882 resultados para Supersymmetry Breaking


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The mature oocysts of Eimeria lepidosirenis n.sp. are described in faeces removed from the lower region of the intestine of a single specimen of the South American lungfish Lepidosiren paradoxa, from Belém, state of Pará, Amazonian Brazil. Oocysts with endogenous sporulation: spherical to slightly subspherical, 30.8 × 30.3 µm (28.1 × 25.9 -33.3 × 31.8), shape-index (ratio length/width) 1.0, n = 25. Oocyst wall a very thin, single layer approximately 0.74 µm thick, smooth, colourless, with no micropyle and rapidly breaking down to release the sporocysts. Oocyst residuum a bulky ovoid to spherical mass of approximately 20.0 × 15 µm, composed of fine granules and larger globules and enclosed by a very fine membrane: no polar bodies seen. Sporocysts 15.5 × 9.0 µm (14.5 × 8.0 16.0 × 9.0), shape index 1.7 (1.6-1.8), n = 30, ovoid, with one extremity rather pointed and with a very delicate Stieda body but no sub-Stieda body: sporocyst wall a single extremely thin layer with no valves. Sporocyst residuum a spherical to ovoid mass of approximately 5.0 × 4.0 µm, composed of fine granules and small globules and enclosed by a very fine membrane. Sporozoites strongly recurved at their ends and apparently with only a single refractile body. Site of development in the host uncertain: no evidence of endogenous stages was found in fresh scrapings and stained smears of the intestinal epithelium.


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In the field of perinatality, development of prenatal diagnosis and neonatal management have been impressive. But these were also associated with the emergence of the increasingly important emotional dimension for parents and professionals. Obstetricians dealing with the difficult breaking of bad news, the uncertainties of prenatal diagnosis and the complex somatic, psychological and social follow-up have to work in a multidisciplinary approach. The securing role of a coherent teamwork is recognised by parents as well as health care providers This article discusses interprofessional relationship as an obstetrical goal and give some landmarks in order to improve the management and the collaboration with parents.


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Treball d'investigació que ha consistit a analitzar si, prenent com a base els acords de seguretat entre el Japó i els Estats Units, en cas que actualment esclatés un conflicte armat entre Taiwan i la Xina (independentment de qui en sigui el responsable), i els Estats Units intervinguessin en defensa o ajuda de Taiwan, el Japó estaria jurídicament obligat a oferir la seva col·laboració al país nord-americà.


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The purpose of this review is to describe research findings regarding chronic Chagas disease in Argentina that have changed the standards of care for patients with Trypanosoma cruzi infection. Indirect techniques (serological tests) are still the main tools for the primary diagnosis of infection in the chronic phase, but polymerase chain reaction has been shown to be promising. The prognosis of patients with heart failure or advanced stages of chagasic cardiomyopathy is poor, but a timely diagnosis during the initial stages of the disease would allow for prescription of appropriate therapies to offer a better quality of life. Treatment of T. cruzi infection is beneficial as secondary prevention to successfully cure the infection or to delay, reduce or prevent the progression to disease and as primary disease prevention by breaking the chain of transmission. Current recommendations have placed the bulk of the diagnostic and treatment responsibility on the Primary Health Care System. Overall, the current research priorities with respect to Chagas disease should be targeted towards (i) the production of new drugs that would provide a shorter treatment course with fewer side effects; (ii) the development of new tools to confirm cure after a full course of treatment during the chronic phase and (iii) biomarkers to identify patients with a high risk of developing diseases.


