633 resultados para Tcp


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En los hospitales y residencias geriátricas de hoy en día es necesario que tengan un sistema asistencial paciente-enfermera. Este sistema debe ser capaz de controlar y gestionar cada una de las alarmas que se puedan generar en el menor tiempo posible y con la mayor eficacia. Para ello se ha diseñado una solución completa llamada ConnectCare. La arquitectura modular del sistema y la utilización de comunicación IP permiten adaptar el sistema a cada situación proporcionando soluciones específicas a medida. Este sistema se compone de un software llamado Buslogic que gestiona las alarmas en un servidor y de unos dispositivos llamados Fonet Control TCP/IP que posee una doble función: por una parte, sirve como dispositivo intercomunicador telefónico y por otra parte, sirve como dispositivo de gestión de alarmas y control de otros dispositivos externos. Como dispositivo intercomunicador telefónico, se integra en la red telefónica como un terminal de extensión analógica permitiendo la intercomunicación entre el paciente y el personal sanitario. Se hará una breve descripción de la parte intercomunicadora pero no es el objeto de este proyecto. En cambio, en la parte de control se hará más hincapié del diseño y su funcionamiento ya que sí es el objeto de este proyecto. La placa de control permite la recepción de señales provenientes de dispositivos de llamadas cableados, como son pulsadores asistenciales tipo “pera” o tiradores de baño. También es posible recibir señales de alerta de dispositivos no estrictamente asistenciales como detectores de humo o detectores de presencia. Además, permite controlar las luces de las habitaciones de los residentes y actuar sobre otros dispositivos externos. A continuación se mostrará un presupuesto para tener una idea del coste que supone. El presupuesto se divide en dos partes, la primera corresponde en el diseño de la placa de control y la segunda corresponde a la fabricación en serie de la misma. Después hablaremos sobre las conclusiones que hemos sacado tras la realización de este proyecto y sobre las posibles mejoras, terminando con una demostración del funcionamiento del equipo en la vida real. ABSTRACT. Nowadays, in hospitals and nursing homes it is required to have a patient-nurse care system. This system must be able to control and manage each one of the alarms, in the shortest possible time and with maximum efficiency. For this, we have designed a complete solution called ConnectCare. The system architecture is modular and the communication is by IP protocol. This allows the system to adapt to each situation and providing specific solutions. This system is composed by a software, called Buslogic, which it manages the alarms in the PC server and a hardware, called Fonet Control TCP / IP, which it has a dual role: the first role, it is a telephone intercom device and second role, it is a system alarm manager and it can control some external devices. As telephone intercom device, it is integrated into the telephone network and also it is an analog extension terminal allowing intercommunication between the patient and the health personnel. A short description of this intercommunication system will be made, because it is not the subject of this project. Otherwise, the control system will be described with more emphasis on the design and operation point of view, because this is the subject of this project. The control board allows the reception of signals from wired devices, such as pushbutton handset or bathroom pullcord. It is also possible to receive warning signals of non nurse call devices such as smoke detectors or motion detectors. Moreover, it allows to control the lights of the patients’ rooms and to act on other external devices. Then, a budget will be showed. The budget is divided into two parts, the first one is related with the design of the control board and the second one corresponds to the serial production of it. Then, it is discussed the conclusions of this project and the possible improvements, ending with a demonstration of the equipment in real life.


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Las características de Wi-Fi en combinación con el protocolo TCP hacen que se produzca una reducción del caudal resultante, causada por el diseño del propio protocolo TCP, desaprovechando en gran medida la capacidad de la red. El objetivo del proyecto ABA-WIFI era elaborar una solución que permitiera corregir el comportamiento anómalo del protocolo de transporte TCP que sufren las redes de acceso de banda ancha a través de Wi-Fi. Para ello se presentaron una serie de mejoras destinadas a los puntos de acceso Wi-Fi basadas en técnicas de TCP Split y TCP Spoof que solucionan el problema identificado de manera notable. Este trabajo proporciona una herramienta web para probar y medir cuantitativamente en tiempo real el efecto de dichas mejoras sobre las prestaciones de la red para distintas condiciones de la misma, atendiendo a la posición del cliente respecto del punto de acceso, el tipo de tráfico cursado, las condiciones de carga de la red y la situación geográfica.


