983 resultados para TCD4( ) lymphocytes


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The ability of tumour cells to avoid immune destruction (immune escape) and their acquired resistance to anti-cancer drugs constitute important barriers to the successful management of cancer. The interaction between specific molecules on the surface of tumour cells with their corresponding receptors on immune effector cells can result in inhibition of these effector cells, consequently allowing tumour cells to evade the host’s anti-tumour immune response. The interaction of the Programmed Death Ligand 1 (PD-L1) on the surface of tumour cells with the Programmed Death-1 (PD-1) receptor on cytotoxic T lymphocytes leads to inactivation of these immune effectors, and is a specific example of an immune escape mechanism tumour cells use to avoid immune destruction. Clinically, antibodies capable of blocking the PD-1/PD-L1 interaction have demonstrated significant therapeutic benefit, and are currently being used to help bolster patients’ immune response against malignant cells in a variety of cancer types. Here we show that the PD-1/PD-L1 interaction also leads to tumour cell resistance to conventional chemotherapeutic agents. Incubation of PD-L1-expressing human and mouse tumour cells with PD-1-expressing Jurkat T cells or purified recombinant PD-1 resulted in tumour cell resistance to doxorubicin and docetaxel. Interference with the PD-1/PD-L1 interaction using blocking anti-PD-1 or anti-PD-L1 antibody or shRNA-mediated gene silencing resulted in attenuation of PD-1/PD-L1-mediated drug resistance. Moreover, inhibition of the PD-1/PD-L1 signalling axis using anti-PD-1 antibody enhanced the effect of doxorubicin chemotherapy to inhibit 4T1 tumour cell metastasis in an in vivo mouse model of mammary carcinoma. These findings indicate that blockade of the PD-1/PD-L1 axis may be a useful approach to immunosensitize and chemosensitize tumours in cancer patients and provide a rationale for the use of anti-PD-1/PD-L1 antibodies as adjuvants to chemotherapy.


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Viral and non-viral vectors have been developed for gene therapy, but their use is associated with unresolved problems of efficacy and safety. Efficient and safe methods of DNA delivery need to be found for medical application. Here we report a new monopolar system of non-viral electro-gene transfer into the thymus in vivo that consists of the local application of electrical pulses after the introduction of the DNA. We assessed the proof of concept of this approach by correcting ZAP-70 deficient severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) in mice. The thymic electro-gene transfer of the pCMV-ZAP-70-IRES-EGFP vector in these mice resulted in rapid T cell differentiation in the thymus with mature lymphocytes detected by three weeks in secondary lymphoid organs. Moreover, this system resulted in the generation of long-term functional T lymphocytes. Peripheral reconstituted T cells displayed a diversified T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire, and were responsive to alloantigens in vivo. This process applied to the thymus could represent a simplified and effective alternative for gene therapy of T cell immunodeficiencies.


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Aim To determine the distribution of the NPY Y1 receptor in carious and noncarious human dental pulp tissue using immunohistochemistry. A subsidiary aim was to confirm the presence of the NPY Y1 protein product in membrane fractions of dental pulp tissue from carious and noncarious teeth using western blotting. Methodology Twenty two dental pulp samples were collected from carious and noncarious extracted teeth. Ten samples were processed for immunohistochemistry using a specific antibody to the NPY Y1 receptor. Twelve samples were used to obtain membrane extracts which were electrophoresed, blotted onto nitrocellulose and probed with NPY Y1 receptor antibody. Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance was employed to test for overall statistical differences between NPY Y1 levels in noncarious, moderately carious and grossly carious teeth. Results Neuropeptide Y Y1 receptor immunoreactivity was detected on the walls of blood vessels in pulp tissue from noncarious teeth. In carious teeth NPY Y1 immunoreactvity was observed on nerve fibres, blood vessels and inflammatory cells. Western blotting indicated the presence and confirmed the variability of NPY Y1 receptor protein expression in solubilised membrane preparations of human dental pulp tissue from carious and noncarious teeth. Conclusions Neuropeptide Y Y1 is expressed in human dental pulp tissue with evidence of increased expression in carious compared with noncarious teeth, suggesting a role for NPY Y1 in modulation of caries induced pulpal inflammation. © 2008 International Endodontic Journal.


