978 resultados para Suggestions
This methodological study aimed to describe the process of translation and cultural adaptation of the Perceived stigmatization Questionnaire (PSQ) and analyze the internal consistency of the items in the step of pre-testing. The PSQ was developed to evaluate the perception of stigmatizing behaviors of burn victims. The adaptation process was carried out from August 2012 to February 2013, comprising the steps outlined in the literature. As part of this process, the pre-test with 30 adult burn victims was held. All participants at this step reported to understand the instrument items and the scale of responses. There were no suggestions or changes in the tested version. The value of Cronbach’s alpha at pre-test was 0.87. The contribution of this study is to describe the operation of each of the steps of this methodological process and show the internal consistency of the items in the pre-test.
Most of the novel targeted anticancer agents share classical characteristics that define drugs as candidates for blood concentration monitoring: long-term therapy; high interindividual but restricted intraindividual variability; significant drug-drug and drug- food interactions; correlations between concentration and efficacy/ toxicity with rather narrow therapeutic index; reversibility of effects; and absence of early markers of response. Surprisingly though, therapeutic concentration monitoring has received little attention for these drugs despite reiterated suggestions from clinical pharmacologists. Several issues explain the lack of clinical research and development in this field: global tradition of empiricism regarding treatment monitoring, lack of formal conceptual framework, ethical difficulties in the elaboration of controlled clinical trials, disregard from both drug manufacturers and public funders, limited encouragement from regulatory authorities, and practical hurdles making dosage adjustment based on concentration monitoring a difficult task for prescribers. However, new technologies are soon to help us overcome these obstacles, with the advent of miniaturized measurement devices able to quantify circulating drug concentrations at the point-of-care, to evaluate their plausibility given actual dosage and sampling time, to determine their appropriateness with reference to therapeutic targets, and to advise on suitable dosage adjustment. Such evolutions could bring conceptual changes into the clinical development of drugs such as anticancer agents, while increasing the therapeutic impact of population PK-PD studies and systematic reviews. Research efforts in that direction from the clinical pharmacology community will be essential for patients to receive the greatest benefits and the least harm from new anticancer treatments. The example of imatinib, the first commercialized tyrosine kinase inhibitor, will be outlined to illustrate a potential research agenda for the rational development of therapeutic concentration monitoring.
Developing a sense of identity is a crucial psychosocial task for young people. The purpose of this study was to evaluate identity development in French-speaking adolescents and emerging adults (in France and Switzerland) using a process-oriented model of identity formation including five dimensions (i.e., exploration in breadth, commitment making, exploration in depth, identification with commitment, and ruminative exploration). The study included participants from three different samples (total N = 2239, 66.7% women): two samples of emerging adult student and one sample of adolescents. Results confirmed the hypothesized five-factor dimensional model of identity in our three samples and provided evidence for convergent validity of the model. The results also indicated that exploration in depth might be subdivided in two aspects: a first form of exploration in depth leading to a better understanding and to an increase of the strength of current commitments and a second form of exploration in depth leading to a re-evaluation and a reconsideration of current commitments. Further, the identity status cluster solution that emerged is globally in line with previous literature (i.e., achievement, foreclosure, moratorium, carefree diffusion, diffused diffusion, undifferentiated). However, despite a structural similarity, we found variations in identity profiles because identity development is shaped by cultural context. These specific variations are discussed in light of social, educational and economic differences between France and the French-speaking part of Switzerland. Implications and suggestions for future research are offered.