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The transmembrane transcriptional activators ToxR and TcpP modulate expression of Vibrio cholerae virulence factors by exerting control over toxT, which encodes the cytoplasmic transcriptional activator of the ctx, tcp, and acf virulence genes. However, ToxR, independently of TcpP and ToxT, activates and represses transcription of the genes encoding two outer-membrane porins, OmpU and OmpT. To determine the role of ToxR-dependent porin regulation in V. cholerae pathogenesis, the ToxR-activated ompU promoter was used to drive ompT transcription in a strain lacking OmpU. Likewise, the ToxR-repressed ompT promoter was used to drive ompU transcription in a strain lacking both ToxR and OmpT. This strategy allowed the generation of a toxR+ strain that expresses OmpT in place of OmpU, and a toxR− strain that expresses OmpU in place of OmpT. Growth rates in the presence of bile salts and other anionic detergents were retarded for the toxR+ V. cholerae expressing OmpT in place of OmpU, but increased in toxR− V. cholerae expressing OmpU in place of OmpT. Additionally, the toxR+ V. cholerae expressing OmpT in place of OmpU expressed less cholera toxin and toxin-coregulated pilus, and this effect was shown to be caused by reduced toxT transcription in this strain. Finally, the toxR+ V. cholerae expressing OmpT in place of OmpU was ≈100-fold reduced in its ability to colonize the infant-mouse intestine. Our results indicate that ToxR-dependent modulation of the outer membrane porins OmpU and OmpT is critical for V. cholerae bile resistance, virulence factor expression, and intestinal colonization.


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The two major disease-causing biotypes of Vibrio cholerae, classical and El Tor, exhibit differences in their epidemic nature. Their behavior in the laboratory also differs in that El Tor strains produce two major virulence factors, cholera toxin (CT) and the toxin coregulated pilus (TCP), only under very restricted growth conditions, whereas classical strains do so in standard laboratory medium. Expression of toxin and TCP is controlled by two activator proteins, ToxR and ToxT, that operate in cascade fashion with ToxR controlling the synthesis of ToxT. Both biotypes express equivalent levels of ToxR, but only classical strains appear to express ToxT when grown in standard medium. In this report we show that restrictive expression of CT and TCP can be overcome in El Tor strains by expressing ToxT independently of ToxR. An El Tor strain lacking functional ToxT does not express CT or TCP, ruling out existence of a cryptic pathway for virulence regulation in this biotype. These results may have implications for understanding the evolution of El Tor strains toward reduced virulence with respect to classical strains.


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En este texto analizamos el rol desempeñando por formaciones políticas e intelectuales de la izquierda argentina frente a la experiencia kirchnerista y especialmente frente a las elecciones que determinaron el acceso al poder del partido de Mauricio Macri. Argumentamos que la ausencia de un pensamiento de la coyuntura condujo a dichas formaciones a desarrollar posicionamientos regresivos frente a una experiencia política que produjo mejoras significativas en amplios sectores de la sociedad argentina