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Lung T lymphocytes are important in pulmonary immunity and inflammation. it has been difficult to study these cells due to contamination with other cell types, mainly alveolar macrophages. We have developed a novel method for isolating lung T cells from lung resection tissue, using a combination of approaches. Firstly the lung tissue was finely chopped and filtered through a nylon mesh. Lymphocytic cells were enriched by Percoll density centrifugation and the T cells purified using human CD3 microbeads, resulting in 90.5% +/- 1.9% (n = 11) pure lymphocytes. The T cell yield from the crude cell preparation was 10.8 +/- 2.1% and viability, calculated using propidium iodide (PI) staining and trypan blue, was typically over 95%. The purification process did not affect expression of CD69 or CD103, nor was there a difference in the proportion of CD4 and CD8 cells between the starting population and the purified cells. Microarray analysis and real time RT-PCR revealed upregulation of GAPDH and CXCR6 of the lung T cells as compared to blood-derived T cells. This technique highly enriches lung T cells to allow detailed investigation of the biology of these cells. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: Bronchoscopic bronchoalveolar lavage in children to investigate bronchia disorders such as asthtna has both ethical and procedural difficulties.

Objective: The aim of this study was to establish a standardized non-bronchoscopic method to perform bronchoalveolar lavage in children attending for elective surgery to obtain normal cellular data.

Methods: Bronchoalveolar lavage was performed on normal children (n= 55) by infusing saline (20 mL) through an 8 FG suction catheter passed after endotracheal intubation. Oxygen saturation, heart and respiratory rate were monitored during the bronchoalveolar lavage procedure. Cellular analysis and total protein estimation of the lavage fluid were performed. Epithelial lining fluid volume was calculated (n = 15) using the urea dilution method.

Results: The procedure was well tolerated by all children. Total cell count and differential cell count for children (macrophages 70.8 ± 2.3%, lymphocytes 3.8 ± 0.6%, neutrophils 5,7 ± 1.0%, eosinophils 0.14 ± 0.03%. epithelial cells 19.6 ± 2.1%, mast cells 0.21 ± 0.02%) were similar to those reported for adults. Age and sex comparisons revealed no differences between groups. The mean total protein recovered in the cell free supernatant was 49.72 ± 4.29 mg/L and epithelial lining fluid volume was 0.82 ± 0.11% of return lavageate.

Conclusion This method allows bronchoalveolar lavage to be performed safely and quickly on children attending for routine elective surgery. Using this method and taking the ‘window of opportunity’ of elective surgery, the presence or absence of airway inflammation could be studied in children with various patterns of asthma during relatively asymptomatic periods.


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Genetic or vitamin D3-induced overexpression of thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) by keratinocytes results in an atopic dermatitis (AD)-like inflammatory phenotype in mice echoing the discovery of high TSLP expression in epidermis from AD patients. Although skin dendritic cells (DC) are suspected to be involved in AD, direct evidence of a pathogenetic role for skin DC in TSLP-induced skin inflammation has not yet been demonstrated. In a mouse model of AD, i.e. mice treated with the low-calcemic vitamin D3 analogue, MC903, we show that epidermal Langerhans cells (LC)-depleted mice treated with MC903 do neither develop AD-like inflammation nor increased serum IgE as compared to vitamin D3 analogue-treated control mice. Accordingly, we show that, in mice treated with MC903 or in K14-TSLP transgenic mice, expression of maturation markers by LC is increased whereas maturation of dermal DC is not altered. Moreover, only LC are responsible for the polarization of naive CD4+ T cells to a Th2 phenotype, i.e. decrease in interferon-gamma and increase in interleukin (IL)-13 production by CD4+ T cells. This effect of LC on T-lymphocytes does not require OX40-L/CD134 and is mediated by a concomitant down-regulation of IL-12 and CD70. Although it was previously stated that TSLP up-regulates the production of thymus and activation-regulated chemokine (TARC)/chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 17 (CCL17) and macrophage-derived chemokine (MDC)/CCL22 by human LC in vitro, our work shows that production of these Th2- cell attracting chemokines is increased only in keratinocytes in response to TSLP overexpression. These results demonstrate that LC are required for the development of AD in mouse models of AD involving epidermal TSLP overexpression.


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A novel technique for the separation of monocytes from human peripheral blood preparations has been developed. The technique is based on the use of expanded-bed adsorption and a solid perfluorocarbon derivatized with avidin or streptavidin for the indirect positive or negative capture of cells labeled with biotinylated monoclonal antibodies. The perfluorocarbon support was prepared and characterized and the contactor design and operating conditions, that enable cells to be selectively isolated, were investigated. Experiments consisted of applying an immunolabeled pulse of 1 x 10(8) peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), isolated by density gradient centrifugation, directly onto a refrigerated expanded bed. The major cell types remaining were T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes, and monocytes. Monocytes could be positively adsorbed, following labeling with anti-CD14 mAb, with a clearance of up to 89% and a depletion factor of 7.6. They could also be


