716 resultados para Taxação ótima
The relationship between the microstructure and the magnetic properties of soft magnetic materials, have been studied by different researchers who seek to employ electrical systems, increasing their life span and reduce their energy consumption. Following this same line the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory developed a new synchrotron light source, the Sirius, where magnetic materials with high magnetic permeability values are being studied for use in accelerator dipoles. The low carbon steel is a ferromagnetic material that has a great relationship between cost and magnetic permeability. Aiming to raise the values of permeability of the material, heat treatments were done and evaluated the magnetic properties, microstructure and mechanical properties to correlate them. It was noted that the thermal annealing were the most effective, and the annealing performed with a small time threshold, which only phenomenon observed was the primary recrystallisation, was the most elevated values of magnetic permeability of the material, due to the average grain size ideal achieved. The heat treatments do not guide the magnetic domains of the material and not influence the mechanical properties of the material due to lack of carbon in the microstructure. The annealing treatments were shown to be an alternative to raising the values of the magnetic permeability of the material and facilitate the implementation of ultra low carbon steel in the dipoles of Sirius
In this work, a tabu search algorithm for solving uncapacitated location problems is presented. The uncapacitated location problem is a classic problem of localization and occurs in many practical situations. The problem consists in determining in a network, at the minimum possible cost, the better localization, in a network, for the installation of facilities in order to attend the customers' associated demands, at the minimum possible cost. One admits that there exists a cost associated with the opening of a facility and a cost of attendance of each customer by any open facilities. In the particular case of the uncapacitated location problem there is no capacity limitation to attend the customers’ demands. There are some parameters in the algorithm that influence the solution’s quality. These parameters were tested and optimal values for them were obtained. The results show that the proposed algorithm is able to find the optimal solution for all small tested problems keeping the compromise between solution’s quality and computational time. However, to solve bigger problems, the structure of the algorithm must be changed in its structure. The implemented algorithm is integrated to a computational platform for solution of logistic problems
A utilização de extratos vegetais tem sido considerada uma forte tendência no desenvolvimento de formulações dermocosméticas, uma vez que podem apresentar diversas ações, como antioxidantes e despigmentantes, atuando tanto contra os processos de envelhecimento como hiperpigmentação da pele. Dentre as plantas que apresentam tais propriedades, o chá verde se destaca devido a sua riqueza em compostos polifenólicos e taninos condensados. O extrato seco de chá verde obtido através da extração com uma solução de acetona 70% apresenta o maior teor de fenólicos e flavonoides, mas pouca diferença quando comparado com o obtido de uma solução de acetona 50%. A alta concentração desses compostos no extrato seco é responsável pela ótima ação antioxidante do chá verde, tornando-o capaz de inibir 50% dos radicais livres do meio com apenas 4,62 µg/mL quando em solução metanólica. Entretanto, a sua atividade despigmentante não se torna evidenciada, com apenas 1,93% de ação com a mesma concentração de chá verde. Este extrato seco, quando incorporado a sistemas nanoestruturados como os sistemas líquido-cristalinos estabilizados com Procetyl AWS® passa a ter uma ação antioxidante potencializada, alcançando uma inibição de radicais livres em até, aproximadamente, 72%, enquanto sua capacidade despigmentante não é demonstrada, apresentando uma inibição de tirosinase de, no máximo, 0,88%. A caracterização estrutural foi realizada por meio de análises de microscopia de luz polarizada, comportamento reológico e perfil de textura das formulações. Para o estudo de estabilidade foram empregadas avaliação visual, centrifugação e pH. A atividade antioxidante foi determinada com base na ação seqüestrante do radical 2,2-difenil-1-picril-hidrazila (DPPH) e a ação despigmentante in vitro, avaliada quanto à inibição da tirosinase, pelo método enzimático... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
The nickel alloys have a chemical composition with high tenor of alloy elements which are responsible for the material's mechanical and thermal properties, but also are the main causative of problems during the machining, making the process difficult. The objective of this work is the study of the machining by external cylindrical turning of the nickel based alloy Nimonic 80A, seeking the machining optimization of this alloy, seeking the best condition of lubricant fluid use, providing real increases of productivity without the need of investments in new production means. Besides, the results of this work should offer more detailed information regarding the behavior of this alloy in relation to machining by turning. The machining experiences were accomplished in a specimen of the nickel alloy, considering the machining parameters: cutting speed (75 and 90 m/min), cutting depth (0,8 mm) and feed rate (0,15 and 0,18 mm/v). The valuations were accomplished in a CNC lathe and tools with of hard metal inserts. After each stage of the turning the measures of the cutting length were accomplished, of the waste of the tools through a magnifying glass (8x) and the roughness of the specimen evaluated in each phase of the process, with the aid of a portable roughness meter. Through light optical microscopy it was possible to observe the wear of the cutting tools for each appraised condition. The roughness values, Ra and Ry, for the appraised conditions were always superiors to the theoretical values. After analysis of the results it was possible to end that, the best acting for this work strip tested it was obtained for ap=0,8mm: f=0,15mm/rev and VC=75m/min, what resulted in a larger cutting length (1811 m)