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A televisão nos dias atuais tem sofrido inúmeras inovações tecnológicas nos campos das transmissões multimídia, qualidade audio-visual e diversidade de funcionalidades. Entretanto, esta essencialmente mantêm sua característica de fornecer informações de forma quase que instantânea à população. O ambiente atual da televisão digital é caracterizado pela coexistência de inúmeros dispositivos capazes de oferecerem uma experiência televisa, associando-se computadores pessoais, smartphones, tablets e outros eletrônicos de consumo. Ainda, pode se incluir a este cenário a disponibilidade de inúmeras redes de transporte de dados tais como a radiodifusão, satélite, cabo e redes em banda larga. Este cenário diversificado, em termos de dispositivos e redes, é denominado de cenário de televisão digital híbrida, a qual destaca-se a interação do expectador com os diversos dispositivos. Estes cenários, por sua vez, motivam o desenvolvimento de tecnologias que permitem o aperfeiçoamento da pervasividade e dos meios pelos os quais os aplicativos possam ser suportados em diferentes plataformas. Este trabalho propõe ambientes interoperáveis envolvendo a televisão digital interativa e outros eletrônicos de consumo, aos quais foram realizados estudos e experimentos para se observar diferentes técnicas de sincronização e comunicação entre plataformas de interatividade para a televisão digital híbrida. Os resultados apontam para a possibilidade de cenários interoperáveis envolvendo o uso de marcadores e também recursos de redes e serviços TCP/IP, levando em consideração a eficiência e eficácia nos diferentes métodos. Conclui-se que os resultados odem motivar o desenvolvimento de cenários diferenciados envolvendo a televisão digital interativa e dispositivos de segunda tela, o que incrementa a interatividade e as formas de entretenimento.


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San Roque church (Campeche, Mexico) was built at the end of the 17th century with a micritic limestone and lime mortar in baroque style. In 2005 the church exhibited heavy biodeterioration associated with the development of extensive dark green phototrophic-based biofilms. Several cyanobacteria belonging to the order Chroococcales and lichenized fungi (Toninia nordlandica, Lobaria quercizans, Lecanora subcarnea, Cystocoleus ebeneus) were predominant in the dark biofilm samples, as revealed by DNA-based molecular techniques. In 2009, a cleaning and restoration intervention was adopted; however, after few months, microbial recolonization started to be noticeable on the painted church walls, representing an early phototrophic-based recolonization. According to molecular analysis, scanning electron microscopy observations and digital image analysis of cross sections, new phototrophic-based colonization, composed of cyanobacteria and bryophytes, developed mainly beneath the restored mortars. The intrinsic properties of the mortars, the tropical climate of Campeche and the absence of a biocide treatment in the restoration protocol influenced the recolonization of the church façades and enhanced the overall rate of deterioration in a short-term period.


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The tremendous diversity of leaf shapes has caught the attention of naturalists for centuries. In addition to interspecific and intraspecific differences, leaf morphologies may differ in single plants according to age, a phenomenon known as heteroblasty. In Arabidopsis thaliana, the progression from the juvenile to the adult phase is characterized by increased leaf serration. A similar trend is seen in species with more complex leaves, such as the A. thaliana relative Cardamine hirsuta, in which the number of leaflets per leaf increases with age. Although the genetic changes that led to the overall simpler leaf architecture in A. thaliana are increasingly well understood, less is known about the events underlying age-dependent changes within single plants, in either A. thaliana or C. hirsuta. Here, we describe a conserved miRNA transcription factor regulon responsible for an age-dependent increase in leaf complexity. In early leaves, miR319-targeted TCP transcription factors interfere with the function of miR164-dependent and miR164-independent CUC proteins, preventing the formation of serrations in A. thaliana and of leaflets in C. hirsuta. As plants age, accumulation of miR156-regulated SPLs acts as a timing cue that destabilizes TCP-CUC interactions. The destabilization licenses activation of CUC protein complexes and thereby the gradual increase of leaf complexity in the newly formed organs. These findings point to posttranslational interaction between unrelated miRNA-targeted transcription factors as a core feature of these regulatory circuits.


