracy and precision at the per mill level too, with characteristic instrument parameters for each element. The relative accuracy and precision of the measurements is degrading with lower element/isotope concentration in a sample. For the elements with abundances below 100 ppm these values drop to the percent level. Depending on the isotopic abundances of Pb in minerals, 207Pb/206Pb ages with accuracy in the range of tens of millions of years can be achieved.
A means of analyzing protein quaternary structure using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI MS) and chemical crosslinking was evaluated. Proteins of known oligomeric structure, as well as monomeric proteins, were analyzed to evaluate the method. The quaternary structure of proteins of unknown or uncertain structure was investigated using this technique. The stoichiometry of recombinant E. coli carbamoyl phosphate synthetase and recombinant human farnesyl protein transferase were determined to be heterodimers using glutaraldehyde crosslinking, agreeing with the stoichiometry found for the wild type proteins. The stoichiometry of the gamma subunit of E. coli DNA polymerase III holoenzyme was determined in solution without the presence of other subunits to be a homotetramer using glutaraldehyde crosslinking and MALDI MS analysis. Chi and psi subunits of E. coli DNA polymerase III subunits appeared to form a heterodimer when crosslinked with heterobifunctional photoreactive crosslinkers.^ Comparison of relative % peak areas obtained from MALDI MS analysis of crosslinked proteins and densitometric scanning of silver stained sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) gels showed excellent qualitative agreement for the two techniques, but the quantitative analyses differed, sometimes significantly. This difference in quantitation could be due to SDS-PAGE conditions (differential staining, loss of sample) or to MALDI MS conditions (differences in ionization and/or detection). Investigation of pre-purified crosslinked monomers and dimers recombined in a specific ratio revealed the presence of mass discrimination in the MALDI MS process. The calculation of mass discrimination for two different MALDI time-of-flight instruments showed the loss of a factor of approximately 2.6 in relative peak area as the m/z value doubles over the m/z range from 30,000 to 145,000 daltons.^ Indirect symmetry was determined for tetramers using glutaraldehyde crosslinking with MALDI MS analysis. Mathematical modelling and simple graphing allowed the determination of the symmetry for several tetramers known to possess isologous D2 symmetry. These methods also distinguished tetramers that did not fit D2 symmetry such as apo-avidin. The gamma tetramer of E. coli DNA polymerase III appears to have isologous D2 symmetry. ^
Introduction: Laser tissue fusion has a large potential for minimal invasive tissue fusion in different surgical specialties. We have developed a combined endovascular minimal invasive surgical technique to fuse blood vessels for bypass surgery. However, the main difficulty was to achieve reproducible results as the main tensile strength is a result of protein denaturation. We therefore aimed to develop a quantitative, reproducible tissue fusion using polycapsulated silica core nanoparticles containing indocyanine green (Si@PCL/ICG). Methods: In a first step we developed mesoporous indocyanine green (ICG) containing nanoparticles and assessed their heating profile. Furthermore the stability to light exposure and ICG degradation was measured. In a second phase Si@PCL/ICG nanoparticles for embedding into a biodegradeable implant was developed and characterized using differential scanning calomeritry technique (DSC). Results: ICG containing mesoporous silica nanoparticles showed a sufficient increase in temperature up to 80°C suitable for laser tissue fusion. However, long-term stability of ICG mesoporous nanoparticles is lost after 7 days of light exposure. In contrast Si@PCL/ICG nanoparticles demonstrated a strong heating capacity as well as a good DSC profile for laser tissue fusion and long-term stability of 3 weeks. Furthermore Si@PCL/ICG nanoparticles can be directly dispersed in spin-coated polycaprolactone polymer. Conclusion: Si@PCL/ICG nanoparticles have good long-term stability and polymer embedding properties suitable for laser tissue fusion.
OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different energy settings of Er:YAG laser irradiation on dentin surface morphology with respect to the number of opened dentinal tubules. BACKGROUND DATA An ideally prepared dentin surface with opened dentinal tubules is a prerequisite for adhesive fixation. No study, however, has yet compared the numbers of opened dentinal tubules with regard to statistical differences. METHODS Conventional preparations using a bur with or without additional acid etching acted as control groups. Dentin specimens were prepared from human third molars and randomly divided into eight groups according to the energy settings of the laser (1, 1.5, 4, 6, 7.5, and 8 W) and two controls (bur and bur plus acid etching). After surface preparation, dentin surfaces were analyzed with a scanning electron microscope, and the number of opened dentinal tubules in a defined area was counted. RESULTS The control groups showed smooth surfaces with (bur plus acid etching) and without opened dentinal tubules (bur), whereas all laser-irradiated surfaces showed rough surfaces. Using the energy setting of 4 W resulted in significantly more opened dentinal tubules than the conventional preparation technique using the bur with additional acid etching. In contrast, the energy setting of 8 W showed significantly fewer opened dentinal tubules, and also exhibited signs of thermal damage. CONCLUSIONS The Er:YAG laser with an energy setting of 4 W generates a dentin surface with opened dentinal tubules, a prerequisite for adhesive fixation.