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L'interaction soignant-soigné, dans ses aspects relationnel et communicationnel, a fait l'objet depuis les années 1970 de nombreuses études, inscrites dans une pluralité d'approches théoriques et méthodologiques. L'approche de la sociolinguistique de type médical, dans laquelle s'insère le présent travail de thèse, s'est développée dans le contexte même de ces études. Ce travail s'articule autour de trois sujets de recherche permettant d'illustrer, d'éclairer ainsi que de définir l'approche spécifique de la sociolinguistique médicale et traduisant, par ailleurs, certaines des questions relatives au développement de cette sociolinguistique, qui relève des sciences de la communication et des sciences humaines en médecine. Les deux premiers sujets de recherche se focalisent sur le processus d'échange d'information, central dans l'interaction médicale. Ils portent, pour l'un, sur un format de question spécifique utilisé par des étudiants en médecine dans le cadre d'entretiens avec patients simulés centrés sur l'annonce de mauvaises nouvelles et, pour l'autre, sur la(es) définition(s) d'une unité lexicale attestée dans le contexte communicationnel du VIH/sida. Le troisième sujet de recherche, en corrélation avec les deux autres, traite des défis qui se posent aux chercheurs-sociolinguistes relativement à l'étude et à la production de savoirs sur des questions liées à la santé et à la maladie. - Since the 1970's, many studies, following various theoretical and methodological approaches, have investigated - from a relational and communication point of view - the interaction between health care professionals and patients. The approach of the medical sociolinguistics, on which this PhD thesis is based, has been developed in the context of these studies. This PhD thesis is centred on three research topics illustrating and revealing the specific approach of the medical sociolinguistics and reflecting, as regards the third research topic, on particular issues related to the development of this discipline belonging to both communication sciences and medical humanities. The first two research topics focus on the information sharing process, a main phase and purpose of the medical interaction. They address (i) a particular question design used by medical students with simulated patients in breaking bad news interviews, and (ii) the meaning of a lexical unit used in the HIV/AIDS communication context. The third topic, related with the two other, focuses on the challenges faced by medical sociolinguists while producing knowledge and investigating health- and disease-related issues.


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Leprosy in children is correlated with community-level factors, including the recent presence of disease and active foci of transmission in the community. We performed clinical and serological examinations of 1,592 randomly selected school children (SC) in a cross-sectional study of eight hyperendemic municipalities in the Brazilian Amazon Region. Sixty-three (4%) SC, with a mean age of 13.3 years (standard deviation = 2.6), were diagnosed with leprosy and 777 (48.8%) were seropositive for anti-phenolic glycolipid-I (PGL-I). Additionally, we evaluated 256 house-hold contacts (HHCs) of the students diagnosed with leprosy; 24 (9.4%) HHC were also diagnosed with leprosy and 107 (41.8%) were seropositive. The seroprevalence of anti-PGL-I was significantly higher amongst girls, students from urban areas and students from public schools (p < 0.0001). Forty-five (71.4%) new cases detected amongst SC were classified as paucibacillary and 59 (93.6%) patients did not demonstrate any degree of physical disability at diagnosis. The results of this study suggest that there is a high rate of undiagnosed leprosy and subclinical infection amongst children in the Amazon Region. The advantages of school surveys in hyperendemic areas include identifying leprosy patients at an early stage when they show no physical disabilities, preventing the spread of the infection in the community and breaking the chain of transmission.


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Work-related stress of the oncology clinician is not only due to heavy clinical and administrative duties, but also arises when breaking bad news. However, there is important interindividual variation in stress levels during patient encounters, mainly due to the significance the situation represents for the oncologist. A reflection on his own development, his professional identity, and ways of dealing with the patient's suffering can reduce his levels of stress and distress and prevent burnout and other psychiatric disturbances. This chapter summarizes the psychological challenges the oncology clinician is facing when he announces the diagnosis of cancer, deals with the deception of relapse, discusses the transition to palliative care, copes with progression of the disease and uncertainty, and cares for the dying who is facing the unknown. Ways of refiecting on and dealing with these situations from a psychological and communicational perspective are described and illustrated by case vignettes.