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In questo documento ho analizzato lo scenario della passata e dell’odierna Internet, dal classico protocollo HTTP, al protocollo sperimentale QUIC, argomento di questa tesi. In primis ho analizzato gli attuali protocolli utilizzati nella rete e ricercato i motivi che hanno portato a crearne di nuovi, successivamente ho effettuato un analisi teorica del protocollo affidandomi ai documenti forniti dall'IETF, poi in un capitolo a sé ho descritto l'handshake crittografato tipico di questo protocollo ed infine nell'ultimo capitolo ho mostrato graficamente e praticamente come lavora il protocollo in una reale implementazione. Dopo aver completato questa tesi, mi sono potuto rendere conto di quanto sia necessario un cambio di rotta verso protocolli di rete più veloci, sicuri ed affidabili. I classici protocolli oramai non sono più sufficienti a soddisfare le migliaia di richieste di connessione e presentano, come si vedrà, delle lacune a cui bisogna porre rimedio. Gran parte della popolazione mondiale ha accesso al web,ed è uno strumento ormai alla portata di tutti e non più privilegio di pochi e ci si augura per il bene della rete Internet che tale protocollo o protocolli simili possano prendere presto piede per una migliore esperienza di navigazione a livello globale. Probabilmente saranno necessari molti anni, ma l’idea che già si pensi ad un futuro non tanto prossimo fa ben sperare su quello che ci aspetta. Nella lettura di questa tesi si vedrà come queste ultime affermazioni possano diventare realtà.


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Questa tesi si pone l'obiettivo di implementare in ambiente Linux un'applicazione di sincronizzazione, chiamata DTNbox, che permetta lo scambio di file tra due nodi di una rete classificabile come Delay-/Disruption-Tolerant Network (DTN), ossia una rete in cui a causa di ritardi, interruzioni, partizionamento, non sia possibile utilizzare l'usuale architettura di rete TCP/IP. E' evidente che i problemi menzionati rendono estremamente più complessa la sincronizzazione fra cartelle rispetto ad Internet, da cui le peculiarità di DTNbox rispetto ad altre applicazioni in rete visto che, ad esempio, non è possibile la sincronizzazione tramite un nodo centrale, come in Dropbox e similari, ma occorre basarsi su comunicazioni peer-to-peer. L'oggetto della mia tesi si è quindi sviluppato principalmente su tre direzioni: • Implementare, utilizzando il linguaggio di programmazione C, le funzionalità previste dal nuovo progetto per Linux • Integrarne e modificarne le parti ritenute carenti, man mano che i test parziali ne hanno mostrato la necessità • Testarne il suo corretto funzionamento Si è deciso pertanto di dare precedenza alla scrittura delle parti fondamentali del programma quali i moduli di controllo, la struttura e gestione del database e lo scambio di messaggi tra due nodi appartenenti ad una rete DTN per poter arrivare ad una prima versione funzionante del programma stesso, in modo che eventuali future tesi possano concentrarsi sullo sviluppo di una interfaccia grafica e sull'aggiunta di nuovi comandi e funzionalità accessorie. Il programma realizzato è stato poi testato su macchine virtuali grazie all'uso dello strumento Virtualbricks.


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En este texto analizamos el rol desempeñando por formaciones políticas e intelectuales de la izquierda argentina frente a la experiencia kirchnerista y especialmente frente a las elecciones que determinaron el acceso al poder del partido de Mauricio Macri. Argumentamos que la ausencia de un pensamiento de la coyuntura condujo a dichas formaciones a desarrollar posicionamientos regresivos frente a una experiencia política que produjo mejoras significativas en amplios sectores de la sociedad argentina


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En este trabajo abordamos del papel de la ideología y distintas formas de interpelación en las elecciones presidenciales de Argentina en 2015.Partimos de dos imputaciones cruzadas: la que surge del kirchnerismo, enfatizando el rol de los medios de comunicación masivos sobre los sectores medios y populares, y la respuesta progresista que insiste en una serie de motivos materiales de insatisfacción de estos sectores, a los que el kirchnerismo, afectado por una "miopía política", no atendió durante su gobierno y a los que desconoció en su discurso de campaña electoral, dejándolos librados a la interpelación por una forma de "individualismo miope". Insistimos en que estas atribuciones cruzadas de ideologismo constituyen un campo ideológico por sí mismo, cuyo presupuesto común es el individualismo. A partir de allí intentamos comprender las condiciones histórico-políticas en la Argentina del siglo XX que hacen del individualismo una evidencia ideológica fundante en la Argentina del siglo XXI


