970 resultados para Suites (Orchestra)


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Lo scopo della dissertazione “Formazione e pratica del pensiero orchestrale di Hector Berlioz. Caratteri poetici e strategie del suono” è quello di indagare i tratti essenziali del pensiero di Berlioz in merito all’orchestra riprendendo in considerazione gli elementi della sua educazione giovanile. In particolare, le nozioni ricavate dai suoi insegnanti di composizione Le Sueur e Reicha e dai corsi di medicina brevemente frequentati a Parigi sono indagate con approccio rinnovato, alla luce di nuovi filoni di studio indagati dalla musicologia negli anni più recenti. Sono analizzate anche le recensioni di Berlioz, alla ricerca di elementi che aiutino a comprendere la sua musica con le argomentazioni destinate a quella altrui. È analizzato anche il percorso della trattatistica che da un iniziale approccio di tipo pratico tipico del XVIII secolo, giunge con il trattato di Berlioz a una forte connotazione poetica delle risorse strumentali e orchestrali. Nella seconda parte della dissertazione sono analizzate invece alcune opere di Berlioz e alcune questioni generali concernenti il suo modo di scrivere per l’orchestra, specialmente in relazione ad altri parametri musicali. Nella dissertazione notevole attenzione è data al rapporto fra questioni tecniche e poetiche, proponendo un approccio leggermente rinnovato.


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La definizione di «scrittura dell’interpretazione» comprime in una sola locuzione la descrizione dell’oggetto principale del nostro studio, ovvero il problema della trascrizione musicale, descritta, non tanto come un determinato genere musicale, quanto come una ragione di osmosi e interferenze tra il fatto compositivo e quello interpretativo. Ad una traversata di quel territorio ci si appresta incentrando la trattazione intorno alla figura e all’opera del giovane compositore e direttore Bruno Maderna, autore di diverse trascrizioni della cosiddetta musica antica (dall’Odhecaton A, Monteverdi, Viadana, Frescobaldi, Legrenzi, ed altri ancora). Attraverso gli esempi presentati si intende mostrare come l’approccio maderniano alla trascrizione musicale si giustifichi a partire dalla sua stessa teoria e pratica dell’interpretazione musicale, più che in base a concetti forti definiti sul versante della scrittura, quali ad esempio quelli di analisi e parodia. Pari attenzione si offre al contesto storico degli anni in cui egli gravita, opera e si afferma come musicista (1946-1952 circa), dedicando ampio spazio alle figure di Gian Francesco Malipiero, Angelo Ephrikian e Luigi Nono, autori a loro volta di trascrizioni e revisioni di opere del Cinquecento, del Seicento e del Settecento. Intorno ai loro rapporti viene fornita una documentazione significativa, in buona parte inedita o poco conosciuta dagli studiosi, resa disponibile grazie alle ricerche d’archivio di cui si avvantaggia la nostra trattazione.


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Bacterial contamination of endoscopy suites is of concern; however studies evaluating bacterial aerosols are lacking. We aimed to determine the effectiveness of air suctioning during removal of biopsy forceps in reducing bacterial air contamination.


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In this descriptive study, we examined the influences and experiences motivating students to enter college-level music schools as reported by a population of precollegiate students auditioning (but not yet accepted) to music education degree programs. As a follow-up to a published pilot study, this research was designed to quantify the various experiences respondents had as part of their precollege school and community programs that related to teaching and music. Results indicate a strong connection between respondents’ primary musical background and future teaching interest. The top three influential experiences were related to high school ensemble membership (band, choir, orchestra), and the most influential group of individuals in the decision to become a music educator were high school ensemble directors. Respondents from all four primary background groups (band, choir, orchestra, and general or other) rated private lesson teaching as their second strongest future teaching interest, just behind teaching at the high school level in their primary background. Respondents rated parents as moderately influential on their desire to become a music teacher.