PURPOSE Laser range scanners (LRS) allow performing a surface scan without physical contact with the organ, yielding higher registration accuracy for image-guided surgery (IGS) systems. However, the use of LRS-based registration in laparoscopic liver surgery is still limited because current solutions are composed of expensive and bulky equipment which can hardly be integrated in a surgical scenario. METHODS In this work, we present a novel LRS-based IGS system for laparoscopic liver procedures. A triangulation process is formulated to compute the 3D coordinates of laser points by using the existing IGS system tracking devices. This allows the use of a compact and cost-effective LRS and therefore facilitates the integration into the laparoscopic setup. The 3D laser points are then reconstructed into a surface to register to the preoperative liver model using a multi-level registration process. RESULTS Experimental results show that the proposed system provides submillimeter scanning precision and accuracy comparable to those reported in the literature. Further quantitative analysis shows that the proposed system is able to achieve a patient-to-image registration accuracy, described as target registration error, of [Formula: see text]. CONCLUSIONS We believe that the presented approach will lead to a faster integration of LRS-based registration techniques in the surgical environment. Further studies will focus on optimizing scanning time and on the respiratory motion compensation.
The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM; ~56 Ma) is associated with abrupt climate change, carbon cycle perturbation, ocean acidification, as well as biogeographic shifts in marine and terrestrial biota that were largely reversed as the climatic transient waned. We report a clear exception to the behavior of the PETM as a reversing climatic transient in the eastern North Atlantic (Deep-Sea Drilling Project Site 401, Bay of Biscay) where the PETM initiates a greatly prolonged environmental change compared to other places on Earth where records exist. The observed environmental perturbation extended well past the d13C recovery phase and up to 650 kyr after the PETM onset according to our extraterrestrial 3He-based age-model. We observe a strong decoupling of planktic foraminiferal d18O and Mg/Ca values during the PETM d13C recovery phase, which in combination with results from helium isotopes and clay mineralogy, suggests that the PETM triggered a hydrologic change in western Europe that increased freshwater flux and the delivery of weathering products to the eastern North Atlantic. This state change persisted long after the carbon-cycle perturbation had stopped. We hypothesize that either long-lived continental drainage patterns were altered by enhanced hydrological cycling induced by the PETM, or alternatively that the climate system in the hinterland area of Site 401 was forced into a new climate state that was not easily reversed in the aftermath of the PETM.
The present investigation addresses the overall and local mechanical performance of dissimilar joints of low carbon steel (CS) and stainless steel (SS) thin sheets achieved by laser welding in case of heat source displacement from the weld gap centreline towards CS. Microstructure characterization and residua! strain scanning, carried out by neutron diffraction, were used to assess the joints features. It was found that the heat source position influences the base metals dilution and the residua! stress field associated to the welding process; the transverse residual stress is smaller than for the longitudinal component, of magnitudes close to the parent CS yield strength. Furthermore, compressive transverse residual stresses were encountered at the SS-weld interface. The tensile behavior of the joint different zones assessed by using a video-image based system (VIC-2D) reveals that the residual stress field, together with the positive difference in yield between the weld metal and the base materials protects the joint from being piastically deformed. The tensile loadings of flat transverse specimens generate the strain localization and failure in CS, far away from the weld.En este trabajo se exponen los resultados de una investigacion sobre el comportamiento mecanico de soldaduras disimiles acero inoxidable-acero al carbono, realizadas para unir chapas delgadas, desplazando la fuente de calor del eje longitudinal de la union soldada por laser sobre el acero al carbono. Se han determinado las caracteristicas microestructurales de la union soldada, las tensiones residuales generadas (mediante difraccion de neutrones) y las curvas tension-deformacion locales y globales, mediante medidas locales de deformacion empleando el sistema VIC-2D "video image correlation". El desplazamiento de la fuente de calor infiuye en la dilution de los metales base y el campo de tensiones residuales asociado al proceso de soldeo; las tensiones residuales medidas en direction longitudinal se aproximan al limite elastico del acero al carbono, mientras que las tensiones residuales transversales son menores, e incluso de compresion. El ensayo a traccion de la union soldada revela que las tensiones residuales y la diferencia de limite elastico entre los metales base y la soldadura propician que la rotura se produzca por inestabilidad plastica del acero al carbono, lejos de la soldadura, sin que la union plastifique.