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En este trabajo abordamos del papel de la ideología y distintas formas de interpelación en las elecciones presidenciales de Argentina en 2015.Partimos de dos imputaciones cruzadas: la que surge del kirchnerismo, enfatizando el rol de los medios de comunicación masivos sobre los sectores medios y populares, y la respuesta progresista que insiste en una serie de motivos materiales de insatisfacción de estos sectores, a los que el kirchnerismo, afectado por una "miopía política", no atendió durante su gobierno y a los que desconoció en su discurso de campaña electoral, dejándolos librados a la interpelación por una forma de "individualismo miope". Insistimos en que estas atribuciones cruzadas de ideologismo constituyen un campo ideológico por sí mismo, cuyo presupuesto común es el individualismo. A partir de allí intentamos comprender las condiciones histórico-políticas en la Argentina del siglo XX que hacen del individualismo una evidencia ideológica fundante en la Argentina del siglo XXI


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Congresses not held 1914-20.


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Cybercrime and related malicious activity in our increasingly digital world has become more prevalent and sophisticated, evading traditional security mechanisms. Digital forensics has been proposed to help investigate, understand and eventually mitigate such attacks. The practice of digital forensics, however, is still fraught with various challenges. Some of the most prominent of these challenges include the increasing amounts of data and the diversity of digital evidence sources appearing in digital investigations. Mobile devices and cloud infrastructures are an interesting specimen, as they inherently exhibit these challenging circumstances and are becoming more prevalent in digital investigations today. Additionally they embody further characteristics such as large volumes of data from multiple sources, dynamic sharing of resources, limited individual device capabilities and the presence of sensitive data. These combined set of circumstances make digital investigations in mobile and cloud environments particularly challenging. This is not aided by the fact that digital forensics today still involves manual, time consuming tasks within the processes of identifying evidence, performing evidence acquisition and correlating multiple diverse sources of evidence in the analysis phase. Furthermore, industry standard tools developed are largely evidence-oriented, have limited support for evidence integration and only automate certain precursory tasks, such as indexing and text searching. In this study, efficiency, in the form of reducing the time and human labour effort expended, is sought after in digital investigations in highly networked environments through the automation of certain activities in the digital forensic process. To this end requirements are outlined and an architecture designed for an automated system that performs digital forensics in highly networked mobile and cloud environments. Part of the remote evidence acquisition activity of this architecture is built and tested on several mobile devices in terms of speed and reliability. A method for integrating multiple diverse evidence sources in an automated manner, supporting correlation and automated reasoning is developed and tested. Finally the proposed architecture is reviewed and enhancements proposed in order to further automate the architecture by introducing decentralization particularly within the storage and processing functionality. This decentralization also improves machine to machine communication supporting several digital investigation processes enabled by the architecture through harnessing the properties of various peer-to-peer overlays. Remote evidence acquisition helps to improve the efficiency (time and effort involved) in digital investigations by removing the need for proximity to the evidence. Experiments show that a single TCP connection client-server paradigm does not offer the required scalability and reliability for remote evidence acquisition and that a multi-TCP connection paradigm is required. The automated integration, correlation and reasoning on multiple diverse evidence sources demonstrated in the experiments improves speed and reduces the human effort needed in the analysis phase by removing the need for time-consuming manual correlation. Finally, informed by published scientific literature, the proposed enhancements for further decentralizing the Live Evidence Information Aggregator (LEIA) architecture offer a platform for increased machine-to-machine communication thereby enabling automation and reducing the need for manual human intervention.