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Keyboards, mice, and touch screens are a potential source of infection or contamination in operating rooms, intensive care units, and autopsy suites. The authors present a low-cost prototype of a system, which allows for touch-free control of a medical image viewer. This touch-free navigation system consists of a computer system (IMac, OS X 10.6 Apple, USA) with a medical image viewer (OsiriX, OsiriX foundation, Switzerland) and a depth camera (Kinect, Microsoft, USA). They implemented software that translates the data delivered by the camera and a voice recognition software into keyboard and mouse commands, which are then passed to OsiriX. In this feasibility study, the authors introduced 10 medical professionals to the system and asked them to re-create 12 images from a CT data set. They evaluated response times and usability of the system compared with standard mouse/keyboard control. Users felt comfortable with the system after approximately 10 minutes. Response time was 120 ms. Users required 1.4 times more time to re-create an image with gesture control. Users with OsiriX experience were significantly faster using the mouse/keyboard and faster than users without prior experience. They rated the system 3.4 out of 5 for ease of use in comparison to the mouse/keyboard. The touch-free, gesture-controlled system performs favorably and removes a potential vector for infection, protecting both patients and staff. Because the camera can be quickly and easily integrated into existing systems, requires no calibration, and is low cost, the barriers to using this technology are low.


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Auditory neuroscience has not tapped fMRI's full potential because of acoustic scanner noise emitted by the gradient switches of conventional echoplanar fMRI sequences. The scanner noise is pulsed, and auditory cortex is particularly sensitive to pulsed sounds. Current fMRI approaches to avoid stimulus-noise interactions are temporally inefficient. Since the sustained BOLD response to pulsed sounds decreases with repetition rate and becomes minimal with unpulsed sounds, we developed an fMRI sequence emitting continuous rather than pulsed gradient sound by implementing a novel quasi-continuous gradient switch pattern. Compared to conventional fMRI, continuous-sound fMRI reduced auditory cortex BOLD baseline and increased BOLD amplitude with graded sound stimuli, short sound events, and sounds as complex as orchestra music with preserved temporal resolution. Response in subcortical auditory nuclei was enhanced, but not the response to light in visual cortex. Finally, tonotopic mapping using continuous-sound fMRI demonstrates that enhanced functional signal-to-noise in BOLD response translates into improved spatial separability of specific sound representations.


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In this issue...John Stansfield, geologist, Mines Debate team, Pi Kappa Delta, Mines Orchestra, Chancellor Brannon, Clark Park, Butte, Montana, Hotel Finlen


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In this issue...Rocky Mountain Mineral Conference, M club, Halloween Dance, Carroll College, Martin Merkle Orchestra, Copper Guard, Forest Service, American Chemical Society


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In this issue...Washoe Theatre, Fran Reich Orchestra, Mining Symposium, Neil Douglas, Anderson-Carlisle Society, Hockey, Convocation, Coed Club


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In this issue...convocation, Robert P. Koenig, Gregson Hot Springs, Knucky's Orchestra, The Ananconda company, Women's Auxiliary, Butte Country Club


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In this issue...Civil Service Commission, Dr. R. Byron Bird, Y.M.C.A., Library-Museum Hall, international Club, U.S. Air Force, Butte Civic Center Orchestra


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When examined petrographically the granites of Oklahoma show a marked similarity to the granites of South­eastern Missouri. The same heavy accessory mineral suites are present in the granites of both regions and include: fluorite, zircon, apatite, titanite and epidote. This similarity was further shown by the actual correlation of the heavy mineral suites by types, these types being, based on the heavy mineral distributions of the Missouri Granites.


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In this issue...Butte Civic Orchestra, bed protest, St. Patrick's Day mixer, Coed Club, Mickey O'Brien, baseball, chemistry, Main Hall, United States Senator, Barry Goldwater


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In this issue...M-Day dance, V. Jenks Orchestra, voting, Montana Legislature, Tom Sheehy, tennis, Columbia Gardens, Loretta Peck, commencement


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In this issue...Butte Civic Orchestra, Mick O'Brien, West Point military Academy, State Treasurer, Carol Griffith, International Club, Photo Club, Circle K Club, seismographs