The influence of nanosecond laser pulses applied by laser shock peening without absorbent coating (LSPwC) with a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser operating at a wavelength of λ = 1064 nm on 6082-T651 Al alloy has been investigated. The first portion of the present study assesses laser shock peening effect at two pulse densities on three-dimensional (3D) surface topography characteristics. In the second part of the study, the peening effect on surface texture orientation and micro-structure modification, i.e. the effect of surface craters due to plasma and shock waves, were investigated in both longitudinal (L) and transverse (T) directions of the laser-beam movement. In the final portion of the study, the changes of mechanical properties were evaluated with a residual stress profile and Vickers micro-hardness through depth variation in the near surface layer, whereas factorial design with a response surface methodology (RSM) was applied. The surface topographic and micro-structural effect of laser shock peening were characterised with optical microscopy, InfiniteFocus® microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Residual stress evaluation based on a hole-drilling integral method confirmed higher compression at the near surface layer (33 μm) in the transverse direction (σmin) of laser-beam movement, i.e. − 407 ± 81 MPa and − 346 ± 124 MPa, after 900 and 2500 pulses/cm2, respectively. Moreover, RSM analysis of micro-hardness through depth distribution confirmed an increase at both pulse densities, whereas LSPwC-generated shock waves showed the impact effect of up to 800 μm below the surface. Furthermore, ANOVA results confirmed the insignificant influence of LSPwC treatment direction on micro-hardness distribution indicating essentially homogeneous conditions, in both L and T directions.
The present investigation addresse the influence of laser welding process-ing parameters used for joining dis-similar metals (ferritic to austenitic steel), on the induced residual stress field. Welding was performed on a Nd:YAG laser DY033 (3300 W) in a continuous wave (CW), keyhole mode. The base metals (BM) employed in this study are AISI 1010 carbon steel (CS) and AISI 304L austenitic stainless steel (SS). Pairs of dissimilar plates of 200 mm x 45 mm x 3 mm were butt joined by laser welding. Different sets of parameters were used to engineer the base metals apportionment at joint formation, namely distinct dilution rates. Residual strain scanning, carried out by neutron diffraction was used to assess the joints. Through-thickness residual stress maps were determined for the laser welded samples of dis-similar steels using high spatial reso-lution. As a result, an appropriate set of processing parameters, able to mi-nimize the local tensile residual stress associated to the welding process, was found.
In this study, autogenous laser welding was used to join thin plates of low carbon ferritic and austenitic stainless steel. Due to the differences in the thermo-physical properties of base metals, this kind of weld exhibits a complex microstructure, which frequently leads to an overall loss of joint quality. Four welded samples were prepared by using different sets of processing parameters, with the aim of minimizing the induced residual stress field. The dissimilar austenitic-ferritic joints obtained under all welding conditions were uniform and free of defects. Variations in beam position did not influence the weld geometiy, which is a typical keyhole welding. Microstructural characterization and residual strain scanning (by neutron diffraction) were used to assess the features of the joints. By varying laser beam power density and by displacing the laser beam towards the carbon steel side, an optimum combination of processing parameters was found.
The present investigation addresses the mechanical behavior and residual stress field of dissimilar joints produced by laser welding. Microstructure characterization and residual strain scanning, carried out by neutron diffraction, were used to assess the joints features. It was found that the heat source position influences the base metals dilution and the residual stress field associated to the welding process. The tensile behavior of the joint, different zones achieved by using a video-image based system (VIC-2D) reveals that the residual stress field, together with the positive difference in yield between the weld metal and the base materials protects the joint from being plastically deformed.
In this study, the evaluation of the accuracy and performance of a light detection and ranging (LIDAR) sensor for vegetation using distance and reflection measurements aiming to detect and discriminate maize plants and weeds from soil surface was done. The study continues a previous work carried out in a maize field in Spain with a LIDAR sensor using exclusively one index, the height profile. The current system uses a combination of the two mentioned indexes. The experiment was carried out in a maize field at growth stage 12–14, at 16 different locations selected to represent the widest possible density of three weeds: Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P.Beauv., Lamium purpureum L., Galium aparine L.and Veronica persica Poir.. A terrestrial LIDAR sensor was mounted on a tripod pointing to the inter-row area, with its horizontal axis and the field of view pointing vertically downwards to the ground, scanning a vertical plane with the potential presence of vegetation. Immediately after the LIDAR data acquisition (distances and reflection measurements), actual heights of plants were estimated using an appropriate methodology. For that purpose, digital images were taken of each sampled area. Data showed a high correlation between LIDAR measured height and actual plant heights (R 2 = 0.75). Binary logistic regression between weed presence/absence and the sensor readings (LIDAR height and reflection values) was used to validate the accuracy of the sensor. This permitted the discrimination of vegetation from the ground with an accuracy of up to 95%. In addition, a Canonical Discrimination Analysis (CDA) was able to discriminate mostly between soil and vegetation and, to a far lesser extent, between crop and weeds. The studied methodology arises as a good system for weed detection, which in combination with other principles, such as vision-based technologies, could improve the efficiency and accuracy of herbicide spraying.