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The aim of this study was to visualize integrin expression by cells in interface tissue in relation to their ligands. Tissue samples were obtained from 25 patients undergoing revision of aseptically loose total joint replacements. Serial sections were immunolabeled for the integrins alpha (2)beta (1) alpha (v)beta (3), alpha (4)beta (1) alpha (L)beta (2) (CD11a), alpha (M)beta (2) (CD11b), and alpha (x)beta (2) (CD11c), and the ligands fibronectin, laminin, vitronectin, intercellular adhesion molecule-1, and vascular adhesion molecule-1. Most cells were found to express alpha (2)beta (1) most macrophages and giant cells expressed CD11b, and the majority of CD11a was found on perivascular T lymphocytes. From the small amount of alpha (4)beta (1) and vascular adhesion molecule-1 expression in the interface tissue and the combination of CD11a, CD11b, and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 expression, it would seem that macrophages use beta (2) integrins to transmigrate. (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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Antioxidant species may act in vivo to decrease oxidative damage to DNA, protein and lipids thus reducing the risk of coronary heart disease and cancer. Phytoestrogens are plant compounds which are a major component of traditional Asian diets and which may be protective against certain hormone-dependent cancers (breast and prostate) and against coronary heart disease. They may also be able to function as antioxidants, scavenging potentially harmful free radicals. In this study, the effects of the isoflavonoids (a class of phytoestrogen) genistein and equol on hydrogen peroxide-mediated DNA damage in human lymphocytes were determined using alkaline single-cell gel electrophoresis (the comet assay). Treatment with hydrogen peroxide significantly increased the levels of DNA strand breaks. Pre-treatment of the cells with both genistein and equol offered protection against this damage at concentrations within the physiological range. This protection was greater than that offered by addition of the known antioxidant vitamins ascorbic acid and alpha -tocopherol, or the compounds 17 beta -oestradiol and Tamoxifen which have similar structures to isoflavonoids and are known to have weak antioxidant properties. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that phytoestrogens can, under certain conditions, function as antioxidants and protect against oxidatively-induced DNA damage. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Isoflavones are plant compounds, proposed to have health benefits in a variety of human diseases, including coronary heart disease and endocrine-responsive cancers. Their physiological effects include possible antioxidant activity, therefore suggesting a role for isoflavones in the prevention of male infertility. The aim of this study was to test the antioxidant effects of the isoflavones genistein and equol on sperm DNA integrity, assessed in vitro after hydrogen peroxide-mediated damage, using the cornet assay. Pre-treatment with genistein or equol at doses of 0.01-100 mumol/l significantly protected sperm DNA against oxidative damage. Both ascorbic acid (10-600 mumol/l) and alpha-tocopherol (1-100 mumol/l) also protected. Compared with ascorbic acid and alpha-tocopherol, added at physiological concentrations, genistein was the most potent antioxidant, followed by equol, ascorbic acid, and alpha-tocopherol. Genistein and equol added in combination were more protective than when added singly. Based on these preliminary data, which are similar to those observed previously in lymphocytes, these compounds may have a role to play in antioxidant protection against male infertility.


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Identification of immune modifiers of inherited cancer syndromes may provide a rationale for preventive therapy. Cowden disease (CD) is a genetically heterogeneous inherited cancer syndrome that arises predominantly from germline phosphatase and tensin homologue deleted on chromosome 10 (PTEN) mutation and increased phosphoinositide 3-kinase/mammalian target of rapamycin (PI3K/mTOR) signalling. However, many patients with classic CD diagnostic features are mutation-negative for PTEN (PTEN M-Neg). Interferon (IFN)-gamma can modulate the PI3K/mTOR pathway, but its association with PTEN M-Neg CD remains unclear. This study assessed IFN-gamma secretion by multi-colour flow cytometry in a CD kindred that was mutation-negative for PTEN and other known susceptibility genes. Because IFN-gamma responses may be regulated by killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR) and respective human leucocyte antigen (HLA) ligands, KIR/HLA genotypes were also assessed. Activating treatments induced greater IFN-gamma secretion in PTEN M-Neg CD peripheral blood lymphocytes versus healthy controls. Increased frequency of activating KIR genes, potentially activating KIR/HLA compound genotypes and reduced frequency of inhibitory genotypes, were found in the PTEN M-Neg CD kindred. Differences of IFN-gamma secretion were observed among PTEN M-Neg CD patients with distinct KIR/HLA compound genotypes. Taken together, these findings show enhanced lymphocyte secretion of IFN-gamma that may influence the PI3K/mTOR CD causal molecular pathway in a PTEN mutation-negative CD kindred.