II Resumo Cabo Verde é um país que tem acompanhado as grandes mudanças políticas, sociais, económicas e educativas, atribuindo um papel preponderante aos professores na educação/formação dos indivíduos. Neste sentido a formação inicial não pode constituir um acto “acabado” que não tem em linha de conta as mudanças que decorrem no seu seio. A formação contínua aparece com um processo de construção da mudança, apoiado no desenvolvimento profissional dos professores. A avaliação de necessidade de formação em professores do ensino secundário em Cabo Verde é o tema do trabalho de investigação, realizado nas escolas secundárias da ilha de Santo Antão, em Cabo Verde, no sentido de identificar questões problemáticas na formação inicial e contínua de professores e as suas implicações na qualidade educativa. Neste sentido, ao longo de 5 capítulos apresentamos os pontos desta investigação, estruturados de forma a se poder acompanhar a sua evolução. No 1º capítulo, apresenta-se a Problemática de Investigação, que constitui a parte inicial da dissertação, pela exposição do quadro conceptual do ensino secundário em Cabo Verde através da contextualização e identificação do problema, da formulação dos objectivos e questões de investigação. No 2º capítulo faz-se o percurso histórico/educativo de Cabo Verde, desde a época colonial, passando pela educação após a independência em 1975, à constituição da Lei de Bases do Sistema Educativo e a Reforma Educativa dos anos 90. No 3º capítulo, intitulado “A Formação Inicial e Continua de Professores em Cabo Verde”, é abordado o enquadramento teórico desta investigação, com referência à contextualização geral da formação e modelos de formação de professores, evoluindo para a realidade Cabo-verdiana, tendo em consideração as instituições de formação de professores e o contexto actual do ensino secundário em Cabo Verde. No 4º capítulo faz-se a apresentação da Metodologia de Investigação, adoptada num estudo extensivo, do qual abordamos a natureza da investigação e caracterizamos a amostra e respondentes. Como técnicas de recolha de dados, são utilizados: o inquérito por questionário (n=77), a professores do ensino secundário e o inquérito por entrevista (n=9), aos directores das escolas secundárias da ilha de Santo Antão e a formadores de professores em São Vicente. Como técnica de análise de dados, são utilizados diversos procedimentos estatísticos e a análise de conteúdo. O 5º capítulo corresponde a apresentação e discussão dos resultados da investigação desses três públicos analisados. Para finalizar, apresenta-se uma conclusão que corresponde a síntese dos resultados obtidos, propostas de sugestões de melhoria e limitações do estudo. Cabo Verde is a country willing to follow the great political, social, economic and educational changes. This important role have attributed to teachers to educate and train individuals. In this sense the initial training cannot be considered as a “finished” task without taking into consideration those changes. The in service training appears as a scientific and pedagogic autonomization towards the growing change. The Evaluation of Secondary School teacher training Needs in Cabo Verde constitutes an investigation work, carried out in Santo Antão's island Secondary schools, aiming to identify problems in initial and continuous teachers' training and their implications in the educational quality. In this sense, along five chapters we will present the points of this investigation, structured to facilitate the understanding of its evolution. In the first chapter we present the Problem of Investigation which is an introductory part of the dissertation, the conceptual theory of the Cabo Verde secondary education through the contextualization and identification of the problem, the formulation of the objectives and investigation issues. In the second chapter we present the Cabo Verde historical/educational background, from the colonial time, going through after independence in 1975, to the constitution of the Basic Educational Law of the System and the nineties Educational Reform. In the third chapter entitled “The Initial and in-service Teacher´s Training in Cabo Verde” brings the theoretical framework of this investigation, where we present a general contextualization of teachers' training and models, developed from the reality of Cabo Verde. In this regard we will consider the teachers' training institutions and the current secondary education context in Cabo Verde. In the fourth chapter we present the Research Methodology, adopted in an extensive study, of which we draw the nature of the investigation and we characterized the sample. We carried out questionnaire (n=77) to teachers, interviews (n=9) to headmasters from Santo Antão's island secondary schools and trainers from São Vicente. We used statistical analyses and content analyses as data analyse techniques. The fifth chapter deals with presentation the discussion of results of those three analyzed publics' investigation. Finally, we present a summary of the obtained results, suggestions for improvement and limitations of study.