Brazil has about 12 % of a life´s essential resource: the superficial fresh water of the planet. However, today it is possible to observe the bad management of this resource, generating serious consequences on the quality that results in the loss of the use´s availability. In this scenario, the catchment of rainwater for undrinkable use is an alternative that has been broadly studied for the scientific community. When planning a system of rainwater catchment, the sizing of the required volume of the tank that will keep the water has a fundamental importance for the project, seeing that the supersizing of the tank can bring high costs and the undersizing can bring shortage in the water supply. This paper used a methodology based on two concepts: the harvesting efficiencies and the attending efficiencies of the system. This method takes as principle that exist a perfect demand that minimize the repayment time, condition that happened when the efficiencies are equal. Brazilian’s cities with different weathers and different rainfalls where chosen to simulate the attending for different demands for a typical residence. The data where parameterized according to the roof area and the number of residents, that way is possible that a future conference can be easily done and it also ensure results closer to the reality. The results showed that cities with a lower period of drought, even those with high level of rainfall on the raining mouths, have lower potential of water supply. The cities where the rainfall is more constant and also more high, even small roofs areas and small tank´s volumes – about half of the size compare to the cities with less propitious conditions – can generate high levels of water saving. With an eye to promote the environmental sustainability, the investment on projects for the catchment of rainwater is a good alternative
O trabalho teve como objetivo principal identificar a produção de enzimas xilanolíticas de um fungo encontrado no solo amazônico a partir do seu crescimento em diferentes fontes de carbono e em dois tipos de meio de cultivo: meio semi sólido e meio líquido Vogel. No mei semi sólido o crescimento do fungo aconteceu durante 7 dias, já no meio líquido foi feito em quatro tempos diferentes: 24, 36, 48 e 52 horas. As fontes de carbono usadas para ambos os meios foram: Após o crescimento os meios foram filtrados e foram realizadas a dosagem de proteína pelo método de Lowry e a determinação da atividade específica. Os filtrados foram concentrados através de tratamento com caulin, diálise e precipitação com acetona. Com os filtrados selecionados pode-se determinar o pH e a temperatura ótimas para a xilanase através de curvas de pH e temperatura. O fungo estudado produz enzimas do complexo xilanolítico, sendo que os melhores resultados foram encontrados usando a xilana no meio líquido e o sabugo de milho no meio semi sólido. Para a enzima encontrada o pH de atividade ótima é no valor 5,0 e foram encontrados dois picos de temperaturas ótima, na faixa de 30ºC e 60ºC, o que pode indicar a presença de mais de uma enzima do complexo xilanolítico
This study presents the development of a business plan to assist in decision making. The feasibility of a new plant capable of producing a polymer known as naphthalene sulfonate is being studied. CSN National Steel Company operates in several areas and encourages employees to seek innovation, supports and assists in the development of this project. This study also discusses entrepreneurship and its expansion into the enterprise corporate entrepreneurship. Explaining the importance and the role in large companies. The business plan is a great tool and demonstrated, mainly in the marketing plan, evidences of project feasibility
Water is one of the main inputs in agribusiness and is traded indirectly through the sale of agricultural products such as orange (juice or fresh) and cane sugar (ethanol and refined sugar). This study aims to estimate the proportional mass of water present in the products exported in the form of agricultural commodities considering the amount of water incorporated into the product in its genesis by plant photosynthesis, reinforcing a reflection on virtual and real water export, as well to indicate subsidies to management, planning and taxing of water resources
Desenvolvimento de uma plataforma analítica para aquisição de imagens moleculares em tecidos animais
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
No Brasil, 90% de pacientes com insuficiência renal crônica ou aguda dependem dos procedimentos de hemodiálise para remover produtos de degradação metabólica, excesso de água e de sais minerais do organismo, a fim de restaurar o equilíbrio ácido-base e eletrolítico. Entretanto, o processo de osmose reversa, que visa remover todos os íons da água, também remove o cloro, que exerce efeito bacteriostático sob diversas bactérias autóctones, que passam a se multiplicar na água. Entre os principais grupos dessas bactérias, estão os bastonetes Gram negativos não fermentadores (BGN) e os mais frequentemente associados a bacteremias, em pacientes de hemodiálise são Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia e Burkholderia cepacia. Essas bactérias podem produzir biofilmes, o que torna sua eliminação do encanamento quase impossível. Assim, o objetivo do trabalho foi a análise de água e do dialisato, da Unidade de Hemodiálise de um Hospital Universitário, na pesquisa dos três BGNs citados. Também foram utilizadas 42 cepas previamente isoladas do mesmo local. Entre as 67 amostras de água, foram isoladas 8 cepas de Pseudomonas aeruginosa e as 50 cepas foram submetidas à pesquisa do gene rpoS, um dos responsáveis pela produção de biofilme. Esse gene foi observado em 20 (40%) cepas, sendo 16 (80%) P. aeruginosa, seguida por 3 (15%) cepas de S. maltophilia e 1 (5%) de B. cepacia. Essas cepas foram submetidas à produção de biofilme a 35ºC (temperatura ótima de crescimento) e a 20ºC (temperatura média da água no encanamento da Unidade de Hemodiálise), em aço inoxidável (material de muitos instrumentos cirúrgicos), PVC (matéria prima da tubulação) e plástico de poliestireno (capacidade de produção de biofilmes em diferentes materiais). Em poliestireno, somente 1 (5%) cepa de P. aeruginosa produziu biofilme a 35ºC e a 20ºC, 2 (10%) cepas foram... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Desde o conhecimento da radiação e seus efeitos a necessidade de mensurá-la intriga os cientistas. Os detectores de radiação mais difundidos atualmente fazem o uso de cristais semicondutores. Porém, esses detectores tem uma temperatura ótima de funcionamento que acaba sendo ultrapassada, já que o processo gera calor. Por isso, o resfriamento acaba sendo uma necessidade. O desenvolvimento de detectores de radiação com cristal semicondutor que opere a temperatura ambiente é tema de muitos estudos, já que evitaria o processo de resfriamento, trabalhoso e de alto custo. No Centro de Tecnologia das Radiações (CTR) do Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN) o sal de Brometo de Tálio (TlBr) é estudado para esta finalidade. Até ser um cristal semicondutor este sal deve passar por vários processos, entre eles o de purificação e o de cristalização. A técnica utilizada para purificar este cristal é a de Refino zonal. Após ser purificado por esta técnica o sal estará apto a ser cristalizado e consequentemente integrar um equipamento de detecção de radiação. Portanto, esta monografia teve como objetivo realizar a análise da segregação das impurezas do sal de TlBr através da técnica de espectroscopia de massa em fonte de plasma induzido (ICP-MS) e espectroscopia de emissão atômica (ICP-AES). Determinando assim se o mesmo está apto a ser cristalizado e vir a compor um detector de radiação
In this project the Pattern Recognition Problem is approached with the Support Vector Machines (SVM) technique, a binary method of classification that provides the best solution separating the data in the better way with a hiperplan and an extension of the input space dimension, as a Machine Learning solution. The system aims to classify two classes of pixels chosen by the user in the interface in the interest selection phase and in the background selection phase, generating all the data to be used in the LibSVM library, a library that implements the SVM, illustrating the library operation in a casual way. The data provided by the interface is organized in three types, RGB (Red, Green and Blue color system), texture (calculated) or RGB + texture. At last the project showed successful results, where the classification of the image pixels was showed as been from one of the two classes, from the interest selection area or from the background selection area. The simplest user view of results classification is the RGB type of data arrange, because it’s the most concrete way of data acquisition
The present work aims to prepare a study of selectivity and coordination in an isolated electrical system with the aid of computer software PTW (Power Tools for Windows). Based on appropriate protection standards, on equipment data and the survey of the curves of “time versus current” (Time Current Curve – TCC), may be defined protection settings to leave the system selective, coordinated and properly protected. Definitions of adjustments are made taking into account the data of, so called, thermal curves of the equipment, which take into account the rated current and the supportability of short-circuit current of the equipment and cables involved in the installation in question. For that we use the tools provided by the PTW in which an industrial electrical circuit is simulated, presenting and discussing the results. With that validates the software PTW, taking it as a great tool helper implementation the coordination and selectivity study
Recebimento de dados GNSS via Internet em RTCM 3 e conversão para RINEX utilizando a plataforma J2ME
Changes are occurring worldwide, including the area of positioning using Global Navigation Satellite Systems in mobile devices such as mobile phones or laptops. This is due to the great improvement and availability of Internet services to these mobile devices. The accuracy and speed of data transmission for these devices makes the technology of sending / receiving data via an internet targeted for optimization. The optimization could allow obtaining, in real-time, coordinates (latitude, longitude and altitude) of suitable quality for users of GPS (Global Positioning System) devices that have wireless Internet access, such as those used to control the eet, locomotion, navigation, agriculture, etc. . The use of the protocol NTRIP (Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol) in GPS applications is growing every day. Applications are available in C, which creates an opportunity for development with a focus on multiplatform environments. In this context, we propose an application, implemented in a multiplatform environment and the use of NTRIP, able to run on a mobile device for receiving GNSS data
The optimal supply chain management (SCM) is considered by the companies a new frontier in order to gain efficiently competitive advantage. Through the SCM companies must define their competitive strategies by positioning inside the supply chain wich belongs both as suppliers and as consumers. The main objectives of SCM is integrate multiple suppliers to satisfy the market demand and make possible the synergies between the parts of the supply chain in order to better serve the consumer Meanwhile, selection, evaluation and development of suppliers play important roles in establishing an efficient supply chain. Thus, the SCM covers elements such as manufacturing, assembly, raw materials, and distribution to the final consumer. Due to the factors described, the focus of this paper is to present the Analytic Hierarchical Process (AHP) application as an appropriate and structured method for the supplier selection of a strategic line of low voltage transformers of a transformers industry and compare it with the selection process currently used by this industry, showing the advantages of applying a multiple criteria decision making method. In this study, the research methodology used was modeling and simulation