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Background: The exploratory study is part of an evaluation of the pre-graduate teaching of communication skills (Lausanne Medical School). It is based on the data of a project highlighting the impact of individualized vs. group training for medicine students in breaking bad news to simulated patients who are diagnosed with cancer. The analysis of the video-taped interviews of the students (N=63) with the RIAS has shown a current usage of utterances such as I don't know if -you have any plans for the future / you have already heard about chemotherapy / ... or I don't know how -you are feeling today after this surgery / you like that all this stuff takes place / ...Aim: The present study questions the specificity of these assertive utterances used as questions (indirect), the specificity of their content, and their intentionality - specific vs. exploratory.Methods: The mentioned utterances are qualitatively analyzed (content analysis, intentionality analysis, etc).Results: 26 students (41%) used 1 to 6 times I don't know utterances during the interviews that contain 53 of such utterances in total. In contrast, they are atypical in an oncologist sample who conducted similar interviews (N=31; 4 oncologist used them 1 to 2 times). In more than half of the cases (29/53), simulated patients interpret I don't know questions as giving them a space to speak (open responses). Conclusions: The atypicality of the I don't know utterances in the oncologist sample may have linguistic explanations in terms of generational marker, but the specificity of the content suggests psychological explanations in terms of defense mechanism as well (marker of "toning down" or insecurity as regards the discussed topic).Keywords: Breaking bad news, communication skills, oncology, pre-graduate medical education, indirect questioning


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This article discusses the construction of tri-sector partnerships in three projects conducted in Brazil in different fields of intervention of public policy (access to water, basic education and performance of boards of rights of children and adolescents). Collaborative articulations involving the players from three sectors (the State, civil society and the market) are practices that are little studied in the Brazilian and even in the international context, as tri-sector partnerships are rare, despite the proliferation of lines of discourse in support of alliances between governments and civil society or between companies and NGOs in the management of public policy. As a research strategy, this study resorted to cooperative inquiry, a method that involves breaking down the boundaries between the subjects and the objects of the analysis. Besides working toward a better understanding of the challenges of building tri-sector partnerships in the Brazilian context, the article also tries to show the relevance to public policy studies of investigative methods based on the subjects studied, as a means of developing an understanding of the practices, lines of discourse and dilemmas linked to social action in social programs.


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We study the effect of strong heterogeneities on the fracture of disordered materials using a fiber bundle model. The bundle is composed of two subsets of fibers, i.e. a fraction 0 ≤ α ≤ 1 of fibers is unbreakable, while the remaining 1 - α fraction is characterized by a distribution of breaking thresholds. Assuming global load sharing, we show analytically that there exists a critical fraction of the components αc which separates two qualitatively diferent regimes of the system: below αc the burst size distribution is a power law with the usual exponent Ƭ= 5/2, while above αc the exponent switches to a lower value Ƭ = 9/4 and a cutoff function occurs with a diverging characteristic size. Analyzing the macroscopic response of the system we demonstrate that the transition is conditioned to disorder distributions where the constitutive curve has a single maximum and an inflexion point defining a novel universality class of breakdown phenomena


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We present a detailed analytical and numerical study of the avalanche distributions of the continuous damage fiber bundle model CDFBM . Linearly elastic fibers undergo a series of partial failure events which give rise to a gradual degradation of their stiffness. We show that the model reproduces a wide range of mechanical behaviors. We find that macroscopic hardening and plastic responses are characterized by avalanche distributions, which exhibit an algebraic decay with exponents between 5/2 and 2 different from those observed in mean-field fiber bundle models. We also derive analytically the phase diagram of a family of CDFBM which covers a large variety of potential avalanche size distributions. Our results provide a unified view of the statistics of breaking avalanches in fiber bundle models


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The dynamics of homogeneously heated granular gases which fragment due to particle collisions is analyzed. We introduce a kinetic model which accounts for correlations induced at the grain collisions and analyze both the kinetics and relevant distribution functions these systems develop. The work combines analytical and numerical studies based on direct simulation Monte Carlo calculations. A broad family of fragmentation probabilities is considered, and its implications for the system kinetics are discussed. We show that generically these driven materials evolve asymptotically into a dynamical scaling regime. If the fragmentation probability tends to a constant, the grain number diverges at a finite time, leading to a shattering singularity. If the fragmentation probability vanishes, then the number of grains grows monotonously as a power law. We consider different homogeneous thermostats and show that the kinetics of these systems depends weakly on both the grain inelasticity and driving. We observe that fragmentation plays a relevant role in the shape of the velocity distribution of the particles. When the fragmentation is driven by local stochastic events, the longvelocity tail is essentially exponential independently of the heating frequency and the breaking rule. However, for a Lowe-Andersen thermostat, numerical evidence strongly supports the conjecture that the scaled velocity distribution follows a generalized exponential behavior f (c)~exp (−cⁿ), with n ≈1.2, regarding less the fragmentation mechanisms