Pour mieux diffuser la langue française au monde, une date a été choisie, 20 mars. Des manifestations, dans le monde entier, célèbrent le rayonnement de la langue française. C’est un événement riche en activités divers qui mobilise chaque année de nombreux institutions, missions diplomatiques et culturelles, associations et individus. Nous avons remarqué que la journée de la francophonie, c’est une date qui est célébrée aussi par les CapVerdiens, spécialement par les lycéens. Dans les différents lycées CapVerdiens, notamment Santiago et São Vicente, nous constatons que cette date c’est l’occasion pour les apprenants d’exprimer leur goût prononcé pour la scène. Que ce soit en sketchs ou en chansons, en déclamations poétiques ou en histoires drôles, les apprenants démontrent une fois, leur plaisir à jouer, chanter, et rire en langue française. C’est dans cette optique, que s’intègre ce mémoire dont l’objet est de vérifier ou non si ces activités ont un impact positif dans l’apprentissage de la langue française. Nous avons donc, proposé de traiter le thème : Les activités de la francophonie réalisées dans certaines écoles secondaires de Santiago et São Vicente– CapVert : leurs impactes sur l'apprentissage du français. Nous aborderons dans un premier temps, de façon théorique, l’histoire de la francophonie en nous référant à de nombreuses sources d’informations et ouvrages différents traitant du sujet. La francophonie est complexe, elle a des notions de communauté de pays, de peuple, de langue parlées, et de valeurs, c’est dans ce cadre que nous nous intéresserons dans la même partie à comprendre se qu'est la francophonie, ces différentes définitions et sens à elle accordé. Nous développerons, ensuite, le parcours de la langue française au CapVert, où nous analyserons sa présence et son introduction dans l'enseignement secondaire. De même, nous analyserons l'histoire de la francophonie dans cet archipel, où nous présenterons les raisons de l'adhésion du CapVert à l'Organisation International de la Francophonie, et les intérêts du CapVert comme membre de cette organisation. Nous observerons l’influence que le théâtre, le chant, la comédie musical, le sketch entre autres activités, ont sur le déroulement des cours que sur les activités extra scolaire. C’est dans cette optique que dans la troisième partie, nous ferons une étude de cas des activités de la francophonie réalisées par les apprenants dans les écoles secondaires de Santiago et São Vicente. Nous tenterons d’établir ainsi l’influence des différentes activités et l’adhésion des élèves et professeurs. Cette étude s’appuiera sur des questionnaires remis aux enseignants et apprenants. Finalement, nous proposerons des perspectives et des suggestions pour l’exploitation de ces activités en classe de langue. Dans cette partie, nous proposerons des stratégies qui permettront aux enseignants de développer une véritable dynamique dans leurs actions en consacrant davantage de leur temps aux animations en français dans les lycées.
Pour bien maîtriser une langue, il faut sans doute en avoir une connaissance la plus large possible, ce qui demande alors l’enseignement/apprentissage de tous les éléments qui la composent. Dans ce cas, il est très important de savoir quels sont, parmi ces éléments, ceux qui sont amenés en classe et comment ils y sont présentés. Il y en a certains qui ne fi-gurent pas dans le programme destiné à l’enseignement/apprentissage de la langue fran-çaise. S’ils l’étaient, probablement ils seraient enseignés. Mais, d’après notre constat, non seulement ils ne figurent pas, comme ils ne sont pas ou presque pas traités en cours par l’initiative des professeurs, bien qu’ils soient parmi les éléments les plus importants dans l’apprentissage d’une langue. Très souvent, ce sont ces éléments qui sont à la base de la motivation pour l’apprentissage des langues puisqu’ils constituent, d’une certaine manière, le charme et la beauté d’une langue. Nous en avons pris trois (proverbe, dicton et expres-sion imagée), qui peuvent représenter la manière de vivre ; de penser ; la culture, les cou-tumes et les habitudes d’un peuple. Il faut préciser que ce constat nous l’avons fait depuis longtemps. Par conséquent, nous avons décidé de traduire l’inquiétude que cette problématique provoque chez nous en ce travail de recherche qui a été mené sous le thème de : Proverbes, dictons et expres-sions imagées dans l’enseignement/apprentissage du FLE, dans le secondaire au Cap- Vert. Dans l’ensemble, ce travail est composé de trois parties. Dans la première partie, après les consultations de documents, nous avons proposé une réflexion sur le proverbe, le dicton et l’expression imagée en ce qui concerne leur origine et leur contexte social, temporel, leur durée, et leur situation actuelle par rapport à leur utilisation ou leur étude. Nous en avons également présenté quelques définitions, en insistant sur la distinction entre les mêmes, vu que pendant les recherches, nous avons constaté qu’il y a parfois, une confusion entre eux. Puis, dans la deuxième partie, à travers des enquêtes qui ont été menées sur le terrain dans quelques lycées de Praia, nous avons présenté sous forme d’analyse, la situation ac-tuelle concernant le recours aux proverbes, dictons et expressions imagées par le professeur dans ses cours, bien comme l’intérêt et la motivation des élèves face aux mêmes. Finalement, dans la troisième et dernière partie, nous avons dressé une liste composée de proverbes, dictons et expressions imagées que nous avons fait accompagner de leur pays d’origine, quand cela a été possible. Ils ont été analysés et nous avons essayé de montrer également, l’utilité pratique de leur message, soit pour les élèves à l’école, soit d’une ma-nière plus générale, pour toute la vie dans la société. Pour donner un caractère pratique à notre travail, nous avons fait quelques proposi-tions de techniques d’exploitation de proverbes, dictons et expressions imagées, dans les classes. C’est-à-dire, nous avons essayé d’apporter des suggestions qui peuvent être appli-quées à un éventuel engagement de la part des professeurs ou d’autres intervenants concer-nés à la résolution de la problématique qui a légitimé notre recherche.
OBJECTIVE: The effectiveness of CLP (Consultation and liaison psychiatry) interventions in a general hospital is difficult to evaluate; parameters potentially determinant as to effectiveness are numerous. Effectiveness evaluations are almost exclusively restricted to the duration of hospitalization. Since CLP may and often should be manifest beyond discharge, we intended to determine the agreement between our proposition and its execution as a measure of effectiveness. METHOD: We based our analyses principally on the general practitioner's appreciation of the CLP impact, a measure of effectiveness at distance from the consultation by a judge not directly involved in the consulting process. This qualitative assessment is based on a population of 50 patients. RESULTS: Our results suggest that agreement between our proposal and its complete execution is good concerning medication (90%) and referral rate after the hospitalization (85%), average as to liaison suggestions (65%) and clearly weak as to propositions regarding further investigations (< 30%). CONCLUSION: CLP proposals must be as close as possible to the in-patient physician's preoccupations to enhance the probability that they be executed. The concordance as to the proposal and its execution as well as the CLP impact estimation need be evaluated at distance. This evaluation must imply the general practitioner's assessment.
Nine forums were held across the state to continue the ongoing dialogue with professionals and stakeholders about how the service delivery and protection system for dependent adults and elders is functioning. Opinions were sought on what was working well, what could work better and their suggestions for improvements and/or changes at the local and state level.
This study aims to identify the constraints that complicate the assessment of speaking in Capeverdean EFL classrooms. A literature review was conducted on studies already done in the field of testing speaking in EFL Capeverdean classrooms. The study was carried out using qualitative method with some Capeverdean secondary school English teachers. The participants answered a questionnaire that asked teachers opinions and experiences about speaking assessment. The study found that Capeverdean English teachers do not adequately assess their students speaking ability. Therefore, the study pointed out the constraints of the Capeverdean context that complicate the assessment of speaking in EFL classrooms. The teachers reported the main constraints in order of significance as large classes, difficulty in marking oral tests, difficulty in designing oral tests and difficulty in separating the speaking skill from the listening skill. It concluded that Capeverdean English teachers need assistance with new tools to assess speaking in their classrooms. Thus, the author will make some suggestions, first to the Ministry of Education and then to English teachers in the field to assist them with the implementation of regular oral testing in Cape Verdean English classrooms.
Abstract: The literature on the various links between organizations and their external environment is very extensive and fragmented. This thesis is comprised of three separate essays, each examining specific research questions related to these links. The first essay deals with the notion of industry life cycle and how the geographical concentration of an industry is linked to the particular life cycle stage in which the industry finds itself. The aim of this first essay is firstly to verify if the evolution of the Swiss hotel industry fits some of the stylized facts of the industry life cycle. The second aim is to verify if there is evidence of geographical clustering of the hotel industry, and by extension of tourism. The third aim is to verify a hypothesis that industry decline manifests itself mainly by company closures in decentralized locations. The importance for organizational survival and performance of adapting and reacting to environmental changes has long been ascertained. This adaptation requires managers, under conditions of uncertainty, to identify relevant changes in their external environment and to interpret the possible effects of those changes on their organization. Furthermore, it requires finding and adopting organizational responses in reaction to the environmental changes. The second essay explores how managers perceive their environment by reporting the results of two workshops held with managers from the European hotel industry. In the third essay we examine in more detail the role of uncertainty in the interpretation by executives of environmental changes. We integrate existing theories of interpretation and uncertainty into one framework, which we then test using national survey data from the hotel industry. In all three essays we are able to provide some evidence to support our main hypotheses, but.also make suggestions far further research into the topics examined.
We examine the effects of extracting monetary policy disturbances with semi-structural and structural VARs, using data generated bya limited participation model under partial accommodative and feedback rules. We find that, in general, misspecification is substantial: short run coefficients often have wrong signs; impulse responses and variance decompositions give misleadingrepresentations of the dynamics. Explanations for the results and suggestions for macroeconomic practice are provided.
In spite of its relative importance in the economy of many countriesand its growing interrelationships with other sectors, agriculture has traditionally been excluded from accounting standards. Nevertheless, to support its Common Agricultural Policy, for years the European Commission has been making an effort to obtain standardized information on the financial performance and condition of farms. Through the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN), every year data are gathered from a rotating sample of 60.000 professional farms across all member states. FADN data collection is not structured as an accounting cycle but as an extensive questionnaire. This questionnaire refers to assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses, and seems to try to obtain a "true and fair view" of the financial performance and condition of the farms it surveys. However, the definitions used in the questionnaire and the way data is aggregated often appear flawed from an accounting perspective. The objective of this paper is to contrast the accounting principles implicit in the FADN questionnaire with generally accepted accounting principles, particularly those found in the IVth Directive of the European Union, on the one hand, and those recently proposed by the International Accounting Standards Committees Steering Committeeon Agriculture in its Draft Statement of Principles, on the other hand. There are two reasons why this is useful. First, it allows to make suggestions how the information provided by FADN could be more in accordance with the accepted accounting framework, and become a more valuable tool for policy makers, farmers, and other stakeholders. Second, it helps assessing the suitability of FADN to become the starting point for a European accounting standard on agriculture.
O contexto atual que premeia o mundo das organizações exige muitas mudanças nos processos administrativos, principalmente, ao planeamento e controlo das operações económico-financeiras, de modo que os padrões de eficiência e eficácia garantem a sobrevivência organizacional. A auditoria interna tem-se demonstrado a sua real importância, destacando-se como uma eficiente ferramenta de apoio à administração, para verificação da eficiência e eficácia das atividades e a identificação de todos os procedimentos internos e das políticas definidas pela organização. No domínio das organizações públicas, particularmente as Autarquias Locais, as entidades reconhecem a importante necessidade de implementar uma Auditoria Interna que permitem que estas atuam de forma eficiente e eficaz. É neste contexto, que o presente trabalho tem como objetivo geral demonstrar em termos teóricos e práticos a importância da implementação da Auditoria Interna num Município e a sua contribuição para a melhoria da eficiência na gestão do município em estudo, assim como os objetivos específicos. A fundamentação teórica assenta-se na luz das contribuições teóricas de uma análise exploratória dos documentos, revisão bibliográfica, artigos, diretivas e monografias, bem como análise de recursos da internet, pesquisas de diferentes sites relacionados com o tema, visando a aquisição de um bom nível de conhecimento. O estudo de caso foi realizado na Câmara Municipal do Porto Novo, onde foi-me concedido um estágio profissional que permitiu uma melhor interação com o objeto de estudo por forma a apresentar uma melhor proposta. The current context that rewards the world organizations requires many changes in administrative procedures, especially the planning and control of economic-financial operations, so that the standards of efficiency and effectiveness to ensure organizational survival. Internal audit has demonstrated its real importance, especially as an effective tool to support the management, to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of activities and identification of all internal procedures and policies defined by the organization. In the field of public organizations, particularly the Local Government, companies recognize the necessity of implementing a Municipal Internal Auditing, so that they could operate efficiently and effectively. In this context, the present work aims to demonstrate in general, in theoretical and practical terms the importance of the implementation of Internal Audit in a municipality and its contribution in the improvement of efficiency in the management of the municipality under study, as well as the specific objectives. The theoretical support is based on the light of the theoretical contributions of an exploratory analysis of documents, literature review, articles, monographs and policies, as well as analysis of Internet resources, research different sites related to the subject, aimed of acquiring a good level of knowledge. The case study was conducted in the Municipality of Porto Novo, where I was awarded an internship that allowed me to have much interaction with the organization so I could present better suggestions.