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The global increase in measles vaccination has resulted in a significant reduction of measles mortality. The standard route of administration for the live-attenuated measles virus (MV) vaccine is subcutaneous injection, although alternative needle-free routes, including aerosol delivery, are under investigation. In vitro, attenuated MV has a much wider tropism than clinical isolates, as it can use both CD46 and CD150 as cellular receptors. To compare the in vivo tropism of attenuated and pathogenic MV, we infected cynomolgus macaques with pathogenic or attenuated recombinant MV expressing enhanced green fluorescent protein (GFP) (strains IC323 and Edmonston, respectively) via the intratracheal or aerosol route. Surprisingly, viral loads and cellular tropism in the lungs were similar for the two viruses regardless of the route of administration, and CD11c-positive cells were identified as the major target population. However, only the pathogenic MV caused significant viremia, which resulted in massive virus replication in B and T lymphocytes in lymphoid tissues and viral dissemination to the skin and the submucosa of respiratory epithelia. Attenuated MV was rarely detected in lymphoid tissues, and when it was, only in isolated infected cells. Following aerosol inhalation, attenuated MV was detected at early time points in the upper respiratory tract, suggesting local virus replication. This contrasts with pathogenic MV, which invaded the upper respiratory tract only after the onset of viremia. This study shows that despite in vitro differences, attenuated and pathogenic MV show highly similar in vivo tropism in the lungs. However, systemic spread of attenuated MV is restricted.


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The lymphotropic and myelotropic nature of wild-type measles virus (wt-MV) is well recognized, with dendritic cells and lymphocytes expressing the MV receptor CD150 mediating systemic spread of the virus. Infection of respiratory epithelial cells has long been considered crucial for entry of MV into the body. However, the lack of detectable CD150 on these cells raises the issue of their importance in the pathogenesis of measles. This study utilized a combination of in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo model systems to characterize the susceptibility of epithelial cells to wt-MV of proven pathogenicity. Low numbers of MV-infected epithelial cells in close proximity to underlying infected lymphocytes or myeloid cells suggested infection via the basolateral side of the epithelium in the macaque model. In primary cultures of human bronchial epithelial cells, foci of MV-infected cells were only observed following infection via the basolateral cell surface. The extent of infection in primary cells was enhanced both in vitro and in ex vivo cornea rim tissue by disrupting the integrity of the cells prior to the application of virus. This demonstrated that, whilst epithelial cells may not be the primary target cells for wt-MV, areas of epithelium in which tight junctions are disrupted can become infected using high m.o.i. The low numbers of MV-infected epithelial cells observed in vivo in conjunction with the absence of infectious virus release from infected primary cell cultures suggest that epithelial cells have a peripheral role in MV transmission.


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Hypertension, a key risk factor for stroke, cardiovascular disease and dementia, is associated with chronic vascular inflammation, and although poorly understood, putative mechanisms include proinflammatory responses induced by mechanical stretching, with cytokine release and associated upregulated expression of adhesion molecules. Because blood pressure increases with age, we measured baseline and tumour necrosis alpha (TNF-a)-stimulated CD11b/CD18 adhesion molecule expression on leucocytes to assess any association between the two. In 38 subjects (mean age 85 years), consecutively enrolled from Belfast Elderly Longitudinal Free-Living Aging Study (BELFAST), baseline and TNF-a-stimulated CD11b/CD18 expression on separated monocytes and neutrophils increased with systolic blood pressure >120 mmHg (p=0.05) and for lymphocytes, with diastolic blood pressure >80 mmHg (p<0.05).These findings show increased potential stickiness of intravascular cells with increasing blood pressure which is accentuated by TNF-a, and suggest mechanistic reasons why better hypertension control is important. 


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Antiretroviral entry inhibitors are now being considered as vaginally administered microbicide candidates for prevention of sexual transmission of human immunodeficiency virus. Previous studies testing the entry inhibitors maraviroc and CMPD167 in aqueous gel formulations showed efficacy in the macaque challenge model, although protection was highly dependent on the time period between initial gel application and subsequent challenge. In this paper, we describe the sustained release of the entry inhibitors maraviroc and CMPD167 from matrix-type silicone elastomer vaginal rings both in vitro and in vivo. Both inhibitors were released continuously over 28 days from rings in vitro, at rates of 100-2500 µg/day. In 28-day pharmacokinetic studies in rhesus macaques, the compounds were measured in the vaginal fluid and vaginal tissue; steady state fluid concentrations were ~106 fold greater than IC50 values for SHIV-162P3 inhibition in macaque lymphocytes in vitro. Plasma concentrations for both compounds were very low. Pretreatment of macaques with Depo-Provera® (DP), as commonly used in macaque challenge studies, was shown to significantly modify the bio-distribution of the inhibitors, but not the overall amount released. Vaginal fluid and tissue concentrations were significantly decreased while plasma levels increased with DP pretreatment. These observations have implications for designing macaque challenge experiments, and also for ring performance during the human female menstrual cycle. Copyright © 2012, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.