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Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used to study the dehydrogenation processes that take place in three hydrogenated amorphous silicon materials: nanoparticles, polymorphous silicon, and conventional device-quality amorphous silicon. Comparison of DSC thermograms with evolved gas analysis (EGA) has led to the identification of four dehydrogenation processes arising from polymeric chains (A), SiH groups at the surfaces of internal voids (A'), SiH groups at interfaces (B), and in the bulk (C). All of them are slightly exothermic with enthalpies below 50 meV/H atoms , indicating that, after dissociation of any SiH group, most dangling bonds recombine. The kinetics of the three low-temperature processes [with DSC peak temperatures at around 320 (A),360 (A'), and 430°C (B)] exhibit a kinetic-compensation effect characterized by a linea relationship between the activation entropy and enthalpy, which constitutes their signature. Their Si-H bond-dissociation energies have been determined to be E (Si-H)0=3.14 (A), 3.19 (A'), and 3.28 eV (B). In these cases it was possible to extract the formation energy E(DB) of the dangling bonds that recombine after Si-H bond breaking [0.97 (A), 1.05 (A'), and 1.12 (B)]. It is concluded that E(DB) increases with the degree of confinement and that E(DB)>1.10 eV for the isolated dangling bond in the bulk. After Si-H dissociation and for the low-temperature processes, hydrogen is transported in molecular form and a low relaxation of the silicon network is promoted. This is in contrast to the high-temperature process for which the diffusion of H in atomic form induces a substantial lattice relaxation that, for the conventional amorphous sample, releases energy of around 600 meV per H atom. It is argued that the density of sites in the Si network for H trapping diminishes during atomic diffusion


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Report for the scientific sojourn carried out at Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center-Harvard Medical School, Estats Units, from 2010 to 2011. The project aims to study the aggregation behavior of amphiphilic molecules in the continuous phase of highly concentrated emulsions, which can be used as templates for the synthesis of meso/macroporous materials. At this stage of the project, we have investigated the self-assembly of diblock and triblock surfactants under the effect of a confined geometry being surrounded by the droplets of the dispersed phase. These droplets limit the growth of the aggregates, deeply modify their orientation and hence alter their spatial arrangement as compared to the self-assembly taking place far enough from any boundary surface, that is in the bulk. By performing Monte Carlo simulations, we have showed that the interface between the dispersed and continuous phases as well as its shape has a significant impact on the structural order of the resulting aggregates and hence on the potential applications of highly concentrated emulsions as reaction media, drug delivery systems, or templates for meso/macroporous materials. Due to the combined effect of symmetry breaking and morphological frustration, very intriguing structures, such as square columnar liquid crystals, twisted X-shaped aggregates, and helical phases of cylindrical aggregates, never observed in the bulk for the same model surfactant, have been found. The presence of other more conventional structures, such as micelles and cubic and hexagonal liquid crystals, formed at low and high amphiphilic concentrations, respectively, further enhance the interest on this already rich aggregation behavior.


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A pool of oligonucleotides encoding a start methionine and nine random amino acids was inserted at the 5'-end of the gene for the yeast cytochrome oxidase subunit IV lacking its own mitochondrial targeting sequence. Approximately one-quarter of the randomly generated sequences targeted subunit IV to its correct intramitochondrial location in vivo. Sequence analysis of 89 randomly generated sequences showed that their efficiencies as mitochondrial targeting signals correlated with the potential to fold into an amphiphilic alpha-helix. Functional targeting sequences were enriched in arginine and isoleucine residues but contained few aspartate, glutamate, and proline residues. Nonfunctional sequences predicted to have significant helical amphiphilicity often had at least one acidic or multiple helix-breaking residues that would be expected to interfere with targeting functioning. These results support the hypothesis that the signal for targeting a protein into the mitochondrial matrix is usually a positively charged amphiphilic helix.