O trabalho que agora se apresenta é fruto, antes de mais, de uma relação especial com Timor. Não necessariamente pela dimensão histórica das várias presenças naquele território mas, e acima de tudo, pela relação pessoal e afectiva com alguns dos responsáveis políticos e religiosos daquele jovem país. Um convite, formulado em 2007 por Xanana Gusmão, levou-nos a calcorrear todo o território num curto espaço de três semanas, corria o Verão de 2008. O objectivo era a análise, no terreno, da viabilidade da instalação de um poder local num país recentemente tornado independente. Timor, fruto da sua história e, muito em especial, das características antropológicas do seu povo, é uma nação assumidamente multicultural. Das origens ancestrais das suas comunidades, dos reinos dispersos que pulverizam o pequeno território, das suas lideranças e dos vários dilectos, associados à longa e marcante presença portuguesa, bem como outras ocupações de países estrangeiros, com destaque para a Indonésia, resulta um caldo cultural, a todos os níveis peculiar. Aqui e acolá ouvimos o povo, entrevistámos e reunimos com os 432 chefes de suco existentes no país, entrevistámos chefes de aldeia e anciãos, reunimos com políticos, sacerdotes, professores e jornalistas. Interpretámos, ou tentámos interpretar, as condicionantes e os cuidados que se devem observar na preparação do quadro jurídico para reger a municipalidade em Timor: as suas vertentes electivas, funcionais, financeiras e fiscalizadoras. Revistámos a História de Timor e passámos por Cabo Verde, país de referência internacional ao nível da sua gestão pública, muito em especial a autárquica. Fizemos, também, óbvia referência à história do poder local em Portugal. Das consultas, do muito que observámos e estudámos, resulta um desinteressado contributo para a implementação do poder local em Timor, com as conclusões que incorporam alertas e sugestões.
This study, now on presentation, comes as a result of a special relationship established with East Timor. Not necessarily through the several historical presences in that territory but, above all, through the emotional and personal relationships with some of the political and religious leaders of this young country. An invitation, made in 2007 by Xanana Gusmão, led us throughout the whole territory in a short time of three weeks, running the summer of 2008. Its purpose was the analysis, on the ground, of the possibility of installing local administration in a country which had recently became independent. Timor, as a result of its history, but mostly of the anthropological characteristics of its people, is an openly multicultural nation. The ancestral origins of their communities, its scattered kingdoms that spray along such a small territory, its leaders and many dialects, associated with the long portuguese presence, as well as other occupations made by foreign countries, especially Indonesia, became a cultural melting pot truly unique. Here and there we heard the people and interviewed and met the 432 local elected leaders of the country. We interviewed village elders and meet with politicians, priests, teachers and journalists. We have interpreted, or tried to, the actual conditions and cautions that must be observed in preparing the legal framework to govern the municipality in East Timor: its elective, functional, financial and oversight aspects. We have reviewed Timor’s history and took Cape Verde’s example as an international reference on its public administration, mostly its local authorities. We made also the obvious reference to the portuguese local government’s history. From search, and much of the observed and studied, remains a selfless contribution to the implementation of local government in East Timor, with alerts that incorporate conclusions